LibreOffice Module sw (master) 1
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NswDialog to specify the properties of date form field
 NXMLRangeHelper! ! This file is an exact copy of the same file in chart2 project !
 CAbstractSwBreakDlgInterface for the insert -> more breaks -> manual break dialog
 CAbstractSwContentControlListItemDlgInterface for e.g
 CAbstractSwContentControlListItemDlg_ImplImplementation of AbstractSwContentControlListItemDlg, that is only visible to SwAbstractDialogFactory_Impl::CreateSwContentControlListItemDlg()
 CAbstractSwPageNumberDlgInterface for the insert -> fields -> page number wizard dialog
 CAbstractSwPageNumberDlg_ImplInterface implementation for the insert -> fields -> page number wizard dialog
 CAbstractSwRenameXNamedDlgInterface for e.g
 CCancelJobsThreadThread to cancel a give list of cancellable jobs
 CCSS1ExpressionSubexpression of a CSS1 declaration
 CCSS1ParserParser of a style element/option
 CCSS1SelectorA simple selector
 CDateFormFieldButtonThis button is shown when the cursor is on a date form field
 CDeflateDataHolder for local data for a parallel-executed task to load a chart model
 CDisableCallbackActionHelper class to disable creation of an action by a callback event in particular, change event from a drawing object (SwDrawContact::Changed())
 CDocxAttributeOutputThe class that has handlers for various resource types when exporting as DOCX
 CDocxExportThe class that does all the actual DOCX export-related work
 CDocxExportFilterThe physical access to the DOCX document (for writing)
 CDocxSdrExportHandles DOCX export of drawings
 CDocxSettingsDataData to be written in the document settings part of the document
 CDocxTableExportContextAll the information that should be stashed away when we're in the middle of of a table export and still have to do something else, e.g
 CDocxTableStyleExportHandles DOCX export of table styles, based on InteropGrabBag
 CDropDownFormFieldButtonThis button is shown when the cursor is on a drop-down form field
 CExportDataSaveRestoreHelper class, so that the DocxExport::RestoreData() call will always happen
 CFormFieldButtonThis button is shown when the cursor is on a form field with drop-down capability
 CFramePrHelperUsing framePr, a paragraph can be enclosed in a frame described by its pPr paragraph settings, and therefore it needs to apply the frame's properties when exporting the paragraph properties
 CIDocumentChartDataProviderAccessGive access to the data-provider for chart
 CIDocumentContentOperationsText operation/manipulation interface
 CIDocumentDeviceAccessProvides access to the formatting devices of a document
 CIDocumentFieldsAccessDocument fields related interfaces
 CIDocumentLayoutAccessProvides access to the layout of a document
 CIDocumentLinksAdministrationDocument links administration interface
 CIDocumentListItemsProvides numbered items of a document
 CIDocumentListsAccessProvides access to the lists of a document
 CIDocumentMarkAccessProvides access to the marks of a document
 CIDocumentOutlineNodesProvides outline nodes of a document
 CIDocumentSettingAccessProvides access to settings of a document
 CIDocumentStateGet information about the current document state
 CIDocumentStatisticsDocument statistics information
 CIDocumentStylePoolAccessAccess to the style pool
 CIDocumentTimerAccessHandle the background jobs of a Writer document
 CIFinishedThreadListenerInterface class to listen on the finish of a thread
 CIMailDispatcherListenerMailDispatcher listener interface
 CMailDispatcherA MailDispatcher should be used for sending a bunch a mail messages asynchronously
 CMSOFactoidType[MS-OSHARED] FactoidType: one smart tag type
 CMSOProperty[MS-OSHARED] Property: stores information about one smart-tag key/value
 CMSOPropertyBag[MS-OSHARED] PropertyBag: stores information about one smart tag
 CMSOPropertyBagStore[MS-OSHARED] PropertyBagStore: smart tag types and string store
 CMSWord_SdrAttrIterUsed to export formatted text associated to drawings
 CMSWordAttrIterThe class MSWordAttrIter is a helper class to build the Fkp.chpx
 CMSWordExportBaseBase class for WW8Export and DocxExport
 CMSWordSaveDataStructure that is used to save some of the WW8Export/DocxExport data
 CMSWordSectionsClass to collect and output the sections/headers/footers
 CMSWordStylesClass to collect and output the styles table
 CNestedUserCallHdlHelper class for method <SwDrawContact::Changed_(..)> for handling nested <SdrObjUserCall> events
 CObservableThreadClass for an observable thread
 COutputBorderOptionsA structure that holds information about the options selected when outputting a border to DOCX
 CPreviewPageData structure for a preview page in the current preview layout
 CQuickHelpDataAssists with auto-completion of AutoComplete words and AutoText names
 CRtfAttributeOutputThe class that has handlers for various resource types when exporting as RTF
 CRtfExportThe class that does all the actual RTF export-related work
 CRtfExportFilterThe physical access to the RTF document (for writing)
 CRtfSdrExportHandles export of drawings using RTF markup
 CRtfStringBufferWrapper around OStringBuffers, so less hexdump of graphics have to be kept in memory during RTF export
 CRtfStringBufferValueContains a buffered string or graphic during RTF export
 CRtfWriterDummy Writer implementation to be able to use the string format methods of the base class
 CSaveFlyData structure to temporarily hold fly anchor positions relative to some location
 CSaveRunStateSave the current run state around exporting things that contain paragraphs themselves like text frames
 CSdtDataData to keep and write to XMLs
 CSvXMLItemMapEntriesThis class manages an array of SvXMLItemMapEntry
 CSwAccessibleDocumentAccess to an accessible Writer document
 CSwAccessiblePageAccessibility implementation for the page (SwPageFrame) The page is only visible in the page preview
 CSwAccessiblePortionDataCollect text portion data from the layout through SwPortionHandler interface
 CSwAccessiblePreviewAccessibility implementation for the page preview
 CSwActContextClass for automated call of Start- and EndAction()
 CSwAnchoredDrawObjectClass for the positioning of drawing objects
 CSwAnchoredObjectWrapper class for the positioning of Writer fly frames and drawing objects
 CSwArrowPortionIndicator that the content does not fit into a fixed height frame (red triangle on the UI)
 CSwAsyncRetrieveInputStreamThreadClass for a thread to retrieve an input stream given by a URL
 CSwAsyncRetrieveInputStreamThreadConsumerClass to provide creation of a thread to retrieve an input stream given by a URL and to consume the retrieved input stream
 CSwAttrHandlerUsed by Attribute Iterators to organize attributes on stacks to find the valid attribute in each category
 CSwAuthorityFieldRepresents an inserted bibliography entry, created using Insert -> Table of Contents and Index -> Bibliography Entry
 CSwAutoTextEventDescriptorImplement the XNameAccess for the AutoText events
 CSwBlankPortionNon-breaking space or non-breaking hyphen
 CSwBlockCursorAccess to the block cursor
 CSwBodyFrameContainer of body content (i.e
 CSwBookmarkPortionFor showing bookmark starts and ends; note that in contrast to SwControlCharPortion these do not have a character in the text
 CSwBoxSelectionSwBoxSelection is a small helperclass (structure) to handle selections of cells (boxes) between table functions
 CSwBreakDashedLineClass for the page break control window
 CSwCacheAccessAccess class for the Cache
 CSwCacheObjThe Cache object base class Users of the Cache must derive a class from the SwCacheObj and store their payload there
 CSwCellFrameSwCellFrame is one table cell in the document layout
 CSwCharFormatRepresents the style of a text portion
 CSwCollectTableLineBoxesClass for SplitTable Collects the uppermost or lowermost Lines of a Box from a Line in an array
 CSwCombinedPortionUsed in for asian layout specialities to display up to six characters in 2 rows and 2-3 columns
 CSwCommentRulerAn horizontal ruler with a control for comment panel visibility for Writer
 CSwCondCollPageThe Condition tab on the paragraph style dialog for conditional styles, e.g. Text Body
 CSwContactBase class for the following contact objects (frame + draw objects)
 CSwContentControlStores the properties of a content control
 CSwContentControlAliasButtonIn case the content control has an alias/title, this widget shows it above the top left corner of the content control till the cursor is inside the content control
 CSwContentControlButtonThis button is shown when the cursor is inside a content control with drop-down capability
 CSwContentControlDlgThe content control dialog allows editing the properties of the content control under the cursor
 CSwContentControlListItemRepresents one list item in a content control dropdown list
 CSwContentControlListItemDlgEdits the properties of a sing list item in a (drop-down) content control
 CSwContentControlManagerKnows all the text content controls in the document
 CSwContentFrameSwContentFrame is the layout for content nodes: a common base class for text (paragraph) and non-text (e.g
 CSwContentIndexMarks a character position inside a document model content node (SwContentNode)
 CSwContentTreeTreeListBox for content indicator
 CSwContentTypeContent type, knows it's contents and the WrtShell
 CSwCursorSaveStateA helper class to save cursor state (position)
 CSwDashedLineClass for displaying a dashed line in the Writer GUI
 CSwDateContentControlButtonThis button is shown when the cursor is on a date content control
 CSwDeletionCheckerHelper class to check if a frame has been deleted during an operation WARNING! This should only be used as a last and desperate means to make the code robust
 CSwDocDisplayItemItem for settings dialog - document view
 CSwDOCXReaderWrapper for the UNO DOCX import filter (in writerfilter) for autotext purposes
 CSwDPageSwDPage is Writer's draw page: derives from SdrPage, but has a reference to the Writer document via SwDrawModel
 CSwDrawContactContactObject for connection of formats as representatives of draw objects in SwClient and the objects themselves in Drawing (SDrObjUserCall)
 CSwDrawTextShellSfxShell subclass that is used while interacting with the editeng-based text of a shape
 CSwDrawVirtObjNew class for re-direct methods calls at a 'virtual' drawing object to its referenced object
 CSwDropCapsDlgDedicated drop caps dialog, opened by the .uno:FormatDropcap UNO command, which is not in the default menus
 CSwDropDownContentControlButtonThis button is shown when the cursor is inside a drop-down content control
 CSwDropDownFieldDropdown field
 CSwDropDownFieldTypeField type for dropdown boxes
 CSwDropPortionText portion for the Format -> Paragraph -> Drop Caps functionality
 CSwEditWinWindow class for the Writer edit area, this is the one handling mouse and keyboard events and doing the final painting of the document from the buffered layout
 CSwEndNodeEnds a section of nodes in the document model
 CSwErgoSumPortionUsed in footnotes if they break across pages, follow starts with this portion
 CSwExtraRedlineBase object for 'Redlines' that are not of 'Ranged' type (like table row insert\delete)
 CSwExtraRedlineTableTable that holds 'extra' redlines, such as 'table row insert/delete', 'paragraph moves' etc..
 CSwFieldBase class of all fields
 CSwFieldTypeInstances of SwFields and those derived from it occur 0 to n times
 CSwFltAnchorListenerUsed by SwFltAnchor, to listen to an SwFrameFormat (to be aware when it is replaced or deleted)
 CSwFltRDFMarkStores RDF statements on a paragraph (key-value pairs where the subject is the paragraph)
 CSwFlyAtContentFrameFlys that are anchored to content (at-para, at-char) but not in content (as-char)
 CSwFlyCntPortionThis portion represents an as-character anchored fly (shape, frame, etc.)
 CSwFlyDrawContactContactObject for connection between frames (or their formats respectively) in SwClient and the drawobjects of Drawing (SdrObjUserCall)
 CSwFlyFrameGeneral base class for all free-flowing frames
 CSwFlyInContentFrameFlys that are anchored as a character in the content
 CSwFlyLayFrameFlys that are bound to layout frames (to-frame) and not to/as content
 CSwFontTo take Asian or other languages into consideration, an SwFont object consists of 3 SwSubFonts (Latin, CJK, and CTL)
 CSwFooterFrameFooter in the document layout, inside a page
 CSwFootnoteFrameRepresents one footnote or endnote in the layout
 CSwFormatBase class for various Writer styles
 CSwFormatChainConnection (text flow) between two FlyFrames
 CSwFormatClipboardThis class acts as data container and execution class for the format paintbrush feature in writer
 CSwFormatCollSwFormatColl is just an SwFormat subclass that defaults to m_bAutoFormat=false, expressing that this set of formatting is a style, not direct formatting
 CSwFormatContentContent, content of frame (header, footer, fly)
 CSwFormatContentControlSfxPoolItem subclass that wraps an SwContentControl
 CSwFormatDropIf SwFormatDrop is a Client, it is the CharFormat that describes the font for the DropCaps
 CSwFormatFlyCntFormat of a fly content
 CSwFormatFlySplitDetermines if a fly frame can be split across multiple pages
 CSwFormatFooterFooter, for pageformats Client of FrameFormat describing the footer
 CSwFormatFootnoteSfxPoolItem subclass for footnotes and endnotes, stored in the anchor text node
 CSwFormatFootnoteEndAtTextEndSfxPoolItem subclass that is a wrapper around an SwFootnoteEndPosEnum, i.e
 CSwFormatHeaderHeader, for PageFormats Client of FrameFormat describing the header
 CSwFormatHoriOrientDefines the horizontal position of a fly frame
 CSwFormatLineBreakSfxPoolItem subclass that wraps an SwLineBreakClear
 CSwFormatLineNumberContains the line numbering properties of this paragraph
 CSwFormatMetaSwFormatMeta is a pool item subclass that owns a Meta
 CSwFormatNoBalancedColumnsIf text in multi-column sections should be evenly distributed
 CSwFormatPageDescPagedescriptor Client of SwPageDesc that is "described" by the attribute
 CSwFormatRowSplitControls if a table row is allowed to split or not
 CSwFormatsBaseSome methods for generic operations on lists that contain SwFormat* subclasses
 CSwFormatURLSfxPoolItem subclass that wraps a URL
 CSwFormatVertOrientDefines the vertical position of a fly frame
 CSwFormatWrapInfluenceOnObjPosAllows positioning of floating screen objects without considering their own wrapping type and the wrapping types of the other floating screen objects
 CSwFormTokensHelperHelper class that converts vectors of tokens to strings and vice versa
 CSwFrameBase class of the Writer layout elements
 CSwFrameAreaDefinitionHelper class to isolate geometry-defining members of SwFrame and to control their accesses
 CSwFrameButtonPainterButton painter helper class used to paint a runtime button positioned to a writer frame
 CSwFrameControlsManagerA container for the Header/Footer, PageBreak, and Outline Content Visibility controls
 CSwFrameFormatStyle of a layout element
 CSwFrameFormatsVUnsorted, undeleting SwFrameFormat vector
 CSwFrameMenuButtonBaseClass sharing some MenuButton code
 CSwFramePageThis is the Position & Size tab page of the Insert -> Frame -> Frame dialog
 CSwFrameSwapperHelper class which can be used instead of the macros if a function has too many returns
 CSwGetINetAttrFor querying the INet-attributes for Navigator
 CSwGetRefFieldTypeGet reference
 CSwGluePortionA glue portion is either a base class for other portions that want to have a certain width to push text out (e.g
 CSwGrfExtPageTabpage providing the functionality behind Format -> Image -> Properties and then the Rotation tabpage
 CSwHashTableT should be a subclass of SwHash
 CSwHeaderFooterDashedLineClass for the header and footer separator control window
 CSwHeaderFrameHeader in the document layout, inside a page
 CSwHiddenPortionDistinguish only for painting/hide
 CSwHistoryNoTextFieldmarkHistory object containing all information used during undo / redo of checkbox and drop-down form field insertion
 CSwHistoryTextFieldmarkHistory object containing all information used during undo / redo of text form field insertion
 CSwInterHyphInfoTextFrameClone of SwInterHyphInfo, but with TextFrameIndex instead of node index
 CSwIoSystemThe following class is a wrapper for basic i/o functions of Writer 3.0
 CSwIterator< SwClient, TSource >
 CSwLayActionThe usage of LayAction is always the same:
 CSwLayHelperHelps during the InsertCnt_ function to create new pages
 CSwLayoutFrameA layout frame is a frame that contains other frames (m_pLower), e.g. SwPageFrame or SwTabFrame
 CSwLineLayoutCollection of SwLinePortion instances, representing one line of text
 CSwLineNumberInfo< purpose of derivation from SwClient: character style for displaying the numbers
 CSwLinePortionBase class for anything that can be part of a line in the Writer layout
 CSwLinguServiceEventListenerEventListener that triggers spellchecking and hyphenation
 CSwMMResultEmailDialogDialog implementing the sending as email of the result document
 CSwMMResultPrintDialogDialog implementing the printing of the result document
 CSwMMResultSaveDialogDialog implementing the saving as of the result document
 CSwMvContextClass for automated call of Start- and EndCursorMove()
 CSwNodeBase class of the Writer document model elements
 CSwNode2LayImplDoes the actual work, the SwNode2Layout class is just the public interface
 CSwNodeIndexMarks a node in the document model
 CSwNoTextNodeLayout frame for SwNoTextNode, i.e. graphics and OLE nodes (including charts)
 CSwNumberTreeNodeA tree of numbered nodes
 CSwObjPositioningInProgressHelper class for notify that positioning of an anchored object is in progress
 CSwPageFootnoteInfoFootnote information
 CSwPageFrameA page of the document layout
 CSwPageNumberDlgPage number wizard for easy header/footer page number insertion
 CSwPagePreviewView of a document
 CSwPagePreviewLayoutPage preview functionality in the writer
 CSwPagePreviewWinProvides the VCL widget that is used for the main area of the File -> Print Preview window
 CSwPaMPaM is Point and Mark: a selection of the document model
 CSwParaPortionCollection of SwLineLayout instances, represents the paragraph text in Writer layout
 CSwPasteContextTracks the boundaries of pasted content and notifies listeners
 CSwPauseThreadStartingHelper class to pause starting of threads during existence of an instance of this class
 CSwpHintsAn SwTextAttr container, stores all directly formatted text portions for a text node
 CSwPlaceholderNodeThis class is internal, used only during DocumentContentOperationsManager::CopyWithFlyInFly(), and for undo
 CSwPortionHandlerThe SwPortionHandler interface implements a visitor for the layout engine's text portions
 CSwPosFlyFrameFor querying current flys in document
 CSwPositionMarks a position in the document model
 CSwQueuedPaintPainting buffer
 CSwQuoVadisPortionUsed in footnotes if they break across pages, master has this portion at the end
 CSwRDFHelperProvides access to RDF metadata on core objects
 CSwRectOf course Writer needs its own rectangles
 CSwRedlineAcceptPanelRedline (Manage Changes) panel for the sidebar
 CSwRenderDataA class that stores temporary data that is needed for rendering the document
 CSwRetrievedInputStreamDataManagerSingleton class to manage retrieved input stream data in Writer
 CSwRootFrameThe root element of a Writer document layout
 CSwRowFrameSwRowFrame is one table row in the document layout
 CSwSaveRowSpanThis structure is needed by Undo to restore row span attributes when a table has been split into two tables
 CSwSaveSetLRUOfstTry to prevent visible SwParaPortions from being deleted
 CSwSectionFormatsArray of Undo-history
 CSwSectionNodeA section node represents the start of a section on the UI, i.e
 CSwSelectionListThis class is used as parameter for creation of a block cursor selection
 CSwSelPaintRectsSwSelPaintRects is a base class of SwShellCursor, which stores the overlay for the cursor/selection: a list of rectangles to be painted as an overlay
 CSwShadowCursorItemItem for settings dialog, ShadowCursorPage
 CSwShellCursorRepresents the current text cursor of one opened edit window
 CSwSortedObjsClass for collecting anchored objects
 CSwStartNodeStarts a section of nodes in the document model
 CSwTabFrameSwTabFrame is one table in the document layout, containing rows (which contain cells)
 CSwTableSwTable is one table in the document model, containing rows (which contain cells)
 CSwTableBoxSwTableBox is one table cell in the document model
 CSwTableCellRedlineRedline that holds information about a table-cell that had some change
 CSwTableFieldTypeImplementation in tblcalc.cxx
 CSwTableLineSwTableLine is one table row in the document model
 CSwTableRowRedlineRedline that holds information about a table-row that had some change
 CSwTestFormatSmall Helper class: Prepares a test format
 CSwTextAttrA wrapper around SfxPoolItem to store the start position of (usually) a text portion, with an optional end
 CSwTextBoxHelperA TextBox is a TextFrame, that is tied to a drawinglayer shape
 CSwTextBoxNodeTextboxes are basically textframe + shape pairs
 CSwTextContentControlSwTextAttr subclass that tracks the location of the wrapped SwFormatContentControl
 CSwTextFlyThe purpose of this class is to be the universal interface between formatting/text output and the possibly overlapping free-flying frames
 CSwTextFootnoteSwTextAttr subclass for footnotes and endnotes
 CSwTextFormatCollRepresents the style of a paragraph
 CSwTextFrameRepresents the visualization of a paragraph
 CSwTextINetFormatSwTextAttr subclass that tracks the location of the wrapped SwFormatURL
 CSwTextLineBreakSwTextAttr subclass that tracks the location of the wrapped SwFormatLineBreak
 CSwTextNodeSwTextNode is a paragraph in the document model
 CSwTextPortionThis portion represents a part of the paragraph string
 CSwTextSlotFor the text replacement and restoration of SwTextSizeInfo
 CSwThreadManagerClass to manage threads in Writer using a <ThreadManager> instance
 CSwTOXAuthorityRepresents one row in the bibliography table
 CSwTOXContentFor sorting by position
 CSwTOXIndexFor sorting by text
 CSwTOXMgrBuilt on top of SwWrtShell, provides functionality to insert, update or perform other actions on various ToX types (table of contents, indexes and so on)
 CSwTOXSortTabBaseClass for sorting directories
 CSwUndoAcceptRedlineUndo for Edit -> track changes -> accept
 CSwUndoDelNoTextFieldmarkHandling undo / redo of checkbox and drop-down form field deletion
 CSwUndoDelTextFieldmarkHandling undo / redo of text form field deletion
 CSwUndoInsDocUndo for Insert -> Text from file
 CSwUndoInsertTyping one or more characters to a single paragraph
 CSwUndoInsNoTextFieldmarkHandling undo / redo of checkbox and drop-down form field insertion
 CSwUndoInsTableImplements undo/redo for Table -> Insert Table
 CSwUndoInsTextFieldmarkHandling undo / redo of text form field insertion
 CSwUndoParagraphSigningUndo/Redo Paragraph Signature
 CSwUndoReReadHandles the undo/redo of the 'Replace...' context menu item for an image
 CSwUserFieldThe non-shared part of a user field
 CSwUserFieldTypeThe shared part of a user field
 CSwValueFieldTypeFields containing values that have to be formatted via number formatter
 CSwWordBasicThis is a representation of the WordBasic statements and functions that were available in Word version 6.0 and Word for Windows 95
 CSwWordCountStatusBarControlWord count status bar control for Writer
 CSwWrtShellUsed by the UI to modify the document model
 CSwWW8WriterThe writer class that gets called for the WW8 filter
 CSwXBookmarkUNO API wrapper around an internal sw::mark::IMark
 CSwXContentControlUNO API wrapper around an SwContentControl, exposed as the service
 CSwXContentControlsUNO wrapper around SwContentControlManager
 CSwXFieldmarkUNO wrapper around an sw::mark::IFieldmark
 CSwXLineBreakUNO API wrapper around an SwFormatLineBreak, exposed as the service
 CSwXMailMergeGives UNO access to the global mail merge functionality, via the service
 CSwXRedlineTextSwXRedlineText provides an XText which may be used to write directly into a redline node
 CSwXStringKeyMapImplementation of the css::container::XStringKeyMap interface
 CSwXTableRowsUNO API wrapper for SwTableLines
 CSwXTextCellStyleA text cell style is a UNO API wrapper for a SwBoxAutoFormat core class
 CSwXTextFieldUNO wrapper around an SwFormatField, i.e
 CSwXTextMarkupImplementation of the css::text::XTextMarkup interface
 CSwXTextTableStyleA text table style is a UNO API wrapper for a SwTableAutoFormat
 CSwXViewSettingsImplements UNO access to per-view settings (e.g
 CTableReferenceA structure that holds flags for the table export
 CTerminateOfficeThreadThread to terminate office, when all jobs are cancelled
 CThreadListenerHelper class to observe threads
 CThreadManagerClass to manage threads
 CTransformableSwFrameRotateFlyFrame3: Helper class when you want to make your SwFrame derivate transformable
 CUnfloatTableButtonClass for unfloat table button
 CWW8_FFNThis is what we use in the Parser (and Dumper)
 CWW8_FFN_BASEBase for reading AND working on (will have different subclasses
 CWW8_PdAttrDescFor the output of sections
 CWW8_STDSTD - STyle Definition
 CWW8_WrFkpFKP - Formatted disK Page
 CWW8_WrtFactoidsHandles export of smart tags
 CWW8DopDocument Properties
 CWW8ExportExporter of the binary Word file formats
 CWW8FibFIB - the File Information Block
 CWW8PLCFspecialAmong others for fields, that is, the same number of attr as positions, if Ctor-Param bNoEnd = false
 CWW8PLCFx_AtnBookHandles the import of PlcfAtnBkf and PlcfAtnBkl: start / end position of annotation marks
 CWW8PLCFx_BookIterator for Booknotes
 CWW8PLCFx_Cp_FKPIterator for Piece Table Exceptions of Fkps works on CPs (high-level)
 CWW8PLCFx_FactoidBookHandles the import of PlcfBkfFactoid and PlcfBklFactoid: start / end position of factoids
 CWW8PLCFx_Fc_FKPIterator for Piece Table Exceptions of Fkps works only with FCs, not with CPs ! ( Low-Level )
 CWW8PLCFx_FLDIterator for fields
 CWW8PLCFx_SEPXIterator for Piece Table Exceptions of Sepx
 CWW8PLCFx_SubDocIterator for footnotes/endnotes and comments
 CWW8SmartTagData[MS-DOC] SmartTagData: stores information about all smart tags in the document
 CWW8SprmIterSimple Iterator for SPRMs
 CwwFontCollects and outputs fonts
 CwwSprmParserWwSprmParser knows how to take a sequence of bytes and split it up into sprms and their arguments
 CZSortFlyHelper to copy paragraph-bound Flys