►Ndocx | |
CFootnotesList | Remember footnotes/endnotes so that we can dump them in one go |
►NmyImplHelpers | |
CMapperImpl | |
CMapperImpl< SwCharFormat > | |
CMapperImpl< SwTextFormatColl > | |
CStyleMapperImpl | |
►NNS_sprm | |
Csprm | |
►No3tl | |
Ctyped_flags< AccessibleStates > | |
Ctyped_flags< AsCharFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< Css1FrameSize > | |
Ctyped_flags< Css1ScriptFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< DelContentType > | |
Ctyped_flags< ExpandMode > | |
Ctyped_flags< FieldFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< FindRanges > | |
Ctyped_flags< FlyProtectFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< FrameTypeFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< GotoObjFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< HtmlContainerFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< HtmlContextFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< HtmlFrameFormatFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< HtmlFrmOpts > | |
Ctyped_flags< IsAttrAtPos > | |
Ctyped_flags< LoadUrlFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< MailTextFormats > | |
Ctyped_flags< MenuEnableFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< MoveItemFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< PROT > | |
Ctyped_flags< RedlineFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< SelectionType > | |
Ctyped_flags< SetAttrMode > | |
Ctyped_flags< SfxStyleFamily > | |
Ctyped_flags< SubColFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< sw::ListLevelIndents > | |
Ctyped_flags< sw::mark::RestoreMode > | |
Ctyped_flags< SwContentFrameInvFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< SwContentIndexReg::UpdateMode > | |
Ctyped_flags< SwCopyFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< SwCursorSelOverFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< SwCursorSkipMode > | |
Ctyped_flags< SwDeleteFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< SwDoc::RowColMode > | |
Ctyped_flags< SwFltStackEntry::RegionMode > | |
Ctyped_flags< SwFlyFrameInvFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< SwFrameInvFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< SwFrameType > | |
Ctyped_flags< SwInsertFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< SwInsertNumTypes > | |
Ctyped_flags< SwInsertTableFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< SwInvalidateFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< SwMoveFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< SwNodeType > | |
Ctyped_flags< SwPageFrameInvFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< SwReaderType > | |
Ctyped_flags< SwScriptInfo::MarkKind > | |
Ctyped_flags< SwSectionFrameInvFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< SwTabFrameInvFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< SwTableAutoFormatUpdateFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< SwTableSearchType > | |
Ctyped_flags< SwTOIOptions > | |
Ctyped_flags< SwTOOElements > | |
Ctyped_flags< SwTOXElement > | |
Ctyped_flags< SwXmlFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< TableChgWidthHeightType > | |
Ctyped_flags< TransferBufferType > | |
Ctyped_flags< UseOnPage > | |
Ctyped_flags< ViewOptCoreFlags2 > | |
Ctyped_flags< ViewOptFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< ViewOptFlags2 > | |
Ctyped_flags<::sw::DeleteAndInsertMode > | |
►Nobjectpositioning | |
CSwAnchoredObjectPosition | |
CSwAsCharAnchoredObjectPosition | |
CSwEnvironmentOfAnchoredObject | |
CSwToContentAnchoredObjectPosition | |
CSwToLayoutAnchoredObjectPosition | |
►Nstd | |
Chash< std::pair< SfxStyleFamily, OUString > > | |
Cless< SwPageDesc * > | |
►Nsw | Dialog to specify the properties of date form field |
►Naccess | |
CSwAccessibleChild | |
►Nannotation | |
CSwAnnotationWin | |
►Nhack | |
CDrawingOLEAdaptor | Make inserting an OLE object into a Writer document easy |
CPosition | |
►Nmark | |
CAnnotationMark | |
CBookmark | |
CCheckboxFieldmark | Fieldmark representing a checkbox form field |
CContentIdxStore | Takes care of storing relevant attributes of an SwTextNode before split, then restore them on the new node |
CCrossRefBookmark | |
CCrossRefHeadingBookmark | |
CCrossRefNumItemBookmark | |
CDateFieldmark | Fieldmark representing a date form field |
CDdeBookmark | |
CDropDownFieldmark | Fieldmark representing a drop-down form field |
CFieldmark | |
CFieldmarkWithDropDownButton | Fieldmark with a drop down button (e.g. this button opens the date picker for a date field) |
CIBookmark | |
CICheckboxFieldmark | |
CIDateFieldmark | |
CIDropdownFieldmark | |
CIMark | |
CMarkBase | |
CMarkManager | |
CNavigatorReminder | |
CNonTextFieldmark | |
CSaveBookmark | |
CTextFieldmark | |
CUnoMark | |
►Noverlay | |
COverlayRanges | |
COverlayRangesOutline | |
►Nsearch | |
CLocationResult | |
CSearchIndexData | |
CSearchResultLocator | |
►Nsidebar | |
CA11yCheckIssuesPanel | |
CAccessibilityCheckEntry | |
CPageColumnControl | |
CPageFooterPanel | |
CPageFormatPanel | |
CPageHeaderPanel | |
CPageMarginControl | |
CPageOrientationControl | |
CPageSizeControl | |
CPageStylesPanel | |
►CStylePresetsPanel | |
CTemplateEntry | |
CTableEditPanel | |
CThemePanel | |
CWrapPropertyPanel | |
CWriterInspectorTextPanel | |
►Nsidebarwindows | |
CAnchorOverlayObject | |
CFrameSidebarWinContainer | |
CShadowOverlayObject | |
CSidebarTextControl | |
CSidebarWinAccessible | |
CSwFrameSidebarWinContainer | |
►Nutil | |
CCharRunEntry | |
CCharStyleMapper | Knows which writer style a given word style should be imported as |
CCompareRedlines | |
CFontMapExport | Find suitable names for exporting this font |
CHdFtDistanceGlue | Make export a word section top/bottom values easy |
CInsertedTableListener | |
CInsertedTablesManager | Handle requirements for table formatting in insert->file mode |
CItemSort | |
CParaStyleMapper | Knows which writer style a given word style should be imported as |
CRedlineStack | |
CSetEndIfOpen | |
CSetInDocAndDelete | |
CSetLayer | Make setting a drawing object's layer in a Writer document easy |
CWrtRedlineAuthor | |
CAccessibilityCheck | |
CAccessibilityCheckStatus | |
CAccessibilityIssue | |
CAccessibilityStatusBarControl | |
CBaseCheck | Base class for accessibility checks |
CBorderCacheOwner | Bookkeeping helper for SwCache caching writer borders |
CBroadcasterMixin | |
CCheckDrawFrameFormatLayerHint | |
CClientIteratorBase | |
CCollectPostItsHint | |
CCollectTextMarksHint | |
CCollectTextObjectsHint | |
CCollectTextTOXMarksForLayoutHint | |
CCondCollCondChg | |
CContactChangedHint | |
CCreatePortionHint | |
CDateFormFieldDialog | |
CDefaultToxTabStopTokenHandler | The default implementation of ToxTabStopTokenHandler |
CDeleteChar | |
CDeleteText | |
CDescriptionChanged | |
CDocPosUpdate | DocPosUpdate is sent to signal that only the frames from or to a specified document-global position have to be updated |
CDocPosUpdateAtIndex | |
CDocumentChartDataProviderManager | |
►CDocumentContentOperationsManager | |
CParaRstFormat | Parameters for _Rst and lcl_SetTextFormatColl |
CDocumentDeviceManager | |
CDocumentDrawModelManager | |
CDocumentDyingHint | |
CDocumentExternalDataManager | |
CDocumentFieldsManager | |
CDocumentLayoutManager | |
CDocumentLinksAdministrationManager | |
►CDocumentListItemsManager | |
ClessThanNodeNum | |
CDocumentListsManager | |
CDocumentOutlineNodesManager | |
CDocumentRedlineManager | |
CDocumentSettingManager | |
CDocumentStateManager | |
CDocumentStatisticsManager | |
CDocumentStylePoolManager | |
CDocumentTimerManager | |
CDrawFlyCntPortion | |
CDrawFormatLayoutCopyHint | |
CDrawFrameFormatHint | |
CDrawUndoGuard | |
CDropDownFieldDialog | |
CDropDownFormFieldDialog | |
CExtent | Describes a part of a single text node, which will be part of a text frame, even when redlines are hidden at a layout level |
CExternalData | |
CExternalDataTypeHash | |
CFilters | |
CFindContentFrameHint | |
CFindFormatForFieldHint | |
CFindFormatForPostItIdHint | |
CFindRedlineHint | |
CFindSdrObjectHint | |
CFlyContentPortion | |
CFlyCreationSuppressor | |
CFormatDropDefiner | |
CFrameClient | |
►CFrameFormats | |
CByPos | |
CByTypeAndName | |
CFrameFormatsKey | |
CGatherDdeTablesHint | |
CGatherFieldsHint | |
CGatherNodeIndexHint | |
CGatherRefFieldsHint | |
CGetObjectConnectedHint | |
CGetZOrderHint | |
CGetZOrderLayer | |
CGrammarContact | This class is responsible for the delayed display of grammar checks when a paragraph is edited It's a client of the paragraph the cursor points to |
CGraphicPieceArrivedHint | |
CGraphicSizeCheck | Run the graphic size checks for all the graphic objects in the DOM and store a list of violations |
CGraphicSizeCheckGUIEntry | The UI part of the GraphicSizeViolation used by GenericCheckDialog |
CGraphicSizeCheckGUIResult | The UI part presenting the graphic size check results, which is used by GenericCheckDialog |
CGraphicSizeViolation | Class responsible to check if a graphic object violates the size constraints and store the results |
CGrfRereadAndInCacheHint | |
CGroupUndoGuard | Blocks grouping undo actions together into an SfxListUndoAction |
CHasHiddenInformationNotesHint | |
CICoreFrameStyle | |
CIndexingExport | |
CIndexingExportFilter | |
CInRangeSearchHint | |
CInsertText | |
CIShellCursorSupplier | The Undo actions need to create new Shell cursors |
CLayoutDumpFilter | Implementation of UNO export service to dump the layout of the document as XML |
CLegacyModifyHint | |
CLinkAnchorSearchHint | |
CLinkedGraphicStreamArrivedHint | |
CListenerEntry | |
CMergedAttrIter | |
CMergedAttrIterBase | Iterate SwTextAttr in potentially merged text frame |
CMergedAttrIterByEnd | |
CMergedAttrIterReverse | |
CMergedPara | Describes parts of multiple text nodes, which will form a text frame, even when redlines are hidden at a layout level |
CMeta | Meta is an annotation on a range of text |
CMetaField | |
CMetaFieldManager | Knows all meta-fields in the document |
CModelTraverseHandler | |
CModelTraverser | |
CModifyChangedHint | |
CMoveTableBoxHint | |
CMoveTableLineHint | |
CMoveText | Text is moved into pDestNode |
CNameChanged | |
COnlineAccessibilityCheck | |
CPageFootnoteHint | |
CParagraphIdleData | |
CPostGraphicArrivedHint | |
CPreGraphicArrivedHint | |
CRedlineDelText | New delete redline is created |
CRedlineUnDelText | Delete redline is removed |
CRepeatContext | |
CRestoreFlyAnchorHint | |
►CRing | |
CRing_node_traits | Internal implementation class – not for external use |
CRingContainer | Helper class that provides Svalue_typeL-style container iteration to the ring |
CRingIterator | |
CSectionHidden | |
CSpzFrameFormat | |
CStoredChapterNumberingRules | |
CSwDocIdle | An Idle, which is just ready to be scheduled for idle documents |
CTableBoxFormatChanged | |
CTableHeadingChange | |
CTableLineFormatChanged | |
CTextNodeNotificationSuppressor | |
CThemeColorChanger | |
CTitleChanged | |
►CToxLinkProcessor | A helper class for ToxTextGenerator |
CClosedLink | A link that has been encountered while parsing a tox |
CStartedLink | Information about a started link |
►CToxTabStopTokenHandler | This class handles tab stop tokens in the pattern for tox entries |
CHandledTabStopToken | Return value of HandleTabStopToken |
►CToxTextGenerator | This class generates text for the entries of a table of x |
CHandledTextToken | A handled text token |
CToxWhitespaceStripper | This class helps to remove unwanted whitespaces from a string to use in a Tox |
CUndoGuard | |
CUndoManager | Stores the undo/redo information, implementing the IDocumentUndoRedo interface |
CUndoRedoContext | |
CUndoThemeChange | |
CUnoCursorHint | |
CUnoCursorPointer | |
CUnoImplPtrDeleter | |
CWeakNodeContainer | Contains the node and tracks if the node gets deleted |
CWriterListener | Refactoring out the same of the more sane SwClient functionality |
CWriterMultiListener | |
CWrongListIterator | |
CWrongListIteratorBase | |
CWrongListIteratorCounter | |
CWW8AnchorConvHint | |
CWW8AnchorConvResult | |
CWW8FFData | |
►NSwTranslateHelper | |
CTranslateAPIConfig | |
►NSwUnoCursorHelper | |
CSwAnyMapHelper | |
►NSwWW8 | |
Cltstr | |
►NSwXFrame | |
CImpl | |
►Nww | @HTML |
CSortedArray | Simple template that manages a static array |
►Nww8 | |
CCellInfo | |
CFrame | Make exporting a Writer Frame easy |
ChashNode | |
ChashTable | |
CWW8FibData | |
CWW8Struct | |
CWW8Sttb | |
CWW8TableCellGrid | |
CWW8TableCellGridRow | |
CWW8TableInfo | |
CWW8TableNodeInfo | |
CWW8TableNodeInfoInner | |
►NXMLRangeHelper | ! ! This file is an exact copy of the same file in chart2 project ! |
CCell | |
CCellRange | |
CAbstractApplyTabController_Impl | |
CAbstractAuthMarkFloatDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractDateFormFieldDialog_Impl | |
CAbstractDropDownFieldDialog | |
CAbstractDropDownFieldDialog_Impl | |
CAbstractDropDownFormFieldDialog_Impl | |
CAbstractEditRegionDlg | |
CAbstractEditRegionDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractFieldInputDlg | |
CAbstractFieldInputDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractGenericDialog_Impl | |
CAbstractGlossaryDlg | |
CAbstractGlossaryDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractIndexMarkFloatDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractInsertSectionTabDialog | |
CAbstractInsertSectionTabDialog_Impl | |
CAbstractInsFootNoteDlg | |
CAbstractInsFootNoteDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractInsTableDlg | |
CAbstractInsTableDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractJavaEditDialog | |
CAbstractJavaEditDialog_Impl | |
CAbstractMailMergeCreateFromDlg | |
CAbstractMailMergeCreateFromDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractMailMergeDlg | |
CAbstractMailMergeDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractMailMergeFieldConnectionsDlg | |
CAbstractMailMergeFieldConnectionsDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractMailMergeWizard | |
CAbstractMailMergeWizard_Impl | |
CAbstractMarkFloatDlg | |
CAbstractMultiTOXMarkDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractMultiTOXTabDialog | |
CAbstractMultiTOXTabDialog_Impl | |
CAbstractNumFormatDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractSplitTableDialog | |
CAbstractSplitTableDialog_Impl | |
CAbstractSwAsciiFilterDlg | |
CAbstractSwAsciiFilterDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractSwAutoFormatDlg | |
CAbstractSwAutoFormatDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractSwBreakDlg | Interface for the insert -> more breaks -> manual break dialog |
CAbstractSwBreakDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractSwContentControlListItemDlg | Interface for e.g |
CAbstractSwContentControlListItemDlg_Impl | Implementation of AbstractSwContentControlListItemDlg, that is only visible to SwAbstractDialogFactory_Impl::CreateSwContentControlListItemDlg() |
CAbstractSwConvertTableDlg | |
CAbstractSwConvertTableDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractSwFieldDlg | |
CAbstractSwFieldDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractSwInsertAbstractDlg | |
CAbstractSwInsertAbstractDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractSwInsertDBColAutoPilot | |
CAbstractSwInsertDBColAutoPilot_Impl | |
CAbstractSwLabDlg | |
CAbstractSwLabDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractSwMergeTableDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractSwModalRedlineAcceptDlg | |
CAbstractSwModalRedlineAcceptDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractSwPageNumberDlg | Interface for the insert -> fields -> page number wizard dialog |
CAbstractSwPageNumberDlg_Impl | Interface implementation for the insert -> fields -> page number wizard dialog |
CAbstractSwRenameXNamedDlg | Interface for e.g |
CAbstractSwRenameXNamedDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractSwSelGlossaryDlg | |
CAbstractSwSelGlossaryDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractSwSortDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractSwTableHeightDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractSwTableWidthDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractSwTranslateLangSelectDlg | |
CAbstractSwTranslateLangSelectDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractSwWordCountFloatDlg | |
CAbstractSwWordCountFloatDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractTabController_Impl | |
CAcd | |
CAddressMultiLineEdit | |
CAddressUserData_Impl | |
CAllHtmlFlags | |
CANLDRuleMap | |
CApoTestResults | |
CAsciiReader | |
CAttributeOutputBase | |
CAuthorCharAttr | |
CAutoFormatPreview | |
CAutoTextGroup | |
CBaseFrameProperties_Impl | |
CBigPtrArray | |
CBigPtrEntry | |
CBlockInfo | |
CBmpWindow | |
CBookmarkTable | |
CCalcOp | |
CCancelJobsThread | Thread to cancel a give list of cancellable jobs |
CCancellableJob | |
CCaptionSaveStruct | |
CCellSaveStruct | |
Cchar_formats_name_key | |
CColumnValueSet | |
CCommandStruct | |
CCommentUIObject | |
CCompareSwFootnoteIdxs | |
CCompareSwOutlineNodes | |
CCompareSwpHtEnd | |
CCompareSwpHtWhichStart | |
CCompareSwRedlineTable | |
CCompareSwSelBoxes | |
CcompSwNumberTreeNodeLessThan | |
CConditionEdit | |
CConditionEditDropTarget | |
CConstArc | |
CConstCustomShape | |
CConstFormControl | |
CConstPolygon | |
CConstRectangle | |
CCreateMonitor | |
CCSS1Expression | Subexpression of a CSS1 declaration |
CCSS1Parser | Parser of a style element/option |
CCSS1PropertyEnum | |
CCSS1Selector | A simple selector |
CCurrShell | |
CCurTOXType | |
CCustomization | |
CDateFormFieldButton | This button is shown when the cursor is on a date form field |
CDB_Column | |
CDbgBackColor | |
CDbgRect | |
CDBTablePreviewFrame | |
CDBTextStruct_Impl | |
CDeflateData | Holder for local data for a parallel-executed task to load a chart model |
CDisableCallbackAction | Helper class to disable creation of an action by a callback event in particular, change event from a drawing object (SwDrawContact::Changed()) |
►CDocxAttributeOutput | The class that has handlers for various resource types when exporting as DOCX |
CEmbeddedFontRef | |
CPostItDOCXData | |
CPostponedChart | |
CPostponedDiagram | |
CPostponedDrawing | |
CPostponedGraphic | |
CPostponedMathObjects | |
CPostponedOLE | |
CDocxExport | The class that does all the actual DOCX export-related work |
CDocxExportFilter | The physical access to the DOCX document (for writing) |
►CDocxSdrExport | Handles DOCX export of drawings |
CImpl | Holds data used by DocxSdrExport only |
CDocxSettingsData | Data to be written in the document settings part of the document |
CDocxStringTokenMap | |
CDocxTableExportContext | All the information that should be stashed away when we're in the middle of of a table export and still have to do something else, e.g |
►CDocxTableStyleExport | Handles DOCX export of table styles, based on InteropGrabBag |
CImpl | Methods in this class handle values in a table style |
CDrawObj | |
CDrawSelection | |
CDropDownFormFieldButton | This button is shown when the cursor is on a drop-down form field |
CEscherShape | |
CExportDataSaveRestore | Helper class, so that the DocxExport::RestoreData() call will always happen |
CFieldInfos | |
CFieldShadowState | |
CFinalThreadManager | |
CFlatFndBox | |
CFlowFrameJoinLockGuard | |
CFndBox_ | |
CFndLine_ | |
CFndPara | |
CFootnoteDescriptor | |
CFormFieldButton | This button is shown when the cursor is on a form field with drop-down capability |
CFrame_Info | |
CFrameClientSortListEntry | |
CFrameDeleteWatch | |
CFrameMap | |
CFramePrHelper | Using framePr, a paragraph can be enclosed in a frame described by its pPr paragraph settings, and therefore it needs to apply the frame's properties when exporting the paragraph properties |
CGlosBibUserData | |
CGraphicDetails | |
CGroupUserData | |
CHashStr | |
CHdFtPlcDrawObj | |
CHeaderFooterHelper | |
CHTMLAttr | |
CHTMLAttrContext | |
CHTMLAttrContext_SaveDoc | |
CHTMLAttrTable | |
CHTMLControl | |
CHTMLControls | |
CHTMLReader | |
CHTMLSaveData | |
CHTMLTable | |
CHTMLTableCnts | |
CHyperLinksTable | |
CIDocumentChartDataProviderAccess | Give access to the data-provider for chart |
CIDocumentContentOperations | Text operation/manipulation interface |
CIDocumentDeviceAccess | Provides access to the formatting devices of a document |
CIDocumentDrawModelAccess | |
CIDocumentExternalData | |
CIDocumentFieldsAccess | Document fields related interfaces |
CIDocumentLayoutAccess | Provides access to the layout of a document |
CIDocumentLinksAdministration | Document links administration interface |
CIDocumentListItems | Provides numbered items of a document |
CIDocumentListsAccess | Provides access to the lists of a document |
►CIDocumentMarkAccess | Provides access to the marks of a document |
CILazyDeleter | To avoid recursive calls of deleteMark, the removal of dummy characters of fieldmarks has to be delayed; this is the baseclass that can be subclassed for that purpose |
Citerator | Wrapper iterator: wraps iterator of implementation while hiding MarkBase class; only IMark instances can be retrieved directly |
CIDocumentOutlineNodes | Provides outline nodes of a document |
CIDocumentRedlineAccess | |
CIDocumentSettingAccess | Provides access to settings of a document |
CIDocumentState | Get information about the current document state |
CIDocumentStatistics | Document statistics information |
CIDocumentStylePoolAccess | Access to the style pool |
CIDocumentTimerAccess | Handle the background jobs of a Writer document |
CIFinishedThreadListener | Interface class to listen on the finish of a thread |
CIMailDispatcherListener | MailDispatcher listener interface |
CImportProgress | |
CIndexEntrySupplierWrapper | |
CInputEdit | |
CInsCaptionOpt | |
CInsCaptionOptArr | |
CIStyleAccess | |
CKme | |
Clt_TableColumn | |
CMacroName | |
CMacroNames | |
CMailDispatcher | A MailDispatcher should be used for sending a bunch a mail messages asynchronously |
CMailMergeExecuteFinalizer | |
CMainTextPlcDrawObj | |
CMakeAllOutlineContentTemporarilyVisible | |
CMCD | |
►CModelToViewHelper | |
CConversionMapEntry | For each expanded/hidden portion in the model string, there is an entry in the conversion map |
CModelPosition | This struct defines a position in the model string |
CMSOFactoidType | [MS-OSHARED] FactoidType: one smart tag type |
CMSOProperty | [MS-OSHARED] Property: stores information about one smart-tag key/value |
CMSOPropertyBag | [MS-OSHARED] PropertyBag: stores information about one smart tag |
CMSOPropertyBagStore | [MS-OSHARED] PropertyBagStore: smart tag types and string store |
CMSWord_SdrAttrIter | Used to export formatted text associated to drawings |
CMSWordAttrIter | The class MSWordAttrIter is a helper class to build the Fkp.chpx |
►CMSWordExportBase | Base class for WW8Export and DocxExport |
CLinkedTextboxInfo | |
CMSWordSaveData | Structure that is used to save some of the WW8Export/DocxExport data |
CMSWordSections | Class to collect and output the sections/headers/footers |
►CMSWordStyles | Class to collect and output the styles table |
CMapEntry | |
CNavElementBox_Base | |
CNavElementBox_Impl | |
CNavElementToolBoxControl | |
CNaviContentBookmark | |
CNestedUserCallHdl | Helper class for method <SwDrawContact::Changed_(..)> for handling nested <SdrObjUserCall> events |
CNum_Info | |
CNumberingPreview | |
CNumFormatListBox | |
CObservableThread | Class for an observable thread |
COutputBorderOptions | A structure that holds information about the options selected when outputting a border to DOCX |
CPageBreakUIObject | |
CPageColumnPopup | |
CPageMarginPopup | |
CPageOrientationPopup | |
CPageSizePopup | |
CParm | |
CPlcDrawObj | |
CPlfAcd | |
CPlfKme | |
CPlfMcd | |
CPor_Info | |
CPosEdit | |
CPreviewPage | Data structure for a preview page in the current preview layout |
CPrintMonitor | |
CPrivateProfileStringListener | |
CPurgeGuard | |
CQuickHelpData | Assists with auto-completion of AutoComplete words and AutoText names |
CReader | |
CRedlineInfo | |
CRtfAttributeOutput | The class that has handlers for various resource types when exporting as RTF |
CRtfExport | The class that does all the actual RTF export-related work |
CRtfExportFilter | The physical access to the RTF document (for writing) |
CRtfSdrExport | Handles export of drawings using RTF markup |
CRtfStringBuffer | Wrapper around OStringBuffers, so less hexdump of graphics have to be kept in memory during RTF export |
CRtfStringBufferValue | Contains a buffered string or graphic during RTF export |
CRTFSurround | |
CRtfWriter | Dummy Writer implementation to be able to use the string format methods of the base class |
CSaveFly | Data structure to temporarily hold fly anchor positions relative to some location |
CSaveMonitor | |
CSaveRedlEndPosForRestore | |
CSaveRunState | Save the current run state around exporting things that contain paragraphs themselves like text frames |
CSaveTable | |
CSdrHHCWrapper | |
CSdtBlockHelper | |
CSdtData | Data to keep and write to XMLs |
CSectionSaveStruct | |
CSectRepr | |
CSEPr | |
CSeqFieldLstElem | |
CSetGetExpField | |
CSetGetExpFields | |
CSfxDeleteListener | |
CShellResource | |
CSpellState | |
CSprmInfo | |
CSprmInfoRow | |
CSprmReadInfo | |
CSprmResult | |
CStackHack | |
CStatusStruct_Impl | |
CStgReader | |
CStgWriter | |
CSvStatistics | |
CSvtDeleteListener | |
CSvxCSS1BorderInfo | |
CSvxCSS1MapEntry | |
CSvxCSS1Parser | |
CSvxCSS1PropertyInfo | |
CSvXMLExportItemMapper | |
CSvXMLImportItemMapper | |
CSvXMLItemMapEntries | This class manages an array of SvXMLItemMapEntry |
CSvXMLItemMapEntry | |
CSw2LinesPos | |
CSwAbstractDialogFactory | |
CSwAbstractDialogFactory_Impl | |
CSwAbstractSfxController_Impl | |
CSwAccessibilityOptions | |
CSwAccessibleCell | |
CSwAccessibleChildMap | |
CSwAccessibleChildMapKey | |
CSwAccessibleChildSList | |
CSwAccessibleChildSList_const_iterator | |
CSwAccessibleContext | |
CSwAccessibleContextMap_Impl | |
CSwAccessibleDocument | Access to an accessible Writer document |
CSwAccessibleDocumentBase | |
CSwAccessibleEmbeddedObject | |
CSwAccessibleEvent_Impl | |
CSwAccessibleEventList_Impl | |
CSwAccessibleEventMap_Impl | |
CSwAccessibleFootnote | |
CSwAccessibleFrame | |
CSwAccessibleFrameBase | |
CSwAccessibleGraphic | |
CSwAccessibleHeaderFooter | |
CSwAccessibleHyperlink | |
CSwAccessibleHyperTextData | |
CSwAccessibleMap | |
CSwAccessibleNoTextFrame | |
CSwAccessibleNoTextHyperlink | |
CSwAccessiblePage | Accessibility implementation for the page (SwPageFrame) The page is only visible in the page preview |
CSwAccessibleParagraph | |
CSwAccessiblePortionData | Collect text portion data from the layout through SwPortionHandler interface |
CSwAccessiblePreview | Accessibility implementation for the page preview |
CSwAccessibleSelectedParas_Impl | |
CSwAccessibleSelectionHelper | |
CSwAccessibleShapeMap_Impl | |
CSwAccessibleTable | |
CSwAccessibleTableColHeaders | |
CSwAccessibleTableData_Impl | |
CSwAccessibleTextFrame | |
CSwAccPreviewData | |
CSwActContext | Class for automated call of Start- and EndAction() |
CSwActualSection | |
CSwAddEntryDialog | |
CSwAddPrinterItem | |
CSwAddPrinterTabPage | |
CSwAddrDlg | |
CSwAddRenameEntryDialog | |
CSwAddressControl_Impl | |
CSwAddressIterator | |
CSwAddressListDialog | |
CSwAddressPreview | |
CSwAddressPreview_Impl | |
CSwAfVersions | |
CSwAnchoredDrawObject | Class for the positioning of drawing objects |
CSwAnchoredObject | Wrapper class for the positioning of Writer fly frames and drawing objects |
CSwAnchorMarker | |
CSwAnnotationItem | |
CSwAnnotationShell | |
CSwApplet_Impl | |
CSwApplyTemplate | |
CSwArgsBase | |
CSwArrowPortion | Indicator that the content does not fit into a fixed height frame (red triangle on the UI) |
CSwAsciiFilterDlg | |
CSwAsciiOptions | |
CSwASCWriter | |
CSwAssignFieldsControl | |
CSwAssignFieldsDialog | |
CSwAsyncRetrieveInputStreamThread | Class for a thread to retrieve an input stream given by a URL |
CSwAsyncRetrieveInputStreamThreadConsumer | Class to provide creation of a thread to retrieve an input stream given by a URL and to consume the retrieved input stream |
CSwAttrHandler | Used by Attribute Iterators to organize attributes on stacks to find the valid attribute in each category |
CSwAttrHint | |
CSwAttrIter | |
CSwAttrPool | |
CSwAttrSet | |
CSwAttrSetChg | |
CSwAuthenticator | |
CSwAuthEntry | |
CSwAuthMarkFloatDlg | |
CSwAuthMarkModalDlg | |
CSwAuthorField | |
CSwAuthorFieldType | |
CSwAuthorityField | Represents an inserted bibliography entry, created using Insert -> Table of Contents and Index -> Bibliography Entry |
CSwAuthorityFieldType | |
CSwAuthorMarkPane | |
CSwAutoCompleteClient | |
CSwAutoCompleteString | |
CSwAutoCompleteWord | |
CSwAutoCompleteWord_Impl | |
CSwAutoCorrDoc | |
CSwAutoCorrect | |
CSwAutoCorrExceptWord | |
CSwAutoFormat | |
CSwAutoFormatDlg | |
CSwAutoFormatGetDocNode | |
CSwAutoStylesEnumImpl | |
CSwAutoTabDecimalPortion | |
CSwAutoTextEventDescriptor | Implement the XNameAccess for the AutoText events |
CSwBackgroundDlg | |
CSwBaseLink | |
CSwBaseShell | |
CSwBasicEscherEx | |
CSwBezierShell | |
CSwBidiPortion | |
CSwBlankPortion | Non-breaking space or non-breaking hyphen |
CSwBlockCursor | Access to the block cursor |
CSwBlockName | |
CSwBlockNames | |
CSwBodyFrame | Container of body content (i.e |
CSwBookmarkControl | |
CSwBookmarkPortion | For showing bookmark starts and ends; note that in contrast to SwControlCharPortion these do not have a character in the text |
CSwBorderAttrAccess | |
CSwBorderAttrs | |
CSwBorderDlg | |
CSwBoxAutoFormat | |
CSwBoxSelection | SwBoxSelection is a small helperclass (structure) to handle selections of cells (boxes) between table functions |
CSwBracket | |
CSwBreakDashedLine | Class for the page break control window |
CSwBreakDlg | |
CSwBreakIt | |
CSwBreakPortion | |
CSwBulletPortion | |
CSwBusinessDataPage | |
CSwCache | |
CSwCacheAccess | Access class for the Cache |
CSwCacheObj | The Cache object base class Users of the Cache must derive a class from the SwCacheObj and store their payload there |
CSwCalc | |
CSwCalcExp | |
CSwCalcFieldType | |
CSwCalendarWrapper | |
CSwCallLink | |
CSwCallMouseEvent | |
CSwCaptionDialog | |
CSwCaptionOptDlg | |
CSwCaptionOptPage | |
CSwCaptionPreview | |
CSwCellFrame | SwCellFrame is one table cell in the document layout |
CSwCellStyleDescriptor | |
CSwCellStyleTable | |
CSwChangeDBDlg | |
CSwChannelBGrf | |
CSwChannelGGrf | |
CSwChannelGrf | |
CSwChannelRGrf | |
►CSwChapterField | |
CState | |
CSwChapterFieldType | |
CSwChapterNumRules | |
CSwCharDlg | |
CSwCharFormat | Represents the style of a text portion |
CSwCharFormats | |
CSwCharRange | |
CSwChartDataProvider | |
CSwChartDataSequence | |
CSwChartDataSource | |
CSwChartHelper | |
CSwChartLabeledDataSequence | |
CSwChartLockController_Helper | |
CSwCharURLPage | |
CSwCheckIt | |
CSwChildWinWrapper | |
CSwClient | |
CSwClipboardChangeListener | |
CSwColCache | |
CSwColExample | |
CSwCollCondition | |
CSwCollectTableLineBoxes | Class for SplitTable Collects the uppermost or lowermost Lines of a Box from a Line in an array |
CSwColMgr | |
CSwColumn | ColumnDescriptor |
CSwColumnDlg | |
CSwColumnFrame | |
CSwColumnOnlyExample | |
CSwColumnPage | |
CSwCombinedCharField | |
CSwCombinedCharFieldType | |
CSwCombinedPortion | Used in for asian layout specialities to display up to six characters in 2 rows and 2-3 columns |
CSwCommentRuler | An horizontal ruler with a control for comment panel visibility for Writer |
CSwCompareConfig | |
CSwCompareOptionsTabPage | |
CSwCompatibilityOptPage | |
CSwCompatibilityOptPage_Impl | |
CSwCondCollItem | |
CSwCondCollPage | The Condition tab on the paragraph style dialog for conditional styles, e.g. Text Body |
CSwConditionTextFormatColl | |
CSwConnectionContext | |
CSwConnectionListener | |
CSwContact | Base class for the following contact objects (frame + draw objects) |
CSwContent | |
CSwContentArr | |
CSwContentAtPos | |
CSwContentControl | Stores the properties of a content control |
CSwContentControlAliasButton | In case the content control has an alias/title, this widget shows it above the top left corner of the content control till the cursor is inside the content control |
CSwContentControlButton | This button is shown when the cursor is inside a content control with drop-down capability |
CSwContentControlDlg | The content control dialog allows editing the properties of the content control under the cursor |
CSwContentControlListItem | Represents one list item in a content control dropdown list |
CSwContentControlListItemDlg | Edits the properties of a sing list item in a (drop-down) content control |
CSwContentControlManager | Knows all the text content controls in the document |
CSwContentFrame | SwContentFrame is the layout for content nodes: a common base class for text (paragraph) and non-text (e.g |
CSwContentIndex | Marks a character position inside a document model content node (SwContentNode) |
CSwContentNode | |
CSwContentNotify | |
CSwContentOptPage | |
CSwContentTree | TreeListBox for content indicator |
CSwContentTreeDropTarget | |
CSwContentType | Content type, knows it's contents and the WrtShell |
CSwContentViewConfig | |
►CSwContourCache | |
CCacheItem | |
CSwContrastGrf | |
CSwControlCharPortion | |
CSwConversionArgs | |
CSwConvertTableDlg | |
CSwCreateAddressListDialog | |
CSwCropGrf | |
CSwCSS1Parser | |
CSwCSVData | |
CSwCTB | |
CSwCTBWrapper | |
CSwCursor | |
CSwCursor_SavePos | |
CSwCursorConfig | |
CSwCursorMoveState | |
CSwCursorSaveState | A helper class to save cursor state (position) |
CSwCursorShell | |
CSwCustomizeAddressBlockDialog | |
CSwCustomizeAddressListDialog | |
CSwDashedLine | Class for displaying a dashed line in the Writer GUI |
CSwDataChanged | |
CSwDateContentControlButton | This button is shown when the cursor is on a date content control |
CSwDateTimeField | |
CSwDateTimeFieldType | |
CSwDBConfig | |
CSwDBData | |
CSwDBField | |
CSwDBFieldType | |
CSwDBFormatData | |
CSwDbgOut | |
►CSwDBManager | |
CConnectionDisposedListener_Impl | |
CMailDispatcherListener_Impl | |
CSwDBManager_Impl | |
CSwDBNameField | |
CSwDBNameFieldType | |
CSwDBNameInfField | |
CSwDBNextSetField | |
CSwDBNextSetFieldType | |
CSwDBNumSetField | |
CSwDBNumSetFieldType | |
CSwDBSetNumberField | |
CSwDBSetNumberFieldType | |
CSwDBTablePreviewDialog | |
CSwDBTreeList | |
CSwDBTreeList_Impl | |
CSwDDEField | |
CSwDDEFieldType | |
CSwDDETable | |
CSwDefTOXBase_Impl | |
CSwDeleteListener | |
CSwDeletionChecker | Helper class to check if a frame has been deleted during an operation WARNING! This should only be used as a last and desperate means to make the code robust |
CSwDigitModeModifier | |
CSwDLL | |
CSwDoc | |
CSwDoCapitals | |
CSwDocDisplayItem | Item for settings dialog - document view |
CSwDocFac | |
CSwDocInfoField | |
CSwDocInfoFieldType | |
CSwDocMergeInfo | |
CSwDocModifyAndUndoGuard | |
►CSwDocShell | |
CLockAllViewsGuard_Impl | |
CSwDocStat | |
CSwDocStatField | |
CSwDocStatFieldType | |
CSwDocStatPage | |
CSwDocStyleSheet | |
CSwDocStyleSheetPool | |
CSwDocUpdateField | |
CSwDOCXReader | Wrapper for the UNO DOCX import filter (in writerfilter) for autotext purposes |
CSwDontExpandItem | |
CSwDoubleLinePortion | |
CSwDPage | SwDPage is Writer's draw page: derives from SdrPage, but has a reference to the Writer document via SwDrawModel |
CSwDrawBase | |
CSwDrawBaseShell | |
CSwDrawContact | ContactObject for connection of formats as representatives of draw objects in SwClient and the objects themselves in Drawing (SDrObjUserCall) |
CSwDrawFormShell | |
CSwDrawFrameFormat | |
CSwDrawModeGrf | |
CSwDrawModeGrf_Base | |
CSwDrawModel | |
CSwDrawShell | |
CSwDrawTextInfo | |
CSwDrawTextShell | SfxShell subclass that is used while interacting with the editeng-based text of a shape |
CSwDrawView | |
CSwDrawVirtObj | New class for re-direct methods calls at a 'virtual' drawing object to its referenced object |
CSwDropCapCache | |
CSwDropCapsDlg | Dedicated drop caps dialog, opened by the .uno:FormatDropcap UNO command, which is not in the default menus |
CSwDropCapsPage | |
►CSwDropCapsPict | |
CScriptInfo | The ScriptInfo structure holds information on where we change from one script to another |
CSwDropDownContentControlButton | This button is shown when the cursor is inside a drop-down content control |
CSwDropDownField | Dropdown field |
CSwDropDownFieldType | Field type for dropdown boxes |
CSwDropPortion | Text portion for the Format -> Paragraph -> Drop Caps functionality |
CSwDropPortionPart | |
CSwDSParam | |
CSwEditRegionDlg | |
CSwEditShell | |
CSwEditWin | Window class for the Writer edit area, this is the one handling mouse and keyboard events and doing the final painting of the document from the buffered layout |
CSwEditWinUIObject | |
CSwElemItem | |
CSwEndNode | Ends a section of nodes in the document model |
CSwEndNoteInfo | |
CSwEndNoteOptionPage | |
CSwEndnoter | |
CSwEnhancedPDFExportHelper | |
CSwEnterLeave | |
CSwEnvCfgItem | |
CSwEnvDlg | |
CSwEnvFormatPage | |
CSwEnvItem | |
CSwEnvPage | |
CSwEnvPreview | |
CSwEnvPrtPage | |
CSwErgoSumPortion | Used in footnotes if they break across pages, follow starts with this portion |
CSwEscherEx | |
CSwEscherExGlobal | |
CSwExpandPortion | |
CSwExtend | |
CSwExtraRedline | Base object for 'Redlines' that are not of 'Ranged' type (like table row insert\delete) |
CSwExtraRedlineTable | Table that holds 'extra' redlines, such as 'table row insert/delete', 'paragraph moves' etc.. |
CSwExtTextInput | |
CSwExtUserField | |
CSwExtUserFieldType | |
CSwFEShell | |
CSwField | Base class of all fields |
CSwFieldDataOnlyDlgWrapper | |
CSwFieldDBPage | |
CSwFieldDlg | |
CSwFieldDlgWrapper | |
CSwFieldDokInfPage | |
CSwFieldDokPage | |
CSwFieldEditDlg | |
CSwFieldFormCheckboxPortion | |
CSwFieldFormDatePortion | |
CSwFieldFormDropDownPortion | |
CSwFieldFuncPage | |
CSwFieldGroupRgn | |
CSwFieldHint | |
CSwFieldInputDlg | |
CSwFieldMarkPortion | |
CSwFieldMgr | |
CSwFieldPage | |
CSwFieldPortion | |
CSwFieldRefPage | |
CSwFieldType | Instances of SwFields and those derived from it occur 0 to n times |
CSwFieldTypes | |
CSwFieldUnitTable | |
CSwFieldVarPage | |
CSwFileNameField | |
CSwFileNameFieldType | |
CSwFillCursorPos | |
CSwFillData | |
CSwFilterDetect | |
CSwFilterOptions | |
CSwFindEntryDialog | |
CSwFindNearestNode | |
CSwFindParas | |
CSwFixPortion | |
CSwFltAnchor | |
CSwFltAnchorListener | Used by SwFltAnchor, to listen to an SwFrameFormat (to be aware when it is replaced or deleted) |
CSwFltBookmark | |
CSwFltControlStack | |
CSwFltEndStack | |
CSwFltPosition | |
CSwFltRDFMark | Stores RDF statements on a paragraph (key-value pairs where the subject is the paragraph) |
CSwFltRedline | |
CSwFltStackEntry | |
CSwFltTOX | |
CSwFlyAtContentFrame | Flys that are anchored to content (at-para, at-char) but not in content (as-char) |
CSwFlyCache | |
CSwFlyCntPortion | This portion represents an as-character anchored fly (shape, frame, etc.) |
CSwFlyDrawContact | ContactObject for connection between frames (or their formats respectively) in SwClient and the drawobjects of Drawing (SdrObjUserCall) |
CSwFlyDrawObj | |
CSwFlyFrame | General base class for all free-flowing frames |
CSwFlyFrameAttrMgr | |
CSwFlyFrameFormat | |
CSwFlyFreeFrame | |
CSwFlyInContentFrame | Flys that are anchored as a character in the content |
CSwFlyLayFrame | Flys that are bound to layout frames (to-frame) and not to/as content |
CSwFlyNotify | |
CSwFlyPortion | |
CSwFmDrawPage | |
CSwFntAccess | |
CSwFntCache | |
CSwFntObj | |
CSwFont | To take Asian or other languages into consideration, an SwFont object consists of 3 SwSubFonts (Latin, CJK, and CTL) |
CSwFontAccess | |
CSwFontCache | |
CSwFontObj | |
CSwFontSave | |
CSwFooterFrame | Footer in the document layout, inside a page |
CSwFootnoteBossFrame | |
CSwFootnoteContFrame | |
CSwFootnoteFrame | Represents one footnote or endnote in the layout |
CSwFootnoteIdxs | |
CSwFootnoteInfo | |
CSwFootnoteNumPortion | |
CSwFootNoteOptionDlg | |
CSwFootNoteOptionPage | |
CSwFootNotePage | |
CSwFootnotePortion | |
CSwForm | |
CSwFormat | Base class for various Writer styles |
CSwFormatAnchor | FlyAnchors |
CSwFormatAutoFormat | |
CSwFormatChain | Connection (text flow) between two FlyFrames |
CSwFormatCharFormat | |
CSwFormatChg | |
CSwFormatClipboard | This class acts as data container and execution class for the format paintbrush feature in writer |
CSwFormatCol | |
CSwFormatColl | SwFormatColl is just an SwFormat subclass that defaults to m_bAutoFormat=false, expressing that this set of formatting is a style, not direct formatting |
CSwFormatContent | Content, content of frame (header, footer, fly) |
CSwFormatContentControl | SfxPoolItem subclass that wraps an SwContentControl |
CSwFormatDrop | If SwFormatDrop is a Client, it is the CharFormat that describes the font for the DropCaps |
CSwFormatEditInReadonly | |
CSwFormatEndAtTextEnd | |
CSwFormatField | |
CSwFormatFieldHint | |
CSwFormatFillOrder | |
CSwFormatFlyCnt | Format of a fly content |
CSwFormatFlySplit | Determines if a fly frame can be split across multiple pages |
CSwFormatFollowTextFlow | |
CSwFormatFooter | Footer, for pageformats Client of FrameFormat describing the footer |
CSwFormatFootnote | SfxPoolItem subclass for footnotes and endnotes, stored in the anchor text node |
CSwFormatFootnoteAtTextEnd | |
CSwFormatFootnoteEndAtTextEnd | SfxPoolItem subclass that is a wrapper around an SwFootnoteEndPosEnum, i.e |
CSwFormatFrameSize | |
CSwFormatHeader | Header, for PageFormats Client of FrameFormat describing the header |
CSwFormatHoriOrient | Defines the horizontal position of a fly frame |
CSwFormatINetFormat | |
CSwFormatLayoutSplit | |
CSwFormatLineBreak | SfxPoolItem subclass that wraps an SwLineBreakClear |
CSwFormatLineNumber | Contains the line numbering properties of this paragraph |
CSwFormatMeta | SwFormatMeta is a pool item subclass that owns a Meta |
CSwFormatNoBalancedColumns | If text in multi-column sections should be evenly distributed |
CSwFormatPageDesc | Pagedescriptor Client of SwPageDesc that is "described" by the attribute |
CSwFormatRefMark | |
CSwFormatRowSplit | Controls if a table row is allowed to split or not |
CSwFormatRuby | |
CSwFormatsBase | Some methods for generic operations on lists that contain SwFormat* subclasses |
CSwFormatsModifyBase | |
CSwFormatSurround | |
CSwFormatTablePage | |
CSwFormatURL | SfxPoolItem subclass that wraps a URL |
CSwFormatVertOrient | Defines the vertical position of a fly frame |
CSwFormatWrapInfluenceOnObjPos | Allows positioning of floating screen objects without considering their own wrapping type and the wrapping types of the other floating screen objects |
CSwFormToken | |
CSwFormTokenEqualToFormTokenType | |
CSwFormTokensHelper | Helper class that converts vectors of tokens to strings and vice versa |
CSwFormulaField | |
CSwFrame | Base class of the Writer layout elements |
CSwFrameAddPage | |
►CSwFrameAreaDefinition | Helper class to isolate geometry-defining members of SwFrame and to control their accesses |
CFrameAreaWriteAccess | |
CFramePrintAreaWriteAccess | |
CSwFrameButtonPainter | Button painter helper class used to paint a runtime button positioned to a writer frame |
CSwFrameControl | |
CSwFrameControlsManager | A container for the Header/Footer, PageBreak, and Outline Content Visibility controls |
CSwFrameDeleteGuard | |
CSwFrameDlg | |
CSwFrameEventDescriptor | |
►CSwFrameFormat | Style of a layout element |
Cchange_name | |
CSwFrameFormatsV | Unsorted, undeleting SwFrameFormat vector |
CSwFrameMenuButtonBase | Class sharing some MenuButton code |
CSwFrameNotify | |
CSwFramePage | This is the Position & Size tab page of the Insert -> Frame -> Frame dialog |
CSwFrameShell | |
CSwFrameStyleEventDescriptor | |
CSwFrameSwapper | Helper class which can be used instead of the macros if a function has too many returns |
CSwFrameURLPage | |
CSwGammaGrf | |
CSwGCBorder_BoxBrd | |
CSwGCLineBorder | |
CSwGetCurColNumPara | |
CSwGetExpField | |
CSwGetExpFieldType | |
CSwGetINetAttr | For querying the INet-attributes for Navigator |
CSwGetRefField | |
CSwGetRefFieldType | Get reference |
CSwGlblDocContent | |
CSwGlblDocContents | |
CSwGlobalDocShell | |
CSwGlobalTree | |
CSwGlobalTreeDropTarget | |
CSwGlosDocShell | |
CSwGlossaries | |
CSwGlossaryDlg | |
CSwGlossaryDropTarget | |
CSwGlossaryGroupDlg | |
CSwGlossaryHdl | |
CSwGlossaryList | |
CSwGluePortion | A glue portion is either a base class for other portions that want to have a certain width to push text out (e.g |
CSwGotoPageDlg | |
CSwGrammarMarkUp | |
CSwGraphicContent | |
CSwgReaderOption | |
CSwGreetingsHandler | |
CSwGrfExtPage | Tabpage providing the functionality behind Format -> Image -> Properties and then the Rotation tabpage |
CSwGrfFormatColl | |
CSwGrfFormatColls | |
CSwGrfNode | |
CSwGrfNumPortion | |
►CSwGrfShell | |
CSwExternalToolEdit | |
CSwGridConfig | |
CSwHandleAnchorNodeChg | |
CSwHangingPortion | |
CSwHash | |
CSwHashTable | T should be a subclass of SwHash |
CSwHeaderAndFooterEatSpacingItem | |
CSwHeaderFooterDashedLine | Class for the header and footer separator control window |
CSwHeaderFooterWin | |
CSwHeaderFrame | Header in the document layout, inside a page |
CSwHeadFootFrame | |
CSwHHCWrapper | |
CSwHiddenParaField | |
CSwHiddenParaFieldType | |
CSwHiddenPortion | Distinguish only for painting/hide |
CSwHiddenTextField | |
CSwHiddenTextFieldType | |
CSwHiddenTextPortion | |
CSwHistory | |
CSwHistoryBookmark | |
CSwHistoryChangeCharFormat | |
CSwHistoryChangeFlyAnchor | |
CSwHistoryChangeFlyChain | |
CSwHistoryChangeFormatColl | |
CSwHistoryHint | |
CSwHistoryNoTextFieldmark | History object containing all information used during undo / redo of checkbox and drop-down form field insertion |
CSwHistoryResetFormat | |
CSwHistoryResetText | |
CSwHistorySetAttrSet | |
CSwHistorySetFootnote | |
CSwHistorySetFormat | |
CSwHistorySetRefMark | |
CSwHistorySetText | |
CSwHistorySetTextField | |
CSwHistorySetTOXMark | |
CSwHistoryTextFieldmark | History object containing all information used during undo / redo of text form field insertion |
CSwHistoryTextFlyCnt | |
CSwHolePortion | |
CSwHookOut | |
CSwHTMLFootEndNote_Impl | |
CSwHTMLForm_Impl | |
CSwHTMLFormatInfo | |
CSwHTMLFrameFormatListener | |
CSwHTMLNumRuleInfo | |
►CSwHTMLParser | |
CTableDepthGuard | |
CSwHTMLPosFlyFrame | |
CSwHTMLPosFlyFrames | |
CSwHTMLTableLayout | |
CSwHTMLTableLayoutCell | |
CSwHTMLTableLayoutCnts | |
CSwHTMLTableLayoutColumn | |
CSwHTMLTextFootnote | |
CSwHTMLWriter | |
CSwHyperlinkEventDescriptor | |
CSwHyphPortion | |
CSwHyphStrPortion | |
CSwHyphWrapper | |
CSwImpBlocks | |
CSwImplEnterLeave | |
CSwImplProtocol | |
CSwIndexMarkFloatDlg | |
CSwIndexMarkModalDlg | |
CSwIndexMarkPane | |
CSwIndexSections_Impl | |
CSwInputChild | |
CSwInputField | |
CSwInputFieldList | |
CSwInputFieldType | |
CSwInputWindow | |
CSwInsDBColumn | |
CSwInsDBColumns | |
CSwInsertAbstractDlg | |
CSwInsertAuthMarkWrapper | |
CSwInsertBookmarkDlg | |
CSwInsertChart | |
CSwInsertConfig | |
CSwInsertDBColAutoPilot | |
CSwInsertField_Data | |
CSwInsertIdxMarkWrapper | |
CSwInsertSectionTabDialog | |
CSwInsertSectionTabPage | |
CSwInsertTableOptions | |
CSwInsFootNoteDlg | |
CSwInsTableDlg | |
CSwInterHyphInfo | |
CSwInterHyphInfoTextFrame | Clone of SwInterHyphInfo, but with TextFrameIndex instead of node index |
CSwInvertGrf | |
CSwIoDetect | |
CSwIoSystem | The following class is a wrapper for basic i/o functions of Writer 3.0 |
CSwIsoRefPortion | |
CSwIsoToxPortion | |
CSwIterator | |
CSwIterator< SwClient, TSource > | |
CSwJavaEditDialog | |
CSwJumpEditField | |
CSwJumpEditFieldType | |
CSwJumpToSpecificPageControl | |
CSwKernPortion | |
CSwLabCfgItem | |
CSwLabDlg | |
CSwLabelConfig | |
CSwLabelMeasure | |
CSwLabFormatPage | |
CSwLabItem | |
CSwLabPage | |
CSwLabPreview | |
CSwLabPrtPage | |
CSwLabRec | |
CSwLanguageIterator | |
CSwLanguageListItem | |
CSwLayAction | The usage of LayAction is always the same: |
CSwLayCacheImpl | |
►CSwLayCacheIoImpl | |
CRecTypeSize | |
CSwLayHelper | Helps during the InsertCnt_ function to create new pages |
CSwLayIdle | |
CSwLayNotify | |
CSwLayoutCache | |
►CSwLayouter | |
CfMoveBwdLayoutInfoKeyEq | |
CfMoveBwdLayoutInfoKeyHash | |
CtMoveBwdLayoutInfoKey | |
CSwLayoutFrame | A layout frame is a frame that contains other frames (m_pLower), e.g. SwPageFrame or SwTabFrame |
CSwLayoutInfo | |
CSwLayoutModeModifier | |
CSwLayoutViewConfig | |
CSwLayVout | |
CSwLineInfo | |
CSwLineLayout | Collection of SwLinePortion instances, representing one line of text |
CSwLineNumberInfo | < purpose of derivation from SwClient: character style for displaying the numbers |
CSwLineNumberingDlg | |
CSwLinePortion | Base class for anything that can be part of a line in the Writer layout |
CSwLinguServiceEventListener | EventListener that triggers spellchecking and hyphenation |
►CSwList | |
CtListTreeForRange | |
CSwListShell | |
CSwLoadOptPage | |
CSwLooping | |
CSwLuminanceGrf | |
CSwMacroAssignDlg | |
CSwMacroField | |
CSwMacroFieldType | |
CSwMacroInfo | |
CSwMailBodyDialog | |
CSwMailConfigDlg | |
CSwMailConfigPage | |
CSwMailDescriptor | |
CSwMailMergeAddressBlockPage | |
CSwMailMergeConfigItem | |
CSwMailMergeConfigItem_Impl | |
CSwMailMergeCreateFromDlg | |
CSwMailMergeDlg | |
CSwMailMergeDlg_Impl | |
CSwMailMergeDocSelectPage | |
CSwMailMergeFieldConnectionsDlg | |
CSwMailMergeGreetingsPage | |
CSwMailMergeLayoutPage | |
CSwMailMergeOutputTypePage | |
CSwMailMergeWizard | |
CSwMailMessage | |
CSwMailTransferable | |
CSwMarginPortion | |
CSwMarkPreview | |
CSwMasterUsrPref | |
CSwMediaShell | |
CSwMergeAddressItem | |
CSwMergeDescriptor | |
CSwMergeTableDlg | |
CSwMessageAndEditDialog | |
CSwMirrorGrf | |
CSwMiscConfig | |
CSwMMResultEmailDialog | Dialog implementing the sending as email of the result document |
CSwMMResultPrintDialog | Dialog implementing the printing of the result document |
CSwMMResultSaveDialog | Dialog implementing the saving as of the result document |
CSwModalRedlineAcceptDlg | |
CSwModelessRedlineAcceptDlg | |
CSwModify | |
CSwModule | |
CSwModuleOptions | |
CSwMovedBoxes | |
CSwMovedFwdFramesByObjPos | |
CSwMoveFnCollection | |
CSwMSConvertControls | |
CSwMSDffManager | |
CSwMsgPoolItem | |
CSwMultiCreator | |
CSwMultiPortion | |
CSwMultiTOXMarkDlg | |
►CSwMultiTOXTabDialog | |
CTypeData | |
CSwMvContext | Class for automated call of Start- and EndCursorMove() |
CSwNavigationConfig | |
CSwNavigationMgr | |
CSwNavigationPI | |
CSwNavigationShell | |
CSwNavigatorWin | |
CSwNavigatorWrapper | |
CSwNewGlosNameDlg | |
CSwNode | Base class of the Writer document model elements |
CSwNode2LayImpl | Does the actual work, the SwNode2Layout class is just the public interface |
CSwNode2Layout | |
CSwNode2LayoutSaveUpperFrames | |
CSwNodeIndex | Marks a node in the document model |
CSwNodeNum | |
CSwNodeRange | |
CSwNodes | |
CSwNoteProps | |
CSwNoteURL | |
CSwNoTextFrame | |
CSwNoTextNode | Layout frame for SwNoTextNode, i.e. graphics and OLE nodes (including charts) |
CSwNumberingTypeListBox | |
CSwNumberingTypeListBox_Impl | |
CSwNumberPortion | |
CSwNumberTreeNode | A tree of numbered nodes |
CSwNumFormat | |
CSwNumFormatBase | |
CSwNumFormatDlg | |
CSwNumFormatTreeView | |
CSwNumPositionTabPage | |
►CSwNumRule | |
CExtremities | |
CSwNumRuleItem | |
►CSwNumRulesWithName | |
CSwNumFormatGlobal | |
CSwNumRuleTable | |
CSwObjectFactory | |
CSwObjectFormatter | |
CSwObjectFormatterLayFrame | |
CSwObjectFormatterTextFrame | |
CSwObjPositioningInProgress | Helper class for notify that positioning of an anchored object is in progress |
CSwObjsMarkedAsTmpConsiderWrapInfluence | |
CSwOleClient | |
CSwOLEListener_Impl | |
CSwOLENode | |
CSwOLEObj | |
CSwOleShell | |
CSwOneExampleFrame | |
CSwOrderIter | |
CSwOutlineContent | |
CSwOutlineContentVisibilityWin | |
CSwOutlineNodes | |
CSwOutlineSettingsTabPage | |
CSwOutlineTabDialog | |
CSwPageBreakWin | |
►CSwPageDesc | |
Cchange_name | |
CStashedPageDesc | |
CSwPageDescExt | |
CSwPageDescHint | |
CSwPageDescs | |
CSwPageExample | |
CSwPageFootnoteInfo | Footnote information |
CSwPageFootnoteInfoItem | |
CSwPageFrame | A page of the document layout |
CSwPageGridExample | |
►CSwPageNumAndTypeOfAnchors | |
CtEntry | |
CSwPageNumberDlg | Page number wizard for easy header/footer page number insertion |
CSwPageNumberField | |
CSwPageNumberFieldType | |
CSwPagePreview | View of a document |
CSwPagePreviewLayout | Page preview functionality in the writer |
CSwPagePreviewPrtData | |
CSwPagePreviewWin | Provides the VCL widget that is used for the main area of the File -> Print Preview window |
CSwPaintQueue | |
CSwPaM | PaM is Point and Mark: a selection of the document model |
CSwPaMItem | |
CSwPamRange | |
CSwPamRanges | |
CSwParaChangeTrackingInfo | |
CSwParaConnectBorderItem | |
CSwParaDlg | |
CSwParagraphNumTabPage | |
CSwParaPortion | Collection of SwLineLayout instances, represents the paragraph text in Writer layout |
CSwPasteContext | Tracks the boundaries of pasted content and notifies listeners |
CSwPauseThreadStarting | Helper class to pause starting of threads during existence of an instance of this class |
CSwPending | |
CSwPendingData | |
CSwPercentField | |
CSwpHints | An SwTextAttr container, stores all directly formatted text portions for a text node |
CSwPlaceholderNode | This class is internal, used only during DocumentContentOperationsManager::CopyWithFlyInFly(), and for undo |
CSwPortionHandler | The SwPortionHandler interface implements a visitor for the layout engine's text portions |
CSwPosFlyFrame | For querying current flys in document |
CSwPosFlyFrameCmp | |
CSwPosition | Marks a position in the document model |
CSwPosSize | |
CSwPostItContent | |
CSwPostItField | |
CSwPostItFieldType | |
CSwPostItMgr | |
CSwPostItPageItem | |
CSwPostItsPortion | |
CSwPreviewZoomControl | |
CSwPrintData | |
CSwPrintOptions | |
CSwPrintUIOptions | |
CSwPrivateDataPage | |
CSwProtocol | |
CSwPtrItem | |
CSwPtrMsgPoolItem | |
CSwQueuedPaint | Painting buffer |
CSwQuoVadisPortion | Used in footnotes if they break across pages, master has this portion at the end |
CSwRangeDescriptor | |
CSwRangeRedline | |
CSwRDFHelper | Provides access to RDF metadata on core objects |
CSwReader | |
CSwReaderWriterEntry | |
CSwReadOnlyPopup | |
CSwRect | Of course Writer needs its own rectangles |
CSwRectFnCollection | |
CSwRectFnSet | |
CSwRedlineAcceptChild | |
CSwRedlineAcceptDlg | |
CSwRedlineAcceptPanel | Redline (Manage Changes) panel for the sidebar |
CSwRedlineData | |
CSwRedlineDataChild | |
CSwRedlineDataParent | |
CSwRedlineDataParentSortArr | |
CSwRedlineExtraData | |
CSwRedlineExtraData_Format | |
CSwRedlineExtraData_FormatColl | |
CSwRedlineHint | |
CSwRedlineItr | |
CSwRedlineOptionsTabPage | |
CSwRedlineSaveData | |
CSwRedlineSaveDatas | |
CSwRedlineTable | |
CSwRefPageGetField | |
CSwRefPageGetFieldType | |
CSwRefPageSetField | |
CSwRefPageSetFieldType | |
CSwRefPortion | |
CSwRegHistory | |
CSwRegionContent | |
CSwRegionRects | |
CSwRegisterItem | |
CSwRenameEntryDialog | |
CSwRenameXNamedDlg | |
CSwRenderData | A class that stores temporary data that is needed for rendering the document |
CSwRepaint | |
►CSwRetrievedInputStreamDataManager | Singleton class to manage retrieved input stream data in Writer |
CtData | |
CSwRevisionConfig | |
CSwRewriter | |
CSwRootFrame | The root element of a Writer document layout |
CSwRotatedPortion | |
CSwRotationGrf | |
CSwRowFrame | SwRowFrame is one table row in the document layout |
CSwRubyListEntry | |
CSwRubyPortion | |
CSwSaveClip | |
CSwSaveFootnoteHeight | |
CSwSaveLabelDlg | |
CSwSaveRowSpan | This structure is needed by Undo to restore row span attributes when a table has been split into two tables |
CSwSaveSetLRUOfst | Try to prevent visible SwParaPortions from being deleted |
CSwSbxValue | |
CSwScanner | |
CSwScannerEventListener | |
CSwScriptField | |
CSwScriptFieldType | |
►CSwScriptInfo | |
CCompressionChangeInfo | Records a single change in compression |
CDirectionChangeInfo | Records a single change in direction |
CScriptChangeInfo | Records a single change in script type |
CSwScriptIterator | |
CSwScrollbar | |
CSwSdrUndo | |
CSwSearchOptions | |
CSwSearchProperties_Impl | |
CSwSection | |
CSwSectionData | |
CSwSectionFootnoteEndTabPage | |
CSwSectionFormat | |
CSwSectionFormats | Array of Undo-history |
CSwSectionFrame | |
CSwSectionFrameMoveAndDeleteHint | |
CSwSectionIndentTabPage | |
CSwSectionNode | A section node represents the start of a section on the UI, i.e |
CSwSectionPropertyTabDialog | |
CSwSelBoxes | |
CSwSelectAddressBlockDialog | |
CSwSelectDBTableDialog | |
CSwSelectionList | This class is used as parameter for creation of a block cursor selection |
CSwSelGlossaryDlg | |
CSwSelPaintRects | SwSelPaintRects is a base class of SwShellCursor, which stores the overlay for the cursor/selection: a list of rectangles to be painted as an overlay |
CSwSelUnion | |
CSwSendMailDialog | |
CSwSendMailDialog_Impl | |
CSwSeqFieldList | |
CSwServerObject | |
CSwSetExpField | |
CSwSetExpFieldType | |
CSwShadowCursor | |
CSwShadowCursorItem | Item for settings dialog, ShadowCursorPage |
CSwShapeDescriptor_Impl | |
CSwShareBoxFormat | |
CSwShareBoxFormats | |
CSwShdwCursorOptionsTabPage | |
CSwShellCursor | Represents the current text cursor of one opened edit window |
CSwShellTableCursor | |
CSwSidebarItem | |
CSwSmartTagMgr | |
CSwSoftHyphPortion | |
CSwSoftHyphStrPortion | |
CSwSortBoxElement | |
CSwSortDlg | |
CSwSortedObjs | Class for collecting anchored objects |
CSwSortElement | |
CSwSortKey | |
CSwSortOptions | |
CSwSortTextElement | |
CSwSortUndoElement | |
CSwSpecialPos | |
CSwSpellArgs | |
CSwSpellDialogChildWindow | |
CSwSpellPopup | |
CSwSplitTableDlg | |
►CSwSrcEditWindow | |
CChangesListener | |
CSwSrcView | |
CSwStartNode | Starts a section of nodes in the document model |
CSwStdFontConfig | |
CSwStdFontTabPage | |
CSwStyleNameMapper | |
►CSwStyleSheetIterator | |
CSwPoolFormatList | |
CSwSubFont | |
CSwSvxNumBulletTabDialog | |
CSwSvxUnoDrawPool | |
CSwSwapIfNotSwapped | |
CSwSwapIfSwapped | |
CSwSyncBtnDlg | |
CSwSyncChildWin | |
CSwTabCenterPortion | |
CSwTabCols | |
CSwTabColsEntry | |
CSwTabDecimalPortion | |
CSwTabFrame | SwTabFrame is one table in the document layout, containing rows (which contain cells) |
CSwTable | SwTable is one table in the document model, containing rows (which contain cells) |
CSwTableAutoFormat | |
►CSwTableAutoFormatTable | |
CImpl | |
CSwTableBox | SwTableBox is one table cell in the document model |
CSwTableBoxFormat | |
CSwTableBoxFormula | |
CSwTableBoxNumFormat | |
CSwTableBoxValue | |
CSwTableCalcPara | |
►CSwTableCellInfo | |
CImpl | |
CSwTableCellRedline | Redline that holds information about a table-cell that had some change |
CSwTableColumnPage | |
CSwTableConfig | |
CSwTableCursor | |
CSwTableField | |
CSwTableFieldType | Implementation in tblcalc.cxx |
CSwTableFormat | |
CSwTableFormula | |
CSwTableFormulaUpdate | |
CSwTabLeftPortion | |
CSwTableFUNC | |
CSwTableHeightDlg | |
CSwTableLine | SwTableLine is one table row in the document model |
CSwTableLineFormat | |
CSwTableLines | |
CSwTableNode | |
CSwTableNumFormatMerge | |
CSwTableOptionsTabPage | |
CSwTableRep | |
CSwTableRowRedline | Redline that holds information about a table-row that had some change |
CSwTableShell | |
CSwTableSortBoxes | |
CSwTableTabDlg | |
CSwTableToTextSave | |
CSwTableWidthDlg | |
CSwTabPortion | |
CSwTabRightPortion | |
CSwTaggedPDFHelper | |
CSwTBC | |
CSwTbxAutoTextCtrl | |
CSwTemplateControl | |
CSwTemplateDlgController | |
CSwTemplNameField | |
CSwTemplNameFieldType | |
CSwTestAccountSettingsDialog | |
CSwTestFormat | Small Helper class: Prepares a test format |
CSwTestItem | |
CSwTestTabPage | |
CSwTextAdjuster | |
CSwTextAnnotationField | |
CSwTextAPIEditSource | |
CSwTextAPIEditSource_Impl | |
CSwTextAPIObject | |
CSwTextAttr | A wrapper around SfxPoolItem to store the start position of (usually) a text portion, with an optional end |
CSwTextAttrEnd | |
CSwTextAttrNesting | |
CSwTextBlocks | |
CSwTextBoxHelper | A TextBox is a TextFrame, that is tied to a drawinglayer shape |
CSwTextBoxLockGuard | |
►CSwTextBoxNode | Textboxes are basically textframe + shape pairs |
CSwTextBoxElement | |
CSwTextCharFormat | |
CSwTextContentControl | SwTextAttr subclass that tracks the location of the wrapped SwFormatContentControl |
CSwTextCursor | |
CSwTextCursorSave | |
CSwTextField | |
CSwTextFieldContent | |
CSwTextFlowPage | |
CSwTextFly | The purpose of this class is to be the universal interface between formatting/text output and the possibly overlapping free-flying frames |
CSwTextFlyCnt | |
CSwTextFootnote | SwTextAttr subclass for footnotes and endnotes |
CSwTextFootnoteContent | |
CSwTextFormatColl | Represents the style of a paragraph |
CSwTextFormatColls | |
CSwTextFormatInfo | |
CSwTextFormatter | |
CSwTextFrame | Represents the visualization of a paragraph |
CSwTextFrameBreak | |
CSwTextFrameInfo | |
CSwTextGridItem | |
CSwTextGridPage | |
CSwTextGuess | |
CSwTextINetFormat | SwTextAttr subclass that tracks the location of the wrapped SwFormatURL |
CSwTextInfo | |
CSwTextInputField | |
CSwTextInputFieldPortion | |
CSwTextIter | |
CSwTextLine | |
CSwTextLineAccess | |
CSwTextLineBreak | SwTextAttr subclass that tracks the location of the wrapped SwFormatLineBreak |
CSwTextMargin | |
CSwTextMarkupHelper | |
CSwTextMeta | |
CSwTextNode | SwTextNode is a paragraph in the document model |
CSwTextPainter | |
CSwTextPaintInfo | |
CSwTextPortion | This portion represents a part of the paragraph string |
CSwTextRefMark | |
CSwTextRuby | |
CSwTextShell | |
CSwTextSizeInfo | |
CSwTextSlot | For the text replacement and restoration of SwTextSizeInfo |
CSwTextTOXMark | |
CSwThreadManager | Class to manage threads in Writer using a <ThreadManager> instance |
CSwTitlePageDlg | |
CSwTmpEndPortion | |
CSwTokenWindow | |
CSwToolbarConfigItem | |
CSwTOXAuthority | Represents one row in the bibliography table |
CSwTOXBase | |
CSwTOXBaseContent | |
CSwTOXBaseSection | |
CSwTOXButton | |
CSwTOXContent | For sorting by position |
CSwTOXCustom | |
CSwTOXDescription | |
CSwTOXEdit | |
CSwTOXEntryTabPage | |
CSwTOXIndex | For sorting by text |
CSwTOXInternational | |
CSwTOXMark | |
CSwTOXMarkDescription | |
CSwTOXMgr | Built on top of SwWrtShell, provides functionality to insert, update or perform other actions on various ToX types (table of contents, indexes and so on) |
CSwTOXPara | |
CSwToxPortion | |
CSwTOXSelectTabPage | |
CSwTOXSortKey | |
CSwTOXSortTabBase | Class for sorting directories |
CSwTOXSource | |
CSwTOXStylesTabPage | |
CSwTOXTable | |
CSwTOXType | |
CSwTOXTypes | |
CSwTOXWidget | |
CSwTransferable | |
CSwTranslateLangSelectDlg | |
CSwTransparencyGrf | |
CSwTypeNumber | |
CSwUINumRuleItem | |
CSwUnderlineFont | |
CSwUndo | |
CSwUndoAcceptRedline | Undo for Edit -> track changes -> accept |
CSwUndoAttr | |
CSwUndoAttrTable | |
CSwUndoBookmark | |
CSwUndoChangeFootNote | |
CSwUndoCharFormatCreate | |
CSwUndoCharFormatDelete | |
CSwUndoCompDoc | |
CSwUndoCondTextFormatCollCreate | |
CSwUndoCondTextFormatCollDelete | |
CSwUndoCpyDoc | |
CSwUndoCpyTable | |
CSwUndoDefaultAttr | |
CSwUndoDelete | |
CSwUndoDeleteBookmark | |
CSwUndoDelLayFormat | |
CSwUndoDelNoTextFieldmark | Handling undo / redo of checkbox and drop-down form field deletion |
►CSwUndoDelNum | |
CNodeLevel | |
CSwUndoDelSection | |
CSwUndoDelTextFieldmark | Handling undo / redo of text form field deletion |
CSwUndoDontExpandFormat | |
CSwUndoDrawDelete | |
CSwUndoDrawGroup | |
CSwUndoDrawUnGroup | |
CSwUndoDrawUnGroupConnectToLayout | |
CSwUndoEndNoteInfo | |
CSwUndoField | |
CSwUndoFieldFromAPI | |
CSwUndoFieldFromDoc | |
CSwUndoFlyBase | |
CSwUndoFlyDecorative | |
CSwUndoFlyStrAttr | |
CSwUndoFootNoteInfo | |
CSwUndoFormatAttr | |
CSwUndoFormatAttrHelper | |
CSwUndoFormatColl | |
CSwUndoFormatCreate | |
CSwUndoFormatDelete | |
CSwUndoFormatResetAttr | |
CSwUndoFrameFormatCreate | |
CSwUndoFrameFormatDelete | |
CSwUndoGroupObjImpl | |
CSwUndoInsBookmark | |
CSwUndoInsDoc | Undo for Insert -> Text from file |
CSwUndoInsert | Typing one or more characters to a single paragraph |
CSwUndoInsertLabel | |
CSwUndoInserts | |
CSwUndoInsLayFormat | |
CSwUndoInsNoTextFieldmark | Handling undo / redo of checkbox and drop-down form field insertion |
CSwUndoInsNum | |
CSwUndoInsSection | |
CSwUndoInsTable | Implements undo/redo for Table -> Insert Table |
CSwUndoInsTextFieldmark | Handling undo / redo of text form field insertion |
CSwUndoMergeTable | |
CSwUndoMove | |
CSwUndoMoveLeftMargin | |
CSwUndoMoveNum | |
CSwUndoNumOrNoNum | |
CSwUndoNumruleCreate | |
CSwUndoNumruleDelete | |
CSwUndoNumruleRename | |
CSwUndoNumRuleStart | |
CSwUndoNumUpDown | |
CSwUndoOutlineEdit | |
CSwUndoOutlineLeftRight | |
CSwUndoOverwrite | |
CSwUndoPageDesc | |
CSwUndoPageDescCreate | |
CSwUndoPageDescDelete | |
CSwUndoParagraphSigning | Undo/Redo Paragraph Signature |
CSwUndoRedline | |
CSwUndoRedlineDelete | |
CSwUndoRedlineSort | |
CSwUndoRejectRedline | |
CSwUndoRenameBookmark | |
CSwUndoRenameCharFormat | |
CSwUndoRenameFormat | |
CSwUndoRenameFormatColl | |
CSwUndoRenameFrameFormat | |
►CSwUndoReplace | |
CImpl | |
CSwUndoReRead | Handles the undo/redo of the 'Replace...' context menu item for an image |
CSwUndoResetAttr | |
CSwUndoSaveContent | |
CSwUndoSaveSection | |
CSwUndoSetFlyFormat | |
CSwUndoSort | |
CSwUndoSplitNode | |
CSwUndoSplitTable | |
CSwUndoTableAutoFormat | |
CSwUndoTableCpyTable | |
CSwUndoTableHeadline | |
CSwUndoTableMerge | |
►CSwUndoTableNdsChg | |
CBoxMove | |
CSwUndoTableNumFormat | |
CSwUndoTableStyleDelete | |
CSwUndoTableStyleMake | |
CSwUndoTableStyleUpdate | |
CSwUndoTableToText | |
CSwUndoTextFormatCollCreate | |
CSwUndoTextFormatCollDelete | |
CSwUndoTextToTable | |
CSwUndoTOXChange | |
CSwUndoTransliterate | |
CSwUndoUpdateIndex | |
CSwUndRng | |
CSwUnoCollection | |
CSwUnoCursor | |
CSwUnoInternalPaM | |
CSwUnoModule | |
CSwUnoPropertyMapProvider | |
CSwUnoTableCursor | |
CSwUpdateAttr | |
CSwUpdFootnoteEndNtAtEnd | |
CSwURLFieldContent | |
CSwURLStateChanged | |
CSwUserField | The non-shared part of a user field |
CSwUserFieldType | The shared part of a user field |
CSwValueField | |
CSwValueFieldType | Fields containing values that have to be formatted via number formatter |
CSwVbaAddin | |
CSwVbaAddins | |
CSwVbaApplication | |
CSwVbaAutoTextEntries | |
CSwVbaAutoTextEntry | |
CSwVbaBookmark | |
CSwVbaBookmarks | |
CSwVbaBorders | |
CSwVbaBuiltinDocumentProperties | |
CSwVbaCell | |
CSwVbaCells | |
CSwVbaColumn | |
CSwVbaColumns | |
CSwVbaContentControl | |
CSwVbaContentControlListEntries | |
CSwVbaContentControlListEntry | |
CSwVbaContentControls | |
CSwVbaCustomDocumentProperties | |
CSwVbaDialog | |
CSwVbaDialogs | |
CSwVbaDocument | |
CSwVbaDocuments | |
CSwVbaEventsHelper | |
CSwVbaField | |
CSwVbaFields | |
CSwVbaFind | |
CSwVbaFont | |
CSwVbaFormField | |
CSwVbaFormFieldCheckBox | |
CSwVbaFormFieldDropDown | |
CSwVbaFormFieldDropDownListEntries | |
CSwVbaFormFieldDropDownListEntry | |
CSwVbaFormFields | |
CSwVbaFormFieldTextInput | |
CSwVbaFrame | |
CSwVbaFrames | |
CSwVbaGlobals | |
CSwVbaHeaderFooter | |
CSwVbaHeadersFooters | |
CSwVbaInformationHelper | |
CSwVbaListFormat | |
CSwVbaListGalleries | |
CSwVbaListGallery | |
CSwVbaListHelper | |
CSwVbaListLevel | |
CSwVbaListLevels | |
CSwVbaListTemplate | |
CSwVbaListTemplates | |
CSwVbaMailMerge | |
CSwVbaOptions | |
CSwVbaPageSetup | |
CSwVbaPane | |
CSwVbaPanes | |
CSwVbaParagraph | |
CSwVbaParagraphFormat | |
CSwVbaParagraphs | |
CSwVbaRange | |
CSwVbaRangeHelper | |
CSwVbaReplacement | |
CSwVbaRevision | |
CSwVbaRevisions | |
CSwVbaRow | |
CSwVbaRows | |
CSwVbaSection | |
CSwVbaSections | |
CSwVbaSelection | |
CSwVbaStyle | |
CSwVbaStyles | |
CSwVbaSystem | |
CSwVbaTable | |
CSwVbaTableHelper | |
CSwVbaTableOfContents | |
CSwVbaTables | |
CSwVbaTablesOfContents | |
CSwVbaTabStop | |
CSwVbaTabStops | |
CSwVbaTemplate | |
CSwVbaVariable | |
CSwVbaVariables | |
CSwVbaView | |
CSwVbaWindow | |
CSwVbaWrapFormat | |
CSwVectorModifyBase | |
►CSwView | |
CSelectCycle | |
CSwView_Impl | |
CSwViewColors | |
CSwViewGlueDocShell | |
►CSwViewLayoutControl | |
CSwViewLayoutControl_Impl | |
CSwViewOption | |
CSwViewOptionAdjust_Impl | |
CSwViewShell | |
CSwViewShellImp | |
CSwVirtFlyDrawObj | |
CSwVirtPageNumInfo | |
CSwVisibleCursor | |
CSwVisiblePageNumbers | |
CSwWait | |
CSwWatermarkDialog | |
CSwWebColorConfig | |
CSwWebDocShell | |
CSwWebDrawFormShell | |
CSwWebFrameShell | |
CSwWebGlosDocShell | |
CSwWebGrfShell | |
CSwWebListShell | |
CSwWebOleShell | |
CSwWebTableShell | |
CSwWebTextShell | |
CSwWebView | |
CSwWordBasic | This is a representation of the WordBasic statements and functions that were available in Word version 6.0 and Word for Windows 95 |
CSwWordCountFloatDlg | |
CSwWordCountStatusBarControl | Word count status bar control for Writer |
CSwWordCountWrapper | |
CSwWrapDlg | |
CSwWrapTabPage | |
CSwWriter | |
CSwWriteTable | |
CSwWriteTableCell | |
CSwWriteTableCol | |
CSwWriteTableColLess | |
CSwWriteTableCols | |
CSwWriteTableRow | |
CSwWrongArea | |
CSwWrongList | |
►CSwWrtShell | Used by the UI to modify the document model |
CCursorStack | |
CModeStack | |
CSwWrtShellItem | |
CSwWW8AttrIter | |
CSwWW8FltAnchorStack | |
CSwWW8FltControlStack | |
CSwWW8FltRefStack | |
CSwWW8ImplReader | |
CSwWW8ReferencedFltEndStack | |
CSwWW8Shade | |
CSwWW8StyInf | |
CSwWW8WrGrf | |
CSwWW8Writer | The writer class that gets called for the WW8 filter |
CSwXAutoStyle | |
CSwXAutoStyleFamily | |
CSwXAutoStyles | |
CSwXAutoStylesEnumerator | |
CSwXAutoTextContainer | |
CSwXAutoTextEntry | |
CSwXAutoTextGroup | |
CSwXBodyText | |
►CSwXBookmark | UNO API wrapper around an internal sw::mark::IMark |
CImpl | |
CSwXBookmarks | |
CSwXCell | |
►CSwXCellRange | |
CImpl | |
CSwXChapterNumbering | |
►CSwXContentControl | UNO API wrapper around an SwContentControl, exposed as the com.sun.star.text.ContentControl service |
CImpl | The inner part SwXContentControl, which is deleted with a locked SolarMutex |
CSwXContentControls | UNO wrapper around SwContentControlManager |
CSwXDispatch | |
►CSwXDispatchProviderInterceptor | |
CDispatchMutexLock_Impl | |
►CSwXDocumentIndex | |
CImpl | |
CStyleAccess_Impl | |
CTokenAccess_Impl | |
CSwXDocumentIndexes | |
►CSwXDocumentIndexMark | |
CImpl | |
CSwXDocumentPropertyHelper | |
CSwXDocumentSettings | |
CSwXDrawingObjectTarget | |
CSwXEndnoteProperties | |
►CSwXFieldEnumeration | |
CImpl | |
CSwXFieldmark | UNO wrapper around an sw::mark::IFieldmark |
CSwXFieldmarkParameters | |
►CSwXFieldMaster | |
CImpl | |
CSwXFilterOptions | |
CSwXFlatParagraph | |
CSwXFlatParagraphIterator | |
►CSwXFootnote | |
CImpl | |
CSwXFootnoteProperties | |
CSwXFootnotes | |
CSwXFrames | |
CSwXGroupShape | |
►CSwXHeadFootText | |
CImpl | |
►CSwXLineBreak | UNO API wrapper around an SwFormatLineBreak, exposed as the com.sun.star.text.LineBreak service |
CImpl | The inner part SwXLineBreak, which is deleted with a locked SolarMutex |
CSwXLineNumberingProperties | |
CSwXLinkNameAccessWrapper | |
CSwXLinkTargetSupplier | |
CSwXMailMerge | Gives UNO access to the global mail merge functionality, via the com.sun.star.text.MailMerge service |
►CSwXMeta | |
CImpl | Meta has a cached list of text portions for its contents this list is created by SwXTextPortionEnumeration the Meta listens at the SwTextNode and throws away the cache when it changes |
CSwXMetaField | |
CSwXMLBlockListExport | |
CSwXMLBlockListImport | |
CSwXMLBlockListTokenHandler | |
CSwXMLBrushItemExport | |
CSwXMLBrushItemImportContext | |
CSwXMLDDETableContext_Impl | |
CSwXMLExport | |
CSwXMLImport | |
CSwXMLItemSetContext | |
CSwXMLSectionList | |
CSwXMLTableCell_Impl | |
CSwXMLTableColumn_Impl | |
CSwXMLTableColumnsSortByWidth_Impl | |
►CSwXMLTableContext | |
CColumnWidthInfo | Holds basic information about a column's width |
CSwXMLTableFrameFormatsSort_Impl | |
CSwXMLTableInfo_Impl | |
CSwXMLTableLines_Impl | |
CSwXMLTableRow_Impl | |
CSwXMLTextBlockExport | |
CSwXMLTextBlockImport | |
CSwXMLTextBlocks | |
CSwXMLTextBlockTokenHandler | |
CSwXMLTextImportHelper | |
CSwXMLTextParagraphExport | |
CSwXMLWriter | |
CSwXModule | |
►CSwXNumberingRules | |
CImpl | |
CSwXNumberingRulesCollection | |
CSwXOLEListener | |
CSwXOutlineTarget | |
CSwXParaFrameEnumeration | |
►CSwXParagraph | |
CImpl | |
CSwXParagraphEnumeration | |
CSwXPrintSettings | |
CSwXRedline | |
CSwXRedlineEnumeration | |
CSwXRedlinePortion | |
CSwXRedlines | |
CSwXRedlineText | SwXRedlineText provides an XText which may be used to write directly into a redline node |
►CSwXReferenceMark | |
CImpl | |
CSwXReferenceMarks | |
CSwXSelChgLstnr_Impl | |
CSwXServiceProvider | |
CSwXShape | |
CSwXStringKeyMap | Implementation of the css::container::XStringKeyMap interface |
CSwXStyleFamilies | |
►CSwXTableColumns | |
CImpl | |
►CSwXTableRows | UNO API wrapper for SwTableLines |
CImpl | |
►CSwXText | |
CImpl | |
CSwXTextCellStyle | A text cell style is a UNO API wrapper for a SwBoxAutoFormat core class |
CSwXTextCursor | |
CSwXTextDefaults | |
►CSwXTextDocument | |
CImpl | |
CSwXTextEmbeddedObject | |
CSwXTextEmbeddedObjects | |
►CSwXTextField | UNO wrapper around an SwFormatField, i.e |
CImpl | |
CSwXTextFieldMasters | |
►CSwXTextFieldTypes | |
CImpl | |
CSwXTextFrame | |
CSwXTextFrames | |
CSwXTextGraphicObject | |
CSwXTextGraphicObjects | |
►CSwXTextMarkup | Implementation of the css::text::XTextMarkup interface |
CImpl | |
CSwXTextPortion | |
CSwXTextPortionEnumeration | |
►CSwXTextRange | |
CImpl | |
CSwXTextRanges | |
CSwXTextSearch | |
►CSwXTextSection | |
CImpl | |
CSwXTextSections | |
►CSwXTextTable | |
CImpl | |
CSwXTextTableCursor | |
CSwXTextTableRow | |
CSwXTextTables | |
CSwXTextTableStyle | A text table style is a UNO API wrapper for a SwTableAutoFormat |
CSwXTextView | |
CSwXTextViewCursor | |
CSwXViewSettings | Implements com.sun.star.text.ViewSettings: UNO access to per-view settings (e.g |
CSwZoomControl | |
CTableBoxIndex | |
CTableBoxIndexHasher | |
CTableReference | A structure that holds flags for the table export |
CTBDelta | |
CTcg | |
CTcg255 | |
CTcg255SubStruct | |
CTcgSttbf | |
►CTcgSttbfCore | |
CSBBItem | |
CTColumn | |
CTemporarySwap | |
CTerminateOfficeThread | Thread to terminate office, when all jobs are cancelled |
CTextAndReading | |
CTextFilterAutoConvert | |
CTextFrameLockGuard | |
CTextNodeListener | |
CTextViewOutWin | |
CThreadListener | Helper class to observe threads |
►CThreadManager | Class to manage threads |
CThreadPred | |
CtThreadData | |
CTransformableSwFrame | RotateFlyFrame3: Helper class when you want to make your SwFrame derivate transformable |
CUndoTableCpyTable_Entry | |
CUndoTransliterate_Data | |
CUnfloatTableButton | Class for unfloat table button |
CUnoActionContext | |
CUnoActionRemoveContext | |
CVbaPalette | |
CViewOptFlags1 | |
CWidowsAndOrphans | |
CWinwordAnchoring | |
CWord2CHPX | |
CWriter | |
CWriter_Impl | |
CWW67_ATRD | |
CWW8_Annotation | |
CWW8_BRC | |
CWW8_BRCVer6 | |
CWW8_BRCVer9 | |
CWW8_DO | |
CWW8_FFN | This is what we use in the Parser (and Dumper) |
CWW8_FFN_BASE | Base for reading AND working on (will have different subclasses |
CWW8_PCD | |
CWW8_PdAttrDesc | For the output of sections |
CWW8_PIC | |
CWW8_SepInfo | |
CWW8_SHD | |
CWW8_STD | STD - STyle Definition |
CWW8_TablePos | |
CWW8_TBD | |
CWW8_TCell | |
CWW8_TCellVer6 | |
CWW8_TCellVer8 | |
CWW8_WKB | |
CWW8_WrFkp | FKP - Formatted disK Page |
CWW8_WrMagicTable | |
CWW8_WrPc | |
CWW8_WrPct | |
CWW8_WrPlc0 | |
CWW8_WrPlc1 | |
CWW8_WrPlcAnnotations | |
CWW8_WrPlcField | |
CWW8_WrPlcFootnoteEdn | |
CWW8_WrPlcPn | |
CWW8_WrPlcSepx | |
CWW8_WrPlcSubDoc | |
CWW8_WrPlcTextBoxes | |
CWW8_WrtBookmarks | |
CWW8_WrtFactoids | Handles export of smart tags |
CWW8_WrtRedlineAuthor | |
CWW8AttributeOutput | |
CWW8Dop | Document Properties |
CWW8DopTypography | |
CWW8DupProperties | |
CWW8Export | Exporter of the binary Word file formats |
CWW8Fib | FIB - the File Information Block |
CWW8FieldDesc | |
CWW8FieldEntry | |
CWW8FlyPara | |
CWW8FlySet | |
CWW8Fonts | |
CWW8FormulaCheckBox | |
CWW8FormulaControl | |
CWW8FormulaEditBox | |
CWW8FormulaListBox | |
CWW8Glossary | |
CWW8GlossaryFib | |
CWW8LFOInfo | |
CWW8ListManager | |
CWW8LSTInfo | |
CWW8PicDesc | |
CWW8PLCFManResult | |
CWW8PLCFpcd | |
CWW8PLCFpcd_Iter | |
CWW8PLCFspecial | Among others for fields, that is, the same number of attr as positions, if Ctor-Param bNoEnd = false |
CWW8PLCFx_AtnBook | Handles the import of PlcfAtnBkf and PlcfAtnBkl: start / end position of annotation marks |
CWW8PLCFx_Book | Iterator for Booknotes |
CWW8PLCFx_Cp_FKP | Iterator for Piece Table Exceptions of Fkps works on CPs (high-level) |
CWW8PLCFx_FactoidBook | Handles the import of PlcfBkfFactoid and PlcfBklFactoid: start / end position of factoids |
►CWW8PLCFx_Fc_FKP | Iterator for Piece Table Exceptions of Fkps works only with FCs, not with CPs ! ( Low-Level ) |
►CWW8Fkp | |
CEntry | |
CWW8PLCFx_FLD | Iterator for fields |
CWW8PLCFx_PCDAttrs | |
CWW8PLCFx_SEPX | Iterator for Piece Table Exceptions of Sepx |
CWW8PLCFx_SubDoc | Iterator for footnotes/endnotes and comments |
CWW8PLCFxDesc | |
CWW8PLCFxSave1 | |
CWW8PLCFxSaveAll | |
CWW8PostProcessAttrsInfo | |
CWW8Reader | |
CWW8ReaderSave | |
CWW8RStyle | |
CWW8Ruby | |
CWW8ScannerBase | |
CWW8SelBoxInfo | |
CWW8SHDLong | |
CWW8SmartTagData | [MS-DOC] SmartTagData: stores information about all smart tags in the document |
CWW8SprmIter | Simple Iterator for SPRMs |
CWW8Style | |
CWW8SwFlyPara | |
CWW8TabBandDesc | |
CWW8TabDesc | |
►CwwExtraneousParas | |
CExtraTextNodeListener | |
CwwFont | Collects and outputs fonts |
CwwFontHelper | |
CwwFrameNamer | |
CwwSection | |
►CwwSectionManager | |
CwwULSpaceData | |
CwwSectionNamer | |
CwwSprmParser | WwSprmParser knows how to take a sequence of bytes and split it up into sprms and their arguments |
CwwSprmSearcher | |
CwwZOrderer | |
CXMLReader | |
CXMLRedlineImportHelper | |
CXst | |
CXstz | |
CZSortFly | Helper to copy paragraph-bound Flys |