virtual | ~SwFormat () override |
SwFormat & | operator= (const SwFormat &) |
sal_uInt16 | Which () const |
| for Querying of Writer-functions. More...
void | CopyAttrs (const SwFormat &) |
| Copy attributes even among documents. More...
void | DelDiffs (const SfxItemSet &rSet) |
| Delete all attributes that are not in rFormat. More...
void | DelDiffs (const SwFormat &rFormat) |
bool | SetDerivedFrom (SwFormat *pDerivedFrom=nullptr) |
| 0 is Default. More...
const SfxPoolItem & | GetFormatAttr (sal_uInt16 nWhich, bool bInParents=true) const |
| If bInParents is FALSE, search only in this format for attribute. More...
template<class T > |
const T & | GetFormatAttr (TypedWhichId< T > nWhich, bool bInParents=true) const |
SfxItemState | GetItemState (sal_uInt16 nWhich, bool bSrchInParent=true, const SfxPoolItem **ppItem=nullptr) const |
template<class T > |
SfxItemState | GetItemState (TypedWhichId< T > nWhich, bool bSrchInParent=true, const T **ppItem=nullptr) const |
template<class T > |
const T * | GetItemIfSet (TypedWhichId< T > nWhich, bool bSrchInParent=true) const |
| Templatized version of GetItemState() to directly return the correct type. More...
SfxItemState | GetBackgroundState (std::unique_ptr< SvxBrushItem > &rItem) const |
virtual bool | SetFormatAttr (const SfxPoolItem &rAttr) |
virtual bool | SetFormatAttr (const SfxItemSet &rSet) |
virtual bool | ResetFormatAttr (sal_uInt16 nWhich1, sal_uInt16 nWhich2=0) |
virtual sal_uInt16 | ResetAllFormatAttr () |
| Takes all hints from Delta-Array,. More...
SwFormat * | DerivedFrom () const |
bool | IsDefault () const |
const OUString & | GetName () const |
bool | HasName (std::u16string_view rName) const |
virtual void | SetFormatName (const OUString &rNewName, bool bBroadcast=false) |
const SwAttrSet & | GetAttrSet () const |
| For querying the attribute array. More...
const SwDoc * | GetDoc () const |
| The document is set in SwAttrPool now, therefore you always can access it. More...
SwDoc * | GetDoc () |
const IDocumentSettingAccess & | getIDocumentSettingAccess () const |
| Provides access to the document settings interface. More...
const IDocumentDrawModelAccess & | getIDocumentDrawModelAccess () const |
| Provides access to the document draw model interface. More...
IDocumentDrawModelAccess & | getIDocumentDrawModelAccess () |
const IDocumentLayoutAccess & | getIDocumentLayoutAccess () const |
| Provides access to the document layout interface. More...
IDocumentLayoutAccess & | getIDocumentLayoutAccess () |
IDocumentTimerAccess & | getIDocumentTimerAccess () |
| Provides access to the document idle timer interface. More...
IDocumentFieldsAccess & | getIDocumentFieldsAccess () |
| Provides access to the document idle timer interface. More...
IDocumentChartDataProviderAccess & | getIDocumentChartDataProviderAccess () |
| Gives access to the chart data-provider. More...
sal_uInt16 | GetPoolFormatId () const |
| Get and set Pool style IDs. More...
void | SetPoolFormatId (sal_uInt16 nId) |
sal_uInt16 | GetPoolHelpId () const |
| Get and set Help-IDs for document templates. More...
void | SetPoolHelpId (sal_uInt16 nId) |
sal_uInt8 | GetPoolHlpFileId () const |
void | SetPoolHlpFileId (sal_uInt8 nId) |
void | GetPresentation (SfxItemPresentation ePres, MapUnit eCoreMetric, MapUnit ePresMetric, OUString &rText) const |
| Get attribute-description. Returns passed string. More...
bool | IsAuto () const |
| Query / set AutoFormat-flag. More...
void | SetAuto (bool bNew) |
bool | IsHidden () const |
void | SetHidden (bool bValue) |
void | GetGrabBagItem (css::uno::Any &rVal) const |
void | SetGrabBagItem (const css::uno::Any &rVal) |
bool | IsAutoUpdateOnDirectFormat () const |
| Query / set m_bAutoUpdateOnDirectFormat-flag. More...
void | SetAutoUpdateOnDirectFormat (bool bNew=true) |
bool | IsFormatInDTOR () const |
const SvxUnderlineItem & | GetUnderline (bool=true) const |
| GetMethods: Bool indicates whether to search only in Set (FALSE) or also in Parents. More...
const SvxFontHeightItem & | GetSize (bool=true) const |
const SvxFontItem & | GetFont (bool=true) const |
const SvxColorItem & | GetColor (bool=true) const |
const SvxFontItem & | GetCJKFont (bool=true) const |
const SvxFontItem & | GetCTLFont (bool=true) const |
const SwFormatFillOrder & | GetFillOrder (bool=true) const |
| Frame-attributes - implemented in frmatr.hxx. More...
const SwFormatFrameSize & | GetFrameSize (bool=true) const |
const SwFormatHeader & | GetHeader (bool=true) const |
const SwFormatFooter & | GetFooter (bool=true) const |
const SwFormatSurround & | GetSurround (bool=true) const |
const SwFormatHoriOrient & | GetHoriOrient (bool=true) const |
const SwFormatAnchor & | GetAnchor (bool=true) const |
const SwFormatCol & | GetCol (bool=true) const |
const SvxPaperBinItem & | GetPaperBin (bool=true) const |
const SvxLeftMarginItem & | GetLeftMargin (bool=true) const |
const SvxTextLeftMarginItem & | GetTextLeftMargin (bool=true) const |
const SvxFirstLineIndentItem & | GetFirstLineIndent (bool=true) const |
const SvxRightMarginItem & | GetRightMargin (bool=true) const |
const SvxGutterLeftMarginItem & | GetGutterLeftMargin (bool=true) const |
const SvxGutterRightMarginItem & | GetGutterRightMargin (bool=true) const |
const SvxLRSpaceItem & | GetLRSpace (bool=true) const |
const SvxULSpaceItem & | GetULSpace (bool=true) const |
const SwFormatContent & | GetContent (bool=true) const |
const SvxPrintItem & | GetPrint (bool=true) const |
const SvxOpaqueItem & | GetOpaque (bool=true) const |
const SvxProtectItem & | GetProtect (bool=true) const |
const SwFormatVertOrient & | GetVertOrient (bool=true) const |
const SvxBoxItem & | GetBox (bool=true) const |
const SvxFormatKeepItem & | GetKeep (bool=true) const |
std::unique_ptr< SvxBrushItem > | makeBackgroundBrushItem (bool=true) const |
const SvxShadowItem & | GetShadow (bool=true) const |
const SwFormatPageDesc & | GetPageDesc (bool=true) const |
const SvxFormatBreakItem & | GetBreak (bool=true) const |
const SvxMacroItem & | GetMacro (bool=true) const |
const SwFormatURL & | GetURL (bool=true) const |
const SwFormatEditInReadonly & | GetEditInReadonly (bool=true) const |
const SwFormatLayoutSplit & | GetLayoutSplit (bool=true) const |
const SwFormatRowSplit & | GetRowSplit (bool=true) const |
const SwFormatFlySplit & | GetFlySplit (bool=true) const |
const SwFormatChain & | GetChain (bool=true) const |
const SwFormatFootnoteAtTextEnd & | GetFootnoteAtTextEnd (bool=true) const |
const SwFormatEndAtTextEnd & | GetEndAtTextEnd (bool=true) const |
const SwFormatNoBalancedColumns & | GetBalancedColumns (bool=true) const |
const SvxFrameDirectionItem & | GetFrameDir (bool=true) const |
const SwTextGridItem & | GetTextGrid (bool=true) const |
const SwHeaderAndFooterEatSpacingItem & | GetHeaderAndFooterEatSpacing (bool=true) const |
const SwFormatFollowTextFlow & | GetFollowTextFlow (bool=true) const |
const SwFormatWrapInfluenceOnObjPos & | GetWrapInfluenceOnObjPos (bool=true) const |
const SdrTextVertAdjustItem & | GetTextVertAdjust (bool=true) const |
const SvxLineSpacingItem & | GetLineSpacing (bool=true) const |
| Paragraph-attributes - implemented in paratr.hxx. More...
const SwNumRuleItem & | GetNumRule (bool=true) const |
const SvxTabStopItem & | GetTabStops (bool=true) const |
const SwFormatDrop & | GetDrop (bool=true) const |
const SwTableBoxNumFormat & | GetTableBoxNumFormat (bool=true) const |
| TableBox attributes - implemented in cellatr.hxx. More...
const SwTableBoxFormula & | GetTableBoxFormula (bool=true) const |
const SwTableBoxValue & | GetTableBoxValue (bool=true) const |
void | SetPageFormatToDefault () |
virtual bool | IsBackgroundTransparent () const |
| SwFormat::IsBackgroundTransparent. More...
virtual drawinglayer::attribute::SdrAllFillAttributesHelperPtr | getSdrAllFillAttributesHelper () const |
virtual bool | supportsFullDrawingLayerFillAttributeSet () const |
void | RemoveAllUnos () |
| BorderCacheOwner () |
| BorderCacheOwner (BorderCacheOwner &) |
BorderCacheOwner & | operator= (const BorderCacheOwner &) |
| ~BorderCacheOwner () |
bool | IsInCache () const |
void | InvalidateInSwCache (const sal_uInt16) |