LibreOffice Module sc (master) 1
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234567891011121314]
 Caccessibility::AccessibleStaticTextBase [external]
 CScCheckListMenuControl::ActionAction to perform when an event takes place
 Csc::AlignedAllocator< T, Alignment >Custom allocator for STL container to ensure that the base address of allocated storage is aligned to a specified boundary
 Coox::xls::AlignmentModelContains all XML cell alignment attributes, e.g
 Coox::xls::AnchorClientDataModelApplication-specific client data of a shape
 CScDBCollection::AnonDBsStores global anonymous database ranges
 Coox::xls::ApiAlignmentDataContains all API cell alignment attributes
 Coox::xls::ApiBorderDataContains API attributes of a complete cell border
 Coox::xls::ApiFilterSettingsContains UNO API filter settings for a column in a filtered range
 Coox::xls::ApiFontDataContains all API font attributes
 Coox::xls::ApiFontUsedFlagsContains used flags for all API font attributes
 CScExternalRefManager::ApiGuardUse this guard when performing something from the API that might query values from external references
 Coox::xls::ApiNumFmtDataContains all API number format attributes
 Coox::xls::ApiOpCodesContains all API op-codes needed to build formulas with tokens
 Coox::xls::ApiProtectionDataContains all API cell protection attributes
 Coox::xls::ApiScriptFontNameContains API font name, family, and charset for a script type
 Coox::xls::ApiSolidFillDataContains API fill attributes
 Coox::xls::ApiTokenIteratorToken sequence iterator that is able to skip space tokens
 Coox::xls::ApiTokenVectorA vector of formula tokens with additional convenience functions
 Csc::AutoCalcSwitchTemporarily switch on/off auto calculation mode
 CAutoFormatBase [external]
 CAutoFormatSwBlobA binary blob of writer-specific data
 CAutoFormatVersions [external]
 Ccppu::BaseMutex [external]
 Coox::xls::BiffHelperStatic helper functions for BIFF filters
 Coox::xls::BinAddressA 2D cell address struct for binary filters
 Coox::xls::BinComplexRef2dA 2D formula cell range reference struct with relative flags
 Coox::xls::BinRangeA 2D cell range address struct for binary filters
 Coox::xls::BinRangeListA 2D cell range address list for binary filters
 Coox::xls::BinSingleRef2dA 2D formula cell reference struct with relative flags
 Coox::xls::BorderLineModelContains XML attributes of a single border line
 Coox::xls::BorderModelContains XML attributes of a complete cell border
 CScDPTableData::CalcInfoThis structure stores dimension information used when calculating results
 CScDPTableData::CalcRowDataThis structure stores vector arrays that hold intermediate data for each row during cache table iteration
 Coox::xls::CalcSettingsModelWorkbook calculation settings
 CScExternalRefCache::CellIndividual cell within cached external ref table
 Coox::xls::CellAnchorModelPosition in spreadsheet (cell position and offset inside cell)
 Coox::xls::CellFormulaModelStores data about cell formulas
 Coox::xls::CellModelStores basic data about cell values and formatting
 Coox::xls::CellStyleModelContains attributes of a cell style, e.g
 Csc::CellValuesThink of this as a mini-ScColumn like storage that only stores cell values in a column
 Coox::drawingml::chart::ChartConverter [external]
 Coox::drawingml::Color [external]
 Csc::ColumnBlockPositionStore position data for column array storage
 Csc::ColumnIteratorThis iterator lets you iterate over cells over specified range in a single column
 Coox::xls::ColumnModelStores settings and formatting data about a range of sheet columns
 Csc::ColumnSetSimple container to keep track of sheet - column pair
 Csc::ColumnSpanSetStructure that stores segments of boolean flags per column, and perform custom action on those segments
 Csc::CompiledFormulaAbstract base class for a "compiled" formula
 Coox::xls::CondFormatModelModel for a conditional formatting object
 Coox::xls::CondFormatRuleModelModel for a single rule in a conditional formatting
 CScCheckListMenuControl::ConfigConfiguration options for this popup window
 Cutl::ConfigurationBroadcaster [external]
 Cutl::ConfigurationListener [external]
 Ccomphelper::ConfigurationListenerPropertyBase [external]
 Coox::xls::ConnectionModelCommon properties of an external data connection
 Coox::core::ContextHandler [external]
 CScDPFilteredCache::CriterionSingle filtering criterion
 Cweld::CustomWidgetController [external]
 CScCompressedArray< A, D >::DataEntry
 Csc::DataProviderAbstract class for all data provider
 Csc::ImportPostProcessData::DataStreamData stream data needs to be post-processed because it requires ScDocShell instance which is not available in the filter code
 Coox::xls::DataTableModelStores data about table operations
 CScDPCollection::DBCachesData caches for external database sources
 CScDPCache::DBConnectorInterface for connecting to database source
 CScDPCollection::DBTypeDefines connection type to external data source
 Csc::DelayDeletingBroadcastersWrapper for ScDocument::EnableDelayDeletingBroadcasters()
 Csc::DelayFormulaGroupingSwitchWrapper for ScDocument::DelayFormulaGrouping()
 Csc::DelayStartListeningFormulaCellsWrapper for ScDocument::EnableDelayStartListeningFormulaCells()
 CDffPropSet [external]
 Cweld::DialogController [external]
 CScExternalRefCache::DocItemRepresents data cached for a single external document
 Csc::DocumentStreamAccessProvides methods to allow direct shifting of document content without broadcasting or shifting of broadcaster positions
 Coox::vml::Drawing [external]
 Csc::opencl::DynamicKernelArgument(Partially) abstract base class for an operand
 CEditEngine [external]
 Csc::EditTextIteratorIterate through all edit text cells in a given sheet
 Coox::drawingml::EmuPoint [external]
 Coox::drawingml::EmuSize [external]
 CScOrcusXMLTreeParam::EntryDataCustom data stored with each tree item
 CEscherExClientAnchor_Base [external]
 CEscherExClientRecord_Base [external]
 CEscherExHostAppData [external]
 CEscherGraphicProvider [external]
 CEscherPersistTable [external]
 Csdr::animation::Event [external]
 CTokenPool::ExtAreaRefFor storage of external area references
 CTokenPool::ExtCellRefFor storage of external cell references
 CScCheckListMenuControl::ExtendedDataExtended data that the client code may need to store
 Cformula::ExternalReferenceHelper [external]
 CTokenPool::ExtNameFor storage of external names
 Coox::xls::FileSharingModelSettings for workbook write protection
 Coox::core::FilterBase [external]
 CScDPFilteredCache::FilterBaseInterface class used for filtering of rows
 Coox::xls::FilterCriterionModelA filter criterion for a custom filter
 CXclExpXFBuffer::FindKeyComposite key for the find-map, so we can do partial key searching
 Coox::xls::FontModelContains all XML font attributes, e.g
 Coox::xls::FontPortionModelRepresents a position in a rich-string containing current font identifier
 Coox::xls::FontPortionModelListA vector with all font portions in a rich-string
 Cformula::FormEditData [external]
 Cformula::FormulaCompiler [external]
 Csc::FormulaGroupInterpreterAbstract base class for vectorised formula group interpreters, plus a global instance factory
 Csc::FormulaLoggerDummy class with all empty inline methods
 Cformula::FormulaOpCodeMapperObj [external]
 Cformula::FormulaToken [external]
 Cformula::FormulaTokenArray [external]
 Coox::core::FragmentHandler [external]
 Csc::FuncElseNoOp< SizeT, Ret >
 Csc::FuncNotElem< FuncElem, Elem >
 Coox::xls::FunctionInfoRepresents information for a spreadsheet function
 Coox::xls::FunctionParamInfoStructure that contains all needed information for a parameter in a function
 Coox::xls::FunctionParamInfoIteratorIterator working on the mpParamInfos member of the FunctionInfo struct
 Coox::xls::FunctionProviderProvides access to function info structs for all available sheet functions
 CFunctionSet [external]
 CFuPoorBase class for all functions
 Coox::xls::GradientFillModelContains XML gradient fill attributes from the gradientFill element
 Coox::GraphicHelper [external]
 Caccessibility::IAccessibleParent [external]
 Caccessibility::IAccessibleViewForwarder [external]
 Ccomphelper::IDocPasswordVerifier [external]
 Cformula::IFormulaEditorHelper [external]
 Cformula::IFunctionCategory [external]
 Cformula::IFunctionDescription [external]
 Cformula::IFunctionManager [external]
 Coox::xls::IgnoreCaseCompareFunctor for case-insensitive string comparison, usable in maps etc
 Csc::SparklineAttributes::ImplementationHolder of sparkline attributes
 Ccppu::ImplHelper1< class Ifc1 > [external]
 Ccppu::ImplHelper2< class Ifc1, class Ifc2 > [external]
 Ccppu::ImplHelper3< class Ifc1, class Ifc2, class Ifc3 > [external]
 Csc::ImportPostProcessDataStores data imported from the file that need to be processed at the end of the import process
 CInheritedHelperInterfaceImpl< typename... Ifc > [external]
 CInheritedHelperInterfaceImpl< ::cppu::WeakImplHelper< Ifc... > > [external]
 CInheritedHelperInterfaceImpl< Ifc... > [external]
 Co3tl::is_typed_flags< CellShiftDisabledFlags, 0x3 > [external]
 Co3tl::is_typed_flags< CreateNameFlags, 0xf > [external]
 Co3tl::is_typed_flags< CRFlags, 0x0f > [external]
 Co3tl::is_typed_flags< ExcColRowFlags, 0x0f > [external]
 Co3tl::is_typed_flags< ExcTabBufFlags, 0x73 > [external]
 Co3tl::is_typed_flags< FuncFlags, 0x77ff > [external]
 Co3tl::is_typed_flags< HasAttrFlags, 0x1fff > [external]
 Co3tl::is_typed_flags< ImportFlags, 0x0f > [external]
 Co3tl::is_typed_flags< InsertContentsFlags, 0x07 > [external]
 Co3tl::is_typed_flags< InsertDeleteFlags, 0x7fff > [external]
 Co3tl::is_typed_flags< PaintPartFlags, 0x07f > [external]
 Co3tl::is_typed_flags< PivotFunc, 0x1fff > [external]
 Co3tl::is_typed_flags< sc::MatrixEdge, 63 > [external]
 Co3tl::is_typed_flags< ScBreakType, 0x03 > [external]
 Co3tl::is_typed_flags< ScCharFlags, 0x01ffffff > [external]
 Co3tl::is_typed_flags< ScClipMark, 0x07 > [external]
 Co3tl::is_typed_flags< ScCloneFlags, 0x0007 > [external]
 Co3tl::is_typed_flags< ScCsvDiff, 0x03ff > [external]
 Co3tl::is_typed_flags< ScDragSrc, 0x00000003 > [external]
 Co3tl::is_typed_flags< ScMatValType, 0x0f > [external]
 Co3tl::is_typed_flags< ScMF, 0x07ff > [external]
 Co3tl::is_typed_flags< ScPasteFlags, 0x03 > [external]
 Co3tl::is_typed_flags< ScRangeData::Type, 0xff > [external]
 Co3tl::is_typed_flags< ScRefFlags, 0xffff > [external]
 Co3tl::is_typed_flags< ScScenarioFlags, 127 > [external]
 Co3tl::is_typed_flags< SubtotalFlags, 0x0f > [external]
 Co3tl::is_typed_flags< XclStrFlags, 0x001f > [external]
 Csfx2::sidebar::ControllerItem::ItemUpdateReceiverInterface [external]
 CScMatrix::IterateResult< tRes >Iterator for executing one operation with the matrix data
 CScMatrix::IterateResultMultiple< tRes >When adding all numerical matrix elements for a scalar result such as summation, the interpreter wants to separate the first non-zero value with the rest of the summed values
 CScCompressedArray< A, D >::Iterator
 Csvx::IThemeColorChanger [external]
 CKahanSumThis class provides LO with Kahan summation algorithm About this algorithm: For general purpose software we assume first order error is enough
 CScExternalRefManager::LinkListenerBase class for objects that need to listen to link updates
 Coox::xls::LinkSheetRangeContains indexes for a range of sheets in the spreadsheet document
 Coox::xls::SheetDataBuffer::MergedRangeStores information about a merged cell range
 CXclImpExtName::MOperMOper, multiple operands, stores cached values of external range specified in the record
 Coox::ole::MSConvertOCXControls [external]
 CScXMLImport::MutexGuardUse this class to manage solar mutex locking instead of calling LockSolarMutex() and UnlockSolarMutex() directly
 CScDPCollection::NameCachesData caches for range name based source data
 CScQueryCellIteratorAccessSpecific< accessType >::NonEmptyCellIndexerThis class sequentially indexes non-empty cells in order, from the top of the block where the start row position is, to the bottom of the block where the end row position is
 CScDocument::NumFmtMergeHandlerUse this class as a locale variable to merge number formatter from another document, and set NULL pointer to pFormatExchangeList when done
 Ccomphelper::OAccessibleComponentHelper [external]
 Csc::op::Op_< T, tRes >
 Csc::opencl::OpBaseAbstract class for code generation
 Csc::opencl::OpenCLErrorFailed in marshaling
 Ccomphelper::OPropertyArrayUsageHelper< class TYPE > [external]
 Ccomphelper::OPropertyContainerHelper [external]
 Ccppu::OWeakObject [external]
 Coox::xls::PageBreakModelStores formatting data about a page break
 Coox::xls::PageSettingsModelHolds page style data for a single sheet
 CPanelLayout [external]
 Coox::xls::PaneSelectionModelContains all settings for a selection in a single pane of a sheet
 CScFuncDesc::ParameterFlagsStores whether a parameter is optional or suppressed
 Coox::xls::PatternFillModelContains XML pattern fill attributes from the patternFill element
 CScCompiler::PendingImplicitIntersectionOptimization"stack" of currently active ocTableRef tokens
 Coox::xls::PhoneticPortionModelRepresents a phonetic text portion in a rich-string with phonetic text
 Coox::xls::PhoneticPortionModelListA vector with all phonetic portions in a rich-string
 Coox::xls::PivotCacheGroupItemHelper struct for mapping original item names from/to group item names
 Csc::PivotTableSourcesStore pivot table data that need to be post-processed at the end of the import
 CScDocShell::PrepareSaveGuardDo things that need to be done before saving to our own format and necessary clean ups in dtor
 Cvcl::PrinterOptionsHelper [external]
 Coox::xls::ProtectionModelContains all XML cell protection attributes, e.g
 CSvtListener::QueryBase [external]
 Csc::RangeColumnSpanSetOptimized ColumnSpanSet version that operates on a single ScRange
 CScCompressedArray< A, D >::RangeData
 CTokenPool::RangeNameFor storage of named ranges
 Csc::RangeTraverserIterator to traverse the addresses in a range if the range is one dimensional
 Csc::AlignedAllocator< T, Alignment >::rebind< Type2 >
 CRedlinData [external]
 Cformula::RefEdit [external]
 CReferenceMarkDescribes reference mark to be drawn, position & size in TWIPs
 Coox::xls::RefSheetsModelRepresents a REF entry in the BIFF12 EXTERNALSHEETS or in the BIFF8 EXTERNSHEET record
 Csc::RefUpdateContextContext for reference update during shifting, moving or copying of cell ranges
 Coox::xls::RichStringContains string data and a list of formatting runs for a rich formatted string
 Coox::xls::RichStringPhoneticContains text data and positioning information for a phonetic text portion
 Coox::xls::RichStringPortionContains text data and font attributes for a part of a rich formatted string
 Coox::xls::RowModelStores settings and formatting data about a sheet row
 CScAutoNameCacheCache for faster lookup of automatic names during CompileXML (during CompileXML, no document content is changed)
 CScBroadcastAreaUsed in a Unique Associative Container
 CScBroadcastAreaSlotCollection of BroadcastAreas
 CScBroadcastAreaSlotMachineBroadcastAreaSlots and their management, once per document
 CScCalcConfigConfiguration options for formula interpreter
 CScCellIteratorWalk through all cells in an area
 CScCellKeywordTranslatorTranslate cell function keywords
 CScCellValueStore arbitrary cell value of any kind
 CScChangeActionLinkEntryA link/connection/dependency between change actions
 CScChartHelperUse this to handle charts in a calc document
 CScChartLockGuardAll current charts in the calc will be locked in constructor and unlocked in destructor
 CScCheckListMenuControlThis class implements a popup window for the auto filter dropdown
 CScClipOptionsStores options which are only relevant for clipboard documents
 CScClipParamThis struct stores general clipboard parameters associated with a ScDocument instance created in clipboard mode
 CScComplexRefDataComplex reference (a range) into the sheet
 CScCompressedArray< A, D >Compressed array of row (or column) entries, e.g
 CScCompressedArray< SCROW, sal_uInt16 >
 CScConsDataUse structure ScDocument if a certain size is exceeded?
 CScConversionParamParameters for conversion
 CScCsvCmdData for a CSV control command
 CScCsvColStateThis struct contains the state of one table column
 CScCsvExpDataExported data of a column (data used in the dialog)
 CScCsvLayoutDataA structure containing all layout data valid for both ruler and data grid (i.e
 CScCsvSplitsA vector of column splits that supports inserting, removing and moving splits
 CScCsvTableBoxThe control in the CSV import dialog that contains a ruler and a data grid to visualize and modify the current import settings
 CScDataAreaExtrasStruct to hold non-data extended area, used with ScDocument::ShrinkToUsedDataArea()
 CScDataPilotChildObjBaseBase class of all implementation objects based on a DataPilot descriptor or DataPilot table object
 CScDBDataContainerBaseContainer base class to provide selected access for ScDBData
 Csc::ScDBDataManagerThis class handles the copying of the data from the imported temporary document to the actual document
 CScDBRangeBaseBase class for abstracting range data backends for database functions
 CScDetectiveRefIterIterator for references in a formula cell
 CScDLLThis class is a wrapper for a Load-On-Demand-DLL
 CScDocShellModificatorCreate before modifications of the document and destroy thereafter
 CScDocumentImportAccessor class to ScDocument
 CScDocumentThreadSpecificFor usage in FindDdeLink() only!
 CScDoubleFieldAn edit control that contains a double precision floating-point value
 CScDPCacheThis class represents the cached data part of the datapilot cache table implementation
 CScDPDimensionSaveDataThis class has to do with handling exclusively grouped dimensions? TODO: Find out what this class does and document it here
 CScDPFieldButtonThis class takes care of physically drawing field button controls inside data pilot tables
 CScDPFilteredCacheThis class is only a wrapper to the actual cache, to provide filtering on the raw data based on the query filter and/or page field filters
 CScDPInitStateMember names that are being processed for InitFrom/LateInitFrom (needed for initialization of grouped items)
 CScDPItemDataWhen assigning a string value, you can also assign an interned string whose life-cycle is managed by the pivot cache that it belongs to
 CScDPResultDataThe term 'measure' here roughly equals "data dimension" ?
 CScDPResultTreeThis class maintains pivot table calculation result in a tree structure which represents the logical structure of pivot table result layout as presented in the sheet
 CScDPResultVisibilityDataThis class collects visible members of each dimension and uses that information to create filtering criteria (e.g
 CScDPRunningTotalStateIndexes when calculating running totals
 CScDPSaveGroupDimensionRepresents a new group dimension whose dimension ID is higher than the highest source dimension ID
 CScDPSaveGroupItemClasses to save Data Pilot settings that create new dimensions (fields)
 CScDPSaveNumGroupDimensionRepresents a group dimension that introduces a new hierarchy for an existing dimension
 CScDPSubTotalStateSelect subtotal information, passed down the dimensions
 CScDPTableDataBase class that abstracts different data source types of a datapilot table
 CScEnhancedProtectionContainer for the Excel EnhancedProtection feature
 CScExportTextOptionsThese options control how multi-line cells are converted during export in certain lossy formats (such as csv)
 CScExtDocOptionsExtended options held by an ScDocument containing additional settings for filters
 CScExtDocOptionsImplImplementation struct for ScExtDocOptions containing all members
 CScExtDocSettingsExtended settings for the document, used in import/export filters
 CScExternalRefCacheCache table for external reference data
 CScExtTabSettingsExtended settings for a sheet, used in import/export filters
 CScfApiHelperStatic API helper functions
 CScFormulaGroupCycleCheckGuardA class to wrap ScRecursionHelper::PushFormulaGroup(), ScRecursionHelper::PopFormulaGroup() and make these calls exception safe
 CScFormulaParserPoolStores the used instances of the FilterFormulaParser service implementations, mapped by the formula namespace they support
 CScFormulaResultStore a variable formula cell result, balancing between runtime performance and memory consumption
 CScfProgressBarProgress bar for complex progress representation
 CScfProgressBar::ScfProgressSegmentContains all data of a segment of the progress bar
 CScfPropertySetA wrapper for a UNO property set
 CScfPropSetHelperGeneric helper class for reading from and writing to property sets
 CScfSimpleProgressBarA simplified progress bar with only one segment
 CScfStreamProgressBarA simplified progress bar based on the stream position of an existing stream
 CScfToolsContains static methods used anywhere in the filters
 CScFunctionDataTo calculate a single subtotal function
 CScFunctionListList of spreadsheet functions
 CScHorizontalValueIteratorRow-wise value iterator
 CScHTMLPosA 2D cell position in an HTML table
 CScHTMLSizeA 2D cell size in an HTML table
 CScHTMLStylesCollection of HTML style data parsed from the content of <style> elements
 CScHTMLTableStores data for one table in an HTML document
 CScHTMLTableAutoIdThis struct handles creation of unique table identifiers
 CScHTMLTableMapA map of ScHTMLTable objects
 CScLokRTLContextUsed to store the necessary information about the (combined-)tile area relevant to coordinate transformations in RTL mode
 CScMarkArrayThis is a rather odd datastructure
 CScMarkDataTodo: It should be possible to have MarkArrays for each table, in order to enable "search all" across more than one table again!
 CScMatrixMatrix data type that can store values of mixed types
 CScMatrixValueTry NOT to use this struct
 CScMutationDisableInstantiate this to ensure that subsequent modification of the document will cause an assertion failure while this is in-scope
 CScMutationGuardA pretty assertion that checks that the relevant bits in the @nFlags are not set on the document at entry and exit
 CScNavigatorSettingsContains settings of the navigator listbox
 CScNoteDataInternal data for a cell annotation
 CScOoxPasswordHashOOXML password definitions: algorithmName, hashValue, saltValue, spinCount
 CScOrcusFiltersCollection of orcus filter wrappers
 CScOrcusXMLTreeParamParameter used during call to ScOrcusFilters::loadXMLStructure()
 CScPostItAdditional class containing cell annotation data
 CScPrintFuncCacheStores the data for printing that is needed from several sheets, so it doesn't have to be calculated for rendering each page
 CScPrintPageLocationThe range that is printed on a page (excluding repeated columns/rows), and its position on the page, used to find hyperlink targets
 CScPrintSelectionStatusStores the selection in the ScPrintFuncCache so it is only used for the same selection again
 CScQueryCellIteratorAccessSpecific< accessType >
 CScQueryCellIteratorAccessSpecific< ScQueryCellIteratorAccess::Direct >
 CScQueryCellIteratorAccessSpecific< ScQueryCellIteratorAccess::SortedCache >
 CScQueryCellIteratorTypeSpecific< iteratorType >
 CScQueryCellIteratorTypeSpecific< queryType >
 CScQueryCellIteratorTypeSpecific< ScQueryCellIteratorType::CountIf >
 CScQueryCellIteratorTypeSpecific< ScQueryCellIteratorType::Generic >
 CScQueryEntryEach instance of this struct represents a single filtering criteria
 CScRefCellValueThis is very similar to ScCellValue, except that it references the original value instead of copying it
 CScSelectionStateContains all available data about any possible selection in a Calc document
 CScSetStringParamStore parameters used in the ScDocument::SetString() method
 CScSheetSourceDescThis class contains authoritative information on the internal reference used as the data source for datapilot table
 CScSingleRefDataSingle reference (one address) into the sheet
 CScTabOpParamParameter for data table aka multiple operations
 CScTemporaryChartLockUse this to lock all charts in the calc for a little time
 CScUnoAddInHelpIdGeneratorGenerates help IDs for standard Calc AddIns
 CScUnoListenerCallsScUnoListenerCalls stores notifications to XModifyListener that can't be processed during BroadcastUno and calls them together at the end
 CScUnoRefListList of RefUpdate changes made to UNO objects during ScUpdateRefHint broadcast
 CScUserListCollection of user-defined sort lists
 CScUserListDataStores individual user-defined sort list
 CScUserMacroDepTrackerA simple container to keep track of cells that depend on basic modules changes
 CScValidationDataIsNumericTo test numeric data text length in IsDataValidTextLen()
 CScVbaAppSettingsGlobal application settings shared by all open workbooks
 Cdetail::ScVbaHlinkContainerMemberBase class for ScVbaHyperlinks to get an initialized ScVbaHlinkContainer class member before the ScVbaHyperlinks_BASE base class will be constructed
 CScWarnPasswordStatic API helper functions
 CScXMLCachedRowAttrAccessWrapper for accessing hidden and filtered row attributes
 CScXMLConditionParseResultResult of an attempt to parse a single condition in a 'condition' attribute value of e.g
 CScXMLEditAttributeMapProvide mapping from ODF text formatting styles to EditEngine's, for rich-text cell content import
 CSdrAngleItem [external]
 CSdrModel [external]
 CSdrObjList [external]
 CSdrObjUserData [external]
 CSdrPaintView [external]
 CSdrUndoAction [external]
 CSdrUndoManager [external]
 CSelectionEngine [external]
 CSfxAbstractDialog [external]
 CSfxBaseController [external]
 CSfxBaseModel [external]
 CSfxBroadcaster [external]
 CSfxChildWindow [external]
 CSfxControllerItem [external]
 CSfxDialogController [external]
 CSfxDockingWindow [external]
 CSfxHint [external]
 CSfxInPlaceClient [external]
 CSfxItemPool [external]
 CSfxListener [external]
 CSfxPoolItem [external]
 CSfxShell [external]
 CSfxStyleSheetBase [external]
 CSfxTabPage [external]
 CSfxToolBoxControl [external]
 CSfxUndoAction [external]
 CSfxUndoContext [external]
 Coox::drawingml::Shape [external]
 Coox::xls::FormulaBuffer::SharedFormulaDescRepresents a formula cell that uses shared formula
 Coox::xls::FormulaBuffer::SharedFormulaEntryRepresents a shared formula definition
 CScDPCollection::SheetCachesStores and manages all caches from internal sheets
 Coox::xls::SheetInfoModelContains data from the 'sheet' element describing a sheet in the workbook
 Coox::xls::SheetProtectionModelSheet protection settings
 Coox::xls::SheetSettingsModelSheet and outline settings
 Coox::xls::SheetViewModelContains all view settings for a single sheet
 Csalhelper::SimpleReferenceObject [external]
 Csc::SingleColumnSpanSetKeep track of spans in a single column only
 Co3tl::sorted_vector< sal_uLong > [external]
 CScQueryCellIteratorAccessSpecific< accessType >::SortedCacheIndexer
 Coox::xls::SparklineTransitional sparkline data
 Csc::SparklineSparkline data, used for rendering the content of a cell
 Csc::SparklineAttributesCommon properties for a group of sparklines
 Csc::SparklineCellHolder of a sparkline, that is connected to a cell specific
 Csc::SparklineDataData defining a sparkline - input data and output position
 Coox::xls::SparklineGroupTransitional sparkline group data
 Csc::SparklineGroupCommon properties for a group of sparklines
 Csc::SparklineGroupsExportHandle the export of sparkline groups and sparklines
 Csc::SparklineImportDataTransitional import data of a sparkline
 Csc::SparklineListTracks and gathers all created sparklines and sparkline groups
 Csc::SparklineMarkerContains the marker polygon and the color of a marker
 Csc::SparklineRendererRender a provided sparkline into the input rectangle
 Csc::SparklineUndoDataPrevious sparkline group data, which is restored at undo ungroupping
 Csc::SparklineValueSparkline value and action that needs to me performed on the value
 Csc::SparklineValuesContains and manages the values of the sparkline
 Csc::SpellCheckContextClass shared between grid windows to cache spelling results
 Csvx::SpellDialogChildWindow [external]
 CScExternalRefManager::SrcFileDataSource document meta-data container
 CScExternalRefManager::SrcShellShell instance for a source document
 Coox::ole::StdHlinkInfo [external]
 CScDatabaseDocUtil::StrDataDetailed information on single string value
 Csfx2::SvBaseLink [external]
 Csfx2::SvLinkSource [external]
 CSvRefBase [external]
 CSvStream [external]
 CSvtBroadcaster [external]
 CSvtListener [external]
 CSvxColorValueSet [external]
 CSvxDrawPage [external]
 CSvxEditSource [external]
 CSvxHFPage [external]
 CSvXMLAutoStylePoolP [external]
 CSvXMLExport [external]
 CSvXMLExportPropertyMapper [external]
 CSvXMLImportContext [external]
 CSvXMLImportPropertyMapper [external]
 CSvxMSDffSolverContainer [external]
 CSvxOptionsGrid [external]
 CSvxUnoDrawMSFactory [external]
 CSvxUnoDrawPool [external]
 CSvxUnoForbiddenCharsTable [external]
 CSvxUnoTextBase [external]
 CSvxUnoTextCursor [external]
 CSvxViewForwarder [external]
 CTabBar [external]
 CScExternalRefCache::TableRepresents a single cached table in an external document
 Csc::TableColumnBlockPositionSetSet of column block positions only for one table
 CScCompiler::TableRefEntryGet or setup tab names for the current grammar
 CScBroadcastAreaSlotMachine::TableSlotsSlot offset arrangement of columns and rows, once per sheet
 Csc::TableValuesStores cell values for multiple tables
 CTask [external]
 CTBBase [external]
 Coox::drawingml::Theme [external]
 CTokenPoolPool< T, InitialCapacity >
 CTokenPoolPool< double, 8 >
 CTokenPoolPool< sal_uInt16, 8 >
 CTokenPoolPool< std::unique_ptr< OUString >, 4 >
 CTokenPoolPool< std::unique_ptr< ScSingleRefData >, 16 >
 CTokenPoolPool< std::unique_ptr< ScSingleRefData >, 32 >
 CTokenPoolPool< std::unique_ptr< TokenPool::EXTCONT >, 32 >
 Csc::TokenStringContextContext for creating string from an array of formula tokens, used in ScTokenArray::CreateString()
 CTransferableHelper [external]
 CUIObject [external]
 Csc::UndoGroupSparklinesDataPrevious sparkline group data, which is restored at Undo grouping
 Csc::opencl::UnhandledInconsistent state
 Ccomphelper::UnoImplBase [external]
 Csc::UpdatedRangeNamesKeep track of all named expressions that have been updated during reference update
 Coox::drawingml::URLTransformer [external]
 Coox::xls::ValidationModelStores data about ranges with data validation settings
 CValueSet [external]
 CVbaEventsHelperBase [external]
 Coox::ole::VbaFilterConfig [external]
 Coox::ole::VbaMacroAttacherBase [external]
 CVclReferenceBase [external]
 CScTable::VisibleDataCellIteratorUse this to iterate through non-empty visible cells in a single column
 CScGridWindow::VisibleRangeStores current visible column and row ranges, used to avoid expensive operations on objects that are outside visible area
 Coox::xls::WebPrModelSpecial properties for data connections representing web queries
 CWeldEditView [external]
 CWeldToolbarPopup [external]
 CWelfordRunnerImplements the Welford Online one-pass algorithm
 Coox::xls::WorkbookHelperHelper class to provide access to global workbook data
 Coox::xls::WorkbookSettingsModelGlobal workbook settings
 Coox::xls::WorkbookViewModelContains all view settings for the entire document
 CXclAddressA 2D cell address struct with Excel column and row indexes
 CXclAddressConverterBaseBase class for import/export address converters
 CXclCellAlignContains all cell alignment attributes
 CXclCellAreaContains background colors and pattern for a cell
 CXclCellBorderContains color and line style for each cell border line
 CXclCellProtContains all cell protection attributes
 CXclChartHelperContains static helper functions for the chart filters
 CXclChDataPointPosSpecifies the position of a data series or data point
 CXclChFormatInfoContains information about auto formatting of a specific chart object type
 CXclChFormatInfoProviderProvides access to chart auto formatting for all available object types
 CXclChFrBlockContains the type and context of a block of future records which are guarded by CHFRBLOCKBEGIN and CHFRBLOCKEND records
 CXclChPropSetHelperHelper class for usage of property sets
 CXclChRootDataBase struct for internal root data structs for import and export
 CXclChTypeInfoContains information for a chart type
 CXclChTypeInfoProviderProvides access to chart type info structs for all available chart types
 CXclControlHelperProvides static helper functions for form controls
 CXclDebugObjCounterCounts the number of created root objects
 CXclDefaultPaletteStores all default colors for a specific BIFF version
 CXclDocViewDataExcel ignores Tab color when set to this value..
 CXclExpXFBuffer::XclExpBuiltInInfoExtended info about a built-in XF
 CXclExpCachedMatrixContains cached values in a 2-dimensional array
 CXclExpChFontBaseBase class for objects with font settings
 CXclExpChFrameBaseBase class for record groups containing frame formatting
 CXclExpDefaultRowDataContains all possible default row settings
 CXclExpOutlineBuffer::XclExpLevelInfoData about an outline level
 CXclExpNumFmtStores a core number format index with corresponding Excel format index
 CXclExpOutlineBufferBase class for buffers containing row or column outline data
 CXclExpRefLogEntryLog entry for external references in a formula, used i.e
 CXclExpSstImplImplementation of the SST export
 CXclExpStreamThis class is used to export Excel record streams
 CXclExpStringThis class stores an unformatted or formatted string for Excel export
 CXclExpStringHelperThis class provides methods to create an XclExpString
 CXclExpTabInfo::XclExpTabInfoEntryData structure with information about one Calc sheet
 CXclExpUrlHelperThis class contains static methods to encode a file URL
 CXclExpXFIdA combination of unique XF identifier with real Excel XF index
 CXclFontDataThis struct helps reading and writing Excel fonts
 CXclFontPropSetHelperHelper class for usage of property sets
 CXclFormatRunNUL character (unicode)
 CXclFuncParamInfoStructure that contains all needed information for a parameter in a function
 CXclFunctionInfoRepresents information for a spreadsheet function for import and export
 CXclFunctionProviderProvides access to function info structs for all available functions
 CXclGuidThis struct stores a GUID (class ID) and supports reading, writing and comparison
 CXclImpCachedMatrixContains cached values in a 2-dimensional array
 CXclImpCachedValueThis class stores one cached value of a cached value list (used for instance in CRN, EXTERNNAME, tArray)
 CXclImpCh3dDataFormatThe CH3DDATAFORMAT record containing the bar type in 3D bar charts
 CXclImpChAreaFormatThe CHAREAFORMAT record containing simple area formatting data (solid or patterns)
 CXclImpChChart3dRepresents the CHCHART3D record that contains 3D view settings
 CXclImpChFontThe CHFONT record containing a font index for text objects
 CXclImpChFontBaseBase class for objects with font settings
 CXclImpChGroupBaseBase class for chart record groups
 CXclImpChMarkerFormatThe CHMARKERFORMAT record containing data point marker formatting data
 CXclImpChPieFormatThe CHPIEFORMAT record containing data point formatting data for pie segments
 CXclImpChSeriesFormatThe CHSERIESFORMAT record containing additional settings for a data series
 CXclImpControlHelperHelper base class for TBX and OCX form controls to manage spreadsheet links
 CXclImpDecryptHelperProvides static functions to import stream decryption settings
 CXclImpDffConverter::XclImpDffConvDataData per registered drawing manager, will be stacked for recursive calls
 CXclImpExtNameStores contents of an external name
 CXclImpHFConverter::XclImpHFPortionInfoContains all information about a header/footer portion
 CXclImpHyperlinkProvides importing hyperlinks and inserting them into a document
 CXclImpLabelrangesProvides importing label ranges and inserting them into a document
 CXclImpSolverContainer::XclImpSdrInfoStores data about an SdrObject processed during import
 CXclImpStreamThis class is used to import record oriented streams
 CXclImpStreamPosThis class represents an Excel stream position
 CXclImpStringThis class represents an unformatted or formatted string and provides importing from stream
 CXclImpStringHelperThis class provides methods to convert an XclImpString
 CXclImpStringIteratorIterates over formatted string portions
 CXclImpTabInfoA buffer containing information about names and creation order of sheets
 CXclImpUrlHelperThis class contains static methods to decode a URL stored in an Excel file
 CXclImpWebQueryStores the data of one web query
 CXclImpXFIndexRepresents an XF record index with additional information
 CXclImpXFRangeContains an (encoded) XF index for a range of rows in a single column
 CXclImpXFRangeColumnContains the XF indexes for every used cell in a column
 CXclMultipleOpRefsContains all cell references that can be extracted from a multiple operations formula
 CXclPageDataContains all page (print) settings for a single sheet
 CXclPCFieldRepresents a field in a pivot cache
 CXclPCFieldInfoContains data for a pivot cache field (SXFIELD record)
 CXclPCInfoContains data for a pivot cache (SXDB record)
 CXclPCItemRepresents a data item of any type in a pivot cache
 CXclPCNumGroupInfoContains data for a numeric grouping field (SXNUMGROUP record)
 CXclPTAddlAdditional pivot table settings (SXADDL record)
 CXclPTCachedNameA name for various pivot table info structs
 CXclPTExtInfoExtended information about a pivot table (SXEX record)
 CXclPTFieldExtInfoContains extended data for a pivot table field (SXVDEX record)
 CXclPTInfoContains data for a pivot table (SXVIEW record)
 CXclPTPageFieldInfoContains data for a pivot table page field (part of SXPI record)
 CXclPTViewEx9InfoPivot table autoformat settings (SXVIEWEX9 record)
 CXclPTVisNameInfoBase struct for named info structs
 CXclRangeA 2D cell range address struct with Excel column and row indexes
 CXclRangeListA 2D cell range address list with Excel column and row indexes
 CXclRootAccess to global data for a filter object (imported or exported document) from other classes
 CXclSelectionDataContains all settings for a selection in a single pane of a sheet
 CXclTabViewDataContains all view settings for a single sheet
 CXclTokenArrayBinary representation of an Excel token array
 CXclTokenArrayHelperA helper with Excel specific token array functions
 CXclTokenArrayIteratorSpecial token array iterator for the Excel filters
 CXclToolsThis class contains static helper methods for the Excel import and export filters
 CXclTracerThis class wraps an MSFilterTracer to create trace logs for import/export filters
 CXclXFBaseContains base members for XF record import/export
 Coox::xls::SheetDataBuffer::XfIdRowRangeStores information about a range of rows with equal cell formatting
 Coox::xls::XfModelContains all data for a cell format or cell style
 CXMLPageExport [external]
 CXMLPropertyHandler [external]
 CXMLPropertyHandlerFactory [external]
 CXMLShapeImportHelper [external]