static void | WriteFromTo (XclExpXmlStream &rStrm, const XclObjAny &rObj) |
static void | WriteFromTo (XclExpXmlStream &rStrm, const css::uno::Reference< css::drawing::XShape > &rShape, SCTAB nTab) |
static void * | operator new (std::size_t nSize) |
static void * | operator new (std::size_t nSize, std::nothrow_t const &rNothrow) |
static void | operator delete (void *pPtr) |
static void | operator delete (void *pPtr, std::nothrow_t const &rNothrow) |
virtual void | WriteSubRecs (XclExpStream &rStrm) override |
| XclObj (XclExpObjectManager &rObjMgr, sal_uInt16 nObjType, bool bOwnEscher=false) |
| true = Escher part created on the fly. More...
void | ImplWriteAnchor (const SdrObject *pSdrObj, const tools::Rectangle *pChildAnchor) |
virtual void | WriteBody (XclExpStream &rStrm) override |
| Writes the body of the record (without record header). More...
virtual void | WriteSubRecs (XclExpStream &rStrm) |
void | SaveTextRecs (XclExpStream &rStrm) |
virtual void | WriteBody (XclExpStream &rStrm) |
| Writes the body of the record (without record header). More...
virtual | ~SimpleReferenceObject () COVERITY_NOEXCEPT_FALSE |
void | ConvertSheetLinks (css::uno::Reference< css::drawing::XShape > const &xShape) |
| Tries to get spreadsheet cell link and source range link from the passed shape. More...
const XclTokenArray * | GetCellLinkTokArr () const |
| Returns the Excel token array of the cell link, or 0, if no link present. More...
const XclTokenArray * | GetSourceRangeTokArr () const |
| Returns the Excel token array of the source range, or 0, if no link present. More...
sal_uInt16 | GetSourceEntryCount () const |
| Returns the number of entries in the source range, or 0, if no source set. More...
| XclExpRoot (XclExpRootData &rExpRootData) |
const XclExpRoot & | GetRoot () const |
| Returns this root instance - for code readability in derived classes. More...
bool | IsRelUrl () const |
| Returns true, if URLs should be stored relative to the document location. More...
sc::CompileFormulaContext & | GetCompileFormulaContext () const |
XclExpTabInfo & | GetTabInfo () const |
| Returns the buffer for Calc->Excel sheet index conversion. More...
XclExpAddressConverter & | GetAddressConverter () const |
| Returns the address converter. More...
XclExpFormulaCompiler & | GetFormulaCompiler () const |
| Returns the formula compiler to produce formula token arrays. More...
XclExpProgressBar & | GetProgressBar () const |
| Returns the export progress bar. More...
XclExpSst & | GetSst () const |
| Returns the shared string table. More...
XclExpPalette & | GetPalette () const |
| Returns the color buffer. More...
XclExpFontBuffer & | GetFontBuffer () const |
| Returns the font buffer. More...
XclExpNumFmtBuffer & | GetNumFmtBuffer () const |
| Returns the number format buffer. More...
XclExpXFBuffer & | GetXFBuffer () const |
| Returns the cell formatting attributes buffer. More...
XclExpLinkManager & | GetGlobalLinkManager () const |
| Returns the global link manager for defined names. More...
XclExpLinkManager & | GetLocalLinkManager () const |
| Returns the local link manager for the current sheet. More...
XclExpNameManager & | GetNameManager () const |
| Returns the buffer that contains internal defined names. More...
XclExpObjectManager & | GetObjectManager () const |
| Returns the drawing object manager. More...
XclExpFilterManager & | GetFilterManager () const |
| Returns the filter manager. More...
XclExpPivotTableManager & | GetPivotTableManager () const |
| Returns the pivot table manager. More...
XclExpDxfs & | GetDxfs () const |
| Returns the differential formatting list. More...
OStringBuffer & | GetStringBuf () const |
| Clean and return the OStringBuffer. More...
XclExpXmlPivotTableManager & | GetXmlPivotTableManager () |
XclExpTablesManager & | GetTablesManager () |
void | InitializeConvert () |
| Is called when export filter starts to create the Excel document (all BIFF versions). More...
void | InitializeGlobals () |
| Is called when export filter starts to create the workbook global data (>=BIFF5). More...
void | InitializeTable (SCTAB nScTab) |
| Is called when export filter starts to create data for a single sheet (all BIFF versions). More...
void | InitializeSave () |
| Is called before export filter starts to write the records to the stream. More...
XclExpRecordRef | CreateRecord (sal_uInt16 nRecId) const |
| Returns the reference to a record (or record list) representing a root object. More...
bool | IsDocumentEncrypted () const |
css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::NamedValue > | GetEncryptionData () const |
| XclRoot (XclRootData &rRootData) |
| XclRoot (const XclRoot &rRoot) |
virtual | ~XclRoot () |
XclRoot & | operator= (const XclRoot &rRoot) |
RootData & | GetOldRoot () const |
| Returns old RootData struct. More...
XclBiff | GetBiff () const |
| Returns the current BIFF version of the importer/exporter. More...
XclOutput | GetOutput () const |
| Returns the current output format of the importer/exporter. More...
bool | IsImport () const |
| Returns true, if currently a document is imported. More...
rtl_TextEncoding | GetTextEncoding () const |
| Returns the text encoding to import/export byte strings. More...
LanguageType | GetSysLanguage () const |
| Returns the system language, i.e. More...
LanguageType | GetDocLanguage () const |
| Returns the document language. More...
LanguageType | GetUILanguage () const |
| Returns the UI language. More...
sal_Int16 | GetDefApiScript () const |
| Returns the default script type, e.g. More...
tools::Long | GetCharWidth () const |
| Returns the width of the '0' character (default font) for the current printer (twips). More...
tools::Long | GetSpaceWidth () const |
bool | IsInGlobals () const |
| Returns the current Calc sheet index. More...
SCTAB | GetCurrScTab () const |
| Returns the current Calc sheet index. More...
sal_Int32 | GetHmmFromPixelX (double fPixelX) const |
| Calculates the width of the passed number of pixels in 1/100 mm. More...
sal_Int32 | GetHmmFromPixelY (double fPixelY) const |
| Calculates the height of the passed number of pixels in 1/100 mm. More...
SfxMedium & | GetMedium () const |
| Returns the medium to import from. More...
const OUString & | GetDocUrl () const |
| Returns the document URL of the imported/exported file. More...
const OUString & | GetBasePath () const |
| Returns the base path of the imported/exported file. More...
const OUString & | GetUserName () const |
| Returns the current user name. More...
css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::NamedValue > | RequestEncryptionData (::comphelper::IDocPasswordVerifier &rVerifier) const |
| Requests and verifies a password from the medium or the user. More...
const tools::SvRef< SotStorage > & | GetRootStorage () const |
| Returns the OLE2 root storage of the imported/exported file. More...
bool | HasVbaStorage () const |
| Returns true, if the document contains a VBA storage. More...
tools::SvRef< SotStorage > | OpenStorage (tools::SvRef< SotStorage > const &xStrg, const OUString &rStrgName) const |
| Tries to open a storage as child of the specified storage for reading or writing. More...
tools::SvRef< SotStorage > | OpenStorage (const OUString &rStrgName) const |
| Tries to open a storage as child of the root storage for reading or writing. More...
tools::SvRef< SotStorageStream > | OpenStream (tools::SvRef< SotStorage > const &xStrg, const OUString &rStrmName) const |
| Tries to open a new stream in the specified storage for reading or writing. More...
tools::SvRef< SotStorageStream > | OpenStream (const OUString &rStrmName) const |
| Tries to open a new stream in the root storage for reading or writing. More...
ScDocument & | GetDoc () const |
| Returns reference to the destination document (import) or source document (export). More...
SfxObjectShell * | GetDocShell () const |
| Returns the object shell of the Calc document. More...
ScModelObj * | GetDocModelObj () const |
| Returns the object model of the Calc document. More...
OutputDevice * | GetPrinter () const |
| Returns pointer to the printer of the Calc document. More...
ScStyleSheetPool & | GetStyleSheetPool () const |
| Returns the style sheet pool of the Calc document. More...
ScRangeName & | GetNamedRanges () const |
| Returns the defined names container of the Calc document. More...
SdrPage * | GetSdrPage (SCTAB nScTab) const |
| Returns the drawing layer page of the passed sheet, if present. More...
SvNumberFormatter & | GetFormatter () const |
| Returns the number formatter of the Calc document. More...
DateTime | GetNullDate () const |
| Returns the null date of the current number formatter. More...
sal_uInt16 | GetBaseYear () const |
| Returns the base year depending on the current null date (1900 or 1904). More...
double | GetDoubleFromDateTime (const DateTime &rDateTime) const |
| Converts a date/time value to a floating-point value. More...
DateTime | GetDateTimeFromDouble (double fValue) const |
| Converts a floating-point value to a date/time value. More...
ScEditEngineDefaulter & | GetEditEngine () const |
| Returns the edit engine for import/export of rich strings etc. More...
ScHeaderEditEngine & | GetHFEditEngine () const |
| Returns the edit engine for import/export of headers/footers. More...
EditEngine & | GetDrawEditEngine () const |
| Returns the edit engine for import/export of drawing text boxes. More...
XclFontPropSetHelper & | GetFontPropSetHelper () const |
| Returns the property set helper for fonts. More...
XclChPropSetHelper & | GetChartPropSetHelper () const |
| Returns the property set helper for the chart filters. More...
ScExtDocOptions & | GetExtDocOptions () const |
| Returns the extended document options. More...
XclTracer & | GetTracer () const |
| Returns the filter tracer. More...
const ScAddress & | GetScMaxPos () const |
| Returns the highest possible cell address in a Calc document. More...
const ScAddress & | GetXclMaxPos () const |
| Returns the highest possible cell address in an Excel document (using current BIFF version). More...
const ScAddress & | GetMaxPos () const |
| Returns the highest possible cell address valid in Calc and Excel (using current BIFF version). More...
void | SetDocLanguage (LanguageType eLang) |
| Sets the document language. More...
void | SetUILanguage (LanguageType eLang) |
| Sets the UI language, i.e. More...
void | SetTextEncoding (rtl_TextEncoding eTextEnc) |
| Sets the text encoding to import/export byte strings. More...
void | SetCharWidth (const XclFontData &rFontData) |
| Sets the width of the '0' - '9' digit character as well as the ' ' space char (using the default font) for the current printer (twips). More...
void | SetCurrScTab (SCTAB nScTab) |
| Sets the current Calc sheet index. More...
void | IncCurrScTab () |
| Increases the current Calc sheet index by 1. More...
static void | WriteFormula (XclExpStream &rStrm, const XclTokenArray &rTokArr) |
| Writes a formula with special style only valid in OBJ records. More...
static void | WriteFormulaSubRec (XclExpStream &rStrm, sal_uInt16 nSubRecId, const XclTokenArray &rTokArr) |
| Writes a formula subrecord with special style only valid in OBJ records. More...
static css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::NamedValue > | GenerateEncryptionData (std::u16string_view aPass) |
static css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::NamedValue > | GenerateDefaultEncryptionData () |
static OUString | GetDefaultPassword () |
| Returns the default password used for stream encryption. More...
XclEscherEx & | mrEscherEx |
XclExpMsoDrawing * | pMsodrawing |
std::unique_ptr< XclExpMsoDrawing > | pClientTextbox |
std::unique_ptr< XclTxo > | pTxo |
sal_uInt16 | mnObjType |
sal_uInt16 | nObjId |
sal_uInt16 | nGrbit |
SCTAB | mnScTab |
bool | bFirstOnSheet |
bool | mbOwnEscher |
oslInterlockedCount | m_nCount |
ScAddress | mxCellLinkAddress |
| Number of entries in source range. More...