►Ncalc | |
COCellListSource | |
COCellValueBinding | |
►Ndetail | |
CScVbaHlinkContainer | |
CScVbaHlinkContainerMember | Base class for ScVbaHyperlinks to get an initialized ScVbaHlinkContainer class member before the ScVbaHyperlinks_BASE base class will be constructed |
►No3tl | |
Ctyped_flags< CellShiftDisabledFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< CreateNameFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< CRFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< ExcColRowFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< ExcTabBufFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< FuncFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< HasAttrFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< ImportFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< InsertContentsFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< InsertDeleteFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< PaintPartFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< PivotFunc > | |
Ctyped_flags< sc::MatrixEdge > | |
Ctyped_flags< ScBreakType > | |
Ctyped_flags< ScCharFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< ScClipMark > | |
Ctyped_flags< ScCloneFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< ScCsvDiff > | |
Ctyped_flags< ScDragSrc > | |
Ctyped_flags< ScMatValType > | |
Ctyped_flags< ScMF > | |
Ctyped_flags< ScPasteFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< ScRangeData::Type > | |
Ctyped_flags< ScRefFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< ScScenarioFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< SubtotalFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< XclStrFlags > | |
►Nooo | |
►Nvba | |
►Nexcel | |
CScVbaCellRangeAccess | |
►Noox | |
►Nxls | |
CAddressConverter | Converter for cell addresses and cell ranges for OOXML and BIFF filters |
CAlignment | |
CAlignmentModel | Contains all XML cell alignment attributes, e.g |
CAnchorClientDataModel | Application-specific client data of a shape |
CAnchorPointModel | Absolute position in a spreadsheet (in EMUs) independent from cells |
CAnchorSizeModel | Absolute size in a spreadsheet (in EMUs) |
CApiAlignmentData | Contains all API cell alignment attributes |
CApiBorderData | Contains API attributes of a complete cell border |
CApiFilterSettings | Contains UNO API filter settings for a column in a filtered range |
CApiFontData | Contains all API font attributes |
CApiFontUsedFlags | Contains used flags for all API font attributes |
CApiNumFmtData | Contains all API number format attributes |
CApiOpCodes | Contains all API op-codes needed to build formulas with tokens |
CApiParserWrapper | A wrapper around the FormulaParser service provided by the Calc document |
CApiProtectionData | Contains all API cell protection attributes |
CApiScriptFontName | Contains API font name, family, and charset for a script type |
CApiSolidFillData | Contains API fill attributes |
CApiTokenIterator | Token sequence iterator that is able to skip space tokens |
CApiTokenVector | A vector of formula tokens with additional convenience functions |
CAutoFilter | |
CAutoFilterBuffer | |
CAutoFilterContext | |
CAutoFormatModel | |
CBiffHelper | Static helper functions for BIFF filters |
CBinAddress | A 2D cell address struct for binary filters |
CBinComplexRef2d | A 2D formula cell range reference struct with relative flags |
CBinRange | A 2D cell range address struct for binary filters |
CBinRangeList | A 2D cell range address list for binary filters |
CBinSingleRef2d | A 2D formula cell reference struct with relative flags |
CBorder | |
CBorderContext | |
CBorderLineModel | Contains XML attributes of a single border line |
CBorderModel | Contains XML attributes of a complete cell border |
CCalcSettingsModel | Workbook calculation settings |
CCellAnchorModel | Position in spreadsheet (cell position and offset inside cell) |
CCellFormulaModel | Stores data about cell formulas |
CCellModel | Stores basic data about cell values and formatting |
CCellStyle | |
CCellStyleBuffer | |
CCellStyleModel | Contains attributes of a cell style, e.g |
CChartsheetFragment | |
CColor | |
CColorFilter | Settings for a color filter |
CColorPalette | Stores all colors of the color palette |
CColorScaleContext | |
CColorScaleRule | |
CColorScaleRuleModelEntry | |
CColumnModel | Stores settings and formatting data about a range of sheet columns |
CComment | |
CCommentModel | |
CCommentsBuffer | |
CCommentsFragment | |
CCondFormat | Represents a conditional formatting object with a list of affected cell ranges |
CCondFormatBuffer | |
CCondFormatContext | |
CCondFormatModel | Model for a conditional formatting object |
CCondFormatRule | Represents a single rule in a conditional formatting |
CCondFormatRuleModel | Model for a single rule in a conditional formatting |
CConnection | An external data connection (database, web query, etc.) |
CConnectionContext | |
CConnectionModel | Common properties of an external data connection |
CConnectionsBuffer | |
CConnectionsFragment | |
CCustomFilter | Settings for a custom filter, specifying one or two comparison operators associated with some values |
CDataBarContext | |
CDataBarRule | |
CDataTableModel | Stores data about table operations |
CDataValidationsContext | |
CDataValidationsContextBase | |
CDefinedName | |
CDefinedNameBase | Base class for defined names and external names |
CDefinedNameModel | |
CDefinedNamesBuffer | |
CDiscreteFilter | Settings for a discrete filter, specifying a list of values to be shown in the filtered range |
CDrawingFragment | Fragment handler for a complete sheet drawing |
CDxf | |
CDxfContext | |
CExcelChartConverter | |
CExcelFilter | |
CExcelGraphicHelper | Relative character height if escaped |
CExcelVbaProject | Special implementation of the VBA project for the Excel filters |
CExCfRuleModel | |
CExtCfCondFormat | |
CExtCfDataBarRule | |
CExtCfRuleContext | |
CExtCondFormatRuleModel | |
CExtConditionalFormattingContext | |
CExtDataValidationsContext | |
CExternalLink | |
CExternalLinkBuffer | |
CExternalLinkFragment | |
CExternalName | |
CExternalNameModel | |
CExternalSheetDataContext | This class implements importing the sheetData element in external sheets |
CExtGlobalContext | A single ext entry |
CExtGlobalWorkbookContext | |
CExtLstGlobalContext | Used for the actual ExtLst containing the new extended definition |
CExtLstGlobalWorkbookContext | |
CExtLstLocalContext | Handle ExtLst entries in xlsx |
CFileSharingModel | Settings for workbook write protection |
CFill | Contains cell fill attributes, either a pattern fill or a gradient fill |
CFillContext | |
CFilterColumn | A column in a filtered range |
CFilterColumnContext | |
CFilterCriterionModel | A filter criterion for a custom filter |
CFilterSettingsBase | Base class for specific filter settings for a column in a filtered range |
CFilterSettingsContext | |
CFont | |
CFontContext | |
CFontModel | Contains all XML font attributes, e.g |
CFontPortionModel | Represents a position in a rich-string containing current font identifier |
CFontPortionModelList | A vector with all font portions in a rich-string |
►CFormulaBuffer | |
CFormulaValue | |
CSharedFormulaDesc | Represents a formula cell that uses shared formula |
CSharedFormulaEntry | Represents a shared formula definition |
CSheetItem | |
CTokenAddressItem | |
CTokenRangeAddressItem | |
CFormulaFinalizer | A generic formula token array finalizer |
CFormulaParser | Import formula parser for OOXML and BIFF filters |
CFormulaParserImpl | |
CFormulaProcessorBase | Base class for import formula parsers and export formula compilers |
CFunctionInfo | Represents information for a spreadsheet function |
CFunctionParamInfo | Structure that contains all needed information for a parameter in a function |
CFunctionParamInfoIterator | Iterator working on the mpParamInfos member of the FunctionInfo struct |
CFunctionProvider | Provides access to function info structs for all available sheet functions |
CFunctionProviderImpl | |
CGradientFillModel | Contains XML gradient fill attributes from the gradientFill element |
CGroupShapeContext | Context handler for creation of shapes embedded in group shapes |
CHeaderFooterParser | |
CHyperlinkModel | Stores data about a hyperlink range |
CIconSetContext | |
CIconSetRule | |
CIgnoreCaseCompare | Functor for case-insensitive string comparison, usable in maps etc |
CIndexedColorsContext | |
CIWorksheetProgress | |
CLinkSheetRange | Contains indexes for a range of sheets in the spreadsheet document |
CNumberFormat | Contains all data for a number format code |
CNumberFormatsBuffer | |
CNumFmtModel | |
COOXMLFormulaParser | OOXML formula parser/compiler service for usage in ODF filters |
COOXMLFormulaParserImpl | |
COpCodeProvider | Provides access to API op-codes for all available formula tokens and to function info structs for all available sheet functions |
COpCodeProviderImpl | |
CPageBreakModel | Stores formatting data about a page break |
CPageSettings | |
►CPageSettingsConverter | |
CHFHelperData | |
CPageSettingsModel | Holds page style data for a single sheet |
CPaneSelectionModel | Contains all settings for a selection in a single pane of a sheet |
CPatternFillModel | Contains XML pattern fill attributes from the patternFill element |
CPCDefinitionModel | |
CPCFieldGroupModel | |
CPCFieldModel | |
CPCSharedItemsModel | |
CPCSourceModel | |
CPCWorksheetSourceModel | |
CPhoneticDataModel | |
CPhoneticPortionModel | Represents a phonetic text portion in a rich-string with phonetic text |
CPhoneticPortionModelList | A vector with all phonetic portions in a rich-string |
CPhoneticSettings | |
CPivotCache | |
CPivotCacheBuffer | |
CPivotCacheDefinitionFragment | |
CPivotCacheField | |
CPivotCacheFieldContext | |
CPivotCacheGroupItem | Helper struct for mapping original item names from/to group item names |
CPivotCacheItem | |
CPivotCacheItemList | |
CPivotCacheRecordsFragment | |
CPivotTable | |
CPivotTableBuffer | |
CPivotTableField | |
CPivotTableFieldContext | |
CPivotTableFilter | |
CPivotTableFilterContext | |
CPivotTableFragment | |
CProtection | |
CProtectionModel | Contains all XML cell protection attributes, e.g |
CPTDataFieldModel | |
CPTDefinitionModel | |
CPTFieldItemModel | |
CPTFieldModel | |
CPTFilterModel | |
CPTLocationModel | |
CPTPageFieldModel | |
CQueryTable | |
CQueryTableBuffer | |
CQueryTableFragment | |
CQueryTableModel | |
CRefSheetsModel | Represents a REF entry in the BIFF12 EXTERNALSHEETS or in the BIFF8 EXTERNSHEET record |
►CRevisionHeadersFragment | |
CImpl | |
►CRevisionLogFragment | |
CImpl | |
CRichString | Contains string data and a list of formatting runs for a rich formatted string |
CRichStringContext | |
CRichStringPhonetic | Contains text data and positioning information for a phonetic text portion |
CRichStringPortion | Contains text data and font attributes for a part of a rich formatted string |
CRowModel | Stores settings and formatting data about a sheet row |
CScenario | |
CScenarioBuffer | |
CScenarioCellModel | |
CScenarioContext | |
CScenarioModel | |
CScenariosContext | |
CShape | |
CShapeAnchor | Contains the position of a shape in the spreadsheet |
CShapeMacroAttacher | |
CSharedStringsBuffer | Collects all strings from the shared strings substream |
CSharedStringsFragment | |
►CSheetDataBuffer | Manages the cell contents and cell formatting of a sheet |
CMergedRange | Stores information about a merged cell range |
CRowRangeStyle | |
CStyleRowRangeComp | |
CXfIdRowRange | Stores information about a range of rows with equal cell formatting |
CSheetDataContext | This class implements importing the sheetData element |
CSheetInfoModel | Contains data from the 'sheet' element describing a sheet in the workbook |
CSheetProtectionModel | Sheet protection settings |
CSheetScenarios | |
CSheetScenariosModel | |
CSheetSettingsModel | Sheet and outline settings |
CSheetViewModel | Contains all view settings for a single sheet |
CSheetViewSettings | |
CSortCondition | |
CSortConditionContext | |
CSortStateContext | |
CSparkline | Transitional sparkline data |
CSparklineGroup | Transitional sparkline group data |
CSparklineGroupsContext | Handle import of the sparkline, sparkline group and attributes |
CStylesBuffer | |
CStylesFragment | |
CTable | |
CTableBuffer | |
CTableColumn | A column in a table (database range) |
CTableColumnContext | |
CTableColumns | |
CTableColumnsBuffer | |
CTableColumnsContext | |
CTableFragment | |
CTableModel | |
CThemeBuffer | |
CTop10Filter | Settings for a top-10 filter |
CUnitConverter | Helper class that provides functions to convert values from and to different units |
CValidationModel | Stores data about ranges with data validation settings |
CViewSettings | |
CVmlControlMacroAttacher | |
CVmlDrawing | |
CVmlDrawingFragment | |
CWebPrModel | Special properties for data connections representing web queries |
CWorkbookContextBase | Context handler derived from the WorkbookHelper helper class |
CWorkbookFragment | |
CWorkbookFragmentBase | Fragment handler derived from the WorkbookHelper helper class |
CWorkbookGlobals | |
CWorkbookHelper | Helper class to provide access to global workbook data |
CWorkbookSettings | |
CWorkbookSettingsModel | Global workbook settings |
CWorkbookViewModel | Contains all view settings for the entire document |
►CWorksheetBuffer | Stores information about all sheets in a spreadsheet document |
CSheetInfo | |
CWorksheetContextBase | Context handler derived from the WorksheetHelper helper class |
CWorksheetFragment | |
CWorksheetFragmentBase | Fragment handler derived from the WorksheetHelper helper class |
CWorksheetGlobals | |
CWorksheetHelper | |
CWorksheetSettings | |
►CXf | Represents a cell format or a cell style (called XF, extended format) |
CAttrList | |
CXfContext | |
CXfModel | Contains all data for a cell format or cell style |
►Nsc | CAUTION! The following defines must be in the same namespace as the respective type |
►Ndatastreams | |
CReaderThread | |
►Nop | |
COp_ | |
CProduct | |
CSum | |
CSumSquare | |
►Nopencl | |
CCheckVariables | |
CCumipmt | |
CDynamicKernelArgument | (Partially) abstract base class for an operand |
CDynamicKernelConstantArgument | Arguments that are actually compile-time constants |
CDynamicKernelSlidingArgument | Handling a Double Vector that is used as a sliding window input to either a sliding window average or sum-of-products Generate a sequential loop for reductions |
CDynamicKernelStringArgument | A vector of strings |
CDynamicKernelStringToZeroArgument | |
CFormulaGroupInterpreterOpenCL | |
CFormulaTreeNode | |
CFvschedule | |
CInvalidParameterCount | |
CNormal | |
COpAbs | |
COpAccrint | |
COpAccrintm | |
COpAmordegrc | |
COpAmorlinc | |
COpAnd | |
COpArcCos | |
COpArcCosHyp | |
COpArcCot | |
COpArcCotHyp | |
COpArcSin | |
COpArcSinHyp | |
COpArcTan | |
COpArcTan2 | |
COpArcTanH | |
COpAveDev | |
COpAverage | |
COpAverageA | |
COpAverageIf | |
COpAverageIfs | |
COpB | |
COpBase | Abstract class for code generation |
COpBesselj | |
COpBetaDist | |
COpBetainv | |
COpBinomdist | |
COpBitAnd | |
COpBitLshift | |
COpBitOr | |
COpBitRshift | |
COpBitXor | |
COpCeil | |
COpChiDist | |
COpChiInv | |
COpChiSqDist | |
COpChiSqInv | |
COpCombin | |
COpCombinA | |
COpConfidence | |
COpCorrel | |
COpCos | |
COpCosh | |
COpCot | |
COpCoth | |
COpCount | |
COpCountA | |
COpCountIf | |
COpCountIfs | |
COpCoupdaybs | |
COpCoupdays | |
COpCoupdaysnc | |
COpCoupncd | |
COpCoupnum | |
COpCouppcd | |
COpCovar | |
COpCritBinom | |
COpCsc | |
COpCscH | |
COpCumipmt | |
COpCumprinc | |
COpDB | |
COpDDB | |
COpDeg | |
COpDevSq | |
COpDiv | Technically not a reduction, but fits the framework |
COpDollarde | |
COpDollarfr | |
COpDuration_ADD | |
COpEffective | |
COpenCLError | Failed in marshaling |
COpEqual | |
COpEven | |
COpExp | |
COpExponDist | |
COpFact | |
COpFdist | |
COpFInv | |
COpFisher | |
COpFisherInv | |
COpFloor | |
COpForecast | |
COpFTest | |
COpFV | |
COpFvschedule | |
COpGamma | |
COpGammaDist | |
COpGammaInv | |
COpGammaLn | |
COpGauss | |
COpGeoMean | |
COpGestep | |
COpGreater | |
COpGreaterEqual | |
COpHarMean | |
COpHypGeomDist | |
COpIf | |
COpInt | |
COpIntercept | |
COpInterceptSlopeBase | |
COpIRR | |
COpIsEven | |
COpIsOdd | |
COpKurt | |
COpLess | |
COpLessEqual | |
COpLn | |
COpLog | |
COpLog10 | |
COpLogicalBinaryOperator | Implements OpAnd, OpOr, OpXor |
COpLogInv | |
COpLogNormDist | |
COpMathOneArgument | Implements functions in the form of FUNC(x), e.g |
COpMathTwoArguments | Implements functions in the form of FUNC(x1, x2), e.g |
COpMax | |
COpMaxA | |
COpMDuration | |
COpMin | |
COpMinA | |
COpMod | |
COpMul | |
COpNegbinomdist | |
COpNegSub | |
COpNominal | |
COpNop | Operator traits |
COpNormdist | |
COpNorminv | |
COpNormsdist | |
COpNormsinv | |
COpNot | |
COpNotEqual | |
COpNper | |
COpNPV | |
COpOdd | |
COpOddlprice | |
COpOddlyield | |
COpOr | |
COpPDuration | |
COpPearson | |
COpPearsonCovarBase | |
COpPermut | |
COpPermutationA | |
COpPhi | |
COpPMT | |
COpPoisson | |
COpPower | |
COpPrice | |
COpPriceDisc | |
COpPriceMat | |
COpProduct | |
COpPV | |
COpQuotient | |
COpRadians | |
COpRate | |
COpReceived | |
COpRound | |
COpRoundDown | |
COpRoundUp | |
COpRRI | |
COpRsq | |
COpSec | |
COpSecH | |
COpSeriesSum | |
COpSin | |
COpSinh | |
COpSkew | |
COpSkewp | |
COpSLN | |
COpSlope | |
COpSqrt | |
COpSqrtPi | |
COpStandard | |
COpStDev | |
COpStDevA | |
COpStDevP | |
COpStDevPA | |
COpSub | |
COpSum | |
COpSumIf | |
COpSumIfs | |
COpSumProduct | |
COpSumSQ | |
COpSumX2MY2 | |
COpSumX2PY2 | |
COpSumXMY2 | |
COpSYD | |
COpTan | |
COpTanH | |
COpTbilleq | |
COpTbillprice | |
COpTbillyield | |
COpTDist | |
COpTInv | |
COpTrunc | |
COpTTest | |
COpVar | |
COpVarA | |
COpVarP | |
COpVarPA | |
COpVarStDevBase | |
COpVDB | |
COpVLookup | |
COpWeibull | |
COpXirr | |
COpXor | |
COpYield | |
COpYielddisc | |
COpYieldmat | |
COpZTest | |
Coutputstream | |
CParallelReductionVectorRef | Handling a Double Vector that is used as a sliding window input Performs parallel reduction based on given operator |
CPriceMat | |
CReduction | |
CSlidingFunctionBase | |
CSumOfProduct | |
CUnhandled | Inconsistent state |
CUnhandledToken | Exceptions |
CVectorRef | Holds an input (read-only) argument reference to a SingleVectorRef |
CVectorRefStringsToZero | |
►Nsidebar | |
CAlignmentPropertyPanel | |
CCellAppearancePropertyPanel | |
CCellBorderStylePopup | |
CCellLineStylePopup | |
CCellLineStyleValueSet | |
CNumberFormatPropertyPanel | |
CScPanelFactory | |
►Ntools | |
CChartIterator | |
CAggregateFunction | |
►CAlignedAllocator | Custom allocator for STL container to ensure that the base address of allocated storage is aligned to a specified boundary |
Crebind | |
CAreaListener | |
CAutoCalcSwitch | Temporarily switch on/off auto calculation mode |
►CBroadcasterState | |
CAreaListener | |
CCellListener | |
CBroadcasterTraits | |
CBulkDataHint | |
CCellNodeTraits | |
CCellStoreEvent | |
CCellStoreTraits | |
CCellTextAttr | |
CCellTextAttrTraits | |
CCellValues | Think of this as a mini-ScColumn like storage that only stores cell values in a column |
CCellValuesImpl | |
CCellValueSpan | |
CClipContextBase | |
CColRowReorderMapType | |
CColRowSpan | |
CColumnBlockConstPosition | |
CColumnBlockPosition | Store position data for column array storage |
CColumnBlockPositionSet | |
CColumnIterator | This iterator lets you iterate over cells over specified range in a single column |
CColumnRemoveTransformation | |
CColumnSet | Simple container to keep track of sheet - column pair |
►CColumnSpanSet | Structure that stores segments of boolean flags per column, and perform custom action on those segments |
CAction | |
CColumnAction | |
CColumnType | |
►CCompare | |
CCell | |
CCompareOptions | |
CCompiledFormula | Abstract base class for a "compiled" formula |
CCompileFormulaContext | |
►CCopyFromClipContext | |
CRange | |
CCopyToClipContext | |
CCopyToDocContext | |
CCSVDataProvider | |
CCSVFetchThread | |
CDataProvider | Abstract class for all data provider |
CDataProviderFactory | |
►CDataStream | |
►CCell | |
CStr | |
CLine | |
CDataStreamDlg | |
CDataTransformation | |
CDateTimeTransformation | |
CDelayDeletingBroadcasters | Wrapper for ScDocument::EnableDelayDeletingBroadcasters() |
CDelayFormulaGroupingSwitch | Wrapper for ScDocument::DelayFormulaGrouping() |
CDelayStartListeningFormulaCells | Wrapper for ScDocument::EnableDelayStartListeningFormulaCells() |
CDeleteRowTransformation | |
CDocFuncUtil | |
CDocumentLinkManager | |
CDocumentLinkManagerImpl | |
CDocumentStreamAccess | Provides methods to allow direct shifting of document content without broadcasting or shifting of broadcaster positions |
CDocumentStreamAccessImpl | |
CEditTextIterator | Iterate through all edit text cells in a given sheet |
CEndListeningContext | |
CExpandRefsSwitch | |
CExternalDataMapper | |
CExternalDataSource | |
CFindReplaceTransformation | |
CFormulaGroupAreaListener | |
►CFormulaGroupContext | |
CColArray | |
►CColKey | |
CHash | |
CFormulaGroupEntry | |
CFormulaGroupInterpreter | Abstract base class for vectorised formula group interpreters, plus a global instance factory |
►CFormulaLogger | Dummy class with all empty inline methods |
►CGroupScope | |
CImpl | |
CFormulaResultValue | |
CFuncElseNoOp | |
CFuncNotElem | |
CHTMLDataProvider | |
CHTMLFetchThread | |
CIdleSwitch | |
►CImportPostProcessData | Stores data imported from the file that need to be processed at the end of the import process |
CDataStream | Data stream data needs to be post-processed because it requires ScDocShell instance which is not available in the filter code |
CMergeColumnTransformation | |
CMixDocContext | |
CModelConstraint | |
CMultiDataCellState | |
CNoteEntry | |
CNumberTransformation | |
CNumFmtUtil | |
CParamIfsResult | |
CPivotTableDataProvider | |
CPivotTableDataSequence | |
CPivotTableDataSource | |
►CPivotTableSources | Store pivot table data that need to be post-processed at the end of the import |
CDBSource | |
CSelectedPages | |
CServiceSource | |
CSheetSource | |
CPrintPageRanges | |
CPrintPageRangesInput | |
CPurgeListenerAction | |
CQueryRange | |
CRangeColumnSpanSet | Optimized ColumnSpanSet version that operates on a single ScRange |
CRangeMatrix | |
CRangeTraverser | Iterator to traverse the addresses in a range if the range is one dimensional |
CRefColReorderHint | |
CRefHint | |
CRefQueryFormulaGroup | Used to collect positions of formula cells that belong to a formula group |
CRefRowReorderHint | |
CRefStartListeningHint | |
CRefStopListeningHint | |
CRefUpdateContext | Context for reference update during shifting, moving or copying of cell ranges |
CRefUpdateDeleteTabContext | |
CRefUpdateInsertTabContext | |
CRefUpdateMoveTabContext | |
CRefUpdateResult | |
CReorderParam | |
CReplaceNullTransformation | |
CRowHeightContext | |
CRowSpan | |
CScDBDataManager | This class handles the copying of the data from the imported temporary document to the actual document |
CScNumberFormatControl | |
CSearchResultsDlg | |
CSearchResultsDlgWrapper | |
CSetFormulaDirtyContext | |
CSharedFormulaGroupEntry | |
CSharedFormulaGroups | |
CSharedFormulaUtil | |
CSharedStringPoolPurge | |
CSingleColumnSpanSet | Keep track of spans in a single column only |
CSolverSettings | |
CSortTransformation | |
CSparkline | Sparkline data, used for rendering the content of a cell |
►CSparklineAttributes | Common properties for a group of sparklines |
CImplementation | Holder of sparkline attributes |
CSparklineCell | Holder of a sparkline, that is connected to a cell specific |
CSparklineData | Data defining a sparkline - input data and output position |
CSparklineDataRangeDialog | Dialog to change input data range for a sparkline
CSparklineDataRangeDialogWrapper | Wrapper for the sparkline data range dialog |
CSparklineDialog | Dialog to create or edit sparkline group attributes |
CSparklineDialogWrapper | Wrapper for the sparkline properties dialog |
CSparklineGroup | Common properties for a group of sparklines |
CSparklineGroupsExport | Handle the export of sparkline groups and sparklines |
CSparklineGroupsImportContext | Handle the import of sparkline groups and sparklines |
CSparklineImportData | Transitional import data of a sparkline |
CSparklineList | Tracks and gathers all created sparklines and sparkline groups |
CSparklineMarker | Contains the marker polygon and the color of a marker |
CSparklineRenderer | Render a provided sparkline into the input rectangle |
CSparklineShell | Shell to handle the sparkline context |
CSparklineTraits | |
CSparklineUndoData | Previous sparkline group data, which is restored at undo ungroupping |
CSparklineValue | Sparkline value and action that needs to me performed on the value |
CSparklineValues | Contains and manages the values of the sparkline |
►CSpellCheckContext | Class shared between grid windows to cache spelling results |
►CSpellCheckCache | |
►CCellPos | |
CHash | |
CSpellCheckResult | |
CSpellCheckStatus | |
CSplitColumnTransformation | |
CSQLDataProvider | |
CSQLFetchThread | |
CStartListeningContext | |
CSwapRowsTransformation | |
►CTableColumnBlockPositionSet | Set of column block positions only for one table |
CImpl | |
CTablePivotChart | |
CTablePivotCharts | |
►CTableValues | Stores cell values for multiple tables |
CImpl | |
CTextTransformation | |
CThemeColorChanger | |
CTokenStringContext | Context for creating string from an array of formula tokens, used in ScTokenArray::CreateString() |
CUndoDeleteSparkline | Undo action for deleting a Sparkline |
CUndoDeleteSparklineGroup | Undo action for deleting a sparkline group and all associated sparklines |
CUndoEditSparkline | Undo action for editing a Sparkline |
CUndoEditSparklneGroup | Undo action for editing a Sparkline |
CUndoFormulaToValue | |
CUndoGroupSparklines | Undo action for grouping sparklines |
CUndoGroupSparklinesData | Previous sparkline group data, which is restored at Undo grouping |
CUndoInsertSparkline | Undo action for inserting a Sparkline |
CUndoSetCells | |
CUndoSort | |
CUndoSwitch | |
CUndoThemeChange | |
CUndoUngroupSparklines | Undo action for ungrouping sparklines |
CUpdatedRangeNames | Keep track of all named expressions that have been updated during reference update |
CValueAndFormat | |
CXMLDataProvider | |
CXMLFetchThread | |
►NSpellCheckContext | |
►CSpellCheckCache | |
►CCellPos | |
CHash | |
►Nxcl | |
►Nexp | |
CSparklineBuffer | Determines if sparklines needs to be exported and initiates the export |
CSparklineExt | Export for sparkline type of <ext> element - top sparkline element |
CAbstractScAutoFormatDlg | |
CAbstractScAutoFormatDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractScColRowLabelDlg | |
CAbstractScColRowLabelDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractScCondFormatManagerDlg | |
CAbstractScCondFormatManagerDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractScDataFormDlg | |
CAbstractScDataFormDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractScDataPilotDatabaseDlg | |
CAbstractScDataPilotDatabaseDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractScDataPilotServiceDlg | |
CAbstractScDataPilotServiceDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractScDataPilotSourceTypeDlg | |
CAbstractScDataPilotSourceTypeDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractScDeleteCellDlg | |
CAbstractScDeleteCellDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractScDeleteContentsDlg | |
CAbstractScDeleteContentsDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractScDPDateGroupDlg | |
CAbstractScDPDateGroupDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractScDPFunctionDlg | |
CAbstractScDPFunctionDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractScDPNumGroupDlg | |
CAbstractScDPNumGroupDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractScDPShowDetailDlg | |
CAbstractScDPShowDetailDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractScDPSubtotalDlg | |
CAbstractScDPSubtotalDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractScFillSeriesDlg | |
CAbstractScFillSeriesDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractScGoToTabDlg | |
CAbstractScGoToTabDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractScGroupDlg | |
CAbstractScGroupDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractScImportAsciiDlg | |
CAbstractScImportAsciiDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractScImportOptionsDlg | |
CAbstractScImportOptionsDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractScInsertCellDlg | |
CAbstractScInsertCellDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractScInsertContentsDlg | |
CAbstractScInsertContentsDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractScInsertTableDlg | |
CAbstractScInsertTableDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractScLinkedAreaDlg | |
CAbstractScLinkedAreaDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractScMetricInputDlg | |
CAbstractScMetricInputDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractScMoveTableDlg | |
CAbstractScMoveTableDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractScNameCreateDlg | |
CAbstractScNameCreateDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractScNamePasteDlg | |
CAbstractScNamePasteDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractScNewScenarioDlg | |
CAbstractScNewScenarioDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractScPivotFilterDlg | |
CAbstractScPivotFilterDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractScSelEntryDlg | |
CAbstractScSelEntryDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractScShowTabDlg | |
CAbstractScShowTabDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractScSortWarningDlg | |
CAbstractScSortWarningDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractScStringInputDlg | |
CAbstractScStringInputDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractScTabBgColorDlg | |
CAbstractScTabBgColorDlg_Impl | |
CAbstractScTextImportOptionsDlg | |
CAbstractScTextImportOptionsDlg_Impl | |
CAddressWalker | |
CAddressWalkerWriter | |
Capprox_less | |
CAreaListenerKey | |
CArrayVisitor | |
CAutoFormatSwBlob | A binary blob of writer-specific data |
CCellShell_Impl | |
CChildControllerWrapper | |
CClearableClipRegion | |
CCompareScAddInAsync | |
CCompareScConditionalFormat | |
CCompareScValidationDataPtr | |
CConverterBase | |
CCustomCompare | |
CDataCellIterator | |
CDataRangeByColumnIterator | |
CDataRangeByRowIterator | |
CDataRangeIterator | |
CDefaultFirstEntry | |
CDelayedSetNumberFormat | |
CDifAttrCache | |
►CDifColumn | |
CDifParser | |
CDocShell_Impl | |
CEnglishFunctionNameChange | |
CExc1904 | |
CExcAutoFilterRecs | |
CExcBof | |
CExcBof8 | |
CExcBof8_Base | |
CExcBof_Base | |
CExcBofW | |
CExcBofW8 | |
CExcBoolRecord | |
CExcBundlesheet | |
CExcBundlesheet8 | |
CExcBundlesheetBase | |
CExcDocument | |
CExcDummy_00 | |
CExcDummy_02a | |
CExcDummy_040 | |
CExcDummy_041 | |
CExcDummyRec | |
CExcelConverterBase | |
CExcelToSc | |
►CExcelToSc8 | |
CExternalTabInfo | |
CExcEmptyRec | |
CExcEof | |
CExcEScenario | |
CExcEScenarioCell | |
CExcEScenarioManager | |
CExcFilterCondition | |
CExcRecord | |
CExcRoot | |
CExcScenario | |
CExcScenarioCell | |
CExcScenarioList | |
CExcTable | |
CExcXmlRecord | |
CExportBiff5 | |
CExportBiff8 | |
CExportTyp | |
CExtName | |
CExtNameBuff | |
►CExtSheetBuffer | |
CCont | |
CFindTypedStrData | |
CFormCache | |
CFormIdent | |
CFormulaTemplate | |
CFormulaTokenRef_less | |
CFuConstArc | Draw rectangle |
CFuConstCustomShape | |
CFuConstPolygon | Base class for all functions |
CFuConstRectangle | Draw rectangle |
CFuConstruct | Draw rectangle |
CFuConstUnoControl | Draw Control |
CFuDraw | Base class for all Drawmodule specific functions |
CFuInsertChart | |
CFuInsertGraphic | |
CFuInsertMedia | |
CFuInsertOLE | |
CFuPoor | Base class for all functions |
CFuSelection | Base class for all functions |
CFuText | Base class for Text functions |
►CImportExcel | |
CLastFormula | |
CImportExcel8 | |
CImportLotus | |
CImportTyp | |
CInputHandlerFunctionNames | |
CKahanSum | This class provides LO with Kahan summation algorithm About this algorithm: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kahan_summation_algorithm For general purpose software we assume first order error is enough |
CLateInitParams | |
CLegacyFuncCollection | |
CLegacyFuncData | |
CLessCurrencyStyle | |
CLessStyleNumberFormat | |
►CLotAttrCache | |
►CLotAttrCol | |
CLotAttrTable | |
CLotAttrWK3 | |
CLotusContext | |
CLotusConverterBase | |
►CLotusFontBuffer | |
CLotusRange | |
CLotusRangeList | |
CLotusToSc | |
CModuleData | |
CNFIndexAndFmtType | |
CPassFragment | |
CQProToSc | |
►CRangeNameBufferWK3 | |
CEntry | |
CReferenceMark | Describes reference mark to be drawn, position & size in TWIPs |
CResultMembers | |
CRootData | |
CRowInfo | |
CScAbstractDialogFactory | |
CScAbstractDialogFactory_Impl | |
CScAbstractTabController_Impl | |
CScAcceptChgDlg | |
CScAcceptChgDlgWrapper | |
CScAccessibilityEditSource | |
CScAccessibleCell | @descr This base class provides an implementation of the AccessibleCell service |
CScAccessibleCellBase | |
CScAccessibleCellBaseTextData | |
CScAccessibleCellTextData | |
CScAccessibleContextBase | |
CScAccessibleCsvCell | Accessible class representing a cell of the CSV grid control |
CScAccessibleCsvControl | Accessible base class used for CSV controls |
CScAccessibleCsvGrid | Accessible class representing the CSV grid control |
CScAccessibleCsvRuler | Accessible class representing the CSV ruler control |
CScAccessibleCsvTextData | |
CScAccessibleDocument | |
CScAccessibleDocumentBase | |
CScAccessibleDocumentPagePreview | |
CScAccessibleEditControlObject | |
CScAccessibleEditLineObject | |
CScAccessibleEditLineTextData | |
CScAccessibleEditObject | @descr This base class provides an implementation of the AccessibleCell service |
CScAccessibleEditObjectTextData | |
CScAccessibleHeaderTextData | |
CScAccessibleNoteTextData | |
CScAccessiblePageHeader | |
CScAccessiblePageHeaderArea | |
CScAccessiblePreviewCell | |
CScAccessiblePreviewCellTextData | |
CScAccessiblePreviewHeaderCell | |
CScAccessiblePreviewHeaderCellTextData | |
CScAccessiblePreviewTable | |
CScAccessibleSpreadsheet | @descr This base class provides an implementation of the AccessibleTable service |
CScAccessibleTableBase | |
CScAccessibleTextData | |
CScAccGridWinFocusGotHint | |
CScAccGridWinFocusLostHint | |
CScAccWinFocusGotHint | |
CScAccWinFocusLostHint | |
CScActionColorChanger | |
CScAddInArgDesc | |
CScAddInAsync | |
CScAddInCfg | |
CScAddInListener | |
►CScAddress | |
CDetails | |
CExternalInfo | |
CScAddressConversionObj | |
CScAddressHashFunctor | |
CScAfVersions | Struct with version numbers of the Items |
CScAnalysisOfVarianceDialog | |
CScAnalysisOfVarianceDialogWrapper | |
CScAnnotationEditSource | |
CScAnnotationObj | |
CScAnnotationsObj | |
CScAnyRefDlgController | |
CScApiTypeConversion | |
CScAppCfg | |
CScAppOptions | |
CScArea | |
CScAreaChangedHint | |
CScAreaData | |
CScAreaLink | |
CScAreaLinkObj | |
CScAreaLinkSaveCollection | |
CScAreaLinkSaver | |
CScAreaLinksObj | |
CScAreaNameIterator | |
CScAsciiOptions | |
CScAsyncTabController | |
CScAsyncTabController_Impl | |
CScAttrArray | |
CScAttrDlg | |
CScAttrEntry | |
CScAttrIterator | |
CScAttrRectIterator | |
CScAuditingShell | |
CScAutoFmtPreview | |
CScAutoFormat | |
CScAutoFormatData | |
CScAutoFormatDataField | Contains all items for one cell of a table autoformat |
CScAutoFormatDlg | |
CScAutoFormatFieldObj | |
CScAutoFormatObj | |
CScAutoFormatsObj | |
CScAutoNameCache | Cache for faster lookup of automatic names during CompileXML (during CompileXML, no document content is changed) |
CScAutoStyleData | |
CScAutoStyleHint | Move ScAutoStyleHint to a different file? |
CScAutoStyleInitData | |
CScAutoStyleList | |
CScBasicCellInfo | |
CScBetaDistFunction | |
CScBigAddress | |
CScBigRange | |
CScBitMaskCompressedArray | The data type represents bits, manageable by bitwise operations |
CScBlockUndo | |
CScBoundsProvider | |
CScBroadcastArea | Used in a Unique Associative Container |
CScBroadcastAreaBulkEqual | |
CScBroadcastAreaBulkHash | |
CScBroadcastAreaEntry | |
CScBroadcastAreaEqual | |
CScBroadcastAreaHash | |
CScBroadcastAreaSlot | Collection of BroadcastAreas |
►CScBroadcastAreaSlotMachine | BroadcastAreaSlots and their management, once per document |
CScSlotData | |
CTableSlots | Slot offset arrangement of columns and rows, once per sheet |
CScBulkBroadcast | |
CScByteSequenceToString | |
CScCalcConfig | Configuration options for formula interpreter |
CScCalcOptionsDialog | |
CScCaptionInitData | |
CScCellCursorObj | |
CScCellEditSource | Data (incl |
CScCellFieldsObj | |
CScCellFormat | |
CScCellFormatsEnumeration | |
CScCellFormatsObj | |
CScCellInfo | |
CScCellIterator | Walk through all cells in an area |
CScCellKeyword | |
CScCellKeywordTranslator | Translate cell function keywords |
CScCellMergeOption | |
CScCellObj | Really derive cell from range? |
CScCellRangeObj | |
CScCellSearchObj | |
CScCellsEnumeration | |
CScCellShell | |
CScCellsObj | |
CScCellStyleEntry | |
CScCellTextCursor | Uno3: SvxUnoTextCursor is not derived from XUnoTunnel, but should be (?) |
CScCellTextData | |
CScCellTextObj | |
CScCellTextStyleContext | |
CScCellValue | Store arbitrary cell value of any kind |
CScChangeAction | |
CScChangeActionContent | |
CScChangeActionDel | |
CScChangeActionDelMoveEntry | |
CScChangeActionIns | |
CScChangeActionLinkEntry | A link/connection/dependency between change actions |
CScChangeActionMove | |
CScChangeActionReject | |
CScChangeTrack | |
CScChangeTrackingExportHelper | |
CScChangeTrackMsgInfo | |
CScChangeViewSettings | |
CScCharDlg | |
CScChart2DataProvider | |
►CScChart2DataSequence | |
CExternalRefListener | |
CHiddenRangeListener | |
CItem | |
CScChart2DataSource | |
CScChartArray | |
CScChartHelper | Use this to handle charts in a calc document |
CScChartHiddenRangeListener | |
►CScChartListener | |
CExternalRefListener | |
CScChartListenerCollection | |
CScChartLockGuard | All current charts in the calc will be locked in constructor and unlocked in destructor |
CScChartObj | |
CScChartPositioner | |
CScChartPositionMap | |
CScChartRangeSelectionListener | |
CScChartShell | |
CScChartsObj | |
CScChartUnoData | |
CScCheckIndependentFGGuard | |
CScCheckListMember | |
►CScCheckListMenuControl | This class implements a popup window for the auto filter dropdown |
CAction | Action to perform when an event takes place |
CConfig | Configuration options for this popup window |
CExtendedData | Extended data that the client code may need to store |
CMenuItemData | |
CResultEntry | |
CSubMenuItemData | |
CScChiDistFunction | |
CScChildrenShapes | |
CScChiSqDistFunction | |
CScChiSquareTestDialog | |
CScChiSquareTestDialogWrapper | |
CScClient | |
CScClipOptions | Stores options which are only relevant for clipboard documents |
CScClipParam | This struct stores general clipboard parameters associated with a ScDocument instance created in clipboard mode |
CScColBar | |
CScColContainer | |
►CScColorFormat | |
CScColorFormatCache | |
CScColOrRowDlg | |
CScColorScale2FrmtEntry | |
CScColorScale3FrmtEntry | |
CScColorScaleEntry | |
CScColorScaleEntryObj | |
CScColorScaleFormat | |
CScColorScaleFormatObj | |
CScColRowLabelDlg | |
CScColRowNameRangesDlg | |
►CScColumn | |
CDeleteCellsResult | |
CScColumnData | |
CScColumnRowStylesBase | |
►CScColumnsRange | |
CIterator | |
CScColumnStyle | |
CScColumnStyles | |
CScColumnTextWidthIterator | |
CScColWidthParam | |
►CScCompiler | |
CAddInMap | |
CConvention | |
CPendingImplicitIntersectionOptimization | "stack" of currently active ocTableRef tokens |
CTableRefEntry | Get or setup tab names for the current grammar |
CWhitespace | |
CScComplexRefData | Complex reference (a range) into the sheet |
►CScCompressedArray | Compressed array of row (or column) entries, e.g |
CDataEntry | |
CIterator | |
CRangeData | |
CScCondDateFormatEntry | |
CScCondDateFormatObj | |
CScCondFormatData | |
CScCondFormatDlg | |
CScCondFormatDlgItem | |
CScCondFormatEntry | |
CScCondFormatEntryItem | |
CScCondFormatHelper | |
CScCondFormatItem | |
CScCondFormatList | |
CScCondFormatManagerDlg | |
CScCondFormatManagerWindow | |
CScCondFormatObj | |
CScCondFormatsObj | |
CScCondFrmtEntry | |
CScConditionalFormat | |
CScConditionalFormatList | |
►CScConditionEntry | |
CScConditionEntryCache | |
CScConditionEntryObj | |
CScConditionFrmtEntry | |
CScConflictsDlg | |
CScConflictsFinder | |
CScConflictsListEntry | |
CScConflictsListHelper | |
CScConflictsResolver | |
►CScConsData | Use structure ScDocument if a certain size is exceeded? |
CScReferenceEntry | |
CScConsolidateDlg | |
CScConsolidateItem | |
CScConsolidateParam | |
CScConsolidationDescriptor | |
CScContentTree | |
CScConversionEngineBase | Base class for special type of edit engines, i.e |
CScConversionParam | Parameters for conversion |
CScCornerButton | |
CScCorrelationDialog | |
CScCorrelationDialogWrapper | |
CScCountIfCellIterator | |
CScCountIfCellIteratorSortedCache | |
CScCovarianceDialog | |
CScCovarianceDialogWrapper | |
CScCsvCmd | Data for a CSV control command |
CScCsvColState | This struct contains the state of one table column |
CScCsvControl | Base class for the CSV ruler and the data grid control |
CScCsvExpData | Exported data of a column (data used in the dialog) |
CScCsvGrid | A data grid control for the CSV import dialog |
CScCsvLayoutData | A structure containing all layout data valid for both ruler and data grid (i.e |
CScCsvRuler | A ruler control for the CSV import dialog |
CScCsvSplits | A vector of column splits that supports inserting, removing and moving splits |
CScCsvTableBox | The control in the CSV import dialog that contains a ruler and a data grid to visualize and modify the current import settings |
CScCsvViewForwarder | |
CScCTB | |
CScCTBWrapper | |
CScCursorRefEdit | |
CScDataAreaExtras | Struct to hold non-data extended area, used with ScDocument::ShrinkToUsedDataArea() |
CScDataBarEntryObj | |
CScDataBarFormat | |
CScDataBarFormatData | |
CScDataBarFormatObj | |
CScDataBarFrmtEntry | |
CScDataBarInfo | |
CScDataBarSettingsDlg | |
►CScDatabaseDocUtil | |
CStrData | Detailed information on single string value |
CScDatabaseDPData | This class represents source data from database source |
CScDatabaseRangeObj | |
CScDatabaseRangesObj | |
CScDataFormDlg | |
CScDataFormFragment | |
CScDataPilotChildObjBase | Base class of all implementation objects based on a DataPilot descriptor or DataPilot table object |
CScDataPilotConversion | |
CScDataPilotDatabaseDlg | |
CScDataPilotDescriptor | |
CScDataPilotDescriptorBase | |
CScDataPilotFieldGroupItemObj | |
CScDataPilotFieldGroupObj | |
CScDataPilotFieldGroupsObj | Implementation of all grouped items in a DataPilot field |
CScDataPilotFieldObj | Implementation of a single DataPilot field |
CScDataPilotFieldsObj | Collection of all DataPilot fields, or of all fields from a specific dimension |
CScDataPilotFilterDescriptor | |
CScDataPilotItemObj | |
CScDataPilotItemsObj | |
CScDataPilotModifiedHint | |
CScDataPilotServiceDlg | |
CScDataPilotSourceTypeDlg | |
CScDataPilotTableObj | |
CScDataPilotTablesObj | DataPilotTables collection per sheet |
CScDataProviderDlg | |
CScDataTableColView | |
CScDataTableRowView | |
CScDataTableView | |
CScDataTransformationBaseControl | |
CScDataUnoConversion | |
CScDateFrmtEntry | |
►CScDBCollection | |
CAnonDBs | Stores global anonymous database ranges |
CNamedDBs | Stores global named database ranges |
►CScDBData | |
Cless | |
CScDBDataContainerBase | Container base class to provide selected access for ScDBData |
CScDBDocFunc | |
CScDBExternalRange | |
CScDBFunc | |
CScDBFuncUndo | |
CScDBInternalRange | |
CScDbNameDlg | |
►CScDBQueryDataIterator | |
CDataAccess | |
CDataAccessInternal | |
CDataAccessMatrix | |
CValue | |
CScDBQueryParamBase | |
CScDBQueryParamInternal | |
CScDBQueryParamMatrix | |
CScDBRangeBase | Base class for abstracting range data backends for database functions |
CScDBRangeRefreshedHint | |
CScDDComboBoxButton | |
CScDdeLink | |
CScDDELinkCell | |
CScDDELinkObj | Order of XNamed and DDELink changed to avoid "duplicate comdat" symbols |
CScDDELinksObj | |
CScDefaultsCfg | |
CScDefaultsOptions | |
CScDeleteCellDlg | |
CScDeleteContentsDlg | |
CScDelimiterTable | |
CScDescriptiveStatisticsDialog | |
CScDescriptiveStatisticsDialogWrapper | |
CScDetectiveData | |
CScDetectiveFunc | |
CScDetectiveRefIter | Iterator for references in a formula cell |
CScDetOpData | |
CScDetOpList | |
CScDispatch | |
CScDispatchProviderInterceptor | |
CScDLL | This class is a wrapper for a Load-On-Demand-DLL |
CScDocAttrIterator | |
CScDocCfg | |
CScDocDefaultsObj | |
CScDocFunc | |
CScDocFuncDirect | |
CScDocOptions | |
CScDocOptionsHelper | |
CScDocOptionsObj | |
CScDocProtection | |
►CScDocRowHeightUpdater | |
CTabRanges | |
►CScDocShell | |
CPrepareSaveGuard | Do things that need to be done before saving to our own format and necessary clean ups in dtor |
CScDocShellModificator | Create before modifications of the document and destroy thereafter |
CScDocShellRecalcGuard | |
CScDocStat | |
CScDocStatPage | |
►CScDocument | |
CNumFmtMergeHandler | Use this class as a locale variable to merge number formatter from another document, and set NULL pointer to pFormatExchangeList when done |
CScDocumentConfiguration | |
►CScDocumentImport | Accessor class to ScDocument |
CAttrs | |
CScDocumentImportImpl | |
CScDocumentLoader | |
CScDocumentPool | |
CScDocumentThreadSpecific | For usage in FindDdeLink() only! |
CScDoubleField | An edit control that contains a double precision floating-point value |
CScDoubleRefToken | |
CScDPAggData | |
►CScDPCache | This class represents the cached data part of the datapilot cache table implementation |
CDBConnector | Interface for connecting to database source |
CField | |
CGroupItems | |
►CScDPCollection | |
CDBCaches | Data caches for external database sources |
►CDBType | Defines connection type to external data source |
Cless | |
CNameCaches | Data caches for range name based source data |
CSheetCaches | Stores and manages all caches from internal sheets |
CScDPDataDimension | |
CScDPDataMember | |
CScDPDateGroupDlg | |
CScDPDateGroupEditHelper | |
CScDPDimension | |
CScDPDimensions | |
CScDPDimensionSaveData | This class has to do with handling exclusively grouped dimensions? TODO: Find out what this class does and document it here |
CScDPFieldButton | This class takes care of physically drawing field button controls inside data pilot tables |
►CScDPFilteredCache | This class is only a wrapper to the actual cache, to provide filtering on the raw data based on the query filter and/or page field filters |
CCriterion | Single filtering criterion |
CFilterBase | Interface class used for filtering of rows |
CGroupFilter | Multi-item (group) filter |
CSingleFilter | Ordinary single-item filter |
CScDPFunctionDlg | |
CScDPFunctionListBox | |
CScDPGroupDimension | |
CScDPGroupEditHelper | |
CScDPGroupItem | |
CScDPGroupTableData | |
CScDPHierarchies | |
CScDPHierarchy | |
►CScDPInitState | Member names that are being processed for InitFrom/LateInitFrom (needed for initialization of grouped items) |
CMember | |
►CScDPItemData | When assigning a string value, you can also assign an interned string whose life-cycle is managed by the pivot cache that it belongs to |
CGroupValueAttr | |
►CScDPLabelData | |
CMember | |
CScDPLevel | |
CScDPLevels | |
CScDPMember | |
CScDPMembers | |
CScDPName | |
CScDPNumGroupDimension | |
CScDPNumGroupDlg | |
CScDPNumGroupEditHelper | |
CScDPNumGroupInfo | |
CScDPObject | |
CScDPOutLevelData | |
CScDPOutput | |
CScDPOutputGeometry | |
CScDPParentDimData | |
CScDPRelativePos | |
CScDPResultData | The term 'measure' here roughly equals "data dimension" ? |
CScDPResultDimension | |
CScDPResultFilter | |
CScDPResultFilterContext | |
CScDPResultMember | |
►CScDPResultTree | This class maintains pivot table calculation result in a tree structure which represents the logical structure of pivot table result layout as presented in the sheet |
CDimensionNode | |
CMemberNode | |
CNamePairHash | |
►CScDPResultVisibilityData | This class collects visible members of each dimension and uses that information to create filtering criteria (e.g |
CMemberHash | |
CScDPRowTotals | |
CScDPRunningTotalState | Indexes when calculating running totals |
CScDPSaveData | |
CScDPSaveDimension | |
CScDPSaveGroupDimension | Represents a new group dimension whose dimension ID is higher than the highest source dimension ID |
CScDPSaveGroupItem | Classes to save Data Pilot settings that create new dimensions (fields) |
CScDPSaveMember | |
CScDPSaveNumGroupDimension | Represents a group dimension that introduces a new hierarchy for an existing dimension |
CScDPServiceDesc | |
CScDPShowDetailDlg | |
CScDPSource | |
CScDPSubtotalDlg | |
CScDPSubtotalOptDlg | |
CScDPSubTotalState | Select subtotal information, passed down the dimensions |
►CScDPTableData | Base class that abstracts different data source types of a datapilot table |
CCalcInfo | This structure stores dimension information used when calculating results |
CCalcRowData | This structure stores vector arrays that hold intermediate data for each row during cache table iteration |
CScDPUtil | |
CScDPValue | |
CScDragData | |
CScDrawDefaultsObj | |
CScDrawFormShell | |
CScDrawLayer | |
CScDrawModelBroadcaster | |
CScDrawObjData | |
CScDrawPage | |
CScDrawPagesObj | |
CScDrawShell | |
CScDrawStringsVars | |
CScDrawStyleDlg | |
CScDrawTextCursor | |
CScDrawTextObjectBar | |
CScDrawTransferObj | |
CScDrawUtil | |
CScDrawView | |
CScDxfFont | |
CScEditableTester | |
CScEditAttrTester | |
►CScEditDataArray | |
CItem | |
CScEditEngineDefaulter | |
CScEditEngineTextObj | |
CScEditFieldObj | |
CScEditObjectViewForwarder | |
CScEditShell | |
CScEditSource | |
CScEditUtil | |
CScEditViewForwarder | |
CScEditViewHint | |
CScEditWindow | |
CScEEAbsImport | |
CScEEImport | |
CScEEParseEntry | |
CScEEParser | |
CScEmptyCellToken | |
CScEnginePoolHelper | |
CScEnhancedProtection | Container for the Excel EnhancedProtection feature |
CScExcelBiffDetect | |
CScExponentialSmoothingDialog | |
CScExponentialSmoothingDialogWrapper | |
CScExportBase | |
CScExportTextOptions | These options control how multi-line cells are converted during export in certain lossy formats (such as csv) |
CScExtDocOptions | Extended options held by an ScDocument containing additional settings for filters |
CScExtDocOptionsImpl | Implementation struct for ScExtDocOptions containing all members |
CScExtDocSettings | Extended settings for the document, used in import/export filters |
CScExternalDocLinkObj | |
CScExternalDocLinksObj | This is the UNO API equivalent of ScExternalRefManager |
CScExternalDoubleRefToken | |
CScExternalNameToken | |
►CScExternalRefCache | Cache table for external reference data |
CCell | Individual cell within cached external ref table |
CCellFormat | |
CDocItem | Represents data cached for a single external document |
CRangeHash | |
►CReferencedStatus | |
CDocReferenced | |
CSingleRangeData | |
CTable | Represents a single cached table in an external document |
CTableName | |
CScExternalRefLink | |
►CScExternalRefManager | |
CApiGuard | Use this guard when performing something from the API that might query values from external references |
CLinkListener | Base class for objects that need to listen to link updates |
CSrcFileData | Source document meta-data container |
CSrcShell | Shell instance for a source document |
CScExternalSheetCacheObj | |
CScExternalSingleRefToken | |
CScExtraEditViewManager | |
CScExtTabSettings | Extended settings for a sheet, used in import/export filters |
CScfApiHelper | Static API helper functions |
CScFDistFunction | |
CScFieldEditEngine | |
CScFieldGroup | |
CScFieldIdentifier | |
CScFillSeriesDlg | |
CScFilterDescriptor | |
CScFilterDescriptorBase | |
CScFilterDetect | |
►CScFilterDlg | |
CEntryList | |
CScFilterEntries | |
CScFilterListBox | |
CScFilterOptions | |
CScFilterOptionsMgr | |
CScFilterOptionsObj | |
CScFirstFooterEditPage | |
CScFirstHeaderEditPage | |
►CScFlatBoolColSegments | |
CRangeData | |
►CScFlatBoolRowSegments | |
CForwardIterator | |
CRangeData | |
CRangeIterator | |
CScFlatBoolSegmentsImpl | |
►CScFlatUInt16RowSegments | |
CForwardIterator | |
CRangeData | |
CScFlatUInt16SegmentsImpl | |
CScFooterPage | |
CScForbiddenCharsObj | |
CScFormatEntry | |
CScFormatFilter | |
CScFormatFilterPlugin | |
CScFormatFilterPluginImpl | |
CScFormatRangeStyles | |
CScFormatSaveData | |
CScFormatShell | |
CScFormEditData | |
CScFormulaCell | |
CScFormulaCellGroup | |
CScFormulaCfg | |
CScFormulaDlg | |
CScFormulaFrmtEntry | |
CScFormulaGroupCycleCheckGuard | A class to wrap ScRecursionHelper::PushFormulaGroup(), ScRecursionHelper::PopFormulaGroup() and make these calls exception safe |
CScFormulaGroupDependencyComputeGuard | |
CScFormulaGroupIterator | |
CScFormulaListener | |
CScFormulaOpCodeMapperObj | |
CScFormulaOptions | |
CScFormulaParserObj | |
CScFormulaParserPool | Stores the used instances of the FilterFormulaParser service implementations, mapped by the formula namespace they support |
CScFormulaRecursionEntry | |
CScFormulaReferenceHelper | |
CScFormulaResult | Store a variable formula cell result, balancing between runtime performance and memory consumption |
CScFourierAnalysisDialog | |
CScFourierAnalysisDialogWrapper | |
►CScfProgressBar | Progress bar for complex progress representation |
CScfProgressSegment | Contains all data of a segment of the progress bar |
CScfPropertySet | A wrapper for a UNO property set |
CScfPropSetHelper | Generic helper class for reading from and writing to property sets |
CScfSimpleProgressBar | A simplified progress bar with only one segment |
CScfStreamProgressBar | A simplified progress bar based on the stream position of an existing stream |
CScFTestDialog | |
CScFTestDialogWrapper | |
CScfTools | Contains static methods used anywhere in the filters |
►CScFuncDesc | Stores and generates human readable descriptions for spreadsheet-functions, e.g. functions used in formulas in calc |
CParameterFlags | Stores whether a parameter is optional or suppressed |
CScFunctionAccess | |
CScFunctionCategory | Category of spreadsheet functions |
CScFunctionData | To calculate a single subtotal function |
CScFunctionList | List of spreadsheet functions |
CScFunctionListObj | |
CScFunctionMgr | Stores spreadsheet functions in categories, including a cumulative ('All') category and makes them accessible |
CScFunctionWin | |
CScGammaDistFunction | |
CScGlobal | |
CScGlobalNamedRangesObj | |
CScGoToTabDlg | |
CScGraphicShell | |
CScGridMerger | |
CScGridOptions | |
►CScGridWindow | |
CLOKCursorEntry | |
CMouseEventState | |
CVisibleRange | Stores current visible column and row ranges, used to avoid expensive operations on objects that are outside visible area |
CScGridWinUIObject | |
CScGroupDlg | |
CScGroupTokenConverter | |
CScHeaderControl | |
CScHeaderEditEngine | |
CScHeaderFieldData | |
CScHeaderFieldsObj | |
CScHeaderFooterContentObj | |
CScHeaderFooterEditSource | ScHeaderFooterTextObj keeps the authoritative copy of ScHeaderFooterTextData that this class holds reference to |
CScHeaderFooterTextCursor | |
CScHeaderFooterTextData | |
CScHeaderFooterTextObj | Each of these instances represent, the left, center or right part of the header of footer of a page |
CScHeaderFunctionSet | |
CScHeaderPage | |
CScHeaderSelectionEngine | |
CScHelperFunctions | |
CScHFEditActiveDlg | |
CScHFEditAllDlg | |
CScHFEditDlg | |
CScHFEditFirstFooterDlg | |
CScHFEditFirstHeaderDlg | |
CScHFEditFooterDlg | |
CScHFEditHeaderDlg | |
CScHFEditLeftFooterDlg | |
CScHFEditLeftHeaderDlg | |
CScHFEditPage | |
CScHFEditRightFooterDlg | |
CScHFEditRightHeaderDlg | |
CScHFEditSharedFirstFooterDlg | |
CScHFEditSharedFirstHeaderDlg | |
CScHFEditSharedFooterDlg | |
CScHFEditSharedHeaderDlg | |
CScHFEditSharedLeftFooterDlg | |
CScHFEditSharedLeftHeaderDlg | |
CScHFPage | |
CScHighlightChgDlg | |
CScHighlightEntry | |
CScHint | |
CScHorizontalAttrIterator | |
►CScHorizontalCellIterator | |
CColParam | |
CScHorizontalValueIterator | Row-wise value iterator |
CScHTMLAdjustStackEntry | |
CScHTMLEntry | A single entry containing a line of text or representing a table |
CScHTMLExport | |
CScHTMLGlobalTable | The "global table" representing the entire HTML document |
CScHTMLGraphEntry | |
CScHTMLImage | |
CScHTMLImport | |
CScHTMLLayoutParser | |
CScHTMLParser | Base class for HTML parser classes |
CScHTMLPos | A 2D cell position in an HTML table |
CScHTMLQueryParser | The HTML parser for data queries |
CScHTMLSize | A 2D cell size in an HTML table |
CScHTMLStyle | |
CScHTMLStyles | Collection of HTML style data parsed from the content of <style> elements |
CScHTMLTable | Stores data for one table in an HTML document |
CScHTMLTableAutoId | This struct handles creation of unique table identifiers |
CScHTMLTableMap | A map of ScHTMLTable objects |
CScHTMLTableStackEntry | |
CScHybridCellToken | |
CScHyphenateCell | |
CScIconSetEntryObj | |
CScIconSetFormat | |
CScIconSetFormatData | |
CScIconSetFormatObj | |
CScIconSetFrmtDataEntry | |
CScIconSetFrmtEntry | |
CScIconSetInfo | |
CScIconSetMap | |
CScImportAsciiDlg | |
CScImportDescriptor | |
CScImportExport | |
CScImportOptions | |
CScImportOptionsDlg | |
CScImportParam | |
CScImportSourceDesc | |
CScImportStringStream | |
CScIndentItem | |
CScIndexEnumeration | |
CScIndexHint | |
CScInputBarGroup | |
CScInputCfg | |
CScInputHandler | |
CScInputHdlState | |
CScInputOptions | |
CScInputStatusItem | |
CScInputStringType | |
CScInputWindow | |
CScInputWindowWrapper | |
CScInsertCellDlg | |
CScInsertContentsDlg | |
CScInsertTableDlg | |
CScInterpreter | |
CScInterpreterContext | |
CScInterpreterContextGetterGuard | |
CScInterpreterContextPool | |
CScInterpreterTableOpParams | |
CScInvertMerger | |
CScItemValue | |
CScJumpMatrix | |
CScJumpMatrixEntry | |
CScJumpMatrixToken | |
CScLabelRangeObj | |
CScLabelRangesObj | |
CScLeftFooterEditPage | |
CScLeftHeaderEditPage | |
CScLineBreakCell | |
CScLineFlags | |
CScLinkConfigItem | |
CScLinkedAreaDlg | |
CScLinkListener | |
CScLinkRefreshedHint | |
CScLinkTargetsObj | |
CScLinkTargetTypeObj | |
CScLinkTargetTypesObj | Graphic / OleObject (need separate collections!) |
CScLinkTransferObj | |
CScListSubMenuControl | |
CScLoadedNamespaceEntry | |
CScLocalNamedRangesObj | |
CScLokRTLContext | Used to store the necessary information about the (combined-)tile area relevant to coordinate transformations in RTL mode |
►CScLookupCache | Lookup cache for one range used with interpreter functions such as VLOOKUP and MATCH |
CHash | |
CQueryCriteria | |
CQueryCriteriaAndResult | |
►CQueryKey | |
CHash | |
CScLookupCacheMap | |
CScMacroInfo | |
CScMacroManager | |
CScMarkArray | This is a rather odd datastructure |
CScMarkArrayIter | |
CScMarkData | Todo: It should be possible to have MarkArrays for each table, in order to enable "search all" across more than one table again! |
CScMarkEntry | |
CScMasterPageContext | |
►CScMatrix | Matrix data type that can store values of mixed types |
CIterateResult | Iterator for executing one operation with the matrix data |
CIterateResultMultiple | When adding all numerical matrix elements for a scalar result such as summation, the interpreter wants to separate the first non-zero value with the rest of the summed values |
CScMatrixCellResultToken | Transports the result from the interpreter to the formula cell |
CScMatrixComparisonGenerator | |
CScMatrixFormulaCellToken | Stores the matrix result at the formula cell, additionally the range the matrix formula occupies |
CScMatrixImpl | |
CScMatrixRangeToken | Token storing matrix that represents values in sheet range |
CScMatrixToken | |
CScMatrixValue | Try NOT to use this struct |
CScMediaShell | |
CScMemChart | |
CScMergeAttr | |
CScMergeCellsDialog | |
CScMergeFlagAttr | |
CScMergePatternState | |
CScMessagePool | |
CScMetricInputDlg | |
CScModelObj | |
CScModule | |
CScMoveTableDlg | |
CScMoveUndo | |
CScMovingAverageDialog | |
CScMovingAverageDialogWrapper | |
CScMultiBlockUndo | |
CScMultipleReadHeader | |
CScMultipleWriteHeader | |
CScMultiSel | |
CScMultiSelIter | |
CScMutationDisable | Instantiate this to ensure that subsequent modification of the document will cause an assertion failure while this is in-scope |
CScMutationGuard | A pretty assertion that checks that the relevant bits in the @nFlags are not set on the document at entry and exit |
CScMyActionInfo | |
CScMyAddress | |
CScMyAreaLink | |
CScMyAreaLinksContainer | |
CScMyBaseAction | |
CScMyCell | |
CScMyCellInfo | |
CScMyColumnRowGroup | |
CScMyContentAction | |
CScMyCurrencyStyle | |
CScMyDefaultStyle | |
CScMyDefaultStyles | |
CScMyDelAction | |
CScMyDeleted | |
CScMyDetectiveObj | |
CScMyDetectiveObjContainer | |
CScMyDetectiveOp | |
CScMyDetectiveOpContainer | |
CScMyDrawPage | |
CScMyEmptyDatabaseRangesContainer | |
CScMyFormatRange | |
CScMyGenerated | |
CScMyImpCellRangeSource | |
CScMyImpDetectiveObj | |
CScMyImpDetectiveOp | |
CScMyImpDetectiveOpArray | |
CScMyImportValidation | |
CScMyInsAction | |
CScMyInsertionCutOff | |
CScMyIteratorBase | |
CScMyLabelRange | |
CScMyMergedRange | |
CScMyMergedRangesContainer | |
CScMyMoveAction | |
CScMyMoveCutOff | |
CScMyMoveRanges | |
CScMyNamedExpression | |
CScMyNotEmptyCellsIterator | |
CScMyNoteShape | |
CScMyNoteShapesContainer | |
CScMyOLEFixer | |
CScMyOpenCloseColumnRowGroup | |
CScMyRejAction | |
CScMyRowFormatRange | |
CScMyShape | |
CScMyShapesContainer | |
CScMySharedData | |
CScMyStyleNumberFormat | |
CScMyStyleNumberFormats | |
CScMyStyleRanges | |
CScMyStylesImportHelper | |
CScMyTables | |
CScMyToFixupOLE | |
CScMyValidation | |
CScMyValidationsContainer | |
CScNameCreateDlg | |
CScNameDefDlg | |
CScNameDlg | |
CScNamedRangeObj | |
CScNamedRangesObj | |
CScNamePasteDlg | |
CScNameToIndexAccess | |
CScNavigatorControllerItem | |
CScNavigatorDlg | |
CScNavigatorSettings | Contains settings of the navigator listbox |
CScNavigatorWin | |
CScNavigatorWrapper | |
CScNavipiCfg | |
CScNeededSizeOptions | |
CScNewScenarioDlg | |
CScNoteData | Internal data for a cell annotation |
CScNoteEditEngine | |
CScNoteMarker | |
CScNotesChildren | |
CScNoteStyleEntry | |
CScNoteUtil | |
CScNumberFormat | |
CScNumFormatAbbrev | |
CScOleObjectShell | |
CScOoxPasswordHash | OOXML password definitions: algorithmName, hashValue, saltValue, spinCount |
CScOptionsUtil | |
CScOptSolverDlg | |
CScOrcusArrayFormula | |
CScOrcusAutoFilter | |
►CScOrcusBorder | |
CBorderLine | |
CScOrcusCellStyle | |
CScOrcusConditionalFormat | |
►CScOrcusFactory | |
CCellStoreToken | |
CScOrcusFill | |
CScOrcusFilters | Collection of orcus filter wrappers |
CScOrcusFiltersImpl | |
CScOrcusFont | |
CScOrcusFormula | |
CScOrcusGlobalSettings | |
CScOrcusImportBorderStyle | |
CScOrcusImportCellProtection | |
CScOrcusImportFillStyle | |
CScOrcusImportFontStyle | |
CScOrcusImportNumberFormat | |
CScOrcusImportXf | |
►CScOrcusImportXMLParam | |
CCellLink | |
CRangeLink | |
CScOrcusNamedExpression | |
CScOrcusNumberFormat | |
CScOrcusProtection | |
CScOrcusRefResolver | |
CScOrcusSharedStrings | |
CScOrcusSheet | |
CScOrcusSheetProperties | |
CScOrcusStyles | |
CScOrcusXf | |
CScOrcusXMLContext | |
CScOrcusXMLContextImpl | |
►CScOrcusXMLTreeParam | Parameter used during call to ScOrcusFilters::loadXMLStructure() |
CEntryData | Custom data stored with each tree item |
CScOrucsImportCellStyle | |
CScOutlineArray | |
CScOutlineCollection | |
CScOutlineDocFunc | |
CScOutlineEntry | |
CScOutlineTable | |
CScOutlineWindow | The window left of or above the spreadsheet containing the outline groups and controls to expand/collapse them |
►CScOutputData | |
CDrawEditParam | |
COutputAreaParam | |
CScOverlayDashedBorder | |
CScOverlayHint | |
CScPageAreaParam | |
CScPageBreakData | |
CScPageBreakShell | |
CScPageHFItem | |
CScPageObj | |
CScPageRowEntry | |
CScPageScaleToItem | Contains the "scale to width/height" attribute in page styles |
CScPageTableParam | |
CScPaintHint | |
CScPaintLockData | |
CScParagraphDlg | |
►CScParameterClassification | |
CCommonData | |
CRawData | |
CRunData | |
CScPassHashProtectable | |
CScPatternAttr | |
►CScPatternCache | |
CEntry | |
CScPivotField | |
CScPivotFilterDlg | |
CScPivotFuncData | |
CScPivotItem | |
CScPivotLayoutDialog | |
CScPivotLayoutTreeDropTarget | |
CScPivotLayoutTreeList | |
CScPivotLayoutTreeListBase | |
CScPivotLayoutTreeListData | |
CScPivotLayoutTreeListLabel | |
CScPivotParam | |
CScPivotShell | |
CScPoolHelper | |
►CScPositionHelper | |
CComp | |
CScPostIt | Additional class containing cell annotation data |
CScPosWnd | |
CScPreview | |
CScPreviewColRowInfo | |
CScPreviewLocationData | |
CScPreviewLocationEntry | |
CScPreviewObj | |
CScPreviewShell | |
CScPreviewTableInfo | |
CScPreviewViewForwarder | |
CScPrintAreasDlg | |
CScPrintCfg | |
CScPrintFunc | |
CScPrintFuncCache | Stores the data for printing that is needed from several sheets, so it doesn't have to be calculated for rendering each page |
CScPrintHFParam | |
CScPrintOptions | |
CScPrintPageLocation | The range that is printed on a page (excluding repeated columns/rows), and its position on the page, used to find hyperlink targets |
CScPrintRangeData | |
CScPrintRangeSaver | |
CScPrintSaverTab | |
CScPrintSelectionStatus | Stores the selection in the ScPrintFuncCache so it is only used for the same selection again |
CScPrintState | |
CScPrintUIOptions | |
CScProgress | |
CScProtectionAttr | |
CScQProReader | |
CScQProStyle | |
CScQueryCellIterator | |
►CScQueryCellIteratorAccessSpecific | |
CNonEmptyCellIndexer | This class sequentially indexes non-empty cells in order, from the top of the block where the start row position is, to the bottom of the block where the end row position is |
CSortedCacheIndexer | |
CScQueryCellIteratorAccessSpecific< ScQueryCellIteratorAccess::Direct > | |
CScQueryCellIteratorAccessSpecific< ScQueryCellIteratorAccess::SortedCache > | |
CScQueryCellIteratorBase | |
CScQueryCellIteratorSortedCache | |
CScQueryCellIteratorTypeSpecific | |
CScQueryCellIteratorTypeSpecific< ScQueryCellIteratorType::CountIf > | |
CScQueryCellIteratorTypeSpecific< ScQueryCellIteratorType::Generic > | |
►CScQueryEntry | Each instance of this struct represents a single filtering criteria |
CItem | |
CScQueryEvaluator | |
CScQueryItem | |
CScQueryParam | |
CScQueryParamBase | |
CScQueryParamTable | |
CScRandomNumberGeneratorDialog | |
CScRandomNumberGeneratorDialogWrapper | |
CScRange | |
CScRangeData | |
CScRangeFilterDescriptor | |
CScRangeFindData | |
CScRangeFindList | |
CScRangeList | |
CScRangeListTabs | |
CScRangeManagerTable | |
CScRangeName | |
CScRangeNameLine | |
CScRangePair | |
CScRangePairList | |
CScRangeStringConverter | |
CScRangeSubTotalDescriptor | |
CScRangeToSequence | |
CScRangeUpdater | |
CScRangeUtil | |
CScRawToken | |
CScRecentFunctionsObj | |
CScRecursionHelper | |
CScRedComDialog | |
CScRedlinData | |
CScRedlineOptionsTabPage | |
CScRefAddress | |
CScRefCellValue | This is very similar to ScCellValue, except that it references the original value instead of copying it |
CScRefFinder | |
CScRefHandler | |
CScRefHandlerCaller | |
CScRefHandlerHelper | |
CScRefHdlrControllerImpl | |
CScRefListToken | |
CScRefreshTimer | |
CScRefreshTimerControl | |
CScRefreshTimerProtector | |
CScRefUndoData | |
CScRefUpdate | |
CScRegressionDialog | |
CScRegressionDialogWrapper | |
CScReplaceWarnBox | Warning box for "Replace cell contents?" |
►CScRetypePassDlg | |
CTableItem | |
CScRetypePassInputDlg | |
CScRightFooterEditPage | |
CScRightHeaderEditPage | |
CScRotateValueItem | |
CScRowBar | |
CScRowBreakIterator | |
CScRowFormatRanges | |
►CScRowStyles | |
CCache | |
CScRTFCellDefault | |
CScRTFColTwips | |
CScRTFExport | |
CScRTFImport | |
CScRTFParser | |
CScSamplingDialog | |
CScSamplingDialogWrapper | |
CScScenariosObj | |
►CScScenarioWindow | |
CScenarioEntry | |
CScScriptTypeData | |
CScSelectionState | Contains all available data about any possible selection in a Calc document |
CScSelectionTransferObj | |
CScSelEntryDlg | |
CScSequenceToMatrix | |
CScServerObject | |
CScServerObjectSvtListenerForwarder | |
CScServiceProvider | |
CScSetStringParam | Store parameters used in the ScDocument::SetString() method |
CScShapeChildren | |
CScShapeObj | |
CScShapeStyleContext | |
CScShareDocumentDlg | |
CScSheetDPData | Implementation of ScDPTableData with sheet data |
CScSheetEvents | |
CScSheetEventsObj | |
CScSheetLimits | |
CScSheetLinkObj | |
CScSheetLinksObj | |
CScSheetSaveData | |
CScSheetSourceDesc | This class contains authoritative information on the internal reference used as the data source for datapilot table |
CScShowTabDlg | |
CScShrinkToFitCell | |
CScSimpleEditSource | |
CScSimpleEditSourceHelper | |
CScSimpleFormulaCalculator | |
CScSimpleRefDlg | |
CScSimpleRefDlgWrapper | |
CScSimpleUndo | |
CScSingleRefData | Single reference (one address) into the sheet |
CScSingleRefToken | |
CScSizeDeviceProvider | |
CScSolveItem | |
CScSolveParam | |
CScSolverDlg | |
CScSolverIntegerDialog | |
CScSolverNoSolutionDialog | |
CScSolverOptionsDialog | |
CScSolverOptionsString | |
CScSolverProgressDialog | |
CScSolverSuccessDialog | |
CScSolverUtil | |
CScSolverValueDialog | |
CScSortDescriptor | |
CScSortDlg | |
►CScSortedRangeCache | Sorted cache for one range used with interpreter functions such as VLOOKUP and MATCH |
CHash | |
CHashKey | |
CScSortedRangeCacheMap | |
►CScSortInfoArray | |
CCell | |
CRow | |
CScSortItem | |
CScSortKeyItem | |
CScSortKeyState | |
CScSortKeyWindow | |
CScSortParam | |
CScSortWarningDlg | |
CScSpecialFilterDlg | |
CScSpellDialogChildWindow | Specialized spell check dialog child window for Calc |
CScSpellingEngine | Edit engine for spell checking |
CScSpreadsheetSettings | |
CScSpreadsheetSettingsObj | |
CScStatisticsInputOutputDialog | |
CScStatisticsTwoVariableDialog | |
CScStreamEntry | |
CScStringInputDlg | |
CScStringUtil | |
CScStyleDlg | |
CScStyleFamiliesObj | |
CScStyleFamilyObj | |
CScStyleNameConversion | |
CScStyleObj | |
CScStyleSaveData | |
CScStyleSheet | |
CScStyleSheetPool | |
CScSubOutlineIterator | |
CScSubTotalDescriptor | |
CScSubTotalDescriptorBase | |
CScSubTotalDlg | |
CScSubTotalFieldObj | |
CScSubTotalItem | |
CScSubTotalParam | |
CScSubTotalRule | |
►CScTabBgColorDlg | |
CScTabBgColorValueSet | |
CScTabControl | |
CScTabDeletedHint | |
CScTabEditEngine | |
►CScTable | |
CVisibleDataCellIterator | Use this to iterate through non-empty visible cells in a single column |
CScTableColumnObj | |
CScTableColumnsObj | |
CScTableConditionalEntry | |
CScTableConditionalFormat | |
CScTableInfo | |
CScTableLink | |
CScTablePage | |
CScTableProtection | Sheet protection state container |
CScTableProtectionDlg | |
CScTableProtectionImpl | |
CScTableRefToken | Special token to remember details of ocTableRef "structured references" |
CScTableRowObj | |
CScTableRowsObj | |
CScTableSheetObj | |
CScTableSheetsObj | |
CScTablesHint | |
CScTableValidationObj | |
CScTabOpDlg | |
CScTabOpItem | |
CScTabOpParam | Parameter for data table aka multiple operations |
CScTabPageProtection | |
CScTabPageSortFields | |
CScTabPageSortOptions | |
CScTabSizeChangedHint | |
CScTabSplitter | |
CScTabView | |
CScTabViewObj | |
CScTabViewShell | |
CScTabViewTarget | |
CScTBC | |
CScTDistFunction | |
CScTempDocCache | |
CScTemporaryChartLock | Use this to lock all charts in the calc for a little time |
CScTextConversionEngine | Edit engine for text conversion |
CScTextImportOptionsDlg | |
CScTextStyleEntry | |
CScTextWnd | |
CScTextWndBase | |
CScTextWndGroup | |
CScThreadedInterpreterContextGetterGuard | |
CScTokenArray | |
CScTokenConversion | |
CScTokenStack | |
CScTpCalcItem | |
CScTpCalcOptions | |
CScTpCompatOptions | |
CScTpContentOptions | |
CScTpDefaultsItem | |
CScTpDefaultsOptions | |
CScTpFormulaItem | |
CScTpFormulaOptions | |
CScTpLayoutOptions | |
CScTpPrintItem | |
CScTpPrintOptions | |
CScTpSubTotalGroup | |
CScTpSubTotalGroup1 | |
CScTpSubTotalGroup2 | |
CScTpSubTotalGroup3 | |
CScTpSubTotalOptions | |
CScTpUserLists | |
CScTPValidationError | |
CScTPValidationHelp | |
CScTPValidationValue | The tab page "Criteria" from the Validation dialog |
CScTpViewItem | |
CScTransferObj | |
CScTTestDialog | |
CScTTestDialogWrapper | |
►CScTypedStrData | |
CEqualCaseInsensitive | |
CEqualCaseSensitive | |
CLessCaseInsensitive | |
CLessCaseSensitive | |
CLessHiddenRows | |
CScUndoAddRangeData | |
CScUndoAllRangeNames | Undo object for named ranges, both in global and sheet-local scopes |
CScUndoAnchorData | |
►CScUndoApplyPageStyle | |
CApplyStyleEntry | |
CScUndoAutoFill | |
CScUndoAutoFilter | |
CScUndoAutoFormat | |
CScUndoAutoOutline | |
CScUndoBorder | |
CScUndoChartData | |
CScUndoClearItems | |
CScUndoConditionalFormat | |
CScUndoConditionalFormatList | |
CScUndoConsolidate | |
CScUndoConversion | |
CScUndoCopyTab | |
CScUndoCursorAttr | |
CScUndoCut | |
CScUndoDataForm | |
CScUndoDataPilot | |
CScUndoDBData | |
CScUndoDeleteCells | |
CScUndoDeleteContents | |
CScUndoDeleteMulti | |
CScUndoDeleteTab | |
CScUndoDetective | |
CScUndoDocProtect | This class implements undo & redo of document protect & unprotect operations |
CScUndoDoOutline | |
CScUndoDragDrop | |
CScUndoDraw | |
►CScUndoEnterData | |
CValue | |
CScUndoEnterMatrix | |
CScUndoEnterValue | |
CScUndoFillTable | |
CScUndoImportData | |
CScUndoImportTab | |
CScUndoIndent | |
CScUndoInsertAreaLink | |
CScUndoInsertCells | |
CScUndoInsertTab | |
CScUndoInsertTables | |
CScUndoLayoutRTL | |
CScUndoListNames | |
CScUndoMakeOutline | |
CScUndoMakeScenario | |
CScUndoManager | |
CScUndoMerge | |
CScUndoModifyStyle | |
CScUndoMoveTab | |
CScUndoObjData | |
CScUndoOutlineBlock | |
CScUndoOutlineLevel | |
CScUndoPageBreak | |
CScUndoPaste | |
CScUndoPasteOptions | |
CScUndoPrintRange | |
CScUndoPrintZoom | |
CScUndoQuery | |
CScUndoRangeNames | |
CScUndoRedoContext | |
CScUndoRefConversion | |
CScUndoRefreshLink | |
CScUndoRemoveAllOutlines | |
CScUndoRemoveAreaLink | |
CScUndoRemoveBreaks | |
CScUndoRemoveLink | |
CScUndoRemoveMerge | |
CScUndoRenameObject | |
CScUndoRenameTab | |
CScUndoRepeatDB | |
CScUndoReplace | |
CScUndoReplaceNote | Undo action for inserting, removing, and replacing a cell note |
CScUndoScenarioFlags | |
CScUndoSelectionAttr | |
CScUndoSelectionStyle | |
CScUndoSetCell | |
CScUndoShowHideNote | Undo action for showing or hiding a cell note caption |
CScUndoShowHideTab | |
CScUndoSubTotals | |
CScUndoTabColor | |
CScUndoTabColorInfo | |
CScUndoTabOp | |
CScUndoTabProtect | This class implements undo & redo of both protect and unprotect of sheet |
CScUndoThesaurus | |
CScUndoTransliterate | |
CScUndoUpdateAreaLink | Also change BlockUndo? |
CScUndoUseScenario | |
CScUndoUtil | |
CScUndoWidthOrHeight | |
CScUndoWrapper | |
CScUniqueCellFormatsEnumeration | |
CScUniqueCellFormatsObj | |
CScUnitConverter | |
CScUnitConverterData | |
CScUnnamedDatabaseRangesObj | |
CScUnoAddInCall | |
CScUnoAddInCollection | |
►CScUnoAddInFuncData | |
CLocalizedName | |
CScUnoAddInHelpId | |
CScUnoAddInHelpIdGenerator | Generates help IDs for standard Calc AddIns |
CScUnoConversion | |
CScUnoHelpFunctions | |
CScUnoListenerCalls | ScUnoListenerCalls stores notifications to XModifyListener that can't be processed during BroadcastUno and calls them together at the end |
CScUnoListenerEntry | |
CScUnoRefEntry | |
CScUnoRefList | List of RefUpdate changes made to UNO objects during ScUpdateRefHint broadcast |
CScUnoRefUndoHint | Hint to restore a UNO object to its old state (used during undo) |
CScUpdateRect | |
CScUpdateRefHint | |
CScURLTransformer | |
CScUsedAreaIterator | |
CScUserList | Collection of user-defined sort lists |
►CScUserListData | Stores individual user-defined sort list |
CSubStr | |
CScUserListItem | |
CScUserMacroDepTracker | A simple container to keep track of cells that depend on basic modules changes |
►CScValidationData | |
CCustomValidationPrivateAccess | |
CScValidationDataIsNumeric | To test numeric data text length in IsDataValidTextLen() |
CScValidationDataList | |
CScValidationDlg | The "Validity" tab dialog |
CScValidityRefChildWin | |
CScValueIterator | |
CScVbaApplication | |
CScVbaAppSettings | Global application settings shared by all open workbooks |
CScVbaAssistant | |
CScVbaAxes | |
CScVbaAxis | |
CScVbaAxisTitle | |
CScVbaBorders | |
CScVbaButton | |
CScVbaButtonCharacters | Simple implementation of the Characters symbol for drawing button objects |
CScVbaButtons | Collection containing all button controls from a sheet (not ActiveX controls) |
CScVbaCharacters | |
CScVbaChart | |
CScVbaChartObject | |
CScVbaChartObjects | |
CScVbaChartTitle | |
CScVbaComment | |
CScVbaComments | |
CScVbaCondition | |
CScVbaControlObjectBase | |
CScVbaDialog | |
CScVbaDialogs | |
CScVbaEventListener | |
CScVbaEventsHelper | |
CScVbaFileDialog | |
CScVbaFileDialogSelectedItems | |
CScVbaFont | |
CScVbaFormat | |
CScVbaFormatCondition | |
CScVbaFormatConditions | |
CScVbaGlobals | |
CScVbaGraphicObjectsBase | Base class for collections containing a specific type of graphic object from a sheet |
CScVbaHPageBreak | |
CScVbaHPageBreaks | |
CScVbaHyperlink | |
CScVbaHyperlinks | Represents a collection of hyperlinks of a worksheet or of a range |
CScVbaInterior | |
CScVbaLineShape | |
CScVbaMenu | |
CScVbaMenuBar | |
CScVbaMenuBars | |
CScVbaMenuItem | |
CScVbaMenuItems | |
CScVbaMenus | |
CScVbaName | |
CScVbaNames | |
CScVbaObjectContainer | Container for a specific type of drawing object in a spreadsheet |
CScVbaOLEObject | |
CScVbaOLEObjects | |
CScVbaOutline | |
CScVbaOvalShape | |
CScVbaPageBreak | |
CScVbaPageSetup | |
CScVbaPalette | |
CScVbaPane | |
CScVbaPivotCache | |
CScVbaPivotTable | |
CScVbaPivotTables | |
CScVbaRange | |
CScVbaSheetObjectBase | Base class for drawing objects embedded in sheets |
CScVbaSheetObjectsBase | Base class for collections containing a specific type of drawing object embedded in a sheet (worksheet, chart sheet, or dialog sheet) |
CScVbaStyle | |
CScVbaStyles | |
CScVbaTextBoxShape | |
CScVbaTextFrame | |
CScVbaValidation | |
CScVbaVPageBreak | |
CScVbaVPageBreaks | |
CScVbaWindow | |
CScVbaWindows | |
CScVbaWorkbook | |
CScVbaWorkbooks | |
CScVbaWorksheet | |
CScVbaWorksheets | |
CScVbaWSFunction | |
CScVerticalStackCell | |
CScViewCfg | |
CScViewData | |
CScViewDataTable | |
CScViewForwarder | |
CScViewFunc | |
CScViewFunctionSet | |
CScViewObjectModeItem | |
CScViewOptions | |
CScViewPaneBase | |
CScViewPaneObj | |
CScViewSelectionEngine | |
CScViewUtil | |
CScWaitCursorOff | |
CScWarnPassword | Static API helper functions |
CScWebServiceLink | |
CScXMLAndContext | |
CScXMLAnnotationContext | |
CScXMLAnnotationData | |
CScXMLAnnotationStyleEntry | |
CScXMLAutoStylePoolP | |
CScXMLBodyContext | |
►CScXMLCachedRowAttrAccess | Wrapper for accessing hidden and filtered row attributes |
CCache | |
CScXMLCalculationSettingsContext | |
CScXMLCellExportPropertyMapper | |
CScXMLCellFieldDateContext | This context handles <text:date> element inside <text:p> |
CScXMLCellFieldSContext | This context handles <text:s> element inside <text:p> or <text:span> |
CScXMLCellFieldSheetNameContext | This context handles <text:sheet-name> element inside <text:p> |
CScXMLCellFieldTitleContext | This context handles <text:title> element inside <text:p> |
CScXMLCellFieldURLContext | This context handles <text:a> element inside <text:p> or <text:span> |
CScXMLCellImportPropertyMapper | |
CScXMLCellRangeSourceContext | |
CScXMLCellRubyBaseContext | This context handles <text:ruby-base> element inside <text:ruby> |
CScXMLCellRubyTextContext | This context handles <text:ruby-text> element inside <text:ruby> |
CScXMLCellTextParaContext | This context handles <text:p> element inside <table:table-cell> |
CScXMLCellTextRubyContext | This context handles <text:ruby> element inside <text:p> |
CScXMLCellTextSpanContext | This context handles <text:span> element inside <text:p> |
CScXMLChangeTrackingImportHelper | |
CScXMLColorScaleFormatContext | |
CScXMLColorScaleFormatEntryContext | |
CScXMLColumnAggregateContext | |
CScXMLColumnExportPropertyMapper | |
CScXMLColumnMergeContext | |
CScXMLColumnNumberContext | |
CScXMLColumnRemoveContext | |
CScXMLColumnRemoveNullContext | |
CScXMLColumnSortContext | |
CScXMLColumnSplitContext | |
CScXMLColumnTextContext | |
CScXMLCondContext | |
CScXMLConditionalFormatContext | |
►CScXMLConditionalFormatsContext | |
CCacheEntry | |
CCondFormatData | |
CScXMLConditionContext | |
CScXMLConditionParseResult | Result of an attempt to parse a single condition in a 'condition' attribute value of e.g |
CScXMLConResContext | |
CScXMLConsolidationContext | |
CScXMLContentContext | |
CScXMLContentValidationsContext | |
CScXMLConverter | |
CScXMLDataBarFormatContext | |
CScXMLDatabaseRangeContext | |
CScXMLDatabaseRangesContext | |
CScXMLDataPilotDisplayInfoContext | |
CScXMLDataPilotFieldContext | |
CScXMLDataPilotFieldReferenceContext | |
CScXMLDataPilotGrandTotalContext | |
CScXMLDataPilotGroup | |
CScXMLDataPilotGroupContext | |
CScXMLDataPilotGroupMemberContext | |
CScXMLDataPilotGroupsContext | |
CScXMLDataPilotLayoutInfoContext | |
CScXMLDataPilotLevelContext | |
CScXMLDataPilotMemberContext | |
CScXMLDataPilotMembersContext | |
CScXMLDataPilotSortInfoContext | |
CScXMLDataPilotSubTotalContext | |
CScXMLDataPilotSubTotalsContext | |
►CScXMLDataPilotTableContext | |
CGrandTotalItem | |
CScXMLDataPilotTablesContext | |
CScXMLDataStreamContext | |
CScXMLDateContext | |
CScXMLDateTimeContext | |
CScXMLDDECellContext | |
CScXMLDDEColumnContext | |
CScXMLDDELinkContext | |
CScXMLDDELinksContext | |
CScXMLDDERowContext | |
CScXMLDDESourceContext | |
CScXMLDDETableContext | |
CScXMLDetectiveContext | |
CScXMLDetectiveHighlightedContext | |
CScXMLDetectiveOperationContext | |
CScXMLDPAndContext | |
CScXMLDPConditionContext | |
CScXMLDPFilterContext | |
CScXMLDPOrContext | |
CScXMLDPSourceQueryContext | |
CScXMLDPSourceSQLContext | |
CScXMLDPSourceTableContext | |
►CScXMLEditAttributeMap | Provide mapping from ODF text formatting styles to EditEngine's, for rich-text cell content import |
CEntry | |
CScXMLEmptyContext | |
CScXMLExport | |
CScXMLExportDatabaseRanges | |
CScXMLExportDataPilot | |
CScXMLExportDDELinks | |
CScXMLExternalRefCellContext | |
CScXMLExternalRefCellTextContext | |
CScXMLExternalRefRowContext | |
CScXMLExternalRefRowsContext | |
CScXMLExternalRefTabSourceContext | |
CScXMLExternalTabData | |
►CScXMLFilterContext | |
CConnStackItem | |
CScXMLFormattingEntryContext | |
CScXMLIconSetFormatContext | |
►CScXMLImport | |
CMutexGuard | Use this class to manage solar mutex locking instead of calling LockSolarMutex() and UnlockSolarMutex() directly |
CScXMLImportContext | This class exists only to provide GetScImport() to its derived classes |
CScXMLImportWrapper | |
CScXMLIterationContext | |
CScXMLLabelRangeContext | |
CScXMLLabelRangesContext | |
CScXMLMappingContext | |
CScXMLMappingsContext | |
CScXMLMasterStylesContext | |
CScXMLNamedExpressionContext | |
►CScXMLNamedExpressionsContext | |
CGlobalInserter | Global named expressions are inserted into ScXMLImport, which does the bulk insertion at the end of the import |
CInserter | |
CSheetLocalInserter | Sheet local named expressions are inserted directly into ScRangeName instance of that sheet |
CScXMLNamedRangeContext | |
CScXMLNullDateContext | |
CScXMLOrContext | |
CScXMLRowExportPropertyMapper | |
CScXMLRowImportPropertyMapper | |
CScXMLSetItemContext | |
CScXMLSortByContext | |
CScXMLSortContext | |
CScXMLSortGroupsContext | |
CScXMLSourceCellRangeContext | |
CScXMLSourceDlg | |
CScXMLSourceQueryContext | |
CScXMLSourceServiceContext | |
CScXMLSourceSQLContext | |
CScXMLSourceTableContext | |
CScXMLSubTotalFieldContext | |
CScXMLSubTotalRuleContext | |
CScXMLSubTotalRulesContext | |
CScXMLTableColContext | |
CScXMLTableColsContext | |
CScXMLTableContext | |
CScXMLTableExportPropertyMapper | |
CScXMLTableProtectionContext | |
►CScXMLTableRowCellContext | |
CField | |
CParaFormat | |
CScXMLTableRowContext | |
CScXMLTableRowsContext | |
CScXMLTableScenarioContext | |
CScXMLTableShapesContext | |
CScXMLTableSourceContext | |
CScXMLTabProtectionData | |
CScXMLTrackedChangesContext | |
CScXMLTransformationsContext | |
CScZoomSlider | |
CScZoomSliderControl | |
CScZoomSliderWnd | |
CScZTestDialog | |
CScZTestDialogWrapper | |
CShapeInteractionHelper | |
CShapeUnoEventAccessImpl | |
CSharedFormulaBuffer | Store and manage shared formula tokens |
CSingleDoubleRefModifier | |
CSingleDoubleRefProvider | |
CStringHashEntry | |
CSubTotal | |
CTableColumnAttributes | |
CTableLink_Impl | |
CTBCCmd | |
CTitleImpl | |
CTokenId | |
►CTokenPool | |
CExtAreaRef | For storage of external area references |
CExtCellRef | For storage of external cell references |
CExtName | For storage of external names |
CRangeName | For storage of named ranges |
CTokenPoolPool | |
CTokenStack | |
CTransItem | |
CValueGetter | |
CValueSetter | |
CWelfordRunner | Implements the Welford Online one-pass algorithm |
CXclAddress | A 2D cell address struct with Excel column and row indexes |
CXclAddressConverterBase | Base class for import/export address converters |
CXclCalccount | |
CXclCellAlign | Contains all cell alignment attributes |
CXclCellArea | Contains background colors and pattern for a cell |
CXclCellBorder | Contains color and line style for each cell border line |
CXclCellProt | Contains all cell protection attributes |
CXclCh3dDataFormat | |
CXclChAreaFormat | |
CXclChartHelper | Contains static helper functions for the chart filters |
CXclChAxesSet | |
CXclChAxis | |
CXclChChart3d | |
CXclChDataFormat | |
CXclChDataPointPos | Specifies the position of a data series or data point |
CXclChDateRange | |
CXclChEscherFormat | |
CXclChExtTypeInfo | Extended chart type information and access functions |
CXclChFormatInfo | Contains information about auto formatting of a specific chart object type |
CXclChFormatInfoProvider | Provides access to chart auto formatting for all available object types |
CXclChFrame | |
CXclChFramePos | |
CXclChFrBlock | Contains the type and context of a block of future records which are guarded by CHFRBLOCKBEGIN and CHFRBLOCKEND records |
CXclChFrLabelProps | |
CXclChLabelRange | |
CXclChLegend | |
CXclChLineFormat | |
CXclChMarkerFormat | |
CXclChObjectLink | |
CXclChObjectTable | |
CXclChPicFormat | |
CXclChProperties | |
CXclChPropSetHelper | Helper class for usage of property sets |
CXclChRectangle | |
CXclChRootData | Base struct for internal root data structs for import and export |
CXclChSerErrorBar | |
CXclChSeries | |
CXclChSerTrendLine | |
CXclChSourceLink | |
CXclChText | |
CXclChTextKey | A map key for text and title objects |
CXclChTick | |
CXclChType | |
CXclChTypeGroup | |
CXclChTypeInfo | Contains information for a chart type |
CXclChTypeInfoProvider | Provides access to chart type info structs for all available chart types |
CXclChValueRange | |
CXclCodename | |
CXclControlHelper | Provides static helper functions for form controls |
CXclDebugObjCounter | Counts the number of created root objects |
CXclDefaultPalette | Stores all default colors for a specific BIFF version |
CXclDelta | |
CXclDocViewData | Excel ignores Tab color when set to this value.. |
CXclEscherClientData | |
CXclEscherClientTextbox | |
CXclEscherEx | |
CXclEscherExGlobal | |
CXclEscherHostAppData | |
CXclExpAddressConverter | Provides functions to convert Calc cell addresses to Excel cell addresses |
CXclExpArray | Represents an ARRAY record that contains the token array of a matrix formula |
CXclExpArrayBuffer | Caches all ARRAY records |
CXclExpAutofilter | |
CXclExpAutofilterinfo | |
CXclExpBiff8Encrypter | |
CXclExpBlankCell | Represents a BLANK or MULBLANK record that describes empty but formatted cells |
CXclExpBlindFont | Used as placeholder for font index 4, which is not used in Excel |
CXclExpBookExt | |
CXclExpBooleanCell | Represents a BOOLERR record that describes a cell with a Boolean value |
CXclExpBoolRecord | Record which contains a Boolean value |
CXclExpCachedMatrix | Contains cached values in a 2-dimensional array |
CXclExpCellAlign | Extends the XclCellAlign struct for export |
CXclExpCellArea | Extends the XclCellArea struct for export |
CXclExpCellBase | The base class of all cell records |
CXclExpCellBorder | Extends the XclCellBorder struct for export |
CXclExpCellProt | Extends the XclCellProt struct for export |
CXclExpCellTable | This class contains the cell contents and more of an entire sheet |
CXclExpCF | Represents a CF record that contains one condition of a conditional format |
CXclExpCFImpl | Represents a CF record that contains one condition of a conditional format |
CXclExpCfvo | |
CXclExpCh3dDataFormat | The CH3DDATAFORMAT record containing the bar type in 3D bar charts |
CXclExpChangeTrack | |
CXclExpChAreaFormat | |
CXclExpChart | Represents the entire chart substream (all records in BOF/EOF block) |
CXclExpChartDrawing | Represents the group of DFF and OBJ records containing all drawing shapes embedded in the chart object |
CXclExpChartObj | A chart object |
CXclExpChartPageSettings | Contains all page (print) settings records for a chart object |
CXclExpChAttachedLabel | The CHATTACHEDLABEL record that contains the type of a data point label |
CXclExpChAxesSet | Represents the CHAXESSET record group describing an axes set (X/Y/Z axes) |
CXclExpChAxis | Represents the CHAXIS record group describing an entire chart axis |
CXclExpChChart | Represents the CHCHART record group describing the chart contents |
CXclExpChChart3d | Represents the CHCHART3D record that contains 3D view settings |
CXclExpChDataFormat | Represents the CHDATAFORMAT record group containing data point properties |
CXclExpChDropBar | Represents the CHDROPBAR record group describing pos/neg bars in line charts |
CXclExpChEscherFormat | |
CXclExpChFont | The CHFONT record containing a font index for text objects |
CXclExpChFontBase | Base class for objects with font settings |
CXclExpChFrame | Represents the CHFRAME record group containing object frame properties |
CXclExpChFrameBase | Base class for record groups containing frame formatting |
CXclExpChFramePos | |
CXclExpChFrLabelProps | Additional data label settings in the future record CHFRLABELPROPS |
CXclExpChFutureRecordBase | Base class for chart future records |
CXclExpChGroupBase | Base class for chart record groups |
CXclExpChLabelRange | |
CXclExpChLegend | Represents the CHLEGEND record group describing the chart legend |
CXclExpChLineFormat | |
CXclExpChMarkerFormat | The CHMARKERFORMAT record containing data point marker formatting data |
CXclExpChObjectLink | The CHOBJECTLINK record linking a text object to a specific chart object |
CXclExpChPieFormat | The CHPIEFORMAT record containing data point formatting data for pie segments |
CXclExpChRoot | Base class for complex chart classes, provides access to other components of the chart |
CXclExpChRootData | Stores global data needed in various classes of the Chart export filter |
CXclExpChSerErrorBar | Represents the CHSERERRORBAR record containing settings for error bars |
CXclExpChSeries | Represents the CHSERIES record group describing a data series in a chart |
CXclExpChSerTrendLine | Represents the CHSERTRENDLINE record containing settings for a trend line |
CXclExpChSourceLink | |
CXclExpChText | Represents the CHTEXT record group containing text object properties |
CXclExpChTick | |
CXclExpChTr0x014A | |
CXclExpChTr0x0191 | |
CXclExpChTr0x0192 | |
CXclExpChTr0x0194 | |
CXclExpChTr0x0195 | |
CXclExpChTr0x0197 | |
CXclExpChTr0x0198 | |
CXclExpChTrAction | |
CXclExpChTrCellContent | |
CXclExpChTrData | |
CXclExpChTrEmpty | |
CXclExpChTrHeader | |
CXclExpChTrInfo | |
CXclExpChTrInsert | |
CXclExpChTrInsertTab | |
CXclExpChTrMoveRange | |
CXclExpChTrTabId | |
CXclExpChTrTabIdBuffer | |
CXclExpChType | Represents the chart type record for all supported chart types |
CXclExpChTypeGroup | Represents the CHTYPEGROUP record group describing a group of series |
CXclExpChValueRange | |
CXclExpColinfo | Contains the column settings for a range of columns |
CXclExpColinfoBuffer | Contains COLINFO records for all columns of a Calc sheet |
CXclExpColor | |
CXclExpColorScale | |
CXclExpColOutlineBuffer | The outline buffer for column outlines |
CXclExpColScaleCol | |
CXclExpComments | |
CXclExpCondfmt | Represents a CONDFMT record that contains all conditions of a conditional format |
CXclExpCondFormatBuffer | Contains all conditional formats of a specific sheet |
CXclExpControlHelper | Helper class for form controls to manage spreadsheet links |
CXclExpCountry | This record contains the Windows country IDs for the UI and document language |
CXclExpDataBar | |
CXclExpDateFormat | |
CXclExpDefaultRowData | Contains all possible default row settings |
CXclExpDefaultXF | Represents a default XF record |
CXclExpDefcolwidth | Represents the DEFCOLWIDTH record containing the default column width of a sheet |
CXclExpDefrowheight | Represents a DEFROWHEIGHT record containing default format for unused rows |
CXclExpDelegatingRecord | |
CXclExpDffAnchorBase | Base class for DFF client anchor atoms used in spreadsheets |
CXclExpDffDropDownAnchor | Represents the position (anchor) of a cell dropdown object |
CXclExpDffEmbeddedAnchor | Represents the position (anchor) of a shape in an embedded draw page |
CXclExpDffNoteAnchor | Represents the position (anchor) of a note object |
CXclExpDffSheetAnchor | Represents the position (anchor) of an object in a Calc sheet |
CXclExpDimensions | Represents a DIMENSIONS record containing the used area of a sheet |
CXclExpDummyRecord | Record which exports a memory data array |
CXclExpDV | Provides export of the data of a DV record |
CXclExpDval | This class contains the DV record list following the DVAL record |
CXclExpDxf | |
CXclExpDxfFont | |
CXclExpDxfs | |
CXclExpEmbeddedObjectManager | |
CXclExpEmptyRecord | A record without body |
CXclExpExt | Base class for ext entries |
CXclExpExtAxisColor | |
CXclExpExtCalcPr | |
CXclExpExtCF | |
CXclExpExtCfRule | |
CXclExpExtCfvo | |
CXclExpExtCondFormat | |
CXclExpExtCondFormatData | |
CXclExpExtConditionalFormatting | |
CXclExpExtDataBar | |
CXclExpExtIcon | |
CXclExpExtIconSet | |
CXclExpExtNegativeColor | |
CXclExpFileEncryption | |
CXclExpFileSharing | |
CXclExpFilterManager | Sheet filter manager |
CXclExpFiltermode | |
CXclExpFmlaCompImpl | Implementation class of the export formula compiler |
CXclExpFont | Stores all data of an Excel font and provides export of FONT records |
CXclExpFontBuffer | Stores the data of all fonts used in the document |
CXclExpFormulaCell | Represents a FORMULA record that describes a cell with a formula |
CXclExpFormulaCompiler | The formula compiler to create Excel token arrays from Calc token arrays |
CXclExpFutureRecord | |
CXclExpGuts | Represents a GUTS record containing the level count of row and column outlines |
CXclExpHeaderFooter | Represents a HEADER or FOOTER record |
CXclExpHFConverter | Converts edit engine text objects to an Excel header/footer string |
CXclExpHyperlink | Provides export of hyperlink data |
CXclExpHyperlinkHelper | Helper to create HLINK records during creation of formatted cell strings |
CXclExpIconSet | |
CXclExpImgData | Provides export of bitmap data to an IMGDATA record |
CXclExpInterfaceEnd | End of User Interface Records |
CXclExpInterfaceHdr | Beginning of User Interface Records |
CXclExpLabelCell | Represents a text cell record |
CXclExpLabelranges | Provides export of the row/column label range list of a sheet |
CXclExpLinkManager | Stores all data for internal/external references (the link table) |
CXclExpLinkManagerImpl | Abstract base class for implementation classes of the link manager |
CXclExpMergedcells | Represents a MERGEDCELLS record containing all merged cell ranges in a sheet |
CXclExpMsoDrawing | One or more MSODRAWING records contain the DFF stream data for a drawing shape |
CXclExpMsoDrawingBase | Base class for records holding DFF stream fragments |
CXclExpMsoDrawingGroup | The MSODRAWINGGROUP record contains the DGGCONTAINER with global DFF data such as the picture container |
CXclExpMultiCellBase | Base class for all cell records supporting multiple contents |
CXclExpMultiXFId | |
CXclExpNameManager | Manager that stores all internal defined names (NAME records) of the document |
CXclExpNameManagerImpl | Implementation class of the name manager |
CXclExpNote | Represents a NOTE record containing the relevant data of a cell note |
CXclExpNumberCell | Represents a NUMBER record that describes a cell with a double value |
CXclExpNumFmt | Stores a core number format index with corresponding Excel format index |
CXclExpNumFmtBuffer | Stores all number formats used in the document |
CXclExpObjectManager | |
CXclExpObjList | |
CXclExpOcxControlObj | Represents an OBJ record for an OCX form control |
►CXclExpOutlineBuffer | Base class for buffers containing row or column outline data |
CXclExpLevelInfo | Data about an outline level |
CXclExpPageBreaks | Stores an array of manual page breaks for columns or rows |
CXclExpPageSettings | Contains all page (print) settings records for a single sheet |
CXclExpPalette | Stores all used colors in the document |
CXclExpPaletteImpl | |
CXclExpPane | Represents a PANE record containing settings for split/frozen windows |
CXclExpPassHash | |
CXclExpPCField | |
CXclExpPCItem | Represents a data item in a pivot cache containing data of any type |
CXclExpPivotCache | |
CXclExpPivotTable | |
CXclExpPivotTableManager | The main class for pivot table export |
CXclExpProgressBar | The main progress bar for the export filter |
CXclExpProt4Rev | |
CXclExpProt4RevPass | |
CXclExpProtection | |
CXclExpPTField | |
CXclExpPTItem | |
CXclExpRangeFmlaBase | Base record for additional range formula records (i.e |
CXclExpRecalcId | |
CXclExpRecord | Base class for single records with any content |
CXclExpRecordBase | Base class for all Excel records |
CXclExpRecordList | A list of Excel record objects |
CXclExpRefLogEntry | Log entry for external references in a formula, used i.e |
CXclExpRkCell | Represents an RK or MULRK record that describes cells with a compressed double values |
CXclExpRoot | Access to global data from other classes |
CXclExpRootData | Stores global buffers and data needed for Excel export filter |
CXclExpRow | Represents a ROW record and additionally contains all cells records of a row |
CXclExpRowBuffer | Collects all rows which contain all cells of a sheet |
CXclExpRowOutlineBuffer | The outline buffer for row outlines |
CXclExpScl | Represents an SCL record for the zoom factor of the current view of a sheet |
CXclExpSelection | Represents a SELECTION record with selection data for a pane |
CXclExpSetup | Represents a SETUP record that contains common page settings |
CXclExpShapeObj | |
CXclExpSheetEnhancedProtection | Represents one EnhancedProtection feature in a FEAT record |
CXclExpSheetProtection | |
CXclExpSheetProtectOptions | Represents a FEATHDR (SHEETPROTECTION) record that stores sheet protection options |
CXclExpShrfmla | Represents a SHRFMLA record that contains the token array of a shared formula |
CXclExpShrfmlaBuffer | Caches all SHRFMLA records and provides functions to update their ranges |
CXclExpSingleCellBase | Base class for all cell records not supporting multiple contents |
CXclExpSst | Provides export of the SST (shared string table) record |
CXclExpSstImpl | Implementation of the SST export |
CXclExpStream | This class is used to export Excel record streams |
CXclExpString | This class stores an unformatted or formatted string for Excel export |
CXclExpStringHelper | This class provides methods to create an XclExpString |
CXclExpStringRec | Represents a STRING record that contains the result of a string formula |
CXclExpStyle | Represents a STYLE record containing the data of a cell style |
CXclExpSubStream | Represents a complete substream of records enclosed into a pair of BOF/EOF records |
CXclExpTabBgColor | |
►CXclExpTabInfo | Stores the correct Excel sheet index for each Calc sheet |
CXclExpTabInfoEntry | Data structure with information about one Calc sheet |
CXclExpTableop | Represents a TABLEOP record for a multiple operations range |
CXclExpTableopBuffer | Contains all created TABLEOP records and supports creating or updating them |
►CXclExpTables | |
CEntry | |
CXclExpTablesManager | Stores all data for database ranges (tables in Excel speak) |
CXclExpTabViewSettings | Contains all view settings records for a single sheet |
CXclExpTbxControlObj | Represents an OBJ record for a TBX form control |
CXclExpUrlHelper | This class contains static methods to encode a file URL |
CXclExpUserBView | |
CXclExpUserBViewList | |
CXclExpUsersViewBegin | |
CXclExpUsersViewEnd | |
CXclExpValueRecord | A record with a single value of type Type |
CXclExpWebQuery | Contains all records for a web query (linked tables in an HTML document) |
CXclExpWebQueryBuffer | Contains all web query records for this document |
CXclExpWindow1 | Represents the WINDOW1 record containing global workbook view settings |
CXclExpWindow2 | Represents a WINDOW2 record with general view settings for a sheet |
CXclExpWindowProtection | |
CXclExpWriteAccess | Write Access User Name - This record contains the user name, which is the name you type when you install Excel |
CXclExpWsbool | |
CXclExpXF | Represents an XF record which contains all formatting data of a cell or cell style |
►CXclExpXFBuffer | Stores all XF records (cell formats and cell styles) in the document |
CFindKey | Composite key for the find-map, so we can do partial key searching |
CXclExpBuiltInInfo | Extended info about a built-in XF |
CXclExpXFId | A combination of unique XF identifier with real Excel XF index |
CXclExpXmlChTrHeader | |
CXclExpXmlChTrHeaders | |
CXclExpXmlElementRecord | |
CXclExpXmlEndElementRecord | |
CXclExpXmlEndSingleElementRecord | |
►CXclExpXmlPivotCaches | |
CEntry | |
CXclExpXmlPivotTableManager | |
►CXclExpXmlPivotTables | |
CEntry | |
CXclExpXmlSheetPr | Save sheetPr element and its children for xlsx export |
CXclExpXmlStartElementRecord | |
CXclExpXmlStartSingleElementRecord | |
CXclExpXmlStream | |
CXclExpXmlStyleSheet | |
CXclExtLst | |
CXclFontData | This struct helps reading and writing Excel fonts |
CXclFontPropSetHelper | Helper class for usage of property sets |
CXclFormatRun | NUL character (unicode) |
CXclFuncParamInfo | Structure that contains all needed information for a parameter in a function |
CXclFunctionInfo | Represents information for a spreadsheet function for import and export |
CXclFunctionProvider | Provides access to function info structs for all available functions |
CXclGuid | This struct stores a GUID (class ID) and supports reading, writing and comparison |
CXclImpAddressConverter | Provides functions to convert Excel cell addresses to Calc cell addresses |
CXclImpArcObj | An arc object |
CXclImpAutoFilterBuffer | |
CXclImpAutoFilterData | |
CXclImpBiff5Decrypter | Decrypts BIFF5 stream contents |
CXclImpBiff8CryptoAPIDecrypter | |
CXclImpBiff8Decrypter | Decrypts BIFF8 stream contents using the given document identifier |
CXclImpBiff8StdDecrypter | |
CXclImpButtonObj | A button control |
CXclImpCachedMatrix | Contains cached values in a 2-dimensional array |
CXclImpCachedValue | This class stores one cached value of a cached value list (used for instance in CRN, EXTERNNAME, tArray) |
CXclImpCellAlign | Extends the XclCellAlign struct for import |
CXclImpCellArea | Extends the XclCellArea struct for import |
CXclImpCellBorder | Extends the XclCellBorder struct for import |
CXclImpCellProt | Extends the XclCellProt struct for import |
CXclImpCh3dDataFormat | The CH3DDATAFORMAT record containing the bar type in 3D bar charts |
CXclImpChangeTrack | |
CXclImpChAreaFormat | The CHAREAFORMAT record containing simple area formatting data (solid or patterns) |
CXclImpChart | Represents the entire chart substream (all records in BOF/EOF block) |
CXclImpChartDrawing | Drawing container of a chart |
CXclImpChartObj | A chart object |
CXclImpChAttachedLabel | The CHATTACHEDLABEL record that contains the type of a data point label |
CXclImpChAxesSet | Represents the CHAXESSET record group describing an axes set (X/Y/Z axes) |
CXclImpChAxis | Represents the CHAXIS record group describing an entire chart axis |
CXclImpChChart | Represents the CHCHART record group describing the chart contents |
CXclImpChChart3d | Represents the CHCHART3D record that contains 3D view settings |
CXclImpChDataFormat | Represents the CHDATAFORMAT record group containing data point properties |
CXclImpChDropBar | Represents the CHDROPBAR record group describing pos/neg bars in line charts |
CXclImpCheckBoxObj | A checkbox control |
CXclImpChEscherFormat | The CHESCHERFORMAT record containing complex area formatting data (bitmaps, hatches) |
CXclImpChFont | The CHFONT record containing a font index for text objects |
CXclImpChFontBase | Base class for objects with font settings |
CXclImpChFrame | Represents the CHFRAME record group containing object frame properties |
CXclImpChFrameBase | Base class for record groups containing frame formatting |
CXclImpChFramePos | |
CXclImpChGroupBase | Base class for chart record groups |
CXclImpChLabelRange | |
CXclImpChLegend | Represents the CHLEGEND record group describing the chart legend |
CXclImpChLineFormat | The CHLINEFORMAT record containing line formatting data |
CXclImpChMarkerFormat | The CHMARKERFORMAT record containing data point marker formatting data |
CXclImpChPieFormat | The CHPIEFORMAT record containing data point formatting data for pie segments |
CXclImpChRoot | Base class for complex chart classes, provides access to other components of the chart |
CXclImpChRootData | Stores global data needed in various classes of the Chart import filter |
CXclImpChSerErrorBar | Represents the CHSERERRORBAR record containing settings for error bars |
CXclImpChSeries | Represents the CHSERIES record group describing a data series in a chart |
CXclImpChSeriesFormat | The CHSERIESFORMAT record containing additional settings for a data series |
CXclImpChSerTrendLine | Represents the CHSERTRENDLINE record containing settings for a trend line |
CXclImpChSourceLink | |
CXclImpChText | Represents the CHTEXT record group containing text object properties |
CXclImpChTick | |
CXclImpChTrFmlConverter | |
CXclImpChTrRecHeader | |
CXclImpChType | |
CXclImpChTypeGroup | Represents the CHTYPEGROUP record group describing a group of series |
CXclImpChValueRange | |
CXclImpColRowSettings | |
CXclImpCondFormat | Represents a conditional format with condition formulas, and formatting attributes |
CXclImpCondFormatManager | Imports and collects all conditional formatting of a sheet |
CXclImpControlHelper | Helper base class for TBX and OCX form controls to manage spreadsheet links |
CXclImpDecrypter | Base class for BIFF stream decryption |
CXclImpDecryptHelper | Provides static functions to import stream decryption settings |
►CXclImpDffConverter | This is the central instance for converting binary DFF data into shape objects |
CXclImpDffConvData | Data per registered drawing manager, will be stacked for recursive calls |
CXclImpDffPropSet | This class reads a DFF property set (msofbtOPT record) |
CXclImpDialogObj | A dialog control |
CXclImpDocProtectBuffer | |
CXclImpDocViewSettings | Contains document view settings (WINDOW1 record) |
CXclImpDrawing | Base class for a container for all objects on a drawing (spreadsheet or embedded chart object) |
CXclImpDrawObjBase | Base class for drawing objects (OBJ records) |
CXclImpDrawObjVector | |
CXclImpDropDownObj | A dropdown listbox control |
CXclImpEditObj | An edit control |
►CXclImpExtName | Stores contents of an external name |
CMOper | MOper, multiple operands, stores cached values of external range specified in the record |
CXclImpFmlaCompImpl | Implementation class of the export formula compiler |
CXclImpFont | Stores all data of an Excel font and provides import of FONT records |
CXclImpFontBuffer | Stores the data of all fonts occurred in an Excel file |
CXclImpFormulaCompiler | The formula compiler to create Calc token arrays from Excel token arrays |
CXclImpGroupBoxObj | A groupbox control |
CXclImpGroupObj | A group object |
►CXclImpHFConverter | Converts an Excel header/footer string into three edit engine text objects |
CXclImpHFPortionInfo | Contains all information about a header/footer portion |
CXclImpHyperlink | Provides importing hyperlinks and inserting them into a document |
CXclImpLabelObj | A label control |
CXclImpLabelranges | Provides importing label ranges and inserting them into a document |
CXclImpLineObj | A line object |
CXclImpLinkManager | This is the central class for the import of all internal/external links |
CXclImpLinkManagerImpl | Implementation of the link manager |
CXclImpListBoxObj | A listbox control |
►CXclImpName | Represents a defined name |
CTokenStrmData | |
CXclImpNameManager | This buffer contains all internal defined names of the document |
CXclImpNoteObj | A note object, which is a specialized text box object |
CXclImpNumFmtBuffer | Stores all user defined number formats occurred in the file |
CXclImpObjectManager | Stores all drawing and OLE objects and additional data related to these objects |
CXclImpObjTextData | |
CXclImpOptionButtonObj | An option button control |
CXclImpOutlineBuffer | |
CXclImpOutlineDataBuffer | |
CXclImpOvalObj | An oval object |
CXclImpPageSettings | Contains all page (print) settings for a single sheet |
CXclImpPalette | Stores the default colors for the current BIFF version and the contents of a PALETTE record |
CXclImpPCField | Represents a field in a pivot cache (a column of data items in the source area) |
CXclImpPCItem | Represents a data item in a pivot cache |
CXclImpPhObj | A placeholder object for unknown object types |
CXclImpPictureObj | A picture, an embedded or linked OLE object, or an OCX form control |
CXclImpPivotCache | |
CXclImpPivotTable | |
CXclImpPivotTableManager | The main class for pivot table import |
CXclImpPolygonObj | A polygon object |
CXclImpPTField | |
CXclImpPTItem | |
CXclImpRectObj | A rectangle or oval object |
CXclImpRoot | Access to global data from other classes |
CXclImpRootData | Stores global buffers and data needed for Excel import filter |
CXclImpScrollBarObj | A scrollbar control |
CXclImpSheetDrawing | Drawing manager of a single sheet |
►CXclImpSheetProtectBuffer | |
CSheet | |
CXclImpSimpleDffConverter | Simple implementation of the SVX DFF manager |
►CXclImpSolverContainer | The solver container collects all connector rules for connected objects |
CXclImpSdrInfo | Stores data about an SdrObject processed during import |
CXclImpSpinButtonObj | A spinbutton control |
CXclImpSst | The SST (shared string table) contains all strings used in a BIFF8 file |
CXclImpStream | This class is used to import record oriented streams |
CXclImpStreamPos | This class represents an Excel stream position |
CXclImpString | This class represents an unformatted or formatted string and provides importing from stream |
CXclImpStringHelper | This class provides methods to convert an XclImpString |
CXclImpStringIterator | Iterates over formatted string portions |
CXclImpStyle | Contains all data of a cell style associated with an XF record |
CXclImpSupbook | This class represents an external linked document (record SUPBOOK) |
CXclImpTabInfo | A buffer containing information about names and creation order of sheets |
CXclImpTabViewSettings | Contains all view settings for a single sheet |
CXclImpTbxObjBase | Base class for textbox based form controls |
CXclImpTbxObjListBase | Base class for list controls (listbox, dropdown) |
CXclImpTbxObjScrollableBase | Base class of scrollable form controls (spin button, scrollbar, listbox, dropdown) |
CXclImpTextObj | A drawing object supporting text contents |
CXclImpUrlHelper | This class contains static methods to decode a URL stored in an Excel file |
►CXclImpValidationManager | Imports validation data |
CDVItem | |
CXclImpWebQuery | Stores the data of one web query |
CXclImpWebQueryBuffer | |
CXclImpXF | Contains all data of a XF record and a Calc item set |
CXclImpXFBuffer | Contains all XF records occurred in the file |
CXclImpXFIndex | Represents an XF record index with additional information |
CXclImpXFRange | Contains an (encoded) XF index for a range of rows in a single column |
CXclImpXFRangeBuffer | Contains the XF indexes for every used cell in a single sheet |
CXclImpXFRangeColumn | Contains the XF indexes for every used cell in a column |
CXclIteration | |
CXclMacroHelper | |
CXclMultipleOpRefs | Contains all cell references that can be extracted from a multiple operations formula |
CXclNumFmt | |
CXclNumFmtBuffer | |
CXclObj | |
CXclObjAnchor | Represents the position (anchor) of an object in a Calc document |
CXclObjAny | |
CXclObjComment | |
CXclObjDropDown | |
CXclObjFillData | |
CXclObjLineData | |
CXclObjOle | |
CXclObjTextData | |
CXclObproj | |
CXclPageData | Contains all page (print) settings for a single sheet |
CXclPCField | Represents a field in a pivot cache |
CXclPCFieldInfo | Contains data for a pivot cache field (SXFIELD record) |
CXclPCInfo | Contains data for a pivot cache (SXDB record) |
CXclPCItem | Represents a data item of any type in a pivot cache |
CXclPCNumGroupInfo | Contains data for a numeric grouping field (SXNUMGROUP record) |
CXclPTAddl | Additional pivot table settings (SXADDL record) |
CXclPTCachedName | A name for various pivot table info structs |
CXclPTDataFieldInfo | Contains data for a pivot table data field (SXDI record) |
CXclPTExtInfo | Extended information about a pivot table (SXEX record) |
CXclPTFieldExtInfo | Contains extended data for a pivot table field (SXVDEX record) |
CXclPTFieldInfo | Contains data for a pivot table field (SXVD record) |
CXclPTInfo | Contains data for a pivot table (SXVIEW record) |
CXclPTItemInfo | Contains data for a pivot table data item (SXVI record) |
CXclPTPageFieldInfo | Contains data for a pivot table page field (part of SXPI record) |
CXclPTViewEx9Info | Pivot table autoformat settings (SXVIEWEX9 record) |
CXclPTVisNameInfo | Base struct for named info structs |
CXclRange | A 2D cell range address struct with Excel column and row indexes |
CXclRangeList | A 2D cell range address list with Excel column and row indexes |
CXclRefmode | |
CXclRoot | Access to global data for a filter object (imported or exported document) from other classes |
CXclRootData | Stores global buffers and data needed elsewhere in the Excel filters |
CXclSelectionData | Contains all settings for a selection in a single pane of a sheet |
CXclTabViewData | Contains all view settings for a single sheet |
CXclTokenArray | Binary representation of an Excel token array |
CXclTokenArrayHelper | A helper with Excel specific token array functions |
CXclTokenArrayIterator | Special token array iterator for the Excel filters |
CXclTools | This class contains static helper methods for the Excel import and export filters |
CXclTracer | This class wraps an MSFilterTracer to create trace logs for import/export filters |
CXclTxo | |
CXclXFBase | Contains base members for XF record import/export |
CXclXmlUtils | |
CXMLCodeNameProvider | |
CXMLHeaderFooterRegionContext | |
CXmlScPropHdl_BreakBefore | |
CXmlScPropHdl_CellProtection | |
CXmlScPropHdl_HoriJustify | |
CXmlScPropHdl_HoriJustifyRepeat | |
CXmlScPropHdl_HoriJustifySource | |
CXmlScPropHdl_IsEqual | |
CXmlScPropHdl_IsTextWrapped | |
CXmlScPropHdl_JustifyMethod | |
CXmlScPropHdl_Orientation | |
CXmlScPropHdl_PrintContent | |
CXmlScPropHdl_RotateAngle | |
CXmlScPropHdl_RotateReference | |
CXmlScPropHdl_Vertical | |
CXmlScPropHdl_VertJustify | |
CXMLScPropHdlFactory | |
CXMLTableHeaderFooterContext | |
CXMLTableMasterPageExport | |
CXMLTableShapeImportHelper | |
CXMLTableStyleContext | |
CXMLTableStylesContext | |