Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- r -
- RaiseError() : ScSolverDlg, ScTabOpDlg
- range : sc::RangeColumnSpanSet, ScSortedRangeCache::HashKey
- Range() : ScVbaApplication, ScVbaGlobals, ScVbaRange, ScVbaWorksheet
- RANGE_DOWN : sc::DataStream
- RangeArrayMap : ScExternalRefCache
- RangeColumnSpanSet() : sc::RangeColumnSpanSet
- RangeDataRet : oox::xls::WorkbookHelper
- RangeIndexType : ScDPCollection::SheetCaches
- RangeIterator() : ScFlatBoolRowSegments::RangeIterator
- RangeListType : ScRangeListTabs
- RangeMatrix() : sc::RangeMatrix
- RangeNameBufferWK3() : RangeNameBufferWK3
- RangeNameContainer : ScNameDlg
- RangeNameMap : ScExternalRefCache
- RangeReplacementMap : FormulaTemplate
- RangeSelAborted() : ScTabViewObj
- RangeSelChanged() : ScTabViewObj
- RangeSelDone() : ScTabViewObj
- RangeSelection() : ScVbaWindow
- RangeStart : ScDPItemData
- RangeTerm() : XclExpFmlaCompImpl
- RangeTraverser() : sc::RangeTraverser
- RangeType : ScDBCollection
- RateIteration() : ScInterpreter
- RawReducePalette() : XclExpPaletteImpl
- rbegin() : ScColumnsRange, ScMarkData
- rBindings : ScNavigatorDlg
- RbSepFix() : ScImportAsciiDlg
- rChangeTrack : XclImpChTrFmlConverter
- rCTB : ScCTBWrapper
- rD : ImportTyp
- rDoc : LotusContext, ScAttrRectIterator, ScAutoNameCache, ScBoundsProvider, ScChangeTrack, ScChartListenerCollection, ScColRowNameRangesDlg, ScCompiler, ScConsolidateDlg, ScDBCollection, ScDbNameDlg, ScDdeLink, ScDetectiveFunc, ScDocAttrIterator, ScDrawView, ScFillSeriesDlg, ScHighlightChgDlg, ScHorizontalAttrIterator, ScHorizontalCellIterator, ScHorizontalValueIterator, ScImportExport, ScInsertTableDlg, ScPrintFunc, ScQueryCellIteratorAccessSpecific< ScQueryCellIteratorAccess::Direct >, ScQueryCellIteratorAccessSpecific< ScQueryCellIteratorAccess::SortedCache >, ScRangeData, ScXMLImportWrapper
- rDocShell : ScCharDlg, ScDBDocFunc, ScDocFunc, ScDocShellModificator, ScOutlineDocFunc
- rDocument : ScAttrArray, ScChartArray, ScChartPositioner, ScFormulaCell, ScTable
- Read() : CTBS, ImportExcel8, ImportExcel, ImportLotus, LotusConverterBase
- read() : oox::xls::BinAddress, oox::xls::BinRange, oox::xls::BinRangeList, oox::xls::FontPortionModel, oox::xls::PhoneticPortionModel
- Read() : ScCTB, ScCTBWrapper, ScEEAbsImport, ScEEImport, ScEEParser, ScHTMLLayoutParser, ScHTMLParser, ScHTMLQueryParser, ScRTFParser, ScTBC, TBCCmd, XclAddress, XclImpDecrypter, XclImpDffPropSet, XclImpStream, XclImpString, XclRange, XclRangeList, XclTokenArray
- Read2DAddress() : XclImpChangeTrack
- Read2DRange() : XclImpChangeTrack
- Read3DTabReference() : ExcelToSc8, XclImpChTrFmlConverter
- Read3DTabRefInfo() : XclImpChangeTrack
- read_zeroTerminated_uInt8s_ToOString() : ScfTools
- read_zeroTerminated_uInt8s_ToOUString() : ScfTools
- ReadAreaProperties() : XclChPropSetHelper
- ReadArray() : XclTokenArray
- ReadAutoFilter() : XclImpAutoFilterData
- ReadBasic() : ImportExcel8
- readBiff12Data() : oox::xls::BinComplexRef2d, oox::xls::BinSingleRef2d, oox::xls::RefSheetsModel
- readBiffData() : oox::xls::FilterCriterionModel
- ReadBlank() : ImportExcel
- ReadBmp() : XclImpDrawing
- readBool() : oox::xls::PivotCacheItem
- ReadBoolErr() : ImportExcel
- ReadByteString() : XclImpObjTextData, XclImpStream
- ReadCell() : XclImpChangeTrack
- readCellContent() : ScOutputData::DrawEditParam
- readCellFormula() : oox::xls::SheetDataContext
- readCellHeader() : oox::xls::SheetDataContext
- ReadCellLinkFormula() : XclImpControlHelper
- ReadCenter() : XclImpPageSettings
- ReadCF() : XclImpCondFormat, XclImpCondFormatManager
- ReadCFFontBlock() : XclImpFont
- ReadCFFormat() : XclImpNumFmtBuffer
- ReadCfg() : ScInputCfg, ScPrintCfg
- ReadCh3dDataFormat() : XclImpCh3dDataFormat
- ReadChAreaFormat() : XclImpChAreaFormat
- ReadChartSubStream() : XclImpChart, XclImpChartObj
- ReadChAttachedLabel() : XclImpChAttachedLabel
- ReadChAxesSet() : XclImpChChart
- ReadChAxis() : XclImpChAxesSet
- ReadChAxisLine() : XclImpChAxis
- ReadChChart() : XclImpChart
- ReadChChart3d() : XclImpChChart3d
- ReadChChartLine() : XclImpChTypeGroup
- ReadChDataFormat() : XclImpChChart, XclImpChSeries, XclImpChTypeGroup
- ReadChDateRange() : XclImpChLabelRange
- ReadChDefaultText() : XclImpChChart
- ReadChDropBar() : XclImpChTypeGroup
- ReadChFont() : XclImpChFont
- ReadChFramePos() : XclImpChFramePos
- ReadChFrLabelProps() : XclImpChText
- ReadChLabelRange() : XclImpChLabelRange
- ReadChLegendException() : XclImpChSeries
- ReadChLineFormat() : XclImpChLineFormat
- ReadChMarkerFormat() : XclImpChMarkerFormat
- ReadChPieFormat() : XclImpChPieFormat
- ReadChPlotFrame() : XclImpChAxesSet
- ReadChProperties() : XclImpChChart
- ReadChSerErrorBar() : XclImpChSerErrorBar, XclImpChSeries
- ReadChSeries() : XclImpChChart
- ReadChSeriesFormat() : XclImpChSeriesFormat
- ReadChSerParent() : XclImpChSeries
- ReadChSerTrendLine() : XclImpChSeries, XclImpChSerTrendLine
- ReadChSourceLink() : XclImpChSeries, XclImpChSourceLink
- ReadChText() : XclImpChAxesSet, XclImpChChart
- ReadChTick() : XclImpChTick
- ReadChTrCellContent() : XclImpChangeTrack
- ReadChTrInfo() : XclImpChangeTrack
- ReadChTrInsert() : XclImpChangeTrack
- ReadChTrInsertTab() : XclImpChangeTrack
- ReadChTrMoveRange() : XclImpChangeTrack
- ReadChTrTabId() : XclImpChangeTrack
- ReadChType() : XclImpChType
- ReadChTypeGroup() : XclImpChAxesSet
- ReadChValueRange() : XclImpChValueRange
- ReadCodeName() : XclImpRoot
- ReadCompatCfg() : ScAppCfg
- ReadCondfmt() : XclImpCondFormat, XclImpCondFormatManager
- ReadConditions() : ScOptSolverDlg
- ReadConfiguration() : ScUnoAddInCollection
- ReadConstraintPart() : sc::SolverSettings
- ReadConstraints() : sc::SolverSettings
- ReadContentCfg() : ScAppCfg
- ReadCoordList() : XclImpPolygonObj
- ReadCRD() : LotusToSc
- ReadCrn() : XclImpLinkManager, XclImpLinkManagerImpl, XclImpSupbook
- readDate() : oox::xls::PivotCacheItem
- ReadDateTime() : XclImpChangeTrack
- ReadDConName() : XclImpPivotCache, XclImpPivotTableManager
- ReadDconref() : XclImpPivotCache, XclImpPivotTableManager
- ReadDffRecord() : XclImpDrawing
- ReadDimensions() : ImportExcel
- ReadDoc() : ExcDocument
- ReadDocProtect() : XclImpDocProtectBuffer
- readDouble() : oox::xls::PivotCacheItem
- ReadDouble() : XclImpStream
- ReadDV() : XclImpValidationManager
- ReadDval() : XclImpValidationManager
- ReadEfont() : XclImpFont, XclImpFontBuffer
- ReadEmbeddedData() : XclImpHyperlink
- ReadEngine() : sc::SolverSettings
- readError() : oox::xls::PivotCacheItem
- ReaderThread() : sc::datastreams::ReaderThread
- ReadEscherProperties() : XclChPropSetHelper
- ReadExtensionArray() : ExcelToSc
- ReadExtensionMemArea() : ExcelToSc
- ReadExtensionNlr() : ExcelToSc
- ReadExtensions() : ExcelToSc
- ReadExternname() : XclImpLinkManager, XclImpLinkManagerImpl, XclImpSupbook
- ReadExternsheet() : XclImpLinkManager, XclImpLinkManagerImpl
- ReadExtOptions() : ScViewData
- ReadFilepass() : XclImpDecryptHelper
- ReadFileSharing() : ImportExcel
- ReadFlags3() : XclImpPictureObj
- ReadFlags8() : XclImpPictureObj
- ReadFont() : XclImpFont, XclImpFontBuffer
- ReadFontColor() : XclImpFont
- ReadFontData2() : XclImpFont
- ReadFontData5() : XclImpFont
- ReadFontName2() : XclImpFont
- ReadFontName8() : XclImpFont
- ReadFontProperties() : XclFontPropSetHelper
- ReadFormat() : XclImpNumFmtBuffer
- ReadFormats() : XclImpObjTextData, XclImpString
- ReadFormula() : XclImpChangeTrack
- readFormulaRef() : oox::xls::SheetDataContext
- ReadFrameData() : XclImpRectObj
- ReadFromAddIn() : ScUnoAddInCollection
- ReadFromComponent() : ScSolverOptionsDialog
- ReadFromPropertySet() : ScfPropSetHelper
- ReadFromString() : ScAsciiOptions
- ReadFullLbsData() : XclImpDropDownObj, XclImpListBoxObj
- readGradient() : oox::xls::GradientFillModel
- readGradientStop() : oox::xls::GradientFillModel
- ReadHeaderFooter() : XclImpPageSettings
- ReadHeaderRecord() : XclImpChAxesSet, XclImpChAxis, XclImpChChart, XclImpChDataFormat, XclImpChDropBar, XclImpChEscherFormat, XclImpChFrame, XclImpChGroupBase, XclImpChLegend, XclImpChSeries, XclImpChText, XclImpChTypeGroup
- ReadHlink() : XclImpHyperlink
- ReadHlinkProperty() : XclImpDffConverter
- ReadImgData() : XclImpDrawing, XclImpPageSettings
- readIndex() : oox::xls::PivotCacheItem
- ReadInputCfg() : ScAppCfg
- ReadInt16() : XclImpStream
- ReadInt32() : XclImpStream
- ReadInteger() : ImportExcel
- ReadItem() : XclImpPCField
- ReadjustAbsolute3DReferences() : ScTokenArray
- ReadLabel() : ImportExcel
- ReadLabelranges() : XclImpLabelranges
- ReadLayoutCfg() : ScAppCfg
- ReadLbsData() : XclImpTbxObjListBase
- ReadLineProperties() : XclChPropSetHelper
- ReadLongDouble() : ScfTools
- ReadMacro3() : XclImpDrawObjBase
- ReadMacro4() : XclImpDrawObjBase
- ReadMacro5() : XclImpDrawObjBase
- ReadMacro8() : XclImpDrawObjBase
- ReadMargin() : XclImpPageSettings
- ReadMarkerProperties() : XclChPropSetHelper
- ReadMiscCfg() : ScAppCfg
- ReadMsoDrawing() : XclImpDrawing
- ReadMsoDrawingGroup() : XclImpObjectManager
- ReadName() : XclImpNameManager
- ReadName5() : XclImpDrawObjBase
- ReadNestedRecords() : XclImpChangeTrack
- ReadNextLine() : DifParser
- ReadNextRawRecHeader() : XclImpStream
- ReadNote() : XclImpSheetDrawing
- ReadNote3() : XclImpSheetDrawing
- ReadNote8() : XclImpSheetDrawing
- ReadNumber() : ImportExcel
- readNumeric() : oox::xls::PivotCacheItem
- ReadObj() : XclImpDrawing
- ReadObj3() : XclImpDrawObjBase, XclObjTextData
- ReadObj4() : XclImpDrawObjBase
- ReadObj5() : XclImpDrawObjBase, XclObjTextData
- ReadObj8() : XclImpDrawing, XclImpDrawObjBase
- ReadObjFormats() : XclImpString
- ReadOptions() : XclImpSheetProtectBuffer
- ReadPageBreaks() : XclImpPageSettings
- ReadPalette() : XclImpPalette
- ReadPane() : XclImpTabViewSettings
- ReadParamqry() : XclImpWebQuery, XclImpWebQueryBuffer
- ReadParamValue() : sc::SolverSettings
- ReadPasswordHash() : XclImpDocProtectBuffer, XclImpSheetProtectBuffer
- ReadPictFmla() : XclImpPictureObj
- ReadPivotCaches() : XclImpPivotTableManager
- ReadPivotCacheStream() : XclImpPivotCache
- ReadPrintGridLines() : XclImpPageSettings
- ReadPrintHeaders() : XclImpPageSettings
- ReadProtect() : XclImpSheetProtectBuffer
- ReadQsi() : XclImpWebQueryBuffer
- ReadRangeList() : XclImpControlHelper
- ReadRawByteString() : XclImpStream
- ReadRawData() : XclImpStream
- ReadRawUniString() : XclImpStream
- ReadRecordGroup() : XclImpChGroupBase
- ReadRecords() : XclImpChangeTrack
- ReadRevisionCfg() : ScAppCfg
- ReadRk() : ImportExcel
- ReadRotationProperties() : XclChPropSetHelper
- ReadSbs() : XclImpTbxObjScrollableBase
- ReadScl() : XclImpTabViewSettings
- ReadSelection() : XclImpTabViewSettings
- ReadSetup() : XclImpPageSettings
- ReadSharedFormulaPosition() : ExcelToSc
- readSheet() : ScQProReader
- ReadSize() : XclTokenArray
- ReadSortListCfg() : ScAppCfg
- ReadSourceRangeFormula() : XclImpControlHelper
- ReadSRD() : LotusToSc, QProToSc
- ReadSst() : XclImpSst
- readString() : oox::xls::BiffHelper, oox::xls::PivotCacheItem, ScQProReader
- ReadStyle() : XclImpStyle, XclImpXFBuffer
- ReadSubRecord() : XclImpChAxesSet, XclImpChAxis, XclImpChChart, XclImpChDataFormat, XclImpChEscherFormat, XclImpChFrameBase, XclImpChGroupBase, XclImpChLegend, XclImpChSeries, XclImpChText, XclImpChTypeGroup
- ReadSupbook() : XclImpLinkManager, XclImpLinkManagerImpl
- ReadSxAddl() : XclImpPivotTable, XclImpPivotTableManager
- ReadSxboolean() : XclImpPCItem
- ReadSxdatetime() : XclImpPCItem
- ReadSxdi() : XclImpPivotTable, XclImpPivotTableManager
- ReadSxdouble() : XclImpPCItem
- ReadSxempty() : XclImpPCItem
- ReadSxerror() : XclImpPCItem
- ReadSxex() : XclImpPivotTable, XclImpPivotTableManager
- ReadSxfield() : XclImpPCField
- ReadSxgroupinfo() : XclImpPCField
- ReadSxidstm() : XclImpPivotCache, XclImpPivotTableManager
- ReadSxinteger() : XclImpPCItem
- ReadSxivd() : XclImpPivotTable, XclImpPivotTableManager
- ReadSxnumgroup() : XclImpPCField
- ReadSxpi() : XclImpPivotTable, XclImpPivotTableManager
- ReadSxstring() : XclImpPCItem
- ReadSxvd() : XclImpPivotTable, XclImpPivotTableManager, XclImpPTField
- ReadSxvdex() : XclImpPivotTable, XclImpPivotTableManager, XclImpPTField
- ReadSxvi() : XclImpPivotTable, XclImpPivotTableManager, XclImpPTField, XclImpPTItem
- ReadSxview() : XclImpPivotTable, XclImpPivotTableManager
- ReadSxViewEx9() : XclImpPivotTable, XclImpPivotTableManager
- ReadSxvs() : XclImpPivotCache, XclImpPivotTableManager
- ReadTabBgColor() : XclImpTabViewSettings
- ReadTabChart() : XclImpSheetDrawing
- ReadTabid() : XclImpTabInfo
- ReadTabNum() : XclImpChangeTrack
- ReadTxo() : XclImpDrawing
- ReadTxo8() : XclObjTextData
- ReaduInt16() : XclImpStream
- ReaduInt32() : XclImpStream
- ReaduInt8() : XclImpStream
- ReadUniString() : XclImpStream
- ReadUniStringExtHeader() : XclImpStream
- ReadUserData() : ScPreviewShell, ScTabViewShell, ScViewData
- ReadUserDataSequence() : ScPreviewShell, ScTabViewShell, ScViewData, ScViewDataTable
- ReadUsesElfs() : ImportExcel
- ReadValue() : ScfPropSetHelper
- ReadWindow1() : XclImpDocViewSettings
- ReadWindow2() : XclImpTabViewSettings
- ReadWinProtect() : XclImpDocProtectBuffer
- ReadWmf() : XclImpDrawing
- ReadWqsettings() : XclImpWebQuery, XclImpWebQueryBuffer
- ReadWqstring() : XclImpWebQuery, XclImpWebQueryBuffer
- ReadWqtables() : XclImpWebQuery, XclImpWebQueryBuffer
- ReadXct() : XclImpLinkManager, XclImpLinkManagerImpl, XclImpSupbook
- ReadXF() : XclImpXF, XclImpXFBuffer
- ReadXF2() : XclImpXF
- ReadXF3() : XclImpXF
- ReadXF4() : XclImpXF
- ReadXF5() : XclImpXF
- ReadXF8() : XclImpXF
- ReadXFIndex() : ImportExcel
- RebuildDataCache() : ScChart2DataSequence
- Rec1904() : ImportExcel
- Recalc() : ScHTMLGlobalTable
- RecalcAll() : ScCondFormatList
- RecalcDocPos() : ScHTMLTable
- RecalcDocSize() : ScHTMLTable
- recalcFormulaCells() : oox::xls::WorkbookFragment
- RecalcPages() : ScPreview
- RecalcPivotTable() : ScDBFunc
- RecalcPixPos() : ScViewData
- RecalcPos() : ScDrawLayer
- RecalcPPT() : ScTabView
- RecalcScale() : ScDrawView
- RecalcTokenClass() : XclExpFmlaCompImpl
- RecalcTokenClasses() : XclExpFmlaCompImpl
- RecListType : XclExpChangeTrack
- ReconnectDdeLink() : ScDocShell
- RecordRefType : XclExpRecordList< RecType >
- recordsLeft() : ScQProReader
- RecordVec : XclExpRecordList< RecType >
- Redo() : sc::UndoDeleteSparkline, sc::UndoDeleteSparklineGroup, sc::UndoEditSparkline, sc::UndoEditSparklneGroup, sc::UndoFormulaToValue, sc::UndoGroupSparklines, sc::UndoInsertSparkline, sc::UndoSetCells, sc::UndoSort, sc::UndoThemeChange, sc::UndoUngroupSparklines, ScUndoAddRangeData, ScUndoAllRangeNames, ScUndoAnchorData, ScUndoApplyPageStyle, ScUndoAutoFill, ScUndoAutoFilter, ScUndoAutoFormat, ScUndoAutoOutline, ScUndoBorder, ScUndoChartData, ScUndoClearItems, ScUndoConditionalFormat, ScUndoConditionalFormatList, ScUndoConsolidate, ScUndoConversion, ScUndoCopyTab, ScUndoCursorAttr, ScUndoCut, ScUndoDataForm, ScUndoDataPilot, ScUndoDBData, ScUndoDeleteCells, ScUndoDeleteContents, ScUndoDeleteMulti, ScUndoDeleteTab, ScUndoDetective, ScUndoDocProtect, ScUndoDoOutline, ScUndoDragDrop, ScUndoDraw, ScUndoEnterData, ScUndoEnterMatrix, ScUndoEnterValue, ScUndoFillTable, ScUndoImportData, ScUndoImportTab, ScUndoIndent, ScUndoInsertAreaLink, ScUndoInsertCells, ScUndoInsertTab, ScUndoInsertTables, ScUndoLayoutRTL, ScUndoListNames, ScUndoMakeOutline, ScUndoMakeScenario, ScUndoMerge, ScUndoModifyStyle, ScUndoMoveTab, ScUndoObjData, ScUndoOutlineBlock, ScUndoOutlineLevel, ScUndoPageBreak, ScUndoPaste, ScUndoPrintRange, ScUndoPrintZoom, ScUndoQuery, ScUndoRangeNames, ScUndoRefConversion, ScUndoRefreshLink, ScUndoRemoveAllOutlines, ScUndoRemoveAreaLink, ScUndoRemoveBreaks, ScUndoRemoveLink, ScUndoRemoveMerge, ScUndoRenameObject, ScUndoRenameTab, ScUndoRepeatDB, ScUndoReplace, ScUndoReplaceNote, ScUndoScenarioFlags, ScUndoSelectionAttr, ScUndoSelectionStyle, ScUndoSetCell, ScUndoShowHideNote, ScUndoShowHideTab, ScUndoSubTotals, ScUndoTabColor, ScUndoTabOp, ScUndoTabProtect, ScUndoThesaurus, ScUndoTransliterate, ScUndoUpdateAreaLink, ScUndoUseScenario, ScUndoWidthOrHeight, ScUndoWrapper
- ReduceLeastUsedColor() : XclExpPaletteImpl
- Reduction() : sc::opencl::Reduction
- Ref() : SingleDoubleRefModifier
- Ref1 : ScComplexRefData, SingleDoubleRefProvider
- Ref2 : ScComplexRefData, SingleDoubleRefProvider
- RefCellMap : ScExternalRefManager
- RefCellSet : ScExternalRefManager
- RefChanged() : ScCellObj, ScCellRangeObj, ScChart2DataSequence
- RefColReorderHint() : sc::RefColReorderHint
- RefEditModified() : ScXMLSourceDlg
- reference : sc::AlignedAllocator< T, Alignment >, ScColumnsRange::Iterator
- ReferencedStatus() : ScExternalRefCache::ReferencedStatus
- ReferenceMark() : ReferenceMark
- ReferencesSheet() : ScTokenArray
- RefHint() : sc::RefHint
- RefInputDone() : ScCondFormatDlg, ScFormulaDlg, ScFormulaReferenceHelper, ScHighlightChgDlg, ScNameDefDlg, ScNameDlg, ScRefHandler, ScSimpleRefDlg, ScValidationDlg
- RefInputDonePostHdl() : ScTPValidationValue
- RefInputHdl() : ScSpecialFilterDlg
- RefInputStart() : ScFormulaDlg, ScFormulaReferenceHelper, ScRefHandler, ScValidationDlg
- RefInputStartPreHdl() : ScTPValidationValue
- RefQueryFormulaGroup() : sc::RefQueryFormulaGroup
- Refresh() : sc::CSVDataProvider, sc::DataStream
- refresh() : sc::ExternalDataSource
- Refresh() : ScAreaLink
- refresh() : ScAreaLinkObj, ScCellFieldsObj
- Refresh() : ScContentTree
- refresh() : ScDatabaseRangeObj, ScDataPilotTableObj, ScDDELinkObj, ScDPSource, ScHeaderFieldsObj, ScSheetLinkObj
- Refresh() : ScTableLink, ScVbaPivotCache
- RefreshAfterLoad() : ScDPObject
- refreshAllRefCells() : ScExternalRefManager
- refreshArrows() : ScModelObj
- RefreshAutoFilter() : ScDocument
- RefreshAutoFilterButton() : ScGridWindow
- RefreshDirtyTableColumnNames() : ScDBCollection, ScDocument
- Refreshed_Impl() : ScAreaLinkObj, ScDatabaseRangeObj, ScDataPilotTableObj, ScDDELinkObj, ScSheetLinkObj
- RefreshEditRow() : ScFilterDlg
- RefreshInputSet() : ScDrawStyleDlg, ScStyleDlg
- RefreshPivotTableGroups() : ScDBDocFunc
- RefreshPivotTables() : ScDBDocFunc, ScDocShell
- refreshSrcDocument() : ScExternalRefManager
- RefreshTableColumnNames() : ScDBData
- RefreshZoom() : ScTabView, ScViewData
- RefRowReorderHint() : sc::RefRowReorderHint
- RefsEqual() : ScDPCollection, ScDPObject
- RefSheetsModel() : oox::xls::RefSheetsModel
- RefSheetsModelVec : oox::xls::ExternalLinkBuffer
- RefStartListeningHint() : sc::RefStartListeningHint
- RefStopListeningHint() : sc::RefStopListeningHint
- RefUpdateContext() : sc::RefUpdateContext
- RefUpdateDeleteTabContext() : sc::RefUpdateDeleteTabContext
- RefUpdateInsertTabContext() : sc::RefUpdateInsertTabContext
- RefUpdateMoveTabContext() : sc::RefUpdateMoveTabContext
- RefUpdateResult() : sc::RefUpdateResult
- RefVisible() : ScTable
- RegisterAutomationApplicationEventsCaller() : ScModule
- RegisterAutomationWorkbookObject() : ScDocShell
- RegisterChildWindow() : ChildControllerWrapper< WindowID >
- RegisterColor() : XclExpChEscherFormat
- RegisterColors() : XclExpChMarkerFormat
- RegisterDefinedStyleNames() : ScXMLExport
- RegisterFutureRecBlock() : XclExpChRoot, XclExpChRootData
- registerPivotCacheFragment() : oox::xls::PivotCacheBuffer
- RegisterRefController() : ScModule
- registerWorkbookGlobals() : oox::xls::ExcelFilter
- RegroupFormulaCells() : ScColumn, ScDocument, ScTable
- ReInit() : ScAcceptChgDlg, ScRedComDialog
- ReInitDlg() : ScAcceptChgDlgWrapper
- Reject() : ScChangeAction, ScChangeActionContent, ScChangeActionDel, ScChangeActionIns, ScChangeActionMove, ScChangeActionReject, ScChangeTrack
- RejectAll() : ScChangeTrack
- RejectFiltered() : ScAcceptChgDlg
- RejectRestoreContents() : ScChangeAction
- release() : ScAccessibleCellBase, ScAccessibleDocument, ScAccessibleEditObject, ScAccessiblePreviewHeaderCell, ScAccessiblePreviewTable, ScAccessibleTableBase, ScCellCursorObj, ScCellObj, ScCellRangeObj, ScCellValue, ScDataPilotTableObj, ScModelObj, ScPreviewObj, ScShapeObj, ScTableColumnObj, ScTableSheetObj, ScTabViewObj, ScViewPaneObj
- ReleaseDocRef() : ScDocumentLoader
- ReleaseDrawUndo() : ScUndoDraw
- releaseEditText() : ScCellValue
- ReleaseFocus() : ScFormulaDlg, ScFormulaReferenceHelper, ScNavigatorDlg, ScRefHandler
- ReleaseFocus_Impl() : ScPosWnd
- releaseFormula() : ScCellValue
- ReleaseNote() : ScColumn, ScDocument, ScTable
- ReleaseSharedData() : ScXMLExport
- RelNameRef : ScFormulaCell
- ReloadAllLinks() : ScDocShell
- ReloadCache() : ScDPCollection
- ReloadCacheTable() : ScDatabaseDPData, ScDPGroupTableData, ScDPTableData, ScSheetDPData
- ReloadGroupsInCache() : ScDPCollection
- ReloadGroupTableData() : ScDPObject
- ReloadTabLinks() : ScDocShell
- Remove() : ScChangeActionLinkEntry, ScChangeTrack, ScCompressedArray< A, D >, ScCsvSplits
- remove() : ScDPCollection::DBCaches, ScDPCollection::NameCaches, ScDPCollection::SheetCaches, ScDrawPagesObj
- Remove() : ScExtraEditViewManager, ScOutlineArray, ScRangeList, ScRangePairList, ScStyleSheetPool, XclExpChTrTabIdBuffer
- RemoveAccessibilityObject() : ScPreviewShell, ScTabViewShell
- removeAccessibleEventListener() : ScAccessibleContextBase, ScAccessibleEditObject
- RemoveAccessibleTextData() : ScInputBarGroup, ScTextWnd, ScTextWndBase, ScTextWndGroup
- removeActionLock() : ScCellObj, ScModelObj, ScNamedRangesObj
- removeActivationEventListener() : ScTabViewObj
- RemoveAdjust() : ScInputHandler
- RemoveAll() : ScOutlineArray, ScRangeList
- RemoveAllDeletedIn() : ScChangeAction
- RemoveAllDependent() : ScChangeAction
- RemoveAllEntriesByField() : ScQueryParamBase
- RemoveAllGroupDimensions() : ScDPSaveData
- RemoveAllLinks() : ScChangeAction
- removeAllManualPageBreaks() : ScTableSheetObj
- RemoveAllOutlines() : ScDBFunc, ScOutlineDocFunc
- RemoveAllRecords() : XclExpRecordList< RecType >
- RemoveAllSplits() : ScCsvGrid, ScCsvRuler
- RemoveAppPrefix() : ScDocumentLoader
- RemoveAreaMerge() : ScAttrArray
- RemoveBulkArea() : ScBroadcastAreaSlotMachine
- RemoveBulkGroupArea() : ScBroadcastAreaSlotMachine
- removeByID() : ScCondFormatsObj
- removeByIndex() : ScAnnotationsObj, ScAreaLinksObj, ScCondFormatObj, ScLabelRangesObj, ScPositionHelper, ScTableColumnsObj, ScTableConditionalFormat, ScTableRowsObj
- removeByName() : sc::TablePivotCharts, ScAutoFormatsObj, ScChartListenerCollection, ScChartsObj, ScDatabaseRangesObj, ScDataPilotFieldGroupObj, ScDataPilotFieldGroupsObj, ScDataPilotTablesObj, ScNamedRangesObj, ScScenariosObj, ScStyleFamilyObj, ScTableSheetsObj, ScVbaChartObjects
- RemoveCache() : ScDPCollection
- RemoveCaption() : ScPostIt
- removeCell() : ScUserMacroDepTracker
- RemoveCellCharAttribs() : ScAttrArray
- removeChangesListener() : ScModelObj
- RemoveCharAttribs() : ScEditUtil
- RemoveChild() : ScAccessibleDocument
- RemoveColBreak() : ScDocument, ScTable
- RemoveColIndex() : ScDPRunningTotalState
- RemoveCondFormat() : ScAttrArray, ScColumn
- RemoveCondFormatData() : ScDocument, ScTable
- RemoveConnectorRules() : XclImpSolverContainer
- removeContainerListener() : ScCellFieldsObj, ScHeaderFieldsObj
- RemoveDeletedIn() : ScChangeAction
- RemoveDependentCell() : ScMacroManager
- RemoveDimensionByName() : ScDPSaveData
- RemoveDocument() : ScAddInAsync, ScAddInListener
- RemoveDuplicateNameCount() : ScDPSaveData
- RemoveEditAttribs() : ScColumn
- RemoveEditTextCharAttribs() : ScColumn, ScDocument, ScTable
- RemoveElement() : ScDPSaveGroupItem
- RemoveElementsFromGroups() : ScDPSaveGroupItem
- removeEnhancedMouseClickHandler() : ScTabViewObj
- RemoveEntries() : ScAcceptChgDlg
- RemoveEntry() : ScConditionalFormat
- RemoveEntryByField() : ScQueryParamBase
- RemoveEntryForItem() : ScPivotLayoutTreeListBase
- removeEventListener() : ScDrawModelBroadcaster, ScShapeObj
- removeFileId() : ScChartListener::ExternalRefListener
- RemoveFlags() : ScAttrArray, ScColumn, ScTable
- RemoveFlagsTab() : ScDocument
- removeFormatCondition() : ScVbaFormatConditions
- RemoveFormulaSelection() : ScAccessibleSpreadsheet
- RemoveFromDefinedList() : ScHFEditPage
- RemoveFromDocument() : ScConditionalFormatList
- RemoveFromFormulaTrack() : ScDocument
- RemoveFromFormulaTree() : ScDocument
- RemoveFromGroups() : ScDPSaveGroupDimension
- RemoveFromSlot() : ScChangeActionContent
- RemoveGroup() : ScDPSaveGroupDimension
- RemoveGroupDimension() : ScDPDimensionSaveData
- RemoveHintWindow() : ScTabView
- RemoveInvalidatedRecords() : XclExpRecordList< RecType >
- RemoveLastObj() : XclExpObjectManager
- RemoveLastSeries() : XclExpChChart
- RemoveLayoutName() : ScDPSaveDimension, ScDPSaveMember
- RemoveLeadingFont() : XclExpString
- removeLinkListener() : ScExternalRefManager
- RemoveList() : ScTpUserLists
- removeListEntryListener() : calc::OCellListSource
- RemoveLOKFreeze() : ScViewData
- RemoveLookupCache() : ScDocument
- RemoveManualBreaks() : ScDocument, ScTable, ScViewFunc
- RemoveMember() : ScDPInitState
- RemoveMerge() : ScDocument, ScViewFunc
- removeModifyListener() : calc::OCellValueBinding, sc::PivotTableDataProvider, sc::PivotTableDataSequence, ScChart2DataSequence, ScDataPilotTableObj
- RemoveNumGroupDimension() : ScDPDimensionSaveData
- RemoveObsoleteMembers() : ScDPSaveDimension
- RemoveOutline() : ScDBFunc, ScOutlineDocFunc
- RemovePageBreak() : ScDocFunc
- RemovePageStyleInUse() : ScDocument
- RemoveParaAttribs() : ScEditEngineDefaulter
- RemovePivotTable() : ScDBDocFunc
- RemovePreservingSize() : ScCompressedArray< A, D >
- removePropertiesChangeListener() : ScStyleObj
- removePropertyChangeListener() : sc::PivotTableDataProvider, sc::PivotTableDataSequence, ScAddressConversionObj, ScAreaLinkObj, ScAutoFormatFieldObj, ScAutoFormatObj, ScCellSearchObj, ScChart2DataProvider, ScChart2DataSequence, ScColorScaleFormatObj, ScCondDateFormatObj, ScCondFormatObj, ScConditionEntryObj, ScDataBarFormatObj, ScDatabaseRangeObj, ScDataPilotDescriptorBase, ScDataPilotFieldObj, ScDataPilotItemObj, ScDocDefaultsObj, ScDocumentConfiguration, ScDPDimension, ScDPLevel, ScDPMember, ScDPSource, ScEditFieldObj, ScFilterDescriptorBase, ScFormulaParserObj, ScFunctionAccess, ScIconSetFormatObj, ScLinkTargetTypeObj, ScModelObj, ScNamedRangeObj, ScNamedRangesObj, ScShapeObj, ScSheetLinkObj, ScSpreadsheetSettings, ScSpreadsheetSettingsObj, ScStyleFamilyObj, ScStyleObj, ScSubTotalDescriptorBase, ScTableColumnsObj, ScTableRowsObj, ScTableValidationObj, ScTabViewObj
- RemoveProtected() : ScColumn
- RemovePushed() : ScNameDlg
- Remover : ScExtraEditViewManager
- RemoveRange() : ScCsvSplits
- removeRange() : ScTableSheetObj
- RemoveRangeFinder() : ScInputHandler
- removeRangeSelectionChangeListener() : ScTabViewObj
- removeRangeSelectionListener() : ScTabViewObj
- RemoveRecord() : XclExpRecordList< RecType >
- removeRefCell() : ScExternalRefManager
- RemoveRefDlg() : ScTPValidationValue, ScValidationDlg
- RemoveReference() : ScDPCache
- removeRefreshListener() : ScAreaLinkObj, ScCellFieldsObj, ScDatabaseRangeObj, ScDDELinkObj, ScDPSource, ScHeaderFieldsObj, ScSheetLinkObj
- RemoveRowBreak() : ScDocument, ScTable
- RemoveRowIndex() : ScDPRunningTotalState
- RemoveRowPageBreaks() : ScTable
- RemoveSdrObjectInfo() : XclImpSolverContainer
- removeSegment() : ScFlatBoolColSegments, ScFlatBoolRowSegments, ScFlatUInt16RowSegments
- RemoveSelection() : ScAccessibleSpreadsheet, ScInputHandler
- removeSelectionChangeListener() : ScTabViewObj
- RemoveShape() : ScChildrenShapes
- removeShapeEventListener() : ScDrawModelBroadcaster
- RemoveSink() : ScVbaApplication
- RemoveSortedRangeCache() : ScDocument
- removeSparkline() : sc::SparklineList
- RemoveSplit() : ScCsvGrid, ScCsvRuler, ScTabView
- removeStatusListener() : ScDispatch
- RemoveStyleSheetInUse() : ScViewFunc
- RemoveSubtotal() : ScVbaRange
- RemoveSubTotalCell() : ScDocument
- RemoveSubtotalName() : ScDPSaveDimension
- removeSubTotals() : ScCellRangeObj
- RemoveSubTotals() : ScDocument, ScTable
- removeTextContent() : ScCellObj, ScHeaderFooterTextObj, ScShapeObj
- RemoveTrailingParen() : XclExpFmlaCompImpl
- RemoveUnoObject() : ScDocument
- RemoveUnusedBlankCells() : XclExpBlankCell, XclExpCellBase
- RemoveUnusedFormats() : XclImpChDataFormat
- RemoveUnusedXFIndexes() : XclExpMultiCellBase
- removeVetoableChangeListener() : sc::PivotTableDataProvider, sc::PivotTableDataSequence, ScAddressConversionObj, ScAreaLinkObj, ScAutoFormatFieldObj, ScAutoFormatObj, ScCellSearchObj, ScChart2DataProvider, ScChart2DataSequence, ScColorScaleFormatObj, ScCondDateFormatObj, ScCondFormatObj, ScConditionEntryObj, ScDataBarFormatObj, ScDatabaseRangeObj, ScDataPilotDescriptorBase, ScDataPilotFieldObj, ScDataPilotItemObj, ScDocDefaultsObj, ScDocumentConfiguration, ScDPDimension, ScDPLevel, ScDPMember, ScDPSource, ScEditFieldObj, ScFilterDescriptorBase, ScFormulaParserObj, ScFunctionAccess, ScIconSetFormatObj, ScLinkTargetTypeObj, ScModelObj, ScNamedRangeObj, ScNamedRangesObj, ScShapeObj, ScSheetLinkObj, ScSpreadsheetSettings, ScSpreadsheetSettingsObj, ScStyleFamilyObj, ScStyleObj, ScSubTotalDescriptorBase, ScTableColumnsObj, ScTableRowsObj, ScTableValidationObj, ScTabViewObj
- RemoveWindowFromForeignEditView() : ScTabView
- Rename() : ScDPSaveGroupDimension, ScDPSaveGroupItem
- RenameCellStyle() : ScConditionalFormat, ScConditionalFormatList
- RenameDBRange() : ScDBDocFunc
- renameFieldGroup() : ScDataPilotFieldGroupsObj
- RenamePageStyleInUse() : ScDocument
- RenameTab() : ScDocument
- renameTab() : XclExpXmlStream
- RenameTable() : ScDocFunc, ScViewFunc
- rend() : ScColumnsRange
- render() : sc::SparklineRenderer, ScModelObj
- Reorder() : ScDocument, ScTable
- ReorderByRow() : ScSortInfoArray
- ReorderParam() : sc::ReorderParam
- Repaint() : ScCsvControl
- RepaintRange() : ScDocument, ScModelObj
- Repeat() : sc::UndoDeleteSparkline, sc::UndoDeleteSparklineGroup, sc::UndoEditSparkline, sc::UndoEditSparklneGroup, sc::UndoGroupSparklines, sc::UndoInsertSparkline, sc::UndoThemeChange, sc::UndoUngroupSparklines, ScUndoAddRangeData, ScUndoAllRangeNames, ScUndoApplyPageStyle, ScUndoAutoFill, ScUndoAutoFilter, ScUndoAutoFormat, ScUndoAutoOutline, ScUndoBorder, ScUndoChartData, ScUndoClearItems, ScUndoConditionalFormat, ScUndoConditionalFormatList, ScUndoConsolidate, ScUndoConversion, ScUndoCopyTab, ScUndoCursorAttr, ScUndoCut, ScUndoDataForm, ScUndoDataPilot, ScUndoDBData, ScUndoDeleteCells, ScUndoDeleteContents, ScUndoDeleteMulti, ScUndoDeleteTab, ScUndoDetective, ScUndoDocProtect, ScUndoDoOutline, ScUndoDragDrop, ScUndoDraw, ScUndoEnterData, ScUndoEnterMatrix, ScUndoEnterValue, ScUndoFillTable, ScUndoImportData, ScUndoImportTab, ScUndoIndent, ScUndoInsertAreaLink, ScUndoInsertCells, ScUndoInsertTab, ScUndoInsertTables, ScUndoLayoutRTL, ScUndoListNames, ScUndoMakeOutline, ScUndoMakeScenario, ScUndoMerge, ScUndoModifyStyle, ScUndoMoveTab, ScUndoOutlineBlock, ScUndoOutlineLevel, ScUndoPageBreak, ScUndoPaste, ScUndoPrintRange, ScUndoPrintZoom, ScUndoQuery, ScUndoRangeNames, ScUndoRefConversion, ScUndoRefreshLink, ScUndoRemoveAllOutlines, ScUndoRemoveAreaLink, ScUndoRemoveBreaks, ScUndoRemoveLink, ScUndoRemoveMerge, ScUndoRenameObject, ScUndoRenameTab, ScUndoRepeatDB, ScUndoReplace, ScUndoReplaceNote, ScUndoScenarioFlags, ScUndoSelectionAttr, ScUndoSelectionStyle, ScUndoSetCell, ScUndoShowHideNote, ScUndoShowHideTab, ScUndoSubTotals, ScUndoTabColor, ScUndoTabOp, ScUndoTabProtect, ScUndoThesaurus, ScUndoTransliterate, ScUndoUpdateAreaLink, ScUndoUseScenario, ScUndoWidthOrHeight, ScUndoWrapper
- RepeatDB() : ScDBDocFunc, ScDBFunc
- RepeatDefaults() : ScEditEngineDefaulter
- RepeatElementSelected() : ScXMLSourceDlg
- RepeatResize() : ScTabView
- RepeatToFill() : ScDrawStringsVars
- Replace() : ScTable, ScVbaRange
- ReplaceAll() : ScTable
- ReplaceAllStyle() : ScTable
- replaceByName() : ScAutoFormatsObj, ScDataPilotFieldGroupObj, ScDataPilotFieldGroupsObj, ScSheetEventsObj, ScStyleFamilyObj, ScTableSheetsObj, ShapeUnoEventAccessImpl
- ReplaceCell() : ScInterpreter
- ReplaceChild() : ScChildrenShapes, ScShapeChildren
- ReplaceConditionalFormat() : ScDocFunc
- ReplaceDoubleRefII() : ScCompiler
- ReplaceGroupDimension() : ScDPDimensionSaveData
- ReplaceNote() : ScDocFunc, ScViewFunc
- ReplaceNullTransformation() : sc::ReplaceNullTransformation
- replaceNullTransformation() : ScDataProviderDlg
- ReplaceNumGroupDimension() : ScDPDimensionSaveData
- ReplaceOrAppend() : ScGlobal
- ReplaceRecord() : XclExpRecordList< RecType >
- ReplaceStyle() : ScDocument, ScTable
- RequestEncryptionData() : XclRoot
- RequestHelp() : ScGridWindow, ScHeaderControl
- RequestNewObjectArea() : ScClient
- RequestTerminate() : sc::CSVFetchThread
- requestTerminate() : sc::datastreams::ReaderThread
- reserve() : oox::xls::ApiTokenVector
- Reserve() : ScAttrArray
- reserved1 : CTBS
- reserved2 : CTBS
- reserved3 : CTBS, TBCCmd
- ReservePatternCount() : ScColumn, ScDocument, ScTable
- reset() : AddressWalker
- Reset() : AutoFormatSwBlob, ConverterBase
- reset() : DataRangeByColumnIterator, DataRangeByRowIterator, DataRangeIterator
- Reset() : ExcelConverterBase, ExtNameBuff, ExtSheetBuffer, LotusConverterBase, LotusToSc
- reset() : sc::CellValues, sc::DelayFormulaGroupingSwitch, sc::DocumentStreamAccess, sc::SpellCheckContext
- Reset() : ScAttrArray
- reset() : ScCalcConfig, ScCheckListMenuControl::SubMenuItemData, ScCompiler::Whitespace
- Reset() : ScCompressedArray< A, D >, ScDocStatPage, ScDPAggData
- reset() : ScExternalRefCache::ReferencedStatus
- Reset() : ScHFEditPage, ScHFPage, ScMarkArray
- reset() : ScMarkArrayIter, ScOrcusArrayFormula, ScOrcusFormula, ScOrcusImportBorderStyle, ScOrcusImportCellProtection, ScOrcusImportFillStyle, ScOrcusImportFontStyle, ScOrcusImportNumberFormat, ScOrcusImportXf, ScOrcusNamedExpression, ScOrucsImportCellStyle
- Reset() : ScPageAreaParam, ScPageTableParam, ScRedlineOptionsTabPage, ScSpellDialogChildWindow
- reset() : ScTable::VisibleDataCellIterator
- Reset() : ScTablePage, ScTabPageProtection, ScTabPageSortFields, ScTabPageSortOptions, ScTpCalcOptions, ScTpCompatOptions, ScTpContentOptions, ScTpDefaultsOptions, ScTpFormulaOptions, ScTpLayoutOptions, ScTpPrintOptions, ScTpSubTotalGroup1, ScTpSubTotalGroup2, ScTpSubTotalGroup3, ScTpSubTotalOptions, ScTpUserLists, ScTPValidationError, ScTPValidationHelp, ScTPValidationValue, TokenPool, TokenStack
- reset_to_empty() : ScCellValue
- resetActionLocks() : ScCellObj, ScModelObj, ScNamedRangesObj
- resetArea() : ScDataAreaExtras
- ResetAttributes() : ScMyStylesImportHelper
- ResetAutoPar() : ScInputHandler
- ResetAutoSpell() : ScGridWindow, ScTabView
- ResetAutoSpellForContentChange() : ScGridWindow, ScTabView
- ResetBreaks() : ScPrintFunc
- ResetBrushDocument() : ScTabView
- resetCache() : sc::SpellCheckContext
- ResetCalcNotifications() : ScDocument
- ResetChanged() : ScColumn, ScDocument, ScTable
- ResetClip() : ScDocument
- ResetColors() : ScVbaWorkbook
- resetColumn() : AddressWalker
- ResetDelayTimer() : ScInputHandler
- ResetDelMark() : ScViewData
- ResetDirty() : ScFormulaCell
- ResetDocOptions() : ScDocOptions
- ResetDragObject() : ScModule, ScTabViewShell
- ResetDrawDragMode() : ScTabView
- ResetDrawObjectShell() : ScDocShell
- ResetEditMode() : ScAccessibleEditLineTextData
- ResetEditView() : ScViewData
- ResetEmbedded() : ScDocument
- ResetError() : ScValidationData
- ResetFillMode() : ScViewData
- ResetFontData() : XclImpHFConverter
- resetForContentChange() : sc::SpellCheckContext
- ResetFormulaCellPositions() : ScColumn
- ResetFormulaSeparators() : ScFormulaOptions
- ResetFunctionList() : ScGlobal
- resetGridOffsetsForAllSdrPageViews() : ScDrawView
- ResetGroupItems() : ScDPCache
- ResetInput() : ScValidationData
- ResetIteration() : ScRecursionHelper
- ResetKeyBindings() : ScDocShell
- ResetLastCut() : ScChangeTrack
- ResetManualDoc() : ScContentTree
- ResetMark() : ScMarkData
- ResetModifiers() : FuDraw
- ResetOldCursor() : ScViewData
- ResetParent() : ScStyleSheet
- ResetRecord() : XclImpStream
- ResetRenameInput() : ScMoveTableDlg
- ResetResult() : ScMatrixFormulaCellToken
- ResetResults() : ScDPDataDimension, ScDPDataMember, ScDPResultDimension, ScDPResultMember
- resetRow() : AddressWalker
- ResetSaveEntries() : ScSheetSaveData
- resetSelection() : ScModelObj
- ResetSeparators() : ScTpFormulaOptions
- resetSpaces() : oox::xls::FormulaParserImpl
- resetSrcFileData() : ScExternalRefManager
- ResetTab() : ScDrawLayer
- ResetTableOpDirtyVar() : ScFormulaCell
- ResetTimer() : ScTabView
- ResetToDefaults() : sc::SolverSettings, ScFormulaResult
- ResetTokens() : ScInterpreterContext
- ResetVectorState() : ScTokenArray
- resize() : oox::xls::ApiTokenVector
- Resize() : ScAutoFmtPreview
- resize() : ScColContainer
- Resize() : ScCornerButton, ScCsvGrid, ScCsvRuler, ScDataTableView, ScInputBarGroup, ScInputWindow, ScMatrix, ScMatrixImpl, ScOutlineWindow, ScQueryParamBase, ScTextWnd, ScVbaRange
- ResizeAllowed() : ScColBar, ScHeaderControl, ScRowBar
- ResizeLastRectFromAnchor() : ScDrawLayer
- ResizeMatrix() : ScDocFunc
- resizeToFitMenuItems() : ScListSubMenuControl
- ResizeToRequest() : ScCheckListMenuControl
- resolve_address() : ScOrcusRefResolver
- resolve_range() : ScOrcusRefResolver
- resolveBadFuncName() : oox::xls::FormulaFinalizer, oox::xls::FormulaParserImpl, oox::xls::OOXMLFormulaParserImpl
- resolveDefinedName() : oox::xls::FormulaFinalizer, oox::xls::FormulaParserImpl
- resolveOleTarget() : oox::xls::FormulaParserImpl
- resolveSharedFormula() : oox::xls::SheetDataBuffer
- ResolveStaticReference() : ScColumn, ScDocument, ScTable
- ResolveToken() : ScFormulaResult
- Response() : AbstractScDPFunctionDlg, AbstractScDPFunctionDlg_Impl, AbstractScDPSubtotalDlg, AbstractScDPSubtotalDlg_Impl
- Restore() : ScAreaLinkSaveCollection
- RestoreChartListener() : ScDocument
- RestoreCursorPos() : ScConversionEngineBase
- RestoreFromCache() : ScColumn, ScTable
- RestorePosition() : XclImpStream
- RestorePrintRanges() : ScDocument, ScTable
- RestoreTabFromCache() : ScDocument
- restoreTabNames() : XclExpXmlStream
- Result : ScLookupCache
- ResultMatrix : oox::xls::ExternalName
- ResultMembers() : ResultMembers
- ResultType : ScCheckListMenuControl, ScOrcusFormula
- ResumeIteration() : ScRecursionHelper
- resumeReadStream() : sc::datastreams::ReaderThread
- Resync() : ScAttrIterator
- retrieveAPIOperator() : ScVbaCondition< Ifc >
- retrieveAPIType() : ScVbaFormatCondition
- ReturnToPool() : ScInterpreterContextPool
- reverse() : sc::ReorderParam, sc::SparklineValues
- ReverseStack() : ScInterpreter
- RevisionHeadersFragment() : oox::xls::RevisionHeadersFragment
- RevisionLogFragment() : oox::xls::RevisionLogFragment
- RewindRecord() : XclImpStream
- rExport : ScChangeTrackingExportHelper, ScMyNotEmptyCellsIterator, ScMyOpenCloseColumnRowGroup, ScXMLExportDatabaseRanges, ScXMLExportDataPilot, ScXMLExportDDELinks
- RfCorner : ScGridWindow
- RFMouseMove() : ScGridWindow
- RichStringContext() : oox::xls::RichStringContext
- RichStringPhonetic() : oox::xls::RichStringPhonetic
- RichStringPortion() : oox::xls::RichStringPortion
- rIdBuffer : XclExpChTrAction
- RIGHT_DOWN : ScGridWindow
- RIGHT_UP : ScGridWindow
- rImport : ScMyOLEFixer, ScMyStylesImportHelper, ScMyTables
- rIn : DifParser
- rInt : ScBetaDistFunction, ScChiDistFunction, ScChiSqDistFunction, ScFDistFunction, ScGammaDistFunction, ScTDistFunction
- rLinkMan : ExcelToSc8
- rName : ScMyOpenCloseColumnRowGroup
- rNavigatorDlg : ScNavigatorControllerItem
- rOleObj : XclObjOle
- RootData() : RootData
- RootDataRef : XclRootData
- rOpt : ScActionColorChanger
- RoundNumber() : ScInterpreter
- RoundSignificant() : ScInterpreter
- RoundValueAsShown() : ScDocument
- Row() : ScAddress, ScBigAddress, ScClipParam, ScDPOutputGeometry, ScRefAddress, ScSingleRefData, ScSortInfoArray::Row, ScTabOpParam
- ROW : ScXMLDataPilotGrandTotalContext
- Row25() : ImportExcel
- Row34() : ImportExcel
- Row_() : ImportLotus
- ROW_LIST : ScPivotLayoutTreeListBase
- ROW_NOT_FOUND : ScTable::VisibleDataCellIterator
- RowColumn() : ScAnalysisOfVarianceDialog
- RowDataType : ScExternalRefCache
- RowDifferences() : ScDocument
- RowFiltered() : ScDocument, ScTable
- rowFiltered() : ScXMLCachedRowAttrAccess
- RowFlagType : ScDPFilteredCache
- rowForIndex() : ScSortedRangeCache
- RowHeightContext() : sc::RowHeightContext
- RowHidden() : ScDocument, ScTable
- rowHidden() : ScXMLCachedRowAttrAccess
- RowHiddenLeaf() : ScTable
- RowHiddenType : XclImpColRowSettings
- RowInfo() : RowInfo
- RowMap : XclExpRowBuffer
- RowModel() : oox::xls::RowModel
- RowModelRange : oox::xls::WorksheetGlobals
- RowModelRangeMap : oox::xls::WorksheetGlobals
- RowOff() : ScHTMLTable
- RowOn() : ScHTMLTable
- RowPresentation() : ImportLotus
- RowRef : XclExpRowBuffer
- RowReordered : sc::RefHint
- Rows() : ScVbaApplication, ScVbaGlobals, ScVbaRange, ScVbaWorksheet
- RowsDataType : ScExternalRefCache
- RowSpan() : sc::RowSpan
- RowStyles : oox::xls::SheetDataBuffer
- RowsType : ScSortInfoArray
- RowValid() : ScSingleRefData
- rPool : ScInterpreterContextGetterGuard, ScThreadedInterpreterContextGetterGuard
- rQueryData : ScFilterOptionsMgr
- rScXMLExport : ScXMLAutoStylePoolP
- rStream : ScMultipleReadHeader, ScMultipleWriteHeader
- Rstring() : ImportExcel
- rStrm : ScExportBase
- rStrUndefined : ScFilterOptionsMgr
- rSubTotalData : ScTpSubTotalGroup, ScTpSubTotalOptions
- rTabInfo : XclExpChTrAction
- rTBC : ScCTB
- rTextObj : ScHeaderFooterTextCursor, XclEscherClientTextbox
- RTF2Doc() : ScImportExport
- RuleType : oox::xls::ExtCfDataBarRule
- run() : ScDPShowDetailDlg, ScInsertTableDlg, ScReplaceWarnBox, ScRetypePassDlg
- rUsers : ScActionColorChanger
- rViewData : ScAuditingShell, ScConsolidateDlg, ScDrawShell, ScEditShell, ScFormatShell, ScInsertTableDlg
- rViewShell : FuPoor
- rVisualData : ScCTB
- rXMLImport : ScXMLTableRowCellContext