Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- s -
- SafeDiv() : SubTotal
- SafeMult() : SubTotal
- SafePlus() : SubTotal
- sAlgorithm : ScXMLSortContext
- SanitizeCol() : ScDocument, ScSheetLimits
- SanitizeRow() : ScDocument, ScSheetLimits
- SanitizeWhichActive() : ScViewDataTable
- sApplication : ScXMLDDELinkContext
- sApplicationData : ScXMLDataPilotTableContext
- sAttrColumnsRepeated : ScXMLExport
- sAttrFormula : ScXMLExport
- sAttrName : ScXMLExport
- sAttrStringValue : ScXMLExport
- sAttrStyleName : ScXMLExport
- sAttrValueType : ScXMLExport
- Save() : ExcAutoFilterRecs, ExcDummyRec, ExcEmptyRec, ExcEScenarioManager, ExcFilterCondition, ExcRecord, ExcXmlRecord, ScAutoFormat, ScAutoFormatData, ScAutoFormatDataField, ScDocShell, ScNumFormatAbbrev, XclExpBlindFont, XclExpCachedMatrix, XclExpCellTable, XclExpChartDrawing, XclExpChartObj, XclExpChartPageSettings, XclExpChEscherFormat, XclExpChFrame, XclExpChFutureRecordBase, XclExpChGroupBase, XclExpChLabelRange, XclExpChSourceLink, XclExpChTrAction, XclExpColinfoBuffer, XclExpCondfmt, XclExpCondFormatBuffer, XclExpDefcolwidth, XclExpDval, XclExpFileSharing, XclExpFontBuffer, XclExpFormulaCell, XclExpFutureRecord, XclExpImgData, XclExpLabelranges, XclExpLinkManager, XclExpLinkManagerImpl, XclExpMergedcells, XclExpMultiCellBase, XclExpNameManager, XclExpNameManagerImpl, XclExpNote, XclExpNumFmtBuffer, XclExpObjList, XclExpPageBreaks, XclExpPageSettings, XclExpPalette, XclExpPCField, XclExpPivotCache, XclExpPivotTable, XclExpPTField, XclExpRecord, XclExpRecordBase, XclExpRecordList< RecType >, XclExpRow, XclExpRowBuffer, XclExpSingleCellBase, XclExpSst, XclExpSstImpl, XclExpSubStream, XclExpTableop, XclExpTabViewSettings, XclExpUserBViewList, XclExpWebQuery, XclExpXFBuffer, XclObj, XclObjAny, XclObjComment, XclObjOle, XclTxo
- SaveActionData() : XclExpChTr0x014A, XclExpChTrAction, XclExpChTrCellContent, XclExpChTrInsert, XclExpChTrInsertTab, XclExpChTrMoveRange
- SaveAs() : ScDocShell, ScVbaWorkbook
- SaveCont() : ExcBof8_Base, ExcBof, ExcBofW, ExcBoolRecord, ExcBundlesheet8, ExcBundlesheet, ExcEScenario, ExcEScenarioManager, ExcRecord, XclCalccount, XclCodename, XclDelta, XclExpChTr0x0191, XclExpChTr0x0192, XclExpChTr0x0194, XclExpChTr0x0195, XclExpChTr0x0197, XclExpChTr0x0198, XclExpChTrAction, XclExpChTrHeader, XclExpChTrInfo, XclExpChTrTabId, XclExpUserBView, XclExpUsersViewBegin, XclExpUsersViewEnd, XclIteration, XclTxo
- SaveControlPropertiesXml() : XclExpTbxControlObj
- SaveCopyAs() : ScVbaWorkbook
- SaveDdeLinks() : ScDocument
- SaveImportOptions() : AbstractScImportOptionsDlg, AbstractScImportOptionsDlg_Impl, ScImportOptionsDlg
- SaveLRUEntry() : ScFormulaDlg
- SaveParameters() : AbstractScImportAsciiDlg, AbstractScImportAsciiDlg_Impl, ScImportAsciiDlg
- SavePivotCacheXml() : XclExpXmlPivotCaches
- SavePivotTableXml() : XclExpXmlPivotTables
- SaveSheetXml() : XclExpTbxControlObj
- SaveSolverSettings() : sc::SolverSettings, ScOptSolverDlg
- SaveTableXml() : XclExpTables
- SaveText() : ExcFilterCondition
- SaveTextRecs() : XclObj
- SaveValues() : ScFormEditData
- SaveVml() : XclExpTbxControlObj
- SaveXFXml() : XclExpXFBuffer
- SaveXml() : Exc1904, ExcAutoFilterRecs, ExcBundlesheet8, ExcEScenario, ExcEScenarioCell, ExcEScenarioManager, ExcFilterCondition, ExcRecord
- SaveXML() : ScDocShell
- SaveXml() : xcl::exp::SparklineExt, XclCalccount, XclDelta, XclExpAutofilter, XclExpBooleanCell, XclExpBoolRecord, XclExpCellAlign, XclExpCellArea, XclExpCellBorder, XclExpCellProt, XclExpCellTable, XclExpCF, XclExpCFImpl, XclExpCfvo, XclExpChartObj, XclExpChTr0x014A, XclExpChTrCellContent, XclExpChTrHeader, XclExpChTrInsert, XclExpChTrInsertTab, XclExpChTrMoveRange, XclExpColinfo, XclExpColinfoBuffer, XclExpColor, XclExpColorScale, XclExpColScaleCol, XclExpComments, XclExpCondfmt, XclExpCondFormatBuffer, XclExpDataBar, XclExpDateFormat, XclExpDelegatingRecord, XclExpDimensions, XclExpDV, XclExpDval, XclExpDxf, XclExpDxfFont, XclExpDxfs, XclExpExtAxisColor, XclExpExtCalcPr, XclExpExtCF, XclExpExtCfRule, XclExpExtCfvo, XclExpExtCondFormat, XclExpExtConditionalFormatting, XclExpExtDataBar, XclExpExtIcon, XclExpExtIconSet, XclExpExtNegativeColor, XclExpFont, XclExpFontBuffer, XclExpFormulaCell, XclExpHeaderFooter, XclExpHyperlink, XclExpIconSet, XclExpImgData, XclExpLabelCell, XclExpLinkManager, XclExpLinkManagerImpl, XclExpMergedcells, XclExpMultiCellBase, XclExpNameManager, XclExpNameManagerImpl, XclExpNumberCell, XclExpNumFmt, XclExpNumFmtBuffer, XclExpObjList, XclExpPageBreaks, XclExpPageSettings, XclExpPalette, XclExpPaletteImpl, XclExpPane, XclExpPivotCache, XclExpRecordBase, XclExpRecordList< RecType >, XclExpRow, XclExpRowBuffer, XclExpSelection, XclExpSetup, XclExpSheetProtection, XclExpSst, XclExpSstImpl, XclExpStyle, XclExpTabViewSettings, XclExpTbxControlObj, XclExpValueRecord< Type >, XclExpWindow1, XclExpWindowProtection, XclExpXF, XclExpXFBuffer, XclExpXmlChTrHeader, XclExpXmlChTrHeaders, XclExpXmlEndElementRecord, XclExpXmlEndSingleElementRecord, XclExpXmlPivotCaches, XclExpXmlPivotTables, XclExpXmlSheetPr, XclExpXmlStartElementRecord, XclExpXmlStartSingleElementRecord, XclExpXmlStyleSheet, XclExtLst, XclIteration, XclObjAny, XclObjComment, XclRefmode
- SaveXmlExt() : XclExpDxf
- sBaseCellAddress : ScMyImportValidation, ScMyNamedExpression
- sButtons : ScXMLDataPilotTableContext
- sbyte : ScRawToken
- sc::CellStoreEvent : ScColumn
- sc::CellValues : ScColumn
- sc::ColumnSpanSet : ScColumn, ScTable
- sc::DocumentStreamAccess : ScColumn, ScTable
- sc::EditTextIterator : ScColumn, ScDocument, ScTable
- sc::FormulaGroupAreaListener : ScTable
- sc::RangeColumnSpanSet : ScTable
- sc::SingleColumnSpanSet : ScColumn
- sc::TableValues : ScColumn
- SC_CLCUPDATE_MODIFIED : ScChartListenerCollection
- SC_CLCUPDATE_NONE : ScChartListenerCollection
- SC_CLCUPDATE_RUNNING : ScChartListenerCollection
- ScAbs() : ScInterpreter
- ScAbstractTabController_Impl() : ScAbstractTabController_Impl
- ScAcceptChgDlg() : ScAcceptChgDlg
- ScAcceptChgDlgWrapper() : ScAcceptChgDlgWrapper
- ScAccessibilityEditSource() : ScAccessibilityEditSource
- ScAccessibleCell() : ScAccessibleCell
- ScAccessibleCellBase() : ScAccessibleCellBase
- ScAccessibleCellBaseTextData() : ScAccessibleCellBaseTextData
- ScAccessibleCellTextData() : ScAccessibleCellTextData
- ScAccessibleContextBase() : ScAccessibleContextBase
- ScAccessibleCsvCell() : ScAccessibleCsvCell
- ScAccessibleCsvControl() : ScAccessibleCsvControl
- ScAccessibleCsvGrid() : ScAccessibleCsvGrid
- ScAccessibleCsvRuler() : ScAccessibleCsvRuler
- ScAccessibleCsvTextData() : ScAccessibleCsvTextData
- ScAccessibleDocument() : ScAccessibleDocument
- ScAccessibleDocumentBase() : ScAccessibleDocumentBase
- ScAccessibleDocumentPagePreview() : ScAccessibleDocumentPagePreview
- ScAccessibleEditControlObject() : ScAccessibleEditControlObject
- ScAccessibleEditLineObject() : ScAccessibleEditLineObject
- ScAccessibleEditLineTextData() : ScAccessibleEditLineTextData
- ScAccessibleEditObject() : ScAccessibleEditObject
- ScAccessibleEditObjectTextData() : ScAccessibleEditObjectTextData
- ScAccessibleHeaderTextData() : ScAccessibleHeaderTextData
- ScAccessibleNoteTextData() : ScAccessibleNoteTextData
- ScAccessiblePageHeader() : ScAccessiblePageHeader
- ScAccessiblePageHeaderArea() : ScAccessiblePageHeaderArea
- ScAccessiblePreviewCell() : ScAccessiblePreviewCell
- ScAccessiblePreviewCellTextData() : ScAccessiblePreviewCellTextData
- ScAccessiblePreviewHeaderCell() : ScAccessiblePreviewHeaderCell
- ScAccessiblePreviewHeaderCellTextData() : ScAccessiblePreviewHeaderCellTextData
- ScAccessiblePreviewTable() : ScAccessiblePreviewTable
- ScAccessibleSpreadsheet() : ScAccessibleSpreadsheet
- ScAccessibleTableBase() : ScAccessibleTableBase
- ScAccessibleTextData() : ScAccessibleTextData
- ScAccGridWinFocusGotHint() : ScAccGridWinFocusGotHint
- ScAccGridWinFocusLostHint() : ScAccGridWinFocusLostHint
- ScAccNotes : ScNotesChildren
- ScActionColorChanger() : ScActionColorChanger
- ScAdd() : ScInterpreter
- ScAddInAsync() : ScAddInAsync
- ScAddInCfg() : ScAddInCfg
- ScAddInListener() : ScAddInListener
- ScAddPage() : ScDrawLayer
- ScAddress() : ScAddress
- ScAddressConversionObj() : ScAddressConversionObj
- ScAddressFunc() : ScInterpreter
- ScAfVersions() : ScAfVersions
- ScAggregate() : ScInterpreter
- scaleValue() : oox::xls::UnitConverter
- ScAmpersand() : ScInterpreter
- scan() : sc::ColumnSpanSet, sc::SingleColumnSpanSet
- ScAnalysisOfVarianceDialog() : ScAnalysisOfVarianceDialog
- ScAnalysisOfVarianceDialogWrapper() : ScAnalysisOfVarianceDialogWrapper
- ScAnd() : ScInterpreter
- ScanIntVal() : DifParser
- ScanNextFieldFromString() : ScImportExport
- ScAnnotationEditSource() : ScAnnotationEditSource
- ScAnnotationObj() : ScAnnotationObj
- ScAnnotationsObj() : ScAnnotationsObj
- ScAnyRefDlgController() : ScAnyRefDlgController
- ScAppCfg() : ScAppCfg
- ScAppOptions() : ScAppOptions
- ScArabic() : ScInterpreter
- ScArcCos() : ScInterpreter
- ScArcCosHyp() : ScInterpreter
- ScArcCot() : ScInterpreter
- ScArcCotHyp() : ScInterpreter
- ScArcSin() : ScInterpreter
- ScArcSinHyp() : ScInterpreter
- ScArcTan() : ScInterpreter
- ScArcTan2() : ScInterpreter
- ScArcTanHyp() : ScInterpreter
- ScArea() : ScArea
- ScAreaChangedHint() : ScAreaChangedHint
- ScAreaData() : ScAreaData
- ScAreaLink() : ScAreaLink
- ScAreaLinkObj() : ScAreaLinkObj
- ScAreaLinkSaveCollection() : ScAreaLinkSaveCollection
- ScAreaLinkSaver() : ScAreaLinkSaver
- ScAreaLinksObj() : ScAreaLinksObj
- ScAreaNameIterator() : ScAreaNameIterator
- ScAreas() : ScInterpreter
- ScAsc() : ScInterpreter
- ScAsciiOptions() : ScAsciiOptions
- ScAsyncTabController_Impl() : ScAsyncTabController_Impl
- ScAttrArray() : ScAttrArray
- ScAttrDlg() : ScAttrDlg
- ScAttrIterator : ScAttrArray, ScAttrIterator
- ScAttrRectIterator() : ScAttrRectIterator, ScDocument
- ScAuditingShell() : ScAuditingShell
- ScAutoFmtPreview() : ScAutoFmtPreview
- ScAutoFormat() : ScAutoFormat
- ScAutoFormatData() : ScAutoFormatData
- ScAutoFormatDataField() : ScAutoFormatDataField
- ScAutoFormatDlg() : ScAutoFormatDlg
- ScAutoFormatFieldObj() : ScAutoFormatFieldObj
- ScAutoFormatObj() : ScAutoFormatObj
- ScAutoFormatsObj() : ScAutoFormatsObj
- ScAutoNameCache() : ScAutoNameCache
- ScAutoStyleData() : ScAutoStyleData
- ScAutoStyleHint() : ScAutoStyleHint
- ScAutoStyleInitData() : ScAutoStyleInitData
- ScAutoStyleList() : ScAutoStyleList
- ScAveDev() : ScInterpreter
- ScAverage() : ScInterpreter
- ScAverageIf() : ScInterpreter
- ScAverageIfs() : ScInterpreter
- ScB() : ScInterpreter
- ScBadName() : ScInterpreter
- ScBahtText() : ScInterpreter
- ScBase() : ScInterpreter
- ScBasicCellInfo() : ScBasicCellInfo
- ScBetaDist() : ScInterpreter
- ScBetaDist_MS() : ScInterpreter
- ScBetaDistFunction() : ScBetaDistFunction, ScInterpreter
- ScBetaInv() : ScInterpreter
- ScBigAddress() : ScBigAddress
- ScBigRange() : ScBigRange
- ScBinomDist() : ScInterpreter
- ScBitAnd() : ScInterpreter
- ScBitLshift() : ScInterpreter
- ScBitMaskCompressedArray() : ScBitMaskCompressedArray< A, D >
- ScBitOr() : ScInterpreter
- ScBitRshift() : ScInterpreter
- ScBitXor() : ScInterpreter
- ScBlockUndo() : ScBlockUndo
- ScBoundsProvider() : ScBoundsProvider
- ScBroadcastArea() : ScBroadcastArea
- ScBroadcastAreaEntry() : ScBroadcastAreaEntry
- ScBroadcastAreaSlot() : ScBroadcastAreaSlot
- ScBroadcastAreaSlotMachine() : ScBroadcastAreaSlotMachine
- ScBulkBroadcast() : ScBulkBroadcast
- ScCalcConfig() : ScCalcConfig
- ScCalcOptionsDialog() : ScCalcOptionsDialog
- ScCaptionInitData() : ScCaptionInitData
- ScCaptionInitDataRef : ScNoteData
- ScCeil() : ScInterpreter
- ScCeil_MS() : ScInterpreter
- ScCeil_Precise() : ScInterpreter
- ScCell() : ScInterpreter
- ScCellCursorObj() : ScCellCursorObj
- ScCellEditSource() : ScCellEditSource
- ScCellExternal() : ScInterpreter
- ScCellFieldsObj() : ScCellFieldsObj
- ScCellFormatsEnumeration() : ScCellFormatsEnumeration
- ScCellFormatsObj() : ScCellFormatsObj
- ScCellInfo() : ScCellInfo
- ScCellIterator() : ScCellIterator, ScColumn, ScDocument, ScTable
- ScCellKeyword() : ScCellKeyword
- ScCellKeywordTranslator() : ScCellKeywordTranslator
- ScCellMergeOption() : ScCellMergeOption
- ScCellObj() : ScCellObj
- ScCellRangeObj() : ScCellRangeObj
- ScCellSearchObj() : ScCellSearchObj
- ScCellsEnumeration() : ScCellsEnumeration
- ScCellShell() : ScCellShell
- ScCellsObj() : ScCellsObj
- ScCellStyleEntry() : ScCellStyleEntry
- ScCellTextCursor() : ScCellTextCursor
- ScCellTextData() : ScCellTextData
- ScCellTextObj() : ScCellTextObj
- ScCellTextStyleContext() : ScCellTextStyleContext
- ScCellValue() : ScCellValue
- ScChangeAction() : ScChangeAction
- ScChangeAction::Accept : ScChangeActionDel
- ScChangeAction::RejectRestoreContents : ScChangeTrack
- ScChangeActionContent : ScChangeAction, ScChangeActionContent, ScChangeActionReject
- ScChangeActionDel : ScChangeAction, ScChangeActionDel, ScChangeActionDelMoveEntry, ScChangeActionMove
- ScChangeActionDel::DeleteCellEntries : ScChangeTrack
- ScChangeActionDel::Reject : ScChangeTrack
- ScChangeActionDelMoveEntry() : ScChangeActionDelMoveEntry
- ScChangeActionIns : ScChangeAction, ScChangeActionIns
- ScChangeActionLinkEntry() : ScChangeActionLinkEntry
- ScChangeActionMove : ScChangeAction, ScChangeActionMove
- ScChangeActionMove::DeleteCellEntries : ScChangeTrack
- ScChangeActionMove::Reject : ScChangeTrack
- ScChangeActionReject() : ScChangeActionReject
- ScChangeTrack : ScChangeAction, ScChangeActionContent, ScChangeActionDel, ScChangeActionDelMoveEntry, ScChangeActionIns, ScChangeActionMove, ScChangeActionReject, ScChangeTrack
- ScChangeTrackingExportHelper() : ScChangeTrackingExportHelper
- ScChangeViewSettings() : ScChangeViewSettings
- ScChar() : ScInterpreter
- ScCharDlg() : ScCharDlg
- ScChart2DataProvider() : ScChart2DataProvider
- ScChart2DataSequence() : ScChart2DataSequence
- ScChart2DataSource() : ScChart2DataSource
- ScChartArray() : ScChartArray
- ScChartHiddenRangeListener() : ScChartHiddenRangeListener
- ScChartListener() : ScChartListener
- ScChartListenerCollection() : ScChartListenerCollection
- ScChartLockGuard() : ScChartLockGuard
- ScChartObj() : ScChartObj
- ScChartPositioner() : ScChartPositioner, ScChartPositionMap
- ScChartPositionMap() : ScChartPositionMap
- ScChartRangeSelectionListener() : ScChartRangeSelectionListener
- ScChartShell() : ScChartShell
- ScChartsObj() : ScChartsObj
- ScChartUnoData() : ScChartUnoData
- ScCheckIndependentFGGuard() : ScCheckIndependentFGGuard
- ScCheckListMember() : ScCheckListMember
- ScCheckListMenuControl() : ScCheckListMenuControl
- ScChiDist() : ScInterpreter
- ScChiDistFunction() : ScChiDistFunction, ScInterpreter
- ScChiInv() : ScInterpreter
- ScChildrenShapes() : ScChildrenShapes
- ScChiSqDist() : ScInterpreter
- ScChiSqDist_MS() : ScInterpreter
- ScChiSqDistFunction() : ScChiSqDistFunction, ScInterpreter
- ScChiSqInv() : ScInterpreter
- ScChiSquareTestDialog() : ScChiSquareTestDialog
- ScChiSquareTestDialogWrapper() : ScChiSquareTestDialogWrapper
- ScChiTest() : ScInterpreter
- ScChooseJump() : ScInterpreter
- ScClean() : ScInterpreter
- ScClient() : ScClient
- ScClipParam() : ScClipParam
- ScCode() : ScInterpreter
- ScColBar() : ScColBar
- ScColContainer() : ScColContainer
- ScColor() : ScInterpreter
- ScColorFormat() : ScColorFormat
- ScColOrRowDlg() : ScColOrRowDlg
- ScColorScale2FrmtEntry() : ScColorScale2FrmtEntry
- ScColorScale3FrmtEntry() : ScColorScale3FrmtEntry
- ScColorScaleEntry() : ScColorScaleEntry
- ScColorScaleEntryObj() : ScColorScaleEntryObj
- ScColorScaleFormat() : ScColorScaleFormat
- ScColorScaleFormatObj() : ScColorScaleFormatObj
- ScColRowLabelDlg() : ScColRowLabelDlg
- ScColRowNameAuto() : ScInterpreter
- ScColRowNameRangesDlg() : ScColRowNameRangesDlg
- ScColumn() : ScColumn, ScDocument, ScInterpreter, ScTable
- ScColumnData() : ScColumnData
- ScColumnRowStylesBase() : ScColumnRowStylesBase
- ScColumns() : ScInterpreter
- ScColumnsRange() : ScColumnsRange
- ScColumnStyle() : ScColumnStyle
- ScColumnStyles() : ScColumnStyles
- ScColumnTextWidthIterator : ScColumn, ScColumnTextWidthIterator, ScDocument, ScTable
- ScColumnVector : ScColContainer
- ScColWidthParam() : ScColWidthParam
- ScCombin() : ScInterpreter
- ScCombinA() : ScInterpreter
- ScCompiler() : ScCompiler, ScRawToken, ScTokenArray
- ScCompressedArray : ScCompressedArray< A, D >::Iterator, ScCompressedArray< A, D >
- ScConcat() : ScInterpreter
- ScConcat_MS() : ScInterpreter
- ScCondDateFormatEntry() : ScCondDateFormatEntry
- ScCondDateFormatObj() : ScCondDateFormatObj
- ScCondFmtPtr : XclImpCondFormat
- ScCondFormatData() : ScCondFormatData
- ScCondFormatDlg() : ScCondFormatDlg
- ScCondFormatDlgItem() : ScCondFormatDlgItem
- ScCondFormatEntry() : ScCondFormatEntry
- ScCondFormatEntryItem() : ScCondFormatEntryItem
- ScCondFormatItem() : ScCondFormatItem
- ScCondFormatList() : ScCondFormatList
- ScCondFormatManagerDlg() : ScCondFormatManagerDlg
- ScCondFormatManagerWindow() : ScCondFormatManagerWindow
- ScCondFormatObj() : ScCondFormatObj
- ScCondFormatsObj() : ScCondFormatsObj
- ScCondFrmtEntry() : ScCondFrmtEntry
- ScConditionalFormat() : ScConditionalFormat
- ScConditionalFormatList() : ScConditionalFormatList
- ScConditionEntry() : ScConditionEntry
- ScConditionEntryCache() : ScConditionEntry::ScConditionEntryCache
- ScConditionEntryObj() : ScConditionEntryObj
- ScConditionFrmtEntry() : ScConditionFrmtEntry
- ScConfidence() : ScInterpreter
- ScConfidenceT() : ScInterpreter
- ScConflictsDlg() : ScConflictsDlg
- ScConflictsFinder() : ScConflictsFinder
- ScConflictsResolver() : ScConflictsResolver
- ScConsData() : ScConsData
- ScConsolidateDlg() : ScConsolidateDlg
- ScConsolidateItem() : ScConsolidateItem
- ScConsolidateParam() : ScConsolidateParam
- ScConsolidationDescriptor() : ScConsolidationDescriptor
- ScContentTree() : ScContentTree, ScNavigatorDlg
- ScConvEnginePtr : ScSpellDialogChildWindow
- ScConversionEngineBase() : ScConversionEngineBase
- ScConversionParam() : ScConversionParam
- ScConvertOOo() : ScInterpreter
- ScCopyPage() : ScDrawLayer
- ScCornerButton() : ScCornerButton
- ScCorrel() : ScInterpreter
- ScCorrelationDialog() : ScCorrelationDialog
- ScCorrelationDialogWrapper() : ScCorrelationDialogWrapper
- ScCos() : ScInterpreter
- ScCosecant() : ScInterpreter
- ScCosecantHyp() : ScInterpreter
- ScCosHyp() : ScInterpreter
- ScCot() : ScInterpreter
- ScCotHyp() : ScInterpreter
- ScCount() : ScInterpreter
- ScCount2() : ScInterpreter
- ScCountEmptyCells() : ScInterpreter
- ScCountIf() : ScInterpreter
- ScCountIfCellIterator() : ScCountIfCellIterator< accessType >
- ScCountIfCellIteratorSortedCache() : ScCountIfCellIteratorSortedCache
- ScCountIfs() : ScInterpreter
- ScCovarianceDialog() : ScCovarianceDialog
- ScCovarianceDialogWrapper() : ScCovarianceDialogWrapper
- ScCovarianceP() : ScInterpreter
- ScCovarianceS() : ScInterpreter
- ScCritBinom() : ScInterpreter
- ScCsvCmd() : ScCsvCmd
- ScCsvColState() : ScCsvColState
- ScCsvControl() : ScCsvControl
- ScCsvExpData() : ScCsvExpData
- ScCsvGrid() : ScCsvGrid
- ScCsvLayoutData() : ScCsvLayoutData
- ScCsvRuler() : ScCsvRuler
- ScCsvTableBox() : ScCsvTableBox
- ScCsvViewForwarder() : ScCsvViewForwarder
- ScCTB() : ScCTB
- ScCTBWrapper() : ScCTBWrapper
- ScCumIpmt() : ScInterpreter
- ScCumPrinc() : ScInterpreter
- ScCurrency() : ScInterpreter
- ScCurrent() : ScInterpreter
- ScCursorRefEdit() : ScCursorRefEdit
- ScDataBarEntryObj() : ScDataBarEntryObj
- ScDataBarFormat() : ScDataBarFormat
- ScDataBarFormatData() : ScDataBarFormatData
- ScDataBarFormatObj() : ScDataBarFormatObj
- ScDataBarFrmtEntry() : ScDataBarFrmtEntry
- ScDataBarSettingsDlg() : ScDataBarSettingsDlg
- ScDatabaseDPData() : ScDatabaseDPData
- ScDatabaseRangeObj() : ScDatabaseRangeObj
- ScDatabaseRangesObj() : ScDatabaseRangesObj
- ScDataFormDlg() : ScDataFormDlg
- ScDataFormFragment() : ScDataFormFragment
- ScDataPilotChildObjBase() : ScDataPilotChildObjBase
- ScDataPilotDatabaseDlg() : ScDataPilotDatabaseDlg
- ScDataPilotDescriptor() : ScDataPilotDescriptor
- ScDataPilotDescriptorBase() : ScDataPilotDescriptorBase
- ScDataPilotFieldGroupItemObj() : ScDataPilotFieldGroupItemObj
- ScDataPilotFieldGroupObj() : ScDataPilotFieldGroupObj
- ScDataPilotFieldGroupsObj() : ScDataPilotFieldGroupsObj
- ScDataPilotFieldObj() : ScDataPilotFieldObj
- ScDataPilotFieldsObj() : ScDataPilotFieldsObj
- ScDataPilotFilterDescriptor() : ScDataPilotFilterDescriptor
- ScDataPilotItemObj() : ScDataPilotItemObj
- ScDataPilotItemsObj() : ScDataPilotItemsObj
- ScDataPilotModifiedHint() : ScDataPilotModifiedHint
- ScDataPilotServiceDlg() : ScDataPilotServiceDlg
- ScDataPilotSourceTypeDlg() : ScDataPilotSourceTypeDlg
- ScDataPilotTableObj() : ScDataPilotTableObj
- ScDataPilotTablesObj() : ScDataPilotTablesObj
- ScDataProviderDlg() : ScDataProviderDlg
- ScDataTableColView() : ScDataTableColView
- ScDataTableRowView() : ScDataTableRowView
- ScDataTableView() : ScDataTableView
- ScDataTransformationBaseControl() : ScDataTransformationBaseControl
- ScDateFrmtEntry() : ScDateFrmtEntry
- ScDB() : ScInterpreter
- ScDBArea() : ScInterpreter
- ScDBAverage() : ScInterpreter
- ScDBCollection : ScDBCollection::NamedDBs, ScDBCollection
- ScDBCount() : ScInterpreter
- ScDBCount2() : ScInterpreter
- ScDBData() : ScDBData
- ScDBDataContainerBase() : ScDBDataContainerBase
- ScDBDataManager() : sc::ScDBDataManager
- ScDBDocFunc() : ScDBDocFunc
- ScDBExternalRange() : ScDBExternalRange
- ScDBFunc : ScDBDocFunc, ScDBFunc
- ScDBFuncUndo() : ScDBFuncUndo
- ScDBGet() : ScInterpreter
- ScDBInternalRange() : ScDBInternalRange
- ScDBMax() : ScInterpreter
- ScDBMin() : ScInterpreter
- ScDbNameDlg() : ScDbNameDlg
- ScDBProduct() : ScInterpreter
- ScDBQueryDataIterator : ScColumn, ScDBQueryDataIterator, ScDocument, ScTable
- ScDBQueryParamBase() : ScDBQueryParamBase
- ScDBQueryParamInternal() : ScDBQueryParamInternal
- ScDBQueryParamMatrix() : ScDBQueryParamMatrix
- ScDBRangeBase() : ScDBRangeBase
- ScDBRangeRefreshedHint() : ScDBRangeRefreshedHint
- ScDBStdDev() : ScInterpreter
- ScDBStdDevP() : ScInterpreter
- ScDBSum() : ScInterpreter
- ScDBVar() : ScInterpreter
- ScDBVarP() : ScInterpreter
- ScDDB() : ScInterpreter
- ScDDComboBoxButton() : ScDDComboBoxButton
- ScDde() : ScInterpreter
- ScDdeLink() : ScDdeLink
- ScDDELinkObj() : ScDDELinkObj
- ScDDELinksObj() : ScDDELinksObj
- ScDebugVar() : ScInterpreter
- ScDecimal() : ScInterpreter
- ScDefaultsCfg() : ScDefaultsCfg
- ScDefaultsOptions() : ScDefaultsOptions
- ScDeg() : ScInterpreter
- ScDeleteCellDlg() : ScDeleteCellDlg
- ScDeleteContentsDlg() : ScDeleteContentsDlg
- ScDelimiterTable() : ScDelimiterTable
- ScDescriptiveStatisticsDialog() : ScDescriptiveStatisticsDialog
- ScDescriptiveStatisticsDialogWrapper() : ScDescriptiveStatisticsDialogWrapper
- ScDetectiveData() : ScDetectiveData
- ScDetectiveFunc() : ScDetectiveFunc
- ScDetectiveRefIter() : ScDetectiveRefIter
- ScDetOpData() : ScDetOpData
- ScDetOpList() : ScDetOpList
- ScDevSq() : ScInterpreter
- ScDispatch() : ScDispatch
- ScDispatchProviderInterceptor() : ScDispatchProviderInterceptor
- ScDiv() : ScInterpreter
- ScDLL() : ScDLL
- ScDocAttrIterator() : ScDocAttrIterator, ScDocument
- ScDocCfg() : ScDocCfg
- ScDocDefaultsObj() : ScDocDefaultsObj
- ScDocFunc() : ScDocFunc
- ScDocFuncDirect() : ScDocFuncDirect
- ScDocOptions() : ScDocOptions
- ScDocOptionsObj() : ScDocOptionsObj
- ScDocProtection() : ScDocProtection
- ScDocRowHeightUpdater() : ScDocRowHeightUpdater, ScDocument
- ScDocShell() : ScDocShell, ScDocument
- ScDocShellModificator() : ScDocShellModificator
- ScDocShellRecalcGuard() : ScDocShellRecalcGuard
- ScDocStat() : ScDocStat
- ScDocStatPage() : ScDocStatPage
- ScDocument : ScAttrArray, ScColumn, ScDocument, ScMarkArray, ScTable
- ScDocumentConfiguration() : ScDocumentConfiguration
- ScDocumentImport : ScColumn, ScDocument, ScDocumentImport, ScTable
- ScDocumentImportImpl() : ScDocumentImportImpl
- ScDocumentIterator : ScAttrArray
- ScDocumentLoader() : ScDocumentLoader
- ScDocumentPool() : ScDocumentPool
- ScDoubleField() : ScDoubleField
- ScDoubleRefToken() : ScDoubleRefToken
- ScDPAggData() : ScDPAggData
- ScDPCache() : ScDPCache, ScDPCollection, ScDPItemData
- ScDPCollection : ScDPCollection::DBCaches, ScDPCollection::NameCaches, ScDPCollection, ScDPCollection::SheetCaches
- ScDPDataDimension() : ScDPDataDimension
- ScDPDataMember() : ScDPDataMember
- ScDPDateGroupDlg() : ScDPDateGroupDlg
- ScDPDateGroupEditHelper() : ScDPDateGroupEditHelper
- ScDPDimension() : ScDPDimension
- ScDPDimensions() : ScDPDimensions
- ScDPDimensionSaveData() : ScDPDimensionSaveData
- ScDPFieldButton() : ScDPFieldButton
- ScDPFilteredCache() : ScDPFilteredCache
- ScDPFunctionDlg() : ScDPFunctionDlg
- ScDPFunctionListBox() : ScDPFunctionListBox
- ScDPGroupDimension() : ScDPGroupDimension
- ScDPGroupEditHelper() : ScDPGroupEditHelper
- ScDPGroupItem() : ScDPGroupItem
- ScDPGroupTableData() : ScDPGroupTableData
- ScDPHierarchies() : ScDPHierarchies
- ScDPHierarchy() : ScDPHierarchy
- ScDPItemData() : ScDPItemData
- ScDPItemDataVec : ScDPCache
- ScDPLabelData() : ScDPLabelData
- ScDPLevel() : ScDPLevel
- ScDPLevels() : ScDPLevels
- ScDPMember() : ScDPMember
- ScDPMembers() : ScDPMembers
- ScDPName() : ScDPName
- ScDPNumGroupDimension() : ScDPNumGroupDimension
- ScDPNumGroupDlg() : ScDPNumGroupDlg
- ScDPNumGroupEditHelper() : ScDPNumGroupEditHelper
- ScDPNumGroupInfo() : ScDPNumGroupInfo
- ScDPObject() : ScDPObject
- ScDPObjectSet : ScDPCache
- ScDPOutLevelData() : ScDPOutLevelData
- ScDPOutput() : ScDPOutput
- ScDPOutputGeometry() : ScDPOutputGeometry
- ScDPParentDimData() : ScDPParentDimData
- ScDPRelativePos() : ScDPRelativePos
- ScDPResultData() : ScDPResultData
- ScDPResultDimension() : ScDPResultDimension
- ScDPResultFilter() : ScDPResultFilter
- ScDPResultFilterContext() : ScDPResultFilterContext
- ScDPResultMember() : ScDPResultMember
- ScDPResultTree() : ScDPResultTree
- ScDPResultVisibilityData() : ScDPResultVisibilityData
- ScDPRowTotals() : ScDPRowTotals
- ScDPRunningTotalState() : ScDPRunningTotalState
- ScDPSaveData() : ScDPSaveData
- ScDPSaveDimension() : ScDPSaveDimension
- ScDPSaveGroupDimension() : ScDPSaveGroupDimension
- ScDPSaveGroupDimVec : ScDPDimensionSaveData
- ScDPSaveGroupItem() : ScDPSaveGroupItem
- ScDPSaveMember() : ScDPSaveMember
- ScDPSaveNumGroupDimension() : ScDPSaveNumGroupDimension
- ScDPSaveNumGroupDimMap : ScDPDimensionSaveData
- ScDPServiceDesc() : ScDPServiceDesc
- ScDPShowDetailDlg() : ScDPShowDetailDlg
- ScDPSource() : ScDPSource
- ScDPSubtotalDlg() : ScDPSubtotalDlg
- ScDPSubtotalOptDlg() : ScDPSubtotalOptDlg
- ScDPSubTotalState() : ScDPSubTotalState
- ScDPTableData() : ScDPTableData
- ScDPValue() : ScDPValue
- ScDragData() : ScDragData
- ScDrawDefaultsObj() : ScDrawDefaultsObj
- ScDrawFormShell() : ScDrawFormShell
- ScDrawLayer() : ScDrawLayer
- ScDrawModelBroadcaster() : ScDrawModelBroadcaster
- ScDrawObjData() : ScDrawObjData
- ScDrawPage() : ScDrawPage
- ScDrawPagesObj() : ScDrawPagesObj
- ScDrawShell() : ScDrawShell
- ScDrawStringsVars() : ScDrawStringsVars, ScOutputData
- ScDrawStyleDlg() : ScDrawStyleDlg
- ScDrawTextCursor() : ScDrawTextCursor
- ScDrawTextObjectBar() : ScDrawTextObjectBar
- ScDrawTransferObj() : ScDrawTransferObj
- ScDrawView() : ScDrawView
- ScEasterSunday() : ScInterpreter
- ScEditableTester() : ScEditableTester
- ScEditAttrTester() : ScEditAttrTester
- ScEditDataArray() : ScEditDataArray
- ScEditEngineDefaulter() : ScEditEngineDefaulter
- ScEditEngineTextObj() : ScEditEngineTextObj
- ScEditFieldObj() : ScEditFieldObj
- ScEditObjectViewForwarder() : ScEditObjectViewForwarder
- ScEditShell() : ScEditShell
- ScEditUtil() : ScEditUtil
- ScEditViewForwarder() : ScEditViewForwarder
- ScEditViewHint() : ScEditViewHint
- ScEditWindow() : ScEditWindow
- ScEEDefaulterRef : XclRootData
- ScEEImport() : ScEEImport
- ScEEParseEntry() : ScEEParseEntry
- ScEEParser() : ScEEParser
- ScEffect() : ScInterpreter
- sCellStyleName : ScXMLTableColContext
- ScEMat() : ScInterpreter
- ScEmptyCellToken() : ScEmptyCellToken
- Scenario() : ImportExcel8, oox::xls::Scenario
- ScenarioBfrPtr : oox::xls::WorkbookGlobals
- ScenarioBuffer() : oox::xls::ScenarioBuffer
- ScenarioCellModel() : oox::xls::ScenarioCellModel
- ScenarioContext() : oox::xls::ScenarioContext
- ScenarioEntry() : ScScenarioWindow::ScenarioEntry
- ScenarioModel() : oox::xls::ScenarioModel
- SCENARIOS : ScTableProtection
- ScenariosContext() : oox::xls::ScenariosContext
- ScenarioVector : oox::xls::SheetScenarios
- ScEncodeURL() : ScInterpreter
- ScEndTextEdit() : ScDrawView
- ScEnginePoolHelper() : ScEnginePoolHelper
- ScEnhancedProtection() : ScEnhancedProtection
- Scenman() : ImportExcel8
- ScEqual() : ScInterpreter
- ScErf() : ScInterpreter
- ScErfc() : ScInterpreter
- ScErrorType() : ScInterpreter
- ScErrorType_ODF() : ScInterpreter
- ScEuroConvert() : ScInterpreter
- ScEven() : ScInterpreter
- ScExact() : ScInterpreter
- ScExcelBiffDetect() : ScExcelBiffDetect
- ScExp() : ScInterpreter
- ScExpDist() : ScInterpreter
- ScExponentialSmoothingDialog() : ScExponentialSmoothingDialog
- ScExponentialSmoothingDialogWrapper() : ScExponentialSmoothingDialogWrapper
- ScExportBase() : ScExportBase
- ScExportDif() : ScFormatFilterPlugin, ScFormatFilterPluginImpl
- ScExportExcel5() : ScFormatFilterPlugin, ScFormatFilterPluginImpl
- ScExportHTML() : ScFormatFilterPlugin, ScFormatFilterPluginImpl
- ScExportRTF() : ScFormatFilterPlugin, ScFormatFilterPluginImpl
- ScExportTextOptions() : ScExportTextOptions
- ScExtDocOptions() : ScExtDocOptions
- ScExtDocOptionsImpl() : ScExtDocOptionsImpl
- ScExtDocOptRef : XclRootData
- ScExtDocSettings() : ScExtDocSettings
- ScExternal() : ScInterpreter
- ScExternalDocLinkObj() : ScExternalDocLinkObj
- ScExternalDocLinksObj() : ScExternalDocLinksObj
- ScExternalDoubleRefToken() : ScExternalDoubleRefToken
- ScExternalNameToken() : ScExternalNameToken
- ScExternalRefCache() : ScExternalRefCache
- ScExternalRefLink() : ScExternalRefLink
- ScExternalRefManager() : ScExternalRefManager
- ScExternalSheetCacheObj() : ScExternalSheetCacheObj
- ScExternalSingleRefToken() : ScExternalSingleRefToken
- ScExtraEditViewManager() : ScExtraEditViewManager
- ScExtTabSettings() : ScExtTabSettings
- ScFact() : ScInterpreter
- ScFalse() : ScInterpreter
- ScFDist() : ScInterpreter
- ScFDist_LT() : ScInterpreter
- ScFDistFunction() : ScFDistFunction, ScInterpreter
- ScFieldEditEngine() : ScFieldEditEngine
- ScFieldIdentifier() : ScFieldIdentifier
- ScFillSeriesDlg() : ScFillSeriesDlg
- ScFilterDescriptor() : ScFilterDescriptor
- ScFilterDescriptorBase() : ScFilterDescriptorBase
- ScFilterDetect() : ScFilterDetect
- ScFilterDlg() : ScFilterDlg
- ScFilterEntries() : ScFilterEntries
- ScFilterListBox() : ScFilterListBox, ScGridWindow
- ScFilterOptions() : ScFilterOptions
- ScFilterOptionsMgr() : ScFilterOptionsMgr
- ScFilterOptionsObj() : ScFilterOptionsObj
- ScFilterXML() : ScInterpreter
- ScFind() : ScInterpreter
- ScFindB() : ScInterpreter
- ScFInv() : ScInterpreter
- ScFInv_LT() : ScInterpreter
- ScFirstFooterEditPage() : ScFirstFooterEditPage
- ScFirstHeaderEditPage() : ScFirstHeaderEditPage
- ScFisher() : ScInterpreter
- ScFisherInv() : ScInterpreter
- ScFixed() : ScInterpreter
- ScFlatBoolColSegments() : ScFlatBoolColSegments
- ScFlatBoolRowSegments() : ScFlatBoolRowSegments
- ScFlatBoolSegmentsImpl() : ScFlatBoolSegmentsImpl
- ScFlatUInt16RowSegments() : ScFlatUInt16RowSegments
- ScFlatUInt16SegmentsImpl() : ScFlatUInt16SegmentsImpl
- ScFloor() : ScInterpreter
- ScFloor_MS() : ScInterpreter
- ScFloor_Precise() : ScInterpreter
- ScFooterPage() : ScFooterPage
- ScForbiddenCharsObj() : ScForbiddenCharsObj
- ScForecast() : ScInterpreter
- ScForecast_Ets() : ScInterpreter
- ScFormatEntry() : ScFormatEntry
- ScFormatFilterPluginImpl() : ScFormatFilterPluginImpl
- ScFormatRangeStyles() : ScFormatRangeStyles
- ScFormatShell() : ScFormatShell
- ScFormEditData() : ScFormEditData
- ScFormula() : ScInterpreter
- ScFormulaCell() : ScFormulaCell
- ScFormulaCellGroup() : ScFormulaCellGroup
- ScFormulaCfg() : ScFormulaCfg
- ScFormulaDlg() : ScFormulaDlg
- ScFormulaFrmtEntry() : ScFormulaFrmtEntry
- ScFormulaGroupCycleCheckGuard() : ScFormulaGroupCycleCheckGuard
- ScFormulaGroupDependencyComputeGuard() : ScFormulaGroupDependencyComputeGuard
- ScFormulaGroupIterator : ScColumn, ScFormulaGroupIterator, ScTable
- ScFormulaListener() : ScFormulaListener
- ScFormulaOpCodeMapperObj() : ScFormulaOpCodeMapperObj
- ScFormulaOptions() : ScFormulaOptions
- ScFormulaParserObj() : ScFormulaParserObj
- ScFormulaParserPool() : ScFormulaParserPool
- ScFormulaRecursionEntry() : ScFormulaRecursionEntry
- ScFormulaReferenceHelper() : ScFormulaReferenceHelper
- ScFormulaResult() : ScFormulaResult
- ScFourier() : ScInterpreter
- ScFourierAnalysisDialog() : ScFourierAnalysisDialog
- ScFourierAnalysisDialogWrapper() : ScFourierAnalysisDialogWrapper
- ScfProgressBar() : ScfProgressBar
- ScfProgressBarPtr : ScfProgressBar::ScfProgressSegment, XclExpProgressBar
- ScfProgressBarRef : XclImpDffConverter
- ScfProgressSegment() : ScfProgressBar::ScfProgressSegment
- ScfPropertySet() : ScfPropertySet
- ScfPropSetHelper() : ScfPropSetHelper
- ScFrequency() : ScInterpreter
- ScfSegmentList : ScfProgressBar
- ScfSimpleProgressBar() : ScfSimpleProgressBar
- ScfSimpleProgressBarPtr : ScfStreamProgressBar
- ScfStreamProgressBar() : ScfStreamProgressBar
- ScFTest() : ScInterpreter
- ScFTestDialog() : ScFTestDialog
- ScFTestDialogWrapper() : ScFTestDialogWrapper
- ScfTools() : ScfTools
- ScFuncDesc() : ScFuncDesc
- ScFuncMap : XclFunctionProvider
- ScFunctionAccess() : ScFunctionAccess
- ScFunctionCategory() : ScFunctionCategory
- ScFunctionData() : ScFunctionData, WelfordRunner
- ScFunctionList() : ScFunctionList
- ScFunctionListObj() : ScFunctionListObj
- ScFunctionMgr() : ScFunctionMgr
- ScFunctionWin() : ScFunctionWin
- ScFV() : ScInterpreter
- ScGamma() : ScInterpreter
- ScGammaDist() : ScInterpreter
- ScGammaDistFunction() : ScGammaDistFunction, ScInterpreter
- ScGammaInv() : ScInterpreter
- ScGauss() : ScInterpreter
- ScGCD() : ScInterpreter
- ScGeoMean() : ScInterpreter
- ScGetActDate() : ScInterpreter
- ScGetActTime() : ScInterpreter
- ScGetDate() : ScInterpreter
- ScGetDateDif() : ScInterpreter
- ScGetDateValue() : ScInterpreter
- ScGetDay() : ScInterpreter
- ScGetDayOfWeek() : ScInterpreter
- ScGetDDB() : ScInterpreter
- ScGetDiffDate() : ScInterpreter
- ScGetDiffDate360() : ScInterpreter
- ScGetFV() : ScInterpreter
- ScGetGCD() : ScInterpreter
- ScGetHour() : ScInterpreter
- ScGetIpmt() : ScInterpreter
- ScGetIsoWeekOfYear() : ScInterpreter
- ScGetMin() : ScInterpreter
- ScGetMonth() : ScInterpreter
- ScGetPivotData() : ScInterpreter
- ScGetPMT() : ScInterpreter
- ScGetPV() : ScInterpreter
- ScGetSec() : ScInterpreter
- ScGetTime() : ScInterpreter
- ScGetTimeValue() : ScInterpreter
- ScGetWeekOfYear() : ScInterpreter
- ScGetYear() : ScInterpreter
- ScGlobalNamedRangesObj() : ScGlobalNamedRangesObj
- ScGoToTabDlg() : ScGoToTabDlg
- ScGraphicShell() : ScGraphicShell
- ScGreater() : ScInterpreter
- ScGreaterEqual() : ScInterpreter
- ScGridMerger() : ScGridMerger
- ScGridOptions() : ScGridOptions
- ScGridWindow() : ScGridWindow, ScOutputData
- ScGridWinUIObject() : ScGridWinUIObject
- ScGroupDlg() : ScGroupDlg
- ScGroupTokenConverter() : ScGroupTokenConverter
- ScGrowth() : ScInterpreter
- ScHarMean() : ScInterpreter
- ScHeaderControl() : ScHeaderControl
- ScHeaderEditEngine() : ScHeaderEditEngine
- ScHeaderEERef : XclRootData
- ScHeaderFieldData() : ScHeaderFieldData
- ScHeaderFieldsObj() : ScHeaderFieldsObj
- ScHeaderFooterContentObj() : ScHeaderFooterContentObj
- ScHeaderFooterEditSource() : ScHeaderFooterEditSource
- ScHeaderFooterTextCursor() : ScHeaderFooterTextCursor
- ScHeaderFooterTextData() : ScHeaderFooterTextData
- ScHeaderFooterTextObj() : ScHeaderFooterTextObj
- ScHeaderFunctionSet() : ScHeaderFunctionSet
- ScHeaderPage() : ScHeaderPage
- ScHeaderSelectionEngine() : ScHeaderSelectionEngine
- ScHFEditActiveDlg() : ScHFEditActiveDlg
- ScHFEditAllDlg() : ScHFEditAllDlg
- ScHFEditDlg() : ScHFEditDlg
- ScHFEditFirstFooterDlg() : ScHFEditFirstFooterDlg
- ScHFEditFirstHeaderDlg() : ScHFEditFirstHeaderDlg
- ScHFEditFooterDlg() : ScHFEditFooterDlg
- ScHFEditHeaderDlg() : ScHFEditHeaderDlg
- ScHFEditLeftFooterDlg() : ScHFEditLeftFooterDlg
- ScHFEditLeftHeaderDlg() : ScHFEditLeftHeaderDlg
- ScHFEditPage() : ScHFEditPage
- ScHFEditRightFooterDlg() : ScHFEditRightFooterDlg
- ScHFEditRightHeaderDlg() : ScHFEditRightHeaderDlg
- ScHFEditSharedFirstFooterDlg() : ScHFEditSharedFirstFooterDlg
- ScHFEditSharedFirstHeaderDlg() : ScHFEditSharedFirstHeaderDlg
- ScHFEditSharedFooterDlg() : ScHFEditSharedFooterDlg
- ScHFEditSharedHeaderDlg() : ScHFEditSharedHeaderDlg
- ScHFEditSharedLeftFooterDlg() : ScHFEditSharedLeftFooterDlg
- ScHFEditSharedLeftHeaderDlg() : ScHFEditSharedLeftHeaderDlg
- ScHFPage() : ScHFPage
- ScHighlightChgDlg() : ScHighlightChgDlg
- ScHighlightEntry() : ScHighlightEntry
- ScHint() : ScHint
- ScHLookup() : ScInterpreter
- ScHorizontalAttrIterator : ScAttrArray, ScDocument, ScHorizontalAttrIterator
- ScHorizontalCellIterator : ScColumn, ScDocument, ScHorizontalCellIterator, ScTable
- ScHorizontalValueIterator : ScColumn, ScDocument, ScHorizontalValueIterator, ScTable
- ScHTMLAdjustStackEntry() : ScHTMLAdjustStackEntry
- ScHTMLEntry() : ScHTMLEntry
- ScHTMLEntryPtr : ScHTMLTable
- ScHTMLEntryVector : ScHTMLTable
- ScHTMLExport() : ScHTMLExport
- ScHTMLGlobalTable() : ScHTMLGlobalTable
- ScHTMLGlobalTablePtr : ScHTMLQueryParser
- ScHTMLGraphEntry() : ScHTMLGraphEntry
- ScHTMLImage() : ScHTMLImage
- ScHTMLImport() : ScHTMLImport
- ScHTMLLayoutParser() : ScHTMLLayoutParser
- ScHTMLParser() : ScHTMLParser
- ScHTMLPos() : ScHTMLPos
- ScHTMLQueryParser() : ScHTMLQueryParser
- ScHTMLSize() : ScHTMLSize
- ScHTMLStyle() : ScHTMLStyle
- ScHTMLStyles() : ScHTMLStyles
- ScHTMLTable() : ScHTMLTable
- ScHTMLTableAutoId() : ScHTMLTableAutoId
- ScHTMLTableMap() : ScHTMLTableMap
- ScHTMLTableMapPtr : ScHTMLTable
- ScHTMLTablePtr : ScHTMLTableMap
- ScHTMLTableStackEntry() : ScHTMLTableStackEntry
- ScHTMLTableStdMap : ScHTMLTableMap
- ScHybridCellToken() : ScHybridCellToken
- ScHyperLink() : ScInterpreter
- ScHypGeomDist() : ScInterpreter
- ScHyphenateCell() : ScHyphenateCell
- ScIconSetEntryObj() : ScIconSetEntryObj
- ScIconSetFormat() : ScIconSetFormat
- ScIconSetFormatData() : ScIconSetFormatData
- ScIconSetFormatObj() : ScIconSetFormatObj
- ScIconSetFrmtDataEntriesType : ScIconSetFrmtEntry
- ScIconSetFrmtDataEntry() : ScIconSetFrmtDataEntry
- ScIconSetFrmtEntry() : ScIconSetFrmtEntry
- ScIfError() : ScInterpreter
- ScIfJump() : ScInterpreter
- ScIfs_MS() : ScInterpreter
- ScImportAsciiDlg() : ScImportAsciiDlg
- ScImportDif() : ScFormatFilterPlugin, ScFormatFilterPluginImpl
- ScImportExcel() : ScFormatFilterPlugin, ScFormatFilterPluginImpl
- ScImportExport() : ScImportExport
- ScImportHTML() : ScFormatFilterPlugin, ScFormatFilterPluginImpl
- ScImportLotus123() : ScFormatFilterPlugin, ScFormatFilterPluginImpl
- ScImportOptions() : ScImportOptions
- ScImportOptionsDlg() : ScImportOptionsDlg
- ScImportParam() : ScImportParam
- ScImportQuattroPro() : ScFormatFilterPlugin, ScFormatFilterPluginImpl
- ScImportRTF() : ScFormatFilterPlugin, ScFormatFilterPluginImpl
- ScImportSourceDesc() : ScImportSourceDesc
- ScImportStringStream() : ScImportStringStream
- ScIndentItem() : ScIndentItem
- ScIndex() : ScInterpreter
- ScIndexEnumeration() : ScIndexEnumeration
- ScIndexHint() : ScIndexHint
- ScIndirect() : ScInterpreter
- ScInfo() : ScInterpreter
- ScInputBarGroup() : ScInputBarGroup
- ScInputCfg() : ScInputCfg
- ScInputHandler() : ScInputHandler, ScInputHdlState, ScValidationData::CustomValidationPrivateAccess
- ScInputHdlState() : ScInputHdlState
- ScInputOptions() : ScInputOptions
- ScInputStatusItem() : ScInputStatusItem
- ScInputWindow() : ScInputWindow
- ScInputWindowWrapper() : ScInputWindowWrapper
- ScInsertCellDlg() : ScInsertCellDlg
- ScInsertContentsDlg() : ScInsertContentsDlg
- ScInsertTableDlg() : ScInsertTableDlg
- ScInt() : ScInterpreter
- ScIntercept() : ScInterpreter
- ScInterpreter() : ScInterpreter
- ScInterpreterContext() : ScInterpreterContext
- ScInterpreterContextGetterGuard() : ScInterpreterContextGetterGuard, ScInterpreterContextPool
- ScInterpreterContextPool : ScInterpreterContext, ScInterpreterContextPool
- ScInterpreterTableOpParams() : ScInterpreterTableOpParams
- ScInterpretTailParameter : ScFormulaCell
- ScIntersect() : ScInterpreter
- ScInterVDB() : ScInterpreter
- ScInvertMerger() : ScInvertMerger
- ScIpmt() : ScInterpreter
- ScIRR() : ScInterpreter
- ScIsEmpty() : ScInterpreter
- ScIsErr() : ScInterpreter
- ScIsError() : ScInterpreter
- ScIsEven() : ScInterpreter
- ScIsFormula() : ScInterpreter
- ScIsLogical() : ScInterpreter
- ScIsNonString() : ScInterpreter
- ScIsNV() : ScInterpreter
- ScIsOdd() : ScInterpreter
- ScISPMT() : ScInterpreter
- ScIsRef() : ScInterpreter
- ScIsString() : ScInterpreter
- ScIsValue() : ScInterpreter
- ScItemValue() : ScItemValue
- SCITP_NORMAL : ScFormulaCell
- ScJis() : ScInterpreter
- ScJumpMatrix() : ScJumpMatrix
- ScJumpMatrixToken() : ScJumpMatrixToken
- ScKurt() : ScInterpreter
- ScLabelRangeObj() : ScLabelRangeObj
- ScLabelRangesObj() : ScLabelRangesObj
- ScLarge() : ScInterpreter
- ScLCM() : ScInterpreter
- ScLeft() : ScInterpreter
- ScLeftB() : ScInterpreter
- ScLeftFooterEditPage() : ScLeftFooterEditPage
- ScLeftHeaderEditPage() : ScLeftHeaderEditPage
- ScLen() : ScInterpreter
- ScLenB() : ScInterpreter
- ScLess() : ScInterpreter
- ScLessEqual() : ScInterpreter
- ScLineBreakCell() : ScLineBreakCell
- ScLineFlags() : ScLineFlags
- ScLinest() : ScInterpreter
- ScLinkConfigItem() : ScLinkConfigItem
- ScLinkedAreaDlg() : ScLinkedAreaDlg
- ScLinkListener() : ScLinkListener
- ScLinkRefreshedHint() : ScLinkRefreshedHint
- ScLinkTargetsObj() : ScLinkTargetsObj
- ScLinkTargetTypeObj() : ScLinkTargetTypeObj
- ScLinkTargetTypesObj() : ScLinkTargetTypesObj
- ScLinkTransferObj() : ScLinkTransferObj
- ScListSubMenuControl() : ScListSubMenuControl
- ScLn() : ScInterpreter
- ScLoadedNamespaceEntry() : ScLoadedNamespaceEntry
- ScLocalNamedRangesObj() : ScLocalNamedRangesObj
- ScLog() : ScInterpreter
- ScLog10() : ScInterpreter
- ScLogest() : ScInterpreter
- ScLogGamma() : ScInterpreter
- ScLogNormDist() : ScInterpreter
- ScLogNormInv() : ScInterpreter
- ScLokRTLContext() : ScLokRTLContext
- ScLookup() : ScInterpreter
- ScLookupCache() : ScLookupCache
- ScLower() : ScInterpreter
- ScMacro() : ScInterpreter
- ScMacroInfo() : ScMacroInfo
- ScMacroManager() : ScMacroManager
- ScMarkArray() : ScMarkArray
- ScMarkArrayIter : ScMarkArray, ScMarkArrayIter
- ScMarkData() : ScMarkData
- ScMasterPageContext() : ScMasterPageContext
- ScMatch() : ScInterpreter
- ScMatDet() : ScInterpreter
- ScMatInv() : ScInterpreter
- ScMatMult() : ScInterpreter
- ScMatRef() : ScInterpreter
- ScMatrix() : ScMatrix
- ScMatrixCellResultToken() : ScMatrixCellResultToken
- ScMatrixComparisonGenerator() : ScMatrixComparisonGenerator
- ScMatrixFormulaCellToken() : ScMatrixFormulaCellToken
- ScMatrixImpl : ScMatrix, ScMatrixImpl
- ScMatrixRangeToken() : ScMatrixRangeToken
- ScMatrixToken() : ScMatrixToken
- ScMatrixValue() : ScMatrixValue
- ScMatTrans() : ScInterpreter
- ScMatValue() : ScInterpreter
- ScMax() : ScInterpreter
- ScMaxIfs_MS() : ScInterpreter
- ScMedian() : ScInterpreter
- ScMediaShell() : ScMediaShell
- ScMemChart() : ScMemChart
- ScMergeAttr() : ScMergeAttr
- ScMergeCellsDialog() : ScMergeCellsDialog
- ScMergeFlagAttr() : ScMergeFlagAttr
- ScMergePatternState() : ScMergePatternState
- ScMessagePool() : ScMessagePool
- ScMetricInputDlg() : ScMetricInputDlg
- ScMid() : ScInterpreter
- ScMidB() : ScInterpreter
- ScMin() : ScInterpreter
- ScMinIfs_MS() : ScInterpreter
- ScMIRR() : ScInterpreter
- ScMissing() : ScInterpreter
- ScMod() : ScInterpreter
- ScModalValue() : ScInterpreter
- ScModalValue_MS() : ScInterpreter
- ScModelObj() : ScModelObj
- ScModule() : ScModule
- ScMovePage() : ScDrawLayer
- ScMoveTableDlg() : ScMoveTableDlg
- ScMoveUndo() : ScMoveUndo
- ScMovingAverageDialog() : ScMovingAverageDialog
- ScMovingAverageDialogWrapper() : ScMovingAverageDialogWrapper
- ScMul() : ScInterpreter
- ScMultiArea() : ScInterpreter
- ScMultiBlockUndo() : ScMultiBlockUndo
- ScMultipleReadHeader() : ScMultipleReadHeader
- ScMultipleWriteHeader() : ScMultipleWriteHeader
- ScMultiSel() : ScMultiSel
- ScMultiSelIter : ScMultiSel, ScMultiSelIter
- ScMutationDisable : ScDocument, ScMutationDisable
- ScMutationGuard : ScDocument, ScMutationGuard
- ScMyAddress() : ScMyAddress
- ScMyAreaLink() : ScMyAreaLink
- ScMyAreaLinksContainer() : ScMyAreaLinksContainer
- ScMyBaseAction() : ScMyBaseAction
- ScMyCell() : ScMyCell
- ScMyCellInfo() : ScMyCellInfo
- ScMyColumnRowGroup() : ScMyColumnRowGroup
- ScMyColumnStyleVec : ScColumnStyles
- ScMyColumnVectorVec : ScColumnStyles
- ScMyContentAction() : ScMyContentAction
- ScMyCurrencyStyle() : ScMyCurrencyStyle
- ScMyDefaultStyle() : ScMyDefaultStyle
- ScMyDelAction() : ScMyDelAction
- ScMyDeleted() : ScMyDeleted
- ScMyDetectiveObjContainer() : ScMyDetectiveObjContainer
- ScMyDetectiveOpContainer() : ScMyDetectiveOpContainer
- ScMyDrawPage() : ScMyDrawPage
- ScMyEmptyDatabaseRangesContainer() : ScMyEmptyDatabaseRangesContainer
- ScMyFormatRange() : ScMyFormatRange
- ScMyFormatRangeAddresses : ScFormatRangeStyles
- ScMyFormatRangeListVec : ScFormatRangeStyles
- ScMyGenerated() : ScMyGenerated
- ScMyImpCellRangeSource() : ScMyImpCellRangeSource
- ScMyImpDetectiveObj() : ScMyImpDetectiveObj
- ScMyImpDetectiveOp() : ScMyImpDetectiveOp
- ScMyImpDetectiveOpArray() : ScMyImpDetectiveOpArray
- ScMyInsAction() : ScMyInsAction
- ScMyInsertionCutOff() : ScMyInsertionCutOff
- ScMyIteratorBase() : ScMyIteratorBase
- ScMyMergedRangesContainer() : ScMyMergedRangesContainer
- ScMyMoveAction() : ScMyMoveAction
- ScMyMoveCutOff() : ScMyMoveCutOff
- ScMyMoveRanges() : ScMyMoveRanges
- ScMyNotEmptyCellsIterator() : ScMyNotEmptyCellsIterator
- ScMyNoteShapesContainer() : ScMyNoteShapesContainer
- ScMyOLEFixer() : ScMyOLEFixer
- ScMyOpenCloseColumnRowGroup() : ScMyOpenCloseColumnRowGroup
- ScMyRejAction() : ScMyRejAction
- ScMyRowFormatRange() : ScMyRowFormatRange
- ScMyRowFormatRangesList : ScRowFormatRanges
- ScMyShapesContainer() : ScMyShapesContainer
- ScMySharedData() : ScMySharedData
- ScMyStyleNumberFormat() : ScMyStyleNumberFormat
- ScMyStyleRanges() : ScMyStyleRanges
- ScMyStylesImportHelper() : ScMyStylesImportHelper
- ScMyTables() : ScMyTables
- ScMyValidation() : ScMyValidation
- ScMyValidationsContainer() : ScMyValidationsContainer
- ScN() : ScInterpreter
- ScNameCreateDlg() : ScNameCreateDlg
- ScNameDefDlg() : ScNameDefDlg
- ScNameDlg() : ScNameDlg
- ScNamedRangeObj() : ScNamedRangeObj
- ScNamedRangesObj() : ScNamedRangesObj
- ScNamePasteDlg() : ScNamePasteDlg
- ScNameToIndexAccess() : ScNameToIndexAccess
- ScNavigatorControllerItem() : ScNavigatorControllerItem, ScNavigatorDlg
- ScNavigatorDlg() : ScNavigatorDlg
- ScNavigatorSettings() : ScNavigatorSettings
- ScNavigatorWin : ScNavigatorDlg, ScNavigatorWin
- ScNavigatorWrapper() : ScNavigatorWrapper
- ScNavipiCfg() : ScNavipiCfg
- ScNeededSizeOptions() : ScNeededSizeOptions
- ScNeg() : ScInterpreter
- ScNegBinomDist() : ScInterpreter
- ScNegBinomDist_MS() : ScInterpreter
- ScNestedButtonState : ScGridWindow
- ScNetWorkdays() : ScInterpreter
- ScNewScenarioDlg() : ScNewScenarioDlg
- ScNominal() : ScInterpreter
- ScNoName() : ScInterpreter
- ScNormDist() : ScInterpreter
- ScNormInv() : ScInterpreter
- ScNot() : ScInterpreter
- ScNoteData() : ScNoteData
- ScNoteEditEngine() : ScNoteEditEngine
- ScNoteMarker() : ScNoteMarker
- ScNotEqual() : ScInterpreter
- ScNotesChildren() : ScNotesChildren
- ScNoteStyleEntry() : ScNoteStyleEntry
- ScNper() : ScInterpreter
- ScNPV() : ScInterpreter
- ScNumberFormat() : ScNumberFormat
- ScNumberFormatControl() : sc::ScNumberFormatControl
- ScNumberValue() : ScInterpreter
- ScNumFormatAbbrev() : ScNumFormatAbbrev
- ScOdd() : ScInterpreter
- ScOffset() : ScInterpreter
- ScOleObjectShell() : ScOleObjectShell
- sColorSchemeName : ScViewOptions
- sComment : ExcEScenario, ScMyActionInfo, ScXMLTableScenarioContext
- sConditionValue : ScXMLConditionContext, ScXMLDPConditionContext
- sConnectionResource : ScXMLDatabaseRangeContext
- sCont : XMLTableHeaderFooterContext
- sContent : ScMyNamedExpression
- sContentNmsp : ScMyNamedExpression
- ScOoxPasswordHash() : ScOoxPasswordHash
- ScopeChanged() : ScNameDlg
- ScOptSolverDlg() : ScOptSolverDlg
- ScOr() : ScInterpreter
- ScOrcusArrayFormula() : ScOrcusArrayFormula, ScOrcusSheet
- ScOrcusAutoFilter() : ScOrcusAutoFilter
- ScOrcusCellStyle() : ScOrcusCellStyle
- ScOrcusConditionalFormat() : ScOrcusConditionalFormat
- ScOrcusFactory() : ScOrcusFactory
- ScOrcusFormula() : ScOrcusFormula, ScOrcusSheet
- ScOrcusGlobalSettings() : ScOrcusGlobalSettings
- ScOrcusImportBorderStyle() : ScOrcusImportBorderStyle
- ScOrcusImportCellProtection() : ScOrcusImportCellProtection
- ScOrcusImportFillStyle() : ScOrcusImportFillStyle
- ScOrcusImportFontStyle() : ScOrcusImportFontStyle
- ScOrcusImportNumberFormat() : ScOrcusImportNumberFormat
- ScOrcusNamedExpression() : ScOrcusNamedExpression
- ScOrcusRefResolver() : ScOrcusRefResolver
- ScOrcusSharedStrings() : ScOrcusSharedStrings
- ScOrcusSheet : ScOrcusArrayFormula, ScOrcusFormula, ScOrcusSheet
- ScOrcusSheetProperties() : ScOrcusSheetProperties
- ScOrcusStyles() : ScOrcusStyles
- ScOrcusXf() : ScOrcusXf
- ScOrcusXMLContextImpl() : ScOrcusXMLContextImpl
- ScOrucsImportCellStyle() : ScOrucsImportCellStyle
- ScOutlineArray() : ScOutlineArray
- ScOutlineCollection() : ScOutlineCollection
- ScOutlineDocFunc() : ScOutlineDocFunc
- ScOutlineEntry() : ScOutlineEntry
- ScOutlineTable() : ScOutlineTable
- ScOutlineWindow() : ScOutlineWindow
- ScOutputData() : ScOutputData
- ScOverlayDashedBorder() : ScOverlayDashedBorder
- ScOverlayHint() : ScOverlayHint
- ScPageAreaParam() : ScPageAreaParam
- ScPageBreakData() : ScPageBreakData
- ScPageBreakShell() : ScPageBreakShell
- ScPageHFItem() : ScPageHFItem
- ScPageObj() : ScPageObj
- ScPageRowEntry() : ScPageRowEntry
- ScPageScaleToItem() : ScPageScaleToItem
- ScPageTableParam() : ScPageTableParam
- ScPaintHint() : ScPaintHint
- ScPaintLockData() : ScPaintLockData
- ScPanelFactory() : sc::sidebar::ScPanelFactory
- ScParagraphDlg() : ScParagraphDlg
- ScParameterClassification::RunData : ScParameterClassification
- ScPatternAttr() : ScPatternAttr
- ScPatternAttrPtr : oox::xls::Xf, XclImpXF
- ScPatternCache() : ScPatternCache
- ScPDuration() : ScInterpreter
- ScPearson() : ScInterpreter
- ScPercentile() : ScInterpreter
- ScPercentrank() : ScInterpreter
- ScPercentSign() : ScInterpreter
- ScPermut() : ScInterpreter
- ScPermutationA() : ScInterpreter
- ScPhi() : ScInterpreter
- ScPi() : ScInterpreter
- ScPivotField() : ScPivotField
- ScPivotFilterDlg() : ScPivotFilterDlg
- ScPivotFuncData() : ScPivotFuncData
- ScPivotItem() : ScPivotItem
- ScPivotLayoutDialog() : ScPivotLayoutDialog
- ScPivotLayoutTreeDropTarget() : ScPivotLayoutTreeDropTarget
- ScPivotLayoutTreeList() : ScPivotLayoutTreeList
- ScPivotLayoutTreeListBase() : ScPivotLayoutTreeListBase
- ScPivotLayoutTreeListData() : ScPivotLayoutTreeListData
- ScPivotLayoutTreeListLabel() : ScPivotLayoutTreeListLabel
- ScPivotParam() : ScPivotParam
- ScPivotShell() : ScPivotShell
- ScPlusMinus() : ScInterpreter
- ScPMT() : ScInterpreter
- ScPoissonDist() : ScInterpreter
- ScPoolHelper() : ScPoolHelper
- ScPositionHelper() : ScPositionHelper
- ScPostIt() : ScPostIt
- ScPosWnd() : ScPosWnd
- ScPow() : ScInterpreter
- ScPower() : ScInterpreter
- ScPpmt() : ScInterpreter
- ScPreview() : ScPreview
- ScPreviewLocationData() : ScPreviewLocationData
- ScPreviewLocationEntry() : ScPreviewLocationEntry
- ScPreviewObj() : ScPreviewObj
- ScPreviewShell() : ScPreviewShell
- ScPreviewTableInfo() : ScPreviewTableInfo
- ScPreviewViewForwarder() : ScPreviewViewForwarder
- ScPrintAreasDlg() : ScPrintAreasDlg
- ScPrintCfg() : ScPrintCfg
- ScPrintFunc() : ScPrintFunc
- ScPrintFuncCache() : ScPrintFuncCache
- ScPrintOptions() : ScPrintOptions
- ScPrintPageLocation() : ScPrintPageLocation
- ScPrintRangeData() : ScPrintRangeData
- ScPrintRangeSaver() : ScPrintRangeSaver
- ScPrintSaverTab() : ScPrintSaverTab
- ScPrintSelectionStatus() : ScPrintSelectionStatus
- ScPrintState() : ScPrintState
- ScPrintUIOptions() : ScPrintUIOptions
- ScProbability() : ScInterpreter
- ScProduct() : ScInterpreter
- ScProgress() : ScProgress
- ScProgressPtr : ScfProgressBar
- ScProper() : ScInterpreter
- ScProtectionAttr() : ScProtectionAttr
- ScPV() : ScInterpreter
- ScQProReader() : ScQProReader
- ScQProStyle() : ScQProStyle
- ScQuartile() : ScInterpreter
- ScQueryCellIterator() : ScQueryCellIterator< accessType >
- ScQueryCellIteratorAccessSpecific : ScColumn, ScDocument, ScQueryCellIteratorAccessSpecific< ScQueryCellIteratorAccess::Direct >, ScQueryCellIteratorAccessSpecific< ScQueryCellIteratorAccess::SortedCache >, ScTable
- ScQueryCellIteratorBase : ScColumn, ScDocument, ScQueryCellIteratorBase< accessType, queryType >, ScTable
- ScQueryCellIteratorSortedCache() : ScQueryCellIteratorSortedCache
- ScQueryEntry() : ScQueryEntry
- ScQueryEvaluator() : ScQueryEvaluator
- ScQueryItem() : ScQueryItem
- ScQueryParam() : ScQueryParam
- ScQueryParamBase() : ScQueryParamBase
- ScQueryParamTable() : ScQueryParamTable
- ScRad() : ScInterpreter
- ScRandbetween() : ScInterpreter
- ScRandom() : ScInterpreter
- ScRandomImpl() : ScInterpreter
- ScRandomNumberGeneratorDialog() : ScRandomNumberGeneratorDialog
- ScRandomNumberGeneratorDialogWrapper() : ScRandomNumberGeneratorDialogWrapper
- ScRange() : ScRange
- ScRangeData() : ScRangeData
- ScRangeFilterDescriptor() : ScRangeFilterDescriptor
- ScRangeFindData() : ScRangeFindData
- ScRangeFindList() : ScRangeFindList
- ScRangeFunc() : ScInterpreter
- ScRangeList() : ScRangeList
- ScRangeListTabs() : ScRangeListTabs
- ScRangeManagerTable() : ScRangeManagerTable
- ScRangeName() : ScRangeName
- ScRangePair() : ScRangePair
- ScRangeSubTotalDescriptor() : ScRangeSubTotalDescriptor
- ScRangeUpdater() : ScRangeUpdater
- ScRangeUtil() : ScRangeUtil
- ScRangeVec : ScPrintSaverTab, ScTable
- ScRank() : ScInterpreter
- ScRate() : ScInterpreter
- ScRawSubtract() : ScInterpreter
- ScRawToken() : ScRawToken
- ScRecentFunctionsObj() : ScRecentFunctionsObj
- ScRecursionHelper() : ScRecursionHelper
- ScRecursionInIterationStack : ScRecursionHelper
- ScRedComDialog() : ScRedComDialog
- ScRedlinData() : ScRedlinData
- ScRedlineOptionsTabPage() : ScRedlineOptionsTabPage
- ScRefAddress() : ScRefAddress
- ScRefCellValue : ScDocument, ScRefCellValue
- ScReferenceList : ScConsData
- ScRefFinder() : ScRefFinder
- ScRefHandler() : ScRefHandler
- ScRefHandlerHelper() : ScRefHandlerHelper
- ScRefHdlrControllerImpl() : ScRefHdlrControllerImpl< TBase, bBindRef >
- ScRefListToken() : ScRefListToken
- ScRefreshTimer() : ScRefreshTimer
- ScRefreshTimerControl() : ScRefreshTimerControl
- ScRefreshTimerProtector() : ScRefreshTimerProtector
- ScRefUndoData() : ScRefUndoData
- ScRegex() : ScInterpreter
- ScRegressionDialog() : ScRegressionDialog
- ScRegressionDialogWrapper() : ScRegressionDialogWrapper
- ScRemovePage() : ScDrawLayer
- ScRenamePage() : ScDrawLayer
- ScReplace() : ScInterpreter
- ScReplaceB() : ScInterpreter
- ScReplaceWarnBox() : ScReplaceWarnBox
- ScRept() : ScInterpreter
- ScRetypePassDlg() : ScRetypePassDlg
- ScRetypePassInputDlg() : ScRetypePassInputDlg
- ScRight() : ScInterpreter
- ScRightB() : ScInterpreter
- ScRightFooterEditPage() : ScRightFooterEditPage
- ScRightHeaderEditPage() : ScRightHeaderEditPage
- Scroll() : ScVbaWindow
- ScrollBars() : ScVbaWorksheet
- ScrollCommand() : ScPreviewShell, ScTabView
- ScrollHandler() : ScPreviewShell
- ScrollHdl() : ScTabView
- ScrollLines() : ScTabView
- ScrollPixel() : ScGridWindow, ScOutlineWindow
- ScrollRel() : ScOutlineWindow
- scrollSubstringTo() : ScAccessibleCsvRuler
- ScrollToObject() : ScTabView
- ScrollVertRel() : ScCsvGrid, ScCsvRuler
- ScrollWorkbookTabs() : ScVbaWindow
- ScrollX() : ScTabView
- ScrollY() : ScTabView
- ScRoman() : ScInterpreter
- ScRotateValueItem() : ScRotateValueItem
- ScRound() : ScInterpreter
- ScRoundDown() : ScInterpreter
- ScRoundSignificant() : ScInterpreter
- ScRoundUp() : ScInterpreter
- ScRow() : ScInterpreter
- ScRowBar() : ScRowBar
- ScRowBreakIterator() : ScRowBreakIterator
- ScRowFormatRanges() : ScRowFormatRanges
- ScRows() : ScInterpreter
- ScRowStyles() : ScRowStyles
- ScRRI() : ScInterpreter
- ScRSQ() : ScInterpreter
- ScRTFCellDefault() : ScRTFCellDefault
- ScRTFExport() : ScRTFExport
- ScRTFImport() : ScRTFImport
- ScRTFParser() : ScRTFParser
- ScSamplingDialog() : ScSamplingDialog
- ScSamplingDialogWrapper() : ScSamplingDialogWrapper
- ScScenariosObj() : ScScenariosObj
- ScScenarioWindow() : ScScenarioWindow
- ScScriptTypeData() : ScScriptTypeData
- ScSearch() : ScInterpreter
- ScSearchB() : ScInterpreter
- ScSecant() : ScInterpreter
- ScSecantHyp() : ScInterpreter
- ScSelectionState() : ScSelectionState
- ScSelectionStatePtr : ScSpellDialogChildWindow
- ScSelectionTransferObj() : ScSelectionTransferObj
- ScSelEntryDlg() : ScSelEntryDlg
- ScServerObject() : ScServerObject
- ScServerObjectSvtListenerForwarder() : ScServerObjectSvtListenerForwarder
- ScSetStringParam() : ScSetStringParam
- ScShapeChildren() : ScShapeChildren
- ScShapeObj() : ScShapeObj
- ScShapeObj_getShapeHyperMacroInfo : ScShapeObj
- ScShareDocumentDlg() : ScShareDocumentDlg
- ScSheet() : ScInterpreter
- ScSheetDPData() : ScSheetDPData
- ScSheetEvents() : ScSheetEvents
- ScSheetEventsObj() : ScSheetEventsObj
- ScSheetLimits() : ScSheetLimits
- ScSheetLinkObj() : ScSheetLinkObj
- ScSheetLinksObj() : ScSheetLinksObj
- ScSheets() : ScInterpreter
- ScSheetSaveData() : ScSheetSaveData
- ScSheetSourceDesc() : ScSheetSourceDesc
- ScShowTabDlg() : ScShowTabDlg
- ScShrinkToFitCell() : ScShrinkToFitCell
- ScSimpleEditSource() : ScSimpleEditSource
- ScSimpleEditSourceHelper() : ScSimpleEditSourceHelper
- ScSimpleFormulaCalculator() : ScSimpleFormulaCalculator
- ScSimpleRefDlg() : ScSimpleRefDlg
- ScSimpleRefDlgWrapper() : ScSimpleRefDlgWrapper
- ScSimpleUndo() : ScSimpleUndo
- ScSin() : ScInterpreter
- ScSingleRefToken() : ScSingleRefToken
- ScSinHyp() : ScInterpreter
- ScSizeDeviceProvider() : ScSizeDeviceProvider
- ScSizeVec : ScHTMLTable
- ScSkew() : ScInterpreter
- ScSkewp() : ScInterpreter
- ScSLN() : ScInterpreter
- ScSlope() : ScInterpreter
- ScSlotData() : ScBroadcastAreaSlotMachine::ScSlotData
- ScSlotDistribution : ScBroadcastAreaSlotMachine
- ScSmall() : ScInterpreter
- ScSNormInv() : ScInterpreter
- ScSolveItem() : ScSolveItem
- ScSolveParam() : ScSolveParam
- ScSolverDlg() : ScSolverDlg
- ScSolverIntegerDialog() : ScSolverIntegerDialog
- ScSolverNoSolutionDialog() : ScSolverNoSolutionDialog
- ScSolverOptionsDialog() : ScSolverOptionsDialog
- ScSolverOptionsString() : ScSolverOptionsString
- ScSolverProgressDialog() : ScSolverProgressDialog
- ScSolverSuccessDialog() : ScSolverSuccessDialog
- ScSolverValueDialog() : ScSolverValueDialog
- ScSortDlg() : ScSortDlg
- ScSortedRangeCache() : ScSortedRangeCache
- ScSortInfoArray() : ScSortInfoArray
- ScSortItem() : ScSortItem
- ScSortKeyItem() : ScSortKeyItem
- ScSortKeyWindow() : ScSortKeyWindow
- ScSortParam() : ScSortParam
- ScSortWarningDlg() : ScSortWarningDlg
- ScSpecialFilterDlg() : ScSpecialFilterDlg
- ScSpellDialogChildWindow() : ScSpellDialogChildWindow
- ScSpellingEngine() : ScSpellingEngine
- ScSplitVector : ScCsvSplits
- ScSpreadsheetSettings() : ScSpreadsheetSettings
- ScSqrt() : ScInterpreter
- ScStandard() : ScInterpreter
- ScStatisticsInputOutputDialog() : ScStatisticsInputOutputDialog
- ScStatisticsTwoVariableDialog() : ScStatisticsTwoVariableDialog
- ScStDev() : ScInterpreter
- ScStDevP() : ScInterpreter
- ScStdNormDist() : ScInterpreter
- ScStdNormDist_MS() : ScInterpreter
- ScSTEYX() : ScInterpreter
- ScStreamEntry() : ScStreamEntry
- ScStringInputDlg() : ScStringInputDlg
- ScStyle() : ScInterpreter
- ScStyleDlg() : ScStyleDlg
- ScStyleFamiliesObj() : ScStyleFamiliesObj
- ScStyleFamilyObj() : ScStyleFamilyObj
- ScStyleObj() : ScStyleObj
- ScStyleSaveData() : ScStyleSaveData
- ScStyleSheet() : ScStyleSheet
- ScStyleSheetPool : ScStyleSheet, ScStyleSheetPool
- ScSub() : ScInterpreter
- ScSubOutlineIterator : ScOutlineArray, ScSubOutlineIterator
- ScSubstitute() : ScInterpreter
- ScSubTotal() : ScInterpreter
- ScSubTotalDescriptor() : ScSubTotalDescriptor
- ScSubTotalDescriptorBase() : ScSubTotalDescriptorBase
- ScSubTotalDlg() : ScSubTotalDlg
- ScSubTotalFieldObj() : ScSubTotalFieldObj
- ScSubTotalItem() : ScSubTotalItem
- ScSubTotalParam() : ScSubTotalParam
- ScSum() : ScInterpreter
- ScSumIf() : ScInterpreter
- ScSumIfs() : ScInterpreter
- ScSumProduct() : ScInterpreter
- ScSumSQ() : ScInterpreter
- ScSumX2DY2() : ScInterpreter
- ScSumX2MY2() : ScInterpreter
- ScSumXMY2() : ScInterpreter
- ScSwitch_MS() : ScInterpreter
- ScSYD() : ScInterpreter
- ScT() : ScInterpreter
- ScTabBgColorDlg() : ScTabBgColorDlg
- ScTabBgColorValueSet() : ScTabBgColorDlg::ScTabBgColorValueSet
- ScTabControl() : ScTabControl
- ScTabDeletedHint() : ScTabDeletedHint
- ScTabEditEngine() : ScTabEditEngine
- ScTable : ScColumn, ScDocument, ScTable
- ScTableColumnObj() : ScTableColumnObj
- ScTableColumnsObj() : ScTableColumnsObj
- ScTableConditionalEntry() : ScTableConditionalEntry
- ScTableConditionalFormat() : ScTableConditionalFormat
- ScTableInfo() : ScTableInfo
- ScTableLink() : ScTableLink
- ScTableOp() : ScInterpreter
- ScTablePage() : ScTablePage
- ScTableProtection() : ScTableProtection
- ScTableProtectionDlg() : ScTableProtectionDlg
- ScTableProtectionImpl() : ScTableProtectionImpl
- ScTableRefToken() : ScTableRefToken
- ScTableRowObj() : ScTableRowObj
- ScTableRowsObj() : ScTableRowsObj
- ScTableSheetObj() : ScTableSheetObj
- ScTableSheetsObj : ScTableSheetObj, ScTableSheetsObj
- ScTablesHint() : ScTablesHint
- ScTableValidationObj() : ScTableValidationObj
- ScTabOpDlg() : ScTabOpDlg
- ScTabOpItem() : ScTabOpItem
- ScTabOpParam() : ScTabOpParam
- ScTabPageProtection() : ScTabPageProtection
- ScTabPageSortFields() : ScTabPageSortFields
- ScTabPageSortOptions() : ScTabPageSortOptions
- ScTabSizeChangedHint() : ScTabSizeChangedHint
- ScTabSplitter() : ScTabSplitter
- ScTabVec : XclExpTabInfo
- ScTabView() : ScTabView
- ScTabViewObj() : ScTabViewObj
- ScTabViewShell() : ScTabViewShell
- ScTabViewTarget() : ScTabViewTarget
- ScTan() : ScInterpreter
- ScTanHyp() : ScInterpreter
- ScTBC() : ScTBC
- ScTDist() : ScInterpreter
- ScTDist_MS() : ScInterpreter
- ScTDist_T() : ScInterpreter
- ScTDistFunction : ScInterpreter, ScTDistFunction
- ScTempDocCache() : ScTempDocCache
- ScTemporaryChartLock() : ScTemporaryChartLock
- ScText() : ScInterpreter
- ScTextConversionEngine() : ScTextConversionEngine
- ScTextImportOptionsDlg() : ScTextImportOptionsDlg
- ScTextJoin_MS() : ScInterpreter
- ScTextStyleEntry() : ScTextStyleEntry
- ScTextWnd() : ScTextWnd
- ScTextWndGroup() : ScTextWndGroup
- ScThreadedInterpreterContextGetterGuard : ScInterpreterContextPool, ScThreadedInterpreterContextGetterGuard
- ScTInv() : ScInterpreter
- ScTokenArray : ScRawToken, ScTokenArray
- ScTokenArrayPtr : XclImpCachedValue
- ScTpCalcItem() : ScTpCalcItem
- ScTpCalcOptions() : ScTpCalcOptions
- ScTpCompatOptions() : ScTpCompatOptions
- ScTpContentOptions() : ScTpContentOptions
- ScTpDefaultsItem() : ScTpDefaultsItem
- ScTpDefaultsOptions() : ScTpDefaultsOptions
- ScTpFormulaItem() : ScTpFormulaItem
- ScTpFormulaOptions() : ScTpFormulaOptions
- ScTpLayoutOptions() : ScTpLayoutOptions
- ScTpPrintItem() : ScTpPrintItem
- ScTpPrintOptions() : ScTpPrintOptions
- ScTpSubTotalGroup() : ScTpSubTotalGroup
- ScTpSubTotalGroup1() : ScTpSubTotalGroup1
- ScTpSubTotalGroup2() : ScTpSubTotalGroup2
- ScTpSubTotalGroup3() : ScTpSubTotalGroup3
- ScTpSubTotalOptions() : ScTpSubTotalOptions
- ScTpUserLists() : ScTpUserLists
- ScTPValidationError() : ScTPValidationError
- ScTPValidationHelp() : ScTPValidationHelp
- ScTPValidationValue() : ScTPValidationValue
- ScTpViewItem() : ScTpViewItem
- ScTransferObj() : ScTransferObj
- ScTrend() : ScInterpreter
- ScTrim() : ScInterpreter
- ScTrimMean() : ScInterpreter
- ScTrue() : ScInterpreter
- ScTTest() : ScInterpreter
- ScTTestDialog() : ScTTestDialog
- ScTTestDialogWrapper() : ScTTestDialogWrapper
- ScTTT() : ScInterpreter
- ScType() : ScInterpreter
- ScTypedStrData() : ScTypedStrData
- ScUndoAddRangeData() : ScUndoAddRangeData
- ScUndoAllRangeNames() : ScUndoAllRangeNames
- ScUndoAnchorData() : ScUndoAnchorData
- ScUndoApplyPageStyle() : ScUndoApplyPageStyle
- ScUndoAutoFill() : ScUndoAutoFill
- ScUndoAutoFilter() : ScUndoAutoFilter
- ScUndoAutoFormat() : ScUndoAutoFormat
- ScUndoAutoOutline() : ScUndoAutoOutline
- ScUndoBorder() : ScUndoBorder
- ScUndoChartData() : ScUndoChartData
- ScUndoClearItems() : ScUndoClearItems
- ScUndoConditionalFormat() : ScUndoConditionalFormat
- ScUndoConditionalFormatList() : ScUndoConditionalFormatList
- ScUndoConsolidate() : ScUndoConsolidate
- ScUndoConversion() : ScUndoConversion
- ScUndoCopyTab() : ScUndoCopyTab
- ScUndoCursorAttr() : ScUndoCursorAttr
- ScUndoCut() : ScUndoCut
- ScUndoDataForm() : ScUndoDataForm
- ScUndoDataPilot() : ScUndoDataPilot
- ScUndoDBData() : ScUndoDBData
- ScUndoDeleteCells() : ScUndoDeleteCells
- ScUndoDeleteContents() : ScUndoDeleteContents
- ScUndoDeleteMulti() : ScUndoDeleteMulti
- ScUndoDeleteTab() : ScUndoDeleteTab
- ScUndoDetective() : ScUndoDetective
- ScUndoDocProtect() : ScUndoDocProtect
- ScUndoDoOutline() : ScUndoDoOutline
- ScUndoDragDrop() : ScUndoDragDrop
- ScUndoDraw() : ScUndoDraw
- ScUndoEnterData() : ScUndoEnterData
- ScUndoEnterMatrix() : ScUndoEnterMatrix
- ScUndoEnterValue() : ScUndoEnterValue
- ScUndoFillTable() : ScUndoFillTable
- ScUndoImportData() : ScUndoImportData
- ScUndoImportTab() : ScUndoImportTab
- ScUndoIndent() : ScUndoIndent
- ScUndoInsertAreaLink() : ScUndoInsertAreaLink
- ScUndoInsertCells() : ScUndoInsertCells
- ScUndoInsertTab() : ScUndoInsertTab
- ScUndoInsertTables() : ScUndoInsertTables
- ScUndoLayoutRTL() : ScUndoLayoutRTL
- ScUndoListNames() : ScUndoListNames
- ScUndoMakeOutline() : ScUndoMakeOutline
- ScUndoMakeScenario() : ScUndoMakeScenario
- ScUndoMerge() : ScUndoMerge
- ScUndoModifyStyle() : ScUndoModifyStyle
- ScUndoMoveTab() : ScUndoMoveTab
- ScUndoObjData() : ScUndoObjData
- ScUndoOutlineBlock() : ScUndoOutlineBlock
- ScUndoOutlineLevel() : ScUndoOutlineLevel
- ScUndoPageBreak() : ScUndoPageBreak
- ScUndoPaste() : ScUndoPaste
- ScUndoPasteOptions() : ScUndoPasteOptions
- ScUndoPrintRange() : ScUndoPrintRange
- ScUndoPrintZoom() : ScUndoPrintZoom
- ScUndoQuery() : ScUndoQuery
- ScUndoRangeNames() : ScUndoRangeNames
- ScUndoRefConversion() : ScUndoRefConversion
- ScUndoRefreshLink() : ScUndoRefreshLink
- ScUndoRemoveAllOutlines() : ScUndoRemoveAllOutlines
- ScUndoRemoveAreaLink() : ScUndoRemoveAreaLink
- ScUndoRemoveBreaks() : ScUndoRemoveBreaks
- ScUndoRemoveLink() : ScUndoRemoveLink
- ScUndoRemoveMerge() : ScUndoRemoveMerge
- ScUndoRenameObject() : ScUndoRenameObject
- ScUndoRenameTab() : ScUndoRenameTab
- ScUndoRepeatDB() : ScUndoRepeatDB
- ScUndoReplace() : ScUndoReplace
- ScUndoReplaceNote() : ScUndoReplaceNote
- ScUndoScenarioFlags() : ScUndoScenarioFlags
- ScUndoSelectionAttr() : ScUndoSelectionAttr
- ScUndoSelectionStyle() : ScUndoSelectionStyle
- ScUndoSetCell() : ScUndoSetCell
- ScUndoShowHideNote() : ScUndoShowHideNote
- ScUndoShowHideTab() : ScUndoShowHideTab
- ScUndoSubTotals() : ScUndoSubTotals
- ScUndoTabColor() : ScUndoTabColor
- ScUndoTabColorInfo() : ScUndoTabColorInfo
- ScUndoTabOp() : ScUndoTabOp
- ScUndoTabProtect() : ScUndoTabProtect
- ScUndoThesaurus() : ScUndoThesaurus
- ScUndoTransliterate() : ScUndoTransliterate
- ScUndoUpdateAreaLink() : ScUndoUpdateAreaLink
- ScUndoUseScenario() : ScUndoUseScenario
- ScUndoWidthOrHeight() : ScUndoWidthOrHeight
- ScUndoWrapper() : ScUndoWrapper
- ScUnichar() : ScInterpreter
- ScUnicode() : ScInterpreter
- ScUnionFunc() : ScInterpreter
- ScUniqueCellFormatsEnumeration() : ScUniqueCellFormatsEnumeration
- ScUniqueCellFormatsObj() : ScUniqueCellFormatsObj
- ScUnitConverter() : ScUnitConverter
- ScUnitConverterData() : ScUnitConverterData
- ScUnnamedDatabaseRangesObj() : ScUnnamedDatabaseRangesObj
- ScUnoAddInCall() : ScUnoAddInCall
- ScUnoAddInCollection() : ScUnoAddInCollection
- ScUnoAddInFuncData() : ScUnoAddInFuncData
- ScUnoAddInHelpIdGenerator() : ScUnoAddInHelpIdGenerator
- ScUnoListenerCalls() : ScUnoListenerCalls
- ScUnoListenerEntry() : ScUnoListenerEntry
- ScUnoRefEntry() : ScUnoRefEntry
- ScUnoRefList() : ScUnoRefList
- ScUnoRefUndoHint() : ScUnoRefUndoHint
- ScUpdateRect() : ScUpdateRect
- ScUpdateRefHint() : ScUpdateRefHint
- ScUpper() : ScInterpreter
- ScURLTransformer() : ScURLTransformer
- sCurrency : ScMyCurrencyStyle
- sCurrentSheetName : ScMyTables
- ScUsedAreaIterator() : ScUsedAreaIterator
- ScUserList() : ScUserList
- ScUserListData() : ScUserListData
- ScUserListItem() : ScUserListItem
- ScValidationData() : ScValidationData
- ScValidationDataIsNumeric() : ScValidationDataIsNumeric
- ScValidationDataList() : ScValidationDataList
- ScValidationDataListDataType : ScValidationDataList
- ScValidationDlg() : ScValidationDlg
- ScValidationDlgBase : ScValidationDlg
- ScValidityRefChildWin() : ScValidityRefChildWin
- ScValue() : ScInterpreter
- ScValueIterator : ScColumn, ScDocument, ScTable, ScValueIterator
- ScVar() : ScInterpreter
- ScVarP() : ScInterpreter
- ScVbaApplication() : ScVbaApplication
- ScVbaAppSettings() : ScVbaAppSettings
- ScVbaAssistant() : ScVbaAssistant
- ScVbaAxes() : ScVbaAxes
- ScVbaAxis() : ScVbaAxis, ScVbaChart
- ScVbaAxisTitle() : ScVbaAxisTitle
- ScVbaBorders() : ScVbaBorders
- ScVbaButton() : ScVbaButton
- ScVbaButtonCharacters() : ScVbaButtonCharacters
- ScVbaButtons() : ScVbaButtons
- ScVbaCharacters() : ScVbaCharacters
- ScVbaChart() : ScVbaChart
- ScVbaChartObject() : ScVbaChartObject
- ScVbaChartObjects() : ScVbaChartObjects
- ScVbaChartTitle() : ScVbaChartTitle
- ScVbaComment() : ScVbaComment
- ScVbaComments() : ScVbaComments
- ScVbaCondition() : ScVbaCondition< Ifc >
- ScVbaCondition_BASE : ScVbaCondition< Ifc >
- ScVbaControlObjectBase() : ScVbaControlObjectBase
- ScVbaDialog() : ScVbaDialog
- ScVbaDialogs() : ScVbaDialogs
- ScVbaEventListener() : ScVbaEventListener
- ScVbaEventsHelper() : ScVbaEventsHelper
- ScVbaFileDialog() : ScVbaFileDialog
- ScVbaFileDialogSelectedItems() : ScVbaFileDialogSelectedItems
- ScVbaFont() : ScVbaFont
- ScVbaFormat() : ScVbaFormat< Ifc >
- ScVbaFormat_BASE : ScVbaFormat< Ifc >
- ScVbaFormatCondition() : ScVbaFormatCondition
- ScVbaFormatConditions() : ScVbaFormatConditions
- ScVbaGlobals() : ScVbaGlobals
- ScVbaGraphicObjectsBase() : ScVbaGraphicObjectsBase
- ScVbaHlinkContainer() : detail::ScVbaHlinkContainer
- ScVbaHlinkContainerMember() : detail::ScVbaHlinkContainerMember
- ScVbaHPageBreak() : ScVbaHPageBreak
- ScVbaHPageBreaks() : ScVbaHPageBreaks
- ScVbaHyperlink() : ScVbaHyperlink
- ScVbaHyperlinks() : ScVbaHyperlinks
- ScVbaInterior() : ScVbaInterior
- ScVbaLineShape() : ScVbaLineShape
- ScVbaMenu() : ScVbaMenu
- ScVbaMenuBar() : ScVbaMenuBar
- ScVbaMenuBars() : ScVbaMenuBars
- ScVbaMenuItem() : ScVbaMenuItem
- ScVbaMenuItems() : ScVbaMenuItems
- ScVbaMenus() : ScVbaMenus
- ScVbaName : ScNamedRangeObj, ScVbaName
- ScVbaNames() : ScVbaNames
- ScVbaObjectContainer() : ScVbaObjectContainer
- ScVbaOLEObject() : ScVbaOLEObject
- ScVbaOLEObjects() : ScVbaOLEObjects
- ScVbaOutline() : ScVbaOutline
- ScVbaOvalShape() : ScVbaOvalShape
- ScVbaPageBreak() : ScVbaPageBreak< Ifc >
- ScVbaPageBreak_BASE : ScVbaPageBreak< Ifc >
- ScVbaPageSetup() : ScVbaPageSetup
- ScVbaPalette() : ScVbaPalette
- ScVbaPane() : ScVbaPane
- ScVbaPivotCache() : ScVbaPivotCache
- ScVbaPivotTable() : ScVbaPivotTable
- ScVbaPivotTables() : ScVbaPivotTables
- ScVbaRange() : ScVbaRange
- ScVbaSheetObjectBase() : ScVbaSheetObjectBase
- ScVbaSheetObjectsBase() : ScVbaSheetObjectsBase
- ScVbaStyle() : ScVbaStyle
- ScVbaStyles() : ScVbaStyles
- ScVbaTextBoxShape() : ScVbaTextBoxShape
- ScVbaTextFrame() : ScVbaTextFrame
- ScVbaValidation() : ScVbaValidation
- ScVbaVPageBreak() : ScVbaVPageBreak
- ScVbaVPageBreaks() : ScVbaVPageBreaks
- ScVbaWindow() : ScVbaWindow
- ScVbaWindows() : ScVbaWindows
- ScVbaWorkbook() : ScVbaWorkbook
- ScVbaWorkbooks() : ScVbaWorkbooks
- ScVbaWorksheet() : ScVbaWorksheet
- ScVbaWorksheets() : ScVbaWorksheets
- ScVbaWSFunction() : ScVbaWSFunction
- ScVDB() : ScInterpreter
- ScVerticalStackCell() : ScVerticalStackCell
- ScViewCfg() : ScViewCfg
- ScViewData() : ScViewData, ScViewDataTable
- ScViewDataTable() : ScViewDataTable
- ScViewForwarder() : ScViewForwarder
- ScViewFunc() : ScViewFunc
- ScViewFunctionSet() : ScViewFunctionSet
- ScViewObjectModeItem() : ScViewObjectModeItem
- ScViewOptions() : ScViewOptions
- ScViewPaneBase() : ScViewPaneBase
- ScViewPaneObj() : ScViewPaneObj
- ScViewSelectionEngine() : ScViewSelectionEngine
- ScVLookup() : ScInterpreter
- ScWaitCursorOff() : ScWaitCursorOff
- ScWebservice() : ScInterpreter
- ScWebServiceLink() : ScWebServiceLink
- ScWeeknumOOo() : ScInterpreter
- ScWeibull() : ScInterpreter
- ScWorkday_MS() : ScInterpreter
- ScXMLAndContext() : ScXMLAndContext
- ScXMLAnnotationContext() : ScXMLAnnotationContext
- ScXMLAnnotationData() : ScXMLAnnotationData
- ScXMLAnnotationStyleEntry() : ScXMLAnnotationStyleEntry
- ScXMLAutoStylePoolP() : ScXMLAutoStylePoolP
- ScXMLBodyContext() : ScXMLBodyContext
- ScXMLCachedRowAttrAccess() : ScXMLCachedRowAttrAccess
- ScXMLCalculationSettingsContext() : ScXMLCalculationSettingsContext
- ScXMLCellExportPropertyMapper() : ScXMLCellExportPropertyMapper
- ScXMLCellFieldDateContext() : ScXMLCellFieldDateContext
- ScXMLCellFieldSContext() : ScXMLCellFieldSContext
- ScXMLCellFieldSheetNameContext() : ScXMLCellFieldSheetNameContext
- ScXMLCellFieldTitleContext() : ScXMLCellFieldTitleContext
- ScXMLCellFieldURLContext() : ScXMLCellFieldURLContext
- ScXMLCellImportPropertyMapper() : ScXMLCellImportPropertyMapper
- ScXMLCellRangeSourceContext() : ScXMLCellRangeSourceContext
- ScXMLCellRubyBaseContext() : ScXMLCellRubyBaseContext
- ScXMLCellRubyTextContext() : ScXMLCellRubyTextContext
- ScXMLCellTextParaContext() : ScXMLCellTextParaContext
- ScXMLCellTextRubyContext() : ScXMLCellTextRubyContext
- ScXMLCellTextSpanContext() : ScXMLCellTextSpanContext
- ScXMLChangeTrackingImportHelper() : ScXMLChangeTrackingImportHelper
- ScXMLColorScaleFormatContext() : ScXMLColorScaleFormatContext
- ScXMLColorScaleFormatEntryContext() : ScXMLColorScaleFormatEntryContext
- ScXMLColumnAggregateContext() : ScXMLColumnAggregateContext
- ScXMLColumnExportPropertyMapper() : ScXMLColumnExportPropertyMapper
- ScXMLColumnMergeContext() : ScXMLColumnMergeContext
- ScXMLColumnNumberContext() : ScXMLColumnNumberContext
- ScXMLColumnRemoveContext() : ScXMLColumnRemoveContext
- ScXMLColumnRemoveNullContext() : ScXMLColumnRemoveNullContext
- ScXMLColumnSortContext() : ScXMLColumnSortContext
- ScXMLColumnSplitContext() : ScXMLColumnSplitContext
- ScXMLColumnTextContext() : ScXMLColumnTextContext
- ScXMLCondContext() : ScXMLCondContext
- ScXMLConditionalFormatContext() : ScXMLConditionalFormatContext
- ScXMLConditionalFormatsContext() : ScXMLConditionalFormatsContext
- ScXMLConditionContext() : ScXMLConditionContext
- ScXMLConditionParseResult() : ScXMLConditionParseResult
- ScXMLConResContext() : ScXMLConResContext
- ScXMLConsolidationContext() : ScXMLConsolidationContext
- ScXMLContentContext() : ScXMLContentContext
- ScXMLContentValidationsContext() : ScXMLContentValidationsContext
- ScXMLConverter() : ScXMLConverter
- ScXMLDataBarFormatContext() : ScXMLDataBarFormatContext
- ScXMLDatabaseRangeContext() : ScXMLDatabaseRangeContext
- ScXMLDatabaseRangesContext() : ScXMLDatabaseRangesContext
- ScXMLDataPilotDisplayInfoContext() : ScXMLDataPilotDisplayInfoContext
- ScXMLDataPilotFieldContext() : ScXMLDataPilotFieldContext
- ScXMLDataPilotFieldReferenceContext() : ScXMLDataPilotFieldReferenceContext
- ScXMLDataPilotGrandTotalContext() : ScXMLDataPilotGrandTotalContext
- ScXMLDataPilotGroupContext() : ScXMLDataPilotGroupContext
- ScXMLDataPilotGroupMemberContext() : ScXMLDataPilotGroupMemberContext
- ScXMLDataPilotGroupsContext() : ScXMLDataPilotGroupsContext
- ScXMLDataPilotLayoutInfoContext() : ScXMLDataPilotLayoutInfoContext
- ScXMLDataPilotLevelContext() : ScXMLDataPilotLevelContext
- ScXMLDataPilotMemberContext() : ScXMLDataPilotMemberContext
- ScXMLDataPilotMembersContext() : ScXMLDataPilotMembersContext
- ScXMLDataPilotSortInfoContext() : ScXMLDataPilotSortInfoContext
- ScXMLDataPilotSubTotalContext() : ScXMLDataPilotSubTotalContext
- ScXMLDataPilotSubTotalsContext() : ScXMLDataPilotSubTotalsContext
- ScXMLDataPilotTableContext() : ScXMLDataPilotTableContext
- ScXMLDataPilotTablesContext() : ScXMLDataPilotTablesContext
- ScXMLDataStreamContext() : ScXMLDataStreamContext
- ScXMLDateContext() : ScXMLDateContext
- ScXMLDateTimeContext() : ScXMLDateTimeContext
- ScXMLDDECellContext() : ScXMLDDECellContext
- ScXMLDDEColumnContext() : ScXMLDDEColumnContext
- ScXMLDDELinkContext() : ScXMLDDELinkContext
- ScXMLDDELinksContext() : ScXMLDDELinksContext
- ScXMLDDERowContext() : ScXMLDDERowContext
- ScXMLDDESourceContext() : ScXMLDDESourceContext
- ScXMLDDETableContext() : ScXMLDDETableContext
- ScXMLDetectiveContext() : ScXMLDetectiveContext
- ScXMLDetectiveHighlightedContext() : ScXMLDetectiveHighlightedContext
- ScXMLDetectiveOperationContext() : ScXMLDetectiveOperationContext
- ScXMLDPAndContext() : ScXMLDPAndContext
- ScXMLDPConditionContext() : ScXMLDPConditionContext
- ScXMLDPFilterContext() : ScXMLDPFilterContext
- ScXMLDPOrContext() : ScXMLDPOrContext
- ScXMLDPSourceQueryContext() : ScXMLDPSourceQueryContext
- ScXMLDPSourceSQLContext() : ScXMLDPSourceSQLContext
- ScXMLDPSourceTableContext() : ScXMLDPSourceTableContext
- ScXMLEditAttributeMap() : ScXMLEditAttributeMap
- ScXMLEmptyContext() : ScXMLEmptyContext
- ScXMLExport() : ScXMLExport
- ScXMLExportDatabaseRanges() : ScXMLExportDatabaseRanges
- ScXMLExportDataPilot() : ScXMLExportDataPilot
- ScXMLExportDDELinks() : ScXMLExportDDELinks
- ScXMLExternalRefCellContext() : ScXMLExternalRefCellContext
- ScXMLExternalRefCellTextContext() : ScXMLExternalRefCellTextContext
- ScXMLExternalRefRowContext() : ScXMLExternalRefRowContext
- ScXMLExternalRefRowsContext() : ScXMLExternalRefRowsContext
- ScXMLExternalRefTabSourceContext() : ScXMLExternalRefTabSourceContext
- ScXMLExternalTabData() : ScXMLExternalTabData
- ScXMLFilterContext() : ScXMLFilterContext
- ScXMLFormattingEntryContext() : ScXMLFormattingEntryContext
- ScXMLIconSetFormatContext() : ScXMLIconSetFormatContext
- ScXMLImport() : ScXMLImport
- ScXMLImportContext() : ScXMLImportContext
- ScXMLImportWrapper() : ScXMLImportWrapper
- ScXMLIterationContext() : ScXMLIterationContext
- ScXMLLabelRangeContext() : ScXMLLabelRangeContext
- ScXMLLabelRangesContext() : ScXMLLabelRangesContext
- ScXMLMappingContext() : ScXMLMappingContext
- ScXMLMappingsContext() : ScXMLMappingsContext
- ScXMLMasterStylesContext() : ScXMLMasterStylesContext
- ScXMLNamedExpressionContext() : ScXMLNamedExpressionContext
- ScXMLNamedExpressionsContext() : ScXMLNamedExpressionsContext
- ScXMLNamedRangeContext() : ScXMLNamedRangeContext
- ScXMLNullDateContext() : ScXMLNullDateContext
- ScXMLOrContext() : ScXMLOrContext
- ScXMLRowExportPropertyMapper() : ScXMLRowExportPropertyMapper
- ScXMLRowImportPropertyMapper() : ScXMLRowImportPropertyMapper
- ScXMLSetItemContext() : ScXMLSetItemContext
- ScXMLSortByContext() : ScXMLSortByContext
- ScXMLSortContext() : ScXMLSortContext
- ScXMLSortGroupsContext() : ScXMLSortGroupsContext
- ScXMLSourceCellRangeContext() : ScXMLSourceCellRangeContext
- ScXMLSourceDlg() : ScXMLSourceDlg
- ScXMLSourceQueryContext() : ScXMLSourceQueryContext
- ScXMLSourceServiceContext() : ScXMLSourceServiceContext
- ScXMLSourceSQLContext() : ScXMLSourceSQLContext
- ScXMLSourceTableContext() : ScXMLSourceTableContext
- ScXMLSubTotalFieldContext() : ScXMLSubTotalFieldContext
- ScXMLSubTotalRuleContext() : ScXMLSubTotalRuleContext
- ScXMLSubTotalRulesContext() : ScXMLSubTotalRulesContext
- ScXMLTableColContext() : ScXMLTableColContext
- ScXMLTableColsContext() : ScXMLTableColsContext
- ScXMLTableContext() : ScXMLTableContext
- ScXMLTableExportPropertyMapper() : ScXMLTableExportPropertyMapper
- ScXMLTableProtectionContext() : ScXMLTableProtectionContext
- ScXMLTableRowCellContext() : ScXMLTableRowCellContext
- ScXMLTableRowContext() : ScXMLTableRowContext
- ScXMLTableRowsContext() : ScXMLTableRowsContext
- ScXMLTableScenarioContext() : ScXMLTableScenarioContext
- ScXMLTableShapesContext() : ScXMLTableShapesContext
- ScXMLTableSourceContext() : ScXMLTableSourceContext
- ScXMLTabProtectionData() : ScXMLTabProtectionData
- ScXMLTrackedChangesContext() : ScXMLTrackedChangesContext
- ScXMLTransformationsContext() : ScXMLTransformationsContext
- ScXor() : ScInterpreter
- ScZoomSlider() : ScZoomSlider
- ScZoomSliderControl() : ScZoomSliderControl
- ScZoomSliderWnd() : ScZoomSliderWnd
- ScZTest() : ScInterpreter
- ScZTestDialog() : ScZTestDialog
- ScZTestDialogWrapper() : ScZTestDialogWrapper
- sDatabaseName : ScXMLDatabaseRangeContext, ScXMLDataPilotTableContext
- sDatabaseRangeName : ScXMLDatabaseRangeContext
- sDataPilotTableName : ScXMLDataPilotTableContext
- sDataRangeStr : ScMyLabelRange, ScXMLLabelRangeContext
- sDataStyleName : XMLTableStyleContext
- sDataType : ScXMLConditionContext, ScXMLDPConditionContext, ScXMLSortByContext
- sDBName : ScXMLSourceQueryContext, ScXMLSourceSQLContext, ScXMLSourceTableContext
- sDrawCustom : ScTabViewShell
- SdrBeginTextEdit() : ScDrawView
- SdrEndTextEdit() : ScDrawView
- Search() : ScAttrArray, ScCompressedArray< A, D >, ScMarkArray, ScTable
- SearchAll() : ScTable
- SearchAllStyle() : ScTable
- SearchAndReplace() : ScDocument, ScTable, ScViewFunc
- SearchAndReplaceEmptyCells() : ScTable
- SearchCell() : ScTable
- SearchContentAt() : ScChangeTrack
- SearchListEntry() : XclExpPaletteImpl
- SearchOrCreateDv() : XclExpDval
- SearchRangeForAllEmptyCells() : ScTable
- SearchRangeForEmptyCell() : ScTable
- SearchResultsDlg() : sc::SearchResultsDlg
- SearchResultsDlgWrapper() : sc::SearchResultsDlgWrapper
- SearchSparklineGroup() : ScDocument
- SearchStyle() : ScAttrArray, ScColumn, ScTable
- SearchStyleRange() : ScAttrArray, ScColumn
- seek() : sc::EditTextIterator
- Seek() : ScImportAsciiDlg, XclImpStream
- SeekGlobalPosition() : XclImpStream
- seekGoal() : ScModelObj
- SeekOffset() : ScHTMLLayoutParser
- SeekTwips() : ScRTFParser
- Select() : ScChangeActionContent, ScChildrenShapes, ScCondFrmtEntry, ScConditionFrmtEntry, ScCsvColState, ScCsvGrid, ScInputWindow, ScTabControl
- select() : ScTabViewObj
- Select() : ScVbaRange, ScVbaWorksheet, ScVbaWorksheets
- SELECT_LOCKED_CELLS : ScTableProtection
- selectAccessibleChild() : ScAccessibleCsvGrid, ScAccessibleDocument, ScAccessibleEditObject, ScAccessibleSpreadsheet, ScAccessibleTableBase
- SelectAll() : ScChildrenShapes, ScCsvGrid, ScTabView
- selectAllAccessibleChildren() : ScAccessibleCsvGrid, ScAccessibleDocument, ScAccessibleEditObject, ScAccessibleSpreadsheet, ScAccessibleTableBase
- SelectAllChildEntries() : ScXMLSourceDlg
- SelectAllTables() : ScTabView
- SelectCell() : ScAccessibleSpreadsheet, ScRedComDialog
- selectColumn() : ScAccessibleSpreadsheet, ScAccessibleTableBase
- SelectContent() : ScChangeTrack
- selectCurrentMemberOnly() : ScCheckListMenuControl
- SelectCurrentViewObject() : ScDrawView
- SelectDoc() : ScContentTree
- SelectedPages() : sc::PivotTableSources::SelectedPages
- SelectedPagesType : sc::PivotTableSources, ScXMLDataPilotTableContext
- SelectedSheets() : ScVbaWindow
- SelectEntryByName() : ScContentTree
- SelectForContextMenu() : ScGridWindow
- SelectGeneratorAndGenerateNumbers() : ScRandomNumberGeneratorDialog
- SelectHdl() : ScTpSubTotalGroup
- Selection() : ScVbaWindow
- selectionChanged() : ScAccessibleDocument, ScChartRangeSelectionListener
- SelectionChanged() : ScChildrenShapes
- selectionChanged() : ScDispatch
- SelectionChanged() : ScNameDlg, ScTabView, ScTabViewObj
- SelectionEditable() : ScViewFunc
- SelectionFillDOOM() : ScViewData
- SelectionForbidsCellFill() : ScViewData
- SelectionForbidsPaste() : ScViewData
- SelectLevel() : ScDBFunc, ScOutlineDocFunc
- selectMenuItem() : ScCheckListMenuControl
- SelectNextTab() : ScTabView
- SelectObject() : ScDrawView, ScTabViewShell
- SelectOneTable() : ScMarkData
- selectOpenCLDevice() : ScModelObj
- selectPageByUIXMLDescription() : ScAbstractTabController_Impl
- SelectRange() : ScCsvGrid
- selectRow() : ScAccessibleSpreadsheet, ScAccessibleTableBase
- SelectScenario() : ScScenarioWindow
- SelectSourceFile() : ScXMLSourceDlg
- SelectTable() : ScMarkData
- SelectTabPage() : ScTabView
- SelectWindow() : ScColBar, ScHeaderControl, ScRowBar
- sElemCell : ScXMLExport
- sElemCol : ScXMLExport
- sElemCoveredCell : ScXMLExport
- sElemP : ScXMLExport
- sElemRow : ScXMLExport
- sElemTab : ScXMLExport
- SelMouseButtonDown() : ScTabView
- SendCaretEvent() : ScAccessibleCsvControl, ScAccessibleCsvRuler
- SendFocusEvent() : ScAccessibleCsvControl, ScAccessibleCsvGrid
- SendInsertColumnEvent() : ScAccessibleCsvControl, ScAccessibleCsvGrid
- SendReferenceMarks() : ScInputHandler
- SendRemoveColumnEvent() : ScAccessibleCsvControl, ScAccessibleCsvGrid
- SendSelectionEvent() : ScAccessibleCsvControl
- SendTableUpdateEvent() : ScAccessibleCsvControl, ScAccessibleCsvGrid
- SendVisibleEvent() : ScAccessibleCsvControl
- SeparatorHdl() : ScImportAsciiDlg
- SeriesCollection() : ScVbaChart
- sErrorMessage : ScMyImportValidation, ScMyValidation
- sErrorTitle : ScMyImportValidation, ScMyValidation
- ServiceSource() : sc::PivotTableSources::ServiceSource
- set() : oox::xls::SheetDataBuffer::XfIdRowRange, sc::ColumnSet, sc::ColumnSpanSet
- Set() : sc::DataStream
- set() : sc::DelayStartListeningFormulaCells, sc::SharedFormulaGroups, sc::SingleColumnSpanSet, sc::SpellCheckContext::SpellCheckResult
- Set() : ScAddress, ScAreaData, ScBigAddress, ScBigRange
- set() : ScCellValue
- Set() : ScCsvCmd, ScDPValue, ScfPropertySet
- set() : ScGridWindow::VisibleRange
- Set() : ScHTMLPos, ScHTMLSize, ScMarkArray, ScMultiSel, ScPageScaleToItem, ScPreviewColRowInfo, ScRefAddress
- set() : SpellCheckContext::SpellCheckCache
- Set() : XclAddress, XclChExtTypeInfo, XclImpSolverContainer::XclImpSdrInfo, XclImpStreamPos, XclRange
- set() : XMLCodeNameProvider
- set_active() : ScNumberFormat
- set_apply_alignment() : ScOrcusImportXf
- set_auto() : ScOrcusSheet
- set_base_position() : ScOrcusNamedExpression
- set_bg_color() : ScOrcusImportFillStyle
- set_bold() : ScOrcusImportFontStyle
- set_bold_asian() : ScOrcusImportFontStyle
- set_bold_complex() : ScOrcusImportFontStyle
- set_bool() : ScOrcusSheet
- set_border() : ScOrcusImportXf
- set_border_count() : ScOrcusStyles
- set_builtin() : ScOrucsImportCellStyle
- set_cell_style_count() : ScOrcusStyles
- set_character_set() : ScOrcusGlobalSettings
- set_code() : ScOrcusImportNumberFormat
- set_color() : ScOrcusConditionalFormat, ScOrcusImportBorderStyle, ScOrcusImportFontStyle
- set_column() : ScOrcusAutoFilter
- set_column_format() : ScOrcusSheet
- set_column_hidden() : ScOrcusSheetProperties
- set_column_width() : ScOrcusSheetProperties
- set_condition_type() : ScOrcusConditionalFormat
- set_cursor() : ScRangeManagerTable
- set_databar_axis() : ScOrcusConditionalFormat
- set_databar_color_negative() : ScOrcusConditionalFormat
- set_databar_color_positive() : ScOrcusConditionalFormat
- set_databar_gradient() : ScOrcusConditionalFormat
- set_date() : ScOrcusConditionalFormat
- set_date_time() : ScOrcusSheet
- set_default_formula_grammar() : ScOrcusGlobalSettings
- set_display_name() : ScOrucsImportCellStyle
- set_fg_color() : ScOrcusImportFillStyle
- set_fill() : ScOrcusImportXf
- set_fill_count() : ScOrcusStyles
- set_font() : ScOrcusImportXf
- set_font_count() : ScOrcusStyles
- set_format() : ScOrcusSheet
- set_formula() : ScOrcusArrayFormula, ScOrcusConditionalFormat, ScOrcusFormula
- set_formula_hidden() : ScOrcusImportCellProtection
- set_grid_top_attach() : ScCondFrmtEntry, ScIconSetFrmtDataEntry
- set_hidden() : ScOrcusImportCellProtection
- set_horizontal_alignment() : ScOrcusImportXf
- set_icon_name() : ScOrcusConditionalFormat
- set_iconset_reverse() : ScOrcusConditionalFormat
- set_identifier() : ScOrcusImportNumberFormat
- set_italic() : ScOrcusImportFontStyle
- set_italic_asian() : ScOrcusImportFontStyle
- set_italic_complex() : ScOrcusImportFontStyle
- set_locked() : ScOrcusImportCellProtection
- set_max_databar_length() : ScOrcusConditionalFormat
- set_merge_cell_range() : ScOrcusSheetProperties
- set_min_databar_length() : ScOrcusConditionalFormat
- set_name() : ScOrcusImportFontStyle, ScOrucsImportCellStyle
- set_name_asian() : ScOrcusImportFontStyle
- set_name_complex() : ScOrcusImportFontStyle
- set_named_expression() : ScOrcusNamedExpression
- set_named_range() : ScOrcusNamedExpression
- set_number_format() : ScOrcusImportXf
- set_number_format_count() : ScOrcusStyles
- set_operator() : ScOrcusConditionalFormat
- set_origin_date() : ScOrcusGlobalSettings
- set_parent_name() : ScOrucsImportCellStyle
- set_pattern_type() : ScOrcusImportFillStyle
- set_position() : ScOrcusFormula
- set_print_content() : ScOrcusImportCellProtection
- set_protection() : ScOrcusImportXf
- set_range() : ScOrcusArrayFormula, ScOrcusAutoFilter, ScOrcusConditionalFormat
- set_result_bool() : ScOrcusArrayFormula, ScOrcusFormula
- set_result_empty() : ScOrcusArrayFormula, ScOrcusFormula
- set_result_string() : ScOrcusArrayFormula, ScOrcusFormula
- set_result_value() : ScOrcusArrayFormula, ScOrcusFormula
- set_row_format() : ScOrcusSheet
- set_row_height() : ScOrcusSheetProperties
- set_row_hidden() : ScOrcusSheetProperties
- set_segment_bold() : ScOrcusSharedStrings
- set_segment_font() : ScOrcusSharedStrings
- set_segment_font_color() : ScOrcusSharedStrings
- set_segment_font_name() : ScOrcusSharedStrings
- set_segment_font_size() : ScOrcusSharedStrings
- set_segment_italic() : ScOrcusSharedStrings
- set_selection_mode() : ScDPFunctionListBox
- set_sensitive() : ScDoubleField, ScDPFunctionListBox
- set_shared_formula_index() : ScOrcusFormula
- set_show_value() : ScOrcusConditionalFormat
- set_shrink_to_fit() : ScOrcusImportXf
- set_size() : ScOrcusImportFontStyle
- set_size_asian() : ScOrcusImportFontStyle
- set_size_complex() : ScOrcusImportFontStyle
- set_size_request() : ScDPFunctionListBox
- set_strikethrough_style() : ScOrcusImportFontStyle
- set_strikethrough_text() : ScOrcusImportFontStyle
- set_strikethrough_type() : ScOrcusImportFontStyle
- set_strikethrough_width() : ScOrcusImportFontStyle
- set_string() : ScOrcusSheet
- set_style() : ScOrcusImportBorderStyle
- set_style_xf() : ScOrcusImportXf
- set_type() : ScOrcusConditionalFormat
- set_underline() : ScOrcusImportFontStyle
- set_underline_color() : ScOrcusImportFontStyle
- set_underline_mode() : ScOrcusImportFontStyle
- set_underline_type() : ScOrcusImportFontStyle
- set_underline_width() : ScOrcusImportFontStyle
- set_value() : ScOrcusSheet
- set_vertical_alignment() : ScOrcusImportXf
- set_width() : ScOrcusImportBorderStyle
- set_wrap_text() : ScOrcusImportXf
- set_xf() : ScOrucsImportCellStyle
- set_xf_count() : ScOrcusStyles
- set_xf_id() : ScOrcusConditionalFormat
- SetAbsCol() : ScSingleRefData
- SetAbsRow() : ScSingleRefData
- SetAbsTab() : ScSingleRefData
- SetActionInfo() : ScXMLChangeTrackingImportHelper
- setActionLocks() : ScCellObj, ScModelObj, ScNamedRangesObj
- SetActionMax() : ScChangeTrack
- SetActionNumber() : ScChangeAction, ScXMLChangeTrackingImportHelper
- SetActionState() : ScXMLChangeTrackingImportHelper
- SetActionString() : ScConflictsDlg
- SetActive() : sc::SparklineDataRangeDialog, sc::SparklineDialog, ScColorScale2FrmtEntry, ScColorScale3FrmtEntry, ScColRowNameRangesDlg, ScCondFormatDlg, ScCondFrmtEntry, ScConditionFrmtEntry, ScConsolidateDlg, ScDataBarFrmtEntry, ScDateFrmtEntry, ScDbNameDlg, ScFilterDlg, ScFormulaDlg, ScFormulaFrmtEntry, ScHighlightChgDlg, ScIconSetFrmtEntry, ScNameDefDlg, ScNameDlg, ScOptSolverDlg, ScPivotLayoutDialog, ScPrintAreasDlg, ScRandomNumberGeneratorDialog, ScRefHandler, ScSamplingDialog, ScSimpleRefDlg, ScSolverDlg, ScSpecialFilterDlg, ScStatisticsInputOutputDialog, ScStatisticsTwoVariableDialog, ScTabOpDlg, ScTabViewShell, ScValidationDlg, ScXMLSourceDlg
- SetActiveHdl() : ScTPValidationValue
- SetActivePart() : ScViewData
- SetActivePointer() : ScTabView
- SetActiveScenario() : ScDocument, ScTable
- setActiveSheet() : ScTabViewObj
- SetActualStyleSheet() : ScStyleSheetPool
- SetAddAction() : XclExpChTrAction
- setAddIndent() : ScVbaFormat< Ifc >
- SetAddress() : ScSingleRefData
- setAddress() : ScVbaHyperlink
- SetAddressCol() : ScHint
- SetAddressRow() : ScHint
- SetAddressTab() : ScHint
- SetAddUndo() : ScTableLink
- SetAdvancedQuerySource() : ScDBData, ScQueryItem
- SetAdvancedRange() : XclImpAutoFilterData
- SetAdvanceQueryParamEntryField() : ScQueryCellIteratorBase< accessType, queryType >
- setAlign() : ScQProStyle
- setAlignmentToEngine() : ScOutputData::DrawEditParam
- setAllCacheTableReferencedStati() : ScExternalRefCache, ScExternalRefManager
- SetAllFormulasDirty() : ScColumn, ScDocument, ScTable
- SetAllJumps() : ScJumpMatrix
- setAllMemberState() : ScCheckListMenuControl
- SetAllNoSel() : sc::sidebar::CellLineStylePopup
- SetAllowMove() : ScDPObject
- setAllowMultiSelect() : ScVbaFileDialog
- SetAllowRefresh() : ScRefreshTimerControl
- setAllParaStandard() : ScStyleSheetPool
- setAllPropertiesToDefault() : ScStyleObj
- SetAllRangeNames() : ScDocument
- SetAllSheets() : ScPrintOptions
- SetAllUsedFlags() : XclImpFont, XclXFBase
- SetAnchor() : ScChildrenShapes, ScViewFunctionSet, XclImpDrawObjBase
- SetAnchorFlag() : ScHeaderFunctionSet, ScViewFunctionSet
- setAnimation() : ScVbaAssistant
- SetAnnotation() : ScXMLTableRowCellContext, XMLTableShapeImportHelper
- SetAnonymousDBData() : ScDocument, ScTable
- SetAnyProperty() : ScfPropertySet
- SetApi() : ScImportExport
- SetApiAggFunc() : XclPTDataFieldInfo
- SetApiAutoShowCount() : XclPTFieldExtInfo
- SetApiAutoShowMode() : XclPTFieldExtInfo
- SetApiEscapement() : XclFontData
- SetApiFamily() : XclFontData
- SetApiHeight() : XclFontData
- SetApiLayoutMode() : XclPTFieldExtInfo
- SetApiPosture() : XclFontData
- SetApiRefItemType() : XclPTDataFieldInfo
- SetApiRefType() : XclPTDataFieldInfo
- SetApiSortMode() : XclPTFieldExtInfo
- SetApiStrikeout() : XclFontData
- SetApiUnderline() : XclFontData
- SetApiWeight() : XclFontData
- SetApplication() : ScXMLDDELinkContext
- SetAppMetric() : ScAppOptions
- SetAppOptions() : ScModule
- SetArea() : ScDBData
- SetAreaLink() : ScLinkRefreshedHint
- SetAreaLinks() : ScMyNotEmptyCellsIterator
- SetAreaObj() : XclImpDrawObjBase
- SetAreaRefRPN() : ScTableRefToken
- SetAreas() : ScConsolidateParam, ScPrintSaverTab
- SetAreasChangedNeedBroadcast() : ScDocShell
- SetAreaTab() : ScMarkData
- SetArguments() : ScUnoAddInFuncData
- setArrayFormula() : ScCellRangeObj
- SetArrayFormula_Impl() : ScCellRangeObj
- setArrayTokens() : ScCellRangeObj
- SetAsianCompression() : ScDocument
- SetAsianKerning() : ScDocument
- SetAttr() : LotAttrCol, LotAttrTable
- SetAttrEntries() : ScAttrArray, ScColumnData
- setAttrEntries() : ScDocumentImport
- SetAttrEntries() : ScTable
- SetAttribs() : XclImpHFConverter
- SetAttribute() : XclExpValueRecord< Type >, XMLTableStyleContext
- SetAttributeData() : ScVbaInterior
- SetAttributes() : FuConstCustomShape
- setAttributes() : oox::xls::HeaderFooterParser, oox::xls::RichString, sc::SparklineGroup
- SetAttributes() : ScMyStylesImportHelper
- SetAuditShell() : ScTabViewShell
- SetAuthor() : ScPostIt
- setAuthor() : ScVbaComment, ScVbaWorkbook
- setAuto() : oox::xls::Color
- SetAuto() : XclExpChAreaFormat, XclExpChLineFormat
- SetAutoCalc() : ScDocument
- SetAutoCalcShellDisabled() : ScDocument
- SetAutoComplete() : ScAppOptions
- SetAutoCorrection() : ScCompiler
- SetAutoFill() : XclObj
- SetAutoFilter() : ScDBData
- setAutoFilterMode() : ScVbaWorksheet
- SetAutoFlags() : XclExpChFrame
- SetAutoHidden() : ScDPResultMember
- setAutoInput() : ScDocumentImport
- SetAutoLine() : XclObj
- SetAutomatic() : ScPrintRangeData
- SetAutoNameCache() : ScDocument
- SetAutoOrAdvanced() : XclImpAutoFilterData
- SetAutoReOpen() : ScSimpleRefDlgWrapper
- setAutoShowInfo() : ScDataPilotFieldObj
- SetAutoShowInfo() : ScDPSaveDimension, ScXMLDataPilotFieldContext
- setAutoSize() : ScVbaControlObjectBase
- SetAutoSpell() : ScDocOptions
- SetAutoSpellContext() : ScGridWindow
- SetAutoSpellData() : ScGridWindow, ScTabView
- SetAutoSpellProperty() : ScModule
- SetAutoText() : ScDrawStringsVars
- SetAuxiliary() : ScDPAggData
- SetAxes() : XclImpPTField
- SetBackgrounds() : ScInputBarGroup
- setBaseColumnWidth() : oox::xls::WorksheetGlobals, oox::xls::WorksheetHelper
- setBaseRange() : oox::xls::RichStringPhonetic
- setBiff12Data() : oox::xls::Alignment, oox::xls::BinSingleRef2d, oox::xls::Protection
- setBiff12Scheme() : oox::xls::FontModel
- setBiff12TextType() : oox::xls::CondFormatRuleModel
- setBiffAxis() : oox::xls::PTFieldModel
- setBiffData() : oox::xls::PhoneticDataModel
- setBiffErrorStyle() : oox::xls::ValidationModel
- setBiffEscapement() : oox::xls::FontModel
- setBiffGroupBy() : oox::xls::PCFieldGroupModel
- setBiffHeight() : oox::xls::FontModel
- setBiffHorAlign() : oox::xls::AlignmentModel
- setBiffObjectMode() : oox::xls::WorkbookSettingsModel
- setBiffOperator() : oox::xls::CondFormatRuleModel, oox::xls::FilterCriterionModel, oox::xls::ValidationModel
- setBiffPattern() : oox::xls::PatternFillModel
- setBiffPrintErrors() : oox::xls::PageSettingsModel
- setBiffShowDataAs() : oox::xls::PTDataFieldModel
- setBiffStyle() : oox::xls::BorderLineModel
- setBiffSubtotal() : oox::xls::PTDataFieldModel
- setBiffType() : oox::xls::PTFieldItemModel, oox::xls::ValidationModel
- setBiffUnderline() : oox::xls::FontModel
- setBiffVerAlign() : oox::xls::AlignmentModel
- setBiffWeight() : oox::xls::FontModel
- SetBigRange() : ScXMLChangeTrackingImportHelper
- setBlankCell() : oox::xls::SheetDataBuffer
- SetBlankXF() : XclImpXFRangeBuffer
- setBlockPositionReference() : sc::RefUpdateContext
- SetBodyAttributes() : ScXMLExport
- SetBool() : XclPCItem
- setBooleanCell() : oox::xls::SheetDataBuffer
- setBooleanFormat() : calc::OCellValueBinding
- SetBoolProperty() : ScfPropertySet
- SetBoolXF() : XclImpXFRangeBuffer
- SetBorderLine() : XclImpXFRangeBuffer
- setBoundingBox() : ScDPFieldButton
- SetBoxFormatting() : XclImpTbxObjListBase
- SetBrushDocument() : ScTabView
- SetButtonHidden() : XclExpAutofilter
- SetButtonMode() : XclImpOutlineBuffer
- SetButtons() : ScXMLDataPilotTableContext
- SetButtonState() : ScDataFormDlg
- SetByRow() : ScDBData
- setByTable() : ScUnnamedDatabaseRangesObj
- SetCache() : ScColorFormat
- setCachedCell() : ScExternalRefCache::Table
- setCachedCellRange() : ScExternalRefCache::Table
- setCachedColArray() : sc::FormulaGroupContext
- setCacheDocReferenced() : ScExternalRefCache
- SetCaches() : XclExpXmlPivotCaches
- setCacheTableReferenced() : ScExternalRefCache, ScExternalRefManager
- SetCalcAsShown() : ScDocOptions
- setCalcComplete() : sc::FormulaLogger::GroupScope
- SetCalcConfig() : ScDocument, ScFormulaOptions
- SetCalcNotification() : ScDocument, ScTable
- setCalculatedFormulaCells() : oox::xls::WorkbookGlobals, oox::xls::WorkbookHelper
- setCalculation() : ScVbaApplication
- setCallback() : ScFormulaListener
- SetCaller() : ScUnoAddInCall
- SetCallerFromObjectShell() : ScUnoAddInCall
- SetCallerPos() : ScUnoAddInFuncData
- SetCancelled() : ScFilterListBox
- setCaption() : ScVbaButton, ScVbaButtonCharacters, ScVbaCharacters, ScVbaMenu, ScVbaMenuItem, ScVbaWindow
- setCaretPosition() : ScAccessibleCsvRuler
- SetCell() : ScChangeActionContent
- setCell() : ScExternalRefCache::Table
- SetCell() : XMLTableShapeImportHelper
- SetCellAnchored() : ScDrawLayer, ScDrawView
- SetCellAnchoredFromPosition() : ScDrawLayer
- setCellArrayFormula() : oox::xls::FormulaBuffer, oox::xls::WorksheetHelper
- SetCellAttribs() : XclImpAutoFilterData
- SetCellCmdFlags() : ScInsertContentsDlg
- setCellData() : ScExternalRefCache
- SetCellData() : ScMyAreaLinksContainer, ScMyDetectiveObjContainer, ScMyDetectiveOpContainer, ScMyEmptyDatabaseRangesContainer, ScMyIteratorBase, ScMyMergedRangesContainer, ScMyNotEmptyCellsIterator, ScMyNoteShapesContainer, ScMyShapesContainer
- setCellFormat() : oox::xls::SheetDataBuffer
- setCellFormula() : oox::xls::FormulaBuffer, oox::xls::SheetDataBuffer, oox::xls::WorksheetHelper
- setCellFormulaValue() : oox::xls::FormulaBuffer, oox::xls::WorksheetHelper
- SetCellGroup() : ScFormulaCell
- SetCellMapMode() : ScPreviewLocationData
- SetCellNote() : ScColumn
- setCellPos() : oox::xls::ShapeAnchor
- setCellRangeData() : ScExternalRefCache
- SetCellRangeSource() : ScXMLTableRowCellContext
- SetCellRotations() : ScOutputData
- SetCellSelectionPixel() : ScGridWindow
- SetCellShiftDisabled() : AbstractScInsertContentsDlg, AbstractScInsertContentsDlg_Impl, ScInsertContentsDlg
- SetCellString() : ScXMLExternalRefCellContext
- setCellStyleToSheet() : ScDocumentImport
- SetCellText() : ScDocFunc
- setCellValue() : oox::xls::ExternalSheetDataContext, ScExternalSheetCacheObj
- SetCenterArea() : ScPageHFItem
- setCenterFooter() : ScVbaPageSetup
- setCenterHeader() : ScVbaPageSetup
- setCenterHorizontally() : ScVbaPageSetup
- setCenterVertically() : ScVbaPageSetup
- SetChangeComment() : ScDocShell
- SetChanged() : ScDrawLayer, ScExtDocOptions, ScFormulaCell
- SetChangedClip() : ScOutputData
- SetChangeRecording() : ScDocShell
- SetChangeTrack() : AbstractScInsertContentsDlg, AbstractScInsertContentsDlg_Impl, ScDocument, ScInsertContentsDlg, ScUndoAutoFill, ScUndoConversion, ScUndoCut, ScUndoDeleteCells, ScUndoDeleteContents, ScUndoDeleteMulti, ScUndoDeleteTab, ScUndoDragDrop, ScUndoEnterData, ScUndoEnterMatrix, ScUndoEnterValue, ScUndoFillTable, ScUndoInsertCells, ScUndoInsertTab, ScUndoInsertTables, ScUndoPaste, ScUndoRefConversion, ScUndoReplace, ScUndoSetCell, ScUndoThesaurus
- SetChangeTrackingViewSettings() : ScXMLImport
- SetChangeViewSettings() : ScDocument
- SetCharAttributes() : ScEditWindow
- SetCharSet() : ScAsciiOptions
- SetCharSetSystem() : ScAsciiOptions
- SetChartListenerCollection() : ScDocument
- SetChartListenerCollectionNeedsUpdate() : ScDocument
- SetChartRangeList() : ScDocument
- SetChartRanges() : ScChartHelper, ScDocument
- SetChartShell() : ScTabViewShell
- setChartType() : ScVbaChart
- SetCharWidth() : XclRoot
- SetChildSelected() : ScNavigatorSettings
- SetClearFlag() : ScPrintFunc
- setClientVisibleArea() : ScModelObj
- setClientZoom() : ScModelObj
- SetClipArea() : ScDocument
- setClipboard() : ScModelObj
- SetClipData() : ScDocShell
- SetClipDocName() : ScGlobal
- SetClipMarks() : ScOutputData
- SetClipOptions() : ScDocument
- SetClipParam() : ScDocument
- SetCloseBrackets() : ScCompiler
- SetCloseHdl() : ScSimpleRefDlg, ScSimpleRefDlgWrapper
- SetClustered() : XclExpChChart3d
- SetCmdHdl() : ScCsvControl
- SetCode() : ScFormulaCell
- setCode() : ScFormulaCellGroup
- SetCode() : ScRangeData
- SetCodeName() : ScDocument, ScExtDocOptions, ScTable
- SetCodePage() : XclImpRoot
- SetCol() : ScAddress, ScAttrArray, ScBigAddress
- SetColBreak() : ScDocument, ScTable
- SetColDefaults() : ScFormatRangeStyles, ScRowFormatRanges
- SetColDeleted() : ScSingleRefData
- SetColFiltered() : ScTable
- SetColHidden() : ScDocument, ScTable
- SetColInfo() : ScPreviewTableInfo
- SetColManualBreaks() : ScTable
- SetColor() : ScColorScaleEntry
- setColor() : ScColorScaleEntryObj, ScVbaBorders, ScVbaInterior
- setColorAxis() : sc::SparklineAttributes
- setColorFirst() : sc::SparklineAttributes
- setColorHigh() : sc::SparklineAttributes
- setColorIndex() : ScVbaBorders, ScVbaFont, ScVbaInterior
- setColorLast() : sc::SparklineAttributes
- setColorLow() : sc::SparklineAttributes
- setColorMarkers() : sc::SparklineAttributes
- setColorNegative() : sc::SparklineAttributes
- SetColorProperty() : ScfPropertySet
- SetColorSchemeName() : ScViewOptions
- setColorSeries() : sc::SparklineAttributes
- SetColRel() : ScSingleRefData
- SetColRowData() : ScColRowNameRangesDlg
- setColSizes() : ScCondFormatManagerWindow
- SetColText() : ScMemChart
- SetColTypeHdl() : ScCsvTableBox
- SetColumn() : ScHeaderFunctionSet
- SetColumnDefXF() : XclImpXFRangeBuffer
- setColumnFieldCount() : ScDPOutputGeometry
- SetColumnGrand() : ScDPSaveData
- SetColumnInfo() : ScAsciiOptions
- setColumnModel() : oox::xls::WorksheetGlobals, oox::xls::WorksheetHelper
- setColumnSet() : sc::StartListeningContext
- SetColumnStates() : ScCsvGrid
- SetColumnType() : ScCsvGrid
- setColumnWidth() : ScVbaRange
- SetColWidth() : ScDocument, ScTable
- SetColWidthOnly() : ScDocument, ScTable
- SetComment() : ScChangeAction, ScScenarioWindow
- SetCommitLink() : ScLinkConfigItem
- setCompactMode() : ScDPOutputGeometry
- SetCompile() : ScFormulaCell
- SetCompilerFlags() : ScFormulaParserObj
- SetComplCol() : ExcelToSc
- SetComplRow() : ExcelToSc
- SetCompNames() : ScUnoAddInFuncData
- setCondFormatList() : sc::CopyFromClipContext
- SetCondFormList() : ScDocument, ScTable
- SetCondition() : ExcFilterCondition
- SetConditionalFormatList() : ScDocFunc
- setConditionOperator() : ScTableConditionalEntry, ScTableValidationObj
- setConfig() : ScCheckListMenuControl
- SetConfigurationSettings() : ScXMLImport
- SetConflictAction() : ScConflictsDlg
- SetConnectionResource() : ScXMLDatabaseRangeContext
- SetConsolidateDlgData() : ScDocument
- SetConstraints() : sc::SolverSettings
- SetContainer() : ScDBData
- setContent() : ScNamedRangeObj, ScVbaName
- SetContentDependencies() : ScXMLChangeTrackingImportHelper
- SetContentDevice() : ScOutputData
- SetContentsFlags() : ScInsertContentsDlg
- SetContentValidation() : ScXMLTableRowCellContext
- SetContSize() : XclExpSingleCellBase
- SetCount() : XclExpChTrHeader
- setCrosses() : ScVbaAxis
- setCrossesAt() : ScVbaAxis
- SetCurPageId() : ScAbstractTabController_Impl, ScAsyncTabController, ScAsyncTabController_Impl
- SetCurRefDlgId() : ScTabViewShell
- SetCurrencySymbol() : ScXMLImport
- SetCurrentCell() : ScNavigatorDlg
- SetCurrentCellStr() : ScNavigatorDlg
- SetCurrentDoc() : ScNavigatorDlg
- setCurrentFormula() : ScFormulaDlg
- SetCurrentObject() : ScNavigatorDlg
- setCurrentPage() : ScDataPilotFieldObj
- SetCurrentPage() : ScDPSaveDimension
- setCurrentSheetIndex() : oox::xls::WorkbookGlobals, oox::xls::WorkbookHelper
- SetCurrentTable() : ScMyNotEmptyCellsIterator, ScNavigatorDlg
- SetCurrentTableStr() : ScNavigatorDlg
- setCurrentValue() : ScAccessibleCellBase, ScAccessiblePreviewHeaderCell
- SetCurrScTab() : XclRoot
- SetCurrSegment() : ScfProgressBar
- SetCurrTable() : ScHTMLTableMap
- SetCursor() : ScTabView
- setCursor() : ScVbaApplication
- SetCursorAtCell() : ScViewFunctionSet
- SetCursorAtPoint() : ScHeaderFunctionSet, ScViewFunctionSet
- SetCursorLinks() : ScCursorRefEdit
- SetCurSubShell() : ScTabViewShell
- SetCurTab() : ScUndoRemoveMerge
- SetCurX() : ScViewData
- SetCurXForTab() : ScViewData
- SetCurY() : ScViewData
- SetCurYForTab() : ScViewData
- SetCustomDffObj() : XclImpDrawObjBase
- setCustomRowProgress() : oox::xls::IWorksheetProgress, oox::xls::WorksheetGlobals
- setCutCopyMode() : ScVbaApplication
- SetCutMode() : ScDocument
- SetCutOffInsert() : ScChangeActionDel
- SetData() : oox::xls::DataBarRule, oox::xls::IconSetRule, ScHeaderEditEngine, ScMemChart, XclExpDummyRecord
- setDataArea() : ScDatabaseRangeObj, ScLabelRangeObj
- setDataArray() : ScCellRangeObj
- SetDataBarData() : ScDataBarFormat
- SetDatabase() : sc::ScDBDataManager
- SetDatabaseName() : ScXMLDatabaseRangeContext, ScXMLDataPilotTableContext
- setDataChangedHint() : ScChart2DataSequence
- setDataFieldCount() : ScDPOutputGeometry
- SetDataFieldPropertiesFromDim() : XclExpPivotTable
- SetDataFormat() : XclImpChSeries, XclImpChSerTrendLine
- SetDataFromDocument() : ScRetypePassDlg
- SetDataLabel() : XclExpChChart, XclImpChDataFormat, XclImpChSeries
- SetDataLayoutOrientation() : ScDPResultData
- setDataLayoutType() : ScDPOutputGeometry
- SetDataPilotDetails() : ScDBFunc
- SetDataPropertiesFromDim() : XclExpPTField
- SetDataSpans() : ScUndoDeleteContents
- setDataStream() : sc::DocumentLinkManager
- SetDate() : ScDocOptions, ScPostIt
- setDateAxis() : sc::SparklineAttributes
- setDateCell() : oox::xls::SheetDataBuffer
- SetDateDimension() : ScDPGroupDimension, ScDPNumGroupDimension
- SetDateGroupLimit() : XclExpPCField
- SetDateInfo() : ScDPSaveGroupDimension, ScDPSaveNumGroupDimension
- setDateMode() : oox::xls::WorkbookSettings
- SetDateTime() : ScPrintFunc, XclPCItem
- setDateTimeCell() : oox::xls::SheetDataBuffer
- SetDateTimeUTC() : ScChangeAction
- SetDateType() : ScCondDateFormatEntry
- SetDBCollection() : ScDocument
- setDBData() : sc::ExternalDataSource
- SetDdeLink() : ScLinkRefreshedHint
- SetDdeLinkResultMatrix() : ScDocument
- setDdeOleTargetUrl() : oox::xls::ExternalLink
- SetDecrypter() : XclImpStream
- SetDefault() : XclExpChAreaFormat, XclExpChLineFormat
- setDefaultChartType() : ScVbaChart
- setDefaultColumnWidth() : oox::xls::WorksheetGlobals, oox::xls::WorksheetHelper
- SetDefaultData() : XclExpDefrowheight
- setDefaultFilePath() : ScVbaApplication
- SetDefaultFrameBase() : XclExpChFrameBase
- SetDefaultFrameLine() : ScTabViewShell
- SetDefaultIfNotInit() : ScAttrArray
- SetDefaultItem() : ScEditEngineDefaulter
- setDefaultNumericScript() : ScDocumentImport
- SetDefaultObjectSizeHeight() : ScAppOptions
- SetDefaultObjectSizeWidth() : ScAppOptions
- setDefaultProperties() : ScVbaSheetObjectBase
- setDefaultRowSettings() : oox::xls::WorksheetGlobals, oox::xls::WorksheetHelper
- SetDefaults() : ScAppOptions, ScDefaultsOptions, ScEditEngineDefaulter, ScFormulaOptions, ScGridOptions, ScPrintOptions, ScPrintUIOptions, ScViewOptions, XclPageData, XclTabViewData, XMLTableStyleContext
- SetDefaultsOptions() : ScModule
- SetDefaultXF() : XclImpColRowSettings, XclImpXFRangeColumn
- SetDefHeight() : XclImpColRowSettings
- SetDefWidth() : XclExpDefcolwidth, XclImpColRowSettings
- setDeleted() : oox::xls::LinkSheetRange
- SetDeletedIn() : ScChangeAction
- SetDeletedInThis() : ScChangeAction
- setDeleteFlag() : sc::CopyFromClipContext
- SetDeletionDependencies() : ScXMLChangeTrackingImportHelper
- SetDelimiter() : ScImportExport
- SetDelMark() : ScViewData
- SetDependencies() : ScXMLChangeTrackingImportHelper
- SetDescription() : AbstractScGoToTabDlg, AbstractScGoToTabDlg_Impl, AbstractScShowTabDlg, AbstractScShowTabDlg_Impl, ScAccessibleContextBase, ScFunctionWin, ScGoToTabDlg, ScShowTabDlg
- SetDesiredHash() : ScRetypePassDlg
- SetDestArea() : ScAreaLink
- setDestArea() : ScAreaLinkObj
- setDestRange() : sc::CopyFromClipContext
- SetDetectiveAuto() : ScAppOptions
- SetDetectiveDirty() : ScDocument
- SetDetectiveObj() : ScMyNotEmptyCellsIterator, ScXMLTableRowCellContext
- SetDetectiveOp() : ScMyNotEmptyCellsIterator
- SetDetectScientificNumber() : ScAsciiOptions
- SetDetectSpecialNumber() : ScAsciiOptions
- setDeterministic() : sc::DataProvider
- SetDetOpList() : ScDocument
- SetDffData() : XclImpDrawObjBase
- SetDffProperties() : XclImpTbxObjBase
- setDiagram() : ScVbaChart
- SetDialog() : ScFormulaReferenceHelper, ScTabBgColorDlg::ScTabBgColorValueSet
- SetDialogData() : ScTableProtectionDlg
- SetDialogDPObject() : ScTabViewShell
- SetDialogType() : ScCondFormatDlgItem
- SetDiffDirty() : ScChartListenerCollection
- SetDimensionData() : ScDPSaveData
- SetDimensions() : XclExpDimensions
- SetDirty() : ScChartListener, ScChartListenerCollection, ScColumn, ScDocument, ScFormulaCell, ScTable
- SetDirtyAfterLoad() : ScColumn, ScFormulaCell, ScTable
- SetDirtyFromClip() : ScColumn, ScDocument, ScTable
- SetDirtyIfPostponed() : ScColumn, ScTable
- SetDirtyVar() : ScColumn, ScFormulaCell, ScTable
- setDispatcherLock() : ScFormulaDlg
- SetDispatcherLock() : ScFormulaReferenceHelper, ScRefHandler
- setDisplayAlerts() : ScVbaApplication
- setDisplayEmptyCellsAs() : sc::SparklineAttributes
- setDisplayExcel4Menus() : ScVbaApplication
- setDisplayFormulaBar() : ScVbaApplication
- setDisplayFullScreen() : ScVbaApplication
- setDisplayGridlines() : ScVbaWindow
- setDisplayHeadings() : ScVbaWindow
- setDisplayHidden() : sc::SparklineAttributes
- setDisplayHorizontalScrollBar() : ScVbaWindow
- SetDisplayName() : ScXMLDataPilotSubTotalsContext
- setDisplayNoteIndicator() : ScVbaApplication
- setDisplayOutline() : ScVbaWindow
- setDisplayScrollBars() : ScVbaApplication
- setDisplayUnit() : ScVbaAxis
- setDisplayVerticalScrollBar() : ScVbaWindow
- setDisplayWorkbookTabs() : ScVbaWindow
- setDisplayXAxis() : sc::SparklineAttributes
- setDoAutoComplete() : ScSpreadsheetSettings
- SetDocAndFormatter() : ScInterpreterContext
- SetDocColor() : ScViewOptions
- SetDocData() : ScRetypePassDlg
- SetDocLanguage() : XclRoot
- SetDocLevel() : ScPaintLockData
- SetDocOptions() : ScDocument, ScModule
- SetDocProtection() : ScDocument
- SetDocShell() : ScFormEditData
- SetDocShellRecalc() : ScDocument
- SetDocSize() : ScHTMLTable
- setDocument() : ScPositionHelper
- SetDocument() : ScStyleSheetPool, ScTempDocCache
- SetDocumentDisposing() : ScInputHandler
- SetDocumentModified() : ScDocShell, ScDocShellModificator
- SetDocumentModifiedPending() : ScDocShell
- SetDocVisible() : ScDocument
- SetDoingRecursion() : ScRecursionHelper
- SetDoInsert() : ScAreaLink
- SetDontSwitch() : ScTabViewShell
- SetDoRefresh() : ScExternalRefLink
- SetDoSize() : ScDBData
- SetDouble() : ScFormulaResult
- setDouble() : ScLookupCache::QueryCriteria
- SetDouble() : ScRawToken, XclPCItem
- SetDoubleReference() : ScRawToken
- SetDoubleValue() : ScSolverOptionsString
- SetDoUpdate() : ScCellTextData
- SetDoUpdateData() : ScCellEditSource
- SetDPObject() : ScDataPilotChildObjBase, ScDataPilotDescriptor, ScDataPilotDescriptorBase, ScDataPilotTableObj
- SetDragHandlePos() : ScTransferObj
- SetDragJump() : ScModule, ScTabViewShell
- SetDragLink() : ScModule, ScTabViewShell
- SetDragMode() : ScNavipiCfg, ScViewData
- SetDragObject() : ScModule, ScTabViewShell
- SetDragSource() : ScDrawTransferObj, ScTransferObj
- SetDragSourceFlags() : ScDrawTransferObj, ScTransferObj
- SetDragSourceObj() : ScDrawTransferObj
- SetDragWasInternal() : ScDrawTransferObj, ScTransferObj
- setDrawBaseButton() : ScDPFieldButton
- SetDrawBroadcaster() : ScChildrenShapes
- SetDrawBrushSet() : ScTabView
- SetDrawClipDoc() : ScTransferObj
- SetDrawFormShell() : ScTabViewShell
- SetDrawFuncOldPtr() : ScTabView
- SetDrawFuncPtr() : ScTabView
- SetDrawingArea() : sc::sidebar::CellLineStyleValueSet, ScAutoFmtPreview, ScCsvGrid, ScCsvRuler, ScEditWindow, ScTextWnd
- setDrawingPath() : oox::xls::WorksheetGlobals, oox::xls::WorksheetHelper
- SetDrawModified() : ScDocShell
- SetDrawPageHasForms() : ScMySharedData
- SetDrawPageSize() : ScDocument, ScTable
- SetDrawPersist() : ScDrawTransferObj, ScTransferObj
- setDrawPopupButton() : ScDPFieldButton
- setDrawPopupButtonMulti() : ScDPFieldButton
- SetDrawSelMode() : ScTabView
- SetDrawShell() : ScTabViewShell
- SetDrawShellOrSub() : ScTabViewShell
- SetDrawTextShell() : ScTabViewShell
- SetDrawTextUndo() : ScTabViewShell
- setDrawToggleButton() : ScDPFieldButton
- SetDrawView() : ScOutputData, ScPrintFunc
- SetDrillDown() : ScDPSaveData
- SetDropdownPos() : ScCheckListMenuControl
- SetDropMode() : ScNavigatorDlg
- SetDupCount() : ScDPSource
- SetDupFlag() : ScDPSaveDimension
- SetEditAdjust() : ScViewData
- SetEditCell() : ScDocFunc
- setEditCell() : ScDocumentImport
- SetEditCell() : ScOutputData
- SetEditData() : ScUndoCursorAttr
- SetEditEngine() : ScViewData
- SetEditShell() : ScTabViewShell
- SetEditSyntaxColor() : ScOutputData
- SetEditText() : ScColumn, ScDocument, ScTable
- SetEditView() : ScEditShell
- SetEdStartValEnabled() : AbstractScFillSeriesDlg, AbstractScFillSeriesDlg_Impl, ScFillSeriesDlg
- SetEmbedded() : ScDocument
- SetEmbedFonts() : ScDocument
- SetEmbedFontScriptAsian() : ScDocument
- SetEmbedFontScriptComplex() : ScDocument
- SetEmbedFontScriptLatin() : ScDocument
- SetEmbedUsedFontsOnly() : ScDocument
- SetEmpty() : ScDocShell, ScDPAggData, ScDPItemData, XclPCItem
- SetEmptyCell() : ScDocument, ScTable
- SetEmptyDatabaseRanges() : ScMyNotEmptyCellsIterator
- SetEmptyFlags() : ScDatabaseDPData, ScDPGroupTableData, ScDPTableData, ScSheetDPData
- setEnableCalculation() : ScVbaWorksheet
- setEnableCancelKey() : ScVbaApplication
- setEnabled() : ScVbaOLEObject
- setEnableEvents() : ScVbaApplication
- SetEnableLayout() : ScDPLevel
- setEnableSelection() : ScVbaWorksheet
- SetEncrypter() : XclExpStream
- SetEndLastCut() : ScChangeActionMove
- SetEndRow() : ScPageRowEntry
- SetEngineOptions() : sc::SolverSettings
- SetEngineTextAndGetWidth() : ScOutputData
- SetEnglishName() : ScUnoAddInFuncData
- setEnhancedProtection() : ScTableProtection, ScTableProtectionImpl
- SetEnterEdit() : ScInputOptions
- setEnterEdit() : ScSpreadsheetSettings
- SetEnterPasteMode() : ScInputOptions
- SetEntry() : ScNameDlg, ScRangeManagerTable
- SetEntryAreaClipRegion() : ScOutlineWindow
- SetEntrySize() : ScColBar, ScDataTableColView, ScDataTableRowView, ScHeaderControl, ScRowBar
- SetEof() : ScQProReader
- SetEOUpdateChain() : ScBroadcastAreaSlotMachine
- SetErrCode() : ScFormulaCell
- SetError() : ExcelToSc, ScColumn, ScCompiler, ScDocument, ScDPAggData
- setError() : ScFunctionData
- SetError() : ScInterpreter, ScTable, ScValidationData, XclPCItem
- SetErrorAtInterpreter() : ScMatrixImpl
- setErrorCell() : oox::xls::SheetDataBuffer
- SetErrorConstant() : ScRawToken
- SetErrorInterpreter() : ScMatrix, ScMatrixImpl
- setErrorMessage() : ScVbaValidation
- SetErrorStringInterned() : ScDPItemData
- setErrorTitle() : ScVbaValidation
- SetEscherShapeType() : XclObj
- SetEscherShapeTypeGroup() : XclObj
- SetEvaluateFormulas() : ScAsciiOptions
- SetExclusivelyDrawOleAndDrawObjects() : ScPrintFunc
- SetExecuteURL() : ScFieldEditEngine
- SetExpandCollapse() : ScDPSaveData
- SetExpanded() : ScNavigatorSettings
- setExpandReferences() : ScSpreadsheetSettings
- SetExpandRefs() : ScDocument, ScInputOptions
- SetExportTextOptions() : ScImportExport
- SetExtDocOptions() : ScDocument
- setExtendedData() : ScCheckListMenuControl
- SetExtendedErrorDetection() : ScCompiler
- SetExtendFormat() : ScInputOptions
- setExtendFormat() : ScSpreadsheetSettings
- SetExternal() : ScRawToken
- SetExternalDoubleRef() : ScRawToken
- SetExternalLinks() : ScCompiler
- SetExternalName() : ScRawToken
- setExternalName() : ScTableSheetObj
- setExternalRange() : oox::xls::LinkSheetRange
- SetExternalSingleRef() : ScRawToken
- setExternalTargetUrl() : oox::xls::ExternalLink
- SetExtOptions() : ScImportExport
- SetExtractPos() : XclImpAutoFilterData
- setExtraHeight() : sc::RowHeightContext
- setFalse() : ScFlatBoolColSegments, ScFlatBoolRowSegments, ScFlatBoolSegmentsImpl
- setFastPropertyValue_NoBroadcast() : ScChartObj
- setFieldChangedAction() : ScCheckListMenuControl
- SetFieldPropertiesFromDim() : XclExpPivotTable
- SetFieldReference() : ScXMLDataPilotFieldContext
- SetFieldSeps() : ScAsciiOptions
- setFileName() : ScAreaLinkObj, ScSheetLinkObj
- setFillAndLineColor() : sc::SparklineRenderer
- SetFillMode() : AbstractScInsertContentsDlg, AbstractScInsertContentsDlg_Impl, ScInsertContentsDlg, ScViewData
- setFilter() : ScAreaLinkObj, ScSheetLinkObj
- SetFilterButton() : ScDPSaveData
- SetFilterConditionSourceRangeAddress() : ScXMLDatabaseRangeContext
- setFilterData() : ScExternalRefManager
- setFilterFields() : ScFilterDescriptorBase
- setFilterFields2() : ScFilterDescriptorBase
- setFilterFields3() : ScFilterDescriptorBase
- setFilterOptions() : ScAreaLinkObj
- SetFilterOptions() : ScImportExport
- setFilterOptions() : ScSheetLinkObj
- setFilterPropsFromFormat() : ScVbaWorkbook
- SetFinalColors() : XclExpCellArea, XclExpCellBorder, XclExpDxf, XclExpXF
- setFinalGroupName() : oox::xls::PivotCacheField
- setFirst() : sc::SparklineAttributes
- SetFirstEntry() : ScIconSetFrmtDataEntry
- SetFirstFormula() : ScTPValidationValue
- SetFirstImportedLine() : ScCsvGrid
- SetFirstPage() : ScPrintRangeData
- setFirstPageNumber() : ScVbaPageSetup
- setFirstVisibleColumn() : ScViewPaneBase
- setFirstVisibleRow() : ScViewPaneBase
- SetFitToPages() : XclImpPageSettings
- setFitToPagesMode() : oox::xls::PageSettings
- setFitToPagesTall() : ScVbaPageSetup
- setFitToPagesWide() : ScVbaPageSetup
- SetFixDateTimeLocal() : ScChangeTrack
- SetFixDateTimeUTC() : ScChangeTrack
- SetFixed() : ScTabSplitter
- SetFixedLen() : ScAsciiOptions
- SetFixedWidthMode() : ScCsvTableBox
- SetFixPosX() : ScViewData
- SetFixPosY() : ScViewData
- SetFlag() : XclExpTabInfo
- SetFlag3D() : ScSingleRefData
- SetFlags() : ScConsData, ScSimpleRefDlg, ScSimpleRefDlgWrapper, XclExpDffAnchorBase
- SetFmtDevice() : ScOutputData
- SetFont() : ScEditWindow
- setFont() : ScQProStyle, ScVbaButton, ScVbaButtonCharacters, ScVbaCharacters
- SetFont() : XclExpChAxis, XclExpChFontBase, XclExpChText, XclExpDefaultXF
- SetFontColor() : XclExpChTick
- SetFontData() : XclImpFont
- SetFontEncoding() : XclFontData
- setFontId() : oox::xls::RichStringPortion
- setFontRecord() : ScQProStyle
- setFontStyle() : ScVbaFont
- setFontType() : ScQProStyle
- setFooterMargin() : ScVbaPageSetup
- SetForbiddenCharacters() : ScDocument
- setForceAutoSize() : sc::RowHeightContext
- SetForceBreaks() : ScPrintOptions
- SetForceCopyTable() : AbstractScMoveTableDlg, AbstractScMoveTableDlg_Impl, ScMoveTableDlg
- SetForcedFormulaPending() : ScDocument
- SetForcedFormulas() : ScDocument
- SetForceFocusOnCurCell() : ScTabViewShell
- SetFormat() : ScQProStyle
- setFormatCode() : oox::xls::NumberFormat
- setFormatEntry() : oox::xls::CondFormatRule
- SetFormats() : XclImpString
- setFormDesignMode() : ScViewPaneBase
- SetFormShellAtTop() : ScTabViewShell
- SetFormTableOpt() : ScPoolHelper
- setFormula() : oox::xls::DefinedName, ScCellObj
- SetFormula() : ScColorScaleEntry
- setFormula() : ScColorScaleEntryObj
- SetFormula() : ScColumn
- setFormula() : ScDataBarEntryObj
- SetFormula() : ScDocument
- setFormula() : ScIconSetEntryObj
- SetFormula() : ScTable
- setFormula() : ScVbaRange
- SetFormula1() : oox::xls::DataValidationsContextBase, ScConditionEntry
- setFormula1() : ScTableConditionalEntry, ScTableValidationObj
- SetFormula2() : oox::xls::DataValidationsContextBase, ScConditionEntry
- setFormula2() : ScTableConditionalEntry, ScTableValidationObj
- setFormulaArray() : ScCellRangeObj, ScVbaRange
- SetFormulaBarLines() : ScViewData
- setFormulaCell() : oox::xls::SheetDataBuffer
- SetFormulaCell() : ScColumn, ScDocFunc, ScDocument
- setFormulaCell() : ScDocumentImport
- SetFormulaCell() : ScTable, ScXMLTableRowCellContext
- setFormulaCellNumberLimit() : ScModelObj
- SetFormulaCells() : ScColumn, ScDocFunc, ScDocument, ScTable
- SetFormulaCmdBits() : ScInsertContentsDlg
- SetFormulaDirtyContext() : sc::SetFormulaDirtyContext
- SetFormulaGroupDepEvalMode() : ScRecursionHelper
- SetFormulaGroupSet() : ScRecursionHelper
- setFormulaHidden() : ScVbaFormat< Ifc >
- SetFormulaLanguage() : ScCompiler
- setFormulaLocal() : ScVbaRange
- SetFormulaMode() : ScInputBarGroup, ScInputWindow, ScPosWnd, ScTextWnd, ScTextWndBase, ScTextWndGroup
- SetFormulaOptions() : ScDocShell, ScModule
- setFormulaR1C1() : ScVbaRange
- setFormulaR1C1Local() : ScVbaRange
- SetFormulaRegexEnabled() : ScDocOptions
- setFormulaResult() : ScCellObj
- SetFormulaResults() : ScColumn, ScDocument, ScTable
- SetFormulas() : ScImportExport
- SetFormulaSepArg() : ScFormulaOptions
- SetFormulaSepArrayCol() : ScFormulaOptions
- SetFormulaSepArrayRow() : ScFormulaOptions
- setFormulaString() : ScCellObj
- SetFormulaSyntax() : ScFormulaOptions
- setFormulaValue() : ScVbaRange
- SetFormulaWildcardsEnabled() : ScDocOptions
- SetFreeFlying() : ScFormulaCell
- setFreezePanes() : ScVbaWindow
- SetFromTo_Impl() : ScInsertTableDlg
- SetFullScreen() : ScViewUtil
- setFullString() : ScVbaButtonCharacters
- SetFuncString() : ScInputWindow
- setFunction() : ScConsolidationDescriptor, ScDataPilotFieldObj, ScDPDimension
- SetFunction() : ScDPSaveDimension, ScUnoAddInFuncData
- SetFutureRecordContext() : XclExpChGroupBase
- SetGetFocusHdl() : ScEditWindow
- SetGlobalConfig() : ScInterpreter
- SetGlobalDrawPersist() : ScDrawLayer
- setGrammar() : sc::CompileFormulaContext
- SetGrammar() : ScCompiler, ScDocument
- SetGrammarAndRefConvention() : ScCompiler
- SetGrandTotal() : ScXMLDataPilotTableContext
- SetGrandTotalName() : ScDPSaveData
- setGraphicSelection() : ScModelObj
- SetGraphicShell() : ScTabViewShell
- SetGrBit() : XclObj
- SetGridColor() : ScOutputData, ScViewOptions
- SetGridOptions() : ScViewOptions
- SetGroupChildField() : XclExpPCField
- setGroupColumn() : ScSubTotalFieldObj
- SetGroupDim() : ScDPGroupDimension
- setGroupInfo() : ScDataPilotFieldObj
- SetGroupInfo() : ScDPSaveNumGroupDimension
- SetGrouping() : ScXMLDataPilotFieldContext
- SetGroupItem() : ScDPCache
- SetGroupListening() : ScBroadcastArea
- SetGroupsIndependent() : ScRecursionHelper
- SetGUID() : XclExpChTrHeader, XclExpXmlChTrHeaders
- SetHandler() : ScRefHandlerHelper
- SetHardRecalcState() : ScDocument
- SetHasActionRange() : ScChangeViewSettings
- SetHasAuthor() : ScChangeViewSettings
- SetHasBasic() : XclImpRoot
- setHasColumnHeaders() : ScChartObj
- SetHasComment() : ScChangeViewSettings
- SetHasCompactField() : ScXMLDataPilotTableContext
- SetHasDate() : ScChangeViewSettings
- SetHasElements() : ScDPResultMember
- setHasHiddenMember() : ScDPFieldButton
- SetHasHideDetailsMembers() : ResultMembers
- SetHashText() : ScDrawStringsVars
- setHasLegend() : ScVbaChart
- SetHasRange() : ScChangeViewSettings
- setHasRowHeaders() : ScChartObj
- setHasTitle() : ScVbaAxis, ScVbaChart
- SetHeader() : ScDBData
- SetHeaderLayout() : ScDPObject, ScDPOutput
- setHeaderLayout() : ScDPOutputGeometry
- setHeaderMargin() : ScVbaPageSetup
- SetHeaderMode() : ScViewData
- SetHeaders() : ScChartArray, ScChartPositioner
- SetHeaderSize() : ScOutlineWindow
- SetHeight() : LotusFontBuffer, ScPageScaleToItem
- setHeight() : ScVbaAxis, ScVbaOLEObject, ScVbaSheetObjectBase
- SetHeight() : XclImpColRowSettings
- SetHidden() : ScOutlineEntry, ScPageRowEntry, ScRangeFindList
- setHidden() : ScVbaRange
- SetHideCell() : ScProtectionAttr
- SetHideFormula() : ScProtectionAttr
- SetHidePrint() : ScProtectionAttr
- setHigh() : sc::SparklineAttributes
- SetHorAlign() : XclTxo
- setHorizontalAlignment() : ScVbaButton, ScVbaFormat< Ifc >
- SetHSplitMode() : ScViewData
- SetHSplitPos() : ScViewData
- SetHybridDouble() : ScFormulaCell, ScFormulaResult
- SetHybridEmptyDisplayedAsString() : ScFormulaCell, ScFormulaResult
- SetHybridFormula() : ScFormulaCell, ScFormulaResult
- SetHybridString() : ScFormulaCell, ScFormulaResult
- setHyperlink() : oox::xls::WorksheetGlobals, oox::xls::WorksheetHelper
- SetHyperlink() : XclImpXFRangeBuffer
- SetIconSetData() : ScIconSetFormat
- SetId() : LotusRange
- setID() : sc::ExternalDataSource, sc::SparklineGroup
- SetId() : XclObj
- SetIgnoreBlank() : ScConditionEntry
- setIgnoreBlank() : ScVbaValidation
- SetIgnoreCase() : ScDocOptions
- SetIgnoreEmptyRows() : ScDPSaveData
- setIgnoreEmptyRows() : ScDPSource
- SetIgnoreMove() : ScHeaderControl
- SetImagePreferredDPI() : ScDocument
- SetImmutable() : ScMatrix
- SetImportAlways() : ScHTMLEntry
- SetImportBroadcast() : ScImportExport
- SetImportDesc() : ScDPObject
- SetImportingXML() : ScDocument
- SetImportParam() : ScDBData
- SetImportSelection() : ScDBData
- SetInactive() : ScColorScale2FrmtEntry, ScColorScale3FrmtEntry, ScCondFrmtEntry, ScConditionFrmtEntry, ScDataBarFrmtEntry, ScDateFrmtEntry, ScFormulaFrmtEntry, ScIconSetFrmtEntry
- setInCellDropdown() : ScVbaValidation
- SetInChangeTrack() : ScFormulaCell
- SetIncludeBackground() : ScAutoFormatData
- SetIncludeBOM() : ScAsciiOptions
- SetIncludeFiltered() : ScImportExport
- SetIncludeFont() : ScAutoFormatData
- SetIncludeFrame() : ScAutoFormatData
- SetIncludeJustify() : ScAutoFormatData
- SetIncludeValueFormat() : ScAutoFormatData
- SetIncludeWidthHeight() : ScAutoFormatData
- SetInColRoot() : ScDPRowTotals
- SetInCreate() : ScAreaLink, ScTableLink
- SetInDelete() : ScChangeTrack
- SetInDeleteRange() : ScChangeTrack
- SetInDeleteTop() : ScChangeTrack
- SetInDeleteUndo() : ScChangeTrack
- setIndentLevel() : ScVbaFormat< Ifc >
- SetIndex() : ScCondFrmtEntry, ScDBData, ScRangeData, ScTableRefToken, XclExpChTrAction
- setIndexed() : oox::xls::Color
- SetInEditCommand() : ScModule
- SetInEditMode() : FuText
- SetInExecuteDrop() : ScModule
- SetInFormatDialog() : ScTabViewShell
- SetInfoStrings() : ScDbNameDlg
- SetInGetState() : ScPreview
- SetInitAllChildren() : LateInitParams
- SetInitChild() : LateInitParams
- SetInIterationReturn() : ScRecursionHelper
- setInitialFileName() : ScVbaFileDialog
- SetInitialLinkUpdate() : ScDocShell
- SetInitTabCount() : ScDefaultsOptions
- SetInitTabPrefix() : ScDefaultsOptions
- SetInLinkUpdate() : ScDocument
- SetInPasteCut() : ScChangeTrack
- SetInplace() : ScDocShell
- SetInput() : ScValidationData
- SetInputHandler() : ScFormEditData, ScInputWindow
- setInputMessage() : ScVbaValidation
- SetInputMode() : ScModule
- SetInputOptions() : ScModule
- setInputRange() : sc::Sparkline, sc::SparklineCell
- setInputSelection() : sc::SparklineDialog
- SetInputSet() : ScAbstractTabController_Impl
- setInputTitle() : ScVbaValidation
- SetInputWindow() : ScInputHandler
- SetInRecursionReturn() : ScRecursionHelper
- SetInsContentsCmdBits() : ScInsertContentsDlg
- SetInsertingFromOtherDoc() : ScDocument
- SetInsertionCutOff() : ScXMLChangeTrackingImportHelper
- setInsertLinks() : ScConsolidationDescriptor
- SetInsertSdrObj() : XclImpDrawObjBase
- SetInSharedDocLoading() : ScModule
- SetInSharedDocSaving() : ScModule
- SetInSupportedSave() : ScSheetSaveData
- SetInteger() : XclPCItem
- SetIntValue() : ScSolverOptionsString
- SetInUndo() : ScDocShell
- SetInUpdateChain() : ScBroadcastArea
- SetInUse() : ScTempDocCache
- SetInvalid() : ScAddress, ScCsvViewForwarder, ScEditObjectViewForwarder, ScEditViewForwarder, ScPreviewViewForwarder, ScRange, ScViewForwarder
- SetIsCaseSensitive() : ScXMLDPFilterContext
- SetIsExtRef() : ScFormulaCell
- setIsVisible() : ScAnnotationObj
- SetIsVisible() : ScDPSaveMember
- SetItem() : ScXMLDDELinkContext
- SetIter() : ScDocOptions
- setIteration() : ScVbaApplication
- SetIterationCount() : ScXMLCalculationSettingsContext
- SetIterationEpsilon() : ScXMLCalculationSettingsContext
- SetIterationStatus() : ScXMLCalculationSettingsContext
- SetIterCount() : ScDocOptions
- SetIterEps() : ScDocOptions
- SetJump() : ScJumpMatrix, ScJumpMatrixEntry
- SetJumpParameters() : ScJumpMatrix
- SetKeepFmt() : ScDBData
- SetKeepQuery() : ScSortInfoArray
- SetKey() : ScConditionalFormat, ScPatternAttr, ScValidationData
- SetKeyBindingType() : ScAppOptions
- setLabelArea() : ScLabelRangeObj
- SetLabelData() : ScPivotParam
- SetLabelRanges() : ScXMLImport
- SetLanguage() : ScAsciiOptions, ScDocument
- setLanguage() : SpellCheckContext::SpellCheckCache
- setLast() : sc::SparklineAttributes
- SetLastColumn() : ScMySharedData
- SetLastCutMoveRange() : ScChangeTrack
- SetLastFormula() : ImportExcel
- SetLastMerge() : ScChangeTrack
- SetLastNumExpandedLines() : ScTextWnd, ScTextWndGroup
- SetLastRow() : ScMySharedData
- SetLastSavedActionNumber() : ScChangeTrack
- SetLastSheet() : XMLTableStyleContext
- SetLastSortKey() : ScTabPageSortFields
- SetLateInit() : ScDPResultData
- SetLayer() : XMLTableShapeImportHelper
- setLayoutInfo() : ScDataPilotFieldObj
- SetLayoutInfo() : ScDPSaveDimension, ScXMLDataPilotFieldContext
- SetLayoutName() : ScDPSaveDimension, ScDPSaveMember
- SetLayoutRTL() : ScDocFunc, ScDocument, ScTable
- SetLayoutStrings() : ScDocument
- setLeft() : ScVbaAssistant, ScVbaAxis, ScVbaOLEObject, ScVbaSheetObjectBase, TitleImpl< Ifc >
- SetLeftArea() : ScPageHFItem
- setLeftFooter() : ScVbaPageSetup
- setLeftHeader() : ScVbaPageSetup
- SetLegacyCellSelection() : ScInputOptions
- SetLevel() : XclImpOutlineBuffer
- SetLevelRange() : XclImpOutlineBuffer
- SetLimitString() : ScSimpleFormulaCalculator
- SetLineEnds() : FuConstRectangle
- setLineStyle() : ScVbaBorders
- SetLineStyleSelect() : sc::sidebar::CellLineStylePopup
- setLineWeight() : sc::SparklineAttributes
- SetLink() : ScChangeActionLinkEntry, ScDocument, ScTable
- setLinkedCell() : ScVbaOLEObject
- SetLinkFormulaNeedingCheck() : ScDocument
- SetLinkManager() : ScInterpreter
- SetLinkMode() : ScAppOptions, ScDocument
- setLinkMode() : ScTableSheetObj
- setLinkSheetName() : ScTableSheetObj
- SetLinkTargetBitmap() : ScLinkTargetTypeObj
- setLinkUpdateMode() : ScSpreadsheetSettings
- SetLinkURL() : ScLinkTransferObj
- setLinkUrl() : ScTableSheetObj
- setListener() : ScColorScaleEntry
- setListeningFormulaSpans() : sc::CopyFromClipContext
- SetListMode() : ScNavigatorDlg, ScNavipiCfg
- SetListType() : ScValidationData
- SetLoadingMedium() : ScDocument, ScTable
- SetLoadingRTL() : ScTable
- setLocation() : ScVbaChart
- SetLockCount() : ScDocShell
- setLocked() : ScVbaFormat< Ifc >
- SetLocked() : XclObj
- SetLOKFreezeCol() : ScDocument, ScTable
- SetLOKFreezeRow() : ScDocument, ScTable
- SetLOKSheetFreezeIndex() : ScViewData
- setLOKVisibleArea() : ScViewData
- SetLookUpColRowNames() : ScDocOptions
- setLow() : sc::SparklineAttributes
- SetLRUFuncList() : ScAppOptions
- SetMacro() : ScMacroInfo
- SetMacroLink() : XclExpTbxControlObj, XclMacroHelper
- setMajorUnit() : ScVbaAxis
- setMajorUnitIsAuto() : ScVbaAxis
- SetManualDoc() : ScContentTree
- SetManualHeight() : ScDocument, ScTable
- setManualMax() : sc::SparklineAttributes
- setManualMin() : sc::SparklineAttributes
- SetManualPlotArea() : XclExpChChart
- SetManualRowHeight() : XclImpColRowSettings
- SetManualZoom() : ScPrintFunc
- SetMark() : ScHeaderControl
- SetMarkArea() : ScMarkArray, ScMarkData, ScMultiSel
- SetMarkClipped() : ScOutputData
- SetMarkData() : ScTabView
- SetMarkedOriginalSize() : ScDrawView
- SetMarkedToLayer() : ScDrawView
- SetMarkedWidthOrHeight() : ScViewFunc
- setMarkers() : sc::SparklineAttributes
- SetMarkHeader() : ScInputOptions
- setMarkHeader() : ScSpreadsheetSettings
- SetMarking() : ScColBar, ScHeaderControl, ScMarkData, ScRowBar
- SetMarkNegative() : ScMarkData
- setMasterDispatchProvider() : ScDispatchProviderInterceptor
- SetMatchWholeCell() : ScDocOptions
- SetMatColsRows() : ScFormulaCell, ScMatrixFormulaCellToken
- SetMatrix() : ScFormulaResult
- setMatrixCells() : ScDocumentImport
- SetMax() : ScSolverIntegerDialog, ScSolverValueDialog
- setMaxAxisType() : sc::SparklineAttributes
- setMaximumScale() : ScVbaAxis
- setMaximumScaleIsAuto() : ScVbaAxis
- SetMaxLevel() : ScDetectiveData
- SetMaxTiledCol() : ScViewData
- SetMaxTiledRow() : ScViewData
- SetMeasureData() : ScDPResultData
- SetMediaShell() : ScTabViewShell
- SetMemberPosition() : ScDPSaveDimension
- setMemberSize() : ScCheckListMenuControl
- SetMerge() : XclImpXFRangeBuffer
- setMergeCells() : ScVbaFormat< Ifc >, ScVbaRange, ScVbaStyle
- setMergedCells() : ScDocumentImport
- SetMergedCells() : ScTable
- setMergedRange() : oox::xls::SheetDataBuffer
- SetMergedRanges() : ScMyNotEmptyCellsIterator
- SetMergeSeps() : ScAsciiOptions
- SetMergeState() : ScChangeTrack
- SetMetaFileMode() : ScOutputData
- setMetric() : ScSpreadsheetSettings
- setMinAxisType() : sc::SparklineAttributes
- setMinimumScale() : ScVbaAxis
- setMinimumScaleIsAuto() : ScVbaAxis
- setMinorUnit() : ScVbaAxis
- setMinorUnitIsAuto() : ScVbaAxis
- SetMirrorWidth() : ScOutputData
- setMisspellRanges() : sc::SpellCheckContext
- SetMisspellRanges() : ScInputStatusItem
- SetMixedColor() : ScVbaInterior
- SetModal() : ScValidationDlg
- SetMode() : ScInputHandler, ScPrintSelectionStatus, ScXMLDDELinkContext
- SetModified() : AbstractScCondFormatManagerDlg, AbstractScCondFormatManagerDlg_Impl, ScCondFormatManagerDlg, ScDBData, ScDocShell
- setModified() : ScDrawShell
- SetModified() : ScInputHandler, ScPaintLockData
- SetModifiedLink() : ScChangeTrack
- SetMouseButtonCode() : FuPoor
- SetMoveDir() : ScInputOptions
- setMoveDirection() : ScSpreadsheetSettings
- SetMovementDependencies() : ScXMLChangeTrackingImportHelper
- SetMoveRanges() : ScXMLChangeTrackingImportHelper
- SetMoveSelection() : ScInputOptions
- setMoveSelection() : ScSpreadsheetSettings
- SetMultiMarkArea() : ScMarkData
- SetMultiSpanned() : ScXMLChangeTrackingImportHelper
- SetMutable() : ScMatrix
- SetName() : LotusFontBuffer
- setName() : sc::TablePivotChart
- SetName() : ScAccessibleContextBase, ScAutoFormatData
- setName() : ScAutoFormatObj, ScChartObj, ScDatabaseRangeObj, ScDataPilotDescriptor, ScDataPilotFieldGroupItemObj, ScDataPilotFieldGroupObj, ScDataPilotFieldObj, ScDataPilotItemObj, ScDataPilotTableObj, ScDDELinkObj
- SetName() : ScDocument
- setName() : ScDPDimension, ScDPHierarchy, ScDPLevel, ScDPMember
- SetName() : ScDPObject, ScDPSaveDimension, ScDPSaveMember
- setName() : ScNamedRangeObj
- SetName() : ScRawToken
- setName() : ScSheetLinkObj, ScStyleObj
- SetName() : ScStyleSheet, ScTable
- setName() : ScTableColumnObj, ScTableSheetObj, ScVbaChartObject, ScVbaControlObjectBase, ScVbaHyperlink, ScVbaName, ScVbaSheetObjectBase, ScVbaStyle, ScVbaWorksheet
- SetNamedRanges() : ScXMLImport
- SetNamedRangesLockCount() : ScDocument
- setNameLocal() : ScVbaName, ScVbaStyle
- SetNative() : ScXMLDatabaseRangeContext, ScXMLDataPilotTableContext
- SetNavigatorDlgFlag() : ScContentTree
- SetNeedNumberFormat() : ScFormulaCell
- SetNeedsDirty() : ScFormulaCell
- SetNeedsListening() : ScFormulaCell
- SetNeedsListeningGroup() : ScColumn, ScTable
- SetNeedsListeningGroups() : ScDocument
- setNegative() : sc::SparklineAttributes
- SetNew() : ScUpdateRect
- SetNewCell() : ScChangeActionContent, ScXMLChangeTrackingImportHelper
- SetNewCondFormatData() : ScXMLImport
- SetNewName() : ScRangeData
- setNewPortion() : oox::xls::HeaderFooterParser
- SetNewPortion() : XclImpHFConverter
- SetNewRangeNames() : ScDocFunc
- SetNewResMat() : ScJumpMatrix
- SetNewTable_Impl() : ScInsertTableDlg
- SetNewValue() : ScChangeActionContent
- SetNewValues() : sc::UndoSetCells
- SetNewVisArea() : ScTabView
- SetNext() : ScFormulaCell
- SetNextContent() : ScChangeActionContent
- SetNextTrack() : ScFormulaCell
- SetNoEndianSwap() : ScImportExport
- SetNoListening() : ScDocument
- SetNonLinkable() : ScXMLSourceDlg
- SetNonRotatedAnchor() : ScDrawLayer
- SetNormalString() : ScDocFunc
- SetNote() : ScDocument, ScTable
- SetNoteData() : XclImpNoteObj
- SetNoteShapes() : ScMyNotEmptyCellsIterator
- SetNoteText() : ScDocFunc, ScViewFunc
- SetNotifyLink() : ScLinkConfigItem
- SetNullDate() : ScXMLCalculationSettingsContext
- SetNullDateOnUnitConverter() : ScXMLImport
- SetNulSubstChar() : XclImpStream
- SetNumberFormat() : ScColumn, ScDocument, ScTable
- setNumberFormat() : ScVbaFormat< Ifc >, ScVbaRange
- SetNumberFormat() : ScViewFunc
- setNumberFormatLocal() : ScVbaFormat< Ifc >
- SetNumberFormatter() : ScCompiler
- setNumericCell() : sc::DocumentStreamAccess, ScDocumentImport
- setNumericInput() : ScSetStringParam
- SetNumFmt() : XclExpDefaultXF
- SetNumFmtByStr() : ScViewFunc
- SetNumFormat() : DifAttrCache, DifColumn, ScAutoFormatDataField
- SetNumGroupDimension() : ScDPGroupTableData
- SetNumGroupLimit() : XclExpPCField
- SetNumLines() : ScTextWnd, ScTextWndGroup
- SetNumType() : ScEditWindow, ScHeaderEditEngine, ScHFEditPage, XclPCNumGroupInfo
- SetObjectiveType() : sc::SolverSettings
- SetObjectSelectHdl() : ScEditWindow
- SetObjMode() : ScViewOptions
- SetODFRecalcOptions() : ScFormulaOptions
- SetOffset() : ScPrintFunc
- setOKAction() : ScCheckListMenuControl
- SetOkBtnLabel() : ScMoveTableDlg
- SetOkCancelMode() : ScInputWindow
- SetOldCursor() : ScViewData
- SetOldNewCells() : ScChangeActionContent
- SetOldValue() : ScChangeActionContent
- SetOleNameOverrideInfo() : XclImpObjectManager
- SetOleObjectShell() : ScTabViewShell
- setOn() : ScVbaAssistant
- setOnAction() : ScVbaControlObjectBase, ScVbaMenuItem
- SetOnePropertyValue() : ScCellObj, ScCellRangeObj, ScTableColumnObj, ScTableRowObj, ScTableSheetObj
- SetOnTable() : XMLTableShapeImportHelper
- SetOOXMLRecalcOptions() : ScFormulaOptions
- SetOpCode() : ScRawToken
- setOpenCLConfigToDefault() : ScCalcConfig
- SetOperation() : ScConditionEntry
- setOperator() : ScTableConditionalEntry, ScTableValidationObj
- SetOptimalHeight() : ScDocument, ScTable
- SetOptimalHeightOnly() : ScTable
- SetOptimalMinRowHeight() : ScTable
- setOption() : ScDocProtection, ScTableProtection, ScTableProtectionImpl
- SetOption() : ScViewOptions
- SetOptionalPropertyValue() : ScUnoHelpFunctions
- SetOptionName() : ScSolverIntegerDialog, ScSolverValueDialog
- SetOptions() : ScAppCfg, ScDefaultsCfg, ScDocCfg, ScFormulaCfg, ScInputCfg, ScPrintCfg, ScPrintSelectionStatus, ScViewCfg, ScViewData
- SetOptSizePixel() : ScDDComboBoxButton
- setOrder() : ScVbaPageSetup
- SetOrderIndices() : ScSortInfoArray
- setOrientation() : ScDataPilotFieldObj
- SetOrientation() : ScDPSaveDimension, ScDPSource
- setOrientation() : ScVbaButton, ScVbaFormat< Ifc >, TitleImpl< Ifc >
- setOriginDate() : ScDocumentImport
- SetOtherDoc() : AbstractScInsertContentsDlg, AbstractScInsertContentsDlg_Impl, ScInsertContentsDlg
- SetOutlineArray() : XclImpOutlineBuffer
- setOutlineFont() : ScVbaFont
- SetOutlineState() : ScDBFunc
- setOutlineState() : ScModelObj
- SetOutlineTable() : ScDocument, ScTable
- SetOutputDevice() : ScDDComboBoxButton
- SetOutRange() : ScDPObject
- SetOverallRange() : ScDataAreaExtras
- SetOverwriting() : ScImportExport
- SetPageAnchored() : ScDrawLayer, ScDrawView
- setPageBreak() : oox::xls::WorksheetGlobals, oox::xls::WorksheetHelper, ScVbaRange
- SetPagebreakMode() : ScOutputData, ScTabView, ScViewData
- setPageFieldCount() : ScDPOutputGeometry
- SetPageFieldInfo() : XclImpPTField
- SetPageMargins() : ScPreview
- SetPageNo() : ScPreview
- SetPageSize() : ScDocument, ScDrawLayer, ScTable
- SetPageStyle() : ScDocument, ScHFPage, ScTable
- SetPagesX() : ScPageRowEntry, ScPrintRangeData
- SetPagesY() : ScPrintRangeData
- setPaperSize() : ScVbaPageSetup
- SetPaperSize() : XclImpPageSettings
- SetParam() : ScConsolidationDescriptor, ScFilterDescriptor, ScSubTotalDescriptor, ScUnoAddInCall
- SetParameter() : sc::SolverSettings
- SetParent() : ScAccessibleContextBase
- setParent() : ScAnnotationObj
- SetParent() : ScColorFormat, ScColorScaleFormat, ScCondDateFormatEntry, ScConditionEntry, ScDataBarFormat, ScFormatEntry, ScIconSetFormat
- setParent() : ScShapeObj
- SetParent() : ScStyleSheet
- setParentStyle() : ScStyleObj
- setPart() : ScModelObj
- setPassword() : ScDocProtection, ScPassHashProtectable, ScTableProtection, ScTableProtectionImpl
- setPasswordHash() : ScDocProtection, ScPassHashProtectable, ScTableProtection, ScTableProtectionImpl
- SetPasteMode() : ScViewData
- SetPastingDrawFromOtherDoc() : ScDocument
- SetPattern() : ScAttrArray, ScColumn, ScDocument, ScDrawStringsVars, ScTable
- setPattern() : ScVbaInterior
- SetPatternArea() : ScAttrArray, ScColumn
- SetPatternAreaCondFormat() : ScTable
- SetPatternAreaImpl() : ScAttrArray
- SetPatternAreaSafe() : ScAttrArray
- setPatternColor() : ScVbaInterior
- setPatternColorIndex() : ScVbaInterior
- SetPatternSimple() : ScDrawStringsVars
- setPatternTintAndShade() : ScVbaInterior
- setPatternToEngine() : ScOutputData::DrawEditParam
- SetPendingRelTabBarWidth() : ScTabView
- SetPendingRowHeights() : ScDocument, ScTable
- SetPivotShell() : ScTabViewShell
- setPivotTableName() : sc::PivotTableDataProvider
- setPlacement() : ScVbaSheetObjectBase
- setPlotBy() : ScVbaChart
- SetPointPos() : XclImpChDataFormat
- setPopupEndAction() : ScCheckListMenuControl
- setPopupLeft() : ScDPFieldButton
- setPopupPressed() : ScDPFieldButton
- setPopupStartAction() : ScListSubMenuControl
- setPos() : ScCellIterator
- SetPos() : ScCondFrmtEntry, ScDataTableColView, ScDataTableRowView, ScDetOpData, ScOverlayHint, ScPosWnd
- SetPosition() : ScDPOutput, ScDPSaveData, ScXMLChangeTrackingImportHelper
- setPositionDelta() : sc::EndListeningContext
- SetPosLeft() : ScDocument
- SetPosPixel() : ScDDComboBoxButton
- SetPosSize() : ScOutlineEntry
- SetPosString() : ScInputWindow
- SetPosTop() : ScDocument
- SetPostProcessData() : ScXMLImport
- SetPosX() : ScViewData
- SetPosY() : ScViewData
- setPrecisionAsDisplayed() : ScVbaWorkbook
- setPredefinedId() : oox::xls::NumberFormat
- SetPrevContent() : ScChangeActionContent
- SetPreviewCellStyle() : ScDocument
- SetPreviewFont() : ScDocument
- SetPreviewSelection() : ScDocument
- SetPrevious() : ScFormulaCell
- SetPreviousChange() : ScXMLChangeTrackingImportHelper
- SetPreviousTrack() : ScFormulaCell
- SetPrintable() : XclObj
- setPrintAllSheets() : ScSpreadsheetSettings
- setPrintArea() : ScVbaPageSetup
- setPrintAreas() : ScTableSheetObj
- setPrintEmptyPages() : ScSpreadsheetSettings
- SetPrintEntireSheet() : ScDocument, ScTable
- SetPrinter() : ScDocShell, ScDocument, ScPreviewShell, ScTabViewShell
- setPrintGridlines() : ScVbaPageSetup
- setPrintHeadings() : ScVbaPageSetup
- setPrintObject() : ScVbaControlObjectBase, ScVbaSheetObjectBase
- SetPrintOptions() : ScDocument, ScModule
- SetPrintRange() : ScPrintRangeData
- SetPrintRanges() : ScViewFunc
- SetPrintTab() : ScPreviewLocationData
- setPrintTitleColumns() : ScTableSheetObj, ScVbaPageSetup
- setPrintTitleRows() : ScTableSheetObj, ScVbaPageSetup
- SetPrintZoom() : ScDocShell, ScViewFunc
- SetProcessSdrObj() : XclImpDrawObjBase
- SetProperties() : ScfPropertySet
- SetPropertiesFromDim() : XclExpPTField
- SetPropertiesFromDP() : XclExpPivotTable
- SetPropertiesFromMember() : XclExpPTItem
- setPropertiesToDefault() : ScStyleObj
- setProperty() : EnglishFunctionNameChange
- SetProperty() : ScfPropertySet
- setProperty() : ScSpreadsheetSettings
- setPropertyToDefault() : ScDocDefaultsObj, ScShapeObj, ScStyleObj
- setPropertyValue() : sc::PivotTableDataProvider, sc::PivotTableDataSequence, ScAddressConversionObj, ScAreaLinkObj, ScAutoFormatFieldObj, ScAutoFormatObj, ScCellSearchObj, ScChart2DataProvider, ScChart2DataSequence, ScColorScaleFormatObj, ScCondDateFormatObj, ScCondFormatObj, ScConditionEntryObj, ScDataBarFormatObj, ScDatabaseRangeObj, ScDataPilotDescriptorBase, ScDataPilotFieldObj, ScDataPilotItemObj, ScDocDefaultsObj, ScDocOptionsHelper, ScDocOptionsObj, ScDocumentConfiguration, ScDPDimension, ScDPLevel, ScDPMember, ScDPSource, ScEditFieldObj, ScFilterDescriptorBase, ScFormulaParserObj, ScFunctionAccess, ScIconSetFormatObj, ScLinkTargetTypeObj, ScModelObj, ScNamedRangeObj, ScNamedRangesObj, ScShapeObj, ScSheetLinkObj, ScSpreadsheetSettings, ScSpreadsheetSettingsObj, ScStyleFamilyObj, ScStyleObj, ScSubTotalDescriptorBase, ScTableColumnsObj, ScTableRowsObj, ScTableValidationObj, ScTabViewObj
- setPropertyValue_Impl() : ScStyleObj
- setPropertyValueDateTime() : ScEditFieldObj
- setPropertyValueFile() : ScEditFieldObj
- setPropertyValues() : ScFilterOptionsObj, ScStyleObj
- setPropertyValueSheet() : ScEditFieldObj
- setPropertyValueURL() : ScEditFieldObj
- setProtected() : ScDocProtection, ScPassHashProtectable, ScTableProtection, ScTableProtectionImpl
- SetProtection() : ScChangeTrack, ScProtectionAttr, ScTable, ScXMLChangeTrackingImportHelper
- SetProtectionPassword() : ScDocShell
- setProvider() : sc::ExternalDataSource
- SetQueryByBackgroundColor() : ScQueryEntry
- SetQueryByEmpty() : ScQueryEntry
- SetQueryByNonEmpty() : ScQueryEntry
- SetQueryByTextColor() : ScQueryEntry
- SetQueryParam() : ScDatabaseRangeObj, ScDBData, ScSheetSourceDesc
- SetQuotedAsText() : ScAsciiOptions
- setRange() : oox::xls::LinkSheetRange, ScChart2DataSequence
- SetRange() : ScComplexRefData, ScCondFormatList, ScConditionalFormat
- SetRangeDirty() : ScChartListenerCollection
- SetRangeFinder() : ScInputOptions
- setRangeFinder() : ScSpreadsheetSettings
- SetRangeFirst() : ScDPItemData
- SetRangeLast() : ScDPItemData
- SetRangeLinkable() : ScXMLSourceDlg
- SetRangeList() : ScChartListener, ScChartPositioner
- SetRangeName() : ScDocument
- setRangeName() : ScExternalRefCache
- SetRangeName() : ScSheetSourceDesc, ScTable
- setRangeNameTokens() : ScExternalRefCache
- SetRangeOverflowType() : ScDocument, ScXMLImport
- setRanges() : ScChartObj
- SetRanges() : ScPrintSelectionStatus
- SetRangeStart() : ScDPItemData
- SetRawString() : ScColumn, ScTable
- setReadingOrder() : ScVbaFormat< Ifc >
- setReadyForFinalize() : oox::xls::CondFormat
- setRecentFunctionIds() : ScRecentFunctionsObj
- SetRecHeader() : XclExpRecord
- SetRecId() : XclExpRecord
- SetRecSize() : XclExpRecord
- SetRect() : XclObjAnchor
- SetRefConvention() : ScCompiler
- SetRefConventionChartOOXML() : ScCompiler
- SetRefDevice() : ScOutputData
- SetRefDialog() : ScModule
- SetRefEnd() : ScViewData
- SetReference() : sc::SparklineDataRangeDialog, sc::SparklineDialog, ScColRowNameRangesDlg, ScCondFormatDlg, ScConsolidateDlg
- setReference() : ScDataPilotFieldObj
- SetReference() : ScDbNameDlg, ScFilterDlg, ScFormulaDlg, ScHighlightChgDlg, ScInputHandler, ScModule, ScNameDefDlg, ScNameDlg, ScOptSolverDlg, ScPivotLayoutDialog, ScPrintAreasDlg, ScRandomNumberGeneratorDialog, ScRefHandler, ScSamplingDialog, ScSimpleRefDlg, ScSolverDlg, ScSpecialFilterDlg, ScStatisticsInputOutputDialog, ScStatisticsTwoVariableDialog, ScTabOpDlg, ScValidationDlg, ScXMLSourceDlg
- setReferenced() : ScExternalRefCache::Table
- SetReferenceHdl() : ScTPValidationValue
- setReferencePosition() : ScNamedRangeObj
- SetReferenceValue() : ScDPSaveDimension
- setRefersTo() : ScVbaName
- setRefersToLocal() : ScVbaName
- setRefersToR1C1() : ScVbaName
- setRefersToR1C1Local() : ScVbaName
- SetRefInputDonePostHdl() : ScRefHandlerHelper
- SetRefInputHdl() : ScModule
- SetRefInputStartPreHdl() : ScRefHandlerHelper
- SetRefMode() : ScViewData
- SetRefreshControl() : ScRefreshTimer
- setRefreshDelay() : ScAreaLinkObj
- SetRefreshDelay() : ScRefreshTimer
- setRefreshDelay() : ScSheetLinkObj
- SetRefreshHandler() : ScDBCollection, ScRefreshTimer
- SetRefreshOnEmptyLine() : sc::DataStream
- SetRefScale() : ScInputHandler
- SetRefStart() : ScViewData
- SetRefString() : ScSimpleRefDlg, ScSimpleRefDlgWrapper
- SetRefTabNo() : ScViewData
- SetRefViewShell() : ScInputHandler
- SetRejectAction() : ScChangeAction
- SetRejected() : ScChangeAction
- SetRejectingNumber() : ScXMLChangeTrackingImportHelper
- setRelativeFileName() : ScExternalRefManager
- SetRelCol() : ScRefAddress, ScSingleRefData
- SetRelName() : ScSingleRefData
- SetRelNameReference() : ScCompiler
- SetRelRow() : ScRefAddress, ScSingleRefData
- SetRelTab() : ScRefAddress, ScSingleRefData
- SetRelTabBarWidth() : ScTabView
- SetRemoveSpace() : ScAsciiOptions
- SetRenderFlag() : ScPrintFunc
- SetRepaintCallback() : ScColorScaleEntry
- SetRepeat() : ScPrintSaverTab
- SetRepeatArea() : ScDocument, ScTable
- SetRepeatAttribute() : ScXMLExport
- SetRepeatColRange() : ScDocument, ScTable
- SetRepeatIfEmpty() : ScDPSaveData
- setRepeatIfEmpty() : ScDPSource
- setRepeatItemLabels() : ScDataPilotFieldObj
- SetRepeatItemLabels() : ScDPSaveDimension, ScXMLDataPilotFieldContext
- SetRepeatRowRange() : ScDocument, ScTable
- SetReplaceCellsWarn() : ScInputOptions
- setReplaceCellsWarning() : ScSpreadsheetSettings
- setReplaceString() : ScCellSearchObj
- SetResult() : ScDdeLink, ScDPAggData, ScUnoAddInCall
- SetResultDouble() : ScFormulaCell
- SetResultError() : ScFormulaCell, ScFormulaResult
- SetResultMatrix() : ScFormulaCell
- setResults() : ScDDELinkObj
- setResultSize() : oox::xls::ExternalName
- SetResultToken() : ScFormulaCell
- setReversePlotOrder() : ScVbaAxis
- setRgb() : oox::xls::Color
- SetRightArea() : ScPageHFItem
- setRightFooter() : ScVbaPageSetup
- setRightHeader() : ScVbaPageSetup
- setRightToLeft() : sc::SparklineAttributes
- setRole() : sc::PivotTableDataSequence
- SetRootSelected() : ScNavigatorSettings
- SetRootType() : ScContentTree, ScNavipiCfg
- SetRotation() : XclExpChAxis, XclExpChFontBase, XclExpChText, XclExpChTick
- SetRow() : ScAddress, ScBigAddress
- SetRowBreak() : ScDocument, ScTable
- SetRowDefXF() : XclImpXFRangeBuffer
- SetRowDeleted() : ScSingleRefData
- setRowFieldCount() : ScDPOutputGeometry
- SetRowFiltered() : ScDocument, ScTable
- SetRowFlags() : ScDocument, ScTable
- setRowFormat() : oox::xls::SheetDataBuffer
- SetRowGrand() : ScDPSaveData
- SetRowHeight() : ScDocument, ScTable
- setRowHeight() : ScVbaRange
- SetRowHeightOnly() : ScDocument, ScTable
- SetRowHeightRange() : ScDocument, ScTable
- SetRowHidden() : ScDocument, ScTable
- SetRowInfo() : ScPreviewTableInfo
- SetRowManualBreaks() : ScTable
- setRowModel() : oox::xls::WorksheetGlobals, oox::xls::WorksheetHelper
- SetRowRel() : ScSingleRefData
- SetRowSettings() : XclImpColRowSettings
- SetRowStyle() : ScMyStylesImportHelper, ScMyTables
- setRowsVisible() : ScDocumentImport
- SetRowText() : ScMemChart
- SetRunning() : ScFormulaCell
- setSameSheet() : oox::xls::LinkSheetRange
- SetSaveData() : ScDPObject
- SetSaveLater() : ScAutoFormat
- SetSbxVariable() : ScInterpreter
- setScale() : ScSpreadsheetSettings
- setScaleType() : ScVbaAxis
- SetScDateType() : XclPCNumGroupInfo
- SetScenario() : ScDocument, ScTable
- SetScenarioColor() : ScTable
- SetScenarioComment() : ScTable
- setScenarioComment() : ScTableSheetObj
- SetScenarioData() : AbstractScNewScenarioDlg, AbstractScNewScenarioDlg_Impl, ScDocument, ScNewScenarioDlg
- SetScenarioFlags() : ScTable
- SetScenButSize() : ScViewData
- SetScEscapement() : XclFontData
- SetScFamily() : XclFontData
- SetScFrameDir() : XclCellAlign
- SetScHeight() : XclFontData
- SetScHorAlign() : XclCellAlign
- SetScPaperSize() : XclPageData
- SetScPosture() : XclFontData
- SetScreen() : ScViewData
- SetScreenPos() : ScViewData
- setScreenTip() : ScVbaHyperlink
- setScreenUpdating() : ScVbaApplication
- SetScript() : ScSheetEvents
- SetScriptType() : ScColumn, ScDocument, ScTable
- SetScrollBar() : ScTabView
- SetScrollBarRange() : ScTextWnd
- setScrollColumn() : ScVbaPane, ScVbaWindow
- SetScrollPolicy() : ScTextWndGroup
- setScrollRow() : ScVbaPane, ScVbaWindow
- SetScStrikeout() : XclFontData
- SetScUnderline() : XclFontData
- SetScVerAlign() : XclCellAlign
- SetScWeight() : XclFontData
- SetSdrObject() : XclExpDffAnchorBase
- SetSearchItem() : ScGlobal
- setSearchString() : ScCellSearchObj
- SetSearchType() : ScXMLDPFilterContext
- SetSecondFormula() : ScTPValidationValue
- SetSeenInPath() : ScFormulaCell
- SetSelColumnType() : ScCsvGrid
- SetSelCtrlMouseClick() : ScViewData
- SetSelectDefinedList() : ScHFEditPage
- SetSelectedCharSet() : ScImportAsciiDlg
- setSelectedMenuItem() : ScCheckListMenuControl
- SetSelectedPage() : ScXMLDataPilotTableContext
- SetSelectedTabs() : ScMarkData, ScPreview
- setSelection() : ScAccessibleCsvRuler
- SetSelection() : ScDPFunctionListBox, ScEditViewForwarder
- setSelection() : ScFormulaDlg
- SetSelectionEngine() : ScViewFunctionSet
- SetSelectionFrameLines() : ScViewFunc
- SetSelectionTransfer() : ScModule
- setSelfLinkType() : oox::xls::ExternalLink
- SetSelIsRef() : ScInputHandler
- SetSelItem() : sc::sidebar::CellLineStyleValueSet
- SetSeparator() : ScImportExport
- SetSeparators() : ScImportAsciiDlg
- SetSeparatorsMode() : ScCsvTableBox
- SetSeriesData() : XclImpChSerErrorBar
- SetServiceData() : ScDPObject
- SetServiceName() : ScUnoAddInHelpIdGenerator, ScXMLDataPilotTableContext
- SetServicePassword() : ScXMLDataPilotTableContext
- SetServiceSourceName() : ScXMLDataPilotTableContext
- SetServiceSourceObject() : ScXMLDataPilotTableContext
- SetServiceUsername() : ScXMLDataPilotTableContext
- SetSetActHdl() : ScRefHandlerHelper
- SetSetRefHdl() : ScRefHandlerHelper
- setShape() : ScVbaChartObject
- SetShape() : ScXMLAnnotationContext
- setShapeId() : XclExpTbxControlObj
- setShapeRect() : ScDrawObjData
- SetShapes() : ScMyNotEmptyCellsIterator
- SetSharedData() : ScXMLExport
- SetSheetCount() : oox::xls::FormulaBuffer
- SetSheetDesc() : ScDPObject
- SetSheetEvents() : ScDocument, ScTable
- SetSheetLayoutRTL() : ScTabControl
- SetSheetLink() : ScLinkRefreshedHint
- setSheetName() : ScDocumentImport
- SetSheetNamedRanges() : ScXMLImport
- setSheetUsedArea() : oox::xls::ViewSettings
- setSheetViewSettings() : oox::xls::ViewSettings
- SetShowAccepted() : ScChangeViewSettings
- SetShowAxis() : XclExpChLineFormat
- SetShowChanges() : ScChangeViewSettings
- setShowDetail() : ScVbaRange
- SetShowDetails() : ScDPSaveMember
- setShowEmpty() : ScDataPilotFieldObj
- SetShowEmpty() : ScDPSaveDimension, ScXMLDataPilotFieldContext
- setShowError() : ScVbaValidation
- SetShowFormulas() : ScOutputData
- SetShowGrid() : ScViewData
- setShowInput() : ScVbaValidation
- SetShowNullValues() : ScOutputData
- SetShowRejected() : ScChangeViewSettings
- SetShowSharedDocumentWarning() : ScAppOptions
- SetShowSpellErrors() : ScOutputData
- setShowWindowsInTaskbar() : ScVbaApplication
- SetShrinkScale() : ScDrawStringsVars
- setShrinkToFit() : ScVbaFormat< Ifc >
- SetSimpleMacro() : XclImpDrawObjBase
- setSingleCell() : sc::CopyFromClipContext
- setSingleCellColumnSize() : sc::CopyFromClipContext
- setSingleCellNote() : sc::CopyFromClipContext
- setSingleCellPattern() : sc::CopyFromClipContext
- SetSingleLinkable() : ScXMLSourceDlg
- SetSingleReference() : ScRawToken
- setSingleSparkline() : sc::CopyFromClipContext
- SetSize() : ScConsData, ScOutlineEntry
- SetSizePixel() : ScDDComboBoxButton, ScInputWindow
- SetSkipEmpty() : ScPrintOptions
- SetSkipEmptyCells() : ScAsciiOptions
- SetSkipObj() : XclImpDrawing
- setSkipRange() : sc::RefQueryFormulaGroup
- setSkipUnusedFileIds() : ScExternalRefManager
- setSlaveDispatchProvider() : ScDispatchProviderInterceptor
- SetSliceSize() : XclExpStream
- SetSnapPixel() : ScOutputData
- SetSolidBackground() : ScOutputData
- SetSortedRangeCache() : ScQueryCellIteratorAccessSpecific< ScQueryCellIteratorAccess::SortedCache >
- setSortInfo() : ScDataPilotFieldObj
- SetSortInfo() : ScDPSaveDimension, ScXMLDataPilotFieldContext
- SetSortParam() : ScDBData, ScDocument
- SetSortRefUpdate() : ScInputOptions
- SetSortSequence() : ScXMLDatabaseRangeContext
- SetSource() : ScAreaLink
- setSourceArea() : ScAreaLinkObj
- SetSourceCellRangeAddress() : ScXMLDataPilotTableContext
- SetSourceCursorPos() : ScTransferObj
- setSourceData() : ScVbaChart
- setSourceDocID() : ScClipParam
- setSourceDocument() : ScFilterOptionsObj, ScXMLExport
- SetSourceObject() : ScXMLDatabaseRangeContext, ScXMLDataPilotTableContext
- setSourcePosition() : ScTableConditionalEntry, ScTableValidationObj
- SetSourceQueryParam() : ScXMLDataPilotTableContext
- setSourceRange() : ScDataPilotDescriptorBase
- SetSourceRange() : ScSheetSourceDesc
- SetSourceRangeName() : ScXMLDataPilotTableContext
- setSources() : ScConsolidationDescriptor
- SetSourceStream() : ScXMLExport
- SetSourceType() : ScXMLDatabaseRangeContext
- setSpans() : sc::BulkDataHint
- SetSparklineShell() : ScTabViewShell
- SetSpellCheckContext() : ScOutputData
- SetSpellingView() : ScViewData
- setSplit() : ScVbaWindow
- setSplitColumn() : ScVbaWindow
- setSplitHorizontal() : ScVbaWindow
- setSplitRow() : ScVbaWindow
- SetSplits() : ScCsvGrid
- setSplitVertical() : ScVbaWindow
- SetSqref() : oox::xls::DataValidationsContextBase
- SetSrcCharSet() : ScDocument
- SetSrcString() : ScConditionEntry
- SetStacked() : XclExpChType
- SetStackedGroup() : XclEscherHostAppData
- SetStamp() : FormIdent
- setStandardFont() : ScVbaFont
- setStandardFontSize() : ScVbaFont
- SetStartLastCut() : ScChangeActionMove
- setStartListening() : sc::CopyToDocContext
- setStartOutputPosition() : ScConsolidationDescriptor
- SetStartRow() : ScAsciiOptions, ScPageRowEntry
- SetState() : ScChangeAction, ScProgress
- SetStateCountDown() : ScProgress
- SetStateCountDownOnPercent() : ScProgress
- SetStateOnPercent() : ScProgress
- SetStatistics() : ScXMLImport
- setStatusBar() : ScVbaApplication
- setStatusBarFunction() : ScSpreadsheetSettings
- SetStatusFunc() : ScAppOptions
- setStatusIndicator() : ScOrcusFactory
- SetStdPrecision() : ScDocOptions
- SetStopOnMismatch() : ScQueryCellIteratorBase< accessType, queryType >
- SetStorageGrammar() : ScDocument
- SetStreamPath() : ScImportExport
- SetStreamPos() : ExcBundlesheetBase
- SetStreamValid() : ScDocument, ScTable
- setString() : ScAnnotationObj, ScCellObj
- SetString() : ScColumn, ScDocument, ScDPItemData
- setString() : ScHeaderFooterTextObj, ScLookupCache::QueryCriteria
- SetString() : ScRawToken
- setString() : ScShapeObj
- SetString() : ScTable, ScUserListData, XclImpChSourceLink, XclImpChText
- SetString_Impl() : ScCellObj
- setStringCell() : oox::xls::SheetDataBuffer, sc::DocumentStreamAccess
- SetStringCell() : ScDocFunc
- setStringCell() : ScDocumentImport
- SetStringInterned() : ScDPItemData
- SetStringOrEditCell() : ScDocFunc
- SetStringProperty() : ScfPropertySet, XclImpControlHelper
- SetStringRefSyntax() : ScCalcConfig
- SetStringRefSyntaxIfMissing() : ScXMLImport
- setStringValue() : oox::xls::PivotCacheItem
- SetStripData() : ScDBData
- SetStrLen() : XclExpString
- setStyle() : ScVbaRange
- SetStyle() : XMLTableStyleContext
- SetStyleDlg() : ScHFPage
- SetStyleIcon() : sc::sidebar::CellAppearancePropertyPanel
- SetStyleName() : ScCondDateFormatEntry
- setStyleName() : ScTableConditionalEntry
- SetStyleName() : ScXMLCellFieldDateContext, ScXMLCellFieldSContext, ScXMLCellFieldSheetNameContext, ScXMLCellFieldTitleContext, ScXMLCellFieldURLContext
- SetStyleSheet() : ScPatternAttr
- SetStyleSheetToMarked() : ScViewFunc
- SetStylesToRanges() : ScMyStyleRanges, ScMyStylesImportHelper
- SetStylesToRangesFinished() : ScXMLImport
- SetStyleToRanges() : ScXMLImport
- setSubAddress() : ScVbaHyperlink
- setSubMenuFocused() : ScCheckListMenuControl
- SetSubTotalCellsDirty() : ScDocument
- setSubTotalColumns() : ScSubTotalFieldObj
- SetSubtotalName() : ScDPSaveDimension
- SetSubTotalName() : ScXMLDataPilotFieldContext
- SetSubTotalParam() : ScDatabaseRangeObj, ScDBData
- setSubtotals() : ScDataPilotFieldObj
- SetSubTotals() : ScDPSaveDimension, ScSubTotalParam, ScXMLDataPilotFieldContext
- SetSubtotals() : XclPTFieldInfo
- SetSubTotalsAscending() : ScXMLDatabaseRangeContext
- SetSubTotalsBindFormatsToContent() : ScXMLDatabaseRangeContext
- SetSubTotalsEnabledUserList() : ScXMLDatabaseRangeContext
- SetSubTotalsInsertPageBreaks() : ScXMLDatabaseRangeContext
- SetSubTotalsIsCaseSensitive() : ScXMLDatabaseRangeContext
- SetSubTotalsSortGroups() : ScXMLDatabaseRangeContext
- SetSubTotalsUserListIndex() : ScXMLDatabaseRangeContext
- SetSumAssignMode() : ScInputWindow
- SetSvStreamError() : XclImpStream
- SetSvStreamPos() : XclExpStream
- SetSynchronizeZoom() : ScAppOptions
- SetSyntaxColor() : ScOutputData
- SetSyntaxMode() : ScOutputData, ScViewData
- SetSystemColor() : XclExpChRoot
- SetTab() : ScAddress, ScAttrArray, ScBigAddress, ScHorizontalCellIterator, ScPreviewTableInfo, XclObj
- SetTabBarWidth() : ScTabView
- SetTabBgColor() : ScDocFunc, ScDocument, ScTable, ScViewFunc
- SetTabDeleted() : ScSingleRefData
- SetTabDistance() : ScDocOptions
- SetTableColumnAttributes() : ScDBData
- SetTableColumnNames() : ScDBData
- SetTableData() : ScRetypePassDlg
- setTableOpCells() : ScDocumentImport
- SetTableOpDirty() : ScColumn, ScDocument, ScFormulaCell, ScTable
- setTableOperation() : ScCellRangeObj
- setTableProtected() : sc::CopyFromClipContext
- SetTableStyle() : ScMyTables
- SetTableVisible() : ScDocFunc
- SetTabNameOnLoad() : ScDocument
- setTabNo() : sc::SpellCheckContext
- SetTabNo() : ScColumn, ScTable, ScTabView, ScViewData
- SetTabProtection() : ScDocument
- SetTabProtectionSymbol() : ScTabView
- setTabRange() : sc::CopyFromClipContext
- setTabRatio() : ScVbaWindow
- SetTabRel() : ScSingleRefData
- SetTabStartCol() : ScViewData
- setTag() : ScDataPilotDescriptor, ScDataPilotTableObj
- SetTag() : ScDPObject
- setTargetDocument() : ScFilterOptionsObj, ScXMLImport
- setTemplate() : FormulaTemplate
- SetTestEqualCondition() : ScQueryCellIteratorBase< accessType, queryType >
- setText() : oox::xls::RichStringPhonetic, oox::xls::RichStringPortion
- SetText() : ScAbstractTabController_Impl
- setText() : ScDPFieldButton
- SetText() : ScDrawStringsVars, ScEditEngineDefaulter, ScEditEngineTextObj, ScEditWindow, ScPostIt
- setText() : ScVbaButton, ScVbaButtonCharacters, ScVbaCharacters, ScVbaTextBoxShape, TitleImpl< Ifc >
- SetText() : XclImpString, XclObj, XclPCItem
- SetTextCell() : ScDocument
- SetTextCurrentDefaults() : ScEditEngineDefaulter
- SetTextData() : XclImpTextObj
- SetTextEncoding() : ScImportOptions, XclRoot
- SetTextFormats() : XclImpChSourceLink
- setTextInput() : ScSetStringParam
- SetTextNewDefaults() : ScEditEngineDefaulter
- setTextSelection() : ScModelObj
- SetTextSep() : ScAsciiOptions
- SetTextString() : ScInputBarGroup, ScInputWindow, ScTextWnd, ScTextWndBase, ScTextWndGroup
- setTextToDisplay() : ScVbaHyperlink
- SetTextToWidthOrHash() : ScDrawStringsVars
- SetTextWidth() : ScColumn
- SetTextWysiwyg() : ScInputOptions
- SetTheActionRange() : ScChangeViewSettings
- SetTheAuthorToShow() : ScChangeViewSettings
- SetTheComment() : ScChangeViewSettings
- SetTheDateMode() : ScChangeViewSettings
- SetTheFirstDateTime() : ScChangeViewSettings
- SetTheLastDateTime() : ScChangeViewSettings
- setTheme() : oox::xls::Color
- setThemeColor() : ScVbaInterior
- SetTheRangeList() : ScChangeViewSettings
- SetThreadedGroupCalcInProgress() : ScDocument
- SetTicksBetweenCateg() : XclExpChLabelRange
- SetTimeLimit() : ScSolverProgressDialog
- SetTimeNanoSeconds() : ScChangeTrack
- SetTimer() : ScTabView
- setTintAndShade() : ScVbaBorders, ScVbaInterior
- setTitle() : ScFilterOptionsObj, ScVbaFileDialog
- setTitleColumns() : ScTableSheetObj
- setTitleRows() : ScTableSheetObj
- SetToDocument() : XclImpStringHelper
- SetToken() : ScFormulaResult
- setTokens() : ScCellObj, ScNamedRangeObj, ScTableValidationObj
- setTop() : ScVbaAssistant, ScVbaAxis, ScVbaOLEObject, ScVbaSheetObjectBase, TitleImpl< Ifc >
- SetTopDown() : ScPrintRangeData
- SetTopic() : ScXMLDDELinkContext
- setToPointInTime() : ScChart2DataSequence
- SetTotals() : ScDBData
- SetTrackContentColor() : ScAppOptions
- SetTrackDeleteColor() : ScAppOptions
- SetTrackFormulasPending() : ScDocument
- SetTrackInsertColor() : ScAppOptions
- SetTrackMoveColor() : ScAppOptions
- SetTrendlineName() : XclImpChSerTrendLine
- SetTrimToData() : ScComplexRefData
- setTrue() : ScFlatBoolColSegments, ScFlatBoolRowSegments, ScFlatBoolSegmentsImpl
- SetType() : LotusFontBuffer
- setType() : sc::SparklineAttributes
- SetType() : ScChangeAction, ScColorScaleEntry
- setType() : ScColorScaleEntryObj, ScDataBarEntryObj, ScIconSetEntryObj, ScNamedRangeObj, ScVbaAxis, ScVbaPageBreak< Ifc >
- SetType() : ScXMLImport
- SetTypeNames() : ScCsvGrid
- SetUILanguage() : XclRoot
- setUnderline() : ScVbaFont
- SetUndoOffset() : ScUndoRedoContext
- SetUniStrings() : ScCsvTableBox
- SetUnit() : sc::sidebar::CellLineStyleValueSet
- SetUno() : ScChartListener
- SetUnoLinks() : ScSimpleRefDlg, ScSimpleRefDlgWrapper
- setup() : sc::SpellCheckContext
- Setup() : ScPivotLayoutTreeList, ScPivotLayoutTreeListBase
- setupCollatorIfNeeded() : ScQueryEvaluator
- SetupContextFromNonThreadedContext() : ScDocument
- SetUpdateChain() : ScBroadcastAreaSlotMachine
- SetUpdateChainNext() : ScBroadcastArea
- setUpdatedName() : sc::UpdatedRangeNames
- SetUpdateEnabled() : ScDocShell
- setUpdateFrequency() : sc::ExternalDataSource
- SetUpdateQueue() : ScChartListener
- SetUpdateRefs() : ScSortInfoArray
- SetUpdateTextHdl() : ScCsvTableBox
- SetupDecrypter() : XclImpStream
- SetupDestination() : ScPivotLayoutDialog
- SetupInitialPageBreaks() : ScGridWindow
- SetupMenu() : ScListSubMenuControl
- SetUpperLeftDouble() : ScMatrixFormulaCellToken
- SetupRawRecord() : XclImpStream
- SetupRecord() : XclImpStream
- SetupRefDlg() : ScTPValidationValue, ScValidationDlg
- SetupSeparatorCtrls() : ScImportAsciiDlg
- SetupSource() : ScPivotLayoutDialog
- setupTransliteratorIfNeeded() : ScQueryEvaluator
- setupValues() : sc::SparklineDataRangeDialog, sc::SparklineDialog
- setURL() : sc::ExternalDataSource
- setUrlComponents() : ScVbaHyperlink
- SetUsage() : ScStyleSheet
- setUseColumnHeaders() : ScConsolidationDescriptor
- setUseCurrentPage() : ScDataPilotFieldObj
- SetUsed() : ScChartListener
- SetUsedFlags() : XclImpCellArea, XclImpCellBorder, XclImpXF
- SetUsedFormatIndex() : XclImpChTypeGroup
- SetUsedHierarchy() : ScDPSaveDimension
- SetUseEnglishFuncName() : ScFormulaOptions
- SetUseFixDateTime() : ScChangeTrack
- SetUseInApi() : ScTransferObj
- setUsePrinterMetrics() : ScSpreadsheetSettings
- SetUser() : ScChangeAction, ScChangeTrack
- SetUserDefinedAttributes() : ScVbaInterior
- SetUserFuncVolatile() : ScMacroManager
- SetUserList() : ScGlobal, ScUserListItem
- setUserLists() : ScSpreadsheetSettings
- setUseRowHeaders() : ScConsolidationDescriptor
- SetUseStyleColor() : ScOutputData, ScPrintFunc
- SetUseTabCol() : ScInputOptions
- setUseTabCol() : ScSpreadsheetSettings
- SetValidation() : oox::xls::DataValidationsContextBase
- setValidation() : oox::xls::WorksheetGlobals, oox::xls::WorksheetHelper
- SetValidation() : ScViewFunc
- SetValString() : ScFilterDlg
- setValue() : calc::OCellValueBinding
- SetValue() : ExcScenarioCell
- setValue() : sc::CellValues, ScCellObj
- SetValue() : ScChangeActionContent, ScColorScaleEntry, ScColumn
- setValue() : ScColumnTextWidthIterator
- SetValue() : ScCompressedArray< A, D >, ScDocument, ScDoubleField, ScDPGroupEditHelper, ScDPItemData
- setValue() : ScFlatUInt16RowSegments
- SetValue() : ScSolverIntegerDialog, ScSolverValueDialog, ScTable, ScUndoSetCell
- setValue() : ScVbaApplication, ScVbaButton, ScVbaName, ScVbaRange, ScVbaWorksheet, ScVbaWSFunction
- SetValue() : XclExpValueRecord< Type >
- setValue2() : ScVbaRange
- SetValue_Impl() : ScCellObj
- SetValueAttributes() : ScChangeTrackingExportHelper
- setValueCell() : oox::xls::SheetDataBuffer
- SetValueCell() : ScDocFunc
- SetValueCells() : ScDocFunc
- setValueIf() : ScFlatUInt16RowSegments
- SetValues() : ScColumn, ScDocument, ScTable
- SetValueString() : ScChangeActionContent
- SetVbaEventProcessor() : ScDocument
- setVbaProjectStorage() : oox::xls::WorkbookGlobals, oox::xls::WorkbookHelper
- SetVerAlign() : XclTxo
- setVerticalAlignment() : ScVbaButton, ScVbaFormat< Ifc >
- setView() : ScVbaWindow
- SetViewMarkData() : ScSimpleUndo
- SetViewOptions() : ScDocument, ScModule
- SetViewSettings() : ScXMLImport
- SetViewShell() : ScOutputData
- SetVisArea() : ScDocShell
- SetVisAreaOrSize() : ScDocShell
- SetVisible() : ScDocument, ScOutlineEntry, ScTable
- setVisible() : ScVbaAssistant, ScVbaComment, ScVbaName, ScVbaOLEObject, ScVbaWorksheet, ScVbaWorksheets
- SetVisibleBelow() : ScOutlineArray
- SetVisibleTab() : ScDocument, ScTransferObj
- SetVisName() : XclPTVisNameInfo
- setVmlDrawingPath() : oox::xls::WorksheetGlobals, oox::xls::WorksheetHelper
- SetVSplitMode() : ScViewData
- SetVSplitPos() : ScViewData
- SetWaterCan() : ScModule
- setWeight() : ScVbaBorders
- SetWhich() : ScHeaderFunctionSet, ScViewSelectionEngine
- setWholeTableCached() : ScExternalRefCache::Table
- SetWidth() : ScHeaderControl, ScPageScaleToItem
- setWidth() : ScVbaAxis, ScVbaOLEObject, ScVbaSheetObjectBase
- SetWidthOrHeight() : ScDocFunc, ScViewFunc
- SetWidthRange() : XclImpColRowSettings
- SetWidths() : ScHTMLLayoutParser
- SetWindow() : FuPoor
- setWindowState() : ScVbaApplication, ScVbaWindow
- SetWK3() : LotusToSc
- setWrapText() : ScVbaFormat< Ifc >, ScVbaRange
- SetWriteCalcConfig() : ScDocOptions, ScFormulaOptions
- SetXclCol() : XclExpCellBase
- SetXclDataType() : XclPCNumGroupInfo
- SetXclObj() : XclEscherClientTextbox
- SetXclRowRpt() : XclExpRow
- SetXF() : XclImpXFRangeBuffer, XclImpXFRangeColumn
- SetXFId() : XclExpSingleCellBase
- SetXmlIds() : XclExpXF
- setXMLImportParam() : sc::ExternalDataSource
- SetXOffset() : ScPreview
- SetYear2000() : ScDocOptions
- SetYOffset() : ScPreview
- SetZoom() : ScAppOptions, ScPreview, ScTabView, ScTabViewObj
- setZoom() : ScVbaPageSetup, ScVbaWindow
- SetZoom() : ScViewData
- SetZoomFactor() : ScTabViewShell
- SetZoomPercentFromCommand() : ScTabView
- SetZoomType() : ScAppOptions, ScTabView, ScTabViewObj, ScViewData
- sExternalRefTabStyleName : ScXMLExport
- sFieldNumber : ScXMLSortByContext, ScXMLSubTotalFieldContext
- sFilter : ScMyAreaLink
- sFilterName : ScMyImpCellRangeSource, ScXMLTableSourceContext
- sFilterOptions : ScMyAreaLink, ScMyImpCellRangeSource, ScXMLTableSourceContext
- sFormatstring : ScNumFormatAbbrev
- sFormula : ScMyCellInfo
- sFormula1 : ScMyImportValidation, ScMyValidation
- sFormula2 : ScMyImportValidation, ScMyValidation
- sFormulaAddress : ScMyCellInfo
- sFormulaNmsp1 : ScMyImportValidation
- sFormulaNmsp2 : ScMyImportValidation
- sFunction : ScXMLSubTotalFieldContext
- SFX_DECL_CHILDWINDOW() : ScNavigatorWrapper
- SFX_DECL_CHILDWINDOW_WITHID() : sc::SearchResultsDlgWrapper, ScAcceptChgDlgWrapper, ScInputWindowWrapper, ScSimpleRefDlgWrapper, ScSpellDialogChildWindow, ScValidityRefChildWin
- SFX_DECL_TOOLBOX_CONTROL() : sc::ScNumberFormatControl, ScZoomSliderControl
- SFX_DECL_VIEWFACTORY() : ScPreviewShell, ScTabViewShell
- SfxItemSetRef : XclChEscherFormat
- SfxKeyInput() : ScTabViewShell
- sGroupSource : ScXMLDataPilotFieldContext
- Shape() : oox::xls::Shape
- ShapeAnchor() : oox::xls::ShapeAnchor
- ShapeAnchorRef : oox::xls::DrawingFragment
- ShapeMacroAttacher() : oox::xls::ShapeMacroAttacher
- Shapes() : ScVbaWorksheet
- ShapesMap : ScChildrenShapes
- ShapeUnoEventAccessImpl : ScShapeObj, ShapeUnoEventAccessImpl
- ShapeVector : ScVbaObjectContainer
- SharedFormulaBuffer() : SharedFormulaBuffer
- SharedFormulaDesc() : oox::xls::FormulaBuffer::SharedFormulaDesc
- SharedFormulaEntry() : oox::xls::FormulaBuffer::SharedFormulaEntry
- SharedFormulaGroupEntry() : sc::SharedFormulaGroupEntry
- SharedStrBfrPtr : oox::xls::WorkbookGlobals
- sharedstring : ScRawToken
- SharedStringMapType : SpellCheckContext::SpellCheckCache
- SharedStringPoolPurge() : sc::SharedStringPoolPurge
- SharedStringsBuffer() : oox::xls::SharedStringsBuffer
- SharedStringsFragment() : oox::xls::SharedStringsFragment
- SharePooledResources() : ScDocument
- Sheet() : XclImpSheetProtectBuffer::Sheet
- SHEET_SEPARATOR : ScCompiler::Convention
- SheetAnonymous : ScDBCollection
- SheetCaches() : ScDPCollection::SheetCaches
- SheetChanged() : ScTabViewObj
- SheetDataBuffer() : oox::xls::SheetDataBuffer
- SheetDataContext() : oox::xls::SheetDataContext
- SheetInfo() : oox::xls::WorksheetBuffer::SheetInfo
- SheetInfoModel() : oox::xls::SheetInfoModel
- SheetItem() : oox::xls::FormulaBuffer::SheetItem
- SheetLocalInserter() : ScXMLNamedExpressionsContext::SheetLocalInserter
- SheetNamedExpMap : ScXMLImport
- SheetNameKey : oox::xls::DefinedNamesBuffer
- SheetPassword() : ImportExcel
- SheetProtect() : ImportExcel
- SheetProtectionModel() : oox::xls::SheetProtectionModel
- Sheets() : ScVbaGlobals, ScVbaWorkbook
- SheetScenarios() : oox::xls::SheetScenarios
- SheetScenariosMap : oox::xls::ScenarioBuffer
- SheetScenariosModel() : oox::xls::SheetScenariosModel
- SheetSettingsModel() : oox::xls::SheetSettingsModel
- SheetSource() : sc::PivotTableSources::SheetSource
- SheetViewModel() : oox::xls::SheetViewModel
- SheetViewModelMap : oox::xls::ViewSettings
- SheetViewModelVec : oox::xls::SheetViewSettings
- SheetViewSettings() : oox::xls::SheetViewSettings
- sHelpId : ScFuncDesc, ScUnoAddInFuncData, ScUnoAddInHelpId
- Shift() : ScMarkArray
- ShiftCols() : ScMarkData, ScMultiSel
- shiftRangeDown() : sc::DocumentStreamAccess
- shiftRangeUp() : sc::DocumentStreamAccess
- ShiftRows() : ScMarkData, ScMultiSel
- Shorten() : XclExpScl
- ShouldDisableEditHyperlink() : ScEditShell, ScTabViewShell
- shouldDisplayHidden() : sc::SparklineAttributes
- shouldDisplayXAxis() : sc::SparklineAttributes
- ShouldOpenURL() : ScGlobal
- Show() : ScCondFrmtEntry
- show() : ScContentTree
- Show() : ScIconSetFrmtDataEntry, ScValidityRefChildWin, ScVbaFileDialog
- ShowAllCursors() : ScTabView
- ShowArgumentsTip() : ScInputHandler
- ShowBlock() : ScBlockUndo, ScMultiBlockUndo
- ShowCaption() : ScPostIt
- ShowCaptionTemp() : ScPostIt
- ShowChanges() : ScChangeViewSettings
- ShowCheckEntry() : ScCheckListMenuControl
- ShowClipMarks() : ScOutputData
- ShowCol() : ScDocument, ScTable
- ShowConditions() : ScOptSolverDlg
- ShowCursor() : ScGridWindow, ScTabView, ScTabViewShell
- ShowDataForm() : ScVbaWorksheet
- ShowDataPilotSourceData() : ScDBFunc
- showDependents() : ScTableSheetObj
- showDetail() : ScTableSheetObj
- ShowDragHelp() : ScHeaderControl
- ShowError() : ScDetectiveFunc, ScOptSolverDlg
- showErrors() : ScTableSheetObj
- ShowFilterMenu() : ScGridWindow
- ShowFinishDialog() : ScConversionEngineBase, ScSpellingEngine
- ShowFocus() : ScOutlineWindow
- ShowFormulaReference() : ScFormulaReferenceHelper
- ShowFuncList() : ScInputHandler
- ShowImage() : ScTablePage
- ShowInBeamer() : ScDBDocFunc
- showInvalid() : ScTableSheetObj
- showLevel() : ScTableSheetObj
- ShowLevels() : ScVbaOutline
- ShowList() : ScNavigatorDlg
- ShowMarkedOutlines() : ScDBFunc, ScOutlineDocFunc
- ShowNote() : ScDocFunc, ScViewFunc
- ShowNoteMarker() : ScGridWindow
- ShowOptions() : ScNameDlg
- ShowOutline() : ScDBFunc, ScOutlineDocFunc
- ShowPasteSource() : ScViewData
- showPrecedents() : ScTableSheetObj
- ShowPred() : ScDetectiveFunc
- showReference() : ScFormulaDlg
- ShowReference() : ScFormulaDlg, ScFormulaReferenceHelper, ScRefHandler
- ShowRefFrame() : ScInputHandler
- ShowRefTip() : ScTabView
- ShowRow() : ScDocument, ScTable
- ShowRows() : ScDocument, ScTable
- ShowScenarios() : ScNavigatorDlg
- ShowSimpleReference() : ScFormulaReferenceHelper
- ShowSucc() : ScDetectiveFunc
- ShowTable() : ScSimpleUndo, ScViewFunc
- ShowTableWrapDialog() : ScConversionEngineBase, ScSpellingEngine
- ShowTip() : ScInputHandler
- ShowTipBelow() : ScInputHandler
- ShowTipCursor() : ScInputHandler
- Shrfmla() : ImportExcel
- ShrinkEditEngine() : ScOutputData
- ShrinkToDataArea() : ScDocument
- ShrinkToUsedDataArea() : ScDocument, ScTable
- SimpleColMarked() : ScViewData
- SimpleMouseButtonUp() : FuConstruct
- SimpleRowMarked() : ScViewData
- SimplifyCompiledFormula() : ScConditionEntry
- sIndent : ScHTMLExport
- sIndentSource : ScHTMLExport
- SINGLE_FACTOR : ScAnalysisOfVarianceDialog
- SingleColumnSpanSet() : sc::SingleColumnSpanSet
- SingleDoubleRefModifier() : SingleDoubleRefModifier
- SingleDoubleRefProvider() : SingleDoubleRefProvider
- SingleFilter() : ScDPFilteredCache::SingleFilter
- SingleRefToVars() : ScInterpreter
- sInputMessage : ScMyImportValidation, ScMyValidation
- sInputString : ScMyCellInfo
- sInputTitle : ScMyImportValidation, ScMyValidation
- sItem : ScXMLDDELinkContext
- size : AutoFormatSwBlob, DataRangeByColumnIterator, DataRangeByRowIterator, DataRangeIterator, oox::xls::ApiTokenVector, oox::xls::PivotCacheItemList, sc::CellValues
- Size : sc::DataStream::Cell::Str
- size() : ScAreaLinkSaveCollection, ScAutoFormat, ScColContainer, ScColorScaleFormat, ScConditionalFormat, ScConditionalFormatList, ScDBCollection::NamedDBs, ScDPCollection::NameCaches, ScDPCollection::SheetCaches, ScFilterEntries, ScIconSetFormat, ScOutlineCollection, ScRangeList, ScRangeName, ScRangePairList, ScSortedRangeCache, ScUserList, XclExpObjList, XclRangeList
- size_type : sc::AlignedAllocator< T, Alignment >
- Skip() : ImportLotus
- SkipBlock() : XclImpChGroupBase
- SkipClosingPar() : ScInputHandler
- SkipCursorHorizontal() : ScTabView
- SkipCursorVertical() : ScTabView
- SkipEmpty : sc::opencl::SlidingFunctionBase
- SkipExpression() : XclExpFmlaCompImpl
- SkipFilteredRows() : ScTable
- skipHeadBody() : sc::HTMLFetchThread
- SkipImplicitIntersectionOptimization() : ScCompiler
- SkipInvalid() : ScHorizontalCellIterator
- SkipInvalidInRow() : ScHorizontalCellIterator
- SkipLocked() : ScHTMLLayoutParser
- SkipOverlapped() : ScDocument
- skipParentheses() : oox::xls::FormulaFinalizer
- SkipRow() : ScTable
- skipSpaces() : oox::xls::ApiTokenIterator
- SkipSpaces() : XclTokenArrayIterator
- SkipSubStream() : XclTools
- SkipTable() : ScMyAreaLinksContainer, ScMyDetectiveObjContainer, ScMyDetectiveOpContainer, ScMyEmptyDatabaseRangesContainer, ScMyMergedRangesContainer, ScMyNotEmptyCellsIterator, ScMyNoteShapesContainer, ScMyShapesContainer
- sLabelRangeStr : ScMyLabelRange, ScXMLLabelRangeContext
- SliderMoved() : ScFilterDlg
- sLink : ScXMLTableSourceContext
- SLOTID : ScRefHdlrControllerImpl< TBase, bBindRef >, ScValidationDlg
- Smallnumcell() : ImportLotus
- SmallScroll() : ScVbaPane, ScVbaWindow
- sName : ExcEScenario, ScMyImportValidation, ScMyNamedExpression, ScMyValidation, ScXMLDataPilotFieldContext, ScXMLDataPilotGroupContext, ScXMLDataPilotGroupMemberContext, ScXMLDataPilotMemberContext
- SnapVisArea() : ScDocShell
- sNewName : ScUndoInsertTab, ScUndoRenameTab
- sNewRecord : ScDataFormDlg
- sOldName : ScUndoRenameTab
- sOldUsername : XclImpChangeTrack
- Solve() : ScViewFunc
- Solver() : ScDocument
- SolverCodesToLOEngines : sc::SolverSettings
- SolverNamesToExcelEngines : sc::SolverSettings
- SolverParamNames : sc::SolverSettings
- SolverSettings() : sc::SolverSettings
- sOperator : ScXMLConditionContext, ScXMLDPConditionContext
- sOrder : ScXMLSortByContext
- sort() : ScCellRangeObj
- Sort() : ScDBDocFunc, ScDBFunc, ScDocument, ScFormatRangeStyles, ScMyAreaLinksContainer, ScMyDetectiveObjContainer, ScMyDetectiveOpContainer, ScMyEmptyDatabaseRangesContainer, ScMyImpDetectiveOpArray, ScMyIteratorBase, ScMyMergedRangesContainer, ScMyNoteShapesContainer, ScMyOpenCloseColumnRowGroup, ScMyShapesContainer, ScRowFormatRanges, ScTable
- SORT : ScTableProtection
- Sort() : ScVbaRange
- SortCondition() : oox::xls::SortCondition
- SortConditionContext() : oox::xls::SortConditionContext
- SortConditionVector : oox::xls::AutoFilter
- sortedCache : ScQueryCellIteratorAccessSpecific< ScQueryCellIteratorAccess::SortedCache >
- sortedCachePos : ScQueryCellIteratorAccessSpecific< ScQueryCellIteratorAccess::SortedCache >
- sortedCachePosLast : ScQueryCellIteratorAccessSpecific< ScQueryCellIteratorAccess::SortedCache >
- sortedRows() : ScSortedRangeCache
- SortedShapes : ScChildrenShapes
- SortMembers() : ScDPDataDimension, ScDPDataMember, ScDPResultDimension, ScDPResultMember
- SortNoteShapes() : ScMySharedData
- SortReorderAreaExtrasByColumn() : ScTable
- SortReorderAreaExtrasByRow() : ScTable
- SortReorderByColumn() : ScTable
- SortReorderByRow() : ScTable
- SortReorderByRowRefUpdate() : ScTable
- SortShapesContainer() : ScMySharedData
- SortStateContext() : oox::xls::SortStateContext
- SortTransformation() : sc::SortTransformation
- sortTransformation() : ScDataProviderDlg
- SourceDocumentGone() : ScPoolHelper
- sp : ScInterpreter
- sPageStyle : XMLTableStyleContext
- SpansType : sc::SingleColumnSpanSet
- Sparkline() : oox::xls::Sparkline, sc::Sparkline
- SparklineAttributes() : sc::SparklineAttributes
- SparklineBuffer() : xcl::exp::SparklineBuffer
- SparklineCell() : sc::SparklineCell
- SparklineData() : sc::SparklineData
- SparklineDataRangeDialog() : sc::SparklineDataRangeDialog
- SparklineDataRangeDialogWrapper() : sc::SparklineDataRangeDialogWrapper
- SparklineDialog() : sc::SparklineDialog
- SparklineDialogWrapper() : sc::SparklineDialogWrapper
- SparklineExt() : xcl::exp::SparklineExt
- SparklineGroup() : oox::xls::SparklineGroup, sc::SparklineGroup
- SparklineGroupsContext() : oox::xls::SparklineGroupsContext
- SparklineGroupsExport() : sc::SparklineGroupsExport
- SparklineGroupsImportContext() : sc::SparklineGroupsImportContext
- SparklineList() : sc::SparklineList
- SparklineRenderer() : sc::SparklineRenderer
- SparklineShell() : sc::SparklineShell
- SparklineUndoData() : sc::SparklineUndoData
- SparklineValue() : sc::SparklineValue
- sPassword : ScXMLBodyContext
- SpecialCells() : ScVbaRange
- SpecialCellsImpl() : ScVbaRange
- SpecialNumberOnly : ScSetStringParam
- SpecialSymbolType : ScCompiler::Convention
- SpellCheckCache() : SpellCheckContext::SpellCheckCache
- SpellCheckContext() : sc::SpellCheckContext
- SpellCheckResult() : sc::SpellCheckContext::SpellCheckResult
- SpellCheckStatus() : sc::SpellCheckContext::SpellCheckStatus
- SpellNextDocument() : ScSpellingEngine
- sPersistName : ScVbaChartObject
- Spinners() : ScVbaWorksheet
- spInstance : ScCellKeywordTranslator
- SplitAtCursor() : ScTabView
- SplitAtDefinedPosition() : ScVbaWindow
- SplitAtPixel() : ScTabView
- splitAtPosition() : ScTabViewObj
- splitColumn() : ScDataProviderDlg
- SplitColumnTransformation() : sc::SplitColumnTransformation
- splitFormulaCellGroup() : sc::SharedFormulaUtil
- splitFormulaCellGroups() : sc::SharedFormulaUtil
- SplitFormulaGroupByRelativeRef() : ScColumn
- SplitFormulaGroups() : ScTable
- SplitMethod : ScTabView
- sPrevCurrency : ScXMLImport
- sPrevStyleName : ScXMLImport
- sPrintRanges : ScXMLTableContext
- SQLDataProvider() : sc::SQLDataProvider
- SQLFetchThread() : sc::SQLFetchThread
- sRangeList : ScMyToFixupOLE
- sRangeType : ScMyNamedExpression
- SrcShell() : ScExternalRefManager::SrcShell
- sSelectedPage : ScXMLDataPilotFieldContext
- sServiceName : ScIndexEnumeration, ScXMLDataPilotTableContext
- sServicePassword : ScXMLDataPilotTableContext
- sServiceSourceName : ScXMLDataPilotTableContext
- sServiceSourceObject : ScXMLDataPilotTableContext
- sServiceUsername : ScXMLDataPilotTableContext
- sSourceList : ScXMLConsolidationContext
- sSourceObject : ScXMLDatabaseRangeContext, ScXMLDataPilotTableContext
- sSourceRangeName : ScXMLDataPilotTableContext
- sSourceStr : ScMyAreaLink, ScMyImpCellRangeSource
- sStyleName : ScMyStyleNumberFormat, ScXMLTableColContext, ScXMLTableRowContext
- sTableName : ScXMLTableSourceContext
- Standard : ScTypedStrData
- Standardwidth() : ImportExcel
- start_border_style() : ScOrcusStyles
- start_cell_protection() : ScOrcusStyles
- start_cell_style() : ScOrcusStyles
- start_fill_style() : ScOrcusStyles
- start_font_style() : ScOrcusStyles
- start_number_format() : ScOrcusStyles
- start_xf() : ScOrcusStyles
- StartAllListeners() : ScChartListenerCollection, ScDocument
- StartAnimations() : ScDocument
- StartBlockModify() : ScChangeTrack
- startCacheRecord() : oox::xls::PivotCacheRecordsFragment
- StartChangeAction() : ScXMLChangeTrackingImportHelper
- StartChangeTracking() : ScDocument
- StartCol() : XclImpAutoFilterData
- startColumn() : sc::ColumnSpanSet::Action, sc::ColumnSpanSet::ColumnAction, sc::PurgeListenerAction
- StartContinue() : XclExpStream
- startControllerListening() : ScVbaEventListener
- StartDataSelect() : ScTabView
- startDocument() : ScXMLImport
- StartDrag() : ScGridWindow, ScTabControl, ScTextWnd
- StartEdit() : ScAccessibleEditLineTextData
- StartEditEngine() : ScInputBarGroup, ScTextWnd, ScTextWndBase, ScTextWndGroup
- StartEntry() : ScMultipleReadHeader, ScMultipleWriteHeader
- StartExecuteAsync() : AbstractScCondFormatManagerDlg_Impl, AbstractScDataPilotDatabaseDlg_Impl, AbstractScDataPilotServiceDlg_Impl, AbstractScDataPilotSourceTypeDlg_Impl, AbstractScDeleteCellDlg_Impl, AbstractScDPFunctionDlg_Impl, AbstractScDPSubtotalDlg_Impl, AbstractScGoToTabDlg_Impl, AbstractScGroupDlg_Impl, AbstractScImportAsciiDlg_Impl, AbstractScInsertCellDlg_Impl, AbstractScMetricInputDlg_Impl, AbstractScShowTabDlg_Impl, ScAbstractTabController_Impl, ScAsyncTabController, ScAsyncTabController_Impl
- startFastElement() : ScXMLAnnotationContext, ScXMLCellFieldSContext, ScXMLCellFieldURLContext, ScXMLCellRubyTextContext, ScXMLCellTextRubyContext, ScXMLCellTextSpanContext
- StartFormatArea() : ScViewFunc
- StartFormula() : ScInputWindow
- StartImport() : sc::DataStream
- StartIteration() : ScRecursionHelper
- StartListeners() : ScColumn, ScTable
- StartListening : sc::RefHint, ScColumn, ScConditionEntry
- startListening() : ScFormulaListener
- StartListening() : ScTable
- StartListeningArea() : ScBroadcastAreaSlot, ScBroadcastAreaSlotMachine, ScDocument
- startListeningAsGroup() : sc::SharedFormulaUtil
- StartListeningCell() : ScDocument
- StartListeningContext() : sc::StartListeningContext
- StartListeningFormulaCells() : ScColumn, ScTable
- startListeningFormulas() : sc::CopyFromClipContext
- StartListeningFromClip() : ScDocument
- StartListeningHiddenRange() : ScChartListenerCollection
- StartListeningTo() : ScChartListener, ScFormulaCell
- StartListeningUnshared() : ScColumn
- startModelListening() : ScVbaEventListener
- StartMouseTracking() : ScCsvRuler, ScOutlineWindow
- StartNeededListeners() : ScDocument
- StartNextRecord() : XclImpStream
- StartOfDataArea() : ScNavigatorDlg
- StartOrContinueLocking() : ScTemporaryChartLock
- StartOutlineTable() : ScTable
- StartPaste() : ScImportExport
- StartPopupMode() : ScCheckListMenuControl, ScListSubMenuControl
- StartProgressBar() : XclImpDffConverter
- startRangeSelection() : ScTabViewObj
- StartRecord() : XclExpStream
- StartRefInput() : ScSimpleRefDlg, ScSimpleRefDlgWrapper
- StartRenaming() : ScTabControl
- startRendering() : ScColorFormat, ScCondDateFormatEntry, ScConditionalFormat, ScConditionalFormatList, ScConditionEntry, ScFormatEntry
- StartRow() : XclImpAutoFilterData
- StartShape() : XclEscherEx
- StartSheet() : XclExpObjectManager
- StartSimpleRefDialog() : ScTabViewShell
- StartsLikeFormula() : ScInputHandler
- StartStream() : sc::DataStreamDlg
- StartStreamPos() : ScSheetSaveData
- StartTable() : ScInputHandler
- StartTableColumnNamesListener() : ScDBData
- StartTimer() : ScAutoStyleList, ScChartListenerCollection
- StartTrackTimer() : ScDocument
- StateChanged() : ScCornerButton, ScInputWindow, ScNavigatorWin
- StateChangedAtToolBoxControl() : sc::ScNumberFormatControl, ScNavigatorControllerItem, ScZoomSliderControl
- StateDisableItems() : ScDrawShell, ScDrawTextObjectBar
- StateFormatPaintbrush() : ScDrawShell, ScFormatShell
- StateType : sc::MultiDataCellState
- StaticInvalidate() : ScPreview
- std::default_delete< ScChangeActionMove > : ScChangeActionMove
- sText : ExcEScenarioCell
- sTipString : ScTabView
- stop() : sc::CellStoreEvent
- stopControllerListening() : ScVbaEventListener
- StopDragTimer() : FuPoor
- StopEditEngine() : ScInputBarGroup, ScInputWindow, ScTextWnd, ScTextWndBase, ScTextWndGroup
- StopEditMode() : FuText
- StopEditShell() : ScTabViewShell
- sTopic : ScXMLDDELinkContext
- StopImport() : sc::DataStream
- StopInputWinEngine() : ScInputHandler
- StopListening : sc::RefHint
- stopListening() : ScFormulaListener
- StopListeningToAllExternalRefs() : ScChart2DataSequence
- StopLocking() : ScTemporaryChartLock
- StopMarking() : ScGridWindow, ScHeaderControl, ScTabView
- stopModelListening() : ScVbaEventListener
- StopOnMismatchBits : ScQueryCellIteratorBase< accessType, queryType >
- sTopParent : ScTabView
- StoppedOnMismatch() : ScQueryCellIteratorBase< accessType, queryType >
- StopRefMode() : ScTabView
- StopRefreshTimer() : ScRefreshTimer
- StopSimpleRefDialog() : ScTabViewShell
- StopTemporaryChartLock() : ScDocument
- Store() : ScDdeLink, SharedFormulaBuffer, TokenPool
- StoreCell() : XclExpLinkManager, XclExpLinkManagerImpl
- StoreCellRange() : XclExpLinkManager, XclExpLinkManagerImpl
- StoreExtName() : TokenPool
- StoreExtRef() : TokenPool
- storeFlagsInRegistry() : ScInsertContentsDlg
- StoreGlobalPosition() : XclImpStream
- StoreInitialNamespaces() : ScSheetSaveData
- StoreLoadedNamespaces() : ScSheetSaveData
- StoreMatrix() : TokenPool
- StoreName() : TokenPool
- StoreNavigatorSettings() : ScContentTree
- StoreNlf() : TokenPool
- StorePosition() : XclImpStream
- storeRangeNameTokens() : ScExternalRefManager
- StoreTabToCache() : ScDocument
- StoreToCache() : ScColumn, ScTable
- StoreType : sc::SharedFormulaGroups
- StrArrayStoreType : sc::FormulaGroupContext
- StrArrayType : sc::FormulaGroupContext
- StrData() : ScDatabaseDocUtil::StrData
- StreamDataSeqPtr : oox::xls::DefinedName
- String : sc::FormulaResultValue, ScDPItemData, ScDPValue
- StringCacheType : ScConditionEntry::ScConditionEntryCache
- StringConversion : ScCalcConfig
- StringHashEntry() : StringHashEntry
- StringHashType : ScOrcusFactory
- StringOpFunction : ScMatrix
- StringRange : sc::opencl::Reduction
- StringSetType : ScChartListenerCollection, ScDPCache
- StringType : ScInputStringType, ScTypedStrData
- StringVector : oox::xls::SharedStringsBuffer
- Strip() : ScHTMLEntry
- stripeDefinitionHasChanged() : ScOverlayDashedBorder
- StripHidden() : ScDocument, ScTable
- StripRefs() : ScTransferObj
- StrToEntriesType : ScXMLEditAttributeMap
- STRUCTURE : ScDocProtection
- StyleDeleted() : ScDocumentPool
- Styles() : ScVbaWorkbook
- StylesBfrPtr : oox::xls::WorkbookGlobals
- StylesBuffer() : oox::xls::StylesBuffer
- StylesFragment() : oox::xls::StylesFragment
- StyleSheetChanged() : ScDocument, ScTable
- StylesToNames() : ScDocument
- StylesType : ScRowStyles
- StyleToName() : ScPatternAttr
- StyleUpdated() : ScCsvGrid, ScCsvRuler, ScTextWnd
- SubArguments : sc::opencl::SlidingFunctionBase
- SubMenuItemData() : ScCheckListMenuControl::SubMenuItemData
- submitContentAndClear() : ScXMLCellTextSpanContext
- SubOp() : ScMatrix
- SubStr() : ScUserListData::SubStr
- Subtotal() : ScVbaRange
- SubTotalAllowed() : ScDPSource
- SubTotalToGeneral() : ScDataUnoConversion
- subtract() : KahanSum
- Sum() : ScMatrix, ScMatrixImpl
- SumSquare() : ScMatrix, ScMatrixImpl
- sUnicodeName : ExcBundlesheet8
- SupportsOleObjects() : XclImpDffConverter, XclImpDrawing
- supportsService() : calc::OCellListSource, calc::OCellValueBinding, oox::xls::OOXMLFormulaParser, sc::PivotTableDataProvider, sc::PivotTableDataSequence, sc::PivotTableDataSource, sc::sidebar::ScPanelFactory, sc::TablePivotChart, sc::TablePivotCharts, ScAccessibleContextBase, ScAddInListener, ScAddressConversionObj, ScAnnotationObj, ScAnnotationsObj, ScAreaLinkObj, ScAreaLinksObj, ScAutoFormatFieldObj, ScAutoFormatObj, ScAutoFormatsObj, ScCellCursorObj, ScCellFieldsObj, ScCellFormatsEnumeration, ScCellFormatsObj, ScCellObj, ScCellRangeObj, ScCellSearchObj, ScCellsEnumeration, ScCellsObj, ScChart2DataProvider, ScChart2DataSequence, ScChart2DataSource, ScChartObj, ScChartRangeSelectionListener, ScChartsObj, ScConsolidationDescriptor, ScDatabaseRangeObj, ScDatabaseRangesObj, ScDataPilotDescriptor, ScDataPilotFieldGroupItemObj, ScDataPilotFieldGroupObj, ScDataPilotFieldGroupsObj, ScDataPilotFieldObj, ScDataPilotFieldsObj, ScDataPilotItemObj, ScDataPilotItemsObj, ScDataPilotTableObj, ScDataPilotTablesObj, ScDDELinkObj, ScDDELinksObj, ScDocDefaultsObj, ScDocumentConfiguration, ScDPDimension, ScDPDimensions, ScDPHierarchies, ScDPHierarchy, ScDPLevel, ScDPLevels, ScDPMember, ScDPMembers, ScDPSource, ScDrawPagesObj, ScEditFieldObj, ScExcelBiffDetect, ScFilterDescriptorBase, ScFilterDetect, ScFilterOptionsObj, ScFormulaParserObj, ScFunctionAccess, ScFunctionListObj, ScHeaderFieldsObj, ScHeaderFooterContentObj, ScHeaderFooterTextObj, ScIndexEnumeration, ScLabelRangeObj, ScLabelRangesObj, ScLinkTargetsObj, ScLinkTargetTypeObj, ScLinkTargetTypesObj, ScModelObj, ScNamedRangeObj, ScNamedRangesObj, ScNameToIndexAccess, ScPageObj, ScRecentFunctionsObj, ScScenariosObj, ScShapeObj, ScSheetEventsObj, ScSheetLinkObj, ScSheetLinksObj, ScSpreadsheetSettings, ScSpreadsheetSettingsObj, ScStyleFamiliesObj, ScStyleFamilyObj, ScStyleObj, ScSubTotalDescriptorBase, ScSubTotalFieldObj, ScTableColumnObj, ScTableColumnsObj, ScTableConditionalEntry, ScTableConditionalFormat, ScTableRowObj, ScTableRowsObj, ScTableSheetObj, ScTableSheetsObj, ScTableValidationObj, ScTabViewObj, ScUniqueCellFormatsEnumeration, ScUniqueCellFormatsObj, ScViewPaneBase
- supportsType() : calc::OCellValueBinding
- sURL : ScMyAreaLink, ScMyImpCellRangeSource
- sUseLabel : ScXMLConsolidationContext
- sUser : ScMyActionInfo
- sUserName : ExcEScenario
- sUsername : XclExpChTr0x0194, XclExpChTrAction, XclExpChTrInfo, XclExpUserBView
- sValue : ScDDELinkCell, ScXMLContentContext, ScXMLDDECellContext
- sVisibility : ScXMLTableColContext, ScXMLTableRowContext
- SvMemoryStreamPtr : XclImpDffPropSet
- SvPivotTreeListType : ScPivotLayoutTreeListBase
- SvStreamPtr : XclExpHyperlink
- SvxBrushItemPtr : XclPageData
- SvxEditSourcePtr : ScAccessibleCsvCell
- swap() : sc::CellStoreEvent, sc::CellValues, sc::SingleColumnSpanSet, sc::TableValues, ScCellValue
- Swap() : ScColumn
- swap() : ScDPResultTree, ScRangeList
- Swap() : ScSortInfoArray
- SwapCol() : ScColumn
- swapNonEmpty() : sc::CellValues, sc::TableValues
- SwapNonEmpty() : ScColumn, ScDocument, ScTable
- swapRanges() : sc::QueryRange
- SwapRowsTransformation() : sc::SwapRowsTransformation
- swapRowsTransformation() : ScDataProviderDlg
- switchBack() : ScFormulaDlg
- SwitchBetweenRefDialogs() : ScTabViewShell
- switchSrcFile() : ScExternalRefManager
- SwitchToArrayRefList() : ScInterpreter
- SwitchToDocument() : ScRefHandler
- switchToNext() : ScChart2DataSequence
- SwitchToPageId() : ScTabControl
- SwitchToTextWin() : ScInputWindow
- swVersions : ScAfVersions
- Sylk2Doc() : ScImportExport
- SyncAllDimensionMembers() : ScDPObject, ScDPSaveData
- SyncColRowFlags() : ScDocument, ScTable
- SyncForGrid() : ScDrawView
- SyncSharedCode() : ScFormulaCell
- SyncViews() : ScInputHandler