LibreOffice Module sc (master) 1
Represents a ROW record and additionally contains all cells records of a row. More...
#include <xetable.hxx>
Public Member Functions | |
XclExpRow (const XclExpRoot &rRoot, sal_uInt32 nXclRow, XclExpRowOutlineBuffer &rOutlineBfr, bool bAlwaysEmpty, bool bHidden, sal_uInt16 nHeight) | |
Constructs the ROW record and converts the Calc row settings. More... | |
sal_uInt32 | GetXclRow () const |
Returns the excel row index of this ROW record. More... | |
sal_uInt16 | GetHeight () const |
Returns the height of the row in twips. More... | |
bool | IsEmpty () const |
Returns true, if this row does not contain at least one valid cell. More... | |
bool | IsHidden () const |
Returns true, if this row is hidden. More... | |
bool | IsUnsynced () const |
Returns true, if this row contains a manually set height. More... | |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
Returns true, if this row is enabled (will be exported). More... | |
void | AppendCell (XclExpCellRef const &xCell, bool bIsMergedBase) |
Appends the passed cell object to this row. More... | |
void | Finalize (const ScfUInt16Vec &rColXFIndexes, ScfUInt16Vec &aXFIndexes, size_t nStartColAllDefault, bool bUpdateProgress) |
Converts all XF identifiers into the Excel XF indexes. More... | |
sal_uInt16 | GetFirstUsedXclCol () const |
Returns the column index of the first used cell in this row. More... | |
sal_uInt16 | GetFirstFreeXclCol () const |
Returns the column index of the first unused cell following all used cells in this row. More... | |
bool | IsDefaultable () const |
Returns true, if this row may be omitted by using the DEFROWHEIGHT record. More... | |
void | DisableIfDefault (const XclExpDefaultRowData &rDefRowData) |
Disables this row, if it is defaultable and has the passed default format. More... | |
void | WriteCellList (XclExpStream &rStrm) |
Writes all cell records of this row. More... | |
virtual void | Save (XclExpStream &rStrm) override |
Writes the ROW record if the row is not disabled (see DisableIfDefault() function). More... | |
virtual void | SaveXml (XclExpXmlStream &rStrm) override |
sal_uInt32 | GetXclRowRpt () const |
void | SetXclRowRpt (sal_uInt32 nRpt) |
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XclExpRecord (sal_uInt16 nRecId=EXC_ID_UNKNOWN, std::size_t nRecSize=0) | |
XclExpRecord (XclExpRecord const &)=default | |
virtual | ~XclExpRecord () override |
sal_uInt16 | GetRecId () const |
Returns the current record ID. More... | |
std::size_t | GetRecSize () const |
Returns the current record size prediction. More... | |
void | SetRecId (sal_uInt16 nRecId) |
Sets a new record ID. More... | |
void | SetRecSize (std::size_t nRecSize) |
Sets a new record size prediction. More... | |
void | AddRecSize (std::size_t nRecSize) |
Adds a size value to the record size prediction. More... | |
void | SetRecHeader (sal_uInt16 nRecId, std::size_t nRecSize) |
Sets record ID and size with one call. More... | |
virtual void | Save (XclExpStream &rStrm) override |
Writes the record header and calls WriteBody(). More... | |
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XclExpRecordBase () | |
XclExpRecordBase (XclExpRecordBase const &) | |
XclExpRecordBase (XclExpRecordBase &&) | |
XclExpRecordBase & | operator= (XclExpRecordBase const &) |
XclExpRecordBase & | operator= (XclExpRecordBase &&) noexcept |
virtual | ~XclExpRecordBase () |
virtual void | Save (XclExpStream &rStrm) |
Overwrite this method to do any operation while saving the record. More... | |
virtual void | SaveXml (XclExpXmlStream &rStrm) |
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SimpleReferenceObject () | |
void | acquire () |
void | release () |
Private Member Functions | |
void | InsertCell (XclExpCellRef xCell, size_t nPos, bool bIsMergedBase) |
Inserts a cell at the specified list position, tries to merge with neighbors. More... | |
virtual void | WriteBody (XclExpStream &rStrm) override |
Writes the contents of the ROW record. More... | |
Private Attributes | |
XclExpRecordList< XclExpCellBase > | maCellList |
sal_uInt32 | mnXclRow |
List of cell records for this row. More... | |
sal_uInt16 | mnHeight |
Excel row index of this row. More... | |
sal_uInt16 | mnFlags |
Row height in twips. More... | |
sal_uInt16 | mnXFIndex |
Flags for the ROW record. More... | |
sal_uInt8 | mnOutlineLevel |
Default row formatting. More... | |
sal_uInt32 | mnXclRowRpt |
Outline Level of row (for OOXML) More... | |
sal_uInt32 | mnCurrentRow |
bool | mbAlwaysEmpty |
bool | mbEnabled |
true = Do not add blank cells in Finalize(). More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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static void * | operator new (std::size_t nSize) |
static void * | operator new (std::size_t nSize, std::nothrow_t const &rNothrow) |
static void | operator delete (void *pPtr) |
static void | operator delete (void *pPtr, std::nothrow_t const &rNothrow) |
virtual void | WriteBody (XclExpStream &rStrm) |
Writes the body of the record (without record header). More... | |
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virtual | ~SimpleReferenceObject () COVERITY_NOEXCEPT_FALSE |
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XclExpRoot (XclExpRootData &rExpRootData) | |
const XclExpRoot & | GetRoot () const |
Returns this root instance - for code readability in derived classes. More... | |
bool | IsRelUrl () const |
Returns true, if URLs should be stored relative to the document location. More... | |
sc::CompileFormulaContext & | GetCompileFormulaContext () const |
XclExpTabInfo & | GetTabInfo () const |
Returns the buffer for Calc->Excel sheet index conversion. More... | |
XclExpAddressConverter & | GetAddressConverter () const |
Returns the address converter. More... | |
XclExpFormulaCompiler & | GetFormulaCompiler () const |
Returns the formula compiler to produce formula token arrays. More... | |
XclExpProgressBar & | GetProgressBar () const |
Returns the export progress bar. More... | |
XclExpSst & | GetSst () const |
Returns the shared string table. More... | |
XclExpPalette & | GetPalette () const |
Returns the color buffer. More... | |
XclExpFontBuffer & | GetFontBuffer () const |
Returns the font buffer. More... | |
XclExpNumFmtBuffer & | GetNumFmtBuffer () const |
Returns the number format buffer. More... | |
XclExpXFBuffer & | GetXFBuffer () const |
Returns the cell formatting attributes buffer. More... | |
XclExpLinkManager & | GetGlobalLinkManager () const |
Returns the global link manager for defined names. More... | |
XclExpLinkManager & | GetLocalLinkManager () const |
Returns the local link manager for the current sheet. More... | |
XclExpNameManager & | GetNameManager () const |
Returns the buffer that contains internal defined names. More... | |
XclExpObjectManager & | GetObjectManager () const |
Returns the drawing object manager. More... | |
XclExpFilterManager & | GetFilterManager () const |
Returns the filter manager. More... | |
XclExpPivotTableManager & | GetPivotTableManager () const |
Returns the pivot table manager. More... | |
XclExpDxfs & | GetDxfs () const |
Returns the differential formatting list. More... | |
OStringBuffer & | GetStringBuf () const |
Clean and return the OStringBuffer. More... | |
XclExpXmlPivotTableManager & | GetXmlPivotTableManager () |
XclExpTablesManager & | GetTablesManager () |
void | InitializeConvert () |
Is called when export filter starts to create the Excel document (all BIFF versions). More... | |
void | InitializeGlobals () |
Is called when export filter starts to create the workbook global data (>=BIFF5). More... | |
void | InitializeTable (SCTAB nScTab) |
Is called when export filter starts to create data for a single sheet (all BIFF versions). More... | |
void | InitializeSave () |
Is called before export filter starts to write the records to the stream. More... | |
XclExpRecordRef | CreateRecord (sal_uInt16 nRecId) const |
Returns the reference to a record (or record list) representing a root object. More... | |
bool | IsDocumentEncrypted () const |
css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::NamedValue > | GetEncryptionData () const |
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XclRoot (XclRootData &rRootData) | |
XclRoot (const XclRoot &rRoot) | |
virtual | ~XclRoot () |
XclRoot & | operator= (const XclRoot &rRoot) |
RootData & | GetOldRoot () const |
Returns old RootData struct. More... | |
XclBiff | GetBiff () const |
Returns the current BIFF version of the importer/exporter. More... | |
XclOutput | GetOutput () const |
Returns the current output format of the importer/exporter. More... | |
bool | IsImport () const |
Returns true, if currently a document is imported. More... | |
rtl_TextEncoding | GetTextEncoding () const |
Returns the text encoding to import/export byte strings. More... | |
LanguageType | GetSysLanguage () const |
Returns the system language, i.e. More... | |
LanguageType | GetDocLanguage () const |
Returns the document language. More... | |
LanguageType | GetUILanguage () const |
Returns the UI language. More... | |
sal_Int16 | GetDefApiScript () const |
Returns the default script type, e.g. More... | |
tools::Long | GetCharWidth () const |
Returns the width of the '0' character (default font) for the current printer (twips). More... | |
tools::Long | GetSpaceWidth () const |
bool | IsInGlobals () const |
Returns the current Calc sheet index. More... | |
SCTAB | GetCurrScTab () const |
Returns the current Calc sheet index. More... | |
sal_Int32 | GetHmmFromPixelX (double fPixelX) const |
Calculates the width of the passed number of pixels in 1/100 mm. More... | |
sal_Int32 | GetHmmFromPixelY (double fPixelY) const |
Calculates the height of the passed number of pixels in 1/100 mm. More... | |
SfxMedium & | GetMedium () const |
Returns the medium to import from. More... | |
const OUString & | GetDocUrl () const |
Returns the document URL of the imported/exported file. More... | |
const OUString & | GetBasePath () const |
Returns the base path of the imported/exported file. More... | |
const OUString & | GetUserName () const |
Returns the current user name. More... | |
css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::NamedValue > | RequestEncryptionData (::comphelper::IDocPasswordVerifier &rVerifier) const |
Requests and verifies a password from the medium or the user. More... | |
const tools::SvRef< SotStorage > & | GetRootStorage () const |
Returns the OLE2 root storage of the imported/exported file. More... | |
bool | HasVbaStorage () const |
Returns true, if the document contains a VBA storage. More... | |
tools::SvRef< SotStorage > | OpenStorage (tools::SvRef< SotStorage > const &xStrg, const OUString &rStrgName) const |
Tries to open a storage as child of the specified storage for reading or writing. More... | |
tools::SvRef< SotStorage > | OpenStorage (const OUString &rStrgName) const |
Tries to open a storage as child of the root storage for reading or writing. More... | |
tools::SvRef< SotStorageStream > | OpenStream (tools::SvRef< SotStorage > const &xStrg, const OUString &rStrmName) const |
Tries to open a new stream in the specified storage for reading or writing. More... | |
tools::SvRef< SotStorageStream > | OpenStream (const OUString &rStrmName) const |
Tries to open a new stream in the root storage for reading or writing. More... | |
ScDocument & | GetDoc () const |
Returns reference to the destination document (import) or source document (export). More... | |
SfxObjectShell * | GetDocShell () const |
Returns the object shell of the Calc document. More... | |
ScModelObj * | GetDocModelObj () const |
Returns the object model of the Calc document. More... | |
OutputDevice * | GetPrinter () const |
Returns pointer to the printer of the Calc document. More... | |
ScStyleSheetPool & | GetStyleSheetPool () const |
Returns the style sheet pool of the Calc document. More... | |
ScRangeName & | GetNamedRanges () const |
Returns the defined names container of the Calc document. More... | |
SdrPage * | GetSdrPage (SCTAB nScTab) const |
Returns the drawing layer page of the passed sheet, if present. More... | |
SvNumberFormatter & | GetFormatter () const |
Returns the number formatter of the Calc document. More... | |
DateTime | GetNullDate () const |
Returns the null date of the current number formatter. More... | |
sal_uInt16 | GetBaseYear () const |
Returns the base year depending on the current null date (1900 or 1904). More... | |
double | GetDoubleFromDateTime (const DateTime &rDateTime) const |
Converts a date/time value to a floating-point value. More... | |
DateTime | GetDateTimeFromDouble (double fValue) const |
Converts a floating-point value to a date/time value. More... | |
ScEditEngineDefaulter & | GetEditEngine () const |
Returns the edit engine for import/export of rich strings etc. More... | |
ScHeaderEditEngine & | GetHFEditEngine () const |
Returns the edit engine for import/export of headers/footers. More... | |
EditEngine & | GetDrawEditEngine () const |
Returns the edit engine for import/export of drawing text boxes. More... | |
XclFontPropSetHelper & | GetFontPropSetHelper () const |
Returns the property set helper for fonts. More... | |
XclChPropSetHelper & | GetChartPropSetHelper () const |
Returns the property set helper for the chart filters. More... | |
ScExtDocOptions & | GetExtDocOptions () const |
Returns the extended document options. More... | |
XclTracer & | GetTracer () const |
Returns the filter tracer. More... | |
const ScAddress & | GetScMaxPos () const |
Returns the highest possible cell address in a Calc document. More... | |
const ScAddress & | GetXclMaxPos () const |
Returns the highest possible cell address in an Excel document (using current BIFF version). More... | |
const ScAddress & | GetMaxPos () const |
Returns the highest possible cell address valid in Calc and Excel (using current BIFF version). More... | |
void | SetDocLanguage (LanguageType eLang) |
Sets the document language. More... | |
void | SetUILanguage (LanguageType eLang) |
Sets the UI language, i.e. More... | |
void | SetTextEncoding (rtl_TextEncoding eTextEnc) |
Sets the text encoding to import/export byte strings. More... | |
void | SetCharWidth (const XclFontData &rFontData) |
Sets the width of the '0' - '9' digit character as well as the ' ' space char (using the default font) for the current printer (twips). More... | |
void | SetCurrScTab (SCTAB nScTab) |
Sets the current Calc sheet index. More... | |
void | IncCurrScTab () |
Increases the current Calc sheet index by 1. More... | |
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static css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::NamedValue > | GenerateEncryptionData (std::u16string_view aPass) |
static css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::NamedValue > | GenerateDefaultEncryptionData () |
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static OUString | GetDefaultPassword () |
Returns the default password used for stream encryption. More... | |
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oslInterlockedCount | m_nCount |
Represents a ROW record and additionally contains all cells records of a row.
This class contains all cell records of a row in a spreadsheet. There are 2 cell records in Excel that support storing a range of cells in one record (MULBLANK for multiple blank cells, and MULRK for multiple RK values). The insertion functions try to merge a new inserted cell with existing neighbors, if this is supported by the current type of cell record.
The Finalize() function converts the XF identifiers of all cell records to the final Excel XF indexes. Then a default
Definition at line 829 of file xetable.hxx.
explicit |
Constructs the ROW record and converts the Calc row settings.
bAlwaysEmpty | true = This row will not be filled with blank cells in the Finalize() function. |
Definition at line 1865 of file xetable.cxx.
References EXC_ROW_COLLAPSED, EXC_ROW_HIDDEN, EXC_ROW_UNSYNCED, XclRoot::GetCurrScTab(), XclRoot::GetDoc(), XclExpOutlineBuffer::GetLevel(), XclExpRoot::GetProgressBar(), ScDocument::GetRowFlags(), XclExpProgressBar::IncRowRecordCount(), insert_value(), XclExpOutlineBuffer::IsCollapsed(), ManualSize, mnFlags, mnHeight, mnOutlineLevel, mnXclRow, XclExpProgressBar::Progress(), set_flag(), and XclExpRowOutlineBuffer::Update().
void XclExpRow::AppendCell | ( | XclExpCellRef const & | xCell, |
bool | bIsMergedBase | ||
) |
Appends the passed cell object to this row.
Definition at line 1914 of file xetable.cxx.
References XclExpRecordList< RecType >::GetSize(), InsertCell(), maCellList, and mbAlwaysEmpty.
Referenced by XclExpRowBuffer::AppendCell().
void XclExpRow::DisableIfDefault | ( | const XclExpDefaultRowData & | rDefRowData | ) |
Disables this row, if it is defaultable and has the passed default format.
@descr Disabled rows will not be saved. This function can only be called after Finalize().
Definition at line 2119 of file xetable.cxx.
References IsDefaultable(), XclExpDefaultRowData::IsHidden(), IsHidden(), XclExpDefaultRowData::IsUnsynced(), IsUnsynced(), mbEnabled, XclExpDefaultRowData::mnHeight, and mnHeight.
void XclExpRow::Finalize | ( | const ScfUInt16Vec & | rColXFIndexes, |
ScfUInt16Vec & | aXFIndexes, | ||
size_t | nStartColAllDefault, | ||
bool | bUpdateProgress | ||
) |
Converts all XF identifiers into the Excel XF indexes.
Definition at line 1921 of file xetable.cxx.
References ScAddress::Col(), XclExpXFId::ConvertXFIndex(), XclExpCellBase::ConvertXFIndexes(), EXC_ROW_USEDEFXF, EXC_XF_DEFAULTCELL, EXC_XF_NOTFOUND, findFirstAllSameUntilEnd(), XclExpCellBase::GetBlankXFIndexes(), XclExpXFBuffer::GetDefCellXFId(), XclExpRecordList< RecType >::GetLastRecord(), XclExpCellBase::GetLastXclCol(), XclExpMultiCellBase::GetLastXclCol(), XclRoot::GetMaxPos(), XclExpRoot::GetProgressBar(), XclExpRecordList< RecType >::GetRecord(), XclExpRoot::GetRoot(), XclExpRecordList< RecType >::GetSize(), XclExpBlankCell::GetStartColAllDefaultCell(), XclExpCellBase::GetXclCol(), i, InsertCell(), XclExpRecordList< RecType >::IsEmpty(), XclExpCellBase::IsEmpty(), maCellList, mbAlwaysEmpty, XclExpMultiXFId::mnCount, mnFlags, mnXclRow, XclExpXFId::mnXFIndex, mnXFIndex, nPos, XclExpProgressBar::Progress(), XclExpRecordList< RecType >::RemoveRecord(), XclExpCellBase::RemoveUnusedBlankCells(), and set_flag().
sal_uInt16 XclExpRow::GetFirstFreeXclCol | ( | ) | const |
Returns the column index of the first unused cell following all used cells in this row.
@descr This function can only be called after Finalize().
Definition at line 2107 of file xetable.cxx.
References XclExpRecordList< RecType >::GetLastRecord(), XclExpCellBase::GetLastXclCol(), XclExpRecordList< RecType >::IsEmpty(), and maCellList.
Referenced by WriteBody().
sal_uInt16 XclExpRow::GetFirstUsedXclCol | ( | ) | const |
Returns the column index of the first used cell in this row.
@descr This function can only be called after Finalize().
Definition at line 2102 of file xetable.cxx.
References XclExpRecordList< RecType >::GetFirstRecord(), XclExpCellBase::GetXclCol(), XclExpRecordList< RecType >::IsEmpty(), and maCellList.
Referenced by WriteBody().
inline |
Returns the height of the row in twips.
Definition at line 841 of file xetable.hxx.
References mnHeight.
inline |
Returns the excel row index of this ROW record.
Definition at line 839 of file xetable.hxx.
References mnXclRow.
Referenced by XclExpRowBuffer::Finalize().
inline |
Definition at line 884 of file xetable.hxx.
References mnXclRowRpt.
Referenced by XclExpRowBuffer::Finalize().
private |
Inserts a cell at the specified list position, tries to merge with neighbors.
Definition at line 2143 of file xetable.cxx.
References EXC_ROW_UNSYNCED, XclExpRecordList< RecType >::GetRecord(), XclExpRecordList< RecType >::InsertRecord(), maCellList, mnFlags, nPos, XclExpRecordList< RecType >::RemoveRecord(), set_flag(), and XclExpCellBase::TryMerge().
Referenced by AppendCell(), and Finalize().
bool XclExpRow::IsDefaultable | ( | ) | const |
Returns true, if this row may be omitted by using the DEFROWHEIGHT record.
@descr A row may be omitted, if it does not contain any cell or explicit default cell formatting, and is not part of an outline. This function can only be called after Finalize().
Definition at line 2112 of file xetable.cxx.
References EXC_ROW_DEFAULTFLAGS, EXC_ROW_HIDDEN, EXC_ROW_UNSYNCED, get_flag(), IsEmpty(), and mnFlags.
Referenced by DisableIfDefault(), and XclExpRowBuffer::Finalize().
inline |
Returns true, if this row does not contain at least one valid cell.
Definition at line 843 of file xetable.hxx.
References XclExpRecordList< RecType >::IsEmpty(), and maCellList.
Referenced by IsDefaultable().
inline |
Returns true, if this row is enabled (will be exported).
Definition at line 849 of file xetable.hxx.
References mbEnabled.
inline |
Returns true, if this row is hidden.
Definition at line 845 of file xetable.hxx.
References EXC_ROW_HIDDEN, get_flag(), and mnFlags.
Referenced by DisableIfDefault(), and XclExpDefaultRowData::XclExpDefaultRowData().
inline |
Returns true, if this row contains a manually set height.
Definition at line 847 of file xetable.hxx.
References EXC_ROW_UNSYNCED, get_flag(), and mnFlags.
Referenced by DisableIfDefault(), and XclExpDefaultRowData::XclExpDefaultRowData().
overridevirtual |
Writes the ROW record if the row is not disabled (see DisableIfDefault() function).
Reimplemented from XclExpRecord.
Definition at line 2133 of file xetable.cxx.
References i, mbEnabled, mnCurrentRow, mnXclRow, mnXclRowRpt, rStrm, and XclExpRecord::Save().
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from XclExpRecordBase.
Definition at line 2178 of file xetable.cxx.
References EXC_ROW_COLLAPSED, EXC_ROW_HIDDEN, EXC_ROW_UNSYNCED, EXC_ROW_USEDEFXF, get_flag(), i, lcl_GetStyleId(), maCellList, mbEnabled, mnCurrentRow, mnFlags, mnHeight, mnOutlineLevel, mnXclRow, mnXclRowRpt, mnXFIndex, rStrm, and XclExpRecordList< RecType >::SaveXml().
inline |
Definition at line 885 of file xetable.hxx.
References mnXclRowRpt.
Referenced by XclExpRowBuffer::Finalize().
overrideprivatevirtual |
Writes the contents of the ROW record.
Reimplemented from XclExpRecord.
Definition at line 2167 of file xetable.cxx.
References GetFirstFreeXclCol(), GetFirstUsedXclCol(), mnCurrentRow, mnFlags, mnHeight, and mnXFIndex.
void XclExpRow::WriteCellList | ( | XclExpStream & | rStrm | ) |
Writes all cell records of this row.
Definition at line 2127 of file xetable.cxx.
References XclExpRecordList< RecType >::IsEmpty(), maCellList, mbEnabled, rStrm, and XclExpRecordList< RecType >::Save().
private |
Definition at line 895 of file xetable.hxx.
Referenced by AppendCell(), Finalize(), GetFirstFreeXclCol(), GetFirstUsedXclCol(), InsertCell(), IsEmpty(), SaveXml(), and WriteCellList().
private |
Definition at line 903 of file xetable.hxx.
Referenced by AppendCell(), and Finalize().
private |
true = Do not add blank cells in Finalize().
Definition at line 904 of file xetable.hxx.
Referenced by DisableIfDefault(), IsEnabled(), Save(), SaveXml(), and WriteCellList().
private |
Definition at line 902 of file xetable.hxx.
Referenced by Save(), SaveXml(), and WriteBody().
private |
Row height in twips.
Definition at line 898 of file xetable.hxx.
Referenced by Finalize(), InsertCell(), IsDefaultable(), IsHidden(), IsUnsynced(), SaveXml(), WriteBody(), and XclExpRow().
private |
Excel row index of this row.
Definition at line 897 of file xetable.hxx.
Referenced by DisableIfDefault(), GetHeight(), SaveXml(), and WriteBody().
private |
Default row formatting.
Definition at line 900 of file xetable.hxx.
Referenced by SaveXml(), and XclExpRow().
private |
List of cell records for this row.
Definition at line 896 of file xetable.hxx.
Referenced by Finalize(), GetXclRow(), Save(), SaveXml(), and XclExpRow().
private |
Outline Level of row (for OOXML)
Definition at line 901 of file xetable.hxx.
Referenced by GetXclRowRpt(), Save(), SaveXml(), and SetXclRowRpt().
private |
Flags for the ROW record.
Definition at line 899 of file xetable.hxx.
Referenced by Finalize(), SaveXml(), and WriteBody().