►Cvcl::AbstractTrueTypeFont | |
Cvcl::TrueTypeFont | |
CAccelerator | |
CAcceptDropEvent | |
Cvcl::RoadmapWizard::AccessGuard | |
Cvcl::WizardMachine::AccessGuard | |
CMenuBarWindow::AddButtonEntry | |
CAddonNotebookBarItem | |
CAllSettings | |
CAnimation | |
CAnimationData | |
CAnimationFrame | |
CAnimationRenderer | |
►Cvcl::PDFWriter::AnyWidget | |
Cvcl::PDFWriter::CheckBoxWidget | |
Cvcl::PDFWriter::ComboBoxWidget | |
Cvcl::PDFWriter::EditWidget | |
Cvcl::PDFWriter::ListBoxWidget | |
Cvcl::PDFWriter::PushButtonWidget | |
Cvcl::PDFWriter::RadioButtonWidget | |
Cvcl::PDFWriter::SignatureWidget | |
CApplicationEvent | An application can be notified of a number of different events: |
CAquaA11yFocusTracker | |
►CAquaGraphicsBackendBase | |
CAquaGraphicsBackend | |
CAquaSkiaSalGraphicsImpl | |
CAquaSharedAttributes | |
CVclAbstractDialog::AsyncContext | |
►CBaseInstanceClass | |
CJSWidget< BaseInstanceClass, VclClass > | |
►CBaseJSWidget | |
►CJSWidget< SalInstanceAssistant, vcl::RoadmapWizard > | |
CJSAssistant | |
►CJSWidget< SalInstanceBox, VclBox > | |
CJSBox | |
►CJSWidget< SalInstanceButton, ::Button > | |
CJSButton | |
►CJSWidget< SalInstanceCalendar, ::Calendar > | |
CJSCalendar | |
►CJSWidget< SalInstanceCheckButton, ::CheckBox > | |
CJSCheckButton | |
►CJSWidget< SalInstanceComboBoxWithEdit, ::ComboBox > | |
CJSComboBox | |
►CJSWidget< SalInstanceContainer, vcl::Window > | |
CJSContainer | |
►CJSWidget< SalInstanceDialog, ::Dialog > | |
CJSDialog | |
►CJSWidget< SalInstanceDrawingArea, VclDrawingArea > | |
CJSDrawingArea | |
►CJSWidget< SalInstanceEntry, ::Edit > | |
CJSEntry | |
►CJSWidget< SalInstanceExpander, ::VclExpander > | |
CJSExpander | |
►CJSWidget< SalInstanceFormattedSpinButton, ::FormattedField > | |
CJSFormattedSpinButton | |
►CJSWidget< SalInstanceFrame, ::VclFrame > | |
CJSFrame | |
►CJSWidget< SalInstanceIconView, ::IconView > | |
CJSIconView | |
►CJSWidget< SalInstanceImage, FixedImage > | |
CJSImage | |
►CJSWidget< SalInstanceLabel, Control > | |
CJSLabel | |
►CJSWidget< SalInstanceLinkButton, ::FixedHyperlink > | |
CJSLinkButton | |
►CJSWidget< SalInstanceComboBoxWithoutEdit, ::ListBox > | |
CJSListBox | |
►CJSWidget< SalInstanceMenuButton, ::MenuButton > | |
CJSMenuButton | |
►CJSWidget< SalInstanceMessageDialog, ::MessageDialog > | |
CJSMessageDialog | |
►CJSWidget< SalInstanceNotebook, ::TabControl > | |
CJSNotebook | |
►CJSWidget< SalInstancePopover, DockingWindow > | |
CJSPopover | |
►CJSWidget< SalInstanceRadioButton, ::RadioButton > | |
CJSRadioButton | |
►CJSWidget< SalInstanceScrolledWindow, ::VclScrolledWindow > | |
CJSScrolledWindow | |
►CJSWidget< SalInstanceSpinButton, ::FormattedField > | |
CJSSpinButton | |
►CJSWidget< SalInstanceTextView, ::VclMultiLineEdit > | |
CJSTextView | |
►CJSWidget< SalInstanceToggleButton, ::PushButton > | |
CJSToggleButton | |
►CJSWidget< SalInstanceToolbar, ::ToolBox > | |
CJSToolbar | |
►CJSWidget< SalInstanceTreeView, ::SvTabListBox > | |
CJSTreeView | |
►CJSWidget< SalInstanceWidget, vcl::Window > | |
CJSWidgetInstance | |
CJSWidget< BaseInstanceClass, VclClass > | |
►Ccppu::BaseMutex [external] | |
CDragSource | |
CDropTarget | |
CBinaryDataContainer | Container for the binary data, whose responsibility is to manage the make it as simple as possible to manage the binary data |
►CBitmap | |
CAlphaMask | |
CBitmapBuffer | |
Cvcl::pdf::BitmapEmit | |
CBitmapEx | |
►CBitmapFilter | |
CBitmapAlphaClampFilter | If the alpha is beyond a certain threshold, make it fully transparent |
►CBitmapBasicMorphologyFilter | |
CBitmapDilateFilter | |
CBitmapErodeFilter | |
CBitmapColorQuantizationFilter | |
CBitmapColorizeFilter | |
►CBitmapConvolutionMatrixFilter | Filter image based on a 3x3 convolution matrix |
CBitmapSharpenFilter | |
CBitmapDisabledImageFilter | |
CBitmapDuoToneFilter | |
CBitmapEmbossGreyFilter | |
CBitmapFastScaleFilter | |
CBitmapFilterStackBlur | |
CBitmapGaussianSeparableBlurFilter | |
CBitmapInterpolateScaleFilter | |
CBitmapLightenFilter | |
CBitmapMaskToAlphaFilter | |
CBitmapMedianFilter | |
CBitmapMonochromeFilter | |
CBitmapMosaicFilter | |
CBitmapPopArtFilter | |
CBitmapScaleSuperFilter | |
CBitmapSeparableUnsharpenFilter | Separable Unsharpen Mask filter is actually a subtracted blurred image from the original image |
CBitmapSepiaFilter | |
CBitmapShadowFilter | If the alpha is beyond a certain threshold, make it fully transparent |
CBitmapSimpleColorQuantizationFilter | |
CBitmapSmoothenFilter | |
CBitmapSobelGreyFilter | |
CBitmapSolarizeFilter | |
►Cvcl::BitmapScaleConvolutionFilter | |
Cvcl::BitmapScaleBicubicFilter | |
Cvcl::BitmapScaleBilinearFilter | |
Cvcl::BitmapScaleLanczos3Filter | |
Cvcl::pdf::BitmapID | |
►CBitmapInfoAccess | |
►CBitmapReadAccess | |
CBitmapWriteAccess | |
CBitmapPalette | |
CBitmapSymmetryCheck | |
CBitmapSystemData | |
CBitStreamState | |
CBlendFrameCache | |
Cvcl::BufferDevice | Buffers drawing on a vcl::RenderContext using a VirtualDevice |
►Cweld::Builder | |
►CSalInstanceBuilder | |
CJSInstanceBuilder | |
►CBuilderPage | |
Cvcl::OWizardPage | |
Cvcl::pdf::BuildinFont | |
CVclBuilder::ButtonImageWidgetMap | |
CSalLayoutGlyphsCache::CachedGlyphsHash | |
CSalLayoutGlyphsCache::CachedGlyphsKey | |
CCairoCommon | |
CCairoDeleter | |
CCGContextHolder | |
CCGLayerHolder | |
►Cosl::ClearableGuard | |
CSolarMutexClearableGuard | |
►Csal::systools::CoInitializeGuard | |
►CSalData | |
►CGenericUnixSalData | |
CGtkSalData | |
CQtData | |
CSvpSalData | |
CX11SalData | |
►CColor [external] | |
CBitmapColor | |
Cvcl::font::ColorLayer | |
Cvcl::pdf::ColorLayer | |
CColorMask | |
CColorMaskElement | |
Cweld::ComboBoxEntry | |
CVclBuilder::ComboBoxModelMap | |
CComboBoxTextItem | |
CCommandDialogData | |
CCommandEvent | |
CCommandExtTextInputData | |
CCommandGestureLongPressData | |
CCommandGesturePanData | |
CCommandGestureRotateData | |
CCommandGestureSwipeData | |
CCommandGestureZoomData | |
CCommandInputContextData | |
CCommandMediaData | |
CCommandModKeyData | |
CCommandScrollData | |
CCommandSelectionChangeData | |
CCommandWheelData | |
►CCompatibleDC | Class that creates (and destroys) a compatible Device Context |
CSkiaCompatibleDC | |
►Cutl::ConfigurationBroadcaster [external] | |
►Cutl::ConfigItem [external] | |
Cvcl::SettingsConfigItem | |
►Cutl::ConfigurationListener [external] | |
CLocaleConfigurationListener | |
CControlCacheHashFunction | |
CControlCacheKey | |
Cvcl::ImplPrinterControllerData::ControlDependency | |
►Cvcl::ControlLayoutData | |
Cvcl::MenuLayoutData | |
Cvcl::ToolBoxLayoutData | |
Cvcl::ControlPoint | ControlPoint structure used by GetTTGlyphPoints() |
Cvcl::ControlTextRenderer | Class which allows rendering text of a Control onto a device, by taking into account the metrics of a reference device |
Cvcl::ControlTypeAndPart | |
CConvertData | |
Cpsp::CPDPrinter | |
►CCrashZone< OpenGLZone > [external] | |
COpenGLZone | We want to be able to detect if a given crash came from the OpenGL code, so use this helper to track that |
►CCrashZone< SkiaZone > [external] | |
CSkiaZone | |
Cvcl::Cursor | |
Cweld::CustomWeld | |
►Cweld::CustomWidgetController | |
Cvcl::PrintDialog::PrintPreviewWindow | |
Cvcl::PrintDialog::ShowNupOrderWindow | |
CDamageHandler | |
CDataChangedEvent | |
►CDateFormatter | |
►CDateField | |
CCalendarField | |
CDDInfo | |
CDecorationView | |
►Cvcl::DeleteOnDeinitBase | |
Cvcl::DeleteOnDeinit< std::shared_ptr< weld::Window > > | |
Cvcl::DeleteOnDeinit< css::uno::Reference< css::i18n::XLocaleData4 > > | |
Cvcl::DeleteOnDeinit< css::uno::Reference< css::i18n::XBreakIterator > > | |
Cvcl::DeleteOnDeinit< T > | |
Cvcl::DeleteUnoReferenceOnDeinit< I > | Similar to DeleteOnDeinit, the DeleteUnoReferenceOnDeinit template class makes sure that a static UNO object is disposed and released at the right time |
Cvcl::DeletionListener | |
►Cvcl::DeletionNotifier | |
►CSalFrame | A SalFrame is a system window (e.g. an X11 window) |
CAquaSalFrame | |
CGtkSalFrame | |
CQtFrame | |
CSvpSalFrame | |
CWinSalFrame | |
CX11SalFrame | |
CDialogImpl | |
CDialogStyle | |
CWinSalSystem::DisplayMonitor | |
CDockingData | |
CDockingManager | |
►Cvcl::unohelper::DragAndDropClient | |
►CEdit | |
►CComboBox | A widget used to choose from a list of items and which has an entry |
CMetricBox | |
CSelectableFixedText | |
►CSpinField | |
CDateField | |
CFormattedField | |
CMetricField | |
CVclMultiLineEdit | |
CTextView | |
►CDragSourceHelper | |
►CSvTreeListBox | |
CIconView | |
►CSvTabListBox | |
CLclTabListBox | |
►CSvHeaderTabListBox | |
CLclHeaderTabListBox | |
CVclDrawingArea | |
CDriverBlocklist::DriverInfo | |
►CDropTargetHelper | |
CSvTreeListBox | |
Cweld::ReorderingDropTarget | |
CDXF2GDIMetaFile | |
►CDXFBasicEntity | |
CDXF3DFaceEntity | |
CDXFArcEntity | |
CDXFAttDefEntity | |
CDXFAttribEntity | |
CDXFCircleEntity | |
CDXFDimensionEntity | |
CDXFHatchEntity | |
CDXFInsertEntity | |
CDXFLWPolyLineEntity | |
CDXFLineEntity | |
CDXFPointEntity | |
CDXFPolyLineEntity | |
CDXFSeqEndEntity | |
CDXFShapeEntity | |
CDXFSolidEntity | |
CDXFTextEntity | |
CDXFTraceEntity | |
CDXFVertexEntity | |
CDXFBlocks | |
CDXFBoundaryPathData | |
CDXFBoundingBox | |
►CDXFEdgeType | |
CDXFEdgeTypeCircularArc | |
CDXFEdgeTypeEllipticalArc | |
CDXFEdgeTypeLine | |
CDXFEdgeTypeSpline | |
►CDXFEntities | |
CDXFBlock | |
CDXFGroupReader | |
CDXFLayer | |
CDXFLineInfo | |
CDXFLType | |
CDXFPalette | |
CDXFRepresentation | |
CDXFStyle | |
CDXFTables | |
CDXFTransform | |
CDXFVector | |
CDXFVPort | |
CEmbeddedFontsHelper | Helper functions for handling embedded fonts in documents |
Cvcl::pdf::EmbedFont | |
CEMFWriter | |
Cvcl::font::EmphasisMark | |
►Cstd::enable_shared_from_this | |
Cweld::ButtonPressRepeater | |
►Cweld::DialogController | |
►Cweld::AssistantController | |
►Cvcl::WizardMachine | Implements some kind of finite automata, where the states of the automata exactly correlate with tab pages |
Cvcl::RoadmapWizardMachine |
- no, not a wizard for a roadmap, but the base class for wizards supporting a roadmap
►Cweld::GenericDialogController | |
Cvcl::PrintDialog | |
Cvcl::PrintProgressDialog | |
Cweld::MessageDialogController | |
CEndDockingData | |
CEndPopupModeData | |
CIconViewImpl::EntryAreaInfo | |
Cvcl::EnumContext | |
CErrorContext | |
CErrorHandler | |
►CErrorInfo | |
►CDynamicErrorInfo | |
CStringErrorInfo | |
CTwoStringErrorInfo | |
CErrorRegistry | |
CErrorStringFactory | |
CEventDescription | |
CExecuteDropEvent | |
CExif | |
CExif::ExifIFD | |
Cvcl::ExternalPDFStream | |
Cvcl::ExternalPDFStreams | |
Cvcl::PDFWriter::ExtLineInfo | |
►Cvcl::ExtOutDevData | |
Cvcl::PDFExtOutDevData | |
Cpsp::FastPrintFontInfo | |
Cvcl::text::FastStringCompareEqual | |
Cvcl::font::Feature | |
Cvcl::font::FeatureCollector | |
Cvcl::font::FeatureDefinition | |
Cvcl::font::FeatureParameter | |
Cvcl::font::FeatureParser | |
Cvcl::font::FeatureSetting | |
CFilterConfigCache | Cache to keep list of graphic filters + the filters themselves |
CFilterConfigCache::FilterConfigCacheEntry | |
CFilterConfigItem | |
Cvcl::text::FirstCharsStringHash | |
►Cvcl::Font | |
CFontMetric | |
►CFontAttributes | |
CFontMetricData | |
Cvcl::font::FontSelectPattern | |
►Cvcl::font::PhysicalFontFace | Abstract base class for physical font faces |
CCoreTextFontFace | |
CFreetypeFontFace | |
CQtFontFace | |
CWinFontFace | |
Cvcl::pdf::BuildinFontFace | |
Cvcl::FontCapabilities | |
CFontConfigFontOptions | |
Cvcl::pdf::FontEmit | |
COutputDevice::FontMappingUseItem | |
Cvcl::font::FontMatchStatus | |
Cvcl::pdf::FontSubset | |
CFontSubsetInfo | |
Cvcl::font::FontSubstEntry | |
►Cvcl::font::FontSubstitution | |
Cvcl::font::DirectFontSubstitution | DirectFontSubstitution is for Tools->Options->FontReplacement and PsPrinter substitutions The class is just a simple port of the unmaintainable manual-linked-list based mechanism |
Cvcl::font::GlyphFallbackFontSubstitution | Abstracts the concept of finding the best font to support an incomplete font |
Cvcl::font::PreMatchFontSubstitution | Abstracts the concept of a configured font substitution before the availability of the originally selected font has been checked |
►CFormatter | |
►Cweld::EntryFormatter | |
Cweld::DateFormatter | |
Cweld::DoubleNumericFormatter | |
Cweld::LongCurrencyFormatter | |
Cweld::TimeFormatter | |
CFormatterBase | |
Cpsp::FPtrHash | |
CFreetypeFont | |
CFreetypeFontFile | |
CFreetypeFontInfo | |
CFreetypeManager | The FreetypeManager caches various aspects of Freetype fonts |
►CFunctionSet | |
CImpLBSelEng | |
CTextSelFunctionSet | |
CGDIDeleter< H, DeleterFunc > | |
CGDIMetaFile | |
►Ctools::GenericTypeSerializer [external] | |
CTypeSerializer | |
CGestureEventPan | |
CGestureEventRotate | |
CGestureEventZoom | |
CGfxLink | |
CGIFImageDataOutputStream | |
CGIFLZWCompressor | |
CGIFLZWCTreeNode | |
CGIFLZWDecompressor | |
CGIFLZWTableEntry | |
CGLOActionGroup | |
CGLOActionGroupClass | |
Cvcl::GlobalSyncData | |
►CGLWindow | Holds the information of our new child window |
CGLX11Window | |
Cvcl::pdf::Glyph | |
CGlyphBoundRectCacheHash | |
CGlyphBoundRectCacheKey | |
Cvcl::GlyphData | Structure used by the TrueType Creator and GetRawGlyphData() |
Cvcl::pdf::GlyphEmit | |
CGlyphItem | |
CSalLayoutGlyphsCache::GlyphsCost | |
CGradient | |
Cvcl::pdf::GradientEmit | |
CGraphic | |
CGraphicAttr | |
CGraphicConversionParameters | |
CGraphicConverter | |
CGraphicDescriptor | |
CGraphicExternalLink | |
CGraphicFilter | Class to import and export graphic formats |
Cvcl::GraphicFormatDetector | |
CGraphicID | |
CGraphicMetadata | |
CGraphicNativeMetadata | |
CGraphicNativeTransform | |
CGraphicObject | |
►CGraphicReader | |
CJPEGReader | |
CGraphicsRenderTests | |
Cvcl::pdf::GraphicsState | |
Cpsp::GraphicsStatus | |
CGrfSimpleCacheObj | |
►Cosl::Guard | |
CSolarMutexGuard | |
Cstd::hash< Graphic > | |
Cstd::hash< pair< sal_UCS4, FontWeight > > | |
Cstd::hash< ScaleCacheKey > | |
Cstd::hash< ToolBoxItemId > | |
Cstd::hash< vcl::ControlTypeAndPart > | |
CHatch | |
CHDCCache | |
CHelp | |
CHelpEvent | |
CHelpSettings | |
Cvcl::I18nHelper | |
Cvcl::IAccessibleBrowseBox | Interface for an implementation of a browse box's Accessible component |
Cvcl::table::IAccessibleTable | This abstract class provides methods to implement an accessible table object |
Cvcl::table::IAccessibleTableControl | Interface for an implementation of a table control's Accessible component |
►Cvcl::IAccessibleTableProvider | This abstract class provides methods to implement an accessible table object |
CSvHeaderTabListBox | |
Cvcl::IAccessibleTabListBox | Interface for an implementation of a table control's Accessible component |
CIcnCursor_Impl | |
CIcnGridMap_Impl | |
CImplImageTree::IconSet | |
►Cvcl::IContext | |
CTabPage | |
►CVclContainer | |
►CVclBox | |
►CVclButtonBox | |
CVclHButtonBox | |
CVclVButtonBox | |
►CVclHBox | |
CDropdownBox | |
COptionalBox | |
►CPriorityHBox | |
CPriorityMergedHBox | |
CVerticalTabControl | |
►CVclVBox | |
CContextVBox | |
CVclGrid | |
►CVclPaned | |
CVclHPaned | |
CVclVPaned | |
Cvcl::IconThemeInfo | This class provides information about an icon theme |
Cvcl::IconThemeScanner | This class scans a folder for icon themes and provides the results |
Cvcl::IconThemeSelector | This class helps to choose an icon theme from a list of installed themes |
►CIDropSource | |
CDragSource | |
CImplFontCache::IFSD_Equal | |
CImplFontCache::IFSD_Hash | |
►Cvcl::ILibreOfficeKitNotifier | |
CApplication | Base class used mainly for the LibreOffice Desktop class |
CImage | |
CImageMap | |
Cvcl::ImageRepository | |
CImageRequestParameters | |
CImageTree | |
CIMapCompat | |
►CIMapObject | |
CIMapCircleObject | |
CIMapPolygonObject | |
CIMapRectangleObject | |
CGtkSalFrame::IMHandler | |
CImpErrorQuad | |
CImpGraphic | |
CBinaryDataContainer::Impl | |
CComboBox::Impl | |
CGradient::Impl | |
CSvListView::Impl | |
CImpl_IMEInfos | |
CImplAccelEntry | |
CImplAccelManager | |
CImplAccessibleInfos | |
CImplAllSettingsData | |
CImplBitmapPalette | |
CImplBorderFrameData | |
►CImplBorderWindowView | |
CImplNoBorderWindowView | |
CImplSmallBorderWindowView | |
CImplStdBorderWindowView | |
CImplCalcToTopData | |
CImplCommonButtonData | |
►CImplControlValue | |
CMenubarValue | |
CMenupopupValue | |
CPushButtonValue | |
CScrollbarValue | |
CSliderValue | |
CSpinbuttonValue | |
CTabPaneValue | |
CTabitemValue | |
CToolbarValue | |
CImplCursorData | |
CDockingAreaWindow::ImplData | |
CDockingWindow::ImplData | |
CFloatingWindow::ImplData | |
CStatusBar::ImplData | |
CSystemWindow::ImplData | |
CImplDockingWindowWrapper | ImplDockingWindowWrapper |
CImplDynamicErrorInfo | |
CVectorGraphicSearch::Implementation | |
CImplEntryList | |
CImplEntryType | |
CImplErrorContext | |
CImplFont | |
CImplFontCache | |
CImplFrameData | |
CImplHatch | |
CImplHeadItem | |
CImplHelpData | |
CImplImage | |
CImplImageTree | |
CImplJobSetup | |
Cvcl::text::ImplLayoutArgs | |
CImplLayoutRuns | |
CImplLineInfo | |
CMapMode::ImplMapMode | |
CImplMapRes | |
CImplMenuDelData | |
CImplMetaReadData | |
CImplMetaWriteData | |
CImplMiscData | |
CImplMoreButtonData | |
CImplMouseData | |
CImplMultiTextLineInfo | |
Cvcl::ImplOldStyleAdaptorData | |
CImplOutDevData | |
CImplPostEventData | |
Cvcl::ImplPrinterControllerData | |
CImplPrnQueueData | |
CImplPrnQueueList | |
CImplRegionBand | |
CImplRegionBandPoint | |
CImplRegionBandSep | |
CImplSchedulerContext | |
CImplSchedulerData | |
CImplScrollBarData | |
CImplSplitSet | |
CImplStatusItem | |
CImplStyleData | |
CImplSVAppData | |
CImplSVCtrlData | |
CImplSVData | |
CImplSVEvent | |
CImplSVFrameData | |
CImplSVGDIData | |
CImplSVHelpData | |
CImplSVNWFData | |
CImplSVWinData | |
CImplTabCtrlData | |
CImplTabItem | |
CImplTBDragMgr | |
CImplTextLineInfo | |
CImplTileInfo | |
CImplToolBoxPrivateData | |
CImplToolItem | |
CToolBox::ImplToolSize | |
CImplWinData | |
CImplWizButtonData | |
CImplWizPageData | |
CImpSwapFile | |
CImpSwapInfo | |
CImpTextView | |
CINetImage | |
CInputContext | |
CDriverBlocklist::InvalidFileException | |
CInverseColorMap | |
►Cvcl::IPrioritable | |
CDropdownBox | |
COptionalBox | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< ActivateModeFlags, 0x0001 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< ActivateModeFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< AddFontSubstituteFlags, 0x03 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< AddFontSubstituteFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< AllSettingsFlags, 0x0027 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< AllSettingsFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< AntialiasingFlags, 0x07 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< AntialiasingFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< BmpMirrorFlags, 0x03 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< BmpMirrorFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< BorderWindowHitTest, 0x3fff > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< BorderWindowHitTest > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< BorderWindowStyle, 0x001d > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< BorderWindowStyle > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< BorderWindowTitleType, 0x001f > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< BorderWindowTitleType > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< ControlState, 0x006f > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< ControlState > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< ControlState, 0xC06F > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< ControlState > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< DialogControlFlags, 0x0007 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< DialogControlFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< DialogMask, 0xffff > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< DialogMask > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< DisplayOptions, 0x0001 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< DisplayOptions > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< DragDropMode, 0x0015 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< DragDropMode > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< DragFullOptions, 0x0073 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< DragFullOptions > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< DrawButtonFlags, 0x137f > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< DrawButtonFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< DrawFrameFlags, 0x9070 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< DrawFrameFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< DrawGridFlags, 0x0007 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< DrawGridFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< DrawImageFlags, 0x001f > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< DrawImageFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< DrawModeFlags, 0x3fffff > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< DrawModeFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< DrawSymbolFlags, 0x03 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< DrawSymbolFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< DrawTextFlags, 0x1ffff > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< DrawTextFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< EndExtTextInputFlags, 0x0001 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< EndExtTextInputFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< ExtTextInputAttr, 0x1ff0 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< ExtTextInputAttr > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< FloatWinPopupEndFlags, 0x1f > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< FloatWinPopupEndFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< FloatWinPopupFlags, 0x1fff > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< FloatWinPopupFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< FontKerning, 0x03 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< FontKerning > | |
►Cis_typed_flags< FontType,(1<< 8) -1 > | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< FontType > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< GetDefaultFontFlags, 0x01 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< GetDefaultFontFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< GetFocusFlags, 0x077f > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< GetFocusFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< GlyphItemFlags, 0xff > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< GlyphItemFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< GraphicAdjustmentFlags, 0x1f > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< GraphicAdjustmentFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< GraphicFilterImportFlags, 0x0063 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< GraphicFilterImportFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< HeaderBarItemBits, 0x3c37 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< HeaderBarItemBits > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< HelpEventMode, 0x07 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< HelpEventMode > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< IconChoiceFlags, 0x007f > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< IconChoiceFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< ImageLoadFlags, 0x3 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< ImageLoadFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< ImplPaintFlags, 0x003f > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< ImplPaintFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< InputContextFlags, 0x0003 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< InputContextFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< InvalidateFlags, 0x403f > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< InvalidateFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< InvertFlags, 0x0003 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< InvertFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< JobSetFlags, 0xF > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< JobSetFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< KeyIndicatorState, 0x0007 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< KeyIndicatorState > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< LBoxFlags, 0x07fe > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< LBoxFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< ListBoxEntryFlags, 0x0007 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< ListBoxEntryFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< MenuFlags, 0x0007 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< MenuFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< MenuItemBits, 0x1f7 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< MenuItemBits > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< ModKeyFlags, 0x00ff > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< ModKeyFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< MouseEventModifiers, 0xff7 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< MouseEventModifiers > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< MouseFollowFlags, 0x01 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< MouseFollowFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< MouseSettingsOptions, 0x06 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< MouseSettingsOptions > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< ParentClipMode, 0x0003 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< ParentClipMode > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< PopupMenuFlags, 0x001b > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< PopupMenuFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< PosSizeFlags, 0x000f > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< PosSizeFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< PresentationFlags, 0x0001 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< PresentationFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< PrintQueueFlags, 0x01ffffff > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< PrintQueueFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< QuickHelpFlags, 0x77f > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< QuickHelpFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< SalFrameStyleFlags, 0x798001ff > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< SalFrameStyleFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< SalFrameToTop, 0x0f > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< SalFrameToTop > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< SalInvert, 0x03 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< SalInvert > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< SalLayoutFlags, 0x6277 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< SalLayoutFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< ScanlineFormat, 0x0001fb11 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< ScanlineFormat > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< ScrollFlags, 0x001f > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< ScrollFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< SelectionEngineFlags, 0x01ef > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< SelectionEngineFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< SelectionOptions, 0x0004 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< SelectionOptions > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< ShowFlags, 0x000e > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< ShowFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< ShowTrackFlags, 0x300f > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< ShowTrackFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< SplitWindowItemFlags, 0x0f > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< SplitWindowItemFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< StartAutoScrollFlags, 0x0003 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< StartAutoScrollFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< StartTrackingFlags, 0x000f > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< StartTrackingFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< StatusBarItemBits, 0x01ff > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< StatusBarItemBits > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< StyleSettingsOptions, 0x0003 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< StyleSettingsOptions > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< SvItemStateFlags, 0x0f > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< SvItemStateFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< SvLBoxTabFlags, 0x007f > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< SvLBoxTabFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< SvTLEntryFlags, 0x801f > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< SvTLEntryFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< SvTreeFlags, 0x1f > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< SvTreeFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< SvTreeListBoxFlags, 0x000f > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< SvTreeListBoxFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< SvxIconViewFlags, 0x000f > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< SvxIconViewFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< SystemTextColorFlags, 0x0005 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< SystemTextColorFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< SystemWindowFlags, 0x03 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< SystemWindowFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< TabitemFlags, 0x0f > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< TabitemFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< ToolBoxItemBits, 0x3ff > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< ToolBoxItemBits > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< ToolBoxMenuType, 0x0003 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< ToolBoxMenuType > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< ToTopFlags, 0x000f > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< ToTopFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< TrackingEventFlags, 0x1107 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< TrackingEventFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< ValidateFlags, 0x0003 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< ValidateFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< vcl::font::FontTypeFaces, 0xff > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< vcl::font::FontTypeFaces > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< vcl::pdf::GraphicsStateUpdateFlags, 0x077f > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< vcl::pdf::GraphicsStateUpdateFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< vcl::pdf::PDFFindFlags, 0x00000007 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< vcl::pdf::PDFFindFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< vcl::PushFlags, 0xFFFF > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< vcl::PushFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< vcl::text::ComplexTextLayoutFlags, 0x000f > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< vcl::text::ComplexTextLayoutFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< vcl::WindowDataMask, 0x0f3f > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< vcl::WindowDataMask > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< vcl::WindowState, 0xffff > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< vcl::WindowState > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< VclInputFlags, 0x003f > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< VclInputFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< WheelMode, 0x003f > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< WheelMode > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< WindowBorderStyle, 0x3033 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< WindowBorderStyle > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< WindowExtendedStyle, 0x0007 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< WindowExtendedStyle > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< WindowHitTest, 0x0003 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< WindowHitTest > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< WizardButtonFlags, 0x001f > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< WizardButtonFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< ZOrderFlags, 0x000f > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< ZOrderFlags > | |
►Cvcl::ISearchableStringList | |
CImplListBoxWindow | |
CSvTreeListBox | |
CItalicMatrix | |
►Cvcl::ITextLayout | |
Cvcl::DefaultTextLayout | Implementation of the ITextLayout interface which simply delegates its calls to the respective methods of an OutputDevice instance, without any inbetween magic |
Cvcl::ReferenceDeviceTextLayout | |
►CIWizardPageController | |
Cvcl::OWizardPage | |
►Cpsp::JobData | |
Cpsp::PrinterInfo | |
CJobSetup | |
Cjpeg_transform_info | |
CJPEGCreateBitmapParam | |
CJpegTransform | |
CJPEGWriter | |
Cvcl::pdf::JPGEmit | |
CJSDialogMessageInfo | Class with the message description for storing in the queue |
►CJSDialogSender | |
CJSInstanceBuilder | |
CKernArray | |
CKernArraySpan | |
►Cvcl::Kernel | |
Cvcl::BicubicKernel | |
Cvcl::BilinearKernel | |
Cvcl::Lanczos3Kernel | |
Cvcl::KeyCode | |
CKeyEvent | |
CSkiaSalGraphicsImpl::LastPolyPolygonInfo | |
CVclBuilder::ListStore | |
CLocalFocus | |
CLOKTrigger | |
Cvcl::longHorMetrics | |
Cvcl::graphic::Manager | |
CLogicalFontInstance::MapEntry | |
CMapMode | |
Cvcl::pdf::Matrix3 | |
►Cweld::Menu | |
CSalInstanceMenu | |
CVclBuilder::MenuAndId | |
CMenuBarButtonCallbackArg | |
CAquaSalMenu::MenuBarButtonEntry | |
CMenuBarUpdateIconManager | |
CMenuItemData | |
CMenuItemList | |
►CMenuWindow | Common ancestor for MenuFloatingWindow and MenuBarWindow |
CMenuBarWindow | Class that implements the actual window of the menu bar |
CMenuFloatingWindow | Class that implements the actual window of the floating menu |
CMetafileXmlDump | Class that is used for testing of the decomposition into shapes |
Cweld::MetricSpinButton | |
CMiscSettings | |
CMnemonicGenerator | |
CMouseEvent | |
CMouseSettings | |
Cvcl::PrinterController::MultiPageSetup | |
Cvcl::NameRecord | Structure used by the TrueType Creator and CreateTTFromTTGlyphs() |
CNotebookBarAddonsItem | |
►CNotebookbarContextControl | |
CContextVBox | |
CNotifyEvent | |
►CNSAccessibilityElement | |
►CAquaA11yWrapper | |
CSalFrameViewA11yWrapper | |
►CNSApplication | |
CVCL_NSApplication | |
►CNSMenu | |
CSalNSMenu | |
►CNSMenuItem | |
CSalNSMenuItem | |
►CNSObject | |
CAquaA11yFactory | |
CAquaPrintAccessoryView | |
CCocoaThreadEnabler | |
CTimerCallbackCaller | |
►C<NSTextInputClient> | |
CSalFrameView | |
►CNSView | |
CAquaPrintView | |
COOStatusItemView | |
CSalFrameView | |
►CNSWindow | |
CSalFrameWindow | |
►C<NSWindowDelegate> | |
CSalFrameWindow | |
Cvalidation::NumberValidator | |
►CNumericFormatter | |
►CMetricFormatter | |
CMetricBox | |
CMetricField | |
COctree | |
COctreeNode | |
►COpenGLContext | |
CQtOpenGLContext | |
COpenGLHelper | |
COpenGLWrapper | |
Cvcl::font::OpenTypeFeatureDefinitionListPrivate | |
►COUStrMap | |
Cvcl::SmallOUStrMap | |
►Cvcl::test::OutputDeviceTestCommon | Common subclass for output device rendering tests |
Cvcl::test::OutputDeviceTestAnotherOutDev | |
Cvcl::test::OutputDeviceTestBitmap | |
Cvcl::test::OutputDeviceTestClip | |
Cvcl::test::OutputDeviceTestGradient | |
Cvcl::test::OutputDeviceTestLine | |
Cvcl::test::OutputDeviceTestPixel | |
Cvcl::test::OutputDeviceTestPolyLine | |
Cvcl::test::OutputDeviceTestPolyLineB2D | |
Cvcl::test::OutputDeviceTestPolyPolygon | |
Cvcl::test::OutputDeviceTestPolyPolygonB2D | |
Cvcl::test::OutputDeviceTestPolygon | |
Cvcl::test::OutputDeviceTestRect | |
Cvcl::test::OutputDeviceTestText | |
►Ccppu::OWeakObject [external] | |
►Cunographic::GraphicDescriptor | |
Cunographic::Graphic | |
Cvcl::unohelper::DragAndDropWrapper | |
Cvcl::unohelper::HtmlTransferable | |
Cvcl::unohelper::TextDataObject | |
COwnershipFlag | |
CVclBuilder::PackingData | |
Cvcl::PrinterController::PageSize | |
Cvcl::PageSyncData | |
Cvcl::PaintBufferGuard | Sets up the buffer to have settings matching the window, and restores the original state in the dtor |
CPaintHelper | |
Cvcl::ParenStackEntry | |
CDriverBlocklist::Parser | |
CVclBuilder::ParserState | |
Cweld::PatternFormatter | |
►Cvcl::pdf::PDFAnnotation | |
Cvcl::pdf::PDFLink | |
Cvcl::pdf::PDFNoteEntry | |
Cvcl::pdf::PDFPopupAnnotation | |
Cvcl::pdf::PDFScreen | A PDF Screen annotation |
Cvcl::pdf::PDFWidget | |
►Cvcl::pdf::PDFAnnotationMarker | |
Cvcl::pdf::PDFAnnotationMarkerCircle | |
Cvcl::pdf::PDFAnnotationMarkerHighlight | |
Cvcl::pdf::PDFAnnotationMarkerInk | |
Cvcl::pdf::PDFAnnotationMarkerLine | |
Cvcl::pdf::PDFAnnotationMarkerPolygon | |
Cvcl::pdf::PDFAnnotationMarkerSquare | |
Cvcl::pdf::PDFDest | |
Cvcl::PDFWriter::PDFDocInfo | |
Cvcl::pdf::PDFDocumentAttachedFile | |
►Cvcl::filter::PDFElement | A byte range in a PDF file |
Cvcl::filter::PDFArrayElement | Array object: a list |
Cvcl::filter::PDFBooleanElement | Boolean object: a 'true' or a 'false' |
Cvcl::filter::PDFCommentElement | A one-liner comment |
Cvcl::filter::PDFDictionaryElement | Dictionary object: a set key-value pairs |
Cvcl::filter::PDFEndArrayElement | End of an array: ']' |
Cvcl::filter::PDFEndDictionaryElement | End of a dictionary: '>>' |
Cvcl::filter::PDFEndObjectElement | End of an object: 'endobj' keyword |
Cvcl::filter::PDFEndStreamElement | End of a stream: 'endstream' keyword |
Cvcl::filter::PDFHexStringElement | Hex string: in <AABB> form |
Cvcl::filter::PDFLiteralStringElement | Literal string: in (asdf) form |
Cvcl::filter::PDFNameElement | Name object: a key string |
Cvcl::filter::PDFNullElement | Null object: the 'null' singleton |
Cvcl::filter::PDFNumberElement | Numbering object: an integer or a real |
Cvcl::filter::PDFObjectElement | Indirect object: something with a unique ID |
Cvcl::filter::PDFReferenceElement | Reference object: something with a unique ID |
Cvcl::filter::PDFStreamElement | Stream object: a byte array with a known length |
Cvcl::filter::PDFTrailerElement | The trailer singleton is at the end of the doc |
Cvcl::pdf::PDFEmbeddedFile | A PDF embedded file |
Cvcl::PDFWriter::PDFEncryptionProperties | |
Cvcl::PDFExtOutDevBookmarkEntry | |
Cvcl::pdf::PDFGlyph | |
Cvcl::PDFGraphicAnnotation | |
Cvcl::PDFGraphicResult | |
Cvcl::pdf::PDFium | |
Cvcl::pdf::PDFiumAnnotation | |
Cvcl::pdf::PDFiumBitmap | |
Cvcl::pdf::PDFiumDocument | |
Cvcl::pdf::PDFiumLibrary | |
Cvcl::pdf::PDFiumPage | |
Cvcl::pdf::PDFiumPageObject | |
Cvcl::pdf::PDFiumPathSegment | |
Cvcl::pdf::PDFiumSearchHandle | |
Cvcl::pdf::PDFiumSignature | Represents one digital signature, as exposed by PDFium |
Cvcl::pdf::PDFiumTextPage | |
Cvcl::pdf::PDFNamedDest | |
Cvcl::PDFNote | |
►Cvcl::PDFObjectContainer | Allows creating, updating and writing PDF objects in a container |
Cvcl::PDFWriterImpl | |
Cvcl::filter::PDFDocument | In-memory representation of an on-disk PDF document |
Cvcl::PDFObjectCopier | Copies objects from one PDF file into another one |
Cvcl::filter::PDFObjectParser | |
Cvcl::pdf::PDFOutlineEntry | |
Cvcl::PDFOutputStream | |
Cvcl::pdf::PDFPage | |
Cvcl::pdf::PDFStructureAttribute | |
Cvcl::pdf::PDFStructureElement | |
Cvcl::pdf::PDFStructureElementKid | |
Cvcl::PDFWriter | |
Cvcl::PDFWriter::PDFWriterContext | |
Cvcl::font::PhysicalFontCollection | |
Cvcl::font::PhysicalFontFaceCollection | |
Cvcl::font::PhysicalFontFamily | |
CPixelSnapper | |
Cvcl::PDFWriter::PlayMetafileContext | Play a metafile like an outputdevice would do |
Cvcl::PngChunk | |
Cvcl::PngImageReader | |
Cvcl::PngImageWriter | |
Cvcl::Window::PointerState | |
CBitmapPopArtFilter::PopArtEntry | |
CBitmapColorQuantizationFilter::PopularColorCount | |
Cpsp::PPDParser::PPDConstraint | |
Cpsp::PPDContext | |
Cpsp::PPDKey | |
Cpsp::PPDKeyhash | |
Cpsp::PPDParser | |
Cpsp::PPDValue | |
Cpreedit_data_t | |
Cpreedit_text_t | |
CGtkSalFrame::IMHandler::PreviousKeyPress | |
CPrintAccessoryViewState | |
Cpsp::PrinterInfoManager::Printer | |
Cpsp::PrinterBmp | |
Cpsp::PrinterColor | |
Cvcl::PrinterController | |
Cpsp::PrinterGfx | |
►Cpsp::PrinterInfoManager | |
Cpsp::CPDManager | |
Cpsp::CUPSManager | |
Cpsp::PrinterJob | |
Cvcl::PrinterOptionsHelper | |
Cpsp::PrintFontManager::PrintFont | |
Cpsp::PrintFontManager | |
►Ccomphelper::PropertySetHelper [external] | |
Cunographic::GraphicDescriptor | |
►CQAccessibleActionInterface | |
CQtAccessibleWidget | |
►CQAccessibleEditableTextInterface | |
CQtAccessibleWidget | |
►CQAccessibleInterface | |
CQtAccessibleWidget | |
►CQAccessibleSelectionInterface | |
CQtAccessibleWidget | |
►CQAccessibleTableCellInterface | |
CQtAccessibleWidget | |
►CQAccessibleTableInterface | |
CQtAccessibleWidget | |
►CQAccessibleTextInterface | |
CQtAccessibleWidget | |
►CQAccessibleValueInterface | |
CQtAccessibleWidget | |
►CQFont | |
CQtFont | |
►CQMainWindow | |
CQtMainWindow | |
►CQMimeData | |
CQtMimeData | A lazy loading QMimeData for XTransferable reads |
►CQObject | |
CQtClipboard | This implementation has two main functions, which handle the clipboard content: the XClipboard::setContent function and the QClipboard::change signal handler |
CQtFilePicker | |
CQtFrame | |
CQtInstance | |
CQtMenu | |
CQtObject | |
CQtTimer | |
CQtXAccessible | |
►CQPainter | |
CQtPainter | |
CQtAccessibleRegistry | Maintains a mapping between XAccessible objects and the associated QObjects |
►CQtFilePicker_Base | |
CQtFilePicker | |
►CQtGraphicsBase | |
CQtGraphics | |
CQtGraphicsBackend | |
CQtSvpGraphics | |
CQtX11Support | |
CQueueInfo | |
Cvcl::QuickSelectionEngine | |
Cvcl::QuickSelectionEngine_Data | |
►CQWidget | |
CQtObjectWidget | |
CQtWidget | |
Cvcl::bitmap::RawBitmap | Intended to be used to feed into CreateFromData to create a BitmapEx |
Cvcl::font::RawFontData | |
CReferenceWrapper | |
Cvcl::pdf::ReferenceXObjectEmit | Contains information to emit a reference XObject |
Cvcl::Region | |
CRegionBand | |
CReleasePoolHolder | |
Cvcl::RenderTools | |
CVclButtonBox::Requisition | |
►Cosl::ResettableGuard | |
CSolarMutexResettableGuard | |
Cvcl::pdf::ResourceDict | |
CRGBAColor | |
►Cvcl::RoadmapTypes | |
Cvcl::RoadmapImpl | |
Cvcl::RoadmapItem | |
Cvcl::RoadmapWizardImpl | |
Cvcl::RoadmapWizardTravelSuspension | Helper class to temporarily suspend any traveling in the wizard |
Cvcl::text::Run | |
CRuninmainResult | Runs a command in the main thread |
►CSalAbstractMouseEvent | |
CSalMouseEvent | |
CSalWheelMouseEvent | |
►CSalBitmap | |
CQtBitmap | |
CQuartzSalBitmap | |
CSkiaSalBitmap | |
CSvpSalBitmap | |
CWinSalBitmap | |
CSalClipRegion | |
CSalColormap | |
CSalDriverData | |
CSalExtTextInputEvent | |
CSalExtTextInputPosEvent | |
CSalFlashAttention | |
►CSalGeometryProvider | Interface used to share logic on sizing between SalVirtualDevices and SalFrames |
CSalFrame | A SalFrame is a system window (e.g. an X11 window) |
►CSalVirtualDevice | A non-visible drawable/buffer (e.g. an X11 Pixmap) |
CAquaSalVirtualDevice | |
CQtVirtualDevice | |
CSvpSalVirtualDevice | |
CWinSalVirtualDevice | |
CX11SalVirtualDevice | |
CX11SkiaSalVirtualDevice | |
CSalGestureEvent | |
CSalGestureLongPressEvent | |
CSalGestureRotateEvent | |
CSalGestureSwipeEvent | |
CSalGestureZoomEvent | |
CSalGradient | |
CSalGradientStop | |
►CSalGraphicsImpl | Implementation class for SalGraphics |
CAquaGraphicsBackend | |
CGenPspGfxBackend | |
CQtGraphicsBackend | |
►CSkiaSalGraphicsImpl | |
CAquaSkiaSalGraphicsImpl | |
CWinSkiaSalGraphicsImpl | |
CX11SkiaSalGraphicsImpl | |
CSvpGraphicsBackend | |
CSalI18N_InputContext | |
CSalI18N_InputMethod | |
CSalI18N_KeyboardExtension | |
CSalIcon | |
►CSalInfoPrinter | |
CAquaSalInfoPrinter | |
►CPspSalInfoPrinter | |
CSvpSalInfoPrinter | |
CWinSalInfoPrinter | |
CSalInputContext | |
CSalInputContextChangeEvent | |
►CSalInstance | |
CAquaSalInstance | |
►CSalGenericInstance | |
CQtInstance | |
►CSvpSalInstance | |
CAndroidSalInstance | |
CGtkInstance | |
CIosSalInstance | |
CX11SalInstance | |
CWinSalInstance | |
CSalItemParams | |
CSalKeyEvent | |
CSalKeyModEvent | |
►CSalLayout | |
CGenericSalLayout | |
CMultiSalLayout | |
CSalLayoutGlyphs | |
CSalLayoutGlyphsCache | A cache for SalLayoutGlyphs objects |
►CSalMenu | |
CAquaSalMenu | |
CGtkSalMenu | |
CQtMenu | |
CWinSalMenu | |
CSalMenuButtonItem | |
CSalMenuEvent | |
►CSalMenuItem | |
CAquaSalMenuItem | |
CGtkSalMenuItem | |
CQtMenuItem | |
CWinSalMenuItem | |
►CSalObject | |
CAquaSalObject | |
►CGtkSalObjectBase | |
CGtkSalObject | |
CGtkSalObjectWidgetClip | |
CQtObject | |
CSvpSalObject | |
CWinSalObject | |
CX11SalObject | |
CSalObjectData | |
CSalPaintEvent | |
CSalFrame::SalPointerState | |
►CSalPrinter | |
CAquaSalPrinter | |
►CPspSalPrinter | |
CQtPrinter | |
CSvpSalPrinter | |
CWinSalPrinter | |
CSalPrinterQueueInfo | |
CSalQueryCharPositionEvent | |
CSalSession | |
►CSalSessionEvent | |
CSalSessionInteractionEvent | |
CSalSessionQuitEvent | |
CSalSessionSaveRequestEvent | |
CSalSessionShutdownCancelEvent | |
CSalShlData | |
CSalSurroundingTextRequestEvent | |
CSalSurroundingTextSelectionChangeEvent | |
►CSalSystem | |
CAquaSalSystem | |
►CSalGenericSystem | |
CGtkSalSystem | |
CQtSystem | |
CSvpSalSystem | |
CX11SalSystem | |
CWinSalSystem | |
►CSalTimer | |
CAquaSalTimer | |
CGtkSalTimer | |
CQtTimer | |
CSvpSalTimer | |
CWinSalTimer | |
CX11SalTimer | |
CSalTwoRect | |
CSalUserEventList::SalUserEvent | |
►CSalUserEventList | |
CAquaSalInstance | |
CQtInstance | |
►CSalGenericDisplay | |
CGtkSalDisplay | |
►CSalDisplay | |
CSalX11Display | |
CSvpSalInstance | |
CSalX11Screen | |
CSalXLib | |
CScaleCacheKey | Cache multiple scalings for the same bitmap |
►Cvcl::bitmap::ScanlineTransformer | |
Cvcl::bitmap::ScanlineTransformer_1BitPalette | |
Cvcl::bitmap::ScanlineTransformer_4BitPalette | |
Cvcl::bitmap::ScanlineTransformer_8BitPalette | |
Cvcl::bitmap::ScanlineTransformer_ARGB | |
Cvcl::bitmap::ScanlineTransformer_BGR | |
Cvcl::ScanlineWriter | |
CScheduler | |
CSchedulerGuard | |
Cvcl::ScopedAntialiasing | |
Cvcl::ScopedBitmapAccess< Access, Bitmap, Acquire > | This template handles BitmapAccess the RAII way |
Cvcl::ScopedBitmapAccess< BitmapInfoAccess, Bitmap, &Bitmap::AcquireInfoAccess > | |
Cvcl::ScopedBitmapAccess< BitmapReadAccess, Bitmap, &Bitmap::AcquireReadAccess > | |
CScopedCachedHDC< ID > | |
CScopedSelectedGDI< ScopedH, SelectorFunc > | |
CSalDisplay::ScreenData | |
Cweld::ScreenShotEntry | |
►CScrollable | |
CScrollBar | |
CSelectionEngine | |
CSessionManagerClient | |
CSessionManagerInhibitor | |
►CSfxBroadcaster [external] | |
►CTextEngine | |
CExtTextEngine | |
►CSfxHint [external] | |
CTextHint | |
►CSfxListener [external] | |
CImpVclMEdit | |
►CSfxUndoAction [external] | |
►CTextUndo | |
CTextUndoConnectParas | |
CTextUndoDelPara | |
CTextUndoInsertChars | |
CTextUndoRemoveChars | |
CTextUndoSplitPara | |
►CSfxUndoManager [external] | |
CTextUndoManager | |
►Csalhelper::SimpleReferenceObject [external] | |
CKeyboardFocusListener | |
►CLogicalFontInstance | |
CCoreTextFont | |
CFreetypeFontInstance | |
CQtFont | |
►CWinFontInstance | |
CSkiaWinFontInstance | |
Cvcl::pdf::BuildinFontInstance | |
►CMetaAction | |
CMetaArcAction | |
CMetaBmpAction | |
CMetaBmpExAction | |
CMetaBmpExScaleAction | |
CMetaBmpExScalePartAction | |
CMetaBmpScaleAction | |
CMetaBmpScalePartAction | |
CMetaChordAction | |
CMetaClipRegionAction | |
CMetaCommentAction | |
CMetaEPSAction | |
CMetaEllipseAction | |
CMetaFillColorAction | |
CMetaFloatTransparentAction | |
CMetaFontAction | |
CMetaGradientAction | |
CMetaGradientExAction | |
CMetaHatchAction | |
CMetaISectRectClipRegionAction | |
CMetaISectRegionClipRegionAction | |
CMetaLayoutModeAction | |
CMetaLineAction | |
CMetaLineColorAction | |
CMetaMapModeAction | |
CMetaMaskAction | |
CMetaMaskScaleAction | |
CMetaMaskScalePartAction | |
CMetaMoveClipRegionAction | |
CMetaOverlineColorAction | |
CMetaPieAction | |
CMetaPixelAction | |
CMetaPointAction | |
CMetaPolyLineAction | |
CMetaPolyPolygonAction | |
CMetaPolygonAction | |
CMetaPopAction | |
CMetaPushAction | |
CMetaRasterOpAction | |
CMetaRectAction | |
CMetaRefPointAction | |
CMetaRoundRectAction | |
CMetaStretchTextAction | |
CMetaTextAction | |
CMetaTextAlignAction | |
CMetaTextArrayAction | |
CMetaTextColorAction | |
CMetaTextFillColorAction | |
CMetaTextLanguageAction | |
CMetaTextLineAction | |
CMetaTextLineColorAction | |
CMetaTextRectAction | |
CMetaTransparentAction | |
CMetaWallpaperAction | |
►Csalhelper::Thread [external] | |
CWatchdogThread | |
Cvcl::IAccessibleFactory | |
Cvcl::font::PhysicalFontFace | Abstract base class for physical font faces |
CVclBuilder::SizeGroup | |
Cweld::SizeGroup | |
CSkiaControlsCache | |
►Ccomphelper::SolarMutex [external] | |
►CSalYieldMutex | |
CGtkYieldMutex | |
CSvpSalYieldMutex | |
CSalYieldMutex | |
CSolarMutexReleaser | A helper class that calls Application::ReleaseSolarMutex() in its constructor and restores the mutex in its destructor |
Cvcl::SolarMutexTryAndBuyGuard | Guard class that uses tryToAcquire() and has isAcquired() to check |
►Cvcl::SolarThreadExecutor | |
Cvcl::solarthread::detail::GenericSolarThreadExecutor< FuncT, ResultT > | |
Cvcl::solarthread::detail::GenericSolarThreadExecutor< FuncT, void > | |
CVclBuilder::sortIntoBestTabTraversalOrder | |
CSound | |
CSourceManagerStruct | |
Cvcl::State | |
CFormatter::StaticFormatter | |
CStdFreeCStr | |
Cvcl::pdf::StreamRedirect | |
CVclBuilder::StringPair | |
CStyleSettings | |
►Ccairo::Surface | Cairo surface interface |
Ccairo::QtSvpSurface | |
►CSurfaceHelper | |
CBitmapHelper | |
CMaskHelper | |
Cvcl::SvHeaderTabListBoxImpl | |
►CSvImpLBox | |
CIconViewImpl | |
CSvInplaceEdit2 | |
CSvLBoxButtonData | |
CSvLBoxButtonData_Impl | |
CSvLBoxContextBmp_Impl | |
►CSvLBoxItem | |
CSvLBoxButton | |
CSvLBoxContextBmp | |
CSvLBoxString | |
CSvLBoxTab | |
►CSvListView | |
CSvTreeListBox | |
CSVMConverter | Converts old SVGDI aka SVM1 format data to current VCLMTF aka SVM2 format metafile data |
CSvmReader | |
CSvmWriter | |
►CSvRefBase [external] | |
CFontCharMap | |
CFontMetricData | |
CImplFontCharMap | |
CSvSortData | |
CSvtGraphicFill | Encapsulates geometry and associated attributes of a filled area |
CSvtGraphicStroke | Encapsulates geometry and associated attributes of a graphical 'pen stroke' |
CSvTreeList | |
CSvTreeListBoxImpl | |
CSvTreeListEntry | |
CSvViewDataEntry | View-dependent data for a tree list entry created in the virtual function SvTreeListBox::CreateViewData() |
CSvViewDataItem | |
CSvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl | |
CSvxIconChoiceCtrlColumnInfo | |
CSvxIconChoiceCtrlEntry | |
►Cbasegfx::SystemDependentData [external] | |
CSystemDependentData_BitmapHelper | |
CSystemDependentData_CairoPath | |
CSystemDependentData_MaskHelper | |
►Cbasegfx::SystemDependentDataHolder [external] | |
CSvpSalBitmap | |
CWinSalBitmap | |
CSystemEnvData | |
CSystemFontList | |
CSystemGraphicsData | |
CSystemMenuData | |
CSystemParentData | |
Cpsp::PrinterInfoManager::SystemPrintQueue | |
CSystemWindowData | |
Cvcl::table_cmap | |
Cvcl::TableEntry | |
►CTask | |
►CTimer | |
CAutoTimer | An auto-timer is a multi-shot timer re-emitting itself at interval until destroyed or stopped |
CDebugEventInjector | |
►CIdle | An idle is a timer to be scheduled immediately |
CAutoIdle | An auto-idle is long running task processing small chunks of data, which is re-scheduled multiple times |
CIdleFormatter | |
CJSDialogNotifyIdle | |
CTaskPaneList | |
CTaskStopwatch | Helper class primary used to track time of long running iterating tasks |
Cvcl::tdata_loca | |
CTEIMEInfos | |
CTEParaPortion | |
CTEParaPortions | |
CTETextPortion | |
CTETextPortionList | |
CTEWritingDirectionInfo | |
►CTextAttrib | |
CTextAttribFontColor | |
CTextAttribFontWeight | |
CTextAttribProtect | |
CTextCharAttrib | |
CTextCharAttribList | |
CTextDDInfo | |
CTextDoc | |
►CTextFilter | |
CWeldTextFilter | |
Cvcl::text::TextLayoutCache | |
CTextLine | |
CTextNode | |
►CTextOutRenderer | |
CD2DWriteTextOutRenderer | |
CExTextOutRenderer | |
CTextPaM | |
CTextRectInfo | |
►CTextRenderImpl | |
►CFreeTypeTextRenderImpl | |
CCairoTextRender | |
CSkiaTextRender | |
CTextSelection | |
CExif::TiffHeader | |
Cvcl::pdf::TilingEmit | |
CTopLevelWindowLocker | |
CTopLevelWindowLockerImpl | |
CTrackingEvent | |
CTransferableDataHelper | |
CTransferableDataHelper_Impl | |
CTransferableObjectDescriptor | |
CTransferDataContainer_Impl | |
CSvtGraphicFill::Transform | Homogeneous 2D transformation matrix |
Cvcl::pdf::TransparencyEmit | |
►Cweld::TreeIter | |
CSalInstanceTreeIter | |
Cweld::TriStateEnabled | |
Cvcl::TrueTypeCreator | |
►Cvcl::TrueTypeTable | |
Cvcl::TrueTypeTableCmap | Creates a new empty 'cmap' table |
Cvcl::TrueTypeTableGeneric | |
Cvcl::TrueTypeTableGlyf | Creates a new empty 'glyf' table |
Cvcl::TrueTypeTableHead | Creates a new 'head' table for a TrueType font |
Cvcl::TrueTypeTableHhea | Creates a new 'hhea' table for a TrueType font |
Cvcl::TrueTypeTableLoca | Creates a new empty 'loca' table for a TrueType font |
Cvcl::TrueTypeTableMaxp | Creates a new 'maxp' table based on an existing maxp table |
Cvcl::TrueTypeTableName | Creates a new 'name' table |
Cvcl::TrueTypeTablePost | Creates a new 'post' table of one of the supported formats |
Cvcl::TrueTypeFont::TTFontTable_ | |
Cvcl::TTGlobalFontInfo_ | Return value of GetTTGlobalFontInfo() |
Cvcl::TTSimpleGlyphMetrics | Structure used by GetTTSimpleCharMetrics() functions |
Cvcl::PrinterOptionsHelper::UIControlOptions | |
►CUIObject | This class wraps a UI object like vcl::Window and provides an interface for the UI testing |
CTreeListEntryUIObject | |
►CWindowUIObject | |
CButtonUIObject | |
CCheckBoxUIObject | |
CComboBoxUIObject | |
CDialogUIObject | |
CDrawingAreaUIObject | |
►CEditUIObject | |
►CSpinFieldUIObject | |
CFormattedFieldUIObject | |
CMetricFieldUIObject | |
CExpanderUIObject | |
CListBoxUIObject | |
CMenuButtonUIObject | |
CMultiLineEditUIObject | |
CRadioButtonUIObject | |
CRoadmapWizardUIObject | |
CSpinUIObject | |
CTabControlUIObject | |
CTabPageUIObject | |
CToolBoxUIObject | |
►CTreeListUIObject | |
CIconViewUIObject | |
CVerticalTabControlUIObject | |
CUITestLogger | |
►Ccomphelper::UnoImplBase [external] | |
►Ccomphelper::WeakComponentImplHelperBase [external] | |
►Ccomphelper::WeakComponentImplHelper< css::datatransfer::dnd::XDragGestureRecognizer, css::datatransfer::dnd::XDropTargetDragContext, css::datatransfer::dnd::XDropTargetDropContext, css::datatransfer::dnd::XDropTarget > [external] | |
CDNDListenerContainer | |
►Ccomphelper::WeakComponentImplHelper< css::datatransfer::dnd::XDropTarget, css::lang::XInitialization, css::lang::XServiceInfo > [external] | |
CJSDropTarget | |
►Ccomphelper::WeakComponentImplHelper< typename... Ifc > [external] | |
CUIObjectUnoObj | |
►Cweld::TransportAsXWindow | |
CSalGtkXWindow | |
CUnoWrapperBase | |
►Cicu::UObject | |
Cvcl::ScriptRun | |
CUserDrawEvent | Event to pass information for UserDraw() handling eg. in comboboxes |
CVclBuilder::UStringPair | |
CVclGrid::Value | |
CVclAbstractDialogFactory | |
►CVclBin | |
CVclEventBox | |
CVclExpander | |
CVclFrame | |
CVclScrolledWindow | |
CVclViewport | |
CVclBuilder | Creates a hierarchy of vcl::Windows (widgets) from a .ui file for dialogs, sidebar, etc |
►CVclBuilderContainer | |
►CDockingWindow | |
►CDropdownDockingWindow | |
CImplCFieldFloatWin | |
CResizableDockingWindow | |
CSplitWindow | |
►CToolBox | A toolbar: contains all those icons, typically below the menu bar |
CDecoToolBox | Toolbox that holds the close button (right hand side of the menubar) |
CNotebookBar | This implements Widget Layout-based notebook-like menu bar |
►CSystemWindow | |
►CDialog | |
CMessageDialog | |
Cvcl::RoadmapWizard | Wizard for a roadmap |
►CFloatingWindow | |
CBubbleWindow | |
CHelpTextWindow | A tooltip: adds tips to widgets in a floating / popup window |
CImplListBoxFloatingWindow | |
CImplPopupFloatWin | |
CImplWheelWindow | |
CMenuFloatingWindow | Class that implements the actual window of the floating menu |
CNotebookbarPopup | |
CWorkWindow | |
CVclEventListeners | |
►CVclPtr< reference_type > | A thin wrapper around rtl::Reference to implement the acquire and dispose semantics we want for references to vcl::Window subclasses |
►CScopedVclPtr< reference_type > | |
CScopedVclPtrInstance< reference_type > | A construction helper for ScopedVclPtr |
CVclPtrInstance< reference_type > | A construction helper for a temporary VclPtr |
CVclPtr< AbstractHangulHanjaConversionDialog > | |
CVclPtr< AbstractMailMergeDlg > | |
►CVclPtr< AbstractMarkFloatDlg > | |
CScopedVclPtr< AbstractMarkFloatDlg > | |
CVclPtr< AbstractPasswordToOpenModifyDialog > | |
CVclPtr< AbstractScDPFunctionDlg > | |
CVclPtr< AbstractScDPSubtotalDlg > | |
CVclPtr< AbstractScLinkedAreaDlg > | |
CVclPtr< AbstractSpellDialog > | |
CVclPtr< AbstractSvxHpLinkDlg > | |
CVclPtr< AbstractSvxPostItDialog > | |
►CVclPtr< AbstractSwFieldDlg > | |
CScopedVclPtr< AbstractSwFieldDlg > | |
CVclPtr< AbstractSwWordCountFloatDlg > | |
CVclPtr< avmedia::priv::MediaChildWindow > | |
CVclPtr< avmedia::priv::MediaWindowControl > | |
CVclPtr< avmedia::priv::MediaWindowImpl > | |
CVclPtr< basctl::BaseWindow > | |
CVclPtr< basctl::BreakPointWindow > | |
CVclPtr< basctl::CodeCompleteWindow > | |
CVclPtr< basctl::ComplexEditorWindow > | |
CVclPtr< basctl::DialogWindow > | |
CVclPtr< basctl::DialogWindowLayout > | |
CVclPtr< basctl::DockingWindow > | |
CVclPtr< basctl::EditorWindow > | |
CVclPtr< basctl::Layout > | |
CVclPtr< basctl::LineNumberWindow > | |
CVclPtr< basctl::ModulWindow > | |
CVclPtr< basctl::ModulWindowLayout > | |
CVclPtr< basctl::ObjectCatalog > | |
CVclPtr< basctl::PropBrw > | |
CVclPtr< basctl::StackWindow > | |
CVclPtr< basctl::TabBar > | |
CVclPtr< basctl::WatchWindow > | |
CVclPtr< bib::BibGridwin > | |
CVclPtr< bib::BibView > | |
CVclPtr< BibGeneralPage > | |
CVclPtr< BibToolBar > | |
CVclPtr< BibWindowContainer > | |
CVclPtr< BrowseBox > | |
CVclPtr< BrowserDataWin > | |
CVclPtr< BrowserHeader > | |
CVclPtr< BubbleWindow > | |
CVclPtr< Button > | |
CVclPtr< Calendar > | |
CVclPtr< CancelButton > | |
CVclPtr< chart::ChartWindow > | |
CVclPtr< chart::DataBrowser > | |
CVclPtr< chart::SelectorListBox > | |
CVclPtr< CheckBox > | |
CVclPtr< ComboBox > | |
CVclPtr< ComboBoxControl > | |
CVclPtr< const Control > | |
CVclPtr< const dbaui::OTableConnection > | |
CVclPtr< const Menu > | |
CVclPtr< const OutputDevice > | |
CVclPtr< Control > | |
CVclPtr< dbaui::IndexFieldsControl > | |
CVclPtr< dbaui::InterimDBTreeListBox > | |
CVclPtr< dbaui::LimitBox > | |
CVclPtr< dbaui::OAppBorderWindow > | |
CVclPtr< dbaui::OApplicationView > | |
CVclPtr< dbaui::OBeamer > | |
CVclPtr< dbaui::ODataView > | |
CVclPtr< dbaui::OJoinDesignView > | |
CVclPtr< dbaui::OJoinTableView > | |
CVclPtr< dbaui::OQueryDesignView > | |
CVclPtr< dbaui::OQueryTableConnection > | |
CVclPtr< dbaui::OQueryTableWindow > | |
CVclPtr< dbaui::OQueryTextView > | |
CVclPtr< dbaui::ORelationControl > | |
CVclPtr< dbaui::OScrollWindowHelper > | |
CVclPtr< dbaui::OSelectionBrowseBox > | |
CVclPtr< dbaui::OSQLNameEditControl > | |
CVclPtr< dbaui::OTableBorderWindow > | |
CVclPtr< dbaui::OTableConnection > | |
CVclPtr< dbaui::OTableDesignView > | |
CVclPtr< dbaui::OTableEditorCtrl > | |
CVclPtr< dbaui::OTableGrantControl > | |
CVclPtr< dbaui::OTableRowView > | |
CVclPtr< dbaui::OTableWindow > | |
CVclPtr< dbaui::OTableWindowListBox > | |
CVclPtr< dbaui::OTableWindowTitle > | |
CVclPtr< dbaui::SbaGridControl > | |
CVclPtr< dbaui::UnoDataBrowserView > | |
CVclPtr< DbGridControl > | |
CVclPtr< DecoToolBox > | |
CVclPtr< DevelopmentToolDockingWindow > | |
CVclPtr< Dialog > | |
CVclPtr< DisclosureButton > | |
CVclPtr< DockingWindow > | |
CVclPtr< Edit > | |
CVclPtr< EditControl > | |
CVclPtr< FillControl > | |
CVclPtr< FixedHyperlink > | |
CVclPtr< FixedImage > | |
CVclPtr< FloatingWindow > | |
CVclPtr< FormattedField > | |
CVclPtr< FormFieldButton > | |
CVclPtr< framework::ComboBoxControl > | |
CVclPtr< framework::EditControl > | |
CVclPtr< framework::FixedImageControl > | |
CVclPtr< framework::FixedTextControl > | |
CVclPtr< framework::ListBoxControl > | |
CVclPtr< framework::SpinfieldControl > | |
CVclPtr< frm::ImplNavToolBar > | |
CVclPtr< frm::RichTextViewPort > | |
CVclPtr< HeaderBar > | |
CVclPtr< HelpButton > | |
CVclPtr< HelpTextWindow > | |
CVclPtr< IconView > | |
CVclPtr< IDLabel > | |
CVclPtr< ImplBorderWindow > | |
CVclPtr< ImplBtn > | |
CVclPtr< ImplCFieldFloatWin > | |
CVclPtr< ImplListBox > | |
CVclPtr< ImplListBoxFloatingWindow > | |
CVclPtr< ImplListBoxWindow > | |
►CVclPtr< ImplTabSizer > | |
CScopedVclPtr< ImplTabSizer > | |
CVclPtr< ImplWheelWindow > | |
CVclPtr< ImplWin > | |
CVclPtr< InputEdit > | |
CVclPtr< InterimToolbarPopup > | |
CVclPtr< LabelItemWindow > | |
CVclPtr< ListBox > | |
CVclPtr< MeasureStatusBar > | |
CVclPtr< Menu > | |
CVclPtr< MenuBar > | |
►CVclPtr< MenuButton > | |
CScopedVclPtr< MenuButton > | |
CVclPtr< MessageDialog > | |
CVclPtr< MetricField > | |
CVclPtr< NavElementBox_Impl > | |
CVclPtr< NavigationBar > | |
CVclPtr< NotebookBar > | |
CVclPtr< NotebookbarPopup > | |
CVclPtr< NotebookbarTabControl > | |
CVclPtr< OKButton > | |
►CVclPtr< ORoadmap > | |
CScopedVclPtr< ORoadmap > | |
CVclPtr< OutputDevice > | |
►CVclPtr< PopupMenu > | |
CScopedVclPtr< PopupMenu > | |
CVclPtr< PosEdit > | |
CVclPtr< Printer > | |
CVclPtr< PushButton > | |
CVclPtr< RadioButton > | |
CVclPtr< rptui::ODesignView > | |
CVclPtr< rptui::OEndMarker > | |
CVclPtr< rptui::OFieldExpressionControl > | |
CVclPtr< rptui::OReportSection > | |
CVclPtr< rptui::OReportWindow > | |
CVclPtr< rptui::OScrollWindowHelper > | |
CVclPtr< rptui::OSectionWindow > | |
CVclPtr< rptui::OStartMarker > | |
CVclPtr< rptui::OViewsWindow > | |
CVclPtr< rptui::PropBrw > | |
CVclPtr< Ruler > | |
CVclPtr< ScCornerButton > | |
CVclPtr< ScDataTableColView > | |
CVclPtr< ScDataTableRowView > | |
CVclPtr< ScDataTableView > | |
CVclPtr< ScGridWindow > | |
CVclPtr< ScInputBarGroup > | |
CVclPtr< ScInputWindow > | |
CVclPtr< ScPosWnd > | |
CVclPtr< ScPreview > | |
CVclPtr< ScrollAdaptor > | |
CVclPtr< ScrollBar > | |
CVclPtr< ScrollBarBox > | |
CVclPtr< ScTabControl > | |
CVclPtr< ScTabSplitter > | |
CVclPtr< sd::AnimationWindow > | |
CVclPtr< sd::LayerTabBar > | |
CVclPtr< sd::ShowWindow > | |
CVclPtr< sd::TabBarControl > | |
CVclPtr< sd::TabControl > | |
CVclPtr< sd::Window > | |
CVclPtr< sfx2::sidebar::Deck > | |
CVclPtr< sfx2::sidebar::SidebarDockingWindow > | |
CVclPtr< sfx2::sidebar::TabBar > | |
CVclPtr< SfxDockingWindow > | |
CVclPtr< SfxEmptySplitWin_Impl > | |
CVclPtr< SfxHelpTextWindow_Impl > | |
CVclPtr< SfxHelpWindow_Impl > | |
CVclPtr< SfxNavigator > | |
►CVclPtr< SfxPrinter > | |
CScopedVclPtr< SfxPrinter > | |
CVclPtr< SfxSplitWindow > | |
CVclPtr< SmGraphicWindow > | |
CVclPtr< SpinButton > | |
CVclPtr< SpinField > | |
CVclPtr< Splitter > | |
CVclPtr< SplitWindow > | |
CVclPtr< StatusBar > | |
CVclPtr< StylesPreviewWindow_Impl > | |
CVclPtr< SvHeaderTabListBox > | |
CVclPtr< SvResizeWindow > | |
CVclPtr< svt::CheckBoxControl > | |
CVclPtr< svt::ComboBoxControl > | |
CVclPtr< svt::ControlBase > | |
CVclPtr< svt::EditControl > | |
CVclPtr< svt::FormattedControl > | |
CVclPtr< svt::ListBoxControl > | |
CVclPtr< svt::table::TableDataWindow > | |
CVclPtr< SvTabListBox > | |
CVclPtr< SvtIconChoiceCtrl > | |
CVclPtr< SvTreeListBox > | |
►CVclPtr< svx::DialControlBmp > | |
CScopedVclPtr< svx::DialControlBmp > | |
CVclPtr< SvxBmpMask > | |
CVclPtr< SvxRuler > | |
CVclPtr< SvxStyleBox_Impl > | |
CVclPtr< sw::annotation::SwAnnotationWin > | |
CVclPtr< SwBreakDashedLine > | |
CVclPtr< SwContentControlButton > | |
CVclPtr< SwEditWin > | |
CVclPtr< SwHeaderFooterWin > | |
CVclPtr< SwPageBreakWin > | |
CVclPtr< SwPagePreviewWin > | |
CVclPtr< SwScrollbar > | |
CVclPtr< SwSrcEditWindow > | |
CVclPtr< SystemChildWindow > | |
CVclPtr< SystemWindow > | |
CVclPtr< T > | |
CVclPtr< TabBar > | |
►CVclPtr< TabBarEdit > | |
CScopedVclPtr< TabBarEdit > | |
►CVclPtr< TabButtons > | |
CScopedVclPtr< TabButtons > | |
CVclPtr< TabControl > | |
CVclPtr< TabPage > | |
CVclPtr< TextViewOutWin > | |
CVclPtr< TextWindow > | |
CVclPtr< ToolBox > | |
CVclPtr< UnoTreeListBoxImpl > | |
CVclPtr< vcl::HyperLabel > | |
►CVclPtr< vcl::PDFWriterImpl > | |
CScopedVclPtr< vcl::PDFWriterImpl > | |
CVclPtr< vcl::RoadmapWizard > | |
►CVclPtr< vcl::Window > | |
CScopedVclPtr< vcl::Window > | |
CVclPtr< vcl::WindowOutputDevice > | |
CVclPtr< vcl_type > | |
CVclPtr< VclAbstractDialog > | |
CVclPtr< VclBox > | |
CVclPtr< VclButtonBox > | |
CVclPtr< VclDrawingArea > | |
CVclPtr< VclEventBox::EventBoxHelper > | |
CVclPtr< VclExpander > | |
CVclPtr< VclFrame > | |
CVclPtr< VclGrid > | |
►CVclPtr< VclHBox > | |
CScopedVclPtr< VclHBox > | |
CVclPtr< VclMultiLineEdit > | |
CVclPtr< VclReferenceBase > | |
CVclPtr< VclScrolledWindow > | |
CVclPtr< VclVBox > | |
CVclPtr< VerticalTabControl > | |
►CVclPtr< VirtualDevice > | |
►CScopedVclPtr< VirtualDevice > | |
CScopedVclPtrInstance< VirtualDevice > | |
CVclPtr< Window > | |
CVclPtr< WorkWindow > | |
►CVclReferenceBase | |
►CMenu | |
CMenuBar | |
CPopupMenu | |
►COutputDevice | Some things multiple-inherit from VclAbstractDialog and OutputDevice, so we need to use virtual inheritance to keep the referencing counting OK |
CPrinter | |
►CVirtualDevice | |
Cvcl::PDFWriterImpl | |
Cvcl::WindowOutputDevice | |
►CVclAbstractDialog | Some things multiple-inherit from VclAbstractDialog and OutputDevice, so we need to use virtual inheritance to keep the referencing counting OK |
CAbstractAdditionsDialog | |
CAbstractDiagramDialog | Edit Diagram dialog |
CAbstractPasswordToOpenModifyDialog | |
CAbstractQrCodeGenDialog | |
CAbstractScreenshotAnnotationDlg | |
CAbstractSignSignatureLineDialog | |
CAbstractSignatureLineDialog | |
CVclAbstractTerminatedDialog | |
►Cvcl::Window | |
►CControl | |
►CButton | |
►CCheckBox | |
CDisclosureButton | |
►CPushButton | |
►CCancelButton | |
CCloseButton | |
CHelpButton | |
CImageButton | |
CImplBtn | |
►CMenuButton | |
CManagedMenuButton | |
CMenuToggleButton | |
COKButton | |
CRadioButton | |
CCalendar | |
CEdit | |
CFixedBitmap | |
CFixedImage | |
CFixedLine | |
►CFixedText | |
Cvcl::HyperLabel | |
CImplListBox | |
CImplListBoxWindow | |
CImplWin | |
CInterimItemWindow | |
CListBox | A widget used to choose from a list of items and which has no entry |
CNotebookBar | This implements Widget Layout-based notebook-like menu bar |
CScrollBar | |
CSlider | |
CSvTreeListBox | |
CSvtIconChoiceCtrl | |
CTabControl | |
CVclDrawingArea | |
CDockingWindow | |
CHeaderBar | |
CImplBorderWindow | |
CMenuBarWindow | Class that implements the actual window of the menu bar |
CScrollBarBox | |
CSplitter | |
CStatusBar | |
CSystemChildWindow | |
CSystemWindow | |
CTabPage | |
CTextWindow | |
CVclContainer | |
CVclEventBox::EventBoxHelper | |
Cvcl::DocWindow | |
►CVclSimpleEvent | |
CVclMenuEvent | |
CVclWindowEvent | |
CVclSizeGroup | |
CVclTestResult | |
CVclToGtkHelper | |
►Cstd::vector | |
CSalLayoutGlyphsImpl | |
CVectorGraphicData | |
CVectorGraphicSearch | |
CVectorGraphicSearchOptions | |
►CVersionedEvent | |
CAquaSalTimer | |
CWinSalTimer | |
CVerticalTabPageData | |
Cweld::WaitObject | |
CWallpaper | |
Cpsp::PrinterInfoManager::WatchFile | |
►Ccppu::WeakComponentImplHelper | |
CGtkInstDragSource | |
CGtkInstDropTarget | |
CQtClipboard | This implementation has two main functions, which handle the clipboard content: the XClipboard::setContent function and the QClipboard::change signal handler |
CQtDragSource | |
CQtDropTarget | |
►CWeakComponentImplHelper | |
CDragSource | |
CDropTarget | |
►Ccppu::WeakImplHelper | |
CAquaA11yEventListener | |
CCMimeContentType | |
CCMimeContentTypeFactory | |
CDNDEventDispatcher | |
CDocumentFocusListener | |
CEncHashTransporter | |
CGenericDropTargetDragContext | |
CGenericDropTargetDropContext | |
CGtkTransferable | |
CNotebookBarContextChangeEventListener | Split from the main class since it needs different ref-counting mana |
CQtAccessibleEventListener | |
►CQtTransferable | QtTransferable classes are used to read QMimeData via the XTransferable interface |
CQtClipboardTransferable | The QClipboard's QMimeData is volatile |
►CTransferableHelper | |
CTransferDataContainer | |
CTransferableHelper::TerminateListener | |
CUnoBinaryDataContainer | |
CVclStatusListener< T > | |
Cvcl::DisplayConnectionDispatch | |
Cvcl::PDFStreamIf | |
Cvcl::unotools::VclCanvasBitmap | |
►Cweld::WidgetStatusListener_Base | |
Cweld::WidgetStatusListener | |
CWeldedTabbedNotebookbar | Welded wrapper for NotebookBar used for online |
►Cweld::Widget | |
►CSalInstanceWidget | |
CJSWidget< SalInstanceWidget, vcl::Window > | |
►CSalInstanceComboBox< ComboBox > | |
►CSalInstanceComboBoxWithEdit | |
CJSWidget< SalInstanceComboBoxWithEdit, ::ComboBox > | |
►CSalInstanceComboBox< ListBox > | |
►CSalInstanceComboBoxWithoutEdit | |
CJSWidget< SalInstanceComboBoxWithoutEdit, ::ListBox > | |
►CSalInstanceButton | |
CJSWidget< SalInstanceButton, ::Button > | |
►CSalInstanceCheckButton | |
CJSWidget< SalInstanceCheckButton, ::CheckBox > | |
►CSalInstanceMenuButton | |
CJSWidget< SalInstanceMenuButton, ::MenuButton > | |
►CSalInstanceRadioButton | |
CJSWidget< SalInstanceRadioButton, ::RadioButton > | |
►CSalInstanceToggleButton | |
CJSWidget< SalInstanceToggleButton, ::PushButton > | |
►CSalInstanceCalendar | |
CJSWidget< SalInstanceCalendar, ::Calendar > | |
CSalInstanceComboBox< vcl_type > | |
►CSalInstanceContainer | |
CJSWidget< SalInstanceContainer, vcl::Window > | |
►CSalInstanceBox | |
CJSWidget< SalInstanceBox, VclBox > | |
CSalInstanceEntryTreeView | |
►CSalInstanceFrame | |
CJSWidget< SalInstanceFrame, ::VclFrame > | |
►CSalInstancePopover | |
CJSWidget< SalInstancePopover, DockingWindow > | |
►CSalInstanceScrolledWindow | |
CJSWidget< SalInstanceScrolledWindow, ::VclScrolledWindow > | |
►CSalInstanceWindow | |
►CSalInstanceDialog | |
CJSWidget< SalInstanceDialog, ::Dialog > | |
►CSalInstanceAssistant | |
CJSWidget< SalInstanceAssistant, vcl::RoadmapWizard > | |
►CSalInstanceMessageDialog | |
CJSWidget< SalInstanceMessageDialog, ::MessageDialog > | |
►CSalInstanceDrawingArea | |
CJSWidget< SalInstanceDrawingArea, VclDrawingArea > | |
►CSalInstanceEntry | |
CJSWidget< SalInstanceEntry, ::Edit > | |
►CSalInstanceFormattedSpinButton | |
CJSWidget< SalInstanceFormattedSpinButton, ::FormattedField > | |
►CSalInstanceSpinButton | |
CJSWidget< SalInstanceSpinButton, ::FormattedField > | |
►CSalInstanceExpander | |
CJSWidget< SalInstanceExpander, ::VclExpander > | |
►CSalInstanceIconView | |
CJSWidget< SalInstanceIconView, ::IconView > | |
►CSalInstanceImage | |
CJSWidget< SalInstanceImage, FixedImage > | |
►CSalInstanceLabel | |
CJSWidget< SalInstanceLabel, Control > | |
►CSalInstanceLinkButton | |
CJSWidget< SalInstanceLinkButton, ::FixedHyperlink > | |
►CSalInstanceNotebook | |
CJSWidget< SalInstanceNotebook, ::TabControl > | |
►CSalInstanceTextView | |
CJSWidget< SalInstanceTextView, ::VclMultiLineEdit > | |
►CSalInstanceToolbar | |
CJSWidget< SalInstanceToolbar, ::ToolBox > | |
►CSalInstanceTreeView | |
CJSWidget< SalInstanceTreeView, ::SvTabListBox > | |
►Cweld::Button | |
CSalInstanceButton | |
►Cweld::ToggleButton | |
CSalInstanceToggleButton | |
►Cweld::MenuButton | |
CSalInstanceMenuButton | |
Cweld::MenuToggleButton | |
►Cweld::Calendar | |
CSalInstanceCalendar | |
►Cweld::ComboBox | A widget used to choose from a list of items |
CSalInstanceComboBox< ComboBox > | |
CSalInstanceComboBox< ListBox > | |
CSalInstanceComboBox< vcl_type > | |
►Cweld::EntryTreeView | |
CSalInstanceEntryTreeView | |
►Cweld::Container | |
CSalInstanceContainer | |
►Cweld::Box | |
CSalInstanceBox | |
►Cweld::Frame | |
CSalInstanceFrame | |
Cweld::Paned | |
►Cweld::Popover | |
CSalInstancePopover | |
►Cweld::ScrolledWindow | |
CSalInstanceScrolledWindow | |
►Cweld::Window | |
CSalInstanceWindow | |
►Cweld::Dialog | |
CSalInstanceDialog | |
►Cweld::Assistant | |
CSalInstanceAssistant | |
►Cweld::MessageDialog | |
CSalInstanceMessageDialog | |
►Cweld::DrawingArea | |
CSalInstanceDrawingArea | |
►Cweld::Entry | |
CSalInstanceEntry | |
►Cweld::FormattedSpinButton | |
CSalInstanceFormattedSpinButton | |
►Cweld::SpinButton | |
CSalInstanceSpinButton | |
►Cweld::Expander | |
CSalInstanceExpander | |
►Cweld::IconView | |
CSalInstanceIconView | |
►Cweld::Image | |
CSalInstanceImage | |
►Cweld::Label | |
CSalInstanceLabel | |
►Cweld::LinkButton | |
CSalInstanceLinkButton | |
►Cweld::Notebook | |
CSalInstanceNotebook | |
Cweld::ProgressBar | |
Cweld::Scale | |
Cweld::Scrollbar | |
Cweld::Spinner | |
►Cweld::TextView | |
CSalInstanceTextView | |
►Cweld::Toggleable | |
►Cweld::CheckButton | |
CSalInstanceCheckButton | |
►Cweld::RadioButton | |
CSalInstanceRadioButton | |
Cweld::ToggleButton | |
►Cweld::Toolbar | |
CSalInstanceToolbar | |
►Cweld::TreeView | |
CSalInstanceTreeView | |
Cvcl::WidgetDefinition | |
Cvcl::WidgetDefinitionPart | |
Cvcl::WidgetDefinitionReader | |
Cvcl::WidgetDefinitionSettings | |
Cvcl::WidgetDefinitionState | |
Cvcl::WidgetDefinitionStyle | |
►Cvcl::WidgetDrawAction | |
Cvcl::WidgetDrawActionExternal | |
Cvcl::WidgetDrawActionImage | |
►Cvcl::WidgetDrawActionShape | |
Cvcl::WidgetDrawActionLine | |
Cvcl::WidgetDrawActionRectangle | |
►Cvcl::WidgetDrawInterface | |
CQtGraphics_Controls | |
►CSalGraphics | |
►CSalGraphicsAutoDelegateToImpl | |
CAquaSalGraphics | |
CGenPspGraphics | |
CQtGraphics | |
►CSvpSalGraphics | |
CGtkSalGraphics | |
CQtSvpGraphics | |
CX11SalGraphics | |
CWinSalGraphics | WinSalGraphics never owns the HDC it uses to draw, because the HDC can have various origins with different ways to correctly free it |
Cvcl::FileDefinitionWidgetDraw | |
CVclBuilder::WinAndId | |
CWindowImpl | |
►Cvcl::WindowPosSize | There are multiple ways to store the two different areas of a vcl::Window |
CSalFrameGeometry | |
Cvcl::WindowData | |
CWinFontTransformGuard | Sets and unsets the needed DirectWrite transform to support the font's horizontal scaling and rotation |
CWinOpenGLDeviceInfo | |
►CWinSalGraphicsImplBase | |
CWinSkiaSalGraphicsImpl | |
Cvcl::WizardMachineImplData | |
Cvcl::WizardTravelSuspension | Helper class to temporarily suspend any traveling in the wizard |
CWizPageData | |
Cvcl_sal::WMAdaptor | |
CWmfExternal | |
CWMFWriter | |
CWMFWriterAttrStackMember | |
CX11Common | |
►CX11GraphicsImpl | |
CX11SkiaSalGraphicsImpl | |
►Ccss::awt::XBitmap | |
Cunographic::Graphic | |
►Ccss::datatransfer::dnd::XDragGestureListener | |
Cvcl::unohelper::DragAndDropWrapper | |
►Ccss::datatransfer::dnd::XDragSourceListener | |
Cvcl::unohelper::DragAndDropWrapper | |
►Ccss::datatransfer::dnd::XDropTargetListener | |
Cvcl::unohelper::DragAndDropWrapper | |
CX11SalData::XErrorStackEntry | |
►Ccss::graphic::XGraphic | |
Cunographic::Graphic | |
►Ccss::graphic::XGraphicTransformer | |
Cunographic::Graphic | |
Cvcl::pdf::XmpMetadata | |
CXorEmulation | |
Cvcl::filter::XRefEntry | An entry in a cross-reference stream |
►Ccss::lang::XServiceInfo | |
Cunographic::GraphicDescriptor | |
►Ccss::datatransfer::XTransferable | |
Cvcl::unohelper::HtmlTransferable | |
Cvcl::unohelper::TextDataObject | |
►Ccss::lang::XTypeProvider | |
Cunographic::GraphicDescriptor | |
►CXVisualInfo | |
CSalVisual | |