void | setSurface (cairo_surface_t *pSurface, const basegfx::B2IVector &rSize) |
cairo_surface_t * | getSurface () const |
| SvpSalGraphics () |
virtual | ~SvpSalGraphics () override |
virtual SalGraphicsImpl * | GetImpl () const override |
std::unique_ptr< SvpGraphicsBackend > const & | getSvpBackend () |
virtual void | GetResolution (sal_Int32 &rDPIX, sal_Int32 &rDPIY) override |
virtual void | SetTextColor (Color nColor) override |
virtual void | SetFont (LogicalFontInstance *, int nFallbackLevel) override |
virtual void | GetFontMetric (FontMetricDataRef &, int nFallbackLevel) override |
virtual FontCharMapRef | GetFontCharMap () const override |
virtual bool | GetFontCapabilities (vcl::FontCapabilities &rFontCapabilities) const override |
virtual void | GetDevFontList (vcl::font::PhysicalFontCollection *) override |
virtual void | ClearDevFontCache () override |
virtual bool | AddTempDevFont (vcl::font::PhysicalFontCollection *, const OUString &rFileURL, const OUString &rFontName) override |
virtual std::unique_ptr< GenericSalLayout > | GetTextLayout (int nFallbackLevel) override |
virtual void | DrawTextLayout (const GenericSalLayout &) override |
virtual bool | ShouldDownscaleIconsAtSurface (double *pScaleOut) const override |
virtual SystemGraphicsData | GetGraphicsData () const override |
cairo_t * | getCairoContext () const |
void | clipRegion (cairo_t *cr) |
void | copySource (const SalTwoRect &rTR, cairo_surface_t *source) |
sal_uInt16 | GetBitCount () const override |
tools::Long | GetGraphicsWidth () const override |
void | ResetClipRegion () override |
void | setClipRegion (const vcl::Region &i_rClip) override |
void | SetLineColor () override |
void | SetLineColor (Color nColor) override |
void | SetFillColor () override |
void | SetFillColor (Color nColor) override |
void | SetROPLineColor (SalROPColor aColor) override |
void | SetROPFillColor (SalROPColor aColor) override |
void | SetXORMode (bool bSet, bool bInvertOnly) override |
void | drawPixel (tools::Long nX, tools::Long nY) override |
void | drawPixel (tools::Long nX, tools::Long nY, Color nColor) override |
void | drawLine (tools::Long nX1, tools::Long nY1, tools::Long nX2, tools::Long nY2) override |
void | drawRect (tools::Long nX, tools::Long nY, tools::Long nDX, tools::Long nDY) override |
void | drawPolyLine (sal_uInt32 nPoints, const Point *pPtAry) override |
void | drawPolygon (sal_uInt32 nPoints, const Point *pPtAry) override |
void | drawPolyPolygon (sal_uInt32 nPoly, const sal_uInt32 *pPoints, const Point **pPtAry) override |
bool | drawPolyPolygon (const basegfx::B2DHomMatrix &rObjectToDevice, const basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon &rPolyPolygon, double fTransparency) override |
bool | drawPolyLine (const basegfx::B2DHomMatrix &rObjectToDevice, const basegfx::B2DPolygon &rPolygon, double fTransparency, double fLineWidth, const std::vector< double > *pStroke, basegfx::B2DLineJoin eJoin, css::drawing::LineCap eLineCap, double fMiterMinimumAngle, bool bPixelSnapHairline) override |
bool | drawPolyLineBezier (sal_uInt32 nPoints, const Point *pPtAry, const PolyFlags *pFlgAry) override |
bool | drawPolygonBezier (sal_uInt32 nPoints, const Point *pPtAry, const PolyFlags *pFlgAry) override |
bool | drawPolyPolygonBezier (sal_uInt32 nPoly, const sal_uInt32 *pPoints, const Point *const *pPtAry, const PolyFlags *const *pFlgAry) override |
void | invert (tools::Long nX, tools::Long nY, tools::Long nWidth, tools::Long nHeight, SalInvert nFlags) override |
void | invert (sal_uInt32 nPoints, const Point *pPtAry, SalInvert nFlags) override |
bool | drawEPS (tools::Long nX, tools::Long nY, tools::Long nWidth, tools::Long nHeight, void *pPtr, sal_uInt32 nSize) override |
void | copyBits (const SalTwoRect &rPosAry, SalGraphics *pSrcGraphics) override |
void | copyArea (tools::Long nDestX, tools::Long nDestY, tools::Long nSrcX, tools::Long nSrcY, tools::Long nSrcWidth, tools::Long nSrcHeight, bool bWindowInvalidate) override |
void | drawBitmap (const SalTwoRect &rPosAry, const SalBitmap &rSalBitmap) override |
void | drawBitmap (const SalTwoRect &rPosAry, const SalBitmap &rSalBitmap, const SalBitmap &rMaskBitmap) override |
void | drawMask (const SalTwoRect &rPosAry, const SalBitmap &rSalBitmap, Color nMaskColor) override |
std::shared_ptr< SalBitmap > | getBitmap (tools::Long nX, tools::Long nY, tools::Long nWidth, tools::Long nHeight) override |
Color | getPixel (tools::Long nX, tools::Long nY) override |
bool | blendBitmap (const SalTwoRect &rPosAry, const SalBitmap &rBitmap) override |
| Blend the bitmap with the current buffer. More...
bool | blendAlphaBitmap (const SalTwoRect &rPosAry, const SalBitmap &rSourceBitmap, const SalBitmap &rMaskBitmap, const SalBitmap &rAlphaBitmap) override |
| Draw the bitmap by blending using the mask and alpha channel. More...
bool | drawAlphaBitmap (const SalTwoRect &rPosAry, const SalBitmap &rSourceBitmap, const SalBitmap &rAlphaBitmap) override |
| Render bitmap with alpha channel. More...
bool | drawTransformedBitmap (const basegfx::B2DPoint &rNull, const basegfx::B2DPoint &rX, const basegfx::B2DPoint &rY, const SalBitmap &rSourceBitmap, const SalBitmap *pAlphaBitmap, double fAlpha) override |
| draw transformed bitmap (maybe with alpha) where Null, X, Y define the coordinate system More...
bool | hasFastDrawTransformedBitmap () const override |
| Returns true if the drawTransformedBitmap() call is fast, and so it should be used directly without trying to optimize some calls e.g. More...
bool | drawAlphaRect (tools::Long nX, tools::Long nY, tools::Long nWidth, tools::Long nHeight, sal_uInt8 nTransparency) override |
| Render solid rectangle with given transparency. More...
bool | drawGradient (const tools::PolyPolygon &rPolygon, const Gradient &rGradient) override |
bool | implDrawGradient (basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon const &rPolyPolygon, SalGradient const &rGradient) override |
bool | supportsOperation (OutDevSupportType eType) const override |
OUString | getRenderBackendName () const override |
| SalGraphics () |
| ~SalGraphics () COVERITY_NOEXCEPT_FALSE override |
virtual SalGraphicsImpl * | GetImpl () const =0 |
void | setAntiAlias (bool bNew) |
bool | getAntiAlias () const |
virtual void | GetResolution (sal_Int32 &rDPIX, sal_Int32 &rDPIY)=0 |
virtual sal_uInt16 | GetBitCount () const =0 |
virtual tools::Long | GetGraphicsWidth () const =0 |
virtual void | ResetClipRegion ()=0 |
virtual void | SetLineColor ()=0 |
virtual void | SetLineColor (Color nColor)=0 |
virtual void | SetFillColor ()=0 |
virtual void | SetFillColor (Color nColor)=0 |
virtual void | SetXORMode (bool bSet, bool bInvertOnly)=0 |
virtual void | SetROPLineColor (SalROPColor nROPColor)=0 |
virtual void | SetROPFillColor (SalROPColor nROPColor)=0 |
virtual void | SetTextColor (Color nColor)=0 |
virtual void | SetFont (LogicalFontInstance *, int nFallbackLevel)=0 |
void | ReleaseFonts () |
virtual void | GetFontMetric (FontMetricDataRef &, int nFallbackLevel)=0 |
virtual FontCharMapRef | GetFontCharMap () const =0 |
virtual bool | GetFontCapabilities (vcl::FontCapabilities &rFontCapabilities) const =0 |
virtual void | GetDevFontList (vcl::font::PhysicalFontCollection *)=0 |
virtual void | ClearDevFontCache ()=0 |
virtual bool | AddTempDevFont (vcl::font::PhysicalFontCollection *, const OUString &rFileURL, const OUString &rFontName)=0 |
virtual std::unique_ptr< GenericSalLayout > | GetTextLayout (int nFallbackLevel)=0 |
virtual void | DrawTextLayout (const GenericSalLayout &)=0 |
virtual bool | supportsOperation (OutDevSupportType) const =0 |
SalLayoutFlags | GetLayout () const |
void | SetLayout (SalLayoutFlags aLayout) |
void | mirror (tools::Long &nX, const OutputDevice &rOutDev) const |
tools::Long | mirror2 (tools::Long nX, const OutputDevice &rOutDev) const |
void | mirror (tools::Long &nX, tools::Long nWidth, const OutputDevice &rOutDev, bool bBack=false) const |
bool | mirror (sal_uInt32 nPoints, const Point *pPtAry, Point *pPtAry2, const OutputDevice &rOutDev) const |
void | mirror (tools::Rectangle &rRect, const OutputDevice &, bool bBack=false) const |
void | mirror (vcl::Region &rRgn, const OutputDevice &rOutDev) const |
void | mirror (ImplControlValue &, const OutputDevice &) const |
basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon | mirror (const basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon &i_rPoly, const OutputDevice &rOutDev) const |
const basegfx::B2DHomMatrix & | getMirror (const OutputDevice &rOutDev) const |
void | SetClipRegion (const vcl::Region &, const OutputDevice &rOutDev) |
void | DrawPixel (tools::Long nX, tools::Long nY, const OutputDevice &rOutDev) |
void | DrawPixel (tools::Long nX, tools::Long nY, Color nColor, const OutputDevice &rOutDev) |
void | DrawLine (tools::Long nX1, tools::Long nY1, tools::Long nX2, tools::Long nY2, const OutputDevice &rOutDev) |
void | DrawRect (tools::Long nX, tools::Long nY, tools::Long nWidth, tools::Long nHeight, const OutputDevice &rOutDev) |
void | DrawPolyLine (sal_uInt32 nPoints, Point const *pPtAry, const OutputDevice &rOutDev) |
void | DrawPolygon (sal_uInt32 nPoints, const Point *pPtAry, const OutputDevice &rOutDev) |
void | DrawPolyPolygon (sal_uInt32 nPoly, const sal_uInt32 *pPoints, const Point **pPtAry, const OutputDevice &rOutDev) |
bool | DrawPolyPolygon (const basegfx::B2DHomMatrix &rObjectToDevice, const basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon &i_rPolyPolygon, double i_fTransparency, const OutputDevice &i_rOutDev) |
bool | DrawPolyLine (const basegfx::B2DHomMatrix &rObjectToDevice, const basegfx::B2DPolygon &i_rPolygon, double i_fTransparency, double i_fLineWidth, const std::vector< double > *i_pStroke, basegfx::B2DLineJoin i_eLineJoin, css::drawing::LineCap i_eLineCap, double i_fMiterMinimumAngle, bool bPixelSnapHairline, const OutputDevice &i_rOutDev) |
bool | DrawPolyLineBezier (sal_uInt32 nPoints, const Point *pPtAry, const PolyFlags *pFlgAry, const OutputDevice &rOutDev) |
bool | DrawPolygonBezier (sal_uInt32 nPoints, const Point *pPtAry, const PolyFlags *pFlgAry, const OutputDevice &rOutDev) |
bool | DrawPolyPolygonBezier (sal_uInt32 nPoly, const sal_uInt32 *pPoints, const Point *const *pPtAry, const PolyFlags *const *pFlgAry, const OutputDevice &rOutDev) |
bool | DrawGradient (const tools::PolyPolygon &rPolyPoly, const Gradient &rGradient, const OutputDevice &rOutDev) |
void | CopyArea (tools::Long nDestX, tools::Long nDestY, tools::Long nSrcX, tools::Long nSrcY, tools::Long nSrcWidth, tools::Long nSrcHeight, const OutputDevice &rOutDev) |
void | CopyBits (const SalTwoRect &rPosAry, const OutputDevice &rOutDev) |
void | CopyBits (const SalTwoRect &rPosAry, SalGraphics &rSrcGraphics, const OutputDevice &rOutDev, const OutputDevice &rSrcOutDev) |
void | DrawBitmap (const SalTwoRect &rPosAry, const SalBitmap &rSalBitmap, const OutputDevice &rOutDev) |
void | DrawBitmap (const SalTwoRect &rPosAry, const SalBitmap &rSalBitmap, const SalBitmap &rTransparentBitmap, const OutputDevice &rOutDev) |
void | DrawMask (const SalTwoRect &rPosAry, const SalBitmap &rSalBitmap, Color nMaskColor, const OutputDevice &rOutDev) |
std::shared_ptr< SalBitmap > | GetBitmap (tools::Long nX, tools::Long nY, tools::Long nWidth, tools::Long nHeight, const OutputDevice &rOutDev) |
Color | GetPixel (tools::Long nX, tools::Long nY, const OutputDevice &rOutDev) |
void | Invert (tools::Long nX, tools::Long nY, tools::Long nWidth, tools::Long nHeight, SalInvert nFlags, const OutputDevice &rOutDev) |
void | Invert (sal_uInt32 nPoints, const Point *pPtAry, SalInvert nFlags, const OutputDevice &rOutDev) |
bool | DrawEPS (tools::Long nX, tools::Long nY, tools::Long nWidth, tools::Long nHeight, void *pPtr, sal_uInt32 nSize, const OutputDevice &rOutDev) |
bool | IsNativeControlSupported (ControlType, ControlPart) |
bool | HitTestNativeScrollbar (ControlPart nPart, const tools::Rectangle &rControlRegion, const Point &aPos, bool &rIsInside, const OutputDevice &rOutDev) |
bool | DrawNativeControl (ControlType nType, ControlPart nPart, const tools::Rectangle &rControlRegion, ControlState nState, const ImplControlValue &aValue, const OUString &aCaption, const OutputDevice &rOutDev, const Color &rBackgroundColor=COL_AUTO) |
bool | GetNativeControlRegion (ControlType nType, ControlPart nPart, const tools::Rectangle &rControlRegion, ControlState nState, const ImplControlValue &aValue, tools::Rectangle &rNativeBoundingRegion, tools::Rectangle &rNativeContentRegion, const OutputDevice &rOutDev) |
bool | UpdateSettings (AllSettings &) |
bool | BlendBitmap (const SalTwoRect &rPosAry, const SalBitmap &rSalBitmap, const OutputDevice &rOutDev) |
bool | BlendAlphaBitmap (const SalTwoRect &rPosAry, const SalBitmap &rSalSrcBitmap, const SalBitmap &rSalMaskBitmap, const SalBitmap &rSalAlphaBitmap, const OutputDevice &rOutDev) |
bool | DrawAlphaBitmap (const SalTwoRect &, const SalBitmap &rSourceBitmap, const SalBitmap &rAlphaBitmap, const OutputDevice &rOutDev) |
bool | DrawTransformedBitmap (const basegfx::B2DPoint &rNull, const basegfx::B2DPoint &rX, const basegfx::B2DPoint &rY, const SalBitmap &rSourceBitmap, const SalBitmap *pAlphaBitmap, double fAlpha, const OutputDevice &rOutDev) |
bool | HasFastDrawTransformedBitmap () const |
bool | DrawAlphaRect (tools::Long nX, tools::Long nY, tools::Long nWidth, tools::Long nHeight, sal_uInt8 nTransparency, const OutputDevice &rOutDev) |
virtual OUString | getRenderBackendName () const |
virtual SystemGraphicsData | GetGraphicsData () const =0 |
virtual bool | ShouldDownscaleIconsAtSurface (double *pScaleOut) const |