►Ncomphelper | |
CUnoInterfaceToUniqueIdentifierMapper | |
►No3tl | |
Ctyped_flags< BAFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< BoolAttrFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< CCAFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< DAFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< EAFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< Found > | |
Ctyped_flags< SCAFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< SvXMLErrorFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< SvXMLExportFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< SvXmlExportFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< SvXMLImportFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< XMLShapeExportFlags > | |
►Nxmloff | |
►Nchart | |
CColorPropertySet | |
►Ntoken | Handling of tokens in XML: |
CFastTokenHandler | |
CTokenMap | |
CAnimationNodeContext | |
CAnimationsExporter | |
CAnimationsExporterImpl | |
CAnimationsImportHelperImpl | |
CAttributeDescription | |
CAutoStyleEntry | |
CBasicElementBase | |
CBasicEmbeddedLibraryElement | |
CBasicLibrariesElement | |
CBasicModuleElement | |
CBasicSourceCodeElement | |
CBoundFrameSets | |
CFormCellBindingHelper | Encapsulates functionality related to binding a form control to a spreadsheet cell |
CFormHandlerFactory | |
CIEventAttacher | |
CIEventAttacherManager | |
CIFormsExportContext | |
CImageScaleModeHandler | |
CImplAttributeNameConversion | |
►COAttribute2Property | Some kind of opposite to the OAttributeMetaData class |
CAttributeAssignment | |
COAttributeMetaData | Allows the translation of attribute ids into strings |
COButtonImport | A specialized version of the <type>OControlImport</type> class, which handles the target frame for image and command buttons |
COColumnExport | Helper class for exporting a grid column |
COColumnImport | Helper class importing a single grid column (without the <form:column> element wrapping the column) |
COColumnWrapperImport | |
COComboItemImport | Helper class for importing a single <form:item> element |
COControlBorderHandler | |
COControlElement | Helper for translating between control types and XML tags |
COControlExport | Helper class for handling xml elements representing a form control |
COControlImport | Helper class for importing the description of a single control |
COControlPropertyHandlerFactory | |
COControlTextEmphasisHandler | |
CODefaultEventAttacherManager | |
COElementExport | |
COElementImport | Implements common behaviour for importing forms, controls and columns |
COElementNameMap | Helper class which allows fast translation of xml tag names into element types |
COEventDescriptorMapper | Helper class wrapping different script event representations |
COFontWidthHandler | |
COFormComponentStyleExportMapper | |
COFormEventsImportContext | |
COFormExport | Helper class for handling xml elements representing a form |
COFormImport | Helper class importing a single <form:form> element |
COFormLayerXMLExport | Functionality for exporting a complete form layer |
COFormLayerXMLExport_Impl | Implementation class for OFormLayerXMLExport |
COFormLayerXMLImport | Allows you to import a <form:form> element |
COFormLayerXMLImport_Impl | |
COFormsRootExport | |
COFormsRootImport | |
COGridColumnPropertyTranslator | |
COGridImport | Helper class importing a single <form:grid> element |
COImagePositionImport | |
COListAndComboImport | A specialized version of the <type>OControlImport</type> class, which handles attributes / sub elements which are special to list and combo boxes |
COListOptionImport | Helper class for importing a single <form:option> element |
COListPropertyContext | |
COListValueContext | |
COOfficeFormsExport | Export helper for the office::forms element |
COPasswordImport | |
COPropertyElementsContext | Helper class for importing the <form:properties> element |
COPropertyExport | Export related tools for attribute handling |
COPropertyImport | Helper class for importing property values |
CORadioImport | |
COReferredControlImport | |
CORotationAngleHandler | |
COSinglePropertyContext | Helper class for importing a single <form:property> element |
COStackedLogging | |
COTextLikeImport | A specialized version of the <type>OControlImport</type> class, which handles text like controls which have the convert-empty-to-null attribute |
COURLReferenceImport | Specialized version of the <type>OControlImport</type> class, which is able to handle attributes which denote URLs (and stored relative) |
COValuePropertiesMetaData | |
COValueRangeImport | A specialized version of the <type>OControlImport</type> class, which imports the value-range elements |
COXMLDataSourceImport | |
CParsedRDFaAttributes | Store parsed RDFa attributes |
CPropertyConversion | |
CPropertyDescription | |
CPropertyHandlerBase | |
CRDFaEntry | Store metadatable object and its RDFa attributes |
CRDFaExportHelper | |
CRDFaImportHelper | |
CVCLDateHandler | |
CVCLTimeHandler | |
CXMLSettingsExportContext | |
CAnimExpImpl | |
CContextID_Index_Pair | This struct is used as an optional parameter to the static _FillPropertySet() methods |
CCustomLabelsInfo | Used to store text content of a data point custom-label's fields and also the helper members that indicates whether this label's contents are sourced from a cell[range] and the address of the cell[range] with GUID of the CELLRANGE field |
CDataRowPointStyle | |
CDateTimeDeclContextImpl | |
CDateTimeDeclImpl | |
CDomBuilderContext | DomBuilderContext creates a DOM tree suitable for in-memory processing of XML data from a sequence of SAX events |
CDrawAspectHdl | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: |
CErrorRecord | ErrorRecord: contains all information for one error |
CGlobalSeriesImportInfo | |
CHeaderFooterPageSettingsImpl | |
CImplXMLShapeExportInfo | Caches style and type info after a collectShapeAutostyle for later use in exportShape |
CImpSdXMLExpTransObj2DBase | |
CImpSdXMLExpTransObj3DBase | |
CImpXMLAutoLayoutInfo | |
CImpXMLEXPPageMasterInfo | |
CKeyToNameSpaceMapEntry | |
CLanguageTagODF | Helper to gather the single language tag relevant attributes during reading ODF and form a resulting LanguageTag when done |
CLessNumberFormat | |
CMultiImageImportHelper | |
CMultiPropertySetHandler | @descr This class lets you get the values from an object that either supports the interface XPropertySet or XMultiPropertySet |
CMultiPropertySetHelper | The MultiPropertySetHelper performs the following functions: |
CMyCondition | |
CNameHash_Impl | |
CNameKey_Impl | |
CNameSpaceEntry | |
COasis2OOoTransformer | |
COOo2OasisTransformer | |
COUStringComparison | @descr Function object for comparing two OUStrings |
CPageHeaderFooterContext | |
CPageMasterImportPropertyMapper | |
CPagePropertySetContext | |
CPageStyleContext | |
CProgressBarHelper | |
CPropertyWrapper | @descr For every property type there will be one instantiation of this template class with its own and type specific version of SetValue |
CPropertyWrapperBase | @descr MultiPropertySetHandler handles the two slightly different interfaces XPropertySet and XMultiPropertySet for accessing properties of an object |
CQNamePairHash | |
CQRCodeContext | |
CRegressionStyle | |
CSchemaContext | Import the data type declarations from an xsd:schema element |
CSchemaRestrictionContext | Import the xsd:restriction element |
CSchemaSimpleTypeContext | Import the xsd:simpleType element |
CSchXML3DSceneAttributesHelper | |
CSchXMLAutoStylePoolP | |
CSchXMLAxis | |
CSchXMLAxisContext | |
CSchXMLBodyContext | |
CSchXMLCalculationSettingsContext | |
CSchXMLCell | |
CSchXMLChartContext | |
CSchXMLCoordinateRegionContext | |
CSchXMLDataLabelContext | |
CSchXMLDataLabelParaContext | |
CSchXMLDataLabelSpanContext | |
CSchXMLDataPointContext | |
CSchXMLDataTableContext | Import the content of the data-table (XML_DATA_TABLE) element |
CSchXMLDocContext | |
CSchXMLEnumConverter | |
CSchXMLEquationContext | |
CSchXMLExport | |
CSchXMLExportHelper | With this class you can export a <chart:chart> element containing its data as <table:table> element or without internal table |
CSchXMLExportHelper_Impl | |
CSchXMLFlatDocContext_Impl | |
CSchXMLImport | |
CSchXMLImportHelper | With this class you can import a <chart:chart> element containing its data as <table:table> element or without internal table |
CSchXMLLegendContext | |
CSchXMLParagraphContext | |
CSchXMLPlotAreaContext | |
CSchXMLPositionAttributesHelper | |
CSchXMLPropertyMappingContext | |
CSchXMLRegressionCurveObjectContext | |
CSchXMLSeries2Context | |
CSchXMLSeriesHelper | |
CSchXMLStatisticsObjectContext | |
CSchXMLStockContext | |
CSchXMLTable | |
CSchXMLTableCellContext | |
CSchXMLTableColumnContext | |
CSchXMLTableColumnsContext | With this context all column elements are parsed to determine the index of the column containing the row descriptions and probably get an estimate for the altogether number of columns |
CSchXMLTableContext | |
CSchXMLTableHelper | |
CSchXMLTableRowContext | |
CSchXMLTableRowsContext | |
CSchXMLTextListContext | |
CSchXMLTitleContext | |
CSchXMLWallFloorContext | |
CSdXML3DCubeObjectShapeContext | |
CSdXML3DExtrudeObjectShapeContext | |
CSdXML3DLatheObjectShapeContext | |
CSdXML3DLightContext | |
CSdXML3DObjectContext | |
CSdXML3DPolygonBasedShapeContext | |
CSdXML3DSceneAttributesHelper | |
CSdXML3DSceneShapeContext | |
CSdXML3DSphereObjectShapeContext | |
CSdXMLAppletShapeContext | |
CSdXMLayerExporter | |
CSdXMLBodyContext | |
CSdXMLCaptionShapeContext | |
CSdXMLChartShapeContext | |
CSdXMLConnectorShapeContext | |
CSdXMLControlShapeContext | |
CSdXMLCustomShapeContext | |
CSdXMLDescriptionContext | |
CSdXMLDrawPageContext | |
CSdXMLEllipseShapeContext | |
CSdXMLEventContextData | |
CSdXMLEventsContext | |
CSdXMLExport | |
CSdXMLFixedDataStyle | |
CSdXMLFloatingFrameShapeContext | |
CSdXMLFrameShapeContext | |
CSdXMLGenericPageContext | |
CSdXMLGraphicObjectShapeContext | |
CSdXMLGroupShapeContext | |
CSdXMLHeaderFooterDeclContext | |
CSdXMLImExTransform2D | |
CSdXMLImExTransform3D | |
CSdXMLImExViewBox | |
CSdXMLImport | |
CSdXMLLayerSetContext | |
CSdXMLLineShapeContext | |
CSdXMLMasterPageContext | |
CSdXMLMasterStylesContext | |
CSdXMLMeasureShapeContext | |
CSdXMLNotesContext | |
CSdXMLNumberFormatImportContext | |
CSdXMLNumberFormatMemberImportContext | |
CSdXMLNumberStylesExporter | |
CSdXMLObjectShapeContext | |
CSdXMLPageMasterContext | |
CSdXMLPageMasterStyleContext | |
CSdXMLPageShapeContext | |
CSdXMLPathShapeContext | |
CSdXMLPluginShapeContext | |
CSdXMLPolygonShapeContext | |
CSdXMLPresentationPageLayoutContext | |
CSdXMLPresentationPlaceholderContext | |
CSdXMLRectShapeContext | |
CSdXMLShapeContext | |
CSdXMLShapeLinkContext | |
CSdXMLShowsContext | |
CSdXMLStylesContext | |
CSdXMLTableShapeContext | |
CSdXMLTextBoxShapeContext | |
CSeriesDefaultsAndStyles | |
CSignatureLineContext | |
CSinglePropertySetInfoCache | |
CStyleMap | |
CStyleNameHash_Impl | |
CStyleNameKey_Impl | |
CSvI18NMap | |
CSvI18NMapEntry_Key | |
CSvUnoAttributeContainer | |
CSvXMLAttr | |
CSvXMLAttrCollection | |
CSvXMLAttrContainerData | |
CSvXMLAutoStylePoolP | |
CSvXMLAutoStylePoolP_Impl | |
CSvXMLElementExport | |
CSvXMLEmbeddedTextEntryArr | |
CSvXMLEnumStringMapEntry | Map a const char* (with length) to a sal_uInt16 value |
►CSvXMLExport | |
CSettingsGroup | |
CSvXMLExport_Impl | |
►CSvXMLExportPropertyMapper | |
CImpl | |
CSvXMLImport_Impl | |
CSvXMLImportContext | This class deliberately does not support XWeak, to improve performance when loading large documents |
►CSvXMLImportFastNamespaceHandler | |
CNamespaceDefine | |
CSvXMLImportPropertyMapper | |
CSvXMLLegacyToFastDocHandler | |
CSvXMLLineBreakContext | Handles <text:line-break loext:clear="..."> when the attribute is present |
CSvXMLMetaDocumentContext | Handles the top-level office:document-meta element of meta.xml documents |
CSvXMLMetaExport | Export meta data from an XDocumentProperties instance |
CSvXMLNamespaceMap | |
CSvXMLNumberInfo | |
CSvXMLNumFmtDefaults | |
CSvXMLNumFmtExport | |
CSvXMLNumFmtHelper | |
CSvXMLNumFormatContext | |
CSvXMLNumImpData | |
CSvXMLNumUsedList_Impl | |
CSvXMLPropertySetContext | |
CSvXMLShapeContext | |
CSvXMLStyleContext | |
CSvXMLStylesContext | |
CSvXMLStylesContext_Impl | |
CSvXMLTokenEnumerator | |
CSvXMLTokenMap | |
►CSvXMLTokenMap_Impl | |
CPairHash | |
CSvXMLTokenMapEntry | |
►CSvXMLUnitConverter | SvXMLTypeConverter converts values of various types from their internal representation to the textual form used in xml and back |
CImpl | |
CSvxXMLListLevelStyleContext_Impl | |
CSvxXMLListStyleContext | |
CSvxXMLNumRuleExport | |
CSvxXMLTabStopContext_Impl | |
CSvxXMLTabStopExport | |
CSvxXMLTabStopImportContext | |
CTableStyleElement | |
CTokenContext | Handle attributes through an SvXMLTokenMap |
CTransformerAction_Impl | |
CXFormsBindContext | Import the xforms:binding element |
CXFormsInstanceContext | Import the xforms:instance element |
CXFormsModelContext | Import the xforms:model element |
CXFormsSubmissionContext | Import the xforms:submission element |
CXML100thPercentPropHdl | Maps between XML percentage and our 100th percent ints |
CXMLAnchorTypePropHdl | |
CXMLAnimationsContext | |
CXMLAnimationsExporter | |
CXMLAnnotationImportContext | Import an annotation field (<text:annotation>) |
CXMLAttributeContainerHandler | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: |
CXMLAuthorFieldImportContext | Inherit sender field because of fixed attribute in ProcessAttributes |
CXMLAutoMarkFileContext | |
CXMLAutoStyleFamily | |
CXMLAutoStylePoolParent | |
CXMLAutoStylePoolProperties | |
CXMLAutoTextContainerEventImport | Import the text:auto-text-container element |
CXMLAutoTextEventExport | Component for the export of events attached to autotext blocks |
CXMLAutoTextEventImport | |
CXMLAxisContextVector | |
CXMLAxisOOoContext | |
CXMLAxisPositionPropertyHdl | |
CXMLBackGraphicPositionPropHdl | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: |
CXMLBackgroundImageContext | |
CXMLBackgroundImageExport | |
CXMLBase64Export | |
CXMLBase64ImportContext | |
CXMLBasicExportFilter | |
CXMLBibliographyFieldImportContext | Import bibliography info fields (<text:bibliography-mark>) |
CXMLBitmapLogicalSizePropertyHandler | Abstract base-class for different XML-types |
CXMLBitmapRepeatOffsetPropertyHandler | Abstract base-class for different XML-types |
CXMLBitmapStyleContext | |
CXMLBoolFalsePropHdl | |
CXMLBoolPropHdl | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: XML_TYPE_BOOL |
CXMLBorderHdl | |
CXMLBorderWidthHdl | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: |
CXMLCalculationSettingsContext | |
CXMLCaseMapPropHdl | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: |
CXMLCaseMapVariantHdl | |
CXMLCellStyleExport | |
CXMLChangedRegionImportContext | Import <text:changed-region> elements contained in a <text:tracked-changes> element |
CXMLChangeElementImportContext | Import <text:deletion> and <text:insertion> elements contained in a <text:changed-region> element |
CXMLChangeImportContext | Import change tracking/redlining markers <text:change>, <text:change-start>, <text:change-end> |
CXMLChangeInfoContext | Import <office:change-info> elements as children of <text:changed-region> elements |
CXMLChapterImportContext | Import chapter fields (<text:chapter>) |
CXMLCharContext | |
CXMLCharCountryHdl | |
CXMLCharHeightDiffHdl | |
CXMLCharHeightHdl | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: |
CXMLCharHeightPropHdl | |
CXMLCharLanguageHdl | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: |
CXMLCharRfcLanguageTagHdl | |
CXMLCharScriptHdl | |
CXMLChartExportPropertyMapper | |
CXMLChartImportPropertyMapper | |
CXMLChartOASISTransformerContext | |
CXMLChartOOoTransformerContext | |
CXMLChartPlotAreaOASISTContext | |
CXMLChartPlotAreaOOoTContext | |
CXMLChartPropertyContext | |
CXMLChartPropertySetMapper | |
CXMLChartPropHdlFactory | |
CXMLChartStyleContext | |
CXMLClipPropertyHandler | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: |
CXMLColorAutoPropHdl | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: XML_TYPE_COLORAUTO |
CXMLColorContext | Imports a color for a color table |
CXMLColorPropHdl | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: XML_TYPE_COLOR |
CXMLColorTransparentPropHdl | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: XML_TYPE_COLORTRANSPARENT |
CXMLCompareOnlyPropHdl | PropertyHandler for properties that cannot make use of importXML and exportXML methods, but can make use of the default comparison |
CXMLComplexColorContext | |
CXMLComplexColorExport | |
CXMLComplexColorHandler | |
CXMLConditionalTextImportContext | Import conditional text fields (<text:conditional-text>) |
CXMLConstantsPropertyHandler | Abstract base-class for different XML-types |
CXMLContentControlContext | Imports <loext:content-control> |
CXMLControlOASISTransformerContext | |
CXMLControlOOoTransformerContext | |
CXMLCountFieldImportContext | Import count fields (<text:[XXX]-count>) |
CXMLCreateElemTransformerContext | |
CXMLCrossedOutStylePropHdl | |
CXMLCrossedOutTextPropHdl | |
CXMLCrossedOutTypePropHdl | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: |
CXMLCrossedOutWidthPropHdl | |
CXMLDashStyleContext | |
CXMLDashStyleExport | |
CXMLDashStyleImport | |
CXMLDatabaseDisplayImportContext | Import database display fields (<text:database-display>) |
CXMLDatabaseFieldImportContext | Superclass for database fields: handle database and table names |
CXMLDatabaseNameImportContext | Import database name fields (<text:database-name>) |
CXMLDatabaseNextImportContext | Import database next fields (<text:database-next>) |
CXMLDatabaseNumberImportContext | Import database display number fields (<text:database-row-number>) |
CXMLDatabaseSelectImportContext | Import database select fields (<text:database-select>) |
CXMLDateFieldImportContext | Import date fields (<text:date>); inherit from TimeField to reuse implementation |
CXMLDateTimeDocInfoImportContext | Import docinfo fields with date or time attributes and numberformats |
CXMLDateTimeFieldImportContext | Import footer fields (<draw:date-and-time>) |
CXMLDateTimeFormatHdl | |
CXMLDdeFieldDeclImportContext | Import dde field declaration (<text:dde-connection-decl>) |
CXMLDdeFieldDeclsImportContext | Import dde field declaration container (<text:dde-connection-decls>) |
CXMLDdeFieldImportContext | Import dde fields (<text:dde-connection>) |
CXMLDlgOASISTransformerContext | |
►CXMLDocumentSettingsContext | |
CSettingsGroup | |
CXMLDocumentTransformerContext | |
CXMLDoublePercentPropHdl | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: XML_TYPE_PERCENT that is mapped on a double from 0.0 to 1.0 |
CXMLDoublePropHdl | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: XML_TYPE_DOUBLE |
CXMLDrawHint_Impl | |
CXMLDrawingPageStyleContext | |
CXMLDropDownFieldImportContext | Dropdown field (filter legacy) |
CXMLDurationMS16PropHdl_Impl | PropertyHandler for a sal_int16 duration in ms: |
CXMLDurationPropertyHdl | |
CXMLElementPropertyContext | |
CXMLEmbeddedObjectExportFilter | |
CXMLEmbeddedObjectImportContext | |
CXMLEnhancedCustomShapeContext | |
CXMLEnumPropertyHdl | PropertyHandler for a generic xml enumeration type: |
CXMLErrorBarStylePropertyHdl | |
CXMLErrorIndicatorPropertyHdl | |
CXMLErrors | The XMLErrors is used to collect all errors and warnings that occur for appropriate processing |
CXMLEscapementHeightPropHdl | |
CXMLEscapementPropHdl | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: |
CXMLEventContextFactory | Handle import of an event for a certain event type (as defined by the PropertyValue "EventType" in the API) |
CXMLEventExport | Export instances of EventsSupplier services |
CXMLEventExportHandler | Handle export of an event for a certain event type (event type as defined by the PropertyValue "EventType" in API) |
CXMLEventImportHelper | Helps the XMLEventsImportContext |
CXMLEventName | |
CXMLEventNameTranslation | XMLEventNameTranslation: define tables that translate between event names as used in the XML file format and in the StarOffice API |
CXMLEventOASISTransformerContext | |
CXMLEventOOoTransformerContext | |
CXMLEventsImportContext | Import <script:events> element |
CXMLExpressionFieldImportContext | Import expression fields (<text:expression>) |
CXMLFieldParamImportContext | |
CXMLFileNameImportContext | Import file name fields (<text:file-name>) |
CXMLFillBitmapSizePropertyHandler | Abstract base-class for different XML-types |
CXMLFmtBreakAfterPropHdl | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: |
CXMLFmtBreakBeforePropHdl | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: |
CXMLFontAutoStylePool | |
CXMLFontAutoStylePool_Impl | |
CXMLFontEncodingPropHdl | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: |
CXMLFontFamilyNamePropHdl | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: |
CXMLFontFamilyPropHdl | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: |
CXMLFontPitchPropHdl | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: |
CXMLFontStyleContextFontFace | Handles <style:font-face> |
CXMLFontStyleContextFontFaceFormat | Handles <svg:font-face-format> |
CXMLFontStyleContextFontFaceSrc | Handles <style:font-face-src> |
CXMLFontStyleContextFontFaceUri | Handles <style:font-face-uri> |
CXMLFontStylesContext | |
CXMLFontWeightPropHdl | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: |
CXMLFooterFieldImportContext | Import footer fields (<draw:footer>) |
CXMLFootnoteBodyImportContext | Import foot- and endnote body elements (<text:footnote-body>) |
CXMLFootnoteConfigurationImportContext | Import footnote and endnote configuration elements |
CXMLFootnoteImportContext | Import footnote elements (<text:footnote>) |
CXMLFootnoteSeparatorExport | Export footnote separator element in page styles |
CXMLFootnoteSeparatorImport | Import the footnote-separator element in page styles |
CXMLFormPropOASISTransformerContext | |
CXMLFormPropOOoTransformerContext | |
CXMLFormPropValueTContext_Impl | |
CXMLFrameOASISTransformerContext | |
CXMLFrameOOoTransformerContext | |
CXMLGradientStopContext | |
CXMLGradientStyleContext | |
CXMLGradientStyleExport | |
CXMLGradientStyleImport | |
CXMLGraphicsDefaultStyle | |
CXMLHatchStyleContext | |
CXMLHatchStyleExport | |
CXMLHatchStyleImport | |
CXMLHeaderFieldImportContext | Import header fields (<draw:header>) |
CXMLHexPropHdl | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: XML_TYPE_HEX |
CXMLHiddenParagraphImportContext | Import hidden paragraph fields (<text:hidden-paragraph>) |
CXMLHiddenTextImportContext | Import conditional text fields (<text:hidden-text>) |
CXMLHint_Impl | |
CXMLHints_Impl | |
CXMLHyperlinkHint_Impl | |
CXMLIgnoreTransformerContext | |
CXMLImageMapContext | |
CXMLImageMapExport | Export an ImageMap as defined by service com.sun.star.image.ImageMap to XML |
CXMLImpSpanContext_Impl | |
CXMLIndexAlphabeticalSourceContext | Import alphabetical (keyword) index source element |
CXMLIndexBibliographyConfigurationContext | Import bibliography configuration |
CXMLIndexBibliographyEntryContext | Import bibliography index entry templates |
CXMLIndexBibliographySourceContext | Import bibliography source element |
CXMLIndexBodyContext | Import index body |
CXMLIndexChapterInfoEntryContext | Import chapter info index entry templates |
CXMLIndexIllustrationSourceContext | Import illustration index source element; |
CXMLIndexMarkExport | This class handles the export of index marks for table of content, alphabetical and user index |
CXMLIndexMarkHint_Impl | |
CXMLIndexObjectSourceContext | Import object index source element |
CXMLIndexSimpleEntryContext | Import index entry templates |
CXMLIndexSourceBaseContext | Superclass for index source elements |
CXMLIndexSpanEntryContext | Import index entry templates |
CXMLIndexTableSourceContext | Import table index source element |
CXMLIndexTabStopEntryContext | Import index entry templates |
CXMLIndexTemplateContext | Import index entry templates |
CXMLIndexTitleTemplateContext | Import index title templates |
CXMLIndexTOCContext | Import all indices |
CXMLIndexTOCSourceContext | Import table of context source element |
CXMLIndexTOCStylesContext | Import <test:index-source-styles> elements and their children |
CXMLIndexUserSourceContext | Import user defined index source element |
CXMLIsAutoColorPropHdl | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: XML_TYPE_COLORISAUTO |
CXMLIsPercentagePropertyHandler | This is a handler that returns true for import if the attribute string contains a '' value |
CXMLIsTransparentPropHdl | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: XML_TYPE_ISTRANSPARENT |
CXMLKerningPropHdl | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: |
CXMLLabelSeparatorContext | |
CXMLLastLineAdjustPropHdl | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: |
CXMLLineHeightAtLeastHdl | |
CXMLLineHeightHdl | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: |
CXMLLineNumberingExport | Export <text:linenumbering-configuration> and its child elements |
CXMLLineNumberingImportContext | Import <text:linenumbering-configuration> elements |
CXMLLineNumberingSeparatorImportContext | Import <text:linenumbering-separator> elements |
CXMLLineSpacingHdl | |
CXMLListItemContext | Imports <loext:list-item> inside <loext:content-control> |
CXMLMacroFieldImportContext | Import macro fields (<text:execute-macro>) |
CXMLMarkerStyleContext | |
CXMLMarkerStyleExport | |
CXMLMarkerStyleImport | |
CXMLMeasureFieldImportContext | Import measure fields (<text:measure>) |
CXMLMeasurePropHdl | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: XML_TYPE_MEASURE |
CXMLMeasurePxPropHdl | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: XML_TYPE_PERCENT |
CXMLMergeElemTransformerContext | |
CXMLMetaExportComponent | |
CXMLMetaTransformerContext | |
CXMLMutableAttributeList | |
CXMLNamedBoolPropertyHdl | PropertyHandler for a named xml bool type: |
CXMLNBoolPropHdl | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: XML_TYPE_NBOOL |
CXMLNegPercentPropHdl | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: XML_TYPE_NEG_PERCENT |
CXMLNotesTransformerContext | |
CXMLNumberedParaContext | |
CXMLNumberFormat | |
CXMLNumberFormatAttributesExportHelper | |
CXMLNumberNonePropHdl | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: XML_TYPE_NUMBER_NONE |
CXMLNumberPropHdl | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: XML_TYPE_NUMBER |
CXMLNumberWithAutoForVoidPropHdl | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: XML_TYPE_NUMBER16_AUTO Reads/writes numeric properties with special handling for "void" value (i.e., void property will be written as "auto") |
CXMLNumberWithoutZeroPropHdl | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: XML_TYPE_NUMBER_NO_ZERO Reads/writes numeric properties, but fails for the value zero (i.e., a value 0 property will not be written) |
CXMLNumRulePropHdl | PropertyHandler for the list-style |
CXMLOpacityPropertyHdl | |
CXMLOpaquePropHdl | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: |
CXMLPageContinuationImportContext | Import page continuation fields (<text:page-continuation-string>) |
CXMLPageExport | |
CXMLPageExportNameEntry | |
CXMLPageExportPropertyMapper | |
CXMLPageMasterExportPropMapper | |
CXMLPageMasterPropHdlFactory | |
CXMLPageMasterPropSetMapper | |
CXMLPageNameFieldImportContext | Import page|slide name fields (<text:page-name>) |
CXMLPageNumberImportContext | Import page number fields (<text:page-number>) |
CXMLPageVarGetFieldImportContext | Import page variable fields (<text:get-page-variable>) |
CXMLPageVarSetFieldImportContext | Import page variable fields (<text:get-page-variable>) |
CXMLParaAdjustPropHdl | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: |
CXMLParaContext | |
CXMLPercentOrMeasurePropertyHandler | This is a handler either only import/exports percent or measure |
CXMLPercentPropHdl | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: XML_TYPE_PERCENT |
CXMLPersAttrListTContext | |
CXMLPersElemContentTContext | |
CXMLPersMixedContentTContext | |
CXMLPersTextContentTContext | |
CXMLPlaceholderFieldImportContext | |
CXMLPMPropHdl_CenterHorizontal | |
CXMLPMPropHdl_CenterVertical | |
CXMLPMPropHdl_NumFormat | |
CXMLPMPropHdl_NumLetterSync | |
CXMLPMPropHdl_PageStyleLayout | |
CXMLPMPropHdl_PaperTrayNumber | |
CXMLPMPropHdl_Print | |
CXMLPosturePropHdl | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: |
CXMLProcAddAttrTransformerContext | |
CXMLProcAttrTransformerContext | |
CXMLPropertiesTContext_Impl | |
CXMLPropertyBackpatcher | This class maintains an OUString->sal_Int16 mapping for cases in which an XPropertySet needs to be filled with values that are not yet known |
CXMLPropertyHandler | Abstract base-class for different XML-types |
►CXMLPropertyHandlerFactory | This class is a base-class to create XMLPropertyHandler |
CImpl | |
CXMLPropertyMapEntry | Represents a property with its API-name, its XML-name and the type of its value |
►CXMLPropertySetMapper | |
CImpl | |
CXMLPropertyState | Smart struct to transport an Any with an index to the appropriate property-name |
CXMLPropStyleContext | |
CXMLRectangleMembersHdl | Abstract base-class for different XML-types |
CXMLRedlineExport | This class handles the export of redline portions |
CXMLReferenceFieldImportContext | Import reference fields (<text:reference-get>) |
CXMLReferenceHint_Impl | |
CXMLRenameElemTransformerContext | |
CXMLReplacementImageContext | |
CXMLRevisionDocInfoImportContext | Import revision field (<text:editing-cycles>) |
CXMLRtlGutterPropertyHandler | Maps <style:page-layout-properties style:writing-mode="..."> to RtlGutter |
CXMLScriptContext | |
CXMLScriptContextFactory | |
CXMLScriptExportHandler | |
CXMLScriptImportContext | Import a script field (<text:script>) |
CXMLSdPropHdlFactory | |
CXMLSectionExport | This class handles the export of sections and indices (which are, internally, just sections) |
CXMLSectionFootnoteConfigExport | Export the footnote-/endnote-configuration element in section styles |
CXMLSectionFootnoteConfigImport | Import the footnote-/endnote-configuration element in section styles |
CXMLSectionImportContext | Import text sections |
CXMLSectionSourceDDEImportContext | |
CXMLSectionSourceImportContext | |
CXMLSenderFieldImportContext | |
CXMLSequenceFieldImportContext | Sequence fields (<text:sequence>) |
CXMLSettingsExportHelper | |
CXMLSetVarFieldImportContext | Upperclass for variable/user-set, var/user-input, and sequence fields inds field master of appropriate type and attaches field to it |
CXMLShadowedPropHdl | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: |
CXMLShadowPropHdl | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: |
CXMLShapeExport | |
CXMLShapeExportPropertyMapper | |
CXMLShapeImportHelper | |
CXMLShapeImportHelperImpl | This class is to enable adding members to the XMLShapeImportHelper without getting incompatible |
CXMLShapeImportPageContextImpl | This struct is created for each startPage() call and stores information that is needed during import of shapes for one page |
CXMLShapePropertySetContext | |
CXMLShapePropertySetMapper | |
CXMLShapeStyleContext | |
CXMLSheetNameImportContext | Import sheet name fields (Calc) dde fields (<text:sheet-name>) |
CXMLSimpleDocInfoImportContext | Import docinfo fields with only fixed attribute |
CXMLStarBasicContextFactory | |
CXMLStarBasicExportHandler | |
CXMLStringBufferImportContext | Import all text into a string buffer |
CXMLStringPropHdl | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: XML_TYPE_STRING |
CXMLStyleExport | |
CXMLStyleHint_Impl | |
CXMLStyleNamePropHdl | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: XML_TYPE_STYLENAME |
CXMLStyleOASISTContext | |
CXMLStyleOOoTContext | |
CXMLSymbolImageContext | |
CXMLSymbolTypePropertyHdl | |
CXMLTableExport | |
CXMLTableFormulaImportContext | Import table formula fields (deprecated; for Writer 2.0 compatibility) |
CXMLTableImport | |
CXMLTableImportContext | |
CXMLTableInfo | |
CXMLTabStopPropHdl | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: |
CXMLTemplateNameImportContext | Import document template name fields (<text:template-name>) |
CXMLTextAnimationStepPropertyHdl | |
CXMLTextCharStyleNamesElementExport | |
CXMLTextColumnContext_Impl | |
CXMLTextColumnsContext | |
CXMLTextColumnSepContext_Impl | |
CXMLTextColumnsExport | |
CXMLTextColumnsPropertyHandler | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: |
CXMLTextDropCapExport | |
CXMLTextDropCapImportContext | |
CXMLTextExportPropertySetMapper | |
CXMLTextFieldExport | |
CXMLTextFieldImportContext | Abstract class for text field import |
CXMLTextFrameContext | |
CXMLTextFrameContextHyperlink_Impl | |
CXMLTextFrameHint_Impl | |
CXMLTextFrameHyperlinkContext | Used for hyperlinks attached to objects (drawing objects, text boxes, Writer frames) |
CXMLTextHeaderFooterContext | |
►CXMLTextImportHelper | |
CBackpatcherImpl | |
CImpl | |
CXMLTextImportPropertyMapper | |
CXMLTextInputFieldImportContext | |
CXMLTextListAutoStylePool | |
CXMLTextListAutoStylePool_Impl | |
CXMLTextListAutoStylePoolEntry_Impl | |
CXMLTextListBlockContext | |
CXMLTextListItemContext | |
CXMLTextListsHelper | |
CXMLTextMarkImportContext | Import bookmarks and reference marks ( <bookmark>, <bookmark-start>, <bookmark-end>, <reference>, <reference-start>, <reference-end> ) |
CXMLTextMasterPageContext | |
CXMLTextMasterPageExport | |
CXMLTextMasterStylesContext | |
CXMLTextNumRuleInfo | Information about list and list style for a certain paragraph |
CXMLTextOrientationHdl | |
►CXMLTextParagraphExport | |
►CDocumentListNodes | |
CNodeData | |
CImpl | |
CXMLTextPropertyHandlerFactory | |
CXMLTextPropertySetContext | |
CXMLTextPropertySetMapper | |
CXMLTextShapeImportHelper | |
CXMLTextShapeStyleContext | |
CXMLTextStyleContext | |
CXMLTextTableContext | |
CXMLThemeColorsContext | Imports the theme colors of a theme |
CXMLThemeContext | Imports the theme |
CXMLTimeFieldImportContext | |
CXMLTrackedChangesImportContext | |
CXMLTransformer | |
CXMLTransformerActionInit | |
CXMLTransformerActions | |
CXMLTransformerBase | |
CXMLTransformerContext | |
CXMLTransformerEventMapEntry | |
CXMLTransformerOASISEventMap_Impl | |
CXMLTransformerOOoEventMap_Impl | |
CXMLTransformerTokenMap | |
CXMLTransGradientStyleContext | |
CXMLTransGradientStyleExport | |
CXMLTransGradientStyleImport | |
CXMLTransparencyStopContext | |
CXMLUnderlineStylePropHdl | |
CXMLUnderlineTypePropHdl | PropertyHandler for the XML-data-type: |
CXMLUnderlineWidthPropHdl | |
CXMLUrlFieldImportContext | Import hyperlinks as URL fields (Calc, Impress, Draw) (<office:a>) |
CXMLUserDocInfoImportContext | Import user docinfo field (<text:user-defined>) |
CXMLUserFieldImportContext | User fields (<text:user-field-get>) |
CXMLUserFieldInputImportContext | User input fields (<text:user-field-input>) |
CXMLValueImportHelper | #file |
CXMLVarFieldImportContext | Abstract parent class for all variable related fields |
CXMLVariableDeclImportContext | Variable field declarations (variable-decl, user-field-decl, sequence-decl) |
CXMLVariableDeclsImportContext | Variable declaration container for all variable fields (variable-decls, user-field-decls, sequence-decls) |
CXMLVariableGetFieldImportContext | Import variable get fields (<text:variable-get>) |
CXMLVariableInputFieldImportContext | Variable input fields (<text:variable-input>) |
CXMLVariableSetFieldImportContext | Import variable set fields (<text:variable-set>) |
CXMLVersionContext | |
CXMLVersionListContext | |
CXMLVersionListExport | |
CXMLVersionListImport | |
CXMLVersionListPersistence | |
CXMLWordWrapPropertyHdl | |