N__cxxabiv1 | |
Nabi_aarch64 | |
Nabi_riscv64 | |
Nabp | |
Naccess2base | |
►Naccessibility | |
CAccessibleCell | |
CAccessibleControlShape | @descr |
CAccessibleEmptyEditSource | Proxy edit source for shapes without text |
CAccessibleGraphicShape | @descr This class makes graphic shapes accessible |
CAccessibleOLEShape | @descr This class makes OLE objects accessible |
CAccessibleShape | This base class provides a base implementation for all shapes |
CAccessibleShapeInfo | @descr This class is a container for the information specific for a single shape that is passed to the constructor of that shape |
CAccessibleShapeTreeInfo | This class bundles all information that is passed down the tree of accessible shapes so that each shape has access to that info |
CAccessibleTableHeaderShape | |
CAccessibleTableShape | |
CAccessibleTableShapeImpl | |
CAccessibleTextEventQueue | This class handles the notification events for the AccessibleTextHelper class |
CAccessibleTextHelper | Helper class for objects containing EditEngine/Outliner text |
CAccessibleTextHelper_Impl | |
CChildDescriptor | A child descriptor holds a reference to a UNO shape and the corresponding accessible object |
CChildrenManager | The AccessibleChildrenManager class acts as a cache of the accessible objects of the currently visible shapes of a draw page and as a factory to create the corresponding accessible object for a given shape |
CChildrenManagerImpl | This class contains the actual implementation of the children manager |
CDescriptionGenerator | This class creates description strings for shapes |
CIAccessibleParent | This interface contains methods missing from the XAccessibleContext interface that allow the modification of parent/child relationship |
CIAccessibleViewForwarder | |
CIAccessibleViewForwarderListener | |
CShapeTypeDescriptor | Each shape type is described by listing its id, its service name and a function which creates a new accessible object that can represent that service |
CShapeTypeHandler | @descr This class is a singleton that has the purpose to transform between service names of shapes and associated enum values and to create new accessible objects for given shapes |
Nanim | |
Nanimcore | |
Napitest | |
Narm | |
NAttrSetHandleHelper | |
Navmedia | |
Naxp | |
Nbasctl | |
Nbasegfx | |
Nbasic | |
NBasicCharClass | |
Nbasprov | |
Nbenchmark_object | |
Nbenchmark_test | |
Nbib | |
Nbinaryurp | |
Nbridge_object | |
Nbridge_test | |
Nbrowsenodefactory | |
NBuilderUtils | |
Ncairo | |
Ncairocanvas | |
Ncalc | |
Ncanvas | |
NCharFormat | |
Nchart | |
Nchelp | |
Ncli_uno | |
Nclimaker | |
Ncmis | |
Ncodemaker | |
Ncolor | |
►Ncom | |
►Nsun | |
►Nstar | |
Naccessibility | |
Nawt | |
Nbeans | |
Ncontainer | |
Ndatatransfer | |
Ndocument | |
Ndrawing | |
Nembed | |
►Nform | |
Nruntime | |
Nvalidation | |
Nframe | |
Ngraphic | |
Ni18n | |
Nio | |
Nlang | |
Nlinguistic2 | |
Nsdb | |
Nsdbc | |
Nsmarttags | |
Ntext | |
Nucb | |
Nui | |
Nuno | |
Nutil | |
►Nxml | |
Nsax | |
Ncommon | |
Ncomp_EventAttacher | |
►Ncomphelper | Class SvxPropertySetInfoPool |
NAutomation | |
Ndate | |
Ndetail | |
NDocumentInfo | |
NLibreOfficeKit | |
NOFOPXMLHelper | |
Nrng | |
Nstring | |
Nxml | |
Nxmlsec | |
Ncompmodule | |
Ncondformat | |
Nconfigmgr | |
Nconnectivity | |
Ncore | |
Ncppcanvas | |
Ncppu | |
Ncppu_threadpool | |
Ncppuhelper | |
Ncpuid | |
Ncrashreport | |
NCResourceProvider | |
NCResourceProvider_Impl | |
Ncui | |
Ndatabar | |
Ndbaccess | |
Ndbahsql | |
Ndbaui | |
Ndbaxml | |
Ndbp | |
Ndbtools | |
Ndesktop | |
Ndetail | |
Ndlgprov | |
Ndocfunc | |
NDocumentSignatureHelper | |
NDocumentSignatures | |
Ndocx | |
NDOM | |
Ndp_gui | |
Ndp_log | |
Ndp_manager | |
Ndp_misc | |
Ndp_registry | |
►Ndrawinglayer | |
Nanimation | |
►Nattribute | |
CImpSdrFormTextAttribute | |
CImpSdrFormTextOutlineAttribute | |
CImpSdrTextAttribute | |
CSdrAllFillAttributesHelper | |
CSdrEffectsTextAttribute | |
CSdrFillTextAttribute | |
CSdrFormTextAttribute | |
CSdrFormTextOutlineAttribute | |
CSdrLineEffectsTextAttribute | |
CSdrLineFillEffectsTextAttribute | |
CSdrTextAttribute | |
Ndetail | |
Ngeometry | |
►Nprimitive2d | |
COverlayBitmapExPrimitive | |
COverlayCrosshairPrimitive | |
COverlayHelplineStripedPrimitive | |
COverlayRectanglePrimitive | |
COverlayRollingRectanglePrimitive | |
COverlayStaticRectanglePrimitive | |
CSdrAutoFitTextPrimitive2D | |
CSdrBlockTextPrimitive2D | |
CSdrCaptionPrimitive2D | |
CSdrChainedTextPrimitive2D | |
CSdrConnectorPrimitive2D | |
CSdrContourTextPrimitive2D | |
CSdrCustomShapePrimitive2D | |
CSdrEllipsePrimitive2D | |
CSdrEllipseSegmentPrimitive2D | |
►CSdrFrameBorderData | |
CSdrConnectStyleData | |
CSdrFrameBorderPrimitive2D | |
CSdrGrafPrimitive2D | |
CSdrMeasurePrimitive2D | |
CSdrOle2Primitive2D | |
CSdrOleContentPrimitive2D | |
CSdrPathPrimitive2D | |
CSdrPathTextPrimitive2D | |
CSdrRectanglePrimitive2D | |
CSdrStretchTextPrimitive2D | |
CSdrTextPrimitive2D | |
Nprimitive3d | |
Nprocessor2d | |
Nprocessor3d | |
NDriverBlocklist | |
Ndrivermanager | |
Ndxcanvas | |
Nediteng | |
NEEngineData | |
Nemfio | |
Nemfplushelper | |
►NEnhancedCustomShape | |
CExpressionNode | |
CFunctionParser | |
CParseError | This exception is thrown, when the arithmetic expression parser failed to parse a string |
NEnhancedCustomShapeTypeNames | |
Nexif | |
Nfactory_ns | |
Nfactoryimpl | |
Nfactoryimpl_ns | |
Nfactoryinc | |
Nfileaccess | |
Nflatpak | |
►NFmXFormShell | |
CSuspendPropertyTracking | |
NFontworkHelpers | |
Nfoo | |
Nformula | |
Nframework | |
Nfrm | |
Nfs | |
NFStatHelper | |
Nftp | |
Nfunc_provider | |
Ngen_cert_header | |
Ngentoken | |
Ngfx | |
Ngio | |
Nhelpdatafileproxy | |
Nhelper | |
NHelperNotifyChanges | |
Nhierarchy_ucp | |
Nhppa | |
Nhttp_dav_ucp | |
Ni18npool | |
Ni18nutil | |
Nia64 | |
NIAccessible2Lib | |
Nimpl | |
NImplVectorizer | |
Nimporter | |
Ninprocserv | |
Ninternal | |
Nio_acceptor | |
Nio_stm | |
Njavaunohelper | |
Njfw | |
Njni_uno | |
Njs2hxx | |
Njsdialog | |
Nkf5access | |
►Nlegacy | |
NCntInt32 | |
NSfxBool | |
NSvxAdjust | |
NSvxBox | |
NSvxBrush | |
NSvxColor | |
NSvxCrossedOut | |
NSvxFont | |
NSvxFontHeight | |
NSvxFormatBreak | |
NSvxFormatKeep | |
NSvxFrameDirection | |
NSvxHorJustify | |
NSvxLine | |
NSvxMargin | |
NSvxOrientation | |
NSvxPosture | |
NSvxRotateMode | |
NSvxShadow | |
NSvxTextLine | |
NSvxVerJustify | |
NSvxWeight | |
NSwFormatVert | |
NLibreLogo | |
Nlinguistic | |
Nlogging | |
Nloongarch64 | |
Nmailmerge | |
Nmain | |
Nmathml | |
Nmigration | |
NMinimumRaggednessWrap | |
Nmodel | |
Nmodelpreprocess | |
Nmozilla | |
Nmsfilter | |
Nmsgbox | |
NMSOPBString | |
Nmsword | |
NMSWorksCalcImportFilterInternal | |
Nmy_sc_impl | |
NmyImplHelpers | |
Nmysqlc_sdbc_driver | |
Nnamespaces | |
Nnaturalsort | |
NNotebookBarAddonsMerger | |
NNS_sprm | |
NnsHdFtFlags | |
NnsSwDocInfoSubType | |
NnsSwExtendedSubType | |
NnsSwGetSetExpType | |
Nnumfunc | |
►No3tl | |
Ndetail | |
Ninternal | |
Ctyped_flags< CellPosFlag > | |
Ctyped_flags< ChangeType > | |
Ctyped_flags< ColumnTransferFormatFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< ControlStatus > | |
Ctyped_flags< CTL_STATE > | |
Ctyped_flags< CustomShapeHandleModes > | |
Ctyped_flags< DbGridControlOptions > | |
Ctyped_flags< E3dDragConstraint > | |
Ctyped_flags< EDocStates > | |
Ctyped_flags< FrameSelFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< FrmValidFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< GalleryItemFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< HandleFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< HyperDialogEvent > | |
Ctyped_flags< InitWindowFacet > | |
Ctyped_flags< LoadFormsFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< LoopGridsFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< ModifyFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< SdrAlign > | |
Ctyped_flags< SdrEscapeDirection > | |
Ctyped_flags< SdrGrafObjTransformsAttrs > | |
Ctyped_flags< SdrInsertFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< SdrSearchOptions > | |
Ctyped_flags< SdrSnap > | |
Ctyped_flags< SvxAnchorIds > | |
Ctyped_flags< SvxBackgroundTabFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< SvxLanguageListFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< SvxMSDffHandleFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< SvxRulerDragFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< SvxRulerSupportFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< SwBorderModes > | |
Ctyped_flags< TabulatorDisableFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< XOutFlags > | |
Nobjectpositioning | |
Noffapp | |
Nofficehelper | |
Noglcanvas | |
Noox | |
Nopenclwrapper | |
NOpenStormBento | |
Nosl | |
Npackage | |
Npcr | |
Npdfi | |
NPictReaderShape | |
NPictReaderShapePrivate | |
Nppc64 | |
Nppt | |
Npq_sdbc_driver | |
NPresetGeometryTypeNames | |
NPresetOOXHandleAdj | |
Nproperties | |
Npseudo_uno | |
Npsp | |
Npythonloader | |
Npythonscript | |
Npyuno | |
Npyuno_loader | |
Nqnametostr | |
NRegressionCalculationHelper | |
Nreportdesign | |
Nresourceids | |
Nrptui | |
Nrptxml | |
NRTFOutFuncs | |
Nrtl | |
Ns390x | |
Nsalhelper | |
NSameContentListBox | |
Nsamplecomponent | |
Nsax | |
Nsax_fastparser | |
Nsc | |
NScClipUtil | |
NSchXMLTools | |
NScPassHashHelper | |
NScRefTokenHelper | |
Nscriptforge | |
NScriptForgeHelper | |
Nscripting_protocolhandler | |
NScVbaControlFactory | |
NScXMLConditionHelper | |
Nsd | |
Nsdbtools | |
►Nsdr | |
►Nanimation | |
CEvent | |
CPrimitiveAnimation | |
CprimitiveAnimator | |
CScheduler | |
►Ncontact | |
NUnoControlContactHelper | |
CDisplayInfo | |
CObjectContact | |
CObjectContactOfObjListPainter | |
CObjectContactOfPagePainter | |
CObjectContactOfPageView | |
CPagePrimitiveExtractor | |
CSdrMediaWindow | |
CUnoControlPrintOrPreviewContact | |
CViewContact | |
CViewContactOfE3d | |
CViewContactOfE3dCube | |
CViewContactOfE3dExtrude | |
CViewContactOfE3dLathe | |
CViewContactOfE3dPolygon | |
CViewContactOfE3dScene | |
CViewContactOfE3dSphere | |
CViewContactOfGraphic | |
CViewContactOfGrid | |
CViewContactOfGroup | |
CViewContactOfHelplines | |
CViewContactOfInnerPageBorder | |
CViewContactOfMasterPage | |
CViewContactOfMasterPageDescriptor | |
CViewContactOfOuterPageBorder | |
CViewContactOfPageBackground | |
CViewContactOfPageFill | |
CViewContactOfPageHierarchy | This view contact corresponds with all SdrObject instances in a single SdrPage |
CViewContactOfPageObj | |
CViewContactOfPageShadow | |
CViewContactOfPageSubObject | |
CViewContactOfSdrCaptionObj | |
CViewContactOfSdrCircObj | |
CViewContactOfSdrEdgeObj | |
CViewContactOfSdrMeasureObj | |
CViewContactOfSdrMediaObj | |
CViewContactOfSdrObj | |
CViewContactOfSdrObjCustomShape | |
CViewContactOfSdrOle2Obj | |
CViewContactOfSdrPage | |
CViewContactOfSdrPathObj | |
CViewContactOfSdrRectObj | |
CViewContactOfTableObj | |
CViewContactOfTextObj | |
CViewContactOfUnoControl | |
CViewContactOfVirtObj | |
CViewObjectContact | |
CViewObjectContactOfE3d | |
CViewObjectContactOfE3dScene | |
CViewObjectContactOfGraphic | |
CViewObjectContactOfGroup | |
CViewObjectContactOfInnerPageBorder | |
CViewObjectContactOfMasterPage | |
CViewObjectContactOfMasterPageDescriptor | |
CViewObjectContactOfOuterPageBorder | |
CViewObjectContactOfPageBackground | |
CViewObjectContactOfPageFill | |
CViewObjectContactOfPageGrid | |
CViewObjectContactOfPageHelplines | |
CViewObjectContactOfPageHierarchy | |
CViewObjectContactOfPageObj | |
CViewObjectContactOfPageShadow | |
CViewObjectContactOfPageSubObject | |
CViewObjectContactOfSdrMediaObj | |
CViewObjectContactOfSdrObj | |
CViewObjectContactOfSdrOle2Obj | |
CViewObjectContactOfSdrPage | |
►CViewObjectContactOfUnoControl | |
CImplAccess | To be called when any aspect of the control which requires view updates changed |
CViewObjectContactOfUnoControl_Impl | |
CViewObjectContactRedirector | |
►Noverlay | |
COverlayAnimatedBitmapEx | |
COverlayBitmapEx | |
COverlayCrosshairStriped | |
COverlayHandle | |
COverlayHelplineStriped | |
COverlayLineStriped | |
COverlayManager | |
COverlayManagerBuffered | |
COverlayObject | |
COverlayObjectCell | |
COverlayObjectList | |
COverlayObjectWithBasePosition | |
COverlayPolyPolygon | |
COverlayPolyPolygonStripedAndFilled | |
COverlayPrimitive2DSequenceObject | |
COverlayRectangle | |
COverlayRollingRectangleStriped | |
COverlaySelection | |
COverlayTriangle | |
►Nproperties | |
CAttributeProperties | |
CBaseProperties | |
CCaptionProperties | |
CCellProperties | |
CCellTextProvider | |
CCircleProperties | |
CConnectorProperties | |
CCustomShapeProperties | |
CDefaultProperties | |
CE3dCompoundProperties | |
CE3dExtrudeProperties | |
CE3dLatheProperties | |
CE3dProperties | |
CE3dSceneProperties | |
CE3dSphereProperties | |
CEmptyProperties | |
CGraphicProperties | |
CGroupProperties | |
CItemChangeBroadcaster | |
CMeasureProperties | |
COleProperties | |
CPageProperties | |
CRectangleProperties | |
CTextProperties | |
►Ntable | |
CCellCursor | |
CCellPos | |
CCellRange | |
►CCellUndo | |
CData | |
CEdgeInfo | |
CFastPropertySet | |
CFastPropertySetInfo | |
CInsertColUndo | |
CInsertRowUndo | |
CRangeIterator | |
CRemoveColUndo | |
CRemoveRowUndo | |
CSdrTableObj | |
CSdrTableObjImpl | |
CSdrTableRtfExporter | |
CSdrTableRTFParser | |
CSvxTableController | |
CTableBorderHdl | |
CTableColumn | |
CTableColumns | |
►CTableColumnUndo | |
CData | |
CTableEdge | |
CTableEdgeHdl | |
►CTableLayouter | |
CLayout | |
CTableModel | |
CTableModelNotifyGuard | |
CTableRow | |
CTableRows | |
►CTableRowUndo | |
CData | |
CTableStyleSettings | TableStyleSettings |
►CTableStyleUndo | |
CData | |
CMasterPageDescriptor | |
CObjectUser | |
CPageUser | |
CPolyPolygonEditor | This class implements some helper functions to edit a B2DPolyPolygon |
CSelectionController | |
NSdrEngineDefaults | Global default settings for the DrawingEngine |
NSdrViewIter | |
Nsfx | |
Nsfx2 | |
NSfxFrameHTMLParser | |
NSfxTemplate | |
Nsimd | |
Nskeletonmaker | |
NSkiaHelper | |
NSkiaTests | |
NSL | |
Nslideshow | |
NSmGlobals | |
NSmLocalizedSymbolData | |
Nsot | |
NSpacingListBox | Custom Widget ListBox to hold entries for Spacing & Margin settings of Header/Footer |
Nspsupp | |
Nstarmathdatabase | |
Nstoc_connector | |
Nstoc_corefl | |
Nstoc_impreg | |
Nstoc_inv | |
Nstoc_invadp | |
Nstoc_javaloader | |
Nstoc_namingservice | |
Nstoc_sec | |
Nstoc_tcv | |
Nstore | |
Nstringresource | |
Nsvgi | |
Nsvl | |
Nsvt | |
NSvtCJKOptions | |
NSvtDefaultOptions | |
NSvtDocInfoTable_Impl | |
NSvtDynamicMenuOptions | |
NSvtExtendedSecurityOptions | |
NSvtHistoryOptions | |
NSvtLanguageOptions | |
Nsvtools | |
NSvtOptionsDrawinglayer | |
NSvtSaveOptions | |
NSvtSecurityOptions | |
NSvtSystemLanguageOptions | |
NSvtTabAppearanceCfg | |
►Nsvx | |
►Na11y | |
CAccFrameSelector | |
CAccFrameSelectorChild | |
Nclassification | |
►Ndiagram | |
CConnection | A Connection |
►CDiagramData | The collected Diagram ModelData |
CSourceIdAndDepth | |
CDiagramDataState | Snippet of Diagram ModelData for Diagram-defining data undo/redo |
CDiagramFrameHdl | |
CIDiagramHelper | |
CPoint | A point |
CPointStyle | Styles for a Point (FillStyle/LineStyle/...) |
CTextBody | Text and properties for a point For proof of concept to make TextData available in svx level this is in a first run pretty simple, but may need to be extended accordingly up to similar data as in oox::drawingml::TextBody |
►NDocRecovery | |
CBrokenRecoveryDialog | |
CIRecoveryUpdateListener | |
CPluginProgress | |
CRecoveryCore | |
CRecoveryDialog | |
CSaveDialog | |
CSaveProgressDialog | |
CTURLInfo | |
►Nframe | |
CArray | Stores frame styles of an array of cells, supports merged ranges |
CArrayImpl | |
CStyle | Contains the widths of primary and secondary line of a frame style |
NMediaShellHelpers | |
►Nsidebar | |
NNBOutlineTypeMgrFact | |
CAreaPropertyPanel | |
CAreaPropertyPanelBase | |
CAreaTransparencyGradientPopup | |
CBulletsSettings | |
CBulletsTypeMgr | |
CDefaultShapesPanel | This panel provides buttons for inserting shapes into a document |
CEffectPropertyPanel | |
CEmptyPanel | Display a panel that tells the user that the current deck is intentionally empty |
CFontworkPropertyPanel | |
CGraphicPropertyPanel | |
CInspectorTextPanel | |
CLinePropertyPanel | |
CLinePropertyPanelBase | |
CLineStyleNoneChange | |
CLineWidthPopup | |
CLineWidthValueSet | |
CListsPropertyPanel | |
CMediaPlaybackPanel | This panel provides media playback control in document |
CNBOTypeMgrBase | |
CNumberingTypeMgr | |
CNumberSettings_Impl | |
CNumSettings_Impl | |
COutlineSettings_Impl | |
COutlineTypeMgr | |
CParaPropertyPanel | |
CPosSizePropertyPanel | |
CSelectionAnalyzer | Analyze the current selection of Calc or Draw/Impress documents and return the associated sidebar context |
CSelectionChangeHandler | |
CShadowPropertyPanel | |
CStylesPropertyPanel | |
CSvxShapeCommandsMap | |
CTextColumnsPropertyPanel | |
CTextPropertyPanel | |
CTreeNode | |
►CValueSetWithTextControl | Specialization of class <ValueSet> |
CValueSetWithTextItem | |
NSignatureLineHelper | |
Ntheme | |
CCheckData | Interface for the data of a check, which must be extended by the check itself, to show the data in the GenericCheckDialog |
CCheckDataCollection | Check data collection contains all the checks in one data structure, and also serves to define additional attributes that are used by the GenericCheckDialog (the title of the check dialog) |
CClassificationDialog | |
CClassificationEditEngine | |
CClassificationEditView | |
CClassificationField | |
CClassificationResult | |
CColorSets | |
CCommonStyleManager | |
►CCommonStylePreviewRenderer | |
CScriptInfo | |
CControllerFeatures | Easier access to a FormControllerHelper instance |
CDatabaseLocationInputController | Helper class to control controls needed to input a database location |
CDatabaseLocationInputController_Impl | |
►CDialControl | This control allows to input a rotation angle, visualized by a dial |
CDialControl_Impl | |
CDialControlBmp | |
CExtrusionBar | |
CExtrusionDepthController | |
CExtrusionDepthDialog | |
CExtrusionDepthWindow | |
CExtrusionDirectionControl | |
CExtrusionDirectionWindow | |
CExtrusionLightingControl | |
CExtrusionLightingWindow | |
CExtrusionSurfaceControl | |
CExtrusionSurfaceWindow | |
CFeatureSlotTranslation | |
CFmFocusListenerAdapter | |
CFmMouseListenerAdapter | |
CFmTextControlFeature | |
CFmTextControlShell | |
CFontworkBar | |
CFontworkCharacterSpacingDialog | |
CFontWorkGalleryDialog | |
CFormatPaintBrushToolBoxControl | |
CFormControllerHelper | Helper class which manages form controller functionality (such as moveNext etc.) |
CFrameBorder | |
CFrameBorderDummy_Pred | Dummy predicate for frame border iterators to use all borders in a container |
CFrameBorderIterBase | Template class for all types of frame border iterators |
CFrameBorderSelected_Pred | Predicate for frame border iterators to use only selected borders in a container |
CFrameBorderVisible_Pred | Predicate for frame border iterators to use only visible borders in a container |
CFrameDirectionListBox | This listbox contains entries to select horizontal text direction |
CFrameSelector | |
CFrameSelectorImpl | |
CGenericCheckDialog | This is a generic dialog, which is used to display results of a document checks, like for example image size check |
CGenericCheckEntry | A UI piece to show check result text and other widgets, which are relevant for the check (various buttons to act on the check result) |
CIContextRequestObserver | |
CIControllerFeatureInvalidation | |
CIFocusObserver | |
CISdrObjectFilter | Boolean predicate on the set of all SdrObjects - vulgo a filter |
CITextProvider | This interface provides access to text object(s) in an SdrObject |
CIThemeColorChanger | |
COColumnTransferable | |
COComponentTransferable | |
CODADescriptorImpl | |
CODataAccessDescriptor | Class encapsulating the css::sdb::DataAccessDescriptor service |
CODataAccessObjectTransferable | Class for transferring data access objects (tables, queries, statements ...) |
COMultiColumnTransferable | Class for transferring multiple columns |
COSingleFeatureDispatcher | |
COXFormsDescriptor | |
COXFormsTransferable | |
CParaAboveSpacingControl | |
CParaAboveSpacingWindow | |
CParaBelowSpacingControl | |
CParaBelowSpacingWindow | |
CParaFirstLineSpacingControl | |
CParaFirstLineSpacingWindow | |
CParaLeftSpacingControl | |
CParaLeftSpacingWindow | |
CParaLineSpacingControl | |
CParaLRSpacingControl | |
CParaLRSpacingWindow | |
CParaRightSpacingControl | |
CParaRightSpacingWindow | |
CParaULSpacingControl | |
CParaULSpacingWindow | |
CPropertyChangeNotifier | Helper class for notifying XPropertyChangeListeners |
CPropertyValueProvider | Default provider for a property value |
CSpellDialogChildWindow | The child window wrapper of the actual spelling dialog |
CSvxLineSpacingToolBoxControl | |
CSvxShowCharSetAcc | The table implementation of the vcl control |
CSvxShowCharSetItem | Simple struct to hold some information about the single items of the table |
CSvxShowCharSetItemAcc | The child implementation of the table |
CTextCharacterSpacingControl | |
CTextCharacterSpacingPopup | |
CTextControlCharAttribDialog | |
CTextControlParaAttribDialog | |
CTextUnderlineControl | |
CTextUnderlinePopup | |
CThemeColorChanger | |
CThemeColorEditDialog | |
CThemeColorPaletteManager | |
CThemeColorValueSet | |
CThemeDialog | |
CThemePaletteCollection | |
CThemePaletteColorData | |
CThemePaletteEffect | |
CToolboxAccess | |
CToolboxButtonColorUpdater | |
CToolboxButtonColorUpdaterBase | Helper class to update a color in a toolbox button image |
CToolboxButtonLineStyleUpdater | |
CVclToolboxButtonColorUpdater | |
NSvxChartOptions | |
NSvxFillAttrBox | |
NSvxFillTypeBox | |
►Nsvxform | Class FmSearchEngine - Impl class for FmSearchDialog |
Ncharset_helper | |
NControlLayouter | |
CAddConditionDialog | |
CAddDataItemDialog | |
CAddInstanceDialog | |
CAddModelDialog | |
CAddSubmissionDialog | |
CBorderDescriptor | |
CCheckBoxWrapper | |
CColumnInfoCache | |
►CControlBorderManager | Manages the dynamic border color for form controls |
CControlDataCompare | |
CControlData | |
CControlTextWrapper | |
CDataColumn | |
CDataListener | |
CDataNavigator | |
CDataNavigatorWindow | |
CDataTreeDropTarget | |
CDelayedEvent | Small class which encapsulates posting a Link instance as ApplicationUserEvent |
CDispatchInterceptionMultiplexer | |
CDispatchInterceptor | |
CDocumentClassification | |
CFmFieldInfo | |
CFmFilterAdapter | |
CFmFilterData | |
CFmFilterItem | |
CFmFilterItems | |
CFmFilterModel | |
CFmFilterNavigator | |
CFmFilterNavigatorDropTarget | |
CFmFilterNavigatorWin | |
CFmFilterNavigatorWinMgr | |
CFmFormItem | |
CFmParentData | |
CFmSearchConfigItem | |
CFmSearchParams | |
CFormControlFactory | |
CFormController | |
CFormScriptingEnvironment | Describes the interface implemented by a component which handles scripting requirements in a form/control environment |
CFormScriptListener | Implements the XScriptListener interface, is used by FormScriptingEnvironment |
CFormToolboxes | |
CItemNode | |
CLinkedInstanceWarningBox | |
CListBoxWrapper | |
CManageNamespaceDialog | |
CMethodString | |
CNamespaceItemDialog | |
CNavigatorFrame | |
CNavigatorTree | |
CNavigatorTreeDropTarget | |
CNavigatorTreeModel | |
COAddConditionDialog | |
COControlExchange | |
COControlExchangeHelper | |
COControlTransferData | |
COFilterExchangeHelper | |
COFilterItemExchange | |
COFormComponentObserver | |
COParseContextClient | Helper class which needs access to a (shared and ref-counted) OSystemParseContext instance |
COSystemParseContext | |
CReplaceString | |
CSimpleTextWrapper | |
CUnderlineDescriptor | |
CXFormsPage | |
NSvxHtmlOptions | |
NSvxPropertySetInfoPool | |
Nsw | |
NSwGlobals | |
NSwLangHelper | |
NSwMailMergeHelper | |
NSwNumberTree | |
NSwPostItHelper | |
NSwReaderWriter | |
NSwReqIfReader | |
NSwThreadJoiner | |
NSwTranslateHelper | |
Nswui | |
NSwUnoCursorHelper | |
NSWUnoHelper | |
NSystemPath | |
NT602ImportFilter | |
Ntdoc_ucp | |
Ntest | |
Ntestcomp | |
►Ntextconversiondlgs | |
CChineseDictionaryDialog | |
CChineseTranslation_UnoDialog | |
CChineseTranslationDialog | |
CDictionaryEntry | |
CDictionaryList | |
NTextFormatCollFunc | |
NTkResMgr | |
Ntoolkit | |
Ntoolkitform | |
Ntools | |
NTransfrmHelper | |
NTranslate | |
Ntreeview | |
Nucb_cmdenv | |
Nucbhelper | |
Nucbhelper_impl | |
NUITest | |
Nuno | |
Nunocontrols | |
Nunodevtools | |
Nunoexe | |
►Nunogallery | |
CGalleryDrawingModel | |
CGalleryItem | |
CGalleryTheme | |
Nunohelper | |
Nunoidl | |
Nunopkg | |
Nunourl_resolver | |
NURIHelper | |
NURLEncoder | |
Nutl | |
Nuui | |
Nvalidation | |
Nvcl | |
Nvcl_sal | |
Nvclcanvas | |
Nvclmain | |
►Nweld | |
CHexColorControl | |
Nwinwrap | |
Nwmfemfhelper | |
Nwriterfilter | |
Nwriterperfect | |
Nww | |
Nww8 | |
NwwUtility | |
Nx86 | |
Nx86_64 | |
NXclExpFontHelper | |
Nxforms | |
NXMLImageStyle | |
Nxmloff | |
NXMLRangeHelper | |
Nxmlscript | |
Nxmlsecurity | |
NXPath | |
NZipUtils | |