►Ncairocanvas | |
CCachedBitmap | |
CCanvas | Product of this component's factory |
CCanvasBaseSurfaceProvider_Base | Mixin SurfaceProvider |
CCanvasBitmap | |
CCanvasBitmapSpriteSurface_Base | |
CCanvasCustomSprite | |
CCanvasCustomSpriteSpriteBase_Base | Mixin Sprite |
CCanvasFont | |
CCanvasHelper | |
CDeviceHelper | |
CSprite | Specialization of canvas::Sprite interface, to also provide redraw methods |
CSpriteCanvas | Product of this component's factory |
CSpriteCanvasBaseSpriteSurface_Base | Mixin SpriteSurface |
CSpriteCanvasHelper | |
CSpriteDeviceHelper | |
CSpriteHelper | Helper class for canvas sprites |
CTextLayout | |
►Ncanvas | |
►Ntools | |
CElapsedTime | Calculate elapsed time |
►CValueMap | A very simplistic map for ASCII strings and arbitrary value types |
CMapEntry | |
►Nvcltools | |
CVCLObject | This helper template wraps VCL objects, and protects object deletion with the Solar mutex |
CBaseMutexHelper | Base class, initializing its own baseclass with m_aMutex |
CBitmapCanvasBase | Helper template to handle XBitmapCanvas method forwarding to BitmapCanvasHelper |
CBitmapCanvasBase2 | |
CBufferedGraphicDeviceBase | Helper template base class for XGraphicDevice implementations on windows |
CCachedPrimitiveBase | Base class, providing common functionality for implementers of the XCachedPrimitive interface |
CCanvasBase | Helper template to handle XCanvas method forwarding to CanvasHelper |
CCanvasCustomSpriteBase | Helper template to handle XCustomSprite method forwarding to CanvasCustomSpriteHelper |
CCanvasCustomSpriteHelper | Base class for an XSprite helper implementation - to be used in concert with CanvasCustomSpriteBase |
CDisambiguationHelper | Base class, initializing its own baseclass with m_aMutex |
CGraphicDeviceBase | Helper template base class for XGraphicDevice implementations |
CIColorBuffer | Interface for a raw memory pixel container |
CIntegerBitmapBase | Helper template to handle XIntegerBitmap method forwarding to BitmapCanvasHelper |
CIRenderModule | Output module interface for backend render implementations |
CISurface | |
CISurfaceProxy | |
CISurfaceProxyManager | Manager interface, which handles surface proxy objects |
CPage | One page of IRenderModule-provided texture space |
CPageFragment | A part of a page, which gets allocated to a surface |
CPageManager | |
►CParametricPolyPolygon | |
CValues | Structure of defining values for the ParametricPolyPolygon |
►CPropertySetHelper | Really simplistic XPropertySet helper for properties |
CCallbacks | |
CMakeMap | |
CRenderModuleGuard | Little RAII wrapper for guarding access to IRenderModule interface |
CSprite | Helper interface to connect SpriteCanvas with various sprite implementations |
CSpriteCanvasBase | Helper template to handle XIntegerBitmap method forwarding to BitmapCanvasHelper |
►CSpriteRedrawManager | This class manages smooth SpriteCanvas updates |
CAreaUpdateCaller | Functor, to be used from forEachSpriteArea |
CSpriteChangeRecord | Helper struct for SpriteTracer template |
CSpriteInfo | Data container for the connected components list |
CSpriteSurface | Canvas surface containing sprites |
CSpriteWeakOrder | Functor providing a StrictWeakOrdering for sprite references |
CSurface | Surfaces denote occupied areas within pages |
CSurfaceProxy | Definition of the surface proxy class |
CSurfaceRect | This implements some equivalent to basegfx::B2IBox, but instead of two BasicBox ranges, it uses a position and a size |
CVertex | |
►Ndxcanvas | |
►Ntools | |
CRawRGBABitmap | Raw RGBA bitmap data, contiguous in memory |
CBitmapCanvas | Product of this component's factory |
CBitmapCanvasHelper | Helper class for basic canvas functionality |
CBitmapProvider | |
CCanvas | Product of this component's factory |
CCanvasBitmap | |
CCanvasCustomSprite | |
CCanvasCustomSpriteSpriteBase_Base | Mixin Sprite |
CCanvasFont | |
CCanvasHelper | Helper class for basic canvas functionality |
CDeviceHelper | |
CDXBitmap | |
►CDXCanvasItem | Provide DX canvas config data |
CDeviceInfo | |
CDXSurfaceBitmap | |
CGDIPlusUser | |
CGraphicsProvider | Provider of a Gdiplus::Graphics |
CIBitmap | Interface for internal canvas bitmap objects |
CIDXRenderModule | Specialization of IRenderModule for DirectX |
CLinePolyPolygon | |
CSprite | Specialization of canvas::Sprite interface, to also provide redraw methods |
CSpriteCanvas | Product of this component's factory |
CSpriteCanvasBaseSpriteSurface_Base | Mixin SpriteSurface |
CSpriteCanvasHelper | |
CSpriteDeviceHelper | |
CSpriteHelper | Helper class for canvas sprites |
CTextLayout | |
CTextLayoutDrawHelper | |
►Noglcanvas | |
CBitmapCanvasHelper | Helper class for basic canvas functionality |
CCanvasBitmap | |
CCanvasCustomSprite | |
CCanvasFont | |
►CCanvasHelper | Helper class for basic canvas functionality |
CAction | |
CIBufferContext | |
CSpriteCanvas | Product of this component's factory |
CSpriteDeviceHelper | |
CTextLayout | |
►CTextureCache | |
CCacheEntry | |
CTransformationPreserver | |
►Nvclcanvas | |
►Ntools | |
CLocalGuard | |
COutDevStateKeeper | |
CBackBuffer | Background buffer abstraction |
CBitmapBackBuffer | Backbuffer implementation for canvas bitmap |
CCachedBitmap | |
CCanvas | Product of this component's factory |
CCanvasBitmap | |
CCanvasBitmapHelper | Helper class for basic canvasbitmap functionality |
CCanvasCustomSprite | |
CCanvasCustomSpriteSpriteBase_Base | Mixin Sprite |
CCanvasFont | |
CCanvasHelper | Helper class for basic canvas functionality |
CDeviceHelper | |
COutDevHolder | |
COutDevProvider | Implementers of this interface provide the CanvasHelper with its OutputDevice |
CSprite | Specialization of canvas::Sprite interface, to also provide redraw methods |
CSpriteCanvas | Product of this component's factory |
CSpriteCanvasBaseSpriteSurface_Base | Mixin SpriteSurface |
CSpriteCanvasHelper | |
CSpriteDeviceHelper | |
CSpriteHelper | Helper class for canvas sprites |
CTextLayout | |
CWindowOutDevHolder | |