►No3tl | |
Ctyped_flags< PropUIFlags > | |
►Nreportdesign | |
CITraverseReport | |
COFixedLine | Implementation of a |
COFixedText | Implementation of a |
COFormatCondition | Implementation of a |
COFormatProperties | |
COFormattedField | Implementation of a |
COFunction | Implementation of a |
COFunctions | Implementation of a |
COGroup | Implementation of a |
COGroups | Implementation of a |
COImageControl | Implementation of a |
COReportComponentProperties | |
COReportControlModel | |
COReportDefinition | Implementation of a |
COReportDefinitionImpl | |
COReportDrawPage | |
COReportEngineJFree | |
COReportVisitor | |
COSection | |
COShape | Implementation of a |
COShapeHelper | |
►Nrptshared | |
CGroupProperties | Struct for the group properties |
►Nrptui | |
CAnyConverter | |
CColorChanger | |
CColumnInfo | |
CCondition | |
CConditionalExpression | |
CConditionalExpressionFactory | |
CConditionalFormattingDialog | |
CConditionColorWrapper | |
CConditionField | |
CConditionUpdater | |
CDataProviderHandler | |
CDefaultComponentInspectorModel | |
CDefaultFunction | |
CDlgEdFactory | |
CDlgEdFunc | |
CDlgEdFuncInsert | |
CDlgEdFuncSelect | |
CDlgEdHint | |
CFixedTextColor | |
►CFormatNormalizer | |
CField | |
CFormattedFieldBeautifier | |
CFormulaDialog | |
CFunctionCategory | |
CFunctionDescription | |
CFunctionManager | |
►CGeometryHandler | |
COBlocker | |
CHelpIdUrl | Small helper to translate help ids into help urls |
CIConditionalFormatAction | |
CIMarkedSection | |
CIReportControllerObserver | |
►CNavigatorTree | |
CUserData | |
COAddFieldWindow | |
COColorListener | |
COCommentUndoAction | |
COCustomShape | |
CODateTimeDialog | |
CODesignView | |
COEndMarker | Defines the right side of a graphical section |
COFieldExpressionControl | |
COGroupExchange | Clipboard class for group rows in the groups and sorting dialog |
COGroupHelper | Helper class to allow std::mem_fun for SAL_CALL |
COGroupSectionUndo | Undo action for the group header, footer |
COGroupsSortingDialog | |
COGroupUndo | /class OGroupUndo |
CONavigator | |
COObjectListener | |
COOle2Obj | |
COPageNumberDialog | |
COPropertyInfoImpl | |
COPropertyInfoService | |
COPropertyMediator | This class ensures the communication between two XPropertySet instances |
COReportController | |
COReportExchange | Defines a clipboard format for copying selection elements |
COReportHelper | Helper class to allow std::mem_fun for SAL_CALL |
COReportModel | |
COReportPage | |
COReportSection | |
COReportSectionUndo | Undo action for the group header, footer, page header, footer |
COReportUndoFactory | |
COReportWindow | |
CORptPageDialog | |
CORptUndoPropertyAction | |
COScrollWindowHelper | |
COSectionUndo | Undo class for section add and remove |
COSectionView | |
COSectionWindow | |
COStartMarker | |
COStatusbarController | |
COUndoContainerAction | |
COUndoGroupSectionAction | |
COUndoPropertyGroupSectionAction | |
COUndoPropertyReportSectionAction | |
COUndoReportSectionAction | |
COUnoObject | |
COViewsWindow | |
►COXReportControllerObserver | |
COEnvLock | Create an object ob OUndoEnvLock locks the undo possibility As long as in the OUndoEnvLock scope, no undo is possible for manipulated object |
►COXUndoEnvironment | |
CAccessor | |
COUndoEnvLock | Create an object ob OUndoEnvLock locks the undo possibility As long as in the OUndoEnvLock scope, no undo is possible for manipulated object |
COUndoMode | This is near the same as OUndoEnvLock but it is also possible to ask for the current mode |
COXUndoEnvironmentImpl | |
CPropBrw | |
CRectangleLess | |
CReportComponentHandler | |
CReportFormula | |
CUndoContext | |
CUndoSuppressor | |
►Nrptxml | |
CExportDocumentHandler | |
CIMasterDetailFieds | |
CImportDocumentHandler | |
COControlStyleContext | |
COPropertyHandlerFactory | |
COReportStylesContext | |
►CORptExport | |
CTCell | |
CORptFilter | |
CORptTypeDetection | |
COXMLAutoStylePoolP | |
COXMLCell | |
COXMLComponent | |
COXMLCondPrtExpr | |
COXMLControlProperty | |
COXMLFixedContent | |
COXMLFormatCondition | |
COXMLFormattedField | |
COXMLFunction | |
COXMLGroup | |
COXMLHelper | |
COXMLImage | |
COXMLMasterFields | |
COXMLReport | |
COXMLReportElement | |
COXMLReportElementBase | |
COXMLRowColumn | |
COXMLRptPropHdlFactory | |
COXMLSection | |
COXMLSubDocument | |
►COXMLTable | |
CTCell | |
CRptXMLDocumentBodyContext | |
Ccom | |