LibreOffice Module reportdesign (master) 1
Public Member Functions | |
OFieldExpressionControl (OGroupsSortingDialog *pParentDialog, const css::uno::Reference< css::awt::XWindow > &rParent) | |
virtual | ~OFieldExpressionControl () override |
virtual void | dispose () override |
void | elementInserted (const css::container::ContainerEvent &rEvent) |
void | elementRemoved (const css::container::ContainerEvent &rEvent) |
virtual Size | GetOptimalSize () const override |
void | fillColumns (const uno::Reference< container::XNameAccess > &_xColumns) |
void | lateInit () |
bool | IsDeleteAllowed () const |
void | DeleteRows () |
sal_Int32 | getGroupPosition (sal_Int32 _nRow) const |
uno::Sequence< uno::Any > | fillSelectedGroups () |
returns the sequence with the selected groups More... | |
void | moveGroups (const uno::Sequence< uno::Any > &_aGroups, sal_Int32 _nRow, bool _bSelect=true) |
move groups given by _aGroups More... | |
virtual bool | CursorMoving (sal_Int32 nNewRow, sal_uInt16 nNewCol) override |
DECL_LINK (DelayedDelete, void *, void) | |
Public Member Functions inherited from svt::EditBrowseBox | |
EditBrowseBox (vcl::Window *pParent, EditBrowseBoxFlags nBrowserFlags, WinBits nBits, BrowserMode nMode=BrowserMode::NONE) | |
virtual | ~EditBrowseBox () override |
virtual void | dispose () override |
bool | IsEditing () const |
void | InvalidateStatusCell (sal_Int32 nRow) |
void | InvalidateHandleColumn () |
virtual void | Init () |
virtual void | RemoveRows () |
virtual void | Dispatch (sal_uInt16 nId) |
const CellControllerRef & | Controller () const |
EditBrowseBoxFlags | GetBrowserFlags () const |
void | SetBrowserFlags (EditBrowseBoxFlags nFlags) |
virtual void | ActivateCell (sal_Int32 nRow, sal_uInt16 nCol, bool bSetCellFocus=true) |
virtual void | DeactivateCell (bool bUpdate=true) |
virtual sal_Int32 | GetAccessibleControlCount () const override |
virtual css::uno::Reference< css::accessibility::XAccessible > | CreateAccessibleControl (sal_Int32 nIndex) override |
virtual void | GrabTableFocus () override |
virtual tools::Rectangle | GetFieldCharacterBounds (sal_Int32 _nRow, sal_Int32 _nColumnPos, sal_Int32 nIndex) override |
virtual sal_Int32 | GetFieldIndexAtPoint (sal_Int32 _nRow, sal_Int32 _nColumnPos, const Point &_rPoint) override |
virtual bool | ProcessKey (const KeyEvent &rEvt) override |
virtual void | ChildFocusIn () override |
virtual void | ChildFocusOut () override |
css::uno::Reference< css::accessibility::XAccessible > | CreateAccessibleCheckBoxCell (sal_Int32 _nRow, sal_uInt16 _nColumnPos, const TriState &eState) |
bool | ControlHasFocus () const |
Public Member Functions inherited from BrowseBox | |
virtual sal_Int32 | GetRowCount () const override |
BrowseBox (vcl::Window *pParent, WinBits nBits, BrowserMode nMode=BrowserMode::NONE) | |
virtual | ~BrowseBox () override |
virtual void | dispose () override |
virtual void | StateChanged (StateChangedType nStateChange) override |
virtual void | MouseButtonDown (const MouseEvent &rEvt) override |
virtual void | MouseMove (const MouseEvent &rEvt) override |
virtual void | MouseButtonUp (const MouseEvent &rEvt) override |
virtual void | KeyInput (const KeyEvent &rEvt) override |
virtual void | LoseFocus () override |
virtual void | GetFocus () override |
virtual void | Resize () override |
virtual void | Paint (vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext, const tools::Rectangle &rRect) override |
virtual void | Draw (OutputDevice *pDev, const Point &rPos, SystemTextColorFlags nFlags) override |
virtual void | Command (const CommandEvent &rEvt) override |
virtual void | StartDrag (sal_Int8 _nAction, const Point &_rPosPixel) override |
virtual sal_Int8 | AcceptDrop (const AcceptDropEvent &rEvt) override |
virtual sal_Int8 | ExecuteDrop (const ExecuteDropEvent &rEvt) override |
virtual sal_Int8 | AcceptDrop (const BrowserAcceptDropEvent &rEvt) |
virtual sal_Int8 | ExecuteDrop (const BrowserExecuteDropEvent &rEvt) |
virtual void | MouseButtonDown (const BrowserMouseEvent &rEvt) |
virtual void | MouseButtonUp (const BrowserMouseEvent &rEvt) |
void | StartScroll () |
virtual void | EndScroll () |
virtual void | Select () |
virtual void | DoubleClick (const BrowserMouseEvent &rEvt) |
virtual bool | IsCursorMoveAllowed (sal_Int32 nNewRow, sal_uInt16 nNewColId) const |
virtual void | CursorMoved () |
virtual void | ColumnMoved (sal_uInt16 nColId) |
virtual void | ColumnResized (sal_uInt16 nColId) |
virtual void | RowHeightChanged () |
virtual tools::Long | QueryMinimumRowHeight () |
void | SetUpdateMode (bool bUpdate) |
bool | GetUpdateMode () const |
void | SetFont (const vcl::Font &rNewFont) |
const vcl::Font & | GetFont () const |
void | SetTitleFont (const vcl::Font &rNewFont) |
void | InsertHandleColumn (sal_uLong nWidth) |
void | InsertDataColumn (sal_uInt16 nItemId, const OUString &rText, tools::Long nSize, HeaderBarItemBits nBits=HeaderBarItemBits::STDSTYLE, sal_uInt16 nPos=HEADERBAR_APPEND) |
void | SetColumnTitle (sal_uInt16 nColumnId, const OUString &rTitle) |
void | SetColumnWidth (sal_uInt16 nColumnId, sal_uLong nWidth) |
void | SetColumnPos (sal_uInt16 nColumnId, sal_uInt16 nPos) |
void | FreezeColumn (sal_uInt16 nColumnId) |
void | RemoveColumn (sal_uInt16 nColumnId) |
void | RemoveColumns () |
void | SetDataRowHeight (tools::Long nPixel) |
tools::Long | GetDataRowHeight () const |
void | SetTitleLines (sal_uInt16 nLines) |
tools::Long | GetTitleHeight () const |
OUString | GetColumnTitle (sal_uInt16 nColumnId) const |
tools::Rectangle | GetFieldRect (sal_uInt16 nColumnId) const |
sal_uLong | GetColumnWidth (sal_uInt16 nColumnId) const |
sal_uInt16 | GetColumnId (sal_uInt16 nPos) const |
sal_uInt16 | GetColumnPos (sal_uInt16 nColumnId) const |
bool | IsFrozen (sal_uInt16 nColumnId) const |
sal_Int32 | ScrollColumns (sal_Int32 nColumns) |
sal_Int32 | ScrollRows (sal_Int32 nRows) |
void | MakeFieldVisible (sal_Int32 nRow, sal_uInt16 nColId) |
sal_Int32 | GetCurRow () const |
sal_uInt16 | GetCurColumnId () const |
bool | GoToRow (sal_Int32 nRow) |
bool | GoToColumnId (sal_uInt16 nColId) |
bool | GoToRowColumnId (sal_Int32 nRow, sal_uInt16 nColId) |
virtual void | SetNoSelection () override |
virtual void | SelectAll () override |
virtual void | SelectRow (sal_Int32 nRow, bool _bSelect=true, bool bExpand=true) override |
void | SelectColumnPos (sal_uInt16 nCol, bool _bSelect=true) |
void | SelectColumnId (sal_uInt16 nColId) |
sal_Int32 | GetSelectRowCount () const |
sal_uInt16 | GetSelectColumnCount () const |
virtual bool | IsRowSelected (sal_Int32 nRow) const override |
bool | IsColumnSelected (sal_uInt16 nColumnId) const |
sal_Int32 | FirstSelectedRow () |
sal_Int32 | LastSelectedRow () |
sal_Int32 | NextSelectedRow () |
const MultiSelection * | GetColumnSelection () const |
const MultiSelection * | GetSelection () const |
sal_Int32 | FirstSelectedColumn () const |
bool | IsResizing () const |
BrowserDataWin & | GetDataWindow () const |
tools::Rectangle | GetRowRectPixel (sal_Int32 nRow) const |
tools::Rectangle | GetFieldRectPixel (sal_Int32 nRow, sal_uInt16 nColId, bool bRelToBrowser=true) const |
bool | IsFieldVisible (sal_Int32 nRow, sal_uInt16 nColId, bool bComplete=false) const |
sal_Int32 | GetRowAtYPosPixel (tools::Long nY, bool bRelToBrowser=true) const |
sal_uInt16 | GetColumnAtXPosPixel (tools::Long nX) const |
void | Clear () |
void | RowRemoved (sal_Int32 nRow, sal_Int32 nNumRows=1, bool bDoPaint=true) |
void | RowModified (sal_Int32 nRow, sal_uInt16 nColId=BROWSER_INVALIDID) |
void | RowInserted (sal_Int32 nRow, sal_Int32 nNumRows=1, bool bDoPaint=true, bool bKeepSelection=false) |
bool | ReserveControlArea (sal_uInt16 nWidth=USHRT_MAX) |
tools::Rectangle | GetControlArea () const |
virtual bool | ProcessKey (const KeyEvent &rEvt) |
virtual void | ChildFocusIn () |
virtual void | ChildFocusOut () |
void | Dispatch (sal_uInt16 nId) |
void | SetMode (BrowserMode nMode) |
BrowserMode | GetMode () const |
void | SetCursorColor (const Color &_rCol) |
void | EnableInteractiveRowHeight () |
bool | IsInteractiveRowHeightEnabled () const |
void | DoPaintField (OutputDevice &rDev, const tools::Rectangle &rRect, sal_uInt16 nColumnId, BrowserColumnAccess) const |
sal_uLong | GetDefaultColumnWidth (const OUString &_rText) const |
virtual OUString | GetCellText (sal_Int32 _nRow, sal_uInt16 _nColId) const |
sal_uInt16 | GetColumnCount () const override |
void | commitBrowseBoxEvent (sal_Int16 nEventId, const css::uno::Any &rNewValue, const css::uno::Any &rOldValue) |
void | commitTableEvent (sal_Int16 nEventId, const css::uno::Any &rNewValue, const css::uno::Any &rOldValue) |
void | commitHeaderBarEvent (sal_Int16 nEventId, const css::uno::Any &rNewValue, const css::uno::Any &rOldValue, bool _bColumnHeaderBar) |
virtual tools::Rectangle | calcHeaderRect (bool _bIsColumnBar, bool _bOnScreen=true) override |
virtual tools::Rectangle | calcTableRect (bool _bOnScreen=true) override |
virtual tools::Rectangle | GetFieldRectPixel (sal_Int32 _nRowId, sal_uInt16 _nColId, bool _bIsHeader, bool _bOnScreen) override |
bool | isAccessibleAlive () const |
virtual css::uno::Reference< css::accessibility::XAccessible > | CreateAccessible () override |
virtual css::uno::Reference< css::accessibility::XAccessible > | CreateAccessibleCell (sal_Int32 nRow, sal_uInt16 nColumnPos) override |
virtual css::uno::Reference< css::accessibility::XAccessible > | CreateAccessibleRowHeader (sal_Int32 nRow) override |
virtual css::uno::Reference< css::accessibility::XAccessible > | CreateAccessibleColumnHeader (sal_uInt16 nColumnPos) override |
virtual sal_Int32 | GetAccessibleControlCount () const override |
virtual css::uno::Reference< css::accessibility::XAccessible > | CreateAccessibleControl (sal_Int32 nIndex) override |
virtual bool | ConvertPointToCellAddress (sal_Int32 &rnRow, sal_uInt16 &rnColumnId, const Point &rPoint) override |
virtual bool | ConvertPointToRowHeader (sal_Int32 &rnRow, const Point &rPoint) override |
virtual bool | ConvertPointToColumnHeader (sal_uInt16 &rnColumnPos, const Point &rPoint) override |
virtual bool | ConvertPointToControlIndex (sal_Int32 &rnIndex, const Point &rPoint) override |
virtual OUString | GetAccessibleObjectName (AccessibleBrowseBoxObjType eObjType, sal_Int32 _nPosition=-1) const override |
virtual OUString | GetAccessibleObjectDescription (AccessibleBrowseBoxObjType eObjType, sal_Int32 _nPosition=-1) const override |
virtual OUString | GetRowDescription (sal_Int32 nRow) const override |
virtual OUString | GetColumnDescription (sal_uInt16 _nColumn) const override |
virtual void | FillAccessibleStateSet (sal_Int64 &rStateSet, AccessibleBrowseBoxObjType eObjType) const override |
virtual void | FillAccessibleStateSetForCell (sal_Int64 &_rStateSet, sal_Int32 _nRow, sal_uInt16 _nColumn) const override |
virtual void | GrabTableFocus () override |
virtual sal_Int32 | GetCurrRow () const override |
virtual sal_uInt16 | GetCurrColumn () const override |
virtual bool | HasRowHeader () const override |
virtual bool | GoToCell (sal_Int32 _nRow, sal_uInt16 _nColumn) override |
virtual void | SelectColumn (sal_uInt16 _nColumn, bool _bSelect=true) override |
virtual bool | IsColumnSelected (sal_Int32 _nColumn) const override |
virtual sal_Int32 | GetSelectedRowCount () const override |
virtual sal_Int32 | GetSelectedColumnCount () const override |
virtual void | GetAllSelectedRows (css::uno::Sequence< sal_Int32 > &_rRows) const override |
virtual void | GetAllSelectedColumns (css::uno::Sequence< sal_Int32 > &_rColumns) const override |
virtual bool | IsCellVisible (sal_Int32 _nRow, sal_uInt16 _nColumn) const override |
virtual OUString | GetAccessibleCellText (sal_Int32 _nRow, sal_uInt16 _nColPos) const override |
virtual bool | GetGlyphBoundRects (const Point &rOrigin, const OUString &rStr, int nIndex, int nLen, std::vector< tools::Rectangle > &rVector) override |
virtual tools::Rectangle | GetWindowExtentsAbsolute () const override |
virtual tools::Rectangle | GetWindowExtentsRelative (const vcl::Window &rRelativeWindow) const override |
virtual void | GrabFocus () override |
virtual css::uno::Reference< css::accessibility::XAccessible > | GetAccessible () override |
virtual vcl::Window * | GetAccessibleParentWindow () const override |
virtual vcl::Window * | GetWindowInstance () override |
Protected Member Functions | |
virtual bool | IsTabAllowed (bool bForward) const override |
virtual void | InitController (::svt::CellControllerRef &rController, sal_Int32 nRow, sal_uInt16 nCol) override |
virtual ::svt::CellController * | GetController (sal_Int32 nRow, sal_uInt16 nCol) override |
virtual void | PaintCell (OutputDevice &rDev, const tools::Rectangle &rRect, sal_uInt16 nColId) const override |
virtual bool | SeekRow (sal_Int32 nRow) override |
virtual bool | SaveModified () override |
virtual OUString | GetCellText (sal_Int32 nRow, sal_uInt16 nColId) const override |
virtual RowStatus | GetRowStatus (sal_Int32 nRow) const override |
virtual void | KeyInput (const KeyEvent &rEvt) override |
virtual void | Command (const CommandEvent &rEvt) override |
virtual void | StartDrag (sal_Int8 nAction, const Point &rPosPixel) override |
virtual sal_Int8 | AcceptDrop (const BrowserAcceptDropEvent &rEvt) override |
virtual sal_Int8 | ExecuteDrop (const BrowserExecuteDropEvent &rEvt) override |
virtual sal_Int8 | AcceptDrop (const AcceptDropEvent &rEvt) override |
virtual sal_Int8 | AcceptDrop (const BrowserAcceptDropEvent &rEvt) |
virtual sal_Int8 | ExecuteDrop (const ExecuteDropEvent &rEvt) override |
virtual sal_Int8 | ExecuteDrop (const BrowserExecuteDropEvent &rEvt) |
Protected Member Functions inherited from svt::EditBrowseBox | |
BrowserMouseEventPtr & | getMouseEvent () |
BrowserHeader * | GetHeaderBar () const |
virtual VclPtr< BrowserHeader > | CreateHeaderBar (BrowseBox *pParent) override |
virtual VclPtr< BrowserHeader > | imp_CreateHeaderBar (BrowseBox *pParent) |
virtual void | ColumnMoved (sal_uInt16 nId) override |
virtual void | ColumnResized (sal_uInt16 nColId) override |
virtual void | Resize () override |
virtual void | ArrangeControls (sal_uInt16 &nX, sal_uInt16 nY) |
virtual bool | SeekRow (sal_Int32 nRow) override |
virtual void | GetFocus () override |
virtual void | LoseFocus () override |
virtual void | KeyInput (const KeyEvent &rEvt) override |
virtual void | MouseButtonDown (const BrowserMouseEvent &rEvt) override |
virtual void | MouseButtonUp (const BrowserMouseEvent &rEvt) override |
virtual void | StateChanged (StateChangedType nType) override |
virtual void | DataChanged (const DataChangedEvent &rDCEvt) override |
virtual bool | PreNotify (NotifyEvent &rNEvt) override |
virtual bool | EventNotify (NotifyEvent &rNEvt) override |
virtual void | EndScroll () override |
tools::Rectangle | GetCellRect (sal_Int32 nRow, sal_uInt16 nColId, bool bRelToBrowser=true) const |
virtual sal_uInt32 | GetTotalCellWidth (sal_Int32 nRow, sal_uInt16 nColId) |
sal_uInt32 | GetAutoColumnWidth (sal_uInt16 nColId) |
virtual void | PaintStatusCell (OutputDevice &rDev, const tools::Rectangle &rRect) const |
virtual void | PaintCell (OutputDevice &rDev, const tools::Rectangle &rRect, sal_uInt16 nColId) const=0 |
virtual RowStatus | GetRowStatus (sal_Int32 nRow) const |
virtual void | RowHeightChanged () override |
virtual void | ImplStartTracking () override |
virtual void | ImplEndTracking () override |
virtual bool | CursorMoving (sal_Int32 nNewRow, sal_uInt16 nNewCol) |
virtual void | CursorMoved () override |
virtual void | CellModified () |
virtual bool | SaveModified () |
virtual bool | SaveRow () |
virtual bool | IsModified () const |
virtual CellController * | GetController (sal_Int32 nRow, sal_uInt16 nCol) |
virtual void | InitController (CellControllerRef &rController, sal_Int32 nRow, sal_uInt16 nCol) |
virtual void | DoubleClick (const BrowserMouseEvent &) override |
void | ActivateCell () |
Image | GetImage (RowStatus) const |
virtual sal_uInt16 | AppendColumn (const OUString &rName, sal_uInt16 nWidth, sal_uInt16 nPos=HEADERBAR_APPEND, sal_uInt16 nId=sal_uInt16(-1)) |
virtual bool | IsTabAllowed (bool bForward) const |
virtual bool | IsCursorMoveAllowed (sal_Int32 nNewRow, sal_uInt16 nNewColId) const override |
void | PaintTristate (const tools::Rectangle &rRect, const TriState &eState, bool _bEnabled=true) const |
void | AsynchGetFocus () |
void | implCreateActiveAccessible () |
virtual void | MouseButtonUp (const MouseEvent &rEvt) override |
virtual void | MouseButtonUp (const BrowserMouseEvent &rEvt) |
virtual void | MouseButtonDown (const MouseEvent &rEvt) override |
virtual void | MouseButtonDown (const BrowserMouseEvent &rEvt) |
Protected Member Functions inherited from BrowseBox | |
::vcl::IAccessibleFactory & | getAccessibleFactory () |
sal_uInt16 | ColCount () const |
void | SetRealRowCount (const OUString &rRealRowCount) |
virtual bool | SeekRow (sal_Int32 nRow)=0 |
void | DrawCursor () |
void | PaintData (vcl::Window const &rWin, vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext, const tools::Rectangle &rRect) |
virtual void | PaintField (vcl::RenderContext &rDev, const tools::Rectangle &rRect, sal_uInt16 nColumnId) const=0 |
virtual void | VisibleRowsChanged (sal_Int32 nNewTopRow, sal_uInt16 nNumRows) |
sal_uInt16 | GetVisibleRows () const |
sal_Int32 | GetTopRow () const |
sal_uInt16 | GetFirstVisibleColNumber () const |
void | DoShowCursor () |
void | DoHideCursor () |
short | GetCursorHideCount () const |
virtual VclPtr< BrowserHeader > | CreateHeaderBar (BrowseBox *pParent) |
void | SetHeaderBar (BrowserHeader *) |
tools::Long | CalcReverseZoom (tools::Long nVal) const |
const DataFlavorExVector & | GetDataFlavors () const |
bool | IsDropFormatSupported (SotClipboardFormatId nFormat) const |
void | DisposeAccessible () |
virtual void | ImplStartTracking () |
virtual void | ImplEndTracking () |
Private Member Functions | |
DECL_LINK (CBChangeHdl, weld::ComboBox &, void) | |
Private Attributes | |
::osl::Mutex | m_aMutex |
::std::vector< sal_Int32 > | m_aGroupPositions |
::std::vector< ColumnInfo > | m_aColumnInfo |
VclPtr< ::svt::ComboBoxControl > | m_pComboCell |
sal_Int32 | m_nDataPos |
sal_Int32 | m_nCurrentPos |
ImplSVEvent * | m_nDeleteEvent |
OGroupsSortingDialog * | m_pParent |
bool | m_bIgnoreEvent |
rtl::Reference< OFieldExpressionControlContainerListener > | aContainerListener |
Additional Inherited Members | |
Public Types inherited from svt::EditBrowseBox | |
enum | RowStatus |
Public Attributes inherited from svt::EditBrowseBox | |
NEW | |
Public Attributes inherited from BrowseBox | |
MultiSelection * | pSel |
sal_Int32 | nSel |
Static Public Attributes inherited from BrowseBox | |
static const sal_uInt16 | HandleColumnId |
Static Protected Member Functions inherited from svt::EditBrowseBox | |
static void | ResizeController (CellControllerRef const &rController, const tools::Rectangle &) |
Protected Attributes inherited from svt::EditBrowseBox | |
VclPtr< BrowserHeader > | pHeader |
Protected Attributes inherited from BrowseBox | |
bool | m_bNavigationBar |
Definition at line 97 of file GroupsSorting.cxx.
rptui::OFieldExpressionControl::OFieldExpressionControl | ( | OGroupsSortingDialog * | pParentDialog, |
const css::uno::Reference< css::awt::XWindow > & | rParent | ||
) |
Definition at line 184 of file GroupsSorting.cxx.
overridevirtual |
Definition at line 200 of file GroupsSorting.cxx.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from BrowseBox.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from BrowseBox.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from BrowseBox.
Definition at line 266 of file GroupsSorting.cxx.
References svt::EditBrowseBox::DeactivateCell(), DND_ACTION_MOVE, DND_ACTION_NONE, weld::ComboBox::get_active(), weld::ComboBox::get_active_text(), BrowseBox::GetDataWindow(), rptui::OGroupsSortingDialog::getGroups(), rptui::OGroupExchange::getReportGroupId(), BrowseEvent::GetWindow(), BrowseBox::IsDropFormatSupported(), svt::EditBrowseBox::IsEditing(), m_pComboCell, m_pParent, nPos, and SaveModified().
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from BrowseBox.
Definition at line 669 of file GroupsSorting.cxx.
References BrowseBox::Command(), Application::CreateBuilder(), BrowseBox::FirstSelectedRow(), BrowseBox::GetColumnAtXPosPixel(), BrowseBox::GetColumnId(), CommandEvent::GetCommand(), CommandEvent::GetMousePosPixel(), weld::GetPopupParent(), HANDLE_ID, IsDeleteAllowed(), CommandEvent::IsMouseEvent(), LINK, m_aGroupPositions, m_nDeleteEvent, BrowseBox::NextSelectedRow(), nIndex, NO_GROUP, Application::PostUserEvent(), Application::RemoveUserEvent(), SFX_ENDOFSELECTION, and Point::X().
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from svt::EditBrowseBox.
Definition at line 517 of file GroupsSorting.cxx.
References svt::EditBrowseBox::CursorMoving(), rptui::OGroupsSortingDialog::DisplayData(), BrowseBox::GetCurRow(), svt::EditBrowseBox::InvalidateStatusCell(), m_nDataPos, m_pParent, and rptui::OGroupsSortingDialog::SaveData().
private |
rptui::OFieldExpressionControl::DECL_LINK | ( | DelayedDelete | , |
void * | , | ||
void | |||
) |
void rptui::OFieldExpressionControl::DeleteRows | ( | ) |
Definition at line 714 of file GroupsSorting.cxx.
References svt::EditBrowseBox::ActivateCell(), svt::EditBrowseBox::DeactivateCell(), rptui::OGroupsSortingDialog::DisplayData(), SfxUndoManager::EnterListAction(), BrowseBox::FirstSelectedRow(), BrowseBox::GetCurRow(), rptui::OGroupsSortingDialog::getGroup(), rptui::OReportController::getUndoManager(), svt::EditBrowseBox::InvalidateStatusCell(), svt::EditBrowseBox::IsEditing(), SfxUndoManager::LeaveListAction(), m_aGroupPositions, m_bIgnoreEvent, m_nDataPos, rptui::OGroupsSortingDialog::m_pController, m_pParent, comphelper::makePropertyValue(), BrowseBox::NextSelectedRow(), nIndex, NO_GROUP, PROPERTY_GROUP, RptResId(), and SFX_ENDOFSELECTION.
Referenced by KeyInput().
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from svt::EditBrowseBox.
Definition at line 205 of file GroupsSorting.cxx.
References aContainerListener, svt::EditBrowseBox::dispose(), rptui::OGroupsSortingDialog::getGroups(), m_nDeleteEvent, m_pComboCell, m_pParent, and Application::RemoveUserEvent().
void rptui::OFieldExpressionControl::elementInserted | ( | const css::container::ContainerEvent & | rEvent | ) |
css::uno::RuntimeException |
Definition at line 585 of file GroupsSorting.cxx.
References BrowseBox::GetRowCount(), i, m_aGroupPositions, m_aMutex, m_bIgnoreEvent, NO_GROUP, and BrowseBox::RowInserted().
void rptui::OFieldExpressionControl::elementRemoved | ( | const css::container::ContainerEvent & | rEvent | ) |
css::uno::RuntimeException |
Definition at line 625 of file GroupsSorting.cxx.
References m_aGroupPositions, m_aMutex, m_bIgnoreEvent, and NO_GROUP.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from BrowseBox.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from BrowseBox.
Definition at line 284 of file GroupsSorting.cxx.
References DND_ACTION_MOVE, DND_ACTION_NONE, TransferableDataHelper::GetAny(), rptui::OGroupExchange::getReportGroupId(), BrowseBox::GetRowAtYPosPixel(), BrowseBox::IsDropFormatSupported(), moveGroups(), and BrowseBox::SetNoSelection().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from BrowseBox.
void rptui::OFieldExpressionControl::fillColumns | ( | const uno::Reference< container::XNameAccess > & | _xColumns | ) |
Definition at line 343 of file GroupsSorting.cxx.
References weld::ComboBox::clear(), rptui::lcl_addToList_throw(), m_aColumnInfo, and m_pComboCell.
uno::Sequence< uno::Any > rptui::OFieldExpressionControl::fillSelectedGroups | ( | ) |
returns the sequence with the selected groups
Definition at line 219 of file GroupsSorting.cxx.
References BrowseBox::FirstSelectedRow(), rptui::OGroupsSortingDialog::getGroups(), BrowseBox::GetSelectRowCount(), m_aGroupPositions, m_pParent, nCount, BrowseBox::NextSelectedRow(), nIndex, NO_GROUP, and SFX_ENDOFSELECTION.
Referenced by StartDrag().
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from BrowseBox.
Definition at line 487 of file GroupsSorting.cxx.
References BROWSER_ENDOFSELECTION, rptui::OGroupsSortingDialog::getGroup(), m_aColumnInfo, m_aGroupPositions, m_pParent, NO_GROUP, and TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION.
Referenced by InitController(), and PaintCell().
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from svt::EditBrowseBox.
Definition at line 532 of file GroupsSorting.cxx.
References svt::ComboBoxCellController::GetComboBox(), dbaui::DBSubComponentController::isEditable(), m_pComboCell, rptui::OGroupsSortingDialog::m_pController, m_pParent, and weld::ComboBox::set_entry_editable().
inline |
Definition at line 128 of file GroupsSorting.cxx.
References BROWSER_ENDOFSELECTION, m_aGroupPositions, and NO_GROUP.
overridevirtual |
Definition at line 780 of file GroupsSorting.cxx.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from svt::EditBrowseBox.
Definition at line 564 of file GroupsSorting.cxx.
References BROWSER_ENDOFSELECTION, svt::EditBrowseBox::CLEAN, svt::EditBrowseBox::CURRENT, rptui::OGroupsSortingDialog::getGroup(), svt::EditBrowseBox::HEADERFOOTER, m_aGroupPositions, m_nDataPos, m_pParent, NO_GROUP, and TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Definition at line 511 of file GroupsSorting.cxx.
References GetCellText(), m_pComboCell, and weld::ComboBox::set_entry_text().
bool rptui::OFieldExpressionControl::IsDeleteAllowed | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 649 of file GroupsSorting.cxx.
References BrowseBox::GetSelectRowCount(), rptui::OGroupsSortingDialog::isReadOnly(), and m_pParent.
Referenced by Command(), and KeyInput().
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from svt::EditBrowseBox.
Definition at line 402 of file GroupsSorting.cxx.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from svt::EditBrowseBox.
Definition at line 654 of file GroupsSorting.cxx.
References DeleteRows(), vcl::KeyCode::GetCode(), KeyEvent::GetKeyCode(), IsDeleteAllowed(), vcl::KeyCode::IsMod1(), vcl::KeyCode::IsShift(), KEY_DELETE, and svt::EditBrowseBox::KeyInput().
void rptui::OFieldExpressionControl::lateInit | ( | ) |
Definition at line 351 of file GroupsSorting.cxx.
References aContainerListener, BrowseBox::ColCount(), weld::ComboBox::connect_changed(), VclPtr< class reference_type >::Create(), FIELD_EXPRESSION, BrowseBox::GetDataWindow(), BrowseBox::GetFont(), rptui::OGroupsSortingDialog::getGroups(), BrowseBox::GetRowCount(), GROUPS_START_LEN, HID_RPT_FIELDEXPRESSION, i, BrowseBox::InsertDataColumn(), BrowseBox::InsertHandleColumn(), rptui::OGroupsSortingDialog::isReadOnly(), LINK, m_aGroupPositions, m_pComboCell, m_pParent, NO_GROUP, BrowseBox::RowInserted(), BrowseBox::RowRemoved(), RptResId(), BrowseBox::SetFont(), BrowseBox::SetMode(), vcl::Font::SetWeight(), WEIGHT_LIGHT, and WEIGHT_NORMAL.
void rptui::OFieldExpressionControl::moveGroups | ( | const uno::Sequence< uno::Any > & | _aGroups, |
sal_Int32 | _nRow, | ||
bool | _bSelect = true |
) |
move groups given by _aGroups
Definition at line 305 of file GroupsSorting.cxx.
References rptui::OGroupsSortingDialog::getGroups(), rptui::OReportController::getUndoManager(), m_bIgnoreEvent, rptui::OGroupsSortingDialog::m_pController, m_pParent, comphelper::makePropertyValue(), PROPERTY_GROUP, PROPERTY_POSITIONY, RptResId(), and BrowseBox::SelectRow().
Referenced by ExecuteDrop().
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Implements svt::EditBrowseBox.
Definition at line 547 of file GroupsSorting.cxx.
References tools::Rectangle::Bottom(), OutputDevice::DrawText(), GetCellText(), BrowseBox::GetDataWindow(), Size::Height(), OutputDevice::IsClipRegion(), tools::Rectangle::Left(), m_nCurrentPos, tools::Rectangle::Right(), OutputDevice::SetClipRegion(), tools::Rectangle::Top(), tools::Rectangle::TopLeft(), Size::Width(), Point::X(), and Point::Y().
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from svt::EditBrowseBox.
Definition at line 407 of file GroupsSorting.cxx.
References rptui::adjustSectionName(), BROWSER_ENDOFSELECTION, svt::EditBrowseBox::Controller(), rptui::OGroupsSortingDialog::DisplayData(), SfxUndoManager::EnterListAction(), weld::ComboBox::get_active(), weld::ComboBox::get_active_text(), BrowseBox::GetCurRow(), rptui::OGroupsSortingDialog::getGroup(), rptui::OGroupsSortingDialog::getGroups(), BrowseBox::GetRowCount(), rptui::OReportController::getUndoManager(), BrowseBox::GoToRow(), SfxUndoManager::LeaveListAction(), m_aColumnInfo, m_aGroupPositions, m_bIgnoreEvent, m_pComboCell, rptui::OGroupsSortingDialog::m_pController, m_pParent, comphelper::makePropertyValue(), NO_GROUP, nPos, PROPERTY_GROUP, PROPERTY_POSITIONY, BrowseBox::RowInserted(), RptResId(), and TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION.
Referenced by AcceptDrop().
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from svt::EditBrowseBox.
Definition at line 539 of file GroupsSorting.cxx.
References m_nCurrentPos, and svt::EditBrowseBox::SeekRow().
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from BrowseBox.
Definition at line 252 of file GroupsSorting.cxx.
References DND_ACTION_MOVE, fillSelectedGroups(), rptui::OGroupsSortingDialog::isReadOnly(), m_pParent, and pData.
private |
Definition at line 108 of file GroupsSorting.cxx.
Referenced by dispose(), and lateInit().
private |
Definition at line 101 of file GroupsSorting.cxx.
Referenced by fillColumns(), GetCellText(), and SaveModified().
private |
Definition at line 100 of file GroupsSorting.cxx.
Referenced by Command(), DeleteRows(), elementInserted(), elementRemoved(), fillSelectedGroups(), GetCellText(), getGroupPosition(), GetRowStatus(), lateInit(), and SaveModified().
private |
Definition at line 99 of file GroupsSorting.cxx.
Referenced by elementInserted(), and elementRemoved().
private |
Definition at line 107 of file GroupsSorting.cxx.
Referenced by DeleteRows(), elementInserted(), elementRemoved(), moveGroups(), and SaveModified().
private |
Definition at line 104 of file GroupsSorting.cxx.
Referenced by PaintCell(), and SeekRow().
private |
Definition at line 103 of file GroupsSorting.cxx.
Referenced by CursorMoving(), DeleteRows(), and GetRowStatus().
private |
Definition at line 105 of file GroupsSorting.cxx.
private |
Definition at line 102 of file GroupsSorting.cxx.
Referenced by AcceptDrop(), dispose(), fillColumns(), GetController(), InitController(), lateInit(), and SaveModified().
private |
Definition at line 106 of file GroupsSorting.cxx.
Referenced by AcceptDrop(), CursorMoving(), DeleteRows(), dispose(), fillSelectedGroups(), GetCellText(), GetController(), GetRowStatus(), IsDeleteAllowed(), lateInit(), moveGroups(), SaveModified(), and StartDrag().