22#include <com/sun/star/awt/DeviceInfo.hpp>
23#include <com/sun/star/awt/XDevice.hpp>
24#include <com/sun/star/awt/XFont.hpp>
25#include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.hpp>
26#include <com/sun/star/sheet/XSpreadsheetDocument.hpp>
27#include <com/sun/star/util/Date.hpp>
28#include <com/sun/star/util/DateTime.hpp>
30#include <osl/diagnose.h>
33#include <oox/token/properties.hxx>
48bool lclIsLeapYear( sal_Int32 nYear )
50 return ((nYear % 4) == 0) && (((nYear % 100) != 0) || ((nYear % 400) == 0));
53void lclSkipYearBlock( sal_Int32& ornDays, sal_Int16& ornYear, sal_Int32 nDaysInBlock, sal_Int32 nYearsPerBlock, sal_Int32 nMaxBlocks )
55 sal_Int32 nBlocks = ::std::min< sal_Int32 >( ornDays / nDaysInBlock, nMaxBlocks );
56 ornYear =
static_cast< sal_Int16
>( ornYear + nYearsPerBlock * nBlocks );
57 ornDays -= nBlocks * nDaysInBlock;
62sal_Int32 lclGetDays(
const util::Date& rDate )
65 sal_Int32 nDays = rDate.Year * 365 + ((rDate.Year + 3) / 4) - ((rDate.Year + 99) / 100) + ((rDate.Year + 399) / 400);
66 OSL_ENSURE( (1 <= rDate.Month) && (rDate.Month <= 12),
"lclGetDays - invalid month" );
67 OSL_ENSURE( (1 <= rDate.Day) && (rDate.Day <= 31),
"lclGetDays - invalid day" );
68 if( (1 <= rDate.Month) && (rDate.Month <= 12) )
71 static const sal_Int32 spnCumDays[] = { 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334 };
73 nDays += spnCumDays[ rDate.Month - 1 ];
80 if( (rDate.Month < 3) || !lclIsLeapYear( rDate.Year ) )
90 mnNullDate( lclGetDays( util::
Date( 30, 12, 1899 ) ) )
114 Reference< XDevice > xDevice( aDocProps.
getAnyProperty( PROP_ReferenceDevice ), UNO_QUERY );
125 Reference< XFont > xFont = xDevice->getFont( aDesc );
130 sal_Int64 nDigitWidth = 0;
131 for(
sal_Unicode cChar =
'0'; cChar <=
'9'; ++cChar )
132 nDigitWidth = ::std::max(nDigitWidth,
134 if( nDigitWidth > 0 )
137 sal_Int64 nSpaceWidth
139 if( nSpaceWidth > 0 )
158 sal_Int32 nDays = lclGetDays( util::Date( rDateTime.Day, rDateTime.Month, rDateTime.Year ) ) -
159 OSL_ENSURE( nDays >= 0,
"UnitConverter::calcDateTimeSerial - invalid date" );
160 OSL_ENSURE( (rDateTime.Hours <= 23) && (rDateTime.Minutes <= 59) && (rDateTime.Seconds <= 59),
"UnitConverter::calcDateTimeSerial - invalid time" );
161 return nDays + rDateTime.Hours / 24.0 + rDateTime.Minutes / 1440.0 + rDateTime.Seconds / 86400.0;
166 util::DateTime aDateTime( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0,
false );
168 double fTime = modf( fSerial, &fDays );
171 sal_Int32 nDays = getLimitedValue< sal_Int32, double >( fDays +
mnNullDate, 0, 3652424 );
173 if( nDays >= 366 ) { ++aDateTime.Year; nDays -= 366; }
175 lclSkipYearBlock( nDays, aDateTime.Year, 400 * 365 + 97, 400, 24 );
176 lclSkipYearBlock( nDays, aDateTime.Year, 100 * 365 + 24, 100, 3 );
177 lclSkipYearBlock( nDays, aDateTime.Year, 4 * 365 + 1, 4, 24 );
178 lclSkipYearBlock( nDays, aDateTime.Year, 365, 1, 3 );
180 static const sal_Int32 spnDaysInMonth[] = { 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };
181 if( (nDays >= 59) && !lclIsLeapYear( aDateTime.Year ) ) ++nDays;
182 const sal_Int32* pnDaysInMonth = spnDaysInMonth;
183 while( *pnDaysInMonth >= nDays ) { ++aDateTime.Month; nDays -= *pnDaysInMonth; ++pnDaysInMonth; }
184 aDateTime.Day =
static_cast< sal_uInt16
>( nDays + 1 );
187 sal_Int32 nTime = getLimitedValue< sal_Int32, double >( fTime * 86400, 0, 86399 );
188 aDateTime.Seconds =
static_cast< sal_uInt16
>( nTime % 60 );
190 aDateTime.Minutes =
static_cast< sal_uInt16
>( nTime % 60 );
191 aDateTime.Hours =
static_cast< sal_uInt16
>( nTime / 60 );
207 if (aIt->second == nErrorCode)
213 return iFail !=
maOoxErrCodes.end() ? iFail->first : OUString();
const css::awt::DeviceInfo & getDeviceInfo() const
css::uno::Any getAnyProperty(sal_Int32 nPropId) const
GraphicHelper & getGraphicHelper() const
const css::awt::FontDescriptor & getFontDescriptor() const
Returns an API font descriptor with own font information.
FontRef getDefaultFont() const
Returns the default application font (used in the "Normal" cell style).
double calcSerialFromDateTime(const css::util::DateTime &rDateTime) const
Returns the serial value of the passed datetime, based on current nulldate.
void finalizeImport()
Final processing after import of all style settings.
void addErrorCode(sal_uInt8 nErrorCode, const OUString &rErrorCode)
Adds an error code to the internal maps.
sal_uInt8 calcBiffErrorCode(const OUString &rErrorCode) const
Returns a BIFF error code from the passed error string.
std::map< OUString, sal_uInt8 > maOoxErrCodes
Coefficients for unit conversion.
sal_Int32 mnNullDate
Maps error code strings to BIFF error constants.
o3tl::enumarray< Unit, double > maCoeffs
void finalizeNullDate(const css::util::Date &rNullDate)
Updates internal nulldate for date/serial conversion.
UnitConverter(const WorkbookHelper &rHelper)
double scaleValue(double fValue, Unit eFromUnit, Unit eToUnit) const
Converts the passed value between the passed units.
OUString calcErrorString(sal_uInt8 nErrorCode) const
Returns an error string from the passed BIFF error code.
css::util::DateTime calcDateTimeFromSerial(double fSerial) const
Returns the datetime of the passed serial value, based on current nulldate.
double getCoefficient(Unit eUnit) const
Returns the conversion coefficient for the passed unit.
Helper class to provide access to global workbook data.
StylesBuffer & getStyles() const
Returns all cell formatting objects read from the styles substream.
::oox::core::FilterBase & getBaseFilter() const
Returns the base filter object (base class of all filters).
const css::uno::Reference< css::sheet::XSpreadsheetDocument > & getDocument() const
Returns a reference to the source/target spreadsheet document model.
constexpr Point convert(const Point &rPoint, o3tl::Length eFrom, o3tl::Length eTo)
const sal_uInt8 BIFF_ERR_DIV0
const sal_uInt8 BIFF_ERR_NUM
const sal_uInt8 BIFF_ERR_NA
const sal_uInt8 BIFF_ERR_NULL
Common object settings.
const sal_uInt8 BIFF_ERR_VALUE
const sal_uInt8 BIFF_ERR_NAME
Units supported by the UnitConverter class.
@ ScreenX
English Metric Unit (1/360,000 cm).
@ Digit
Vertical screen pixels.
@ ScreenY
Horizontal screen pixels.
@ Space
Digit width of document default font.
const sal_uInt8 BIFF_ERR_REF