N__cxxabiv1 | |
Nabi_aarch64 | |
Nabi_riscv64 | |
Nabp | |
Naccess2base | |
Naccessibility | |
Nanim | |
Nanimcore | |
Napitest | |
Narm | |
NAttrSetHandleHelper | |
Navmedia | |
Naxp | |
Nbasctl | |
Nbasegfx | |
Nbasic | |
NBasicCharClass | |
Nbasprov | |
Nbenchmark_object | |
Nbenchmark_test | |
Nbib | |
Nbinaryurp | |
Nbridge_object | |
Nbridge_test | |
Nbrowsenodefactory | |
NBuilderUtils | |
Ncairo | |
Ncairocanvas | |
Ncalc | |
Ncanvas | |
NCharFormat | |
Nchart | |
Nchelp | |
Ncli_uno | |
Nclimaker | |
Ncmis | |
Ncodemaker | |
Ncolor | |
Ncommon | |
Ncomp_EventAttacher | |
Ncomphelper | |
Ncompmodule | |
Ncondformat | |
Nconfigmgr | |
Nconnectivity | |
Ncore | |
Ncppcanvas | |
Ncppu | |
Ncppu_threadpool | |
Ncppuhelper | |
Ncpuid | |
Ncrashreport | |
NCResourceProvider | |
NCResourceProvider_Impl | |
Ncui | |
Ndatabar | |
Ndbaccess | |
Ndbahsql | |
Ndbaui | |
Ndbaxml | |
Ndbp | |
Ndbtools | |
Ndesktop | |
Ndetail | |
Ndlgprov | |
Ndocfunc | |
NDocumentSignatureHelper | |
NDocumentSignatures | |
Ndocx | |
NDOM | |
Ndp_gui | |
Ndp_log | |
Ndp_manager | |
Ndp_misc | |
Ndp_registry | |
Ndrawinglayer | |
NDriverBlocklist | |
Ndrivermanager | |
Ndxcanvas | |
Nediteng | |
NEEngineData | |
Nemfio | |
Nemfplushelper | |
NEnhancedCustomShape | |
NEnhancedCustomShapeTypeNames | |
Nexif | |
Nfactory_ns | |
Nfactoryimpl | |
Nfactoryimpl_ns | |
Nfactoryinc | |
Nfileaccess | |
Nflatpak | |
NFontworkHelpers | |
Nfoo | |
Nformula | |
Nframework | |
Nfrm | |
Nfs | |
NFStatHelper | |
Nftp | |
Nfunc_provider | |
Ngen_cert_header | |
Ngentoken | |
Ngfx | |
Ngio | |
Nhelpdatafileproxy | |
Nhelper | |
NHelperNotifyChanges | |
Nhierarchy_ucp | |
Nhppa | |
Nhttp_dav_ucp | |
Ni18npool | |
Ni18nutil | |
Nia64 | |
NIAccessible2Lib | |
Nimpl | |
NImplVectorizer | |
Nimporter | |
Ninprocserv | |
Ninternal | |
Nio_acceptor | |
Nio_stm | |
Njavaunohelper | |
Njfw | |
Njni_uno | |
Njs2hxx | |
Njsdialog | |
Nkf5access | |
NLibreLogo | |
Nlinguistic | |
Nlogging | |
Nloongarch64 | |
Nmailmerge | |
Nmain | |
Nmathml | |
Nmigration | |
NMinimumRaggednessWrap | |
Nmodel | |
Nmodelpreprocess | |
Nmozilla | |
Nmsfilter | |
Nmsgbox | |
NMSOPBString | |
Nmsword | |
NMSWorksCalcImportFilterInternal | |
Nmy_sc_impl | |
NmyImplHelpers | |
Nmysqlc_sdbc_driver | |
Nnamespaces | |
Nnaturalsort | |
NNotebookBarAddonsMerger | |
NNS_sprm | |
NnsHdFtFlags | |
NnsSwDocInfoSubType | |
NnsSwExtendedSubType | |
NnsSwGetSetExpType | |
Nnumfunc | |
No3tl | |
Nobjectpositioning | |
Noffapp | |
Nofficehelper | |
Noglcanvas | |
Noox | |
Nopenclwrapper | |
NOpenStormBento | |
►Norg | |
►Nopenoffice | |
►Nxmerge | Provides interfaces for converting between two Document formats, and supports a "merge" interface for merging back changes from a "lossy" format back into a rich format |
►Nconverter | |
►Ndom | Provides classes for converting basic document types to/from a DOMDocument object, which can be used by the framework |
CDOMDocument | An implementation of Document for StarOffice documents |
►Npalm | Provides classes for converting Palm database data to/from a PalmDocument object, which can be used by the framework |
CPalmDB | This class contains data for a single Palm database for use during a conversion process |
CPalmDocument | A PalmDocument is palm implementation of the Document interface |
CPdbDecoder | Provides functionality to decode a PDB formatted file into a PalmDB object given an InputStream |
CPdbEncoder | Provides functionality to encode a PalmDB object into a PDB formatted file given a file OutputStream |
CPdbUtil | Contains common static methods and constants for use within the package |
CRecord | Contains the raw bytes for a Record in a PDB |
►Nxml | Document and PluginFactory implementations for XML based formats |
►Nsxc | Provides base implementation of StarCalc XML conversion to and from different "Device" Document formats |
CBookSettings | This is a class representing the different attributes for a worksheet contained in settings.xml |
CCellStyle | Represents a text Style in an OpenOffice document |
CColumnRowInfo | This is a class to define a table-column structure |
CColumnStyle | Represents a text Style in an OpenOffice document |
CDocumentMergerImpl | Generic small device implementation of DocumentMerger for the SxcPluginFactory |
CFormat | This class specifies the format for a given spreadsheet cell |
CNameDefinition | This is a class to define a Name Definition structure |
CRowStyle | Represents a text Style in an OpenOffice document |
CSheetSettings | This is a class representing the different attributes for a worksheet contained in settings.xml |
CSpreadsheetDecoder | This class is a abstract class for encoding a "Device" Document format into an alternative spreadsheet format |
CSpreadsheetEncoder | This class is an abstract class for encoding an SXC into an alternative spreadsheet format |
CSxcConstants | Interface defining constants for Sxc attributes |
CSxcDocument | This class is an implementation of OfficeDocument for the SXC format |
CSxcDocumentDeserializer | General spreadsheet implementation of DocumentDeserializer for the SxcPluginFactory |
CSxcDocumentSerializer | General spreadsheet implementation of DocumentSerializer for the SxcPluginFactory |
CSxcPluginFactory | General implementation of the PluginFactory interface for SXC Document objects |
►Nsxw | Provides base implementation of StarWriter XML conversion to and from different "Device" Document formats |
CSxwDocument | This class is an implementation of OfficeDocument for the SXW format |
CSxwPluginFactory | General implementation of the PluginFactory interface for SXW documents |
►Nxslt | Provides the tools for doing the conversion of StarWriter XML to and from supported formats, through the use of an XSLT transformation |
CConverterCapabilitiesImpl | Xslt implementation of ConverterCapabilities for the PluginFactoryImpl |
CDocumentDeserializerImpl | Xslt implementation of org.openoffice.xmerge.DocumentSerializer for the PluginFactoryImpl |
CDocumentMergerImpl | Xslt implementation of DocumentMerger for the PluginFactoryImpl |
CDocumentSerializerImpl | Xslt implementation of org.openoffice.xmerge.DocumentSerializer for the PluginFactoryImpl |
CGenericOfficeDocument | This class is an implementation of OfficeDocument for the generic office format |
CPluginFactoryImpl | Xslt implementation of the PluginFactory |
CEmbeddedBinaryObject | This class represents embedded object's in an OpenOffice.org document that have a binary representation |
CEmbeddedObject | |
CEmbeddedXMLObject | This class represents those embedded objects in an OpenOffice.org document that have an XML representation |
COfficeConstants | This interface contains constants for StarOffice XML tags, attributes (StarCalc cell types, etc.) |
COfficeDocumentException | Used by OfficeDocument to encapsulate exceptions |
CParaStyle | This class represents a paragraph Style |
CStyle | An object of class Style represents a style in an OpenOffice document |
CStyleCatalog | A StyleCatalog holds a collection of Style objects |
CTextStyle | Represents a text Style in an OpenOffice document |
►Nmerger | The DiffAlgorithm and MergeAlgorithm are used to provide the merge capabilities of this project |
►Ndiff | Provides implementations for the Iterator interface and related support classes |
CCellNodeIterator | This is an implementations of the Iterator interface |
CCharacterParser | This is a parser to return a character array for difference purpose |
CCharArrayLCSAlgorithm | This is an implementations of DiffAlgorithm interface which will difference char arrays |
CIteratorLCSAlgorithm | This is one of the implementations of DiffAlgorithm interface |
CIteratorRowCompare | A very simple and direct difference algorithm for row Node objects in a spreadsheet |
CNodeIterator | This is an implementation of the Iterator interface |
CObjectArrayIterator | This is an implementation of the Iterator interface |
CParaNodeIterator | This is an implementation of the Iterator interface |
CRowIterator | This is an implementation of the Iterator interface and extends NodeIterator |
CTextNodeEntry | A small class to hold the start/end character position and the Node pointer in a text Node |
CTextNodeIterator | This is an implementation of the Iterator interface |
►Nmerge | Provides implementations for the MergeAlgorithm interface, the NodeMergeAlgorithm interface, and related support classes |
CCharacterBaseParagraphMerge | This is an implementation of the NodeMergeAlgorithm interface |
CDocumentMerge | This is an implementation of the MergeAlgorithm interface |
CPositionBaseRowMerge | This is an implementation of the NodeMergeAlgorithm interface |
CSheetMerge | This class extends the DocumentMerge class |
CSheetUtil | Utility methods to handle sheet XML tree |
CDiffAlgorithm | This is the difference algorithm interface |
CDifference | This is the Difference basic unit |
CIterator | This is an interface used by the DiffAlgorithm and MergeAlgorithm to access a Document |
CMergeAlgorithm | This is the MergeAlgorithm interface |
CNodeMergeAlgorithm | This is an interface for a MergeAlgorithm to merge two Node objects |
►Ntest | |
CConverterInfoList | Loads a properties file so that registry knows which plug-ins it needs to load |
CDriver | This class is a command-line driver for the converter framework |
►Nutil | Provides general purpose utilities |
►Nregistry | Provides an interface for plug-in registration |
CConverterInfo | Class for storing the information about a converter plug-in |
CConverterInfoMgr | Manages the converter plug-ins that are currently active |
CConverterInfoReader | The ConverterInfoReader pulls a META-INF/converter.xml file out of a jar file and parses it, providing access to this information in a Vector of ConverterInfo objects |
CRegistryException | This Exception is thrown by converter registry algorithms |
CActiveSyncDriver | |
CColourConverter | Utility class mapping RGB colour specifications to the colour indices used in the Pocket PC |
CDebug | This class is used for logging debug messages |
CEndianConverter | Helper class providing static methods to convert data to/from Network Byte Order (Big Endian) |
CIntArrayList | This is a convenience class used to create an ArrayList of integers |
COfficeUtil | Class providing utility methods for OpenOffice plug-ins |
CResources | Provides a singleton resource class for converter messages |
CTwipsConverter | Helper class providing static methods to convert data to/from twips |
CXmlUtil | Class containing static utility methods for handling XML trees |
CConvert | The Convert class manages a conversion from one mime-type to another |
CConvertData | ConvertData is used as a container for passing Document objects in and out of the Convert class |
CConverterCapabilities | A ConverterCapabilities object is used by DocumentMerger implementations |
CConverterFactory | Factory that provides access to Convert objects, which are used to do a conversion |
CConvertException | This Exception is thrown by convert algorithms |
CDocument | A Document represents any Document to be converted and the resulting Document from any conversion |
CDocumentDeserializer | A DocumentDeserializer represents a converter that converts "Device" Document objects into the "Office" Document format |
CDocumentDeserializer2 | A DocumentDeserializer represents a converter that converts "Device" Document objects into the "Office" Document format |
CDocumentDeserializerFactory | A DocumentDeserializer object is used to convert from the "Device" Document format to the "Office" Document format |
CDocumentMerger | A DocumentMerger can merge changes from a modified "Device" Document to the assigned original "Office" Document |
CDocumentMergerFactory | All plug-in implementations of the PluginFactory interface that also support merging must also implement this interface |
CDocumentSerializer | A DocumentSerializer represents a converter that converts a "Office" Document to a "Device" Document format |
CDocumentSerializer2 | A DocumentSerializer2 represents a converter that converts a "Office" Document to a "Device" Document format |
CDocumentSerializerFactory | A DocumentSerializer object is used to convert from the "Office" Document format to the "Device" Document format |
CMergeException | This Exception is thrown by merge algorithms |
CPluginFactory | A PluginFactory encapsulates the conversions from one Document format to another |
CVersion | This class provides a quick utility to check the version of the jar file |
Npackage | |
Npcr | |
Npdfi | |
NPictReaderShape | |
NPictReaderShapePrivate | |
Nppc64 | |
Nppt | |
Npq_sdbc_driver | |
NPresetGeometryTypeNames | |
NPresetOOXHandleAdj | |
Nproperties | |
Npseudo_uno | |
Npsp | |
Npythonloader | |
Npythonscript | |
Npyuno | |
Npyuno_loader | |
Nqnametostr | |
NRegressionCalculationHelper | |
Nreportdesign | |
Nresourceids | |
Nrptui | |
Nrptxml | |
NRTFOutFuncs | |
Nrtl | |
Ns390x | |
Nsalhelper | |
NSameContentListBox | |
Nsamplecomponent | |
Nsax | |
Nsax_fastparser | |
Nsc | |
NScClipUtil | |
NSchXMLTools | |
NScPassHashHelper | |
NScRefTokenHelper | |
Nscriptforge | |
NScriptForgeHelper | |
Nscripting_protocolhandler | |
NScVbaControlFactory | |
NScXMLConditionHelper | |
Nsd | |
Nsdbtools | |
Nsdr | |
NSdrEngineDefaults | |
NSdrViewIter | |
Nsfx | |
Nsfx2 | |
NSfxFrameHTMLParser | |
NSfxTemplate | |
Nsimd | |
Nskeletonmaker | |
NSkiaHelper | |
NSkiaTests | |
NSL | |
Nslideshow | |
NSmGlobals | |
NSmLocalizedSymbolData | |
Nsot | |
NSpacingListBox | |
Nspsupp | |
Nstarmathdatabase | |
Nstoc_connector | |
Nstoc_corefl | |
Nstoc_impreg | |
Nstoc_inv | |
Nstoc_invadp | |
Nstoc_javaloader | |
Nstoc_namingservice | |
Nstoc_sec | |
Nstoc_tcv | |
Nstore | |
Nstringresource | |
Nsvgi | |
Nsvl | |
Nsvt | |
NSvtCJKOptions | |
NSvtDefaultOptions | |
NSvtDocInfoTable_Impl | |
NSvtDynamicMenuOptions | |
NSvtExtendedSecurityOptions | |
NSvtHistoryOptions | |
NSvtLanguageOptions | |
Nsvtools | |
NSvtOptionsDrawinglayer | |
NSvtSaveOptions | |
NSvtSecurityOptions | |
NSvtSystemLanguageOptions | |
NSvtTabAppearanceCfg | |
Nsvx | |
NSvxChartOptions | |
NSvxFillAttrBox | |
NSvxFillTypeBox | |
Nsvxform | |
NSvxHtmlOptions | |
NSvxPropertySetInfoPool | |
Nsw | |
NSwGlobals | |
NSwLangHelper | |
NSwMailMergeHelper | |
NSwNumberTree | |
NSwPostItHelper | |
NSwReaderWriter | |
NSwReqIfReader | |
NSwThreadJoiner | |
NSwTranslateHelper | |
Nswui | |
NSwUnoCursorHelper | |
NSWUnoHelper | |
NSystemPath | |
NT602ImportFilter | |
Ntdoc_ucp | |
Ntest | |
Ntestcomp | |
Ntextconversiondlgs | |
NTextFormatCollFunc | |
NTkResMgr | |
Ntoolkit | |
Ntoolkitform | |
Ntools | |
NTransfrmHelper | |
NTranslate | |
Ntreeview | |
Nucb_cmdenv | |
Nucbhelper | |
Nucbhelper_impl | |
NUITest | |
Nuno | |
Nunocontrols | |
Nunodevtools | |
Nunoexe | |
Nunogallery | |
Nunohelper | |
Nunoidl | |
Nunopkg | |
Nunourl_resolver | |
NURIHelper | |
NURLEncoder | |
Nutl | |
Nuui | |
Nvalidation | |
Nvcl | |
Nvcl_sal | |
Nvclcanvas | |
Nvclmain | |
Nweld | |
Nwinwrap | |
Nwmfemfhelper | |
Nwriterfilter | |
Nwriterperfect | |
Nww | |
Nww8 | |
NwwUtility | |
Nx86 | |
Nx86_64 | |
NXclExpFontHelper | |
Nxforms | |
NXMLImageStyle | |
Nxmloff | |
NXMLRangeHelper | |
Nxmlscript | |
Nxmlsecurity | |
NXPath | |
NZipUtils | |