LibreOffice Module xmerge (master) 1
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Corg.openoffice.xmerge.merger.diff.CharacterParserThis is a parser to return a character array for difference purpose
 Corg.openoffice.xmerge.merger.diff.CharArrayLCSAlgorithmThis is an implementations of DiffAlgorithm interface which will difference char arrays
 Corg.openoffice.xmerge.util.ColourConverterUtility class mapping RGB colour specifications to the colour indices used in the Pocket PC
 Corg.openoffice.xmerge.converter.xml.sxc.ColumnRowInfoThis is a class to define a table-column structure
 Corg.openoffice.xmerge.ConvertDataConvertData is used as a container for passing Document objects in and out of the Convert class
 Corg.openoffice.xmerge.ConverterCapabilitiesA ConverterCapabilities object is used by DocumentMerger implementations
 Corg.openoffice.xmerge.ConverterFactoryFactory that provides access to Convert objects, which are used to do a conversion
 Corg.openoffice.xmerge.util.registry.ConverterInfoClass for storing the information about a converter plug-in
 Corg.openoffice.xmerge.test.ConverterInfoListLoads a properties file so that registry knows which plug-ins it needs to load
 Corg.openoffice.xmerge.util.registry.ConverterInfoMgrManages the converter plug-ins that are currently active
 Corg.openoffice.xmerge.util.registry.ConverterInfoReaderThe ConverterInfoReader pulls a META-INF/converter.xml file out of a jar file and parses it, providing access to this information in a Vector of ConverterInfo objects
 Corg.openoffice.xmerge.util.DebugThis class is used for logging debug messages
 Corg.openoffice.xmerge.merger.DiffAlgorithmThis is the difference algorithm interface
 Corg.openoffice.xmerge.merger.DifferenceThis is the Difference basic unit
 Corg.openoffice.xmerge.DocumentA Document represents any Document to be converted and the resulting Document from any conversion
 Corg.openoffice.xmerge.DocumentDeserializerA DocumentDeserializer represents a converter that converts "Device" Document objects into the "Office" Document format
 Corg.openoffice.xmerge.DocumentDeserializerFactoryA DocumentDeserializer object is used to convert from the "Device" Document format to the "Office" Document format
 Corg.openoffice.xmerge.DocumentMergerA DocumentMerger can merge changes from a modified "Device" Document to the assigned original "Office" Document
 Corg.openoffice.xmerge.DocumentMergerFactoryAll plug-in implementations of the PluginFactory interface that also support merging must also implement this interface
 Corg.openoffice.xmerge.DocumentSerializerA DocumentSerializer represents a converter that converts a "Office" Document to a "Device" Document format
 Corg.openoffice.xmerge.DocumentSerializerFactoryA DocumentSerializer object is used to convert from the "Office" Document format to the "Device" Document format
 Corg.openoffice.xmerge.test.DriverThis class is a command-line driver for the converter framework
 Corg.openoffice.xmerge.util.EndianConverterHelper class providing static methods to convert data to/from Network Byte Order (Big Endian)
 Corg.openoffice.xmerge.converter.xml.OfficeZip.EntryThis inner class is used as a data structure for holding a ZipEntry info and its corresponding bytes
 Corg.openoffice.xmerge.converter.xml.sxc.FormatThis class specifies the format for a given spreadsheet cell
 Corg.openoffice.xmerge.util.IntArrayListThis is a convenience class used to create an ArrayList of integers
 Corg.openoffice.xmerge.merger.IteratorThis is an interface used by the DiffAlgorithm and MergeAlgorithm to access a Document
 Corg.openoffice.xmerge.merger.MergeAlgorithmThis is the MergeAlgorithm interface
 Corg.openoffice.xmerge.merger.NodeMergeAlgorithmThis is an interface for a MergeAlgorithm to merge two Node objects
 Corg.openoffice.xmerge.converter.xml.OfficeConstantsThis interface contains constants for StarOffice XML tags, attributes (StarCalc cell types, etc.)
 Corg.openoffice.xmerge.converter.palm.PalmDBThis class contains data for a single Palm database for use during a conversion process
 Corg.openoffice.xmerge.converter.palm.PdbDecoderProvides functionality to decode a PDB formatted file into a PalmDB object given an InputStream
 Corg.openoffice.xmerge.converter.palm.PdbEncoderProvides functionality to encode a PalmDB object into a PDB formatted file given a file OutputStream
 Corg.openoffice.xmerge.converter.palm.PdbUtilContains common static methods and constants for use within the package
 Corg.openoffice.xmerge.PluginFactoryA PluginFactory encapsulates the conversions from one Document format to another
 Corg.openoffice.xmerge.converter.palm.RecordContains the raw bytes for a Record in a PDB
 Corg.openoffice.xmerge.util.ResourcesProvides a singleton resource class for converter messages
 Corg.openoffice.xmerge.merger.merge.SheetUtilUtility methods to handle sheet XML tree
 Corg.openoffice.xmerge.converter.xml.sxc.SpreadsheetDecoderThis class is a abstract class for encoding a "Device" Document format into an alternative spreadsheet format
 Corg.openoffice.xmerge.converter.xml.sxc.SpreadsheetEncoderThis class is an abstract class for encoding an SXC into an alternative spreadsheet format
 Corg.openoffice.xmerge.converter.xml.StyleAn object of class Style represents a style in an OpenOffice document
 Corg.openoffice.xmerge.converter.xml.StyleCatalogA StyleCatalog holds a collection of Style objects
 Corg.openoffice.xmerge.converter.xml.sxc.SxcConstantsInterface defining constants for Sxc attributes
 Corg.openoffice.xmerge.merger.diff.TextNodeEntryA small class to hold the start/end character position and the Node pointer in a text Node
 Corg.openoffice.xmerge.util.TwipsConverterHelper class providing static methods to convert data to/from twips
 Corg.openoffice.xmerge.VersionThis class provides a quick utility to check the version of the jar file
 CXMergeBridgeThis outer class provides an inner class to implement the service description and a method to instantiate the component on demand (__getServiceFactory())
 Corg.openoffice.xmerge.util.XmlUtilClass containing static utility methods for handling XML trees