class | XclImpDrawObjBase |
| Base class for drawing objects (OBJ records). More...
class | XclImpDrawObjVector |
class | XclImpPhObj |
| A placeholder object for unknown object types. More...
class | XclImpGroupObj |
| A group object. More...
class | XclImpLineObj |
| A line object. More...
class | XclImpRectObj |
| A rectangle or oval object. More...
class | XclImpOvalObj |
| An oval object. More...
class | XclImpArcObj |
| An arc object. More...
class | XclImpPolygonObj |
| A polygon object. More...
struct | XclImpObjTextData |
class | XclImpTextObj |
| A drawing object supporting text contents. More...
class | XclImpChartObj |
| A chart object. More...
class | XclImpNoteObj |
| A note object, which is a specialized text box object. More...
class | XclImpControlHelper |
| Helper base class for TBX and OCX form controls to manage spreadsheet links. More...
class | XclImpTbxObjBase |
| Base class for textbox based form controls. More...
class | XclImpButtonObj |
| A button control. More...
class | XclImpCheckBoxObj |
| A checkbox control. More...
class | XclImpOptionButtonObj |
| An option button control. More...
class | XclImpLabelObj |
| A label control. More...
class | XclImpGroupBoxObj |
| A groupbox control. More...
class | XclImpDialogObj |
| A dialog control. More...
class | XclImpEditObj |
| An edit control. More...
class | XclImpTbxObjScrollableBase |
| Base class of scrollable form controls (spin button, scrollbar, listbox, dropdown). More...
class | XclImpSpinButtonObj |
| A spinbutton control. More...
class | XclImpScrollBarObj |
| A scrollbar control. More...
class | XclImpTbxObjListBase |
| Base class for list controls (listbox, dropdown). More...
class | XclImpListBoxObj |
| A listbox control. More...
class | XclImpDropDownObj |
| A dropdown listbox control. More...
class | XclImpPictureObj |
| A picture, an embedded or linked OLE object, or an OCX form control. More...
class | XclImpSolverContainer |
| The solver container collects all connector rules for connected objects. More...
struct | XclImpSolverContainer::XclImpSdrInfo |
| Stores data about an SdrObject processed during import. More...
class | XclImpSimpleDffConverter |
| Simple implementation of the SVX DFF manager. More...
class | XclImpDffConverter |
| This is the central instance for converting binary DFF data into shape objects. More...
struct | XclImpDffConverter::XclImpDffConvData |
| Data per registered drawing manager, will be stacked for recursive calls. More...
class | XclImpDrawing |
| Base class for a container for all objects on a drawing (spreadsheet or embedded chart object). More...
class | XclImpSheetDrawing |
| Drawing manager of a single sheet. More...
class | XclImpObjectManager |
| Stores all drawing and OLE objects and additional data related to these objects. More...
class | XclImpDffPropSet |
| This class reads a DFF property set (msofbtOPT record). More...