234 const OUString& rString,
259 std::u16string_view rString);
283 const OUString& rString,
412 static OUString
const XclExpRoot& rRoot, std::u16string_view rAbsUrl,
const OUString* pTableName =
nullptr );
414 static OUString
EncodeDde( std::u16string_view rApplic, std::u16string_view rTopic );
size_t SCSIZE
size_t typedef to be able to find places where code was changed from USHORT to size_t and is used to ...
Matrix data type that can store values of mixed types.
Progress bar for complex progress representation.
Base class for import/export address converters.
Provides functions to convert Calc cell addresses to Excel cell addresses.
void ValidateRangeList(ScRangeList &rScRanges, bool bWarn)
Checks and eventually crops the cell ranges to valid dimensions.
XclExpAddressConverter(const XclExpRoot &rRoot)
bool ConvertAddress(XclAddress &rXclPos, const ScAddress &rScPos, bool bWarn)
Converts the passed Calc cell address to an Excel cell address.
XclAddress CreateValidAddress(const ScAddress &rScPos, bool bWarn)
Returns a valid cell address by moving it into allowed dimensions.
bool CheckRange(const ScRange &rScRange, bool bWarn)
Checks if the passed cell range is valid (checks start and end position).
bool ConvertRange(XclRange &rXclRange, const ScRange &rScRange, bool bWarn)
Converts the passed Calc cell range to an Excel cell range.
void ConvertRangeList(XclRangeList &rXclRanges, const ScRangeList &rScRanges, bool bWarn)
Converts the passed Calc cell range list to an Excel cell range list.
bool CheckAddress(const ScAddress &rScPos, bool bWarn)
Checks if the passed Calc cell address is valid.
bool ValidateRange(ScRange &rScRange, bool bWarn)
Checks and eventually crops the cell range to valid dimensions.
Contains cached values in a 2-dimensional array.
XclExpCachedMatrix(const ScMatrix &rMatrix)
Constructs and fills a new matrix.
void GetDimensions(SCSIZE &nCols, SCSIZE &nRows) const
const ScMatrix & mrMatrix
std::size_t GetSize() const
Returns the byte count of all contained data.
void Save(XclExpStream &rStrm) const
Writes the complete matrix to stream.
Converts edit engine text objects to an Excel header/footer string.
sal_Int32 GetTotalHeight() const
Returns the total height of the last generated header/footer in twips.
XclExpHFConverter(const XclExpHFConverter &)=delete
delete copy constructor
void AppendPortion(const EditTextObject *pTextObj, sal_Unicode cPortionCode)
Converts the text object contents and stores it in the passed string.
sal_Int32 mnTotalHeight
The last generated header/footer string.
OUString maHFString
The header/footer edit engine.
const XclExpHFConverter & operator=(const XclExpHFConverter &)=delete
delete copy-assignment operator
void GenerateString(const EditTextObject *pLeftObj, const EditTextObject *pCenterObj, const EditTextObject *pRightObj)
Generates the header/footer string from the passed edit engine text objects.
const OUString & GetHFString() const
Returns the last generated header/footer string.
Helper to create HLINK records during creation of formatted cell strings.
rtl::Reference< XclExpHyperlink > XclExpHyperlinkRef
bool HasLinkRecord() const
Returns true, if a single HLINK record has been created.
bool HasMultipleUrls() const
Returns true, if multiple URLs have been processed.
XclExpHyperlinkRef GetLinkRecord() const
Returns the created single HLINk record, or an empty reference.
XclExpHyperlinkRef mxLinkRec
XclExpHyperlinkHelper(const XclExpRoot &rRoot, const ScAddress &rScPos)
bool mbMultipleUrls
List with all processed URLs.
OUString maUrlList
Cell position to set at the HLINK record.
virtual ~XclExpHyperlinkHelper() override
const OUString & GetUrlList() const
Returns a string containing all processed URLs.
OUString ProcessUrlField(const SvxURLField &rUrlField)
Processes the passed URL field (tries to create a HLINK record).
ScAddress maScPos
Created HLINK record.
Provides export of hyperlink data.
The main progress bar for the export filter.
void ActivateFinalRowsSegment()
Activates the progress segment to finalize ROW records.
ScfInt32Vec maSubSegRowCreate
Sub progress bar for creating table rows.
sal_Int32 mnSegRowFinal
Sub progress bar for finalizing ROW records.
void Progress()
Increases the currently activated (sub) progress bar by 1 step.
ScfProgressBar * mpSubRowFinal
Segment ID's for all sheets in sub progress bar.
virtual ~XclExpProgressBar() override
void ActivateCreateRowsSegment()
Activates the progress segment to create ROW records.
void Initialize()
Initializes all segments and sub progress bars.
std::size_t mnRowCount
Progress segment for finalizing ROW records.
std::unique_ptr< ScfProgressBar > ScfProgressBarPtr
XclExpProgressBar(const XclExpRoot &rRoot)
ScfProgressBar * mpSubProgress
Progress bar implementation.
ScfProgressBarPtr mxProgress
ScfProgressBar * mpSubRowCreate
Current sub progress bar.
void IncRowRecordCount()
Increases the number of existing ROW records by 1.
Access to global data from other classes.
This class is used to export Excel record streams.
This class provides methods to create an XclExpString.
const XclExpStringHelper & operator=(const XclExpStringHelper &)=delete
remove copy-assignment operator
XclExpStringHelper(const XclExpStringHelper &)=delete
removes copy constructor
static void AppendChar(XclExpString &rXclString, const XclExpRoot &rRoot, sal_Unicode cChar)
Appends a character to an Excel string object.
static sal_Int16 GetLeadingScriptType(const XclExpRoot &rRoot, const OUString &rString)
Returns the script type first text portion different to WEAK, or the system default script type,...
static XclExpStringRef CreateString(const XclExpRoot &rRoot, const OUString &rString, XclStrFlags nFlags=XclStrFlags::NONE, sal_uInt16 nMaxLen=EXC_STR_MAXLEN)
Creates a new unformatted string from the passed string.
static void AppendString(XclExpString &rXclString, const XclExpRoot &rRoot, std::u16string_view rString)
Appends an unformatted string to an Excel string object.
static XclExpStringRef CreateCellString(const XclExpRoot &rRoot, const OUString &rString, const ScPatternAttr *pCellAttr, XclStrFlags nFlags=XclStrFlags::NONE, sal_uInt16 nMaxLen=EXC_STR_MAXLEN)
Creates a new formatted string from a Calc string cell.
We don't want anybody to instantiate this class, since it is just a collection of static methods.
This class stores an unformatted or formatted string for Excel export.
This class contains static methods to encode a file URL.
const XclExpUrlHelper & operator=(const XclExpUrlHelper &)=delete
delete copy-assignment operator
static OUString EncodeDde(std::u16string_view rApplic, std::u16string_view rTopic)
Encodes and returns the passed DDE link to an Excel like DDE link.
We don't want anybody to instantiate this class, since it is just a collection of static methods.
static OUString EncodeUrl(const XclExpRoot &rRoot, std::u16string_view rAbsUrl, const OUString *pTableName=nullptr)
Encodes and returns the URL passed in rAbsUrl to an Excel like URL.
XclExpUrlHelper(const XclExpUrlHelper &)=delete
delete copy constructor
A 2D cell range address list with Excel column and row indexes.
A 2D cell address struct with Excel column and row indexes.
A 2D cell range address struct with Excel column and row indexes.
std::shared_ptr< XclExpString > XclExpStringRef
const sal_uInt16 EXC_STR_MAXLEN
Flags used to specify import/export mode of strings.