22#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
117 void setNumericInput();
154 const char*
size_t n,
char dsep,
char gsep,
double& rVal);
static OUString SC_DLLPUBLIC GetQuotedToken(const OUString &rIn, sal_Int32 nToken, const OUString &rQuotedPairs, sal_Unicode cTok, sal_Int32 &rIndex)
static ScInputStringType parseInputString(SvNumberFormatter &rFormatter, const OUString &rStr, LanguageType eLang)
static bool SC_DLLPUBLIC isMultiline(std::u16string_view rStr)
static bool parseSimpleNumber(const OUString &rStr, sal_Unicode dsep, sal_Unicode gsep, sal_Unicode dsepa, double &rVal, bool bDetectScientificNumber=true)
Check if a given string is a simple decimal number (e.g.
Store parameters used in the ScDocument::SetString() method.
bool mbHandleApostrophe
When true, treat input with a leading apostrophe as an escape character for all content,...
bool mbCheckLinkFormula
When true and the string results in a compiled formula, check the formula tokens for presence of func...
bool mbDetectScientificNumberFormat
bool mbDetectNumberFormat
Specify which number formats are detected: mbDetectNumberFormat=true && mbDetectScientificNumberForma...
SvNumberFormatter * mpNumFormatter
Stores the pointer to the number formatter instance to be used during number format detection.
Enum settings that take effect if mbDetectNumberFormat=false or if true a number was not detected.
@ Always
Set Text number format if the input string can be parsed as a number or formula text.
@ Keep
Keep an existing number format, do not set Text number format and do not set another number format.
@ SpecialNumberOnly
Set Text number format only when the input string is considered a special number but we only want to ...
TextFormatPolicy meSetTextNumFormat
Determine when to set the 'Text' number format to the cell where the input string is being set.
sc::StartListeningType meStartListening