119 void setRowFormat( sal_Int32 nRow, sal_Int32 nXfId,
bool bCustomFormat );
166 void set( sal_Int32 nRow, sal_Int32 nXfId );
167 bool tryExpand( sal_Int32 nRow, sal_Int32 nXfId );
190 typedef ::o3tl::sorted_vector< RowRangeStyle, StyleRowRangeComp >
208 std::vector< TableOperation >
210 ::std::map< BinAddress, ApiTokenSequence >
215 std::map< XfIdNumFmtKey, ScRangeList >
Manages the cell contents and cell formatting of a sheet.
std::pair< ScRange, ApiTokenSequence > ArrayFormula
Stores cell range address and formula token array of an array formula.
void setErrorCell(const CellModel &rModel, const OUString &rErrorCode)
Inserts an error cell from the passed error code into the sheet.
ColStyles maStylesPerColumn
void setBlankCell(const CellModel &rModel)
Inserts a blank cell (with formatting) into the sheet.
std::map< sal_Int32, std::vector< ValueRange > > maXfIdRowRangeList
True = maSharedFmlaAddr and maSharedBaseAddr are valid.
void createTableOperation(const ScRange &rRange, const DataTableModel &rModel)
Sets a multiple table operation to the passed range.
::std::map< BinAddress, ApiTokenSequence > maSharedFormulas
All table operations in the sheet.
std::vector< TableOperation > maTableOperations
All array formulas in the sheet.
ScAddress maSharedBaseAddr
Address of a cell containing a pending shared formula.
void setRowFormat(sal_Int32 nRow, sal_Int32 nXfId, bool bCustomFormat)
Sets default cell formatting for the specified range of rows.
void setDateCell(const CellModel &rModel, const OUString &rDateString)
Inserts an ISO 8601 date cell into the sheet.
void setMergedRange(const ScRange &rRange)
Merges the cells in the passed cell range.
::std::vector< MergedRange > MergedRangeVector
::std::vector< ArrayFormula > ArrayFormulaVector
ScAddress maSharedFmlaAddr
Maps shared formula base address to defined name token index.
void finalizeArrayFormula(const ScRange &rRange, const ApiTokenSequence &rTokens) const
Inserts the passed array formula into the sheet.
SheetDataBuffer(const WorksheetHelper &rHelper)
std::pair< ScRange, DataTableModel > TableOperation
Stores cell range address and settings of a table operation.
void setCellFormat(const CellModel &rModel)
Processes the cell formatting data of the passed cell.
void finalizeTableOperation(const ScRange &rRange, const DataTableModel &rModel)
Inserts the passed table operation into the sheet.
void setValueCell(const CellModel &rModel, double fValue)
Inserts a value cell into the sheet.
void createSharedFormula(const ScAddress &rRange, const ApiTokenSequence &rTokens)
::std::pair< sal_Int32, sal_Int32 > XfIdNumFmtKey
void setCellFormula(const ScAddress &rCellAddr, const ApiTokenSequence &rTokens)
Sets the passed formula token array into a cell.
::std::map< sal_Int32, RowStyles > ColStyles
void setDateTimeCell(const CellModel &rModel, const css::util::DateTime &rDateTime)
Inserts a date/time cell into the sheet and adjusts number format.
void setFormulaCell(const CellModel &rModel, const ApiTokenSequence &rTokens)
Inserts a formula cell into the sheet.
void addColXfStyleProcessRowRanges()
void setBooleanCell(const CellModel &rModel, bool bValue)
Inserts a boolean cell into the sheet and adjusts number format.
void setStringCell(const CellModel &rModel, const OUString &rText)
Inserts a simple string cell into the sheet.
MergedRangeVector maCenterFillRanges
Merged cell ranges.
void applyCellMerging(const ScRange &rRange)
Writes all cell formatting attributes to the passed cell range list.
::std::vector< RowRangeStyle > TmpRowStyles
void finalizeImport()
Final processing after the sheet has been imported.
void createArrayFormula(const ScRange &rRange, const ApiTokenSequence &rTokens)
Inserts the passed token array as array formula.
bool mbPendingSharedFmla
Merged cell ranges from 'center across' or 'fill' alignment.
ArrayFormulaVector maArrayFormulas
Stores cell styles by column ( in row ranges )
XfIdRowRange maXfIdRowRange
Base address of the pending shared formula.
::std::map< sal_Int32, TmpRowStyles > TmpColStyles
MergedRangeVector maMergedRanges
Collected XF identifiers for cell rangelists.
std::map< XfIdNumFmtKey, ScRangeList > maXfIdRangeLists
Cached XF identifier for a range of rows.
ApiTokenSequence resolveSharedFormula(const ScAddress &rMapKey) const
Creates a formula token array representing the shared formula with the passed identifier.
::o3tl::sorted_vector< RowRangeStyle, StyleRowRangeComp > RowStyles
css::uno::Sequence< ApiToken > ApiTokenSequence
std::shared_ptr< RichString > RichStringRef
Stores basic data about cell values and formatting.
True = show phonetic text.
bool mbShowPhonetic
XF (cell formatting) identifier.
sal_Int32 mnXfId
Data type of the cell value.
sal_Int32 mnCellType
The address of the current cell.
Stores data about table operations.
True = second reference cell deleted.
bool mbRef2Deleted
True = first reference cell deleted.
bool mb2dTable
Second reference cell for table operations.
OUString maRef2
First reference cell for table operations.
bool mbRowTable
True = 2-dimensional data table.
bool mbRef1Deleted
True = row oriented data table.
Stores information about a merged cell range.
sal_Int32 mnHorAlign
The formatted cell range.
bool tryExpand(const ScAddress &rAddress, sal_Int32 nHorAlign)
MergedRange(const ScRange &rRange)
Horizontal alignment in the range.
bool operator()(const RowRangeStyle &lhs, const RowRangeStyle &rhs) const
Stores information about a range of rows with equal cell formatting.
void set(sal_Int32 nRow, sal_Int32 nXfId)
sal_Int32 mnXfId
Indexes of first and last row.
XF identifier for the row range.
bool tryExpand(sal_Int32 nRow, sal_Int32 nXfId)