static bool GetRangeFromString(ScRange &rRange, std::u16string_view rRangeStr, const ScDocument &rDocument, formula::FormulaGrammar::AddressConvention eConv, sal_Int32 &nOffset, sal_Unicode cSeparator=' ', sal_Unicode cQuote='\'')
virtual void SAL_CALL endFastElement(sal_Int32 nElement) override
ScXMLDataStreamContext(ScXMLImport &rImport, const rtl::Reference< sax_fastparser::FastAttributeList > &rAttrList)
sc::ImportPostProcessData::DataStream::InsertPos meInsertPos
virtual ~ScXMLDataStreamContext() override
This class exists only to provide GetScImport() to its derived classes.
ScXMLImport & GetScImport()
Data stream data needs to be post-processed because it requires ScDocShell instance which is not avai...
Stores data imported from the file that need to be processed at the end of the import process.