LibreOffice Module sc (master) 1
This is the complete list of members for ScTabViewShell, including all inherited members.
aBorderPos | ScTabView | private |
aCornerButton | ScTabView | private |
Activate(bool bMDI) override | ScTabViewShell | protectedvirtual |
ActivateObject(SdrOle2Obj *pObj, sal_Int32 nVerb) | ScTabViewShell | |
ActivatePart(ScSplitPos eWhich) | ScTabView | |
ActivateView(bool bActivate, bool bFirst) | ScTabView | |
ActiveGrabFocus() | ScTabView | |
AddAccessibilityObject(SfxListener &rObject) | ScTabViewShell | |
AddContextMenuInterceptor_Impl(const css::uno::Reference< css::ui::XContextMenuInterceptor > &xInterceptor) | SfxViewShell | |
AddHighlightRange(const ScRange &rRange, const Color &rColor) | ScTabView | |
AddRemoveClipboardListener(const css::uno::Reference< css::datatransfer::clipboard::XClipboardListener > &, bool) | SfxViewShell | |
AddSubShell(SfxShell &rShell) | SfxViewShell | |
AddWindowToForeignEditView(SfxViewShell *pViewShell, ScSplitPos eWhich) | ScTabView | |
AdjustBlockHeight(bool bPaint=true, ScMarkData *pMarkData=nullptr) | ScViewFunc | |
AdjustPrintZoom() | ScViewFunc | |
AdjustRowHeight(SCROW nStartRow, SCROW nEndRow, bool bApi) | ScViewFunc | |
aExtraEditViewManager | ScTabView | private |
aFormatArea | ScViewFunc | private |
aFormatSource | ScViewFunc | private |
aFrameSize | ScTabView | private |
afterCallbackRegistered() override | ScTabViewShell | virtual |
aFunctionSet | ScTabView | private |
aHdrFunc | ScTabView | private |
aHScrollLeft | ScTabView | private |
aHScrollRight | ScTabView | private |
AlignToCursor(SCCOL nCurX, SCROW nCurY, ScFollowMode eMode, const ScSplitPos *pWhich=nullptr) | ScTabView | |
AppendTable(const OUString &rName, bool bRecord=true) | ScViewFunc | |
ApplyAttr(const SfxPoolItem &rAttrItem, bool bAdjustBlockHeight=true) | ScViewFunc | |
ApplyAttributes(const SfxItemSet *pDialogSet, const SfxItemSet *pOldSet, bool bAdjustBlockHeight=true) | ScViewFunc | |
ApplyAutoFilter(ScDocShell *pDocSh, ScViewData *pViewData, ScDBData *pDBData, SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, SCTAB nTab, ScQueryParam aParam) | ScDBFunc | privatestatic |
ApplyItemSet(sal_uInt16 nId, const SfxItemSet &rSet) | SfxShell | virtual |
ApplyPatternLines(const ScPatternAttr &rAttr, const SvxBoxItem &rNewOuter, const SvxBoxInfoItem *pNewInner) | ScViewFunc | |
ApplySelectionPattern(const ScPatternAttr &rAttr, bool bCursorOnly=false) | ScViewFunc | |
ApplyUserItemSet(const SfxItemSet &rItemSet) | ScViewFunc | |
aScrollTimer | ScTabView | private |
aTarget | ScTabViewShell | private |
aTimerMEvt | ScTabView | private |
aTipRectangle | ScTabView | private |
aTopButton | ScTabView | private |
AutoFormat(sal_uInt16 nFormatNo) | ScViewFunc | |
AutoOutline() | ScDBFunc | |
AutoSum(const ScRange &rRange, bool bSubTotal, bool bSetCursor, bool bContinue, const OpCode eCode) | ScViewFunc | |
aViewData | ScTabView | private |
aVScrollBottom | ScTabView | private |
aVScrollTop | ScTabView | private |
aWinPos | ScTabViewShell | private |
bActiveChartSh | ScTabViewShell | private |
bActiveDrawFormSh | ScTabViewShell | private |
bActiveDrawSh | ScTabViewShell | private |
bActiveDrawTextSh | ScTabViewShell | private |
bActiveEditSh | ScTabViewShell | private |
bActiveGraphicSh | ScTabViewShell | private |
bActiveMediaSh | ScTabViewShell | private |
bActiveOleObjectSh | ScTabViewShell | private |
bBlockCols | ScTabView | private |
bBlockNeg | ScTabView | private |
bBlockRows | ScTabView | private |
bDontSwitch | ScTabViewShell | private |
bDragging | ScTabView | private |
bDrawSelMode | ScTabView | private |
bFirstActivate | ScTabViewShell | private |
bForceFocusOnCurCell | ScTabViewShell | private |
bFormatValid | ScViewFunc | private |
bFormShellAtTop | ScTabViewShell | private |
bInActivatePart | ScTabView | private |
bInDispose | ScTabViewShell | private |
bInFormatDialog | ScTabViewShell | private |
bInPrepareClose | ScTabViewShell | private |
bInUpdateHeader | ScTabView | private |
bInZoomUpdate | ScTabView | private |
bIsActive | ScTabViewShell | private |
BlockMode enum name | ScTabView | private |
bLockPaintBrush | ScTabView | private |
bMinimized | ScTabView | private |
bMoveIsShift | ScTabView | private |
bNoNewWindow | SfxViewShell | private |
bReadOnly | ScTabViewShell | private |
BroadcastAccessibility(const SfxHint &rHint) | ScTabViewShell | |
BroadcastContextForActivation(const bool bIsActivated) | SfxShell | |
CalcZoom(SvxZoomType eType, sal_uInt16 nOldZoom) | ScTabView | |
CanExecuteSlot_Impl(const SfxSlot &rSlot) | SfxShell | |
CellContentChanged() | ScTabView | |
ChangeIndent(bool bIncrement) | ScViewFunc | |
ChangeNumFmtDecimals(bool bIncrement) | ScViewFunc | |
CharStylesColorMap | SfxViewShell | private |
CheckIPClient_Impl(SfxInPlaceClient const *, const tools::Rectangle &) | SfxViewShell | |
CheckNeedsRepaint() | ScTabView | |
CheckSelectionTransfer() | ScTabView | |
ClearFormEditData() | ScTabViewShell | |
ClearHighlightRanges() | ScTabView | |
ClickCursor(SCCOL nPosX, SCROW nPosY, bool bControl) | ScTabView | |
ConnectObject(const SdrOle2Obj *pObj) | ScTabViewShell | |
Consolidate(const ScConsolidateParam &rParam) | ScDBFunc | |
Construct(TriState nForceDesignMode) | ScTabViewShell | private |
ConvertFormulaToValue() | ScViewFunc | |
CopyAutoSpellData(FillDir eDir, SCCOL nStartCol, SCROW nStartRow, SCCOL nEndCol, SCROW nEndRow, sal_uLong nCount) | ScViewFunc | private |
CopyToClip(ScDocument *pClipDoc, bool bCut, bool bApi=false, bool bIncludeObjects=false, bool bStopEdit=true) | ScViewFunc | |
CopyToClip(ScDocument *pClipDoc, const ScRangeList &rRange, bool bCut, bool bApi=false, bool bIncludeObjects=false, bool bStopEdit=true) | ScViewFunc | |
CopyToClipMultiRange(const ScDocument *pClipDoc, const ScRangeList &rRanges, bool bCut, bool bApi, bool bIncludeObjects) | ScViewFunc | |
CopyToClipSingleRange(ScDocument *pClipDoc, const ScRangeList &rRanges, bool bCut, bool bIncludeObjects) | ScViewFunc | |
CopyToTransferable() | ScViewFunc | |
CreateAnchorHandles(SdrHdlList &rHdl, const ScAddress &rAddress) | ScTabView | |
CreateAutoFormatData() | ScViewFunc | |
CreateItemSet(sal_uInt16 nId) | SfxShell | virtual |
CreateNames(CreateNameFlags nFlags) | ScViewFunc | |
CreatePrintOptionsPage(weld::Container *pPage, weld::DialogController *pController, const SfxItemSet &rOptions) override | ScTabViewShell | virtual |
CreateRefDialogController(SfxBindings *pB, SfxChildWindow *pCW, const SfxChildWinInfo *pInfo, weld::Window *pParent, sal_uInt16 nSlotId) | ScTabViewShell | |
Current() | SfxViewShell | static |
CursorPosChanged() | ScTabView | |
CutToClip() | ScViewFunc | |
DataFormPutData(SCROW nCurrentRow, SCROW nStartRow, SCCOL nStartCol, SCROW nEndRow, SCCOL nEndCol, std::vector< std::unique_ptr< ScDataFormFragment > > &rEdits, sal_uInt16 aColLength) | ScViewFunc | |
DataPilotInput(const ScAddress &rPos, const OUString &rString) | ScDBFunc | |
DataPilotMove(const ScRange &rSource, const ScAddress &rDest) | ScDBFunc | |
DataPilotSort(ScDPObject *pDPObject, tools::Long nDimIndex, bool bAscending, const sal_uInt16 *pUserListId=nullptr) | ScDBFunc | |
DateGroupDataPilot(const ScDPNumGroupInfo &rInfo, sal_Int32 nParts) | ScDBFunc | |
Deactivate(bool bMDI) override | ScTabViewShell | protectedvirtual |
DeactivateOle() | ScTabViewShell | |
DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK(SimpleRefClose, const OUString *, void) | ScTabViewShell | private |
DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK(SimpleRefDone, const OUString &, void) | ScTabViewShell | private |
DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK(SimpleRefAborted, const OUString &, void) | ScTabViewShell | private |
DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK(SimpleRefChange, const OUString &, void) | ScTabViewShell | private |
DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK(FormControlActivated, LinkParamNone *, void) | ScTabViewShell | private |
DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK(DialogClosedHdl, css::ui::dialogs::DialogClosedEvent *, void) | ScTabViewShell | private |
DECL_LINK(HScrollLeftHdl, weld::Scrollbar &, void) | ScTabView | private |
DECL_LINK(HScrollRightHdl, weld::Scrollbar &, void) | ScTabView | private |
DECL_LINK(VScrollTopHdl, weld::Scrollbar &, void) | ScTabView | private |
DECL_LINK(VScrollBottomHdl, weld::Scrollbar &, void) | ScTabView | private |
DECL_LINK(EndScrollHdl, const MouseEvent &, bool) | ScTabView | private |
DECL_LINK(SplitHdl, Splitter *, void) | ScTabView | private |
DECL_LINK(TimerHdl, Timer *, void) | ScTabView | private |
DECL_LINK(TabBarResize, ::TabBar *, void) | ScTabView | |
DECL_STATIC_LINK(ScDBFunc, InstallLOKNotifierHdl, void *, vcl::ILibreOfficeKitNotifier *) | ScDBFunc | private |
DeleteCells(DelCellCmd eCmd) | ScViewFunc | |
DeleteContents(InsertDeleteFlags nFlags) | ScViewFunc | |
DeleteMulti(bool bRows) | ScViewFunc | |
DeletePageBreak(bool bColumn, bool bRecord=true, const ScAddress *pPos=nullptr, bool bSetModified=true) | ScViewFunc | |
DeletePivotTable() | ScDBFunc | |
DeleteTable(SCTAB nTabNr, bool bRecord=true) | ScViewFunc | |
DeleteTables(const std::vector< SCTAB > &TheTabs, bool bRecord=true) | ScViewFunc | |
DeleteTables(SCTAB nTab, SCTAB nSheets) | ScViewFunc | |
DeselectAllTables() | ScTabView | |
DetectiveAddError() | ScViewFunc | |
DetectiveAddPred() | ScViewFunc | |
DetectiveAddSucc() | ScViewFunc | |
DetectiveDelAll() | ScViewFunc | |
DetectiveDelPred() | ScViewFunc | |
DetectiveDelSucc() | ScViewFunc | |
DetectiveMarkInvalid() | ScViewFunc | |
DetectiveMarkPred() | ScViewFunc | |
DetectiveMarkSucc() | ScViewFunc | |
DetectiveRefresh() | ScViewFunc | |
DigitLanguageChanged() | ScTabView | |
DisconnectAllClients() | SfxViewShell | |
DoActivate_Impl(SfxViewFrame *pFrame, bool bMDI) | SfxShell | |
DoAddWin(ScGridWindow *pWin) | ScTabView | private |
DoAutoAttributes(SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, SCTAB nTab, bool bAttrChanged) | ScViewFunc | private |
DoAutoSum(bool &rRangeFinder, bool &rSubTotal, const OpCode eCode) | ScTabViewShell | |
DoChartSelection(const css::uno::Sequence< css::chart2::data::HighlightedRange > &rHilightRanges) | ScTabView | |
DoDeactivate_Impl(SfxViewFrame const *pFrame, bool bMDI) | SfxShell | |
DoDPFieldPopup(std::u16string_view rPivotTableName, sal_Int32 nDimensionIndex, Point aPoint, Size aSize) | ScTabView | |
DoHangulHanjaConversion() | ScViewFunc | |
DoHSplit(tools::Long nSplitPos) | ScTabView | private |
DoneBlockMode(bool bContinue=false) | ScTabView | |
DoneRefMode(bool bContinue=false) | ScTabView | |
DoReadUserData(std::u16string_view rData) | ScTabViewShell | private |
DoReadUserDataSequence(const css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue > &rSettings) | ScTabViewShell | private |
DoRefConversion() | ScViewFunc | |
DoResize(const Point &rOffset, const Size &rSize, bool bInner=false) | ScTabView | |
DoSheetConversion(const ScConversionParam &rParam) | ScViewFunc | |
DoSubTotals(const ScSubTotalParam &rParam, bool bRecord=true, const ScSortParam *pForceNewSort=nullptr) | ScDBFunc | |
DoThesaurus() | ScViewFunc | |
DoUpdateCharts(const ScAddress &rPos, ScDocument &rDoc, bool bAllCharts) | ScDBFunc | static |
DoVerb(sal_Int32 nVerb) override | ScTabViewShell | virtual |
DoVSplit(tools::Long nSplitPos) | ScTabView | private |
DrawDeselectAll() | ScTabView | |
DrawEnableAnim(bool bSet) | ScTabView | protected |
DrawMarkListHasChanged() | ScTabView | |
dumpAsXml(xmlTextWriterPtr pWriter) const | SfxViewShell | virtual |
dumpLibreOfficeKitViewState(rtl::OStringBuffer &rState) | SfxViewShell | |
eCurOST | ScTabViewShell | private |
EditNote() | ScViewFunc | |
eFormObjKind | ScTabViewShell | private |
EmptyExecStub(SfxShell *pShell, SfxRequest &) | SfxShell | static |
EmptyStateStub(SfxShell *pShell, SfxItemSet &) | SfxShell | static |
EnableAutoSpell(bool bEnable) | ScTabView | |
EnableEditHyperlink() | ScTabViewShell | |
EnableRefInput(bool bFlag) | ScTabView | |
EnterAutoSum(const ScRangeList &rRangeList, bool bSubTotal, const ScAddress &rAddr, const OpCode eCode) | ScViewFunc | |
EnterBlock(const OUString &rString, const EditTextObject *pData) | ScViewFunc | |
EnterData(SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, SCTAB nTab, const OUString &rString, const EditTextObject *pData=nullptr, bool bMatrixExpand=false) | ScViewFunc | |
EnterData(SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, SCTAB nTab, const EditTextObject &rData, bool bTestSimple=false) | ScViewFunc | |
EnterDataAtCursor(const OUString &rString) | ScViewFunc | |
EnterMatrix(const OUString &rString, ::formula::FormulaGrammar::Grammar eGram) | ScViewFunc | |
EnterValue(SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, SCTAB nTab, const double &rValue) | ScViewFunc | |
ErrorMessage(TranslateId pGlobStrId) | ScTabView | |
Escape() | SfxViewShell | |
ExecChildWin(const SfxRequest &rReq) | ScTabViewShell | |
ExecDraw(SfxRequest &) | ScTabViewShell | |
ExecDrawIns(SfxRequest &rReq) | ScTabViewShell | |
ExecDrawOpt(const SfxRequest &rReq) | ScTabViewShell | |
ExecGallery(const SfxRequest &rReq) | ScTabViewShell | |
ExecImageMap(SfxRequest &rReq) | ScTabViewShell | |
ExecKey_Impl(const KeyEvent &aKey) | SfxViewShell | |
ExecMisc_Impl(SfxRequest &) | SfxViewShell | |
ExecPrint(const css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue > &, bool, bool) | SfxViewShell | |
ExecPrint_Impl(SfxRequest &) | SfxViewShell | |
ExecSearch(SfxRequest &rReq) | ScTabViewShell | |
ExecStyle(SfxRequest &rReq) | ScTabViewShell | |
Execute(SfxRequest &rReq) | ScTabViewShell | |
ExecuteCellFormatDlg(SfxRequest &rReq, const OUString &rTabPage) | ScTabViewShell | |
ExecuteInputDirect() | ScTabViewShell | |
ExecuteObject(const SfxRequest &rReq) | ScTabViewShell | |
ExecuteRetypePassDlg(ScPasswordHash eDesiredHash) | ScTabViewShell | |
ExecuteSave(SfxRequest &rReq) | ScTabViewShell | |
ExecuteSlot(SfxRequest &rReq, const SfxInterface *pIF=nullptr) | SfxShell | |
ExecuteSlot(SfxRequest &rReq, bool bAsync) | SfxShell | |
ExecuteTable(SfxRequest &rReq) | ScTabViewShell | |
ExecuteUndo(SfxRequest &rReq) | ScTabViewShell | |
ExpandBlock(SCCOL nMovX, SCROW nMovY, ScFollowMode eMode) | ScTabView | |
ExpandBlockArea(SCCOL nMovX, SCROW nMovY) | ScTabView | |
ExpandBlockPage(SCCOL nMovX, SCROW nMovY) | ScTabView | |
ExtendScenario() | ScViewFunc | |
extendTiledAreaIfNeeded() | ScTabView | |
FakeButtonUp(ScSplitPos eWhich) | ScTabView | |
FillAuto(FillDir eDir, SCCOL nStartCol, SCROW nStartRow, SCCOL nEndCol, SCROW nEndRow, sal_uLong nCount) | ScViewFunc | |
FillCrossDblClick() | ScViewFunc | |
FillFieldData(ScHeaderFieldData &rData) | ScTabViewShell | |
FillSeries(FillDir eDir, FillCmd eCmd, FillDateCmd eDateCmd, double fStart, double fStep, double fMax) | ScViewFunc | |
FillSimple(FillDir eDir) | ScViewFunc | |
FillTab(InsertDeleteFlags nFlags, ScPasteFunc nFunction, bool bSkipEmpty, bool bAsLink) | ScViewFunc | |
FindIPClient(const css::uno::Reference< css::embed::XEmbeddedObject > &xObj, vcl::Window *pObjParentWin) const | SfxViewShell | |
FindNextUnprot(bool bShift, bool bInSelection) | ScTabView | |
FindWindow(const vcl::Window *pWindow) const | ScTabView | |
flushPendingLOKInvalidateTiles() | SfxViewShell | virtual |
ForceMove() | ScTabViewShell | inline |
FreezeSplitters(bool bFreeze, SplitMethod eSplitMethod=SC_SPLIT_METHOD_CURSOR, SCCOLROW nFreezeIndex=-1) | ScTabView | |
GestureZoomCommand(const CommandEvent &rCEvt) | ScTabView | |
Get(const css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XController > &i_rController) | SfxViewShell | static |
getA11yCaretPosition() const | SfxViewShell | |
getA11yFocusedParagraph() const | SfxViewShell | |
GetActivePrinter() const | SfxViewShell | |
GetActiveViewShell() | ScTabViewShell | static |
GetActiveWin() | ScTabView | |
GetAnonymousDBData() | ScDBFunc | |
GetAreaMoveEndPosition(SCCOL nMovX, SCROW nMovY, ScFollowMode eMode, SCCOL &rAreaX, SCROW &rAreaY, ScFollowMode &rMode, bool bInteractiveByUser=false) | ScTabView | private |
GetAutoSumArea(ScRangeList &rRangeList) | ScViewFunc | |
GetAutoSumFormula(const ScRangeList &rRangeList, bool bSubTotal, const ScAddress &rAddr, const OpCode eCode) | ScViewFunc | |
GetBaseController_Impl() const | SfxViewShell | |
GetBorderPixel() const | SfxViewShell | |
GetBorderSize(SvBorder &rBorder, const Size &rSize) | ScTabView | protected |
GetBrushDocument() const | ScTabView | inline |
GetChartDialogPos(const Size &rDialogSize, const tools::Rectangle &rLogicChart) | ScTabView | |
GetChartInsertPos(const Size &rSize, const ScRange &rCellRange) | ScTabView | |
GetClipboardNotifier() const | SfxViewShell | |
GetClipData(vcl::Window *pWin) | ScTabViewShell | static |
GetColorConfigColor(svtools::ColorConfigEntry nColorType) const override | ScTabViewShell | |
GetColorConfigName() const override | ScTabViewShell | virtual |
GetController() const | SfxViewShell | |
GetCreateNameFlags() | ScViewFunc | |
GetCurObjectSelectionType() const | ScTabViewShell | inline |
GetCurrentDocument() const | SfxViewShell | virtual |
GetDBData(bool bMarkArea=true, ScGetDBMode eMode=SC_DB_MAKE, ScGetDBSelection eSel=ScGetDBSelection::Keep) | ScDBFunc | |
GetDefaultFrameLine() const | ScTabViewShell | inline |
GetDialogDPObject() const | ScTabViewShell | inline |
GetDialogParent() | ScTabViewShell | |
GetDisableFlags() const | SfxShell | |
GetDispatcher() const | SfxShell | |
GetDocId() const override | SfxViewShell | |
GetDragData() const | ScTabViewShell | inline |
GetDrawBrushSet() const | ScTabView | inline |
GetDrawFuncOldPtr() | ScTabView | inline |
GetDrawFuncPtr() | ScTabView | inline |
GetDrawInsState(SfxItemSet &rSet) | ScTabViewShell | |
GetDrawOptState(SfxItemSet &rSet) | ScTabViewShell | |
GetDrawState(SfxItemSet &rSet) | ScTabViewShell | |
GetDrawView() const override | ScTabViewShell | protectedvirtual |
getEditMode() const | SfxViewShell | virtual |
GetEditWindowForActiveOLEObj() const override | SfxViewShell | virtual |
GetFirst(bool bOnlyVisible=true, const std::function< bool(const SfxViewShell *)> &isViewShell=nullptr) | SfxViewShell | static |
GetForceFocusOnCurCell() const | ScTabViewShell | inline |
GetFormEditData() | ScTabViewShell | inline |
GetFormShell() const override | ScTabViewShell | inlinevirtual |
GetFormShell() override | ScTabViewShell | inlinevirtual |
GetFormula(const ScAddress &rAddress) | ScTabViewShell | |
GetFrame() const | SfxShell | |
GetFrameWeld() const | SfxViewShell | |
GetFrameWin() const | ScTabView | inline |
GetFunction(OUString &rFuncStr, FormulaError nErrCode) | ScTabViewShell | |
GetFunctionSet() | ScTabView | inline |
GetGridHeight(ScVSplitPos eWhich) | ScTabView | |
GetGridOffset() const | ScTabView | |
GetGridWidth(ScHSplitPos eWhich) | ScTabView | |
GetHighlightRanges() const | ScTabView | inline |
GetImageMapState(SfxItemSet &rSet) | ScTabViewShell | |
GetInputHandler() const | ScTabViewShell | inline |
GetInputHandler() | ScTabViewShell | inline |
GetInsertPos() const | ScTabView | |
GetInterface() const | SfxShell | virtual |
GetIPClient() const | SfxViewShell | |
GetItem(sal_uInt16 nSlotId) const | SfxShell | |
GetItem(TypedWhichId< T > nWhich) const | SfxShell | |
getLibreOfficeKitViewCallback() const | SfxViewShell | |
GetLockedModifiers() const | ScTabView | |
GetLOKDeviceFormFactor() const | SfxViewShell | |
GetLOKDocumentFocusListener() | SfxViewShell | private |
GetLOKDocumentFocusListener() const | SfxViewShell | private |
GetLOKEndHeaderCol() const | ScTabView | inline |
GetLOKEndHeaderRow() const | ScTabView | inline |
GetLOKLanguageTag() const | SfxViewShell | |
GetLOKLocale() const | SfxViewShell | |
getLOKPayload(int nType, int nViewId) const | SfxViewShell | virtual |
GetLOKStartHeaderCol() const | ScTabView | inline |
GetLOKStartHeaderRow() const | ScTabView | inline |
GetLOKTimezone() const | SfxViewShell | |
getLOKVisibleArea() const override | ScTabViewShell | virtual |
GetMargin() const | SfxViewShell | |
GetMousePosPixel() | ScTabView | |
GetMySubShell() const | ScTabViewShell | private |
GetName() const | SfxShell | |
GetNavigatorSettings() | ScTabViewShell | |
GetNext(const SfxViewShell &rPrev, bool bOnlyVisible=true, const std::function< bool(const SfxViewShell *)> &isViewShell=nullptr) | SfxViewShell | static |
GetObjectShell() override | SfxViewShell | virtual |
GetObjectState(SfxItemSet &rSet) | ScTabViewShell | |
GetOptimalColWidth(SCCOL nCol, SCTAB nTab, bool bFormula) | ScViewFunc | private |
GetPageBreakData() | ScTabView | inline |
GetPageMoveEndPosition(SCCOL nMovX, SCROW nMovY, SCCOL &rPageX, SCROW &rPageY) | ScTabView | |
getPart() const override | ScTabViewShell | virtual |
GetPendingRelTabBarWidth() const | ScTabView | inline |
GetPool() const | SfxShell | |
GetPrinter(bool bCreate=false) override | ScTabViewShell | virtual |
GetPrinterController() const | SfxViewShell | |
GetRelTabBarWidth() | ScTabView | static |
GetRenderable() | SfxViewShell | virtual |
GetRepeatTarget() const | SfxShell | |
getRowColumnHeaders(const tools::Rectangle &rRectangle, tools::JsonWriter &rJsonWriter) | ScTabView | |
GetSaveState(SfxItemSet &rSet) | ScTabViewShell | |
GetScDrawView() | ScTabView | inline |
GetScrollBarPos(const ScrollAdaptor &rScroll) | ScTabView | privatestatic |
GetSelectedMemberList(ScDPUniqueStringSet &rEntries, tools::Long &rDimension) | ScDBFunc | private |
getSelectedXShapes() | ScTabViewShell | |
GetSelectionFrame(std::shared_ptr< SvxBoxItem > &rLineOuter, std::shared_ptr< SvxBoxInfoItem > &rLineInner) | ScViewFunc | |
GetSelectionPattern() | ScViewFunc | |
GetSelectionScriptType() | ScViewFunc | |
GetSelectionText(bool bWholeWord=false, bool bOnlyASample=false) override | ScTabViewShell | protectedvirtual |
GetSelEngine() | ScTabView | inline |
getSheetGeometryData(bool bColumns, bool bRows, bool bSizes, bool bHidden, bool bFiltered, bool bGroups) | ScTabView | |
GetSlotState(sal_uInt16 nSlotId, const SfxInterface *pIF=nullptr, SfxItemSet *pStateSet=nullptr) | SfxShell | |
GetState(SfxItemSet &rSet) | ScTabViewShell | |
GetState_Impl(SfxItemSet &) | SfxViewShell | |
GetStateTable(SfxItemSet &rSet) | ScTabViewShell | |
GetStaticInterface() | SfxShell | static |
GetStyleSheetFromMarked() | ScViewFunc | |
GetStylesHighlighterCharColorMap() | SfxViewShell | |
GetStylesHighlighterParaColorMap() | SfxViewShell | |
GetStyleState(SfxItemSet &rSet) | ScTabViewShell | |
GetSubShell(sal_uInt16) | SfxViewShell | |
GetTabBarWidth() const | ScTabView | |
GetUIActiveClient() const | SfxViewShell | |
GetUIActiveIPClient_Impl() const | SfxViewShell | |
GetUndoManager() | SfxShell | virtual |
GetUndoState(SfxItemSet &rSet) | ScTabViewShell | |
GetVerbs() const | SfxShell | |
GetVerbSlot_Impl(sal_uInt16 nId) const | SfxShell | |
GetViewData() | ScTabView | inline |
GetViewData() const | ScTabView | inline |
GetViewFrame() const | SfxViewShell | |
GetViewShell() const | SfxShell | |
GetViewShellId() const override | SfxViewShell | |
GetWindow() const | SfxViewShell | |
GetWindowByPos(ScSplitPos ePos) const | ScTabView | inline |
GetZoomType() const | ScTabView | |
GlobalKeyInput_Impl(const KeyEvent &rKeyEvent) | SfxViewShell | |
GotoDBArea(const OUString &rDBName) | ScDBFunc | |
GroupDataPilot() | ScDBFunc | |
HandleNotifyEvent_Impl(NotifyEvent const &rEvent) | SfxViewShell | |
HandleOpenXmlFilterSettings(SfxRequest &) | SfxShell | protectedstatic |
HasAccessibilityObjects() const | ScTabViewShell | |
HasBookmarkAtCursor(SvxHyperlinkItem *pContent) | ScViewFunc | |
HasHintWindow() const | ScTabView | |
HasKeyListeners_Impl() const | SfxViewShell | |
HasMouseClickListeners_Impl() const | SfxViewShell | |
HasPageFieldDataAtCursor() const | ScTabView | |
HasPaintBrush() const | ScTabView | inline |
HasPrintOptionsPage() const override | ScTabViewShell | virtual |
HasSelection(bool bText=true) const override | ScTabViewShell | protectedvirtual |
HasSelectionForDateGroup(ScDPNumGroupInfo &rOldInfo, sal_Int32 &rParts) | ScDBFunc | |
HasSelectionForDrillDown(css::sheet::DataPilotFieldOrientation &rOrientation) | ScDBFunc | |
HasSelectionForNumGroup(ScDPNumGroupInfo &rOldInfo) | ScDBFunc | |
HasUIFeature(SfxShellFeature nFeature) const | SfxShell | virtual |
HideAllCursors() | ScTabView | |
HideAutoFilter() | ScDBFunc | |
HideListBox() | ScTabView | |
HideMarkedOutlines(bool bRecord=true) | ScDBFunc | |
HideNoteMarker() | ScTabView | protected |
HideOutline(bool bColumns, sal_uInt16 nLevel, sal_uInt16 nEntry, bool bRecord=true, bool bPaint=true) | ScDBFunc | |
HideTable(const ScMarkData &rMark, SCTAB nTabToSelect=-1) | ScViewFunc | |
HideTip() | ScTabView | protected |
ImportData(const ScImportParam &rParam) | ScDBFunc | |
ImportTables(ScDocShell *pSrcShell, SCTAB nCount, const SCTAB *pSrcTabs, bool bLink, SCTAB nTab) | ScViewFunc | |
Init() | ScTabView | private |
InitBlockMode(SCCOL nCurX, SCROW nCurY, SCTAB nCurZ, bool bTestNeg=false, bool bCols=false, bool bRows=false, bool bForceNeg=false) | ScTabView | |
InitFormEditData() | ScTabViewShell | |
InitInterface_Impl() | ScTabViewShell | privatestatic |
InitOwnBlockMode(const ScRange &rMarkRange) | ScTabView | |
InitRefMode(SCCOL nCurX, SCROW nCurY, SCTAB nCurZ, ScRefType eType) | ScTabView | |
InitScrollBar(ScrollAdaptor &rScrollBar, tools::Long nMaxVal, const Link< weld::Scrollbar &, void > &rLink) | ScTabView | private |
InnerResizePixel(const Point &rOfs, const Size &rSize, bool inplaceEditModeChange) override | ScTabViewShell | protectedvirtual |
InsertAreaLink(const OUString &rFile, const OUString &rFilter, const OUString &rOptions, const OUString &rSource) | ScViewFunc | |
InsertBookmark(const OUString &rDescription, const OUString &rURL, SCCOL nPosX, SCROW nPosY, const OUString *pTarget=nullptr, bool bTryReplace=false) | ScViewFunc | |
InsertCells(InsCellCmd eCmd, bool bRecord=true, bool bPartOfPaste=false) | ScViewFunc | |
InsertCurrentTime(SvNumFormatType nCellFmt, const OUString &rUndoStr) | ScViewFunc | |
InsertName(const OUString &rName, const OUString &rSymbol, const OUString &rType) | ScViewFunc | |
InsertNameList() | ScViewFunc | |
InsertPageBreak(bool bColumn, bool bRecord=true, const ScAddress *pPos=nullptr, bool bSetModified=true) | ScViewFunc | |
InsertSpecialChar(const OUString &rStr, const vcl::Font &rFont) | ScViewFunc | |
InsertTable(const OUString &rName, SCTAB nTabNr, bool bRecord=true) | ScViewFunc | |
InsertTableLink(const OUString &rFile, const OUString &rFilter, const OUString &rOptions, std::u16string_view rTabName) | ScViewFunc | |
InsertTables(std::vector< OUString > &aNames, SCTAB nTab, SCTAB nCount, bool bRecord=true) | ScViewFunc | |
InsertURL(const OUString &rName, const OUString &rURL, const OUString &rTarget, sal_uInt16 nMode) | ScTabViewShell | |
InsertURLButton(const OUString &rName, const OUString &rURL, const OUString &rTarget, const Point *pInsPos) | ScTabViewShell | |
InsertURLField(const OUString &rName, const OUString &rURL, const OUString &rTarget) | ScTabViewShell | |
InterpretVisible() | ScTabView | |
Invalidate(sal_uInt16 nId=0) | SfxShell | virtual |
Invalidate_Impl(SfxBindings &rBindings, sal_uInt16 nId) | SfxShell | protected |
InvalidateAttribs() | ScTabView | |
InvalidateBorder() | SfxViewShell | |
InvalidateSplit() | ScTabView | |
InvertHorizontal(ScVSplitPos eWhich, tools::Long nDragPos) | ScTabView | |
InvertVertical(ScHSplitPos eWhich, tools::Long nDragPos) | ScTabView | |
IPClientGone_Impl(SfxInPlaceClient const *pIPClient) | SfxViewShell | |
IsActive() const | ScTabViewShell | inline |
isAnyEditViewInRange(const SfxViewShell *pForViewShell, bool bColumns, SCCOLROW nStart, SCCOLROW nEnd) | ScTabViewShell | static |
IsAuditShell() const | ScTabViewShell | |
isBlockedCommand(OUString command) | SfxViewShell | |
IsBlockMode() const | ScTabView | |
IsConditionalFastCall(const SfxRequest &rReq) | SfxShell | virtual |
IsDesignMode() const | SfxShell | virtual |
IsDrawSelMode() const | ScTabView | inline |
IsDrawTextEdit() const | ScTabView | protected |
IsDrawTextShell() const | ScTabViewShell | |
IsInActivatePart() const | ScTabView | inline |
isLOKDesktop() const | SfxViewShell | |
isLOKMobilePhone() const | SfxViewShell | |
isLOKTablet() const | SfxViewShell | |
IsMarking(SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, SCTAB nTab) const | ScTabView | |
IsMinimized() const | ScTabView | inline |
IsPaintBrushLocked() const | ScTabView | inline |
IsQRCodeSelected() | ScTabViewShell | private |
IsRefInputMode() const | ScTabViewShell | |
IsSignatureLineSelected() | ScTabViewShell | private |
IsSignatureLineSigned() | ScTabViewShell | private |
JumpToMark(const OUString &rMark) | SfxViewShell | |
KeyInput(const KeyEvent &rKeyEvent) override | ScTabViewShell | protectedvirtual |
KillEditView(bool bNoPaint) | ScTabView | |
libreOfficeKitViewAddPendingInvalidateTiles() override | SfxViewShell | virtual |
libreOfficeKitViewCallback(int nType, const OString &pPayload) const override | SfxViewShell | virtual |
libreOfficeKitViewCallbackWithViewId(int nType, const OString &pPayload, int nViewId) const override | SfxViewShell | virtual |
libreOfficeKitViewInvalidateTilesCallback(const tools::Rectangle *pRect, int nPart, int nMode) const override | SfxViewShell | virtual |
libreOfficeKitViewUpdatedCallback(int nType) const override | SfxViewShell | virtual |
libreOfficeKitViewUpdatedCallbackPerViewId(int nType, int nViewId, int nSourceViewId) const override | SfxViewShell | virtual |
LinkBlock(const ScRange &rSource, const ScAddress &rDestPos) | ScViewFunc | |
LockModifiers(sal_uInt16 nModifiers) | ScTabView | |
m_pDragData | ScTabViewShell | private |
m_pSparklineShell | ScTabViewShell | private |
m_RangeMap | ScTabViewShell | private |
m_xHelper | SfxViewShell | private |
m_xMessageBox | ScTabView | private |
maHighlightRanges | ScTabView | private |
MakeDrawLayer() | ScTabView | |
MakeDrawView(TriState nForceDesignMode) | ScTabView | protected |
MakeEditView(ScEditEngineDefaulter *pEngine, SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow) | ScTabView | |
MakeNumberInfoItem(ScDocument &rDoc, const ScViewData &rViewData) | ScTabViewShell | static |
MakeOutline(bool bColumns, bool bRecord=true) | ScDBFunc | |
MakePivotTable(const ScDPSaveData &rData, const ScRange &rDest, bool bNewTable, const ScDPObject &rSource) | ScDBFunc | |
MakeScenario(const OUString &rName, const OUString &rComment, const Color &rColor, ScScenarioFlags nFlags) | ScViewFunc | |
MakeVisible(const tools::Rectangle &rHMMRect) | ScTabView | |
maLOKDeviceFormFactor | SfxViewShell | private |
maLOKIsTimezoneSet | SfxViewShell | private |
maLOKLanguageTag | SfxViewShell | private |
maLOKLocale | SfxViewShell | private |
maLOKTimezone | SfxViewShell | private |
maName | ScTabViewShell | private |
MarginChanged() | SfxViewShell | virtual |
MarkAndJumpToRanges(const ScRangeList &rRanges) | ScViewFunc | private |
MarkColumns() | ScTabView | |
MarkColumns(SCCOL nCol, sal_Int16 nModifier) | ScTabView | |
MarkCursor(SCCOL nCurX, SCROW nCurY, SCTAB nCurZ, bool bCols=false, bool bRows=false, bool bCellSelection=false) | ScTabView | |
MarkDataArea(bool bIncludeCursor=true) | ScTabView | |
MarkDataChanged() | ScTabView | |
MarkMatrixFormula() | ScTabView | |
MarkRange(const ScRange &rRange, bool bSetCursor=true, bool bContinue=false) | ScTabView | |
MarkRows() | ScTabView | |
MarkRows(SCROW nRow, sal_Int16 nModifier) | ScTabView | |
maScope | ScTabViewShell | private |
mbInlineWithScrollbar | ScTabView | private |
mbInSwitch | ScTabViewShell | private |
mbLOKAccessibilityEnabled | SfxViewShell | private |
mbPrinterSettingsModified | SfxViewShell | private |
meBlockMode | ScTabView | private |
MergeCells(bool bApi, bool &rDoContents, bool bCenter) | ScViewFunc | |
mfAccumulatedZoom | ScTabView | private |
mfLastZoomScale | ScTabView | private |
mfPendingTabBarWidth | ScTabView | private |
mnCurrentDocId | SfxViewShell | privatestatic |
mnLOKEndHeaderCol | ScTabView | private |
mnLOKEndHeaderRow | ScTabView | private |
mnLOKStartHeaderCol | ScTabView | private |
mnLOKStartHeaderRow | ScTabView | private |
ModifiedAutoFilter(ScDocShell *pDocSh) | ScDBFunc | privatestatic |
ModifyCellSize(ScDirection eDir, bool bOptimal) | ScViewFunc | |
Move() override | ScTabViewShell | protectedvirtual |
MoveBlockTo(const ScRange &rSource, const ScAddress &rDestPos, bool bCut) | ScViewFunc | |
MoveCursorAbs(SCCOL nCurX, SCROW nCurY, ScFollowMode eMode, bool bShift, bool bControl, bool bKeepOld=false, bool bKeepSel=false) | ScTabView | |
MoveCursorArea(SCCOL nMovX, SCROW nMovY, ScFollowMode eMode, bool bShift, bool bKeepSel=false, bool bInteractiveByUser=false) | ScTabView | |
MoveCursorEnd(SCCOL nMovX, SCROW nMovY, ScFollowMode eMode, bool bShift, bool bKeepSel=false) | ScTabView | |
MoveCursorEnter(bool bShift) | ScTabView | |
MoveCursorKeyInput(const KeyEvent &rKeyEvent) | ScTabView | |
MoveCursorPage(SCCOL nMovX, SCROW nMovY, ScFollowMode eMode, bool bShift, bool bKeepSel=false) | ScTabView | |
MoveCursorRel(SCCOL nMovX, SCROW nMovY, ScFollowMode eMode, bool bShift, bool bKeepSel=false) | ScTabView | |
MoveCursorScreen(SCCOL nMovX, SCROW nMovY, ScFollowMode eMode, bool bShift) | ScTabView | |
MoveTable(sal_uInt16 nDestDocNo, SCTAB nDestTab, bool bCopy, const OUString *pNewTabName=nullptr) | ScViewFunc | |
mpFormEditData | ScTabViewShell | private |
mpInputHandler | ScTabViewShell | private |
mpLOKDocumentFocusListener | SfxViewShell | private |
mpSpellCheckCxt | ScTabView | private |
mvLOKBlockedCommandList | SfxViewShell | private |
mxInputHintOO | ScTabView | private |
nBlockEndX | ScTabView | private |
nBlockEndY | ScTabView | private |
nBlockEndZ | ScTabView | private |
nBlockStartX | ScTabView | private |
nBlockStartXOrig | ScTabView | private |
nBlockStartY | ScTabView | private |
nBlockStartYOrig | ScTabView | private |
nBlockStartZ | ScTabView | private |
nCurRefDlgId | ScTabViewShell | private |
nDrawSfxId | ScTabViewShell | private |
NeedsRepaint() | ScTabView | |
NewIPClient_Impl(SfxInPlaceClient *pIPClient) | SfxViewShell | |
NewWindowAllowed() const | SfxViewShell | |
nOldCurX | ScTabView | private |
nOldCurY | ScTabView | private |
None enum value | ScTabView | private |
Normal enum value | ScTabView | private |
Notify(SfxBroadcaster &rBC, const SfxHint &rHint) override | ScTabViewShell | virtual |
notifyAllViewsHeaderInvalidation(const SfxViewShell *pForViewShell, HeaderType eHeaderType, SCTAB nCurrentTabIndex) | ScTabViewShell | static |
notifyAllViewsSheetGeomInvalidation(const SfxViewShell *pForViewShell, bool bColumns, bool bRows, bool bSizes, bool bHidden, bool bFiltered, bool bGroups, SCTAB nCurrentTabIndex) | ScTabViewShell | static |
NotifyCursor(SfxViewShell *pViewShell) const override | ScTabViewShell | virtual |
notifyInvalidation(tools::Rectangle const *) const override | SfxViewShell | virtual |
NotifyOtherView(OutlinerViewShell *pOtherShell, int nType, const OString &rKey, const OString &rPayload) override | SfxViewShell | |
NotifyOtherViews(int nType, const OString &rKey, const OString &rPayload) override | SfxViewShell | |
notifyWindow(vcl::LOKWindowId nLOKWindowId, const OUString &rAction, const std::vector< vcl::LOKPayloadItem > &rPayload=std::vector< vcl::LOKPayloadItem >()) const override | SfxViewShell | virtual |
nPrevDragPos | ScTabView | private |
nTipAlign | ScTabView | private |
nTipVisible | ScTabView | private |
NumGroupDataPilot(const ScDPNumGroupInfo &rInfo) | ScDBFunc | |
OnLibreOfficeKitTabChanged() | ScTabView | |
OnLOKInsertDeleteColumn(SCCOL nStartCol, tools::Long nOffset) | ScViewFunc | |
OnLOKInsertDeleteRow(SCROW nStartRow, tools::Long nOffset) | ScViewFunc | |
OnLOKNoteStateChanged(const ScPostIt *pNote) | ScTabView | static |
OnLOKSetWidthOrHeight(SCCOLROW nStart, bool bWidth) | ScViewFunc | |
OnLOKShowHideColRow(bool bColumns, SCCOLROW nStartRow) | ScDBFunc | |
SfxViewShell::operator=(const SfxShell &)=delete | SfxShell | private |
ScDBFunc::operator=(const ScTabView &)=delete | ScTabView | |
OuterResizePixel(const Point &rOfs, const Size &rSize) override | ScTabViewShell | protectedvirtual |
OutlinePossible(bool bHide) | ScDBFunc | |
OutplaceActivated(bool bActive) | SfxViewShell | |
Own enum value | ScTabView | private |
pAccessibilityBroadcaster | ScTabViewShell | private |
PaintArea(SCCOL nStartCol, SCROW nStartRow, SCCOL nEndCol, SCROW nEndRow, ScUpdateMode eMode=ScUpdateMode::All) | ScTabView | |
PaintBlock(bool bReset) | ScTabView | |
PaintExtras() | ScTabView | |
PaintGrid() | ScTabView | |
PaintLeft() | ScTabView | |
PaintLeftArea(SCROW nStartRow, SCROW nEndRow) | ScTabView | |
PaintMarks(SCCOL nStartCol, SCROW nStartRow, SCCOL nEndCol, SCROW nEndRow) | ScTabView | |
PaintRangeFinder(tools::Long nNumber) | ScTabView | |
PaintRangeFinderEntry(const ScRangeFindData *pData, SCTAB nTab) | ScTabView | private |
PaintTop() | ScTabView | |
PaintTopArea(SCCOL nStartCol, SCCOL nEndCol) | ScTabView | |
ParaStylesColorMap | SfxViewShell | private |
PasteBitmapEx(const Point &, const BitmapEx &) | ScViewFunc | |
PasteBookmark(SotClipboardFormatId nFormatId, const css::uno::Reference< css::datatransfer::XTransferable > &rxTransferable, SCCOL nPosX, SCROW nPosY) | ScViewFunc | |
PasteDataFormat(SotClipboardFormatId nFormatId, const css::uno::Reference< css::datatransfer::XTransferable > &rxTransferable, SCCOL nPosX, SCROW nPosY, const Point *pLogicPos, bool bLink=false, bool bAllowDialogs=false) | ScViewFunc | |
PasteDraw() | ScViewFunc | |
PasteDraw(const Point &rLogicPos, SdrModel *pModel, bool bGroup, std::u16string_view rSrcShellID, std::u16string_view rDestShellID) | ScViewFunc | |
PasteFile(const Point &, const OUString &, bool bLink) | ScViewFunc | |
PasteFromClip(InsertDeleteFlags nFlags, ScDocument *pClipDoc, ScPasteFunc nFunction=ScPasteFunc::NONE, bool bSkipEmptyCells=false, bool bTranspose=false, bool bAsLink=false, InsCellCmd eMoveMode=INS_NONE, InsertDeleteFlags nUndoExtraFlags=InsertDeleteFlags::NONE, bool bAllowDialogs=false) | ScViewFunc | |
PasteFromClipToMultiRanges(InsertDeleteFlags nFlags, ScDocument *pClipDoc, ScPasteFunc nFunction, bool bSkipEmptyCells, bool bTranspose, bool bAsLink, bool bAllowDialogs, InsCellCmd eMoveMode, InsertDeleteFlags nUndoFlags) | ScViewFunc | private |
PasteFromSystem() | ScViewFunc | |
PasteFromSystem(SotClipboardFormatId nFormatId, bool bApi=false) | ScViewFunc | |
PasteFromTransferable(const css::uno::Reference< css::datatransfer::XTransferable > &rxTransferable) | ScViewFunc | |
PasteGraphic(const Point &rPos, const Graphic &rGraphic, const OUString &rFile) | ScViewFunc | |
PasteLink(const css::uno::Reference< css::datatransfer::XTransferable > &rxTransferable) | ScViewFunc | |
PasteMetaFile(const Point &, const GDIMetaFile &) | ScViewFunc | |
PasteMultiRangesFromClip(InsertDeleteFlags nFlags, ScDocument *pClipDoc, ScPasteFunc nFunction, bool bSkipEmptyCells, bool bTranspose, bool bAsLink, bool bAllowDialogs, InsCellCmd eMoveMode, InsertDeleteFlags nUndoFlags) | ScViewFunc | private |
PasteObject(const Point &, const css::uno::Reference< css::embed::XEmbeddedObject > &, const Size *, const Graphic *=nullptr, const OUString &=OUString(), sal_Int64 nAspect=css::embed::Aspects::MSOLE_CONTENT) | ScViewFunc | |
PasteOnDrawObjectLinked(const css::uno::Reference< css::datatransfer::XTransferable > &rxTransferable, SdrObject &rHitObj) | ScViewFunc | |
PasteRTF(SCCOL nCol, SCROW nStartRow, const css::uno::Reference< css::datatransfer::XTransferable > &rxTransferable) | ScViewFunc | private |
pAuditingShell | ScTabViewShell | private |
pBrushDocument | ScTabView | private |
pCellShell | ScTabViewShell | private |
pChartShell | ScTabViewShell | private |
pColBar | ScTabView | private |
pColOutline | ScTabView | private |
pCurFrameLine | ScTabViewShell | private |
pDialogDPObject | ScTabViewShell | private |
pDrawActual | ScTabView | private |
pDrawBrushSet | ScTabView | private |
pDrawFormShell | ScTabViewShell | private |
pDrawOld | ScTabView | private |
pDrawShell | ScTabViewShell | private |
pDrawTextShell | ScTabViewShell | private |
pDrawView | ScTabView | private |
pEditShell | ScTabViewShell | private |
pExtrusionBarShell | ScTabViewShell | private |
pFontworkBarShell | ScTabViewShell | private |
pFormShell | ScTabViewShell | private |
pFrameWin | ScTabView | private |
pGraphicShell | ScTabViewShell | private |
pGridWin | ScTabView | private |
pHdrSelEng | ScTabView | private |
pHSplitter | ScTabView | private |
pImpl | SfxViewShell | private |
pMediaShell | ScTabViewShell | private |
pNavSettings | ScTabViewShell | private |
pOleObjectShell | ScTabViewShell | private |
PopSubShells_Impl() | SfxViewShell | |
PostPasteFromClip(const ScRangeList &rPasteRanges, const ScMarkData &rMark) | ScViewFunc | private |
pPageBreakData | ScTabView | private |
pPageBreakShell | ScTabViewShell | private |
pPivotShell | ScTabViewShell | private |
pPool | SfxShell | private |
PrepareClose(bool bUI=true) override | ScTabViewShell | protectedvirtual |
ProtectDoc(const OUString &rPassword) | ScViewFunc | |
ProtectSheet(SCTAB nTab, const ScTableProtection &rProtect) | ScViewFunc | |
pRowBar | ScTabView | private |
pRowOutline | ScTabView | private |
pSelEngine | ScTabView | private |
pTabControl | ScTabView | private |
pTimerWindow | ScTabView | private |
pUndoMgr | SfxShell | private |
PushSubShells_Impl(bool bPush=true) | SfxViewShell | |
PutItem(const SfxPoolItem &rItem) | SfxShell | |
pVSplitter | ScTabView | private |
pWindow | SfxViewShell | private |
Query(const ScQueryParam &rQueryParam, const ScRange *pAdvSource, bool bRecord) | ScDBFunc | |
QueryObjAreaPixel(tools::Rectangle &rRect) const override | ScTabViewShell | protectedvirtual |
ReadUserData(const OUString &, bool bBrowse=false) override | ScTabViewShell | protectedvirtual |
ReadUserDataSequence(const css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue > &) override | ScTabViewShell | protectedvirtual |
RecalcPivotTable() | ScDBFunc | |
RecalcPPT() | ScTabView | |
RefreshZoom() | ScTabView | |
RemoveAccessibilityObject(SfxListener &rObject) | ScTabViewShell | |
RemoveAllOutlines(bool bRecord=true) | ScDBFunc | |
RemoveContextMenuInterceptor_Impl(const css::uno::Reference< css::ui::XContextMenuInterceptor > &xInterceptor) | SfxViewShell | |
RemoveHintWindow() | ScTabView | |
RemoveManualBreaks() | ScViewFunc | |
RemoveMerge() | ScViewFunc | |
RemoveOutline(bool bColumns, bool bRecord=true) | ScDBFunc | |
RemoveSplit() | ScTabView | |
RemoveStyleSheetInUse(const SfxStyleSheetBase *pStyleSheet) | ScViewFunc | |
RemoveSubShell(SfxShell *pShell=nullptr) | SfxViewShell | |
RemoveWindowFromForeignEditView(SfxViewShell *pViewShell, ScSplitPos eWhich) | ScTabView | |
RenameTable(const OUString &rName, SCTAB nTabNr) | ScViewFunc | |
RepeatDB(bool bRecord=true) | ScDBFunc | |
RepeatResize(bool bUpdateFix=true) | ScTabView | |
ReplaceNote(const ScAddress &rPos, const OUString &rNoteText, const OUString *pAuthor, const OUString *pDate) | ScViewFunc | |
ResetAllClients_Impl(SfxInPlaceClient const *pIP) | SfxViewShell | |
ResetAutoSpell() | ScTabView | |
ResetAutoSpellForContentChange() | ScTabView | |
ResetBrushDocument() | ScTabView | |
ResetDragObject() | ScTabViewShell | |
ResetDrawDragMode() | ScTabView | protected |
ResetTimer() | ScTabView | |
rFrame | SfxViewShell | private |
SC_SPLIT_METHOD_COL enum value | ScTabView | |
SC_SPLIT_METHOD_CURSOR enum value | ScTabView | |
SC_SPLIT_METHOD_ROW enum value | ScTabView | |
ScDBFunc(vcl::Window *pParent, ScDocShell &rDocSh, ScTabViewShell *pViewShell) | ScDBFunc | |
ScrollCommand(const CommandEvent &rCEvt, ScSplitPos ePos) | ScTabView | |
ScrollHdl(ScrollAdaptor *rScrollBar) | ScTabView | private |
ScrollLines(tools::Long nDeltaX, tools::Long nDeltaY) | ScTabView | |
ScrollToObject(const SdrObject *pDrawObj) | ScTabView | |
ScrollX(tools::Long nDeltaX, ScHSplitPos eWhich, bool bUpdBars=true) | ScTabView | |
ScrollY(tools::Long nDeltaY, ScVSplitPos eWhich, bool bUpdBars=true) | ScTabView | |
ScTabView(const ScTabView &)=delete | ScTabView | |
ScTabView(vcl::Window *pParent, ScDocShell &rDocSh, ScTabViewShell *pViewShell) | ScTabView | |
ScTabViewShell(SfxViewFrame &rViewFrame, SfxViewShell *pOldSh) | ScTabViewShell | |
ScViewFunc(vcl::Window *pParent, ScDocShell &rDocSh, ScTabViewShell *pViewShell) | ScViewFunc | |
sDrawCustom | ScTabViewShell | private |
SearchAndReplace(const SvxSearchItem *pSearchItem, bool bAddUndo, bool bIsApi) | ScViewFunc | |
SelectAll(bool bContinue=false) | ScTabView | |
SelectAllTables() | ScTabView | |
SelectionChanged(bool bFromPaste=false) | ScTabView | |
SelectionEditable(bool *pOnlyNotBecauseOfMatrix=nullptr) | ScViewFunc | |
SelectLevel(bool bColumns, sal_uInt16 nLevel, bool bRecord=true) | ScDBFunc | |
SelectNextTab(short nDir, bool bExtendSelection) | ScTabView | |
SelectObject(std::u16string_view rName) | ScTabViewShell | |
SelectTabPage(const sal_uInt16 nTab) | ScTabView | |
SelMouseButtonDown(const MouseEvent &rMEvt) | ScTabView | |
SetActive() | ScTabViewShell | |
SetActivePointer(PointerStyle nPointer) | ScTabView | |
SetAuditShell(bool bActive) | ScTabViewShell | |
SetAutoSpellData(SCCOL nPosX, SCROW nPosY, const std::vector< editeng::MisspellRanges > *pRanges) | ScTabView | |
setBlockedCommandList(const char *blockedCommandList) | SfxViewShell | |
SetBorderPixel(const SvBorder &rBorder) | SfxViewShell | |
SetBrushDocument(ScDocumentUniquePtr pNew, bool bLock) | ScTabView | |
SetChartShell(bool bActive) | ScTabViewShell | |
SetContextBroadcasterEnabled(const bool bIsEnabled) | SfxShell | |
SetContextName(const OUString &rsContextName) | SfxShell | |
SetController(SfxBaseController *pController) | SfxViewShell | |
SetCurRefDlgId(sal_uInt16 nNew) | ScTabViewShell | |
SetCurrentDocId(ViewShellDocId nId) | SfxViewShell | static |
SetCurrentDocument() const | SfxViewShell | |
SetCursor(SCCOL nPosX, SCROW nPosY, bool bNew=false) | ScTabView | |
SetCurSubShell(ObjectSelectionType eOST, bool bForce=false) | ScTabViewShell | |
SetDataPilotDetails(bool bShow, const OUString *pNewDimensionName=nullptr) | ScDBFunc | |
SetDefaultFrameLine(const ::editeng::SvxBorderLine *pLine) | ScTabViewShell | |
SetDialogDPObject(std::unique_ptr< ScDPObject > pObj) | ScTabViewShell | |
SetDisableFlags(SfxDisableFlags nFlags) | SfxShell | |
SetDontSwitch(bool bFlag) | ScTabViewShell | inline |
SetDragJump(ScDocument *pLocalDoc, const OUString &rTarget, const OUString &rText) | ScTabViewShell | |
SetDragLink(const OUString &rDoc, const OUString &rTab, const OUString &rArea) | ScTabViewShell | |
SetDragObject(ScTransferObj *pCellObj, ScDrawTransferObj *pDrawObj) | ScTabViewShell | |
SetDrawBrushSet(std::unique_ptr< SfxItemSet > pNew, bool bLock) | ScTabView | |
SetDrawFormShell(bool bActive) | ScTabViewShell | |
SetDrawFuncOldPtr(FuPoor *pFuncPtr) | ScTabView | inline |
SetDrawFuncPtr(FuPoor *pFuncPtr) | ScTabView | inline |
SetDrawSelMode(bool bNew) | ScTabView | inline |
SetDrawShell(bool bActive) | ScTabViewShell | |
SetDrawShellOrSub() | ScTabViewShell | |
SetDrawTextShell(bool bActive) | ScTabViewShell | |
SetDrawTextUndo(SfxUndoManager *pUndoMgr) | ScTabViewShell | |
SetEditShell(EditView *pView, bool bActive) | ScTabViewShell | |
SetForceFocusOnCurCell(bool bFlag) | ScTabViewShell | inline |
SetFormShellAtTop(bool bSet) | ScTabViewShell | |
SetGraphicShell(bool bActive) | ScTabViewShell | |
SetInFormatDialog(bool bFlag) | ScTabViewShell | inline |
setLibreOfficeKitViewCallback(SfxLokCallbackInterface *pCallback) | SfxViewShell | |
SetLOKAccessibilityState(bool bEnabled) | SfxViewShell | |
SetLOKLanguageTag(const OUString &rBcp47LanguageTag) | SfxViewShell | |
SetLOKLocale(const OUString &rBcp47LanguageTag) | SfxViewShell | |
SetLOKTimezone(bool isSet, const OUString &rTimezone) | SfxViewShell | |
SetMargin(const Size &) | SfxViewShell | |
SetMarkData(const ScMarkData &rNew) | ScTabView | |
SetMarkedWidthOrHeight(bool bWidth, ScSizeMode eMode, sal_uInt16 nSizeTwips) | ScViewFunc | |
SetMediaShell(bool bActive) | ScTabViewShell | |
SetName(const OUString &rName) | SfxShell | |
SetNewVisArea() | ScTabView | |
SetNewWindowAllowed(bool bSet) | SfxViewShell | |
SetNoteText(const ScAddress &rPos, const OUString &rNoteText) | ScViewFunc | |
SetNumberFormat(SvNumFormatType nFormatType, sal_uLong nAdd=0) | ScViewFunc | |
SetNumFmtByStr(const OUString &rCode) | ScViewFunc | |
SetOleObjectShell(bool bActive) | ScTabViewShell | |
SetOutlineState(bool bColumn, sal_uInt16 nLevel, sal_uInt16 nEntry, bool bHidden) | ScDBFunc | |
SetPagebreakMode(bool bSet) | ScTabView | |
SetPendingRelTabBarWidth(double fRelTabBarWidth) | ScTabView | |
SetPivotShell(bool bActive) | ScTabViewShell | |
SetPool(SfxItemPool *pNewPool) | SfxShell | |
SetPrinter(SfxPrinter *pNewPrinter, SfxPrinterChangeFlags nDiffFlags=SFX_PRINTER_ALL) override | ScTabViewShell | virtual |
SetPrinter_Impl(VclPtr< SfxPrinter > &pNewPrinter) | SfxViewShell | |
SetPrintRanges(bool bEntireSheet, const OUString *pPrint, const OUString *pRepCol, const OUString *pRepRow, bool bAddPrint) | ScViewFunc | |
SetPrintZoom(sal_uInt16 nScale) | ScViewFunc | |
SetRelTabBarWidth(double fRelTabBarWidth) | ScTabView | |
SetRepeatTarget(SfxRepeatTarget *pTarget) | SfxShell | |
SetScrollBar(ScrollAdaptor &rScroll, tools::Long nRangeMax, tools::Long nVisible, tools::Long nPos, bool bLayoutRTL) | ScTabView | privatestatic |
SetSelectionFrameLines(const ::editeng::SvxBorderLine *pLine, bool bColorOnly) | ScViewFunc | |
SetSparklineShell(bool bActive) | ScTabViewShell | |
SetStoringHelper(std::shared_ptr< SfxStoringHelper > xHelper) | SfxViewShell | |
SetStyleSheetToMarked(const SfxStyleSheet *pStyleSheet) | ScViewFunc | |
SetTabBarWidth(tools::Long nNewWidth) | ScTabView | |
SetTabBgColor(const Color &rColor, SCTAB nTabNr) | ScViewFunc | |
SetTabBgColor(ScUndoTabColorInfo::List &rUndoSetTabBgColorInfoList) | ScViewFunc | |
SetTabNo(SCTAB nTab, bool bNew=false, bool bExtendSelection=false, bool bSameTabButMoved=false) | ScTabView | |
SetTabProtectionSymbol(SCTAB nTab, const bool bProtect) | ScTabView | |
setTiledSearching(bool bTiledSearching) | SfxViewShell | |
SetTimer(ScGridWindow *pWin, const MouseEvent &rMEvt) | ScTabView | |
SetUndoManager(SfxUndoManager *pNewUndoMgr) | SfxShell | |
SetValidation(const ScValidationData &rNew) | ScViewFunc | |
SetVerbs(const css::uno::Sequence< css::embed::VerbDescriptor > &aVerbs) | SfxShell | |
SetViewShell_Impl(SfxViewShell *pView) | SfxShell | protected |
SetWidthOrHeight(bool bWidth, const std::vector< sc::ColRowSpan > &rRanges, ScSizeMode eMode, sal_uInt16 nSizeTwips, bool bRecord=true, const ScMarkData *pMarkData=nullptr) | ScViewFunc | |
SetWindow(vcl::Window *pViewPort) | SfxViewShell | |
SetZoom(const Fraction &rNewX, const Fraction &rNewY, bool bAll) | ScTabView | |
SetZoomFactor(const Fraction &rZoomX, const Fraction &rZoomY) override | ScTabViewShell | protectedvirtual |
SetZoomPercentFromCommand(sal_uInt16 nZoomPercent) | ScTabView | private |
SetZoomType(SvxZoomType eNew, bool bAll) | ScTabView | |
SFX_DECL_VIEWFACTORY(ScTabViewShell) | ScTabViewShell | |
SfxKeyInput(const KeyEvent &rKEvt) | ScTabViewShell | |
SfxShell() | SfxShell | protected |
SfxShell(SfxViewShell *pViewSh) | SfxShell | protected |
SfxShell(const SfxShell &)=delete | SfxShell | private |
SfxViewShell(SfxViewFrame &rFrame, SfxViewShellFlags nFlags) | SfxViewShell | |
ShouldDisableEditHyperlink() const | ScTabViewShell | |
ShowAllCursors() | ScTabView | |
ShowCursor(bool bOn) override | ScTabViewShell | protectedvirtual |
ShowCursor() | ScTabViewShell | |
ShowDataPilotSourceData(ScDPObject &rDPObj, const css::uno::Sequence< css::sheet::DataPilotFieldFilter > &rFilters) | ScDBFunc | |
ShowMarkedOutlines(bool bRecord=true) | ScDBFunc | |
ShowNote(bool bShow) | ScViewFunc | |
ShowOutline(bool bColumns, sal_uInt16 nLevel, sal_uInt16 nEntry, bool bRecord=true, bool bPaint=true) | ScDBFunc | |
ShowRefTip() | ScTabView | protected |
ShowTable(const std::vector< OUString > &rNames) | ScViewFunc | |
SkipCursorHorizontal(SCCOL &rCurX, SCROW &rCurY, SCCOL nOldX, SCCOL nMovX) | ScTabView | private |
SkipCursorVertical(SCCOL &rCurX, SCROW &rCurY, SCROW nOldY, SCROW nMovY) | ScTabView | private |
Solve(const ScSolveParam &rParam) | ScViewFunc | |
Sort(const ScSortParam &rSortParam, bool bRecord=true, bool bPaint=true) | ScDBFunc | |
SplitAtCursor() | ScTabView | |
SplitAtPixel(const Point &rPixel) | ScTabView | |
SplitMethod enum name | ScTabView | |
StartDataSelect() | ScTabView | |
StartFormatArea() | ScViewFunc | private |
StartPrint(const css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue > &, bool, bool) | SfxViewShell | |
StartSimpleRefDialog(const OUString &rTitle, const OUString &rInitVal, bool bCloseOnButtonUp, bool bSingleCell, bool bMultiSelection) | ScTabViewShell | |
sTipString | ScTabView | private |
StopEditShell() | ScTabViewShell | |
StopMarking() | ScTabView | |
sTopParent | ScTabView | private |
StopRefMode() | ScTabView | |
StopSimpleRefDialog() | ScTabViewShell | |
SwitchBetweenRefDialogs(SfxModelessDialogController *pDialog) | ScTabViewShell | |
TabChanged(bool bSameTabButMoved=false) | ScTabView | |
TabKeyInput(const KeyEvent &rKEvt) | ScTabViewShell | |
TabOp(const ScTabOpParam &rParam, bool bRecord=true) | ScViewFunc | |
TestFormatArea(SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, SCTAB nTab, bool bAttrChanged) | ScViewFunc | private |
TestHintWindow() | ScTabView | |
TestMergeCells() | ScViewFunc | |
TestRemoveMerge() | ScViewFunc | |
TestRemoveOutline(bool &rCol, bool &rRow) | ScDBFunc | |
ToggleAutoFilter() | ScDBFunc | |
TransliterateText(TransliterationFlags nType) | ScViewFunc | |
TryContextMenuInterception(const rtl::Reference< VCLXPopupMenu > &rIn, const OUString &rMenuIdentifier, rtl::Reference< VCLXPopupMenu > &rOut, css::ui::ContextMenuExecuteEvent aEvent) | SfxViewShell | |
TryContextMenuInterception(const rtl::Reference< VCLXPopupMenu > &, const OUString &rMenuIdentifier, css::ui::ContextMenuExecuteEvent aEvent) | SfxViewShell | |
UIActivating(SfxInPlaceClient *pClient) | SfxViewShell | virtual |
UIDeactivated(SfxInPlaceClient *pClient) override | ScTabViewShell | protectedvirtual |
UIFeatureChanged() | SfxShell | |
UISort(const ScSortParam &rSortParam) | ScDBFunc | |
UngroupDataPilot() | ScDBFunc | |
Unmark() | ScTabView | |
Unprotect(SCTAB nTab, const OUString &rPassword) | ScViewFunc | |
UpdateAllOverlays() | ScTabView | |
UpdateAnchorHandles() | ScTabView | |
UpdateAutoFillMark(bool bFromPaste=false) | ScTabView | |
UpdateCharts(bool bAllCharts) | ScDBFunc | |
UpdateCopySourceOverlay() | ScTabView | |
UpdateDrawShell() | ScTabViewShell | |
UpdateDrawTextOutliner() | ScTabView | |
UpdateEditView() | ScTabView | |
UpdateFixPos() | ScTabView | |
UpdateFormulas(SCCOL nStartCol=-1, SCROW nStartRow=-1, SCCOL nEndCol=-1, SCROW nEndRow=-1) | ScTabView | |
UpdateHeaderWidth(const ScVSplitPos *pWhich=nullptr, const SCROW *pPosY=nullptr) | ScTabView | protected |
UpdateIMap(SdrObject *pObj) | ScTabView | protected |
UpdateInputContext() | ScTabView | |
UpdateInputHandler(bool bForce=false, bool bStopEditing=true) | ScTabViewShell | |
UpdateInputHandlerCellAdjust(SvxCellHorJustify eJust) | ScTabViewShell | |
UpdateInputLine() | ScTabView | static |
UpdateLayerLocks() | ScTabView | |
UpdateLineAttrs(::editeng::SvxBorderLine &rLine, const ::editeng::SvxBorderLine *pDestLine, const ::editeng::SvxBorderLine *pSrcLine, bool bColor) | ScViewFunc | protectedstatic |
UpdateNumberFormatter(const SvxNumberInfoItem &rInfoItem) | ScTabViewShell | static |
UpdateOleZoom() | ScTabViewShell | |
UpdatePageBreakData(bool bForcePaint=false) | ScTabView | |
UpdateRef(SCCOL nCurX, SCROW nCurY, SCTAB nCurZ) | ScTabView | |
UpdateScrollBars(HeaderType eHeaderType=BOTH_HEADERS) | ScTabView | |
UpdateSelectionArea(const ScMarkData &rSel, ScPatternAttr *pAttr=nullptr) | ScViewFunc | |
UpdateSelectionOverlay() | ScTabView | |
UpdateShow() | ScTabView | protected |
UpdateShrinkOverlay() | ScTabView | |
UpdateStyleSheetInUse(const SfxStyleSheetBase *pStyleSheet) | ScViewFunc | |
UpdateVarZoom() | ScTabView | private |
UpdateVisibleRange() | ScTabView | protected |
UseScenario(const OUString &rName) | ScViewFunc | |
UseSubTotal(ScRangeList *pRangeList) | ScTabViewShell | |
VerbExec(SfxRequest &) | SfxShell | |
VerbState(SfxItemSet &) | SfxShell | static |
ViewOptionsHasChanged(bool bHScrollChanged, bool bGraphicsChanged) | ScTabView | |
VisAreaChanged() | SfxViewShell | |
WindowChanged() | ScTabViewShell | |
WriteUserData(OUString &, bool bBrowse=false) override | ScTabViewShell | protectedvirtual |
WriteUserDataSequence(css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue > &) override | ScTabViewShell | protectedvirtual |
xDisProvInterceptor | ScTabViewShell | private |
ZoomChanged() | ScTabView | protected |
~ScDBFunc() | ScDBFunc | virtual |
~ScTabView() | ScTabView | |
~ScTabViewShell() override | ScTabViewShell | virtual |
~ScViewFunc() | ScViewFunc | |
~SfxShell() override | SfxShell | virtual |
~SfxViewShell() override | SfxViewShell | virtual |