static bool convertEnum(EnumT &rEnum, std::u16string_view rValue, const SvXMLEnumMapEntry< EnumT > *pMap)
convert string to enum using given enum map, if the enum is not found in the map, this method will re...
virtual ~XMLPosturePropHdl() override
virtual bool exportXML(OUString &rStrExpValue, const css::uno::Any &rValue, const SvXMLUnitConverter &rUnitConverter) const override
Exports the given value according to the XML-data-type corresponding to the derived class.
virtual bool importXML(const OUString &rStrImpValue, css::uno::Any &rValue, const SvXMLUnitConverter &rUnitConverter) const override
Imports the given value according to the XML-data-type corresponding to the derived class.
SvXMLEnumMapEntry< FontItalic > const aPostureGenericMapping[]