Base class of the Writer layout elements.
PaM is Point and Mark: a selection of the document model.
This class is used as parameter for creation of a block cursor selection.
const SwFrame * m_pContext
std::list< SwPaM * >::iterator getStart()
Start of the container for the selected text portions.
std::list< SwPaM * > m_aList
void insertPaM(SwPaM *pPam)
Adds a text portion to the selection list.
std::list< SwPaM * >::iterator getEnd()
End of the container for the selected text portions.
bool checkContext(const SwFrame *pCheck)
Checks if the context of the list is equal to the context of the frame.
bool isEmpty() const
Reports if the list does not contain any text portion.
SwSelectionList(const SwFrame *pInitCxt)
Ctor to create an empty list for a given context.