N__cxxabiv1 | |
Nabi_aarch64 | |
Nabi_riscv64 | |
Nabp | |
Naccess2base | |
►Naccessibility | |
CAccessibleDocumentViewBase | Base class for the various document views of the Draw and Impress applications |
CAccessibleDrawDocumentView | This class makes draw documents in the general view modes accessible |
CAccessibleOutlineEditSource | Implementation of the SvxEditSource interface in the SdOutlineView |
CAccessibleOutlineView | This class makes the Impress outline view accessible |
CAccessiblePageShape | A page shape represents the actual page as seen on the screen |
CAccessiblePresentationGraphicShape | This class makes Impress shapes accessible |
CAccessiblePresentationOLEShape | This class makes Impress shapes accessible |
CAccessiblePresentationShape | This class makes Impress shapes accessible |
CAccessibleSlideSorterObject | This class makes page objects of the slide sorter accessible |
►CAccessibleSlideSorterView | This class makes the SlideSorterViewShell accessible |
CImplementation | Inner implementation class of the AccessibleSlideSorterView |
CAccessibleViewForwarder | |
Nanim | |
Nanimcore | |
Napitest | |
Narm | |
NAttrSetHandleHelper | |
Navmedia | |
Naxp | |
Nbasctl | |
Nbasegfx | |
Nbasic | |
NBasicCharClass | |
Nbasprov | |
Nbenchmark_object | |
Nbenchmark_test | |
Nbib | |
Nbinaryurp | |
Nbridge_object | |
Nbridge_test | |
Nbrowsenodefactory | |
NBuilderUtils | |
Ncairo | |
Ncairocanvas | |
Ncalc | |
Ncanvas | |
NCharFormat | |
Nchart | |
Nchelp | |
Ncli_uno | |
Nclimaker | |
Ncmis | |
Ncodemaker | |
Ncolor | |
►Ncom | |
►Nsun | |
►Nstar | |
Naccessibility | |
Nanimations | |
Nawt | |
Nbeans | |
Ncontainer | |
►Ndrawing | |
Nframework | |
Nembed | |
Nframe | |
Ngeometry | |
Ngraphic | |
Ni18n | |
Nlang | |
Nlinguistic2 | |
Nmedia | |
Noffice | |
Npresentation | |
Nrendering | |
Nscanner | |
Nsdbc | |
Nstyle | |
Ntask | |
Ntext | |
Nucb | |
Nui | |
Nuno | |
Nutil | |
►Nxml | |
Ndom | |
Ncommon | |
Ncomp_EventAttacher | |
Ncomphelper | |
Ncompmodule | |
Ncondformat | |
Nconfigmgr | |
Nconnectivity | |
Ncore | |
Ncppcanvas | |
Ncppu | |
Ncppu_threadpool | |
Ncppuhelper | |
Ncpuid | |
Ncrashreport | |
NCResourceProvider | |
NCResourceProvider_Impl | |
Ncui | |
Ndatabar | |
Ndbaccess | |
Ndbahsql | |
Ndbaui | |
Ndbaxml | |
Ndbp | |
Ndbtools | |
Ndesktop | |
Ndetail | |
Ndlgprov | |
Ndocfunc | |
NDocumentSignatureHelper | |
NDocumentSignatures | |
Ndocx | |
NDOM | |
Ndp_gui | |
Ndp_log | |
Ndp_manager | |
Ndp_misc | |
Ndp_registry | |
Ndrawinglayer | |
NDriverBlocklist | |
Ndrivermanager | |
Ndxcanvas | |
Nediteng | |
NEEngineData | |
Nemfio | |
Nemfplushelper | |
NEnhancedCustomShape | |
NEnhancedCustomShapeTypeNames | |
Nexif | |
Nfactory_ns | |
Nfactoryimpl | |
Nfactoryimpl_ns | |
Nfactoryinc | |
Nfileaccess | |
Nflatpak | |
NFontworkHelpers | |
Nfoo | |
Nformula | |
Nframework | |
Nfrm | |
Nfs | |
NFStatHelper | |
Nftp | |
Nfunc_provider | |
Ngen_cert_header | |
Ngentoken | |
Ngfx | |
Ngio | |
Nhelpdatafileproxy | |
Nhelper | |
NHelperNotifyChanges | |
Nhierarchy_ucp | |
Nhppa | |
Nhttp_dav_ucp | |
Ni18npool | |
Ni18nutil | |
Nia64 | |
NIAccessible2Lib | |
Nimpl | |
NImplVectorizer | |
Nimporter | |
Ninprocserv | |
Ninternal | |
Nio_acceptor | |
Nio_stm | |
Njavaunohelper | |
Njfw | |
Njni_uno | |
Njs2hxx | |
Njsdialog | |
Nkf5access | |
NLibreLogo | |
Nlinguistic | |
Nlogging | |
Nloongarch64 | |
Nmailmerge | |
Nmain | |
Nmathml | |
Nmigration | |
NMinimumRaggednessWrap | |
Nmodel | |
Nmodelpreprocess | |
Nmozilla | |
Nmsfilter | |
Nmsgbox | |
NMSOPBString | |
Nmsword | |
NMSWorksCalcImportFilterInternal | |
Nmy_sc_impl | |
NmyImplHelpers | |
Nmysqlc_sdbc_driver | |
Nnamespaces | |
Nnaturalsort | |
NNotebookBarAddonsMerger | |
NNS_sprm | |
NnsHdFtFlags | |
NnsSwDocInfoSubType | |
NnsSwExtendedSubType | |
NnsSwGetSetExpType | |
Nnumfunc | |
►No3tl | |
Ndetail | |
Ninternal | |
Ctyped_flags< FoundFlags > | |
Ctyped_flags< NavState > | |
Ctyped_flags<::sd::tools::IdleState > | |
Nobjectpositioning | |
Noffapp | |
Nofficehelper | |
Noglcanvas | |
►Noox | |
►Ncore | |
NCodecHelper | |
CCond | |
CLayoutInfo | |
CNodeContext | |
►CPowerPointExport | |
CAuthorComments | |
CPowerPointShapeExport | |
Ncrypto | |
Ndetail | |
Ndrawingml | |
Ndump | |
Nformulaimport | |
Nole | |
Nppt | |
Nvml | |
Nxls | |
Nopenclwrapper | |
NOpenStormBento | |
Nosl | |
Npackage | |
Npcr | |
Npdfi | |
NPictReaderShape | |
NPictReaderShapePrivate | |
Nppc64 | |
►Nppt | |
CAfterEffectNode | |
CAnimationExporter | |
CAnimationImporter | |
CAnimationNode | This atom is the first entry in each animation group |
CAtom | |
CExSoundCollection | |
CExSoundEntry | |
CPropertySet | |
Npq_sdbc_driver | |
NPresetGeometryTypeNames | |
NPresetOOXHandleAdj | |
Nproperties | |
Npseudo_uno | |
Npsp | |
Npythonloader | |
Npythonscript | |
Npyuno | |
Npyuno_loader | |
Nqnametostr | |
NRegressionCalculationHelper | |
Nreportdesign | |
Nresourceids | |
Nrptui | |
Nrptxml | |
NRTFOutFuncs | |
Nrtl | |
Ns390x | |
Nsalhelper | |
NSameContentListBox | |
Nsamplecomponent | |
Nsax | |
Nsax_fastparser | |
Nsc | |
NScClipUtil | |
NSchXMLTools | |
NScPassHashHelper | |
NScRefTokenHelper | |
Nscriptforge | |
NScriptForgeHelper | |
Nscripting_protocolhandler | |
NScVbaControlFactory | |
NScXMLConditionHelper | |
►Nsd | |
►Nframework | |
►CBasicPaneFactory | This factory provides the frequently used standard panes private:resource/pane/CenterPane private:resource/pane/FullScreenPane private:resource/pane/LeftImpressPane private:resource/pane/LeftDrawPane There are two left panes because this is (seems to be) the only way to show different titles for the left pane in Draw and Impress |
CPaneContainer | |
CPaneDescriptor | Store URL, XPane reference and (local) PaneId for every pane factory that is registered at the PaneController |
CBasicToolBarFactory | This factory provides some of the frequently used tool bars: private:resource/toolbar/ViewTabBar |
►CBasicViewFactory | Factory for the frequently used standard views of the drawing framework: private:resource/view/ private:resource/view/ImpressView private:resource/view/GraphicView private:resource/view/OutlineView private:resource/view/NotesView private:resource/view/HandoutView private:resource/view/SlideSorter private:resource/view/PresentationView private:resource/view/TaskPane For some views in some panes this class also acts as a cache |
CViewCache | |
CViewDescriptor | |
CViewShellContainer | |
CCenterViewFocusModule | This module waits for new views to be created for the center pane and then moves the center view to the top most place on the shell stack |
CChangeRequestQueue | The ChangeRequestQueue stores the pending requests for changes to the requested configuration |
CChangeRequestQueueProcessor | The ChangeRequestQueueProcessor owns the ChangeRequestQueue and processes the configuration change requests |
CChildWindowPane | The ChildWindowPane listens to the child window and disposes itself when the child window becomes inaccessible |
►CConfiguration | A configuration describes the resources of an application like panes, views, and tool bars and their relationships that are currently active or are requested to be activated |
CResourceContainer | |
CConfigurationClassifier | A ConfigurationClassifier object compares two configurations of resources and gives access to the differences |
►CConfigurationController | The configuration controller is responsible for maintaining the current configuration |
CImplementation | |
CLock | Use this class instead of calling lock() and unlock() directly in order to be exception safe |
►CConfigurationControllerBroadcaster | This class manages the set of XConfigurationChangeListeners and calls them when the ConfigurationController wants to broadcast an event |
CListenerDescriptor | |
►CConfigurationControllerResourceManager | Manage the set of active resources |
CResourceComparator | |
CResourceDescriptor | For every active resource both the resource itself as well as its creating factory are remembered, so that on deactivation, the resource can be deactivated by this factory |
CConfigurationTracer | Print debug information about configurations to the standard error output channel |
CConfigurationUpdater | This is a helper class for the ConfigurationController |
CConfigurationUpdaterLock | |
CDrawModule | The task of this module is to instantiate all modules that belong to the Draw application |
CFrameWindowPane | This subclass is not necessary anymore |
►CFrameworkHelper | The FrameworkHelper is a convenience class that simplifies the access to the drawing framework |
CDeleter | |
CDisposeListener | |
CViewURLMap | The ViewURLMap is used to translate between the view URLs used by the drawing framework and the enums defined in the ViewShell class |
CFullScreenPane | The full screen pane creates a pane that covers the complete application window, i.e |
CGenericConfigurationChangeRequest | This implementation of the XConfigurationChangeRequest interface represents a single explicit request for a configuration change |
CImpressModule | The task of this module is to instantiate all modules that belong to the Impress application |
CModuleController | The ModuleController has two tasks: |
CPane | A pane is a wrapper for a window and possibly for a tab bar (for view switching) |
CPresentationFactory | This factory creates a marker view whose existence in a configuration indicates that a slideshow is running (in another but associated application window) |
CPresentationModule | The task of this module is to instantiate all modules that belong to the fullscreen presentation |
CResourceFactoryManager | Container of resource factories of the drawing framework |
CResourceId | Implementation of the css::drawing::framework::ResourceId service and the css::drawing::framework::XResourceId interface |
CShellStackGuard | This module locks updates of the current configuration in situations when the shell stack must not be modified |
CSlideSorterModule | This module is responsible for showing the slide sorter bar and the slide sorter view in the center pane |
CToolBarModule | This module is responsible for locking the ToolBarManager during configuration updates and for triggering ToolBarManager updates |
CUpdateRequest | This update request is used to request configuration updates asynchronous when no other requests are being processed |
CViewShellWrapper | This class wraps ViewShell objects and makes them look like an XView |
CViewTabBarModule | This module is responsible for showing the ViewTabBar above the view in the center pane |
►Nimpl | |
CTransitionEffect | |
►Noutliner | |
CDocumentIteratorImpl | Iterator for iteration over all objects in all views |
CIterator | This iterator can be used to iterate over all <type>SdrObject</type> objects of one of three set denoted by the <type>IteratorType</type>: |
CIteratorImplBase | Base class for the polymorphic implementation class of the <type>Iterator</type> class |
CIteratorPosition | Data collection specifying a <type>SdrObject</type> and its position in a document and view |
COutlinerContainer | This class wraps the <type>SdOutliner</type> class and represents it as a container of <type>SdrObject</type> objects |
CSelectionIteratorImpl | Iterator all objects that belong to the current mark list a.k.a |
CViewIteratorImpl | Iterator for iteration over all objects in a single view |
►Npresenter | |
►CCanvasUpdateRequester | Each UpdateRequester handles update requests (calls to XCanvas::updateScreen()) for one shared canvas (a canvas that has one or more PresenterCanvas wrappers) |
CDeleter | |
CPresenterCanvas | Wrapper around a shared canvas that forwards most of its methods to the shared canvas |
CPresenterHelper | Implementation of the XPresenterHelper interface: functionality that can not be implemented in an extension |
►CPresenterPreviewCache | Uno API wrapper around the slide preview cache |
CPresenterCacheContext | |
CSlideRenderer | Render single slides into bitmaps |
►Nsidebar | |
►CAllMasterPagesSelector | Show a list of all available master pages so that the user can assign them to the document |
CSortedMasterPageDescriptorList | |
CCurrentMasterPagesSelector | Show the master pages currently used by a SdDrawDocument |
CDefaultPageObjectProvider | Create an empty default master page |
CDocumentHelper | A collection of methods supporting the handling of master pages |
CExistingPageProvider | This implementation of the PageObjectProvider simply returns an already existing master page object |
CIDisposable | |
CISidebarReceiver | |
CLayoutMenu | |
CLayoutValueSet | |
►CMasterPageContainer | This container manages the master pages used by the MasterPagesSelector controls |
►CImplementation | Inner implementation class of the MasterPageContainer |
CDeleter | |
CMasterPageContainerChangeEvent | For some changes to the set of master pages in a MasterPageContainer or to the data stored for each master page one or more events are sent to registered listeners |
►CMasterPageContainerFiller | Fill a MasterPageContainer with information about the available master pages |
CContainerAdapter | |
►CMasterPageContainerQueue | The queue stores and processes all requests from a MasterPageContainer for the creation of previews |
CContainerAdapter | |
►CPreviewCreationRequest | |
CCompare | |
CCompareToken | |
CRequestQueue | |
►CMasterPageDescriptor | A collection of data that is stored for every master page in the MasterpageContainer |
CAllComparator | |
CPageObjectComparator | |
CStyleNameComparator | |
CURLComparator | |
CMasterPagesSelector | Base class of a menu that lets the user select from a list of templates or designs that are loaded from files |
CNavigatorWrapper | Present the navigator as control that can be displayed inside the sidebar |
CPageObjectProvider | Interface for a provider of page objects |
CPagePreviewProvider | Provide previews of existing page objects by rendering them |
CPanelFactory | |
CPreviewProvider | |
CPreviewValueSet | Adapt the svtools valueset to the needs of the master page controls |
►CRecentlyUsedMasterPages | This singleton holds a list of the most recently used master pages |
►CDescriptor | |
CTokenComparator | |
CRecentMasterPagesSelector | Show the recently used master pages (that are not currently used) |
CSlideBackground | |
CTemplatePageObjectProvider | Provide master page objects for template documents for which only the URL is given |
CTemplatePreviewProvider | Provide previews for template documents by loading the thumbnails from the documents |
Nslideshowhelp | |
►Nslidesorter | |
►Ncache | |
►CBitmapCache | This low level cache is the actual bitmap container |
CCacheBitmapContainer | |
CCacheEntry | |
CBitmapCompressor | This interface class provides the minimal method set for classes that implement the compression and decompression of preview bitmaps |
CBitmapFactory | This factory class creates preview bitmaps for page objects |
CBitmapReplacement | Interface for preview bitmap replacements |
CCacheCompactor | This is an interface class whose implementations are created via the Create() factory method |
CCacheConfiguration | A very simple and easy-to-use access to configuration entries regarding the slide sorter cache |
CCacheContext | This interface allows the individualisation of different instances of the PreviewCache |
CCompressionByDeletion | This is another trivial bitmap compressor |
CGenericPageCache | This basically is the implementation class for the PageCache class |
►CNoBitmapCompression | This is one trivial bitmap compressor |
CDummyReplacement | This dummy replacement simply stores a shared pointer to the original preview bitmap |
CPageCache | The page cache is responsible for the creation and storage of preview bitmaps of pages that are shown by the slide sorter |
►CPageCacheManager | Provide and manage the preview bitmap caches for all slide sorter instances |
CDeleter | |
►CPageCacheContainer | Container for the active caches |
CCompareWithCache | Compare entries in the cache container with respect to the cache address only |
CRecentlyUsedPageCaches | The recently used caches are stored in one queue for each document |
►CPngCompression | Compress preview bitmaps using the PNG format |
CPngReplacement | |
CQueueProcessor | This queue processor is timer based, i.e |
CRequestFactory | |
►CRequestQueue | The request queue stores requests that are described by the Request sorted according to priority class and then priority |
CContainer | |
►CResolutionReduction | Compress a preview bitmap by reducing its resolution |
CResolutionReducedReplacement | Store a scaled down bitmap together with the original size |
►Ncontroller | |
CAnimationBezierFunction | |
CAnimationParametricFunction | Turn a parametric function into one whose y-Values depend on its x-Values |
►CAnimator | Experimental class for simple eye candy animations |
CAnimation | Handle one animation function by using a timer for frequent calls to the animations operator() |
►CClipboard | |
CUndoContext | |
CCurrentSlideManager | Manage the current slide |
CDragAndDropContext | A DragAndDropContext object handles an active drag and drop operation |
►CFocusManager | This class manages the focus of the slide sorter |
CFocusHider | Create an instance of this class to temporarily hide the focus indicator |
►CInsertionIndicatorHandler | Manage the visibility and location of the insertion indicator |
CForceShowContext | This context make sure that the insertion indicator is shown (provided that the clipboard is not empty) while the context is alive |
CListener | Listen for events of various types and sources and react to them |
►CPageSelector | A sub-controller that handles page selection of the slide browser |
CBroadcastLock | |
CUpdateLock | Use the UpdateLock whenever you do a complex selection, i.e |
CProperties | An extensible set of properties used throughout the slide sorter |
CScrollBarManager | Manage the horizontal and vertical scroll bars |
►CSelectionFunction | |
CEventDescriptor | |
CModeHandler | |
CSelectionManager | This class is a part of the controller and handles the selection of slides |
►CSelectionObserver | Observe insertions and deletions of pages between calls to StartObservation() and EndObservation() |
CContext | Use this little class instead of calling StartObservation and EndObservation directly so that EndObservation is not forgotten or omitted due to an exception or some break or return in the middle of code |
►CSlideSorterController | |
CModelChangeLock | Create an object of this inner class to prevent updates due to model changes |
CSlotManager | This manager takes over the work of handling slot calls from the controller of the slide sorter |
►CTransferableData | Represent previews and other information so that they can be attached to an existing transferable |
CRepresentative | |
►CVisibleAreaManager | Manage requests for scrolling page objects into view |
CTemporaryDisabler | Temporarily disable the update of the visible area |
►Nmodel | |
CEnumeration | Interface to generic enumerations |
CPageDescriptor | Each PageDescriptor object represents the preview of one draw page, slide, or master page of a Draw or Impress document as they are displayed in the slide sorter |
CPageEnumeration | Public class of page enumerations that delegates its calls to an implementation object that can filter pages by using a given predicate |
CPageEnumerationProvider | Collection of methods that create enumeration of slides |
CSlideSorterModel | The model of the slide sorter gives access to the slides that are to be displayed in the slide sorter view |
CVisualState | This class gives access to values related to the visualization of page objects |
►Nview | |
►CFramePainter | |
COffsetBitmap | Bitmap with offset that is used when the bitmap is painted |
CILayerInvalidator | |
CILayerPainter | |
►CInsertAnimator | Animate the positions of page objects to make room at the insert position while a move or copy operation takes place |
CImplementation | |
CInsertionIndicatorOverlay | The insertion indicator is painted as a vertical or horizontal bar in the space between slides |
CInsertPosition | Collect all values concerning the logical and visual properties of the insertion position that is used for drag-and-drop and copy-and-paste |
►CLayeredDevice | A simple wrapper around an OutputDevice that provides support for independent layers and buffering |
CLayerContainer | |
►CLayouter | Calculate the size and position of page objects displayed by a slide sorter |
CImplementation | |
CPageObjectLayouter | In contrast to the Layouter that places page objects in the view, the PageObjectLayouter places the parts of individual page objects like page number area, borders, preview |
CPageObjectPainter | |
►CSlideSorterView | |
CDrawLock | |
►CTheme | Collection of colors and styles that are used to paint the slide sorter view |
CGradientDescriptor | |
CToolTip | Manage the display of tool tips |
CViewCacheContext | The cache context for the SlideSorter as used by Draw and Impress |
CSlideSorter | Show previews for all the slides in a document and allow the user to insert or delete slides and modify the order of the slides |
CSlideSorterViewShell | |
►Ntools | |
CAsynchronousCall | Store a function object and execute it asynchronous |
CAsynchronousTask | Interface for the asynchronous execution of a task |
CConfigurationAccess | This class gives access to the configuration |
►CEventMultiplexer | This convenience class makes it easy to listen to various events that originally are broadcasted via different channels |
CImplementation | |
CEventMultiplexerEvent | |
CIdleDetection | Detect whether the system is idle and some time consuming operation may be carried out |
CSlotStateListener | Listen for state changes of slots |
►CTimerBasedTaskExecution | Execute an AsynchronousTask timer based, i.e |
CDeleter | Used by the shared_ptr instead of the private destructor |
►Nui | |
►Ntable | |
CTableObjectBar | |
CAfterEffectNode | Stores the link between an after effect node and its master for later insertion into the timing hierarchy |
CAnimationChildWindow | |
CAnimationControllerItem | ControllerItem for Animator |
CAnimationSlideController | |
CAnimationWindow | |
CAnnotation | |
CAnnotationManager | |
CAnnotationManagerImpl | |
CAnnotationTag | |
CAnnotationTextWindow | |
CAnnotationWindow | |
CAvahiNetworkService | |
CBezierObjectBar | |
CBluetoothServer | |
CBreakDlg | Dialog to break meta files |
CBroadcastHelperOwner | |
CBufferedStreamSocket | [A wrapper for an osl StreamSocket to allow reading lines |
CClient | |
CClientBox | |
CClientBoxEntry | |
CClientInfo | |
CClientInfoInternal | Used to keep track of clients that have attempted to connect, but haven't yet been approved |
CClientView | The SdClientView is used for DrawDocShell::Draw() |
CCommunicator | Class used for communication with one single client, dealing with all tasks specific to this client |
CCopyDlg | Dialog to adjust screen |
CCustomAnimationDialog | |
CCustomAnimationDurationTabPage | |
CCustomAnimationEffect | |
CCustomAnimationEffectTabPage | |
CCustomAnimationList | |
CCustomAnimationListDropTarget | |
CCustomAnimationListEntryItem | |
CCustomAnimationPane | |
CCustomAnimationPreset | |
CCustomAnimationPresets | |
CCustomAnimationTextAnimTabPage | |
CCustomAnimationTextGroup | This class keeps track of a group of animations that build up a text animation for a single shape |
CCustomAnnotationMarker | |
CDiscoveryService | |
►CDocumentRenderer | |
CImplementation | |
CDrawController | The DrawController is the UNO controller for Impress and Draw |
CDrawDocShell | |
CDrawSubControllerInterfaceBase | |
CDrawView | Derivative of sd::View; contains also a pointer to the document |
CDrawViewShell | Base class of the stacked shells that provide graphical views to Draw and Impress documents and editing functionality |
CEffectMigration | This helper class gives various methods to convert effects from OOo 1.1 and below to and from OOo 2.0 and above |
CEffectSequenceHelper | |
CFormShellManager | This simple class is responsible for putting the form shell above or below the main view shell on the shell stack maintained by the ObjectBarManager |
CFrameView | View for MDIFrame |
CFuArea | |
CFuBullet | |
CFuBulletAndPosition | Bullet functions in outline mode |
CFuChar | |
CFuConnectionDlg | |
CFuConstruct | |
CFuConstruct3dObject | |
CFuConstructArc | |
CFuConstructBezierPolygon | |
CFuConstructCustomShape | |
CFuConstructRectangle | Draw rectangle |
CFuConstructUnoControl | Draw control |
CFuCopy | |
CFuCustomShowDlg | |
CFuDisplayOrder | |
CFuDraw | Base class for all Draw specific functions |
CFuEditGluePoints | |
CFuExecuteInteraction | |
CFuExpandPage | |
CFuFormatPaintBrush | |
CFuHangulHanjaConversion | |
CFuInsertAVMedia | |
CFuInsertClipboard | |
CFuInsertFile | |
CFuInsertGraphic | |
CFuInsertOLE | |
CFuLine | |
CFuLineEnd | |
CFuLink | |
CFuMeasureDlg | |
CFuMorph | |
CFuNavigation | |
CFuObjectAnimationParameters | |
CFuOutlineText | Text functions in outline mode |
CFuPage | |
CFuParagraph | |
CFuPoor | Base class for all functions |
CFuPresentationLayout | |
CFuPresentationObjects | |
CFuScale | |
CFuSearch | |
CFuSelection | |
CFuSlideShowDlg | |
CFuSnapLine | |
CFuSummaryPage | |
CFuTemplate | |
CFuText | Base class for text functions |
CFuTextAttrDlg | |
CFuThesaurus | |
CFuTransform | |
CFuVectorize | |
CFuZoom | |
CGraphicDocShell | Document shell for draw documents |
CGraphicObjectBar | |
CGraphicSizeCheck | Run the graphic size checks for all the graphic objects in the DOM and store a list of violations |
CGraphicSizeCheckGUIEntry | The UI part of the GraphicSizeViolation used by GenericCheckDialog |
CGraphicSizeCheckGUIResult | The UI part presenting the graphic size check results, which is used by GenericCheckDialog |
CGraphicSizeViolation | Class responsible to check if a graphic object violates the size constraints and store the results |
CGraphicViewShell | View shell of the Draw application |
CGraphicViewShellBase | This class exists to be able to register another factory that creates the view shell for the Draw application |
CHeaderFooterDialog | |
CHeaderFooterSettings | |
CHeaderFooterTabPage | |
CIBluetoothSocket | Interface for bluetooth data io |
►CIconCache | This simple class stores frequently used icons so that the classes that use the icons do not have to store them in every one of their instances |
CImplementation | |
CICustomAnimationListController | |
CImagePreparer | |
CImpressViewShellBase | This class implements a few features that exist only for the Impress application |
CInteractiveSequence | |
CISequenceListener | This listener is implemented by UI components to track changes in the animation core |
CLayerTabBar | |
CLeftDrawPaneShell | Shell that displays the left pane for Draw |
CLeftImpressPaneShell | Shell that displays the left pane for Impress |
CLeftPaneDrawChildWindow | The pages sidebar (on the left) in Draw |
CLeftPaneImpressChildWindow | The slide-sorter sidebar (on the left) in Impress |
CListener | Slide show listener |
CMainSequence | |
CMainSequenceChangeGuard | |
CMainSequenceRebuildGuard | |
CMasterLayoutDialog | |
►CMasterPageObserver | This singleton observes all registered documents for changes in the used master pages and in turn informs its listeners about it |
►CImplementation | |
CDrawDocHash | |
CMasterPageObserverEvent | Objects of this class are sent to listeners of the MasterPageObserver singleton when the list of master pages of one document has changed |
CMediaObjectBar | |
CModifyGuard | Instance of this guard disables modification of a document during its lifetime |
CMorphDlg | |
CMotionPathTag | Base class for all functions |
COSXBluetoothWrapper | |
COSXNetworkService | |
COutlineBulletDlg | Bullet-Tab-Dialog |
COutlinerMasterViewFilter | |
COutlineView | Derivative of sd::View for the outline mode |* \ |
COutlineViewModelChangeGuard | |
COutlineViewPageChangesGuard | |
COutlineViewShell | Show a textual overview of the text contents of all slides |
COutlineViewShellBase | This class exists to be able to register a factory that creates an outline view shell as default |
CPaneChildWindow | Base class of Impress and Draw left sidebars/panes |
CPaneHider | Hide the windows of the side panes and restore the original visibility later |
CPresentationSettings | |
CPresentationSettingsEx | |
CPresentationViewShell | This view shell is responsible for showing the presentation of an Impress document |
CPresentationViewShellBase | This class exists to be able to register another factory that creates the view shell for the presentation |
CPresetCategory | |
CPreviewRenderer | |
CReceiver | |
CRemoteDialog | |
CRemoteServer | |
CRuler | |
CRulerCtrlItem | Controller-Item for ruler |
CScopeLock | |
CScopeLockGuard | |
CSdDisplay | |
CSdGlobalResource | |
►CSdGlobalResourceContainer | The purpose of this container is to hold references to resources that are globally available to all interested objects and to destroy them when the sd module is destroyed |
CImplementation | |
CSdGlobalResourceContainerInstance | |
CSdNavigatorFloat | |
CSdNavigatorWrapper | |
CSdPhotoAlbumDialog | |
CSdPropertySubControl | |
CSdUnoDrawView | This class implements the DrawViewShell specific part of the controller |
CSdUnoOutlineView | This class implements the OutlineViewShell specific part of the controller |
CSdUnoSlideView | This class implements the SlideSorter specific part of the controller |
CSearchContext | |
CSearchSelection | Describes a single search hit: a set of rectangles on a given page |
CShapeList | |
CShellFactory | |
CShowWindow | |
CSimpleReferenceComponent | A simple base implementation for reference-counted components |
CSlideLayoutController | |
CSlideShow | |
CSlideshowImpl | |
CSlideShowListenerProxy | |
CSlideShowRestarter | This class is used when a display is removed or added to restart the slide show |
CSlideShowView | |
CSlideShowViewMouseListeners | |
CSlideShowViewMouseMotionListeners | |
CSlideSorterViewShellBase | This class exists to be able to register a factory that creates a slide sorter view shell as default |
CSlideTransitionPane | |
CSmartHdl | Derivation from this handle is the visual representation for a smart tag |
CSmartTag | Smart tag represents a visual user interface element on the documents edit view that is not part of the document |
CSmartTagSet | Class to administrate the available smart tags for a single view |
CSpellDialogChildWindow | This derivation of the svx::SpellDialogChildWindow base class provides Draw and Impress specific implementations of GetNextWrongSentence() and ApplyChangedSentence() |
Cstl_append_effect_func | |
Cstl_CustomAnimationEffect_search_node_predict | |
CSTLPropertyMapEntry | |
CSTLPropertySet | |
CTabBarControl | |
►CTabControl | |
CTabControlTransferable | |
CTableDesignPane | |
CTableDesignWidget | |
CTableValueSet | |
CTemplateEntry | Representation of a template or layout file |
►CTemplateScanner | This class scans the template folders for impress templates |
CFolderDescriptorList | |
CTextAPIEditSource | |
CTextApiObject | |
CTextObjectBar | |
CTitledDockingWindow | |
►CToolBarManager | Manage the set of visible tool bars (and object bars) |
►CImplementation | |
CUpdateLockImplementation | |
CUpdateLock | Use this class to prevent the visible tool bars from being updated (and thus causing repaints and GUI rearrangements) when several tool bar operations are made in a row |
CTransitionPane | |
CTransitionPreset | |
CTransmitter | |
CUndoAnimation | |
CUndoAnimationImpl | |
CUndoAnimationPath | |
CUndoAnimationPathImpl | |
CUndoAttrObject | |
CUndoAutoLayoutPosAndSize | |
CUndoDeleteObject | |
CUndoFactory | |
CUndoGeoObject | |
CUndoManager | |
CUndoObjectPresentationKind | |
CUndoObjectSetText | |
CUndoObjectUserCall | |
CUndoRemoveObject | |
CUndoRemovePresObjectImpl | |
CUndoReplaceObject | |
CUndoTransition | |
CUndoTransitionImpl | |
CVectorGraphicSearchContext | |
CView | |
CViewClipboard | Handle clipboard related tasks for the draw view |
CViewOverlayManager | |
►CViewShell | Base class of the stacked shell hierarchy |
►CImplementation | This class contains (will contain) the implementation of methods that have not be accessible from the outside |
►CToolBarManagerLock | This update lock for the ToolBarManager exists in order to avoid problems with tool bars being displayed while the mouse button is pressed |
CDeleter | |
►CViewShellBase | SfxViewShell descendant that the stacked Draw/Impress shells are based on |
CImplementation | |
CViewShellHint | Local derivation of the SfxHint class that defines some hint ids that are used by the ViewShell class and its descendants |
►CViewShellManager | The ViewShellManager has the responsibility to manage the view shells and sub shells on the SFX shell stack |
►CImplementation | |
CShellHash | |
CUpdateLock | |
CUpdateLock | Use this class to safely lock updates of the view shell stack |
CViewTabBar | Tab control for switching between views in the center pane |
CWindow | An SdWindow contains the actual working area of ViewShell |
CWindowUpdater | The purpose of the <type>WindowUpdater</type> is to update output devices to take care of modified global values |
CWINNetworkService | |
CWrappedMouseEvent | |
CWrappedMouseMotionEvent | |
CWrappedShapeEventImpl | |
CZeroconfService | |
CZoomList | |
Nsdbtools | |
►Nsdext | |
►Npresenter | |
NPresenterHelper | Collection of helper functions that do not fit in anywhere else |
CIPresentationTime | Represents an element in the toolbar that shows the time elapsed since the presentation started |
►CPresenterAccessible | |
CAccessibleObject | |
CAccessibleParagraph | |
►CPresenterBitmapContainer | Manage a set of bitmap groups as they are used for buttons: three bitmaps, one for the normal state, one for a mouse over effect and one to show that the button has been pressed |
CBitmapDescriptor | There is one bitmap for the normal state, one for a mouse over effect and one to show that a button has been pressed |
CPresenterButton | Button for the presenter screen |
CPresenterCanvasHelper | Collection of functions to ease the life of a canvas user |
►CPresenterClockTimer | A timer that calls its listeners, typically clocks, every second to update their current time value |
CListener | |
CPresenterConfigurationAccess | This class gives access to the configuration |
CPresenterController | The controller of the presenter screen is responsible for telling the individual views which slides to show |
CPresenterCurrentSlideObserver | Check periodically the slide show controller and the frame::XController whether the current slide has changed |
CPresenterFrameworkObserver | Watch the drawing framework for changes and run callbacks when a certain change takes place |
CPresenterGeometryHelper | Collection of geometry related convenience functions |
►CPresenterHelpView | Show help text that describes the defined keys |
CTextContainer | |
CPresenterNotesView | A drawing framework view of the notes of a slide |
CPresenterPaintManager | Synchronize painting of windows and canvases |
CPresenterPane | Pane used by the presenter screen |
CPresenterPaneBase | Base class of the panes used by the presenter screen |
►CPresenterPaneBorderPainter | This class is responsible for painting window borders of PresenterPane objects |
CRenderer | |
►CPresenterPaneContainer | This class could also be called PresenterPaneAndViewContainer because it stores not only references to all panes that belong to the presenter screen but stores the views displayed in these panes as well |
CPaneDescriptor | Each pane descriptor holds references to one pane and the view displayed in this pane as well as the other information that is used to manage the pane window like an XWindow reference, the title, and the coordinates |
CPresenterPaneFactory | The PresenterPaneFactory provides a fixed set of panes |
►CPresenterProtocolHandler | |
CDispatch | |
►CPresenterScreen | |
CViewDescriptor | |
CPresenterScreenJob | The PresenterScreenJob service is instantiated every time a document is created or loaded |
►CPresenterScrollBar | Base class of horizontal and vertical scroll bars |
CMousePressRepeater | |
CPresenterSlidePreview | Static preview of a slide |
CPresenterSlideShowView | Life view in a secondary window of a full screen slide show |
►CPresenterSlideSorter | A simple slide sorter for the presenter screen |
CCurrentSlideFrameRenderer | |
CLayout | |
CMouseOverManager | |
CPresenterSprite | A wrapper around a css::rendering::XCustomSprite that allows not only setting values like size, location, and transformation but also provides read access to them |
CPresenterSpritePane | Use a sprite to display the contents and the border of a pane |
CPresenterTextCaret | |
►CPresenterTextParagraph | |
CCell | A portion of a string that encodes one unicode cell |
CLine | |
CPresenterTextView | A simple text view that paints text onto a given canvas |
►CPresenterTheme | A theme is a set of properties describing fonts, colors, and bitmaps to be used to draw background, pane borders, and view content |
CFontDescriptor | |
CTheme | |
CPresenterTimer | The timer allows tasks to be scheduled for execution at a specified time in the future |
►CPresenterToolBar | A simple tool bar that can display bitmapped buttons and labels |
CContext | |
CElementContainerPart | |
CPresenterToolBarView | View for the PresenterToolBar |
CPresenterUIPainter | Functions for painting UI elements |
CPresenterVerticalScrollBar | A vertical scroll bar |
CPresenterViewFactory | Factory of the presenter screen specific views |
CPresenterWindowManager | A simple manager of the positions of the panes of the presenter screen |
►Nsdr | |
Ncontact | |
Noverlay | |
Nproperties | |
Ntable | |
NSdrEngineDefaults | |
NSdrViewIter | |
Nsfx | |
Nsfx2 | |
NSfxFrameHTMLParser | |
NSfxTemplate | |
Nsimd | |
Nskeletonmaker | |
NSkiaHelper | |
NSkiaTests | |
NSL | |
Nslideshow | |
NSmGlobals | |
NSmLocalizedSymbolData | |
Nsot | |
NSpacingListBox | |
Nspsupp | |
Nstarmathdatabase | |
Nstoc_connector | |
Nstoc_corefl | |
Nstoc_impreg | |
Nstoc_inv | |
Nstoc_invadp | |
Nstoc_javaloader | |
Nstoc_namingservice | |
Nstoc_sec | |
Nstoc_tcv | |
Nstore | |
Nstringresource | |
Nsvgi | |
Nsvl | |
Nsvt | |
NSvtCJKOptions | |
NSvtDefaultOptions | |
NSvtDocInfoTable_Impl | |
NSvtDynamicMenuOptions | |
NSvtExtendedSecurityOptions | |
NSvtHistoryOptions | |
NSvtLanguageOptions | |
Nsvtools | |
NSvtOptionsDrawinglayer | |
NSvtSaveOptions | |
NSvtSecurityOptions | |
NSvtSystemLanguageOptions | |
NSvtTabAppearanceCfg | |
►Nsvx | |
Nclassification | |
Ndiagram | |
NDocRecovery | |
Nframe | |
NMediaShellHelpers | |
Nsidebar | |
NSignatureLineHelper | |
Ntheme | |
NSvxChartOptions | |
NSvxFillAttrBox | |
NSvxFillTypeBox | |
Nsvxform | |
NSvxHtmlOptions | |
NSvxPropertySetInfoPool | |
Nsw | |
NSwGlobals | |
NSwLangHelper | |
NSwMailMergeHelper | |
NSwNumberTree | |
NSwPostItHelper | |
NSwReaderWriter | |
NSwReqIfReader | |
NSwThreadJoiner | |
NSwTranslateHelper | |
Nswui | |
NSwUnoCursorHelper | |
NSWUnoHelper | |
NSystemPath | |
NT602ImportFilter | |
Ntdoc_ucp | |
Ntest | |
Ntestcomp | |
Ntextconversiondlgs | |
NTextFormatCollFunc | |
NTkResMgr | |
Ntoolkit | |
Ntoolkitform | |
Ntools | |
NTransfrmHelper | |
NTranslate | |
Ntreeview | |
Nucb_cmdenv | |
Nucbhelper | |
Nucbhelper_impl | |
NUITest | |
Nuno | |
Nunocontrols | |
Nunodevtools | |
Nunoexe | |
Nunogallery | |
Nunohelper | |
Nunoidl | |
Nunopkg | |
Nunourl_resolver | |
NURIHelper | |
NURLEncoder | |
Nutl | |
Nuui | |
Nvalidation | |
Nvcl | |
Nvcl_sal | |
Nvclcanvas | |
Nvclmain | |
Nweld | |
Nwinwrap | |
Nwmfemfhelper | |
Nwriterfilter | |
Nwriterperfect | |
Nww | |
Nww8 | |
NwwUtility | |
Nx86 | |
Nx86_64 | |
NXclExpFontHelper | |
Nxforms | |
NXMLImageStyle | |
Nxmloff | |
NXMLRangeHelper | |
Nxmlscript | |
Nxmlsecurity | |
NXPath | |
NZipUtils | |