LibreOffice Module sd (master) 1
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 CAbstractSvxBulletAndPositionDlg_ImplProvides managing and getting information from the numbering and position dialog
 CHtmlExportThis class exports an Impress Document as a HTML Presentation
 CImpPageListWatcherMaintain a map of page indices to page objects for faster access that remains valid during deletions and insertions of pages (#109538#)
 CPpt97AnimationThis is a helping class for import of PPT 97 animations
 CPpt97AnimationInfoAtomHelper class for reading PPT AnimationInfoAtom
 CSdFieldPopupPopupMenu for editing field-commands
 CSdModifyFieldDlgDialog to adjust field-commands
 CSdNavigatorControllerItemControllerItem for Navigator
 CSdOpenSoundFileDialogThe class SdOpenSoundFileDialog wraps the FileDialogHelper, displaying the FILEOPEN_PLAY dialog template and performing the 'preview' functionality (playing the selected sound file)
 CSdOutlinerThe main purpose of this class is searching and replacing as well as spelling of impress documents
 CSdPageDlgPage configuration-tab-dialog
 CSdPageNameControllerItemControllerItem for Navigator to show the page in the TreeLB
 CSdSnapLineDlgDialog to adjust snap- lines and points
 CSdStartPresentationDlgDialog to define optionsm_xnd to start the presentation
 CSdTbxCtlGlueEscDirToolbox controller for glue-point escape direction
 CSdTpOptionsContentsOption-Tab-Page: Contents
 CSdTpOptionsMiscOption-Tab-Page: View
 CSdTpOptionsSnapOption-Tab-Page: Snap
 CSdUnoFindAllAccessThis class holds a sequence that is a result from a find all and lets people access it through the XIndexAccess Interface
 CSdUnoSearchReplaceDescriptorThis class holds the parameters and status of a search or replace operation performed by class SdUnoSearchReplaceShape
 CSdUnoSearchReplaceShapeThis class implements a search or replace operation on a given page or a given sdrobj
 CSdViewOptionsView options for the current view
 CSvxBulletAndPositionDlgMain class for handling the bullets, numbering format and their position