63 static std::shared_ptr<ToolBarManagerLock>
64 Create(
const std::shared_ptr<ToolBarManager>& rpManager);
72 void Release(
bool bForce =
89 std::shared_ptr<ToolBarManagerLock>
std::shared_ptr< ShellFactory< SfxShell > > SharedShellFactory
This class contains (will contain) the implementation of methods that have not be accessible from the...
bool mbArrangeActive
Set to true while ViewShell::ArrangeGUIElements() is being executed.
ViewShellManager::SharedShellFactory mpSubShellFactory
Remember a link to the sub shell factory, so that it can be unregistered at the ViewShellManager when...
std::weak_ptr< ToolBarManagerLock > mpUpdateLockForMouse
SfxInterfaceId GetViewId() const
Determine the view id of the view shell.
void AssignLayout(SfxRequest const &rRequest, PageKind ePageKind)
Assign the given layout to the given page.
bool mbIsInitialized
Set to true when the ViewShell::Init() method has been called.
void ProcessModifyPageSlot(SfxRequest &rRequest, SdPage *pCurrentPage, PageKind ePageKind)
Process the SID_MODIFY slot.
static SvxIMapDlg * GetImageMapDialog()
Return a pointer to the image map dialog that is displayed in some child window.
Implementation(ViewShell &rViewShell)
Base class of the stacked shell hierarchy.