The main purpose of this class is searching and replacing as well as spelling of impress documents.
This derivation of the svx::SpellDialogChildWindow base class provides Draw and Impress specific impl...
SdOutliner * mpSdOutliner
This outliner is used to do the main work of iterating over a document and finding sentences with spe...
void EndSpellingAndClearOutliner()
virtual svx::SpellPortions GetNextWrongSentence(bool bRecheck) override
Iterate over the sentences in all text shapes and stop at the next sentence with spelling errors.
virtual void LoseFocus() override
SpellDialogChildWindow(vcl::Window *pParent, sal_uInt16 nId, SfxBindings *pBindings, SfxChildWinInfo *pInfo)
virtual ~SpellDialogChildWindow() override
virtual void GetFocus() override
void InvalidateSpellDialog()
This method makes the one from the base class public so that it can be called from the view shell whe...
void ProvideOutliner()
Provide an outliner in the mpSdOutliner data member.
virtual void Notify(SfxBroadcaster &rBC, const SfxHint &rHint) override
bool mbOwnOutliner
When this flag is <TRUE> then eventually we have to destroy the outliner in mpSdOutliner.
virtual void ApplyChangedSentence(const svx::SpellPortions &rChanged, bool bRecheck) override
This method is responsible for merging corrections made in the spelling dialog back into the document...
std::vector< SpellPortion > SpellPortions