28#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
66class SlideSorterModel;
80class CurrentSlideManager;
82class InsertionIndicatorHandler;
85class ScrollBarManager;
86class SelectionFunction;
87class SelectionManager;
89class VisibleAreaManager;
113 void Resize(const ::tools::Rectangle& rAvailableSpace);
239 void SetDocumentSlides(
const css::uno::Reference<css::container::XIndexAccess>& rxSlides);
An SdWindow contains the actual working area of ViewShell.
Show previews for all the slides in a document and allow the user to insert or delete slides and modi...
This class manages the focus of the slide sorter.
A sub-controller that handles page selection of the slide browser.
Create an object of this inner class to prevent updates due to model changes.
ModelChangeLock(SlideSorterController &rController)
SlideSorterController * mpController
void HandleModelChange()
Handle a change of the model, that is, handle the removal and insertion of whole pages or a change of...
void PageNameHasChanged(int nPageIndex, const OUString &rsOldName)
Call this method when the name of one of the pages has changed.
const std::shared_ptr< Animator > & GetAnimator() const
Return an Animator object.
std::unique_ptr< PageSelector > mpPageSelector
::rtl::Reference< SelectionFunction > GetCurrentSelectionFunction() const
When the current function of the view shell is the slide sorter selection function then return a refe...
void Resize(const ::tools::Rectangle &rAvailableSpace)
Place and size the scroll bars and the browser window so that the given rectangle is filled.
void LockModelChange()
Prepare for several model changes, i.e.
void UnlockModelChange()
Further calls to HandleModelChange() will result in a full featured update of model,...
void FuTemporary(SfxRequest &rRequest)
void PreModelChange()
Prepare for a model change.
DECL_LINK(ApplicationEventHandler, VclSimpleEvent &, void)
bool mbPostModelChangePending
std::shared_ptr< SlotManager > const & GetSlotManager() const
DECL_LINK(WindowEventHandler, VclWindowEvent &, void)
SlideSorter & mrSlideSorter
void PrepareEditModeChange()
Prepare for a change of the edit mode.
FocusManager & GetFocusManager()
void FuPermanent(SfxRequest &rRequest)
std::unique_ptr< VisibleAreaManager > mpVisibleAreaManager
::rtl::Reference< controller::Listener > mpListener
sal_Int32 mnPaintEntranceCount
This counter is used to avoid processing of reentrant calls to Paint().
void ChangeEditMode(EditMode eEditMode)
Set a new edit mode and return whether the edit mode really has been changed.
std::shared_ptr< CurrentSlideManager > mpCurrentSlideManager
model::SlideSorterModel & mrModel
void ExecCtrl(SfxRequest &rRequest)
model::SharedPageDescriptor GetPageAt(const Point &rPixelPosition)
Return the descriptor of the page that is rendered under the given position.
std::shared_ptr< CurrentSlideManager > const & GetCurrentSlideManager() const
void CheckForSlideTransitionAssignment()
std::shared_ptr< SelectionManager > const & GetSelectionManager() const
::tools::Rectangle maTotalWindowArea
This rectangle in the parent window encloses scroll bars and slide sorter window.
SD_DLLPUBLIC PageSelector & GetPageSelector()
SlideSorterController(SlideSorter &rSlideSorter)
Create a new controller for the slide sorter.
std::shared_ptr< SelectionManager > mpSelectionManager
void PostModelChange()
Complete a model change.
view::SlideSorterView & mrView
void Paint(const ::tools::Rectangle &rRect, vcl::Window *pWin)
This method forwards the call to the SlideSorterView and executes pending operations like moving sele...
void Rearrange(bool bForce)
Determine which of the UI elements–the scroll bars, the scroll bar filler, the actual slide sorter vi...
ScrollBarManager & GetScrollBarManager()
Return the object that manages the scroll bars.
void CheckForMasterPageAssignment()
std::shared_ptr< Animator > mpAnimator
SdPage * mpEditModeChangeMasterPage
The master page to select after the edit mode is changed.
void SetDocumentSlides(const css::uno::Reference< css::container::XIndexAccess > &rxSlides)
Provide the set of pages to be displayed in the slide sorter.
void UpdateAllPages()
Update the display of all pages.
std::shared_ptr< InsertionIndicatorHandler > const & GetInsertionIndicatorHandler() const
void GetCtrlState(SfxItemSet &rSet)
std::unique_ptr< ScrollBarManager > mpScrollBarManager
VisibleAreaManager & GetVisibleAreaManager() const
std::shared_ptr< SlotManager > mpSlotManager
void GetStatusBarState(SfxItemSet &rSet)
::std::vector< SdPage * > maSelectionBeforeSwitch
This array stores the indices of the selected page descriptors at the time when the edit mode is swit...
void FuSupport(SfxRequest &rRequest)
std::unique_ptr< controller::Clipboard > mpClipboard
int mnCurrentPageBeforeSwitch
The current page before the edit mode is switched to EditMode::MasterPage.
void FinishEditModeChange()
Finish the change of the edit mode.
rtl::Reference< FuPoor > CreateSelectionFunction(SfxRequest &rRequest)
This factory method creates a selection function.
std::unique_ptr< FocusManager > mpFocusManager
bool Command(const CommandEvent &rEvent, ::sd::Window *pWindow)
bool mbIsForcedRearrangePending
SD_DLLPUBLIC controller::Clipboard & GetClipboard()
void GetAttrState(SfxItemSet &rSet)
int mnModelChangeLockCount
std::shared_ptr< InsertionIndicatorHandler > mpInsertionIndicatorHandler
void Init()
Late initialization.
Manage requests for scrolling page objects into view.
The model of the slide sorter gives access to the slides that are to be displayed in the slide sorter...
std::shared_ptr< PageDescriptor > SharedPageDescriptor