26template <
typename Arg,
typename Ret>
class Link;
@ EditViewSelection
The selection in the center pane has changed.
@ ControllerDetached
A UNO controller has been detached to the UNO frame.
@ ShapeRemoved
A shape has been removed from a page.
@ PageOrder
One or more pages have been inserted into or deleted from the model.
@ EditModeNormal
Edit mode was (or is being) switched to normal mode.
@ SlideSortedSelection
The selection in the slide sorter has changed, regardless of whether the slide sorter is displayed in...
@ EditModeMaster
Edit mode was (or is being) switched to master mode.
@ ViewAdded
A new ViewShell is being displayed in one of the panes.
@ Disposing
The EventMultiplexer itself is being disposed.
@ EndTextEdit
Text editing in one of the shapes in the MainViewShell has ended.
@ MainViewRemoved
The current MainViewShell (the ViewShell displayed in the center pane) has been removed.
@ ShapeChanged
The state of a shape has changed.
@ MainViewAdded
A new ViewShell has been made the MainViewShell.
@ ConfigurationUpdated
A configuration update has been completed.
@ CurrentPageChanged
The current page has changed.
@ ShapeInserted
A shape has been inserted to a page.
@ ControllerAttached
A UNO controller has been attached to the UNO frame.
SfxViewShell descendant that the stacked Draw/Impress shells are based on.