LibreOffice Module sc (master) 1
This is the complete list of members for ScTpUserLists, including all inherited members.
ActivatePage(const SfxItemSet &) | SfxTabPage | virtual |
AddNewList(const OUString &rEntriesStr) | ScTpUserLists | private |
aStrCopyErr | ScTpUserLists | private |
aStrCopyFrom | ScTpUserLists | private |
aStrCopyList | ScTpUserLists | private |
aStrQueryRemove | ScTpUserLists | private |
aStrSelectedArea | ScTpUserLists | private |
bCancelMode | ScTpUserLists | private |
bCopyDone | ScTpUserLists | private |
bModifyMode | ScTpUserLists | private |
ChangesApplied() | SfxTabPage | virtual |
CopyListFromArea(const ScRefAddress &rStartPos, const ScRefAddress &rEndPos) | ScTpUserLists | private |
Create(weld::Container *pPage, weld::DialogController *pController, const SfxItemSet *rAttrSet) | ScTpUserLists | static |
DeactivatePage(SfxItemSet *pSet) override | ScTpUserLists | virtual |
DECL_LINK(LbSelectHdl, weld::TreeView &, void) | ScTpUserLists | private |
DECL_LINK(BtnClickHdl, weld::Button &, void) | ScTpUserLists | private |
DECL_LINK(EdEntriesModHdl, weld::TextView &, void) | ScTpUserLists | private |
DeferResetToFirstActivation() | SfxTabPage | virtual |
FillItemSet(SfxItemSet *rCoreAttrs) override | ScTpUserLists | virtual |
FillUserData() | SfxTabPage | virtual |
getAdditionalProperties() | SfxTabPage | |
GetConfigId() const | SfxTabPage | |
GetDialogController() const | SfxTabPage | protected |
GetDialogExampleSet() const | SfxTabPage | |
GetFrame() const | SfxTabPage | |
GetFrameWeld() const | SfxTabPage | |
GetHelpId() const | SfxTabPage | |
GetItem(const SfxItemSet &rSet, sal_uInt16 nSlot, bool bDeep=true) | SfxTabPage | static |
GetItem(const SfxItemSet &rSet, TypedWhichId< T > nSlot, bool bDeep=true) | SfxTabPage | static |
GetItemSet() const | SfxTabPage | |
GetOldItem(const SfxItemSet &rSet, sal_uInt16 nSlot, bool bDeep=true) | SfxTabPage | protected |
GetOldItem(const SfxItemSet &rSet, TypedWhichId< T > nSlot, bool bDeep=true) | SfxTabPage | protected |
GetUserData() const | SfxTabPage | |
GetWhich(sal_uInt16 nSlot, bool bDeep=true) const | SfxTabPage | protected |
GetWhich(TypedWhichId< T > nSlot, bool bDeep=true) const | SfxTabPage | protected |
HasExchangeSupport() const | SfxTabPage | |
Init() | ScTpUserLists | private |
IsReadOnly() const | SfxTabPage | virtual |
IsVisible() const | SfxTabPage | |
maAdditionalProperties | SfxTabPage | private |
MakeListStr(OUString &rListStr) | ScTpUserLists | privatestatic |
maUserString | SfxTabPage | private |
mbHasExchangeSupport | SfxTabPage | private |
ModifyList(size_t nSelList, const OUString &rEntriesStr) | ScTpUserLists | private |
mpImpl | SfxTabPage | private |
mpSet | SfxTabPage | private |
mxBtnAdd | ScTpUserLists | private |
mxBtnCopy | ScTpUserLists | private |
mxBtnDiscard | ScTpUserLists | private |
mxBtnModify | ScTpUserLists | private |
mxBtnNew | ScTpUserLists | private |
mxBtnRemove | ScTpUserLists | private |
mxEdCopyFrom | ScTpUserLists | private |
mxEdEntries | ScTpUserLists | private |
mxFtCopyFrom | ScTpUserLists | private |
mxFtEntries | ScTpUserLists | private |
mxFtLists | ScTpUserLists | private |
mxLbLists | ScTpUserLists | private |
nCancelPos | ScTpUserLists | private |
nWhichUserLists | ScTpUserLists | private |
PageCreated(const SfxAllItemSet &aSet) | SfxTabPage | virtual |
pDoc | ScTpUserLists | private |
pUserLists | ScTpUserLists | private |
pViewData | ScTpUserLists | private |
RemoveList(size_t nList) | ScTpUserLists | private |
Reset(const SfxItemSet *rCoreAttrs) override | ScTpUserLists | virtual |
ScTpUserLists(weld::Container *pPage, weld::DialogController *pController, const SfxItemSet &rArgSet) | ScTpUserLists | |
set_visible(bool bVisible) | SfxTabPage | |
SetDialogController(SfxOkDialogController *pDialog) | SfxTabPage | |
SetExchangeSupport() | SfxTabPage | |
SetFrame(const css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XFrame > &xFrame) | SfxTabPage | |
SetUserData(const OUString &rString) | SfxTabPage | |
SfxTabPage(weld::Container *pPage, weld::DialogController *pController, const OUString &rUIXMLDescription, const OUString &rID, const SfxItemSet *rAttrSet) | SfxTabPage | protected |
UpdateEntries(size_t nList) | ScTpUserLists | private |
UpdateUserListBox() | ScTpUserLists | private |
~ScTpUserLists() override | ScTpUserLists | virtual |
~SfxTabPage() override | SfxTabPage | virtual |