LibreOffice Module sc (master) 1
This is the complete list of members for ScRangeList, including all inherited members.
AddAndPartialCombine(const ScRange &) | ScRangeList | |
AddFirstRef() | SvRefBase | |
AddNextRef() | SvRefBase | |
back() | ScRangeList | inline |
back() const | ScRangeList | inline |
begin() const | ScRangeList | inline |
begin() | ScRangeList | inline |
bNoDelete | SvRefBase | private |
Combine() const | ScRangeList | |
Contains(const ScRange &) const | ScRangeList | |
DeleteArea(SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCTAB nTab1, SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2, SCTAB nTab2) | ScRangeList | |
empty() const | ScRangeList | inline |
end() const | ScRangeList | inline |
end() | ScRangeList | inline |
Find(const ScAddress &) const | ScRangeList | |
Find(const ScAddress &) | ScRangeList | |
Format(OUString &, ScRefFlags nFlags, const ScDocument &, formula::FormulaGrammar::AddressConvention eConv=formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_OOO, sal_Unicode cDelimiter=0, bool bFullAddressNotation=false) const | ScRangeList | |
front() | ScRangeList | inline |
front() const | ScRangeList | inline |
GetCellCount() const | ScRangeList | |
GetIntersectedRange(const ScRange &rRange) const | ScRangeList | |
GetRefCount() const | SvRefBase | |
GetTopLeftCorner() const | ScRangeList | |
insert(std::vector< ScRange >::iterator aPos, std::vector< ScRange >::const_iterator aSourceBegin, std::vector< ScRange >::const_iterator aSourceEnd) | ScRangeList | inline |
InsertCol(SCTAB nTab, SCROW nRowStart, SCROW nRowEnd, SCCOL nColPos, SCSIZE nSize) | ScRangeList | |
InsertCol(SCTAB nTab, SCCOL nColPos) | ScRangeList | |
InsertRow(SCTAB nTab, SCCOL nColStart, SCCOL nColEnd, SCROW nRowPos, SCSIZE nSize) | ScRangeList | |
Intersects(const ScRange &) const | ScRangeList | |
Join(const ScRange &, bool bIsInList=false) | ScRangeList | |
maRanges | ScRangeList | private |
mnMaxRowUsed | ScRangeList | private |
nRefCount | SvRefBase | private |
operator!=(const ScRangeList &r) const | ScRangeList | |
operator=(const ScRangeList &rList) | ScRangeList | |
operator=(ScRangeList &&rList) noexcept | ScRangeList | |
SvRefBase::operator=(const SvRefBase &) | SvRefBase | |
operator==(const ScRangeList &) const | ScRangeList | |
operator[](size_t idx) | ScRangeList | inline |
operator[](size_t idx) const | ScRangeList | inline |
Parse(std::u16string_view, const ScDocument &, formula::FormulaGrammar::AddressConvention eConv=formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_OOO, SCTAB nDefaultTab=0, sal_Unicode cDelimiter=0) | ScRangeList | |
push_back(const ScRange &rRange) | ScRangeList | |
ReleaseRef() | SvRefBase | |
Remove(size_t nPos) | ScRangeList | |
RemoveAll() | ScRangeList | |
RestoreNoDelete() | SvRefBase | |
ScRangeList() | ScRangeList | |
ScRangeList(const ScRangeList &rList) | ScRangeList | |
ScRangeList(ScRangeList &&rList) noexcept | ScRangeList | |
ScRangeList(const ScRange &rRange) | ScRangeList | |
size() const | ScRangeList | inline |
SvRefBase() | SvRefBase | |
SvRefBase(const SvRefBase &) | SvRefBase | |
swap(ScRangeList &r) | ScRangeList | |
UpdateReference(UpdateRefMode, const ScDocument *, const ScRange &rWhere, SCCOL nDx, SCROW nDy, SCTAB nDz) | ScRangeList | |
~ScRangeList() override | ScRangeList | virtual |
~SvRefBase() COVERITY_NOEXCEPT_FALSE | SvRefBase | protectedvirtual |