LibreOffice Module sc (master) 1
This is the complete list of members for ScModule, including all inherited members.
Activate(bool bMDI) | SfxShell | virtual |
ActivateInputWindow(const OUString *pStr=nullptr, bool bMatrix=false) | ScModule | |
AddRefEntry() | ScModule | |
AnythingChanged() | ScModule | |
ApplyItemSet(sal_uInt16 nId, const SfxItemSet &rSet) override | ScModule | virtual |
BroadcastContextForActivation(const bool bIsActivated) | SfxShell | |
CallAutomationApplicationEventSinks(const OUString &Method, css::uno::Sequence< css::uno::Any > &Arguments) | ScModule | |
CanExecuteSlot_Impl(const SfxSlot &rSlot) | SfxShell | |
ConfigurationChanged(utl::ConfigurationBroadcaster *, ConfigurationHints) override | ScModule | virtual |
Construct_Impl(const OString &rResName) | SfxModule | private |
CreateItemSet(sal_uInt16 nId) override | ScModule | virtual |
CreateStyleFamilies() override | ScModule | virtual |
CreateTabPage(sal_uInt16 nId, weld::Container *pPage, weld::DialogController *pController, const SfxItemSet &rSet) override | ScModule | virtual |
Deactivate(bool bMDI) | SfxShell | virtual |
DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK(IdleHandler, Timer *, void) | ScModule | |
DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK(CalcFieldValueHdl, EditFieldInfo *, void) | ScModule | |
DeleteCfg() | ScModule | |
DoActivate_Impl(SfxViewFrame *pFrame, bool bMDI) | SfxShell | |
DoDeactivate_Impl(SfxViewFrame const *pFrame, bool bMDI) | SfxShell | |
EmptyExecStub(SfxShell *pShell, SfxRequest &) | SfxShell | static |
EmptyStateStub(SfxShell *pShell, SfxItemSet &) | SfxShell | static |
EndListening(SfxBroadcaster &rBroadcaster, bool bRemoveAllDuplicates=false) | SfxListener | |
EndListeningAll() | SfxListener | |
EndReference() | ScModule | |
Execute(SfxRequest &rReq) | ScModule | |
ExecuteSlot(SfxRequest &rReq, const SfxInterface *pIF=nullptr) | SfxShell | |
ExecuteSlot(SfxRequest &rReq, bool bAsync) | SfxShell | |
Find1RefWindow(sal_uInt16 nSlotId, const weld::Window *pWndAncestor) | ScModule | |
GetActiveModule(SfxViewFrame *pFrame=nullptr) | SfxModule | static |
GetAddInCfg() | ScModule | |
GetAppOptions() | ScModule | |
GetBroadcasterCount() const | SfxListener | |
GetBroadcasterJOE(sal_uInt16 nNo) const | SfxListener | |
GetChildWinFactoryById(sal_uInt16 nId) const | SfxModule | |
GetClipDoc() | ScModule | static |
GetColorConfig() | ScModule | |
GetCurRefDlgId() const | ScModule | inline |
GetCurrentFieldUnit() | SfxModule | static |
GetDefaultsOptions() | ScModule | |
GetDisableFlags() const | SfxShell | |
GetDispatcher() const | SfxShell | |
GetDocOptions() | ScModule | |
GetDragData() const | ScModule | |
GetFieldUnit() const | SfxModule | |
GetFormulaOptions() | ScModule | |
GetFrame() const | SfxShell | |
GetInputHdl(ScTabViewShell *pViewSh=nullptr, bool bUseRef=true) | ScModule | |
GetInputOptions() | ScModule | |
GetInterface() const | SfxShell | virtual |
GetIsWaterCan() const | ScModule | inline |
GetItem(sal_uInt16 nSlotId) const | SfxShell | |
GetItem(TypedWhichId< T > nWhich) const | SfxShell | |
GetModuleFieldUnit(css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XFrame > const &i_frame) | SfxModule | static |
GetName() const | SfxShell | |
GetNavipiCfg() | ScModule | |
GetObjectShell() | SfxShell | virtual |
GetOptDigitLanguage() | ScModule | static |
GetPool() const | SfxShell | |
GetPrintOptions() | ScModule | |
GetRefInputHdl() | ScModule | inline |
GetRepeatTarget() const | SfxShell | |
GetResLocale() const | SfxModule | |
GetSelectionTransfer() const | ScModule | inline |
GetSlotPool() const | SfxModule | |
GetSlotState(sal_uInt16 nSlotId, const SfxInterface *pIF=nullptr, SfxItemSet *pStateSet=nullptr) | SfxShell | |
GetSpellSettings(LanguageType &rDefLang, LanguageType &rCjkLang, LanguageType &rCtlLang, bool &rAutoSpell) | ScModule | static |
GetState(SfxItemSet &rSet) | ScModule | |
GetStaticInterface() | SfxShell | static |
GetStbCtrlFactory(const std::type_info &rSlotType, sal_uInt16 nSlotID) const | SfxModule | |
GetTbxCtrlFactory(const std::type_info &rSlotType, sal_uInt16 nSlotID) const | SfxModule | |
GetUndoManager() | SfxShell | virtual |
GetUserOptions() | ScModule | |
GetVerbs() const | SfxShell | |
GetVerbSlot_Impl(sal_uInt16 nId) const | SfxShell | |
GetViewOptions() | ScModule | |
GetViewShell() const | SfxShell | |
HandleOpenXmlFilterSettings(SfxRequest &) | SfxShell | protectedstatic |
HasThesaurusLanguage(LanguageType nLang) | ScModule | static |
HasUIFeature(SfxShellFeature nFeature) const | SfxShell | virtual |
HideDisabledSlots(SfxItemSet &rSet) | ScModule | static |
InitInterface_Impl() | ScModule | privatestatic |
InputCancelHandler() | ScModule | |
InputChanged(const EditView *pView) | ScModule | |
InputEnterHandler(ScEnterMode nBlockMode=ScEnterMode::NORMAL, bool bBeforeSavingInLOK=false) | ScModule | |
InputGetSelection(sal_Int32 &rStart, sal_Int32 &rEnd) | ScModule | |
InputKeyEvent(const KeyEvent &rKEvt, bool bStartEdit=false) | ScModule | |
InputReplaceSelection(std::u16string_view aStr) | ScModule | |
InputSelection(const EditView *pView) | ScModule | |
InputSetSelection(sal_Int32 nStart, sal_Int32 nEnd) | ScModule | |
InputTurnOffWinEngine() | ScModule | |
InsertEntryToLRUList(sal_uInt16 nFIndex) | ScModule | |
Invalidate(sal_uInt16 nId=0) override | SfxModule | virtual |
Invalidate_Impl(SfxBindings &rBindings, sal_uInt16 nId) | SfxShell | protected |
IsActive() const | SfxShell | |
IsConditionalFastCall(const SfxRequest &rReq) | SfxShell | virtual |
IsDesignMode() const | SfxShell | virtual |
IsEditMode() | ScModule | |
IsFormulaMode() | ScModule | |
IsInExecuteDrop() const | ScModule | inline |
IsInputMode() | ScModule | |
IsInSharedDocLoading() const | ScModule | inline |
IsInSharedDocSaving() const | ScModule | inline |
IsListening(SfxBroadcaster &rBroadcaster) const | SfxListener | |
IsModalMode(SfxObjectShell *pDocSh=nullptr) | ScModule | |
IsRefDialogOpen() | ScModule | |
IsSdrView() const | SfxListener | virtual |
IsTableLocked() | ScModule | |
m_aIdleTimer | ScModule | private |
m_bIsInEditCommand | ScModule | private |
m_bIsInExecuteDrop | ScModule | private |
m_bIsInSharedDocLoading | ScModule | private |
m_bIsInSharedDocSaving | ScModule | private |
m_bIsWaterCan | ScModule | private |
m_mapRefController | ScModule | private |
m_nCurRefDlgId | ScModule | private |
m_pAccessOptions | ScModule | private |
m_pAddInCfg | ScModule | private |
m_pAppCfg | ScModule | private |
m_pColorConfig | ScModule | private |
m_pCTLOptions | ScModule | private |
m_pDefaultsCfg | ScModule | private |
m_pDocCfg | ScModule | private |
m_pDragData | ScModule | private |
m_pErrorHdl | ScModule | private |
m_pFormulaCfg | ScModule | private |
m_pInputCfg | ScModule | private |
m_pMessagePool | ScModule | private |
m_pNavipiCfg | ScModule | private |
m_pPrintCfg | ScModule | private |
m_pRefInputHandler | ScModule | private |
m_pSelTransfer | ScModule | private |
m_pUserOptions | ScModule | private |
m_pViewCfg | ScModule | private |
maBCs | SfxListener | private |
maCallStacks | SfxListener | private |
ModifyOptions(const SfxItemSet &rOptSet) | ScModule | |
mxAutomationApplicationEventsCaller | ScModule | private |
Notify(SfxBroadcaster &rBC, const SfxHint &rHint) override | ScModule | virtual |
SfxModule::operator=(const SfxShell &)=delete | SfxShell | private |
pImpl | SfxModule | private |
pPool | SfxShell | private |
pUndoMgr | SfxShell | private |
PutItem(const SfxPoolItem &rItem) | SfxShell | |
RegisterAutomationApplicationEventsCaller(css::uno::Reference< ooo::vba::XSinkCaller > const &xCaller) | ScModule | |
RegisterChildWindow(const SfxChildWinFactory &) | SfxModule | |
RegisterRefController(sal_uInt16 nSlotId, std::shared_ptr< SfxDialogController > &rWnd, weld::Window *pWndAncestor) | ScModule | |
RegisterStatusBarControl(const SfxStbCtrlFactory &) | SfxModule | |
RegisterToolBoxControl(const SfxTbxCtrlFactory &) | SfxModule | |
RemoveBroadcaster_Impl(SfxBroadcaster &rBC) | SfxListener | |
ResetDragObject() | ScModule | |
ScModule(SfxObjectFactory *pFact) | ScModule | |
SetAppOptions(const ScAppOptions &rOpt) | ScModule | |
SetAutoSpellProperty(bool bSet) | ScModule | static |
SetContextBroadcasterEnabled(const bool bIsEnabled) | SfxShell | |
SetContextName(const OUString &rsContextName) | SfxShell | |
SetDefaultsOptions(const ScDefaultsOptions &rOpt) | ScModule | |
SetDisableFlags(SfxDisableFlags nFlags) | SfxShell | |
SetDocOptions(const ScDocOptions &rOpt) | ScModule | |
SetDragJump(ScDocument *pLocalDoc, const OUString &rTarget, const OUString &rText) | ScModule | |
SetDragLink(const OUString &rDoc, const OUString &rTab, const OUString &rArea) | ScModule | |
SetDragObject(ScTransferObj *pCellObj, ScDrawTransferObj *pDrawObj) | ScModule | |
SetFormulaOptions(const ScFormulaOptions &rOpt) | ScModule | |
SetInEditCommand(bool bNew) | ScModule | inline |
SetInExecuteDrop(bool bNew) | ScModule | inline |
SetInputMode(ScInputMode eMode, const OUString *pInitText=nullptr) | ScModule | |
SetInputOptions(const ScInputOptions &rOpt) | ScModule | |
SetInSharedDocLoading(bool bNew) | ScModule | inline |
SetInSharedDocSaving(bool bNew) | ScModule | inline |
SetName(const OUString &rName) | SfxShell | |
SetPool(SfxItemPool *pNewPool) | SfxShell | |
SetPrintOptions(const ScPrintOptions &rOpt) | ScModule | |
SetRefDialog(sal_uInt16 nId, bool bVis, SfxViewFrame *pViewFrm=nullptr) | ScModule | |
SetReference(const ScRange &rRef, ScDocument &rDoc, const ScMarkData *pMarkData=nullptr) | ScModule | |
SetRefInputHdl(ScInputHandler *pNew) | ScModule | |
SetRepeatTarget(SfxRepeatTarget *pTarget) | SfxShell | |
SetSelectionTransfer(ScSelectionTransferObj *pNew) | ScModule | |
SetUndoManager(SfxUndoManager *pNewUndoMgr) | SfxShell | |
SetVerbs(const css::uno::Sequence< css::embed::VerbDescriptor > &aVerbs) | SfxShell | |
SetViewOptions(const ScViewOptions &rOpt) | ScModule | |
SetViewShell_Impl(SfxViewShell *pView) | SfxShell | protected |
SetWaterCan(bool bNew) | ScModule | inline |
SfxListener() | SfxListener | |
SfxListener(const SfxListener &rCopy) | SfxListener | |
SfxModule(const OString &rResName, std::initializer_list< SfxObjectFactory * > pFactoryList) | SfxModule | |
SfxShell() | SfxShell | protected |
SfxShell(SfxViewShell *pViewSh) | SfxShell | protected |
SfxShell(const SfxShell &)=delete | SfxShell | private |
StartListening(SfxBroadcaster &rBroadcaster, DuplicateHandling eDuplicateHanding=DuplicateHandling::Unexpected) | SfxListener | |
UIFeatureChanged() | SfxShell | |
UnregisterRefController(sal_uInt16 nSlotId, const std::shared_ptr< SfxDialogController > &rWnd) | ScModule | |
VerbExec(SfxRequest &) | SfxShell | |
VerbState(SfxItemSet &) | SfxShell | static |
ViewShellChanged(bool bStopEditing) | ScModule | |
ViewShellGone(const ScTabViewShell *pViewSh) | ScModule | |
~ConfigurationListener() | utl::ConfigurationListener | virtual |
~ScModule() override | ScModule | virtual |
~SfxListener() COVERITY_NOEXCEPT_FALSE | SfxListener | virtual |
~SfxModule() override | SfxModule | virtual |
~SfxShell() override | SfxShell | virtual |