LibreOffice Module sc (master) 1
This is the complete list of members for ScDetectiveFunc, including all inherited members.
AppendChangTrackNoteSeparator(OUString &str) | ScDetectiveFunc | static |
bColorsInitialized | ScDetectiveFunc | privatestatic |
DeleteAll(ScDetectiveDelete eWhat) | ScDetectiveFunc | |
DeleteArrowsAt(SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, bool bDestPnt) | ScDetectiveFunc | private |
DeleteBox(SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2) | ScDetectiveFunc | private |
DeleteCirclesAt(SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow) | ScDetectiveFunc | |
DeletePred(SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow) | ScDetectiveFunc | |
DeleteSucc(SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow) | ScDetectiveFunc | |
DrawAlienEntry(const ScRange &rRef, ScDetectiveData &rData) | ScDetectiveFunc | private |
DrawCircle(SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, ScDetectiveData &rData) | ScDetectiveFunc | private |
DrawEntry(SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, const ScRange &rRef, ScDetectiveData &rData) | ScDetectiveFunc | private |
DrawPosMode enum name | ScDetectiveFunc | private |
FindFrameForObject(const SdrObject *pObject, ScRange &rRange) | ScDetectiveFunc | private |
FindPredLevel(SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, sal_uInt16 nLevel, sal_uInt16 nDeleteLevel) | ScDetectiveFunc | private |
FindPredLevelArea(const ScRange &rRef, sal_uInt16 nLevel, sal_uInt16 nDeleteLevel) | ScDetectiveFunc | private |
FindSuccLevel(SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2, sal_uInt16 nLevel, sal_uInt16 nDeleteLevel) | ScDetectiveFunc | private |
GetAllPreds(SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2, ::std::vector< ScTokenRef > &rRefTokens) | ScDetectiveFunc | |
GetAllSuccs(SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2, ::std::vector< ScTokenRef > &rRefTokens) | ScDetectiveFunc | |
GetArrowColor() | ScDetectiveFunc | static |
GetCommentColor() | ScDetectiveFunc | static |
GetDetectiveObjectType(SdrObject *pObject, SCTAB nObjTab, ScAddress &rPosition, ScRange &rSource, bool &rRedLine) | ScDetectiveFunc | |
GetDrawPos(SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, DrawPosMode eMode) const | ScDetectiveFunc | private |
GetDrawRect(SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2) const | ScDetectiveFunc | private |
GetDrawRect(SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow) const | ScDetectiveFunc | private |
GetErrorColor() | ScDetectiveFunc | static |
HasArrow(const ScAddress &rStart, SCCOL nEndCol, SCROW nEndRow, SCTAB nEndTab) | ScDetectiveFunc | private |
HasError(const ScRange &rRange, ScAddress &rErrPos) | ScDetectiveFunc | private |
InitializeColors() | ScDetectiveFunc | static |
InsertArrow(SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, SCCOL nRefStartCol, SCROW nRefStartRow, SCCOL nRefEndCol, SCROW nRefEndRow, bool bFromOtherTab, bool bRed, ScDetectiveData &rData) | ScDetectiveFunc | private |
InsertErrorLevel(SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, ScDetectiveData &rData, sal_uInt16 nLevel) | ScDetectiveFunc | private |
InsertObject(ScDetectiveObjType eType, const ScAddress &rPosition, const ScRange &rSource, bool bRedLine) | ScDetectiveFunc | |
InsertPredLevel(SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, ScDetectiveData &rData, sal_uInt16 nLevel) | ScDetectiveFunc | private |
InsertPredLevelArea(const ScRange &rRef, ScDetectiveData &rData, sal_uInt16 nLevel) | ScDetectiveFunc | private |
InsertSuccLevel(SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2, ScDetectiveData &rData, sal_uInt16 nLevel) | ScDetectiveFunc | private |
InsertToOtherTab(SCCOL nStartCol, SCROW nStartRow, SCCOL nEndCol, SCROW nEndRow, bool bRed, ScDetectiveData &rData) | ScDetectiveFunc | private |
IsColorsInitialized() | ScDetectiveFunc | static |
IsNonAlienArrow(const SdrObject *pObject) | ScDetectiveFunc | static |
MarkInvalid(bool &rOverflow) | ScDetectiveFunc | |
Modified() | ScDetectiveFunc | private |
nArrowColor | ScDetectiveFunc | privatestatic |
nCommentColor | ScDetectiveFunc | privatestatic |
nErrorColor | ScDetectiveFunc | privatestatic |
nTab | ScDetectiveFunc | private |
rDoc | ScDetectiveFunc | private |
ScDetectiveFunc(ScDocument &rDocument, SCTAB nTable) | ScDetectiveFunc | inline |
ShowError(SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow) | ScDetectiveFunc | |
ShowPred(SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow) | ScDetectiveFunc | |
ShowSucc(SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow) | ScDetectiveFunc | |
UpdateAllArrowColors() | ScDetectiveFunc | |
UpdateAllComments(ScDocument &rDoc) | ScDetectiveFunc | static |