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B2DPolyPolygon | basegfx::utils::createAreaGeometryForLineStartEnd (const B2DPolygon &rCandidate, const B2DPolyPolygon &rArrow, bool bStart, double fWidth, double fCandidateLength, double fDockingPosition, double *pConsumedLength=nullptr, double fShift=0.0) |
| Create line start/end geometry element, mostly arrows and things like that. More...
B2DPolyPolygon | basegfx::utils::createAreaGeometry (const B2DPolygon &rCandidate, double fHalfLineWidth, B2DLineJoin eJoin, css::drawing::LineCap eCap, double fMaxAllowedAngle=basegfx::deg2rad(12.5), double fMaxPartOfEdge=0.4, double fMiterMinimumAngle=basegfx::deg2rad(15.0)) |
| create filled polygon geometry for lines with a line width More...