25#include <com/sun/star/drawing/LineCap.hpp>
69 const B2DPolygon& rCandidate,
70 const B2DPolyPolygon& rArrow,
73 double fCandidateLength,
74 double fDockingPosition,
75 double* pConsumedLength =
136 const B2DPolygon& rCandidate,
137 double fHalfLineWidth,
139 css::drawing::LineCap eCap,
141 double fMaxPartOfEdge = 0.4,
B2DPolyPolygon createAreaGeometry(const B2DPolygon &rCandidate, double fHalfLineWidth, B2DLineJoin eJoin, css::drawing::LineCap eCap, double fMaxAllowedAngle, double fMaxPartOfEdge, double fMiterMinimumAngle)
create filled polygon geometry for lines with a line width
B2DPolyPolygon createAreaGeometryForLineStartEnd(const B2DPolygon &rCandidate, const B2DPolyPolygon &rArrow, bool bStart, double fWidth, double fCandidateLength, double fDockingPosition, double *pConsumedLength, double fShift)
Create line start/end geometry element, mostly arrows and things like that.
Descriptor for possible line joins between two line segments.
constexpr double deg2rad(double v)
Convert value from degrees to radians.