LibreOffice Module ucb (master) 1
Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
http_dav_ucp Namespace Reference


class  CachableContentProperties
class  Content
class  ContentProperties
class  ContentProvider
struct  CurlProcessor
 this is just a bunch of static member functions called from CurlSession More...
class  CurlSession
 implementation of libcurl HTTP/DAV back-end More...
class  CurlUri
class  DataSupplier
class  DateTimeHelper
class  DAVAuthListener
class  DAVAuthListener_Impl
class  DAVException
class  DAVOptions
class  DAVOptionsCache
struct  DAVProperties
struct  DAVPropertyValue
struct  DAVRequestEnvironment
struct  DAVResource
class  DAVResourceAccess
struct  DAVResourceInfo
class  DAVSession
class  DAVSessionFactory
struct  deleter_from_fn
class  DynamicResultSet
struct  equalPropertyName
struct  hashPropertyName
struct  LockInfo
class  PropertyNames
class  PropertyNamesCache
class  PropertyValue
struct  ProppatchValue
class  SerfLockStore
struct  SerfPropName
class  TickerThread
class  UCBDeadPropertyValue


typedef std::unordered_map< OUString, PropertyValuePropertyValueMap
template<typename T >
using CurlUniquePtr = ::std::unique_ptr< T, deleter_from_fn< T, curl_free > >
typedef std::pair< OUString, OUString > DAVRequestHeader
typedef std::vector< DAVRequestHeaderDAVRequestHeaders
typedef std::map< OUString, DAVOptions, std::less< OUString > > DAVOptionsMap
typedef std::unordered_set< css::beans::Property, hashPropertyName, equalPropertyNamePropertyMap
typedef std::map< OUString, PropertyNames, std::less< OUString > > PropNameCache
typedef std::map< OUString, LockInfoLockInfoMap


enum  Depth {
  DAVZERO = 0 ,
  DAVONE = 1 ,
enum  ProppatchOperation {
  PROPSET = 0 ,


static int debug_callback (CURL *handle, curl_infotype type, char *data, size_t size, void *)
static size_t write_callback (char *const ptr, size_t const size, size_t const nmemb, void *const userdata)
static size_t read_callback (char *const buffer, size_t const size, size_t const nitems, void *const userdata)
static size_t header_callback (char *const buffer, size_t const size, size_t const nitems, void *const userdata)
static auto ProcessHeaders (::std::vector< OString > const &rHeaders) -> ::std::map< OUString, OUString >
static auto ExtractRequestedHeaders (ResponseHeaders const &rHeaders, ::std::pair<::std::vector< OUString > const &, DAVResource & > const *const pRequestedHeaders) -> void
static auto ExtractRealm (ResponseHeaders const &rHeaders, char const *const pAuthHeaderName) -> ::std::optional< OUString >
static auto TryRemoveExpiredLockToken (CurlSession &rSession, CurlUri const &rURI, DAVRequestEnvironment const *const pEnv) -> bool
static ::std::optional< OUString > GetURLComponent (CURLU &rURI, CURLUPart const what, CURLUcode const expected, unsigned int const flags=0)
OUString EncodeSegment (OUString const &rSegment)
OUString DecodeURI (OUString const &rURI)
OUString ConnectionEndPointString (std::u16string_view rHostName, sal_uInt16 const nPort)
std::vector< ucb::Lock > parseWebDAVLockResponse (const uno::Reference< io::XInputStream > &xInputStream)
std::vector< DAVResourceparseWebDAVPropFindResponse (const uno::Reference< io::XInputStream > &xInputStream)
std::vector< DAVResourceInfoparseWebDAVPropNameResponse (const uno::Reference< io::XInputStream > &xInputStream)
std::vector< css::ucb::Lock > parseWebDAVLockResponse (const css::uno::Reference< css::io::XInputStream > &xInputStream)
std::vector< DAVResourceparseWebDAVPropFindResponse (const css::uno::Reference< css::io::XInputStream > &xInputStream)
std::vector< DAVResourceInfoparseWebDAVPropNameResponse (const css::uno::Reference< css::io::XInputStream > &xInputStream)


const auto DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT = 80
const auto DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT = 443
const sal_uInt16 SC_NONE = 0
const sal_uInt16 SC_CONTINUE = 100
const sal_uInt16 SC_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS = 101
const sal_uInt16 SC_PROCESSING = 102
const sal_uInt16 SC_OK = 200
const sal_uInt16 SC_CREATED = 201
const sal_uInt16 SC_ACCEPTED = 202
const sal_uInt16 SC_NO_CONTENT = 204
const sal_uInt16 SC_RESET_CONTENT = 205
const sal_uInt16 SC_PARTIAL_CONTENT = 206
const sal_uInt16 SC_MULTISTATUS = 207
const sal_uInt16 SC_MULTIPLE_CHOICES = 300
const sal_uInt16 SC_MOVED_PERMANENTLY = 301
const sal_uInt16 SC_MOVED_TEMPORARILY = 302
const sal_uInt16 SC_SEE_OTHER = 303
const sal_uInt16 SC_NOT_MODIFIED = 304
const sal_uInt16 SC_USE_PROXY = 305
const sal_uInt16 SC_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT = 307
const sal_uInt16 SC_BAD_REQUEST = 400
const sal_uInt16 SC_UNAUTHORIZED = 401
const sal_uInt16 SC_PAYMENT_REQUIRED = 402
const sal_uInt16 SC_FORBIDDEN = 403
const sal_uInt16 SC_NOT_FOUND = 404
const sal_uInt16 SC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED = 405
const sal_uInt16 SC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE = 406
const sal_uInt16 SC_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 408
const sal_uInt16 SC_CONFLICT = 409
const sal_uInt16 SC_GONE = 410
const sal_uInt16 SC_LENGTH_REQUIRED = 411
const sal_uInt16 SC_PRECONDITION_FAILED = 412
const sal_uInt16 SC_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE = 413
const sal_uInt16 SC_REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG = 414
const sal_uInt16 SC_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE = 415
const sal_uInt16 SC_EXPECTATION_FAILED = 417
const sal_uInt16 SC_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY = 422
const sal_uInt16 SC_LOCKED = 423
const sal_uInt16 SC_FAILED_DEPENDENCY = 424
const sal_uInt16 SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR = 500
const sal_uInt16 SC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 501
const sal_uInt16 SC_BAD_GATEWAY = 502
const sal_uInt16 SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE = 503
const sal_uInt16 SC_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT = 504
const sal_uInt16 SC_HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED = 505
const sal_uInt16 SC_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE = 507
const sal_uInt16 USC_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT = 908
const sal_uInt16 USC_LOOKUP_FAILED = 909
const sal_uInt16 USC_AUTH_FAILED = 910
const sal_uInt16 USC_AUTHPROXY_FAILED = 911
constexpr OUStringLiteral WEBDAV_CONTENT_SERVICE_NAME = u""
constexpr OUStringLiteral HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE = u"application/" HTTP_URL_SCHEME "-content"
constexpr OUStringLiteral WEBDAV_COLLECTION_TYPE = u"application/" VNDSUNSTARWEBDAV_URL_SCHEME "-collection"

Typedef Documentation

◆ CurlUniquePtr

template<typename T >
using http_dav_ucp::CurlUniquePtr = typedef ::std::unique_ptr<T, deleter_from_fn<T, curl_free> >

Definition at line 36 of file CurlUri.hxx.

◆ DAVOptionsMap

typedef std::map< OUString, DAVOptions, std::less< OUString > > http_dav_ucp::DAVOptionsMap

Definition at line 157 of file DAVTypes.hxx.

◆ DAVRequestHeader

typedef std::pair< OUString, OUString > http_dav_ucp::DAVRequestHeader

Definition at line 30 of file DAVRequestEnvironment.hxx.

◆ DAVRequestHeaders

Definition at line 31 of file DAVRequestEnvironment.hxx.

◆ LockInfoMap

Definition at line 58 of file SerfLockStore.hxx.

◆ PropertyMap

typedef std::unordered_set< css::beans::Property, hashPropertyName, equalPropertyName> http_dav_ucp::PropertyMap

Definition at line 51 of file PropertyMap.hxx.

◆ PropertyValueMap

typedef std::unordered_map< OUString, PropertyValue > http_dav_ucp::PropertyValueMap

Definition at line 62 of file ContentProperties.hxx.

◆ PropNameCache

typedef std::map< OUString, PropertyNames, std::less< OUString > > http_dav_ucp::PropNameCache

Definition at line 60 of file PropfindCache.hxx.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ Depth


Definition at line 183 of file DAVTypes.hxx.

◆ ProppatchOperation


Definition at line 185 of file DAVTypes.hxx.

Function Documentation

◆ ConnectionEndPointString()

OUString http_dav_ucp::ConnectionEndPointString ( std::u16string_view  rHostName,
sal_uInt16 const  nPort 

◆ debug_callback()

static int http_dav_ucp::debug_callback ( CURL *  handle,
curl_infotype  type,
char *  data,
size_t  size,
void *   

Definition at line 281 of file CurlSession.cxx.

References end, SAL_INFO, SAL_N_ELEMENTS, SAL_WARN, size, start, and type.

Referenced by http_dav_ucp::CurlSession::CurlSession().

◆ DecodeURI()

OUString http_dav_ucp::DecodeURI ( OUString const &  rURI)

◆ EncodeSegment()

OUString http_dav_ucp::EncodeSegment ( OUString const &  rSegment)

Definition at line 296 of file CurlUri.cxx.

◆ ExtractRealm()

static auto http_dav_ucp::ExtractRealm ( ResponseHeaders const &  rHeaders,
char const *const  pAuthHeaderName 
) -> ::std::optional<OUString>

Definition at line 536 of file CurlSession.cxx.

References i, ProcessHeaders(), SAL_INFO, and SAL_WARN.

Referenced by http_dav_ucp::CurlProcessor::ProcessRequest().

◆ ExtractRequestedHeaders()

static auto http_dav_ucp::ExtractRequestedHeaders ( ResponseHeaders const &  rHeaders,
::std::pair<::std::vector< OUString > const &, DAVResource & > const *const  pRequestedHeaders 
) -> void

Definition at line 511 of file CurlSession.cxx.

References ProcessHeaders(), and value.

Referenced by http_dav_ucp::CurlProcessor::ProcessRequestImpl().

◆ GetURLComponent()

static ::std::optional< OUString > http_dav_ucp::GetURLComponent ( CURLU &  rURI,
CURLUPart const  what,
CURLUcode const  expected,
unsigned int const  flags = 0 

◆ header_callback()

static size_t http_dav_ucp::header_callback ( char *const  buffer,
size_t const  size,
size_t const  nitems,
void *const  userdata 

Definition at line 387 of file CurlSession.cxx.

References i, SAL_WARN, SC_NONE, and size.

Referenced by http_dav_ucp::CurlSession::CurlSession().

◆ parseWebDAVLockResponse() [1/2]

std::vector< css::ucb::Lock > http_dav_ucp::parseWebDAVLockResponse ( const css::uno::Reference< css::io::XInputStream > &  xInputStream)

◆ parseWebDAVLockResponse() [2/2]

std::vector< ucb::Lock > http_dav_ucp::parseWebDAVLockResponse ( const uno::Reference< io::XInputStream > &  xInputStream)

◆ parseWebDAVPropFindResponse() [1/2]

std::vector< DAVResource > http_dav_ucp::parseWebDAVPropFindResponse ( const css::uno::Reference< css::io::XInputStream > &  xInputStream)

◆ parseWebDAVPropFindResponse() [2/2]

std::vector< DAVResource > http_dav_ucp::parseWebDAVPropFindResponse ( const uno::Reference< io::XInputStream > &  xInputStream)

Definition at line 986 of file webdavresponseparser.cxx.

Referenced by http_dav_ucp::CurlProcessor::PropFind().

◆ parseWebDAVPropNameResponse() [1/2]

std::vector< DAVResourceInfo > http_dav_ucp::parseWebDAVPropNameResponse ( const css::uno::Reference< css::io::XInputStream > &  xInputStream)

◆ parseWebDAVPropNameResponse() [2/2]

std::vector< DAVResourceInfo > http_dav_ucp::parseWebDAVPropNameResponse ( const uno::Reference< io::XInputStream > &  xInputStream)

Definition at line 993 of file webdavresponseparser.cxx.

Referenced by http_dav_ucp::CurlProcessor::PropFind().

◆ ProcessHeaders()

static auto http_dav_ucp::ProcessHeaders ( ::std::vector< OString > const &  rHeaders) -> ::std::map<OUString, OUString>

Definition at line 453 of file CurlSession.cxx.

References line, name, SAL_WARN, and value.

Referenced by ExtractRealm(), and ExtractRequestedHeaders().

◆ read_callback()

static size_t http_dav_ucp::read_callback ( char *const  buffer,
size_t const  size,
size_t const  nitems,
void *const  userdata 

Definition at line 365 of file CurlSession.cxx.

References o3tl::make_unsigned(), SAL_WARN, and size.

Referenced by http_dav_ucp::CurlSession::CurlSession().

◆ TryRemoveExpiredLockToken()

static auto http_dav_ucp::TryRemoveExpiredLockToken ( CurlSession rSession,
CurlUri const &  rURI,
DAVRequestEnvironment const *const  pEnv 
) -> bool

◆ write_callback()

static size_t http_dav_ucp::write_callback ( char *const  ptr,
size_t const  size,
size_t const  nmemb,
void *const  userdata 

Definition at line 331 of file CurlSession.cxx.

References SAL_WARN, and size.

Referenced by http_dav_ucp::CurlSession::CurlSession().

Variable Documentation


const auto http_dav_ucp::DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT = 80

Definition at line 30 of file CurlUri.cxx.

Referenced by ConnectionEndPointString().


const auto http_dav_ucp::DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT = 443

Definition at line 31 of file CurlUri.cxx.

Referenced by ConnectionEndPointString().


constexpr OUStringLiteral http_dav_ucp::HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE = u"application/" HTTP_URL_SCHEME "-content"

Definition at line 56 of file webdavprovider.hxx.


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::SC_ACCEPTED = 202

Definition at line 44 of file DAVException.hxx.


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::SC_BAD_GATEWAY = 502

Definition at line 88 of file DAVException.hxx.

Referenced by http_dav_ucp::DAVResourceAccess::handleException().


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::SC_BAD_REQUEST = 400


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::SC_CONFLICT = 409

Definition at line 71 of file DAVException.hxx.


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::SC_CONTINUE = 100

Definition at line 36 of file DAVException.hxx.


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::SC_CREATED = 201

Definition at line 43 of file DAVException.hxx.


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::SC_EXPECTATION_FAILED = 417

Definition at line 79 of file DAVException.hxx.


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::SC_FAILED_DEPENDENCY = 424

Definition at line 83 of file DAVException.hxx.


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::SC_FORBIDDEN = 403

Definition at line 65 of file DAVException.hxx.

Referenced by http_dav_ucp::Content::getResourceOptions().


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::SC_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT = 504

Definition at line 90 of file DAVException.hxx.

Referenced by http_dav_ucp::DAVResourceAccess::handleException().


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::SC_GONE = 410


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::SC_HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED = 505

Definition at line 91 of file DAVException.hxx.


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::SC_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE = 507

Definition at line 93 of file DAVException.hxx.

Referenced by http_dav_ucp::DAVResourceAccess::handleException().


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR = 500

Definition at line 86 of file DAVException.hxx.

Referenced by http_dav_ucp::Content::getResourceOptions().


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::SC_LENGTH_REQUIRED = 411

Definition at line 73 of file DAVException.hxx.


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::SC_LOCKED = 423

Definition at line 82 of file DAVException.hxx.

Referenced by http_dav_ucp::CurlProcessor::ProcessRequest().


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::SC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED = 405


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::SC_MOVED_PERMANENTLY = 301

Definition at line 54 of file DAVException.hxx.

Referenced by http_dav_ucp::CurlProcessor::ProcessRequestImpl().


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::SC_MOVED_TEMPORARILY = 302

Definition at line 55 of file DAVException.hxx.

Referenced by http_dav_ucp::CurlProcessor::ProcessRequestImpl().


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::SC_MULTIPLE_CHOICES = 300

Definition at line 53 of file DAVException.hxx.


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::SC_MULTISTATUS = 207

Definition at line 50 of file DAVException.hxx.


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::SC_NO_CONTENT = 204

Definition at line 46 of file DAVException.hxx.


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::SC_NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION = 203

Definition at line 45 of file DAVException.hxx.


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::SC_NONE = 0


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::SC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE = 406

Definition at line 68 of file DAVException.hxx.


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::SC_NOT_FOUND = 404


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::SC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 501


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::SC_NOT_MODIFIED = 304

Definition at line 57 of file DAVException.hxx.


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::SC_OK = 200

Definition at line 42 of file DAVException.hxx.


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::SC_PARTIAL_CONTENT = 206

Definition at line 48 of file DAVException.hxx.


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::SC_PAYMENT_REQUIRED = 402

Definition at line 64 of file DAVException.hxx.


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::SC_PRECONDITION_FAILED = 412

Definition at line 74 of file DAVException.hxx.

Referenced by http_dav_ucp::CurlProcessor::ProcessRequest().


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::SC_PROCESSING = 102

Definition at line 39 of file DAVException.hxx.


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::SC_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED = 407

Definition at line 69 of file DAVException.hxx.

Referenced by http_dav_ucp::CurlProcessor::ProcessRequest().


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::SC_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE = 413

Definition at line 75 of file DAVException.hxx.


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::SC_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 408

Definition at line 70 of file DAVException.hxx.

Referenced by http_dav_ucp::CurlProcessor::ProcessRequestImpl().


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::SC_REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG = 414

Definition at line 76 of file DAVException.hxx.


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::SC_REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE = 416

Definition at line 78 of file DAVException.hxx.


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::SC_RESET_CONTENT = 205

Definition at line 47 of file DAVException.hxx.


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::SC_SEE_OTHER = 303

Definition at line 56 of file DAVException.hxx.

Referenced by http_dav_ucp::CurlProcessor::ProcessRequestImpl().


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE = 503

Definition at line 89 of file DAVException.hxx.

Referenced by http_dav_ucp::DAVResourceAccess::handleException().


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::SC_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS = 101

Definition at line 37 of file DAVException.hxx.


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::SC_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT = 307

Definition at line 59 of file DAVException.hxx.

Referenced by http_dav_ucp::CurlProcessor::ProcessRequestImpl().


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::SC_UNAUTHORIZED = 401

Definition at line 63 of file DAVException.hxx.

Referenced by http_dav_ucp::CurlProcessor::ProcessRequest().


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::SC_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY = 422

Definition at line 81 of file DAVException.hxx.


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::SC_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE = 415

Definition at line 77 of file DAVException.hxx.


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::SC_USE_PROXY = 305

Definition at line 58 of file DAVException.hxx.


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::USC_AUTH_FAILED = 910

Definition at line 100 of file DAVException.hxx.

Referenced by http_dav_ucp::Content::getResourceOptions().


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::USC_AUTHPROXY_FAILED = 911

Definition at line 101 of file DAVException.hxx.

Referenced by http_dav_ucp::Content::getResourceOptions().


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::USC_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT = 908

Definition at line 97 of file DAVException.hxx.

Referenced by http_dav_ucp::Content::getResourceOptions().


const sal_uInt16 http_dav_ucp::USC_LOOKUP_FAILED = 909

Definition at line 99 of file DAVException.hxx.

Referenced by http_dav_ucp::Content::getResourceOptions().


constexpr OUStringLiteral http_dav_ucp::WEBDAV_COLLECTION_TYPE = u"application/" VNDSUNSTARWEBDAV_URL_SCHEME "-collection"


constexpr OUStringLiteral http_dav_ucp::WEBDAV_CONTENT_PROVIDER_SERVICE_NAME = u""


constexpr OUStringLiteral http_dav_ucp::WEBDAV_CONTENT_SERVICE_NAME = u""

Definition at line 57 of file webdavcontent.hxx.

Referenced by http_dav_ucp::Content::getSupportedServiceNames().