26#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
36template <
typename T>
using CurlUniquePtr = ::std::unique_ptr<T, deleter_from_fn<T, curl_free>>;
42 ::std::unique_ptr<CURLU, deleter_from_fn<CURLU, curl_url_cleanup>>
61 explicit CurlUri(::std::u16string_view rURI);
80 void SetScheme(::std::u16string_view rScheme);
CurlUri CloneWithRelativeRefPathAbsolute(std::u16string_view rRelativeRef) const
OUString GetPathBaseName() const
OUString GetRelativeReference() const
sal_uInt16 GetPort() const
OUString const & GetPath() const
void SetScheme(::std::u16string_view rScheme)
CurlUri(CurlUri const &rUri)
::std::unique_ptr< CURLU, deleter_from_fn< CURLU, curl_url_cleanup > > m_pUrl
native curl representation of parsed URI
OUString const & GetHost() const
OUString const & GetPassword() const
OUString m_QueryAndFragment
OUString const & GetUser() const
OUString m_URI
duplicate state for quick access to some components
bool operator==(CurlUri const &rOther) const
void operator=(CurlUri const &rOther)
OUString GetPathBaseNameUnescaped() const
OUString const & GetURI() const
CURLU const * GetCURLU() const
void AppendPath(::std::u16string_view rPath)
OUString const & GetScheme() const
OUString DecodeURI(OUString const &rURI)
::std::unique_ptr< T, deleter_from_fn< T, curl_free > > CurlUniquePtr
OUString EncodeSegment(OUString const &rSegment)
OUString ConnectionEndPointString(std::u16string_view rHostName, sal_uInt16 const nPort)
void operator()(T *p) const