LibreOffice Module sw (master) 1
This is the complete list of members for SwWrtShell, including all inherited members.
AcceptRedline(SwRedlineTable::size_type nPos) | SwEditShell | |
AcceptRedlinesInSelection() | SwEditShell | |
ActionCount() const | SwViewShell | inline |
ActionPend() const | SwViewShell | inline |
addCurrentPosition() | SwWrtShell | |
AddLeaveSelect() | SwWrtShell | private |
AddPaintRect(const SwRect &rRect) | SwViewShell | |
AdjustCellWidth(const bool bBalance, const bool bNoShrink) | SwFEShell | |
AdjustOptionsForPagePreview(SwPrintData const &rPrintOptions) | SwViewShell | |
algo typedef | sw::Ring< SwViewShell > | private |
AlignAllFormulasToBaseline() | SwFEShell | |
AlignFormulaToBaseline(const css::uno::Reference< css::embed::XEmbeddedObject > &xObj) | SwFEShell | |
AppendTextNode() | SwEditShell | |
AppendUndoForInsertFromDB(bool bIsTable) | SwEditShell | |
ApplyAccessibilityOptions() | SwViewShell | |
ApplyAdvancedClassification(std::vector< svx::ClassificationResult > const &rResult) | SwEditShell | |
ApplyAutoMark() | SwEditShell | |
ApplyChangedSentence(const svx::SpellPortions &rNewPortions, bool bRecheck) | SwEditShell | |
ApplyParagraphClassification(std::vector< svx::ClassificationResult > aResult) | SwEditShell | |
ApplyViewOptions(const SwViewOption &rOpt) override | SwWrtShell | virtual |
AutoCorrect(SvxAutoCorrect &rACorr, sal_Unicode cChar) | SwWrtShell | |
AutoCorrect(SvxAutoCorrect &rACorr, bool bInsertMode, sal_Unicode cChar) | SwWrtShell | private |
AutoFormat(const SvxSwAutoFormatFlags *pAFlags) | SwEditShell | |
AutoFormatBySplitNode() | SwEditShell | |
AutoUpdateFrame(SwFrameFormat *pFormat, const SfxItemSet &rStyleSet) | SwWrtShell | |
AutoUpdatePara(SwTextFormatColl *pColl, const SfxItemSet &rStyleSet, SwPaM *pPaM=nullptr) | SwWrtShell | |
BalanceRowHeight(bool bTstOnly, const bool bOptimize=false) | SwFEShell | |
bColumnChange() | SwCursorShell | |
BeginCreate(SdrObjKind eSdrObjectKind, const Point &rPos) | SwFEShell | |
BeginCreate(SdrObjKind eSdrObjectKind, SdrInventor eObjInventor, const Point &) | SwFEShell | |
BeginDrag(const Point *, bool bProp) | SwWrtShell | private |
BeginFrameDrag(const Point *, bool bProp) | SwWrtShell | private |
BeginMark(const Point &rPos) | SwFEShell | |
BlockCursorToCursor() | SwCursorShell | |
BOOKMARK_INDEX enum value | SwWrtShell | private |
BOOKMARK_NEXT enum value | SwWrtShell | private |
BOOKMARK_PREV enum value | SwWrtShell | private |
BookMarkMove enum name | SwWrtShell | private |
BreakCreate() | SwFEShell | |
BreakDrag() | SwFEShell | |
BulletOn() | SwWrtShell | |
BwdPara() | SwWrtShell | inline |
BwdPara_() | SwWrtShell | private |
BwdSentence(bool bSelect=false) | SwWrtShell | inline |
BwdSentence_() | SwWrtShell | private |
CalcAndSetScale(svt::EmbeddedObjectRef &xObj, const SwRect *pFlyPrtRect=nullptr, const SwRect *pFlyFrameRect=nullptr, const bool bNoTextFramePrtAreaChanged=false) override | SwWrtShell | virtual |
CalcBoundRect(SwRect &_orRect, const RndStdIds _nAnchorId, const sal_Int16 _eHoriRelOrient=css::text::RelOrientation::FRAME, const sal_Int16 _eVertRelOrient=css::text::RelOrientation::FRAME, const SwFormatAnchor *_pToCharContentPos=nullptr, const bool _bFollowTextFlow=false, bool _bMirror=false, Point *_opRef=nullptr, Size *_opPercent=nullptr, const SwFormatFrameSize *pFormatFrameSize=nullptr) const | SwFEShell | |
CalcLayout() override | SwEditShell | virtual |
CalcPagesForPrint(sal_uInt16 nMax) | SwViewShell | |
Calculate() | SwEditShell | |
CallChgLnk() | SwCursorShell | |
CallCursorFN(FNCursor) | SwCursorShell | private |
CallCursorShellFN(FNCursorShell) | SwCursorShell | private |
CallEvent(SvMacroItemId nEvent, const SwCallMouseEvent &rCallEvent, bool bCheckPtr=false) | SwWrtShell | |
CallSetCursor(const Point *pPt, bool bProp) | SwWrtShell | inline |
CanInsert() | SwWrtShell | |
CanMergeTable(bool bWithPrev=true, bool *pChkNxtPrv=nullptr) const | SwEditShell | |
CanSpecialInsert() const | SwEditShell | |
CanUnProtectCells() const | SwFEShell | |
CareChildWin(SwViewShell const &rVSh) | SwViewShell | static |
Chain(SwFrameFormat &rSource, const Point &rPt) | SwFEShell | |
Chain(SwFrameFormat &rSource, const SwFrameFormat &rDest) | SwFEShell | |
Chainable(SwRect &rRect, const SwFrameFormat &rSource, const Point &rPt) const | SwFEShell | |
ChangeAuthorityData(const SwAuthEntry *pNewData) | SwEditShell | |
ChangeDBFields(const std::vector< OUString > &rOldNames, const OUString &rNewName) | SwEditShell | |
ChangeHeaderOrFooter(std::u16string_view rStyleName, bool bHeader, bool bOn, bool bShowWarning) | SwWrtShell | |
ChangeIndentOfAllListLevels(sal_Int32 nDiff) | SwEditShell | |
ChangeOpaque(SdrLayerID nLayerId) | SwFEShell | private |
CheckHeadline(bool bRepeat) const | SwFEShell | private |
CheckInvalidForPaint(const SwRect &) | SwViewShell | private |
CheckTableBoxContent(const SwPosition *pPos=nullptr) | SwCursorShell | |
CheckUnboundObjects() | SwFEShell | |
ChgAllPageOrientation(Orientation eOri) | SwViewShell | |
ChgAllPageSize(Size const &rSz) | SwViewShell | |
ChgAnchor(RndStdIds eAnchorId, bool bSameOnly=false, bool bPosCorr=true) | SwFEShell | |
ChgCurPageDesc(const SwPageDesc &) | SwFEShell | |
ChgDBData(const SwDBData &SwDBData) | SwWrtShell | |
ChgHyphenation() | SwViewShell | inline |
ChgNumberDigits() | SwViewShell | |
ChgNumRuleFormats(const SwNumRule &rRule) | SwEditShell | |
ChgPageDesc(size_t i, const SwPageDesc &) | SwFEShell | |
CHKRANGE enum value | SwCursorShell | |
ClassifyDocPerHighestParagraphClass() | SwEditShell | |
ClearAutomaticContour() | SwEditShell | |
ClearColumnRowCache(SwTabFrame const *) | SwFEShell | |
ClearGCAttr() | SwCursorShell | inline |
ClearMark() | SwCursorShell | |
ClearTableBoxContent() | SwCursorShell | |
ClearUpCursors() | SwCursorShell | |
ClickToField(const SwField &rField, bool bExecHyperlinks) | SwWrtShell | |
ClickToINetAttr(const SwFormatINetFormat &rItem, LoadUrlFlags nFilter=LoadUrlFlags::NONE) | SwWrtShell | |
ClickToINetGrf(const Point &rDocPt, LoadUrlFlags nFilter) | SwWrtShell | |
CloseMark(bool bOkFlag) | SwWrtShell | inlineprivate |
CollectAdvancedClassification() | SwEditShell | |
CollectParagraphClassification() | SwEditShell | |
Combine() | SwCursorShell | |
CompareCursorStackMkCurrPt() const | SwCursorShell | protected |
CompareDoc(const SwDoc &rDoc) | SwEditShell | |
ConnectObj(svt::EmbeddedObjectRef &xIPObj, const SwRect &rPrt, const SwRect &rFrame) override | SwWrtShell | virtual |
const_ring_container typedef | sw::Ring< SwViewShell > | |
const_ring_container | sw::Ring< SwViewShell > | private |
const_value_type typedef | sw::Ring< SwViewShell > | |
ConvertFieldsToText() | SwEditShell | |
Copy(SwDoc &rClpDoc, const OUString *pNewClpText=nullptr) | SwFEShell | |
Copy(SwFEShell &, const Point &rSttPt, const Point &rInsPt, bool bIsMove=false, bool bSelectInsert=true) | SwFEShell | |
Copy(SwEditShell &rDestShell) | SwFEShell | private |
CopyDrawSel(SwFEShell &rDestShell, const Point &rSttPt, const Point &rInsPt, bool bIsMove, bool bSelectInsert) | SwFEShell | private |
CopySelToDoc(SwDoc &rInsDoc) | SwEditShell | |
CountWords(SwDocStat &rStat) const | SwEditShell | |
CreateAccessible() | SwViewShell | |
CreateAccessiblePreview() | SwViewShell | |
CreateCursor() | SwCursorShell | |
CreateDefaultShape(SdrObjKind eSdrObjectKind, const tools::Rectangle &rRect, sal_uInt16 nSlotId) | SwFEShell | |
CreateExtTextInput(LanguageType eInputLanguage) | SwEditShell | |
CreateNewShellCursor() override | SwCursorShell | virtual |
CursorFlag enum name | SwCursorShell | |
CursorInsideContentControl() const | SwCursorShell | |
CursorInsideInputField() const | SwCursorShell | |
CursorsLocked() const | SwEditShell | |
CursorToBlockCursor() | SwCursorShell | |
DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK(ExecFlyMac, const SwFlyFrameFormat *, void) | SwWrtShell | |
DefaultDrag(const Point *, bool bProp) | SwWrtShell | private |
DefaultEndDrag(const Point *, bool bProp) | SwWrtShell | private |
DelAllUndoObj() | SwEditShell | |
Delete(bool isArtificialSelection=false) | SwEditShell | |
DeleteCol() | SwFEShell | |
DeleteExtTextInput(bool bInsText=true) | SwEditShell | |
DeleteGlobalDocContent(const SwGlblDocContents &rArr, size_t nPos) | SwEditShell | |
DeleteReplacementBitmaps() | SwViewShell | |
DeleteRow(bool bCompleteTable=false) | SwFEShell | |
DeleteSel(SwPaM &rPam, bool isArtificialSelection, bool *pUndo=nullptr) | SwEditShell | private |
DeleteTable() | SwFEShell | |
DeleteTableSel() | SwFEShell | |
DeleteTOX(const SwTOXBase &rTOXBase, bool bDelNodes) | SwEditShell | |
DeleteTOXMark(SwTOXMark const *pMark) | SwEditShell | |
DelFullPara() | SwEditShell | |
DelINetAttrWithText() | SwEditShell | |
DelLeft() | SwWrtShell | |
DelLine() | SwWrtShell | |
DelNumRules() | SwEditShell | |
DelNxtWord() | SwWrtShell | |
DelPrvWord() | SwWrtShell | |
DelRight(bool isReplaceHeuristic=false) | SwWrtShell | |
DelSectionFormat(size_t nFormat) | SwEditShell | |
DelSelectedObj() | SwFEShell | |
DelToEndOfLine() | SwWrtShell | |
DelToEndOfPara() | SwWrtShell | |
DelToEndOfSentence() | SwWrtShell | |
DelToStartOfLine() | SwWrtShell | |
DelToStartOfPara() | SwWrtShell | |
DelToStartOfSentence() | SwWrtShell | |
DestroyCursor() | SwCursorShell | |
DLPostPaint2(bool bPaintFormLayer) | SwViewShell | |
DLPrePaint2(const vcl::Region &rRegion) | SwViewShell | |
Do(DoType eDoType, sal_uInt16 nCnt=1, sal_uInt16 nOffset=0) | SwWrtShell | |
DocPtInsideInputField(const Point &rDocPt) const | SwCursorShell | |
DoesGroupUndo() const | SwEditShell | |
DoesUndo() const | SwEditShell | |
DoGroupUndo(bool bUn) | SwEditShell | |
DontExpandFormat() | SwEditShell | |
DoSpecialInsert() | SwEditShell | |
DoType enum name | SwWrtShell | |
DoUndo(bool bOn=true) | SwEditShell | |
Down(bool bSelect, sal_uInt16 nCount=1, bool bBasicCall=false) | SwWrtShell | |
Down(sal_uInt16 nCnt=1) | SwWrtShell | inlineprivate |
Drag(const Point *pPt, bool bProp) | SwWrtShell | inline |
DrawSelChanged() override | SwWrtShell | virtual |
dumpAsXml(xmlTextWriterPtr pWriter) const override | SwCursorShell | virtual |
Edit() | SwWrtShell | |
EnableSmooth(bool b) | SwViewShell | inline |
EndAction(const bool bIdleEnd=false) | SwCursorShell | |
EndAllAction() | SwEditShell | |
EndAllActionAndCall() | SwFEShell | private |
EndAllTableBoxEdit() | SwCursorShell | |
EndCreate(SdrCreateCmd eSdrCreateCmd) | SwFEShell | |
EndCursorMove(const bool bIdleEnd=false) | SwCursorShell | |
EndDrag(const Point *pPt, bool bProp) | SwWrtShell | inline |
SwFEShell::EndDrag() | SwFEShell | |
EndMark() | SwFEShell | |
EndNxtPg(bool bSelect=false) | SwWrtShell | |
EndOfColumn() | SwWrtShell | |
EndOfInputFieldAtPos(const SwPosition &rPos) | SwCursorShell | static |
EndOfNextColumn() | SwWrtShell | |
EndOfPrevColumn() | SwWrtShell | |
EndOfSection(bool bSelect=false) | SwWrtShell | |
EndPara(bool bSelect=false) | SwWrtShell | |
EndPg(bool bSelect=false) | SwWrtShell | |
EndPrvPg(bool bSelect=false) | SwWrtShell | |
EndSelect() | SwWrtShell | |
EndSelTableCells() | SwWrtShell | inline |
EndTextEdit() | SwFEShell | |
EndUndo(SwUndoId eUndoId=SwUndoId::EMPTY, const SwRewriter *pRewriter=nullptr) | SwEditShell | |
EndWrd() | SwWrtShell | private |
EnterAddMode() | SwWrtShell | |
EnterBlockMode() | SwWrtShell | |
EnterExtMode() | SwWrtShell | |
EnterSelFrameMode(const Point *pStartDrag=nullptr) | SwWrtShell | |
EnterStdMode() | SwWrtShell | |
ExecMacro(const SvxMacro &rMacro, OUString *pRet=nullptr, SbxArray *pArgs=nullptr) | SwWrtShell | |
ExpandToSentenceBorders() | SwCursorShell | |
ExtendedSelectAll(bool bFootnotes=true) | SwCursorShell | |
ExtendedSelectedAll() const | SwCursorShell | |
ExtendSelection(bool bEnd=true, sal_Int32 nCount=1) | SwCursorShell | |
ExtSelLn(const Point *, bool bProp) | SwWrtShell | private |
ExtSelWrd(const Point *, bool bProp) | SwWrtShell | private |
FieldDialogPressedButton enum name | SwWrtShell | |
FieldToText(SwFieldType const *pType) | SwEditShell | |
FillByEx(SwCharFormat *) | SwEditShell | |
FillByEx(SwTextFormatColl *) | SwEditShell | |
FillPrtDoc(SwDoc &rPrtDoc, const SfxPrinter *pPrt) | SwViewShell | |
Find_Text(const i18nutil::SearchOptions2 &rSearchOpt, bool bSearchInNotes, SwDocPositions eStart, SwDocPositions eEnd, bool &bCancel, FindRanges eRng, bool bReplace=false) | SwCursorShell | |
FindAnchorPos(const Point &rAbsPos, bool bMoveIt=false) | SwFEShell | |
FindAttrs(const SfxItemSet &rSet, bool bNoCollections, SwDocPositions eStart, SwDocPositions eEnd, bool &bCancel, FindRanges eRng, const i18nutil::SearchOptions2 *pSearchOpt, const SfxItemSet *rReplSet) | SwCursorShell | |
FindCharFormatByName(const OUString &rName) const | SwEditShell | |
FindFlyByName(const OUString &rName) const | SwEditShell | |
FindFlyFrame(const css::uno::Reference< css::embed::XEmbeddedObject > &) const | SwFEShell | private |
FindFormat(const SwTextFormatColl &rFormatColl, SwDocPositions eStart, SwDocPositions eEnd, bool &bCancel, FindRanges eRng, const SwTextFormatColl *pReplFormat) | SwCursorShell | |
FindINetAttr(std::u16string_view rName) const | SwCursorShell | |
FindPageDescByName(const OUString &rName, bool bGetFromPool=false, size_t *pPos=nullptr) | SwFEShell | |
FindRedlineOfData(const SwRedlineData &) const | SwEditShell | |
FindTextFormatCollByName(const OUString &rName) const | SwEditShell | |
FindValidContentNode(bool bOnlyText) | SwCursorShell | |
FinishOLEObj() | SwFEShell | |
FireColumnChangeEvent(sal_uInt16 nOldColumn, sal_uInt16 nNewColumn) | SwCursorShell | static |
FirePageChangeEvent(sal_uInt16 nOldPage, sal_uInt16 nNewPage) | SwCursorShell | static |
FireSectionChangeEvent(sal_uInt16 nOldSection, sal_uInt16 nNewSection) | SwCursorShell | static |
FlushPendingLOKInvalidateTiles() | SwViewShell | |
FNCursor typedef | SwCursorShell | private |
FNCursorShell typedef | SwCursorShell | private |
FNSimpleMove typedef | SwWrtShell | |
FwdPara() | SwWrtShell | inline |
FwdPara_() | SwWrtShell | private |
FwdSentence(bool bSelect=false) | SwWrtShell | inline |
FwdSentence_() | SwWrtShell | private |
GCAttr() | SwEditShell | |
GetAccessibilityOptions() const | SwViewShell | inline |
GetAccessibleMap() | SwViewShell | |
GetAllUsedDB(std::vector< OUString > &rDBNameList, std::vector< OUString > const *pAllDBNames) | SwEditShell | |
GetAnchorId() const | SwFEShell | |
GetAnchorObjDiff() const | SwFEShell | |
GetAnyCurRect(CurRectType eType, const Point *pPt=nullptr, const css::uno::Reference< css::embed::XEmbeddedObject > &=css::uno::Reference< css::embed::XEmbeddedObject >()) const | SwFEShell | |
GetAnySection(bool bOutOfTab=false, const Point *pPt=nullptr) | SwEditShell | |
GetAttrOutlineContentVisible(const size_t nPos) const | SwWrtShell | |
GetAttrPool() const | SwViewShell | inline |
GetAttrPool() | SwViewShell | |
GetAutoCompleteWords() | SwEditShell | static |
GetAutoFormatFlags() | SwEditShell | static |
GetAutoSum(OUString &rFormula) const | SwFEShell | |
GetBestObject(bool bNext, GotoObjFlags eType, bool bFlat=true, const svx::ISdrObjectFilter *pFilter=nullptr, bool *pbWrapped=nullptr) | SwFEShell | |
GetBox(const Point &rPt, bool *pbRow=nullptr, bool *pbCol=nullptr) const | SwFEShell | private |
GetBoxAlign() const | SwFEShell | |
GetBoxBackground(std::unique_ptr< SvxBrushItem > &rToFill) const | SwFEShell | |
GetBoxDirection(std::unique_ptr< SvxFrameDirectionItem > &rToFill) const | SwFEShell | |
GetBoxNms() const | SwCursorShell | |
GetBrowseBorder() const | SwViewShell | |
GetBrowseWidth() const | SwViewShell | |
GetCareDialog(SwViewShell const &rVSh) | SwViewShell | inlinestatic |
GetChar(bool bEnd=true, tools::Long nOffset=0) | SwCursorShell | |
GetCharFormat(sal_uInt16 nFormat) const | SwEditShell | |
GetCharFormatCount() const | SwEditShell | |
GetCharFormatFromPool(sal_uInt16 nId) | SwEditShell | inline |
GetCharRect() const | SwCursorShell | inline |
GetCharRectAt(SwRect &rRect, const SwPosition *pPos) | SwCursorShell | |
GetCharStyle(const OUString &rFormatName, GetStyle eCreate=GETSTYLE_NOCREATE) | SwWrtShell | |
GetChgLnk() const | SwCursorShell | inline |
GetChunkForAutoText() | SwEditShell | |
GetCntType() const | SwEditShell | |
GetConnectableFrameFormats(SwFrameFormat &rFormat, const OUString &rReference, bool bSuccessors, std::vector< OUString > &aPrevPageVec, std::vector< OUString > &aThisPageVec, std::vector< OUString > &aNextPageVec, std::vector< OUString > &aRestVec) | SwFEShell | |
GetContentAtPos(const Point &rPt, SwContentAtPos &rContentAtPos, bool bSetCursor=false, SwRect *pFieldRect=nullptr) | SwCursorShell | |
GetContentPos(const Point &rPoint, bool bNext) const | SwFEShell | |
GetCorrection(const Point *pPt, SwRect &rSelectRect) | SwEditShell | |
GetCurAttr(SfxItemSet &, const bool bMergeIndentValuesOfNumRule=false) const | SwEditShell | |
GetCurCharFormat() const | SwEditShell | |
GetCurColNum(SwGetCurColNumPara *pPara=nullptr) const | SwFEShell | |
GetCurColNum_(const SwFrame *pFrame, SwGetCurColNumPara *pPara) | SwFEShell | privatestatic |
GetCurField(const bool bIncludeInputFieldAtStart=false) const | SwCursorShell | |
GetCurFootnote(SwFormatFootnote *pToFillFootnote=nullptr) | SwEditShell | |
GetCurLang() const | SwEditShell | |
GetCurMouseColNum(const Point &rPt) const | SwFEShell | |
GetCurMouseTabColNum(const Point &rPt) const | SwFEShell | |
GetCurOutColNum() const | SwFEShell | |
GetCurPageDesc(const bool bCalcFrame=true) const | SwFEShell | |
GetCurPageStyle() const | SwWrtShell | |
GetCurParAttr(SfxItemSet &rSet) const | SwEditShell | |
GetCurrentFieldmark() | SwCursorShell | |
GetCurrentOutlineLevels(sal_uInt8 &rUpper, sal_uInt8 &rLower) | SwEditShell | |
GetCurrentParaOutlineLevel() const | SwEditShell | |
GetCurrentShellCursor() override | SwCursorShell | virtual |
GetCurrFlyFrame(const bool bCalcFrame=true) const | SwFEShell | |
GetCurrFrame(const bool bCalcFrame=true) const | SwCursorShell | |
GetCurrRedline() const | SwEditShell | |
GetCurrSection() const | SwEditShell | |
GetCursor(bool bMakeTableCursor=true) const | SwCursorShell | |
GetCursor_() | SwCursorShell | inline |
GetCursor_() const | SwCursorShell | inline |
GetCursorCnt(bool bAll=true) const | SwCursorShell | |
GetCursorDescr() const | SwCursorShell | |
GetCursorDocPos() const | SwCursorShell | inline |
GetCursorPagePos() const | SwCursorShell | |
GetCurTabColNum() const | SwFEShell | |
GetCurTextFormatColl() const | SwEditShell | |
GetCurTOX() const | SwEditShell | |
GetCurTOXMarks(SwTOXMarks &rMarks) const | SwEditShell | |
GetCurWord() const | SwEditShell | |
GetDBData() const | SwEditShell | |
GetDBManager() const | SwEditShell | |
GetDefault(sal_uInt16 nFormatHint) const | SwEditShell | |
GetDefault(TypedWhichId< T > nWhich) const | SwEditShell | inline |
GetDefaultTOXBase(TOXTypes eTyp, bool bCreate=false) | SwEditShell | |
GetDfltTextFormatColl() const | SwEditShell | |
GetDoc() const | SwViewShell | inline |
GetDocSize() const | SwViewShell | |
GetDoString(DoType eDoType) const | SwWrtShell | |
GetDoStrings(DoType eDoType, SfxStringListItem &rStrLstItem) const | SwWrtShell | |
GetDragMode() const | SwFEShell | |
GetDrawObjGraphic(SotClipboardFormatId nFormat, Graphic &rGrf) const | SwFEShell | |
GetDrawView() | SwViewShell | |
GetDrawView() const | SwViewShell | inline |
GetDrawViewWithValidMarkList() | SwViewShell | |
GetDropText(const sal_Int32 nChars) const | SwEditShell | |
GetEndNoteInfo() const | SwEditShell | |
GetEnhancedTableSelection() const | SwCursorShell | inline |
GetFieldAtCursor(const SwPaM *pCursor, const bool bIncludeInputFieldAtStart) | SwCursorShell | static |
GetFieldmarkAfter(bool bLoop) | SwCursorShell | |
GetFieldmarkBefore(bool bLoop) | SwCursorShell | |
GetFieldType(size_t nField, SwFieldIds nResId=SwFieldIds::Unknown) const | SwEditShell | |
GetFieldType(SwFieldIds nResId, const OUString &rName) const | SwEditShell | |
GetFieldTypeCount(SwFieldIds nResId=SwFieldIds::Unknown) const | SwEditShell | |
GetFieldUpdateFlags() const | SwEditShell | |
GetFirstLastVisPageNumbers(SwVisiblePageNumbers &rVisiblePageNumbers) | SwViewShell | |
GetFirstRedoInfo(OUString *const o_pStr, SwUndoId *const o_pId, const SwView *pView=nullptr) const | SwEditShell | |
GetFlyCount(FlyCntType eType, bool bIgnoreTextBoxes=false) const | SwFEShell | |
GetFlyFrameAttr(SfxItemSet &rSet) const | SwFEShell | |
GetFlyFrameFormat() const | SwFEShell | |
GetFlyFrameFormat() | SwFEShell | |
GetFlyFrameFormats(FlyCntType eType, bool bIgnoreTextBoxes) | SwFEShell | |
GetFlyMacroLnk() const | SwCursorShell | inline |
GetFlyName() const | SwFEShell | |
GetFlyNum(size_t nIdx, FlyCntType eType, bool bIgnoreTextBoxes=false) const | SwFEShell | |
GetFlyRect() const | SwFEShell | |
GetFootnoteInfo() const | SwEditShell | |
GetFormatFromAnyObj(const Point &rPt) const | SwFEShell | |
GetFormatFromObj(const Point &rPt, SwRect **pRectToFill=nullptr) const | SwFEShell | |
GetFormatFromPool(sal_uInt16 nId) | SwEditShell | |
GetFrameFormatFromPool(sal_uInt16 nId) | SwEditShell | inline |
GetFrameType(const Point *pPt, bool bStopAtFly) const | SwFEShell | |
GetFullSelectedSectionCount() const | SwEditShell | |
GetGlobalDocContent(SwGlblDocContents &rArr) const | SwEditShell | |
GetGrammarCorrection(css::linguistic2::ProofreadingResult &rResult, sal_Int32 &rErrorPosInText, sal_Int32 &rErrorIndexInResult, css::uno::Sequence< OUString > &rSuggestions, const Point *pPt, SwRect &rSelectRect) | SwEditShell | |
GetGraphic(bool bWait=true) const | SwEditShell | |
GetGraphicAttr(GraphicAttr &rGA) const | SwEditShell | |
GetGraphicDefaultSize() const | SwFEShell | |
GetGraphicObj() const | SwEditShell | |
GetGraphicPolygon() const | SwEditShell | |
GetGraphicType() const | SwEditShell | |
GetGrfArrivedLnk() const | SwCursorShell | inline |
GetGrfAtPos(const Point &rDocPos, OUString &rName, bool &rbLink) const | SwFEShell | |
GetGrfNms(OUString *pGrfName, OUString *pFltName, const SwFlyFrameFormat *=nullptr) const | SwEditShell | |
GetGrfNode_() const | SwEditShell | private |
GetGrfSize(Size &) const | SwEditShell | |
getIDocumentContentOperations() | SwViewShell | |
getIDocumentDeviceAccess() const | SwViewShell | |
getIDocumentDeviceAccess() | SwViewShell | |
getIDocumentDrawModelAccess() const | SwViewShell | |
getIDocumentDrawModelAccess() | SwViewShell | |
getIDocumentLayoutAccess() const | SwViewShell | |
getIDocumentLayoutAccess() | SwViewShell | |
getIDocumentListItemsAccess() const | SwViewShell | |
getIDocumentMarkAccess() const | SwViewShell | |
getIDocumentMarkAccess() | SwViewShell | |
getIDocumentOutlineNodesAccess() const | SwViewShell | |
getIDocumentRedlineAccess() const | SwViewShell | |
getIDocumentRedlineAccess() | SwViewShell | |
getIDocumentSettingAccess() const | SwViewShell | |
getIDocumentSettingAccess() | SwViewShell | |
getIDocumentStatistics() const | SwViewShell | |
getIDocumentStylePoolAccess() | SwViewShell | |
GetIDocumentUndoRedo() const | SwViewShell | |
GetIDocumentUndoRedo() | SwViewShell | |
GetIMapGraphic() const | SwEditShell | |
GetIMapInventor() const | SwEditShell | |
GetINetAttrs(SwGetINetAttrs &rArr, bool bIncludeInToxContent=true) | SwEditShell | |
GetItemWithPaM(sal_uInt16 nWhich) | SwEditShell | |
GetLastUndoInfo(OUString *const o_pStr, SwUndoId *const o_pId, const SwView *pView=nullptr) const | SwEditShell | |
GetLayerId() const | SwFEShell | |
GetLayout() const | SwViewShell | |
GetLineCount() | SwEditShell | |
GetLineNumberInfo() const | SwEditShell | |
GetLinkManager() | SwEditShell | |
GetLinkManager() const | SwEditShell | inline |
GetLinkUpdMode() const | SwEditShell | |
getLOKPayload(int nType, int nViewId) const | SwWrtShell | |
getLOKVisibleArea() const | SwViewShell | inline |
GetMarkList() const | SwFEShell | inline |
GetMarkList_() const | SwFEShell | private |
GetMousePageDesc(const Point &rPt) const | SwFEShell | |
GetMouseTabCols(SwTabCols &rToFill, const Point &rPt) const | SwFEShell | |
GetMouseTabRows(SwTabCols &rToFill, const Point &rPt) const | SwFEShell | |
GetNavigationMgr() | SwWrtShell | inline |
GetNextInRing() | sw::Ring< SwViewShell > | inlineprotected |
GetNextInRing() const | sw::Ring< SwViewShell > | inlineprotected |
GetNextPrevPageNum(bool bNext=true) | SwCursorShell | |
GetNodeNumStart(SwPaM *pPaM) const | SwEditShell | |
GetNodes() const | SwViewShell | |
GetNumberFormatter() | SwEditShell | |
GetNumberFormatter() const | SwEditShell | inline |
GetNumLevel() const | SwEditShell | |
GetNumPages() const | SwViewShell | |
GetNumRuleAtCurrCursorPos() const | SwEditShell | |
GetNumRuleAtCurrentSelection() const | SwEditShell | |
GetNumRuleNodeAtPos(const Point &rPot) | SwFEShell | |
GetObjAbsPos() const | SwFEShell | |
GetObjAt(const Point &rPt) | SwFEShell | |
GetObjAttr(SfxItemSet &rSet) const | SwFEShell | |
GetObjCntType(const SdrObject &rObj) | SwFEShell | static |
GetObjCntType(const Point &rPt, SdrObject *&rpObj) const | SwFEShell | |
GetObjCntTypeOfSelection() const | SwFEShell | |
GetObjDescription() const | SwFEShell | |
GetObjRect() const | SwFEShell | |
GetObjSize() const | SwFEShell | |
GetObjTitle() const | SwFEShell | |
GetOLEObject() const | SwEditShell | |
GetOleRef() const | SwFEShell | |
GetOut() const | SwViewShell | inline |
GetOutlineNumRule() const | SwEditShell | |
GetOutlinePos(sal_uInt8 nLevel=UCHAR_MAX, SwPaM *pPaM=nullptr) | SwCursorShell | |
GetPageCnt() | SwCursorShell | |
GetPageCount() const | SwViewShell | |
GetPageDesc(size_t i) const | SwFEShell | |
GetPageDescCnt() const | SwFEShell | |
GetPageDescFromPool(sal_uInt16 nId) | SwEditShell | |
GetPageNum(sal_uInt16 &rnPhyNum, sal_uInt16 &rnVirtNum, bool bAtCursorPos=true, const bool bCalcFrame=true) | SwCursorShell | |
GetPageNumAndSetOffsetForPDF(OutputDevice &rOut, const SwRect &rRect) const | SwViewShell | |
GetPageNumber(const Point &rPoint) const | SwFEShell | |
GetPageNumber(tools::Long nYPos, bool bAtCursorPos, sal_uInt16 &rPhyNum, sal_uInt16 &rVirtNum, OUString &rDisplay) const | SwFEShell | |
GetPageNumSeqNonEmpty() | SwCursorShell | |
GetPageObjs(std::vector< SwFrameFormat * > &rFillArr) | SwFEShell | |
GetPageOffset() const | SwFEShell | |
GetPagePos(sal_uInt16 nPageNum) const | SwViewShell | |
getPageRectangles() | SwCursorShell | |
GetPageSize(sal_uInt16 nPageNum, bool bSkipEmptyPages) const | SwViewShell | |
GetPaMAttr(SwPaM *pPaM, SfxItemSet &, const bool bMergeIndentValuesOfNumRule=false) const | SwEditShell | |
GetPaMParAttr(SwPaM *pPaM, SfxItemSet &rSet) const | SwEditShell | |
GetPaMTextFormatColl(SwPaM *pPaM) const | SwEditShell | |
GetParaStyle(const OUString &rCollName, GetStyle eCreate=GETSTYLE_NOCREATE) | SwWrtShell | |
GetPasteListeners() | SwFEShell | |
GetPhyPageNum() const | SwFEShell | |
GetPostItFieldAtCursor() const | SwCursorShell | |
GetPostItMgr() const | SwViewShell | inline |
GetPostItMgr() | SwViewShell | |
getPrePostMapMode() const | SwViewShell | inline |
GetPrevAutoCorrWord(SvxAutoCorrect &rACorr) | SwEditShell | |
GetPrevInRing() | sw::Ring< SwViewShell > | inlineprotected |
GetPrevInRing() const | sw::Ring< SwViewShell > | inlineprotected |
GetRedline(SwRedlineTable::size_type nPos) const | SwEditShell | |
GetRedlineCount() const | SwEditShell | |
GetRedlineFlags() const | SwEditShell | |
GetRefDev() const | SwViewShell | |
GetRefMark(std::u16string_view rName) const | SwEditShell | |
GetRefMarks(std::vector< OUString > *=nullptr) const | SwEditShell | |
GetRelativePagePosition(const Point &rDocPos) | SwFEShell | |
GetRepeatInfo(OUString *const o_pStr) const | SwEditShell | |
GetRepeatString() const | SwWrtShell | |
GetReplacementBitmap(bool bIsErrorState) | SwViewShell | |
GetRestoreActions() const | SwViewShell | |
GetRingContainer() | sw::Ring< SwViewShell > | inline |
GetRingContainer() const | sw::Ring< SwViewShell > | inline |
GetRowBackground(std::unique_ptr< SvxBrushItem > &rToFill) const | SwFEShell | |
GetRowHeight() const | SwFEShell | |
GetRowSelectionFromTop() const | SwFEShell | |
GetRowSplit() const | SwFEShell | |
GetRowsToRepeat() const | SwFEShell | |
GetScalingOfSelectedText() const | SwEditShell | |
GetScriptType() const | SwEditShell | |
GetSectionFormat(size_t nFormat) const | SwEditShell | |
GetSectionFormatCount() const | SwEditShell | |
GetSectionFormatPos(const SwSectionFormat &) const | SwEditShell | |
GetSectionWidth(SwFormat const &rFormat) const | SwFEShell | |
GetSelDescr() const | SwWrtShell | |
GetSelectedFlyFrame() const | SwFEShell | |
GetSelectedFrameFormat() const | SwFEShell | |
GetSelectedOrCurrFlyFrame() const | SwFEShell | |
GetSelectedPageDescs() const | SwFEShell | |
GetSelectedText(OUString &rBuf, ParaBreakType nHndlParaBreak=ParaBreakType::ToBlank) | SwEditShell | |
GetSelectionType() const | SwWrtShell | |
GetSelFrameType() const | SwFEShell | |
GetSelText() const | SwCursorShell | |
GetSeqFootnoteList(SwSeqFieldList &rList, bool bEndNotes=false) | SwEditShell | |
GetSfxViewShell() const | SwViewShell | inline |
GetShadowCursorPos(const Point &rPt, SwFillMode eFillMode, SwRect &rRect, sal_Int16 &rOrient) | SwCursorShell | |
GetShapeBackground() const | SwFEShell | |
getShellCursor(bool bBlock) | SwCursorShell | |
getShellCursor(bool bBlock) const | SwCursorShell | inline |
GetShellRes() | SwViewShell | static |
GetSmartTagRect(const Point &rPt, SwRect &rSelectRect) | SwCursorShell | |
GetSmartTagTerm(std::vector< OUString > &rSmartTagTypes, css::uno::Sequence< css::uno::Reference< css::container::XStringKeyMap > > &rStringKeyMaps, css::uno::Reference< css::text::XTextRange > &rRange) const | SwCursorShell | |
GetStackCursor() const | SwCursorShell | inline |
GetStyle enum name | SwWrtShell | |
GETSTYLE_CREATEANY enum value | SwWrtShell | |
GETSTYLE_CREATESOME enum value | SwWrtShell | |
GETSTYLE_NOCREATE enum value | SwWrtShell | |
GetTabBackground(std::unique_ptr< SvxBrushItem > &rToFill) const | SwFEShell | |
GetTabBorders(SfxItemSet &rSet) const | SwFEShell | |
GetTabCols(SwTabCols &rToFill) const | SwFEShell | |
GetTabCols_(SwTabCols &rToFill, const SwFrame *pBox) const | SwFEShell | private |
GetTableAttr(SfxItemSet &) const | SwFEShell | |
GetTableAutoFormat(SwTableAutoFormat &rGet) | SwFEShell | |
GetTableBoxFormulaAttrs(SfxItemSet &rSet) const | SwEditShell | |
GetTableBoxText() const | SwEditShell | |
GetTableChgMode() const | SwEditShell | |
GetTableCopied() const | SwFEShell | inline |
GetTableCrs() const | SwCursorShell | inline |
GetTableCrs() | SwCursorShell | inline |
GetTableCursor() const | SwCursorShell | inline |
GetTableCursor() | SwCursorShell | inline |
GetTableFormat() | SwEditShell | |
GetTableFrameFormat(size_t nFormat, bool bUsed=false) const | SwEditShell | |
GetTableFrameFormatCount(bool bUsed=false) const | SwEditShell | |
GetTableInsertMode() const | SwFEShell | inline |
GetTableStyle(std::u16string_view rFormatName) | SwWrtShell | |
GetTabRows(SwTabCols &rToFill) const | SwFEShell | |
GetTabRows_(SwTabCols &rToFill, const SwFrame *pBox) const | SwFEShell | private |
GetTextCollFromPool(sal_uInt16 nId) | SwEditShell | |
GetTextDirection(const Point *pPt=nullptr) const | SwCursorShell | |
GetTextFieldAtCursor(const SwPaM *pCursor, ::sw::GetTextAttrMode eMode) | SwCursorShell | static |
GetTextFieldAtPos(const SwPosition *pPos, ::sw::GetTextAttrMode eMode) | SwCursorShell | static |
GetTextFormatColl(sal_uInt16 nTextFormatColl) const | SwEditShell | |
GetTextFormatCollCount() const | SwEditShell | |
GetTOIAutoMarkURL() const | SwEditShell | |
GetTOIKeys(SwTOIKeyType eTyp, std::vector< OUString > &rArr) const | SwEditShell | |
GetTOX(sal_uInt16 nPos) const | SwEditShell | |
GetTOXCount() const | SwEditShell | |
GetTOXType(TOXTypes eTyp, sal_uInt16 nId) const | SwEditShell | |
GetTOXTypeCount(TOXTypes eTyp) const | SwEditShell | |
GetUniqueFrameName() const | SwFEShell | |
GetUniqueGrfName() const | SwFEShell | |
GetUniqueNumRuleName() const | SwEditShell | |
GetUniqueOLEName() const | SwFEShell | |
GetUniqueSectionName(const OUString *pChkStr=nullptr) const | SwEditShell | |
GetUniqueTableName() const | SwEditShell | |
GetUpdatedDocStat() | SwEditShell | |
GetUpDownX() const | SwCursorShell | inline |
GetURLFromButton(OUString &rURL, OUString &rDescr) const | SwWrtShell | |
GetView() const | SwWrtShell | inline |
GetView() | SwWrtShell | inline |
GetViewOptions() const | SwViewShell | inline |
GetVirtPageNum() const | SwFEShell | |
GetVisibleCursor() const | SwCursorShell | |
GetWatermark() const | SwEditShell | |
GetWin() const | SwViewShell | inline |
GoEnd(bool KeepArea=false, const bool *=nullptr) | SwWrtShell | private |
GoEndSentence() | SwCursorShell | |
GoEndSentenceImpl() | SwCursorShell | private |
GoEndWord() | SwCursorShell | |
GoEndWordImpl() | SwCursorShell | private |
GoNextBookmark() | SwWrtShell | |
GoNextCell(bool bAppendLine=true) | SwCursorShell | |
GoNextCursor() | SwCursorShell | |
GoNextPrevCursorSetSearchLabel(const bool bNext) | SwCursorShell | |
GoNextSentence() | SwCursorShell | |
GoNextSentenceImpl() | SwCursorShell | private |
GoNextWord() | SwCursorShell | |
GoNextWordImpl() | SwCursorShell | private |
GoPrevBookmark() | SwWrtShell | |
GoPrevCell() | SwCursorShell | |
GoPrevCursor() | SwCursorShell | |
GoPrevWord() | SwCursorShell | |
GoPrevWordImpl() | SwCursorShell | private |
GoStart(bool KeepArea, bool *, bool bSelect, bool bDontMoveRegion=false) | SwWrtShell | private |
GoStartSentence() | SwCursorShell | |
GoStartSentenceImpl() | SwCursorShell | private |
GoStartWord() | SwCursorShell | |
GoStartWordImpl() | SwCursorShell | private |
GotoContentControl(const SwFormatContentControl &rContentControl, bool bOnlyRefresh=false) | SwWrtShell | |
GotoDrawingObject(std::u16string_view rName) | SwWrtShell | |
GotoField(const SwFormatField &rField) | SwWrtShell | |
GotoFieldmark(::sw::mark::IFieldmark const *const pMark) | SwWrtShell | |
GotoFly(const OUString &rName, FlyCntType eType=FLYCNTTYPE_ALL, bool bSelFrame=true) | SwWrtShell | |
GotoFlyAnchor() | SwCursorShell | |
GotoFooterText() | SwCursorShell | |
GotoFootnoteAnchor(const SwTextFootnote &rTextFootnote) | SwWrtShell | |
GotoFootnoteAnchor() | SwWrtShell | |
GotoFootnoteAnchor(const SwTextFootnote &rTextFootnote) | SwWrtShell | |
GotoFootnoteText() | SwCursorShell | |
GotoFormatContentControl(const SwFormatContentControl &rContentControl) | SwCursorShell | |
GotoFormatField(const SwFormatField &rField) | SwWrtShell | |
GotoFormControl(bool bNext) | SwCursorShell | |
GotoGlobalDocContent(const SwGlblDocContent &rPos) | SwEditShell | |
GotoHeaderText() | SwCursorShell | |
GotoINetAttr(const SwTextINetFormat &rAttr) | SwWrtShell | |
GotoMark(const ::sw::mark::IMark *const pMark) | SwWrtShell | |
GotoMark(const ::sw::mark::IMark *const pMark, bool bSelect) | SwWrtShell | |
GotoMark(const OUString &rName) | SwWrtShell | |
GotoMark(const ::sw::mark::IMark *const pMark) | SwWrtShell | private |
GotoMark(const ::sw::mark::IMark *const pMark, bool bAtStart) | SwWrtShell | private |
GotoNextFly(GotoObjFlags eType=GotoObjFlags::FlyAny) | SwFEShell | inline |
GotoNextFootnoteAnchor() | SwCursorShell | |
GotoNextNum() | SwCursorShell | |
GotoNextOutline() | SwCursorShell | |
GotoNextTOXBase(const OUString *pName=nullptr) | SwWrtShell | |
GotoNxtPrvTableFormula(bool bNext=true, bool bOnlyErrors=false) | SwCursorShell | |
GotoNxtPrvTOXMark(bool bNext=true) | SwCursorShell | |
GotoObj(bool bNext, GotoObjFlags eType=GotoObjFlags::DrawAny) | SwFEShell | |
GotoOutline(SwOutlineNodes::size_type nIdx) | SwWrtShell | |
GotoOutline(const OUString &rName) | SwWrtShell | |
GotoPage(sal_uInt16 nPage, bool bRecord) | SwWrtShell | |
GotoPage(sal_uInt16 nPage) | SwWrtShell | private |
GotoPrevFly(GotoObjFlags eType=GotoObjFlags::FlyAny) | SwFEShell | inline |
GotoPrevFootnoteAnchor() | SwCursorShell | |
GotoPrevNum() | SwCursorShell | |
GotoPrevOutline() | SwCursorShell | |
GotoPrevTOXBase(const OUString *=nullptr) | SwCursorShell | |
GotoRedline(SwRedlineTable::size_type nArrPos, bool bSelect) | SwWrtShell | |
GotoRedline_(SwRedlineTable::size_type nArrPos, bool bSelect) | SwCursorShell | private |
GotoRefMark(const OUString &rRefMark, sal_uInt16 nSubType=0, sal_uInt16 nSeqNo=0) | SwWrtShell | |
GotoRegion(std::u16string_view rName) | SwWrtShell | |
GotoTable(const OUString &rName) | SwWrtShell | |
GotoTOXMark(const SwTOXMark &rStart, SwTOXSearch eDir) | SwCursorShell | |
GotoTOXMarkBase() | SwCursorShell | |
GroupSelection() | SwFEShell | |
HandleCorrectionError(const OUString &aText, SwPosition aPos, sal_Int32 nBegin, sal_Int32 nLen, const Point *pPt, SwRect &rSelectRect) | SwEditShell | |
HandleUndoRedoContext(::sw::UndoRedoContext &rContext) | SwEditShell | |
HasBoxSelection() const | SwFEShell | |
HasBullet() const | SwEditShell | |
HasCharts() const | SwViewShell | |
HasConvIter() | SwEditShell | static |
HasCursorStack() const | SwWrtShell | inlineprivate |
HasDrawView() const | SwViewShell | |
HasDrawViewDrag() const | SwViewShell | |
HasFoldedOutlineContentSelected() const | SwWrtShell | |
HasFootnotes(bool bEndNotes=false) const | SwEditShell | |
HasHiddenSections() const | SwCursorShell | |
HasHyphIter() | SwEditShell | static |
HasInvalidRect() const | SwViewShell | inline |
HasLastSentenceGotGrammarChecked() | SwEditShell | static |
HasMark() const | SwCursorShell | inline |
HasNumber() const | SwEditShell | |
HasOLEObj(std::u16string_view rName) const | SwEditShell | |
HasOtherCnt() const | SwEditShell | |
HasReadonlySel(bool isReplace=false) const | SwCursorShell | |
HasSelection() const | SwWrtShell | inline |
HasShellFocus() const | SwCursorShell | inline |
HasTableAnyProtection(const OUString *pTableName, bool *pFullTableProtection) | SwFEShell | |
HasWholeTabSelection() const | SwFEShell | |
HideChainMarker() | SwFEShell | |
HideCursor() | SwCursorShell | |
HideCursors() | SwCursorShell | |
HyphContinue(sal_uInt16 *pPageCnt, sal_uInt16 *pPageSt) | SwEditShell | |
HyphEnd() | SwEditShell | |
HyphIgnore() | SwEditShell | |
HyphStart(SwDocPositions eStart, SwDocPositions eEnd) | SwEditShell | |
Ignore(const Point *, bool bProp) | SwWrtShell | private |
IgnoreGrammarErrorAt(SwPaM &rErrorPosition) | SwEditShell | static |
Imp() | SwViewShell | inline |
Imp() const | SwViewShell | inline |
ImpEndCreate() | SwFEShell | private |
ImplApplyViewOptions(const SwViewOption &rOpt) | SwViewShell | private |
ImplEndAction(const bool bIdleEnd) | SwViewShell | |
ImplLockPaint() | SwViewShell | |
ImplStartAction() | SwViewShell | |
ImplUnlockPaint(std::vector< LockPaintReason > &rReasons, bool bVirDev) | SwViewShell | |
InfoReadOnlyDialog(bool bAsync) const override | SwWrtShell | virtual |
Init(const SwViewOption *pNewOpt) | SwViewShell | private |
InitPrt(OutputDevice *pOutDev) | SwViewShell | |
Insert(const OUString &) | SwWrtShell | |
Insert(sal_Unicode, bool bOnlyCurrCursor=false) | SwWrtShell | |
Insert(const SwTOXMark &rMark) | SwWrtShell | |
SwFEShell::Insert(const OUString &rGrfName, const OUString &rFltName, const Graphic *pGraphic, const SfxItemSet *pFlyAttrSet) | SwFEShell | |
Insert2(const OUString &, const bool bForceExpandHints=false) | SwEditShell | |
InsertByWord(const OUString &) | SwWrtShell | |
InsertCol(sal_uInt16 nCnt, bool bBehind) | SwFEShell | |
InsertColumnBreak() | SwWrtShell | |
InsertContentControl(SwContentControlType eType) | SwWrtShell | |
InsertDDETable(const SwInsertTableOptions &rInsTableOpts, SwDDEFieldType *pDDEType, sal_uInt16 nRows, sal_uInt16 nCols) | SwEditShell | |
InsertDrawObj(SdrObject &rDrawObj, const Point &rInsertPosition) | SwFEShell | |
InsertField(SwField const &, const bool bForceExpandHints) | SwEditShell | |
InsertField2(SwField const &, SwPaM *pAnnotationRange=nullptr) | SwWrtShell | |
InsertFieldType(const SwFieldType &) | SwEditShell | |
InsertFootnote(const OUString &, bool bEndNote=false, bool bEdit=true) | SwWrtShell | |
InsertGlobalDocContent(const SwGlblDocContent &rPos, SwSectionData &rNew) | SwEditShell | |
InsertGlobalDocContent(const SwGlblDocContent &rPos, const SwTOXBase &rTOX) | SwEditShell | |
InsertGlobalDocContent(const SwGlblDocContent &rPos) | SwEditShell | |
InsertGlossary(SwTextBlocks &rGlossary, const OUString &) | SwEditShell | |
InsertGraphic(const OUString &rPath, const OUString &rFilter, const Graphic &, SwFlyFrameAttrMgr *=nullptr, RndStdIds nAnchorType=RndStdIds::FLY_AT_PARA) | SwWrtShell | |
InsertLabel(const SwLabelType eType, const OUString &rText, const OUString &rSeparator, const OUString &rNumberSeparator, const bool bBefore, const sal_uInt16 nId, const OUString &rCharacterStyle, const bool bCpyBrd) | SwFEShell | |
InsertLineBreak(std::optional< SwLineBreakClear > oClear=std::nullopt) | SwWrtShell | |
InsertObject(const svt::EmbeddedObjectRef &, SvGlobalName const *pName, sal_uInt16 nSlotId=0) | SwWrtShell | |
InsertObject(const svt::EmbeddedObjectRef &, SfxItemSet *pFlyAttrSet) | SwWrtShell | private |
InsertOleObject(const svt::EmbeddedObjectRef &xObj, SwFlyFrameFormat **pFlyFrameFormat=nullptr) | SwWrtShell | |
InsertPageBreak(const OUString *pPageDesc=nullptr, const ::std::optional< sal_uInt16 > &rPgNum=std::nullopt) | SwWrtShell | |
InsertPostIt(SwFieldMgr &rFieldMgr, const SfxRequest &rReq) | SwWrtShell | |
InsertRow(sal_uInt16 nCnt, bool bBehind) | SwFEShell | |
InsertSection(SwSectionData &rNewData, SfxItemSet const *const =nullptr) | SwEditShell | |
InsertSoftHyph(const sal_Int32 nHyphPos) | SwEditShell | static |
InsertTable(const SwInsertTableOptions &rInsTableOpts, sal_uInt16 nRows, sal_uInt16 nCols, const SwTableAutoFormat *pTAFormat=nullptr) | SwEditShell | |
InsertTableOf(const SwTOXBase &rTOX, const SfxItemSet *pSet=nullptr) | SwWrtShell | |
InsertTOXType(const SwTOXType &rTyp) | SwEditShell | |
InsertURL(const SwFormatINetFormat &rFormat, const OUString &rStr, bool bKeepSelection=false) | SwEditShell | |
IntelligentCut(SelectionType nSelectionType, bool bCut=true) | SwWrtShell | |
Invalidate() | SwWrtShell | |
InvalidateAccessibleFocus() | SwViewShell | |
InvalidateAccessibleParaAttrs(const SwTextFrame &rTextFrame) | SwViewShell | |
InvalidateAccessibleParaFlowRelation(const SwTextFrame *_pFromTextFrame, const SwTextFrame *_pToTextFrame) | SwViewShell | |
InvalidateAccessibleParaTextSelection() | SwViewShell | |
InvalidateAll(std::vector< LockPaintReason > &rReasons) | SwViewShell | private |
InvalidateLayout(bool bSizeChanged) | SwViewShell | |
InvalidateOutlineContentVisibility() | SwWrtShell | |
InvalidatePageAndHFSubsidiaryLines() | SwViewShell | private |
InvalidateWindows(const SwRect &rRect) | SwViewShell | |
Is_FnDragEQBeginDrag() const | SwWrtShell | inline |
IsAddMode() const | SwWrtShell | inline |
IsAdjustCellWidthAllowed(bool bBalance=false) const | SwFEShell | |
IsAlignPossible() const | SwFEShell | |
IsAllProtect() const | SwCursorShell | inline |
IsAnyDatabaseFieldInDoc() const | SwEditShell | |
IsAnyFieldInDoc() const | SwViewShell | |
IsAnySectionInDoc() const | SwEditShell | |
IsAtLeftMargin() const | SwCursorShell | inline |
IsAtLRMargin(bool, bool bAPI=false) const | SwCursorShell | private |
IsAtRightMargin() const | SwCursorShell | inline |
IsAutoUpdateCells() const | SwCursorShell | inline |
IsBlockMode() const | SwWrtShell | inline |
IsCheckForOLEInCaption() const | SwFEShell | inline |
IsColRightToLeft() const | SwFEShell | |
IsCursorInFootnote() const | SwCursorShell | |
IsCursorInParagraphMetadataField() const | SwEditShell | |
IsCursorInTable() const | SwCursorShell | |
IsCursorPtAtEnd() const | SwCursorShell | inline |
IsCursorReadonly() const | SwCursorShell | |
IsCursorVisible() const | SwCursorShell | inline |
IsDirectlyInSection() const | SwFEShell | |
IsDrawCreate() const | SwFEShell | |
IsDrawingLayerPaintInProgress() const | SwViewShell | inline |
IsDummyPage(sal_uInt16 nPageNum) const | SwViewShell | |
IsEndOfDoc() const | SwCursorShell | |
IsEndOfPara() const | SwWrtShell | inline |
IsEndOfTable() const | SwCursorShell | |
IsEndPara() const | SwCursorShell | |
IsEndSentence() const | SwCursorShell | |
IsEndWord(sal_Int16 nWordType=css::i18n::WordType::ANYWORD_IGNOREWHITESPACES) const | SwCursorShell | |
IsEndWrd() | SwWrtShell | |
IsExpFieldsLocked() const | SwEditShell | |
IsExtMode() const | SwWrtShell | inline |
IsExtSel() const | SwWrtShell | inline |
IsFieldDataSourceAvailable(OUString &rUsedDataSource) const | SwEditShell | |
IsFirstOfNumRuleAtCursorPos() const | SwEditShell | |
IsFlyInFly() | SwFEShell | |
IsFormProtected() | SwCursorShell | |
IsFrameSelected() const | SwFEShell | |
IsFrameVertical(const bool bEnvironment, bool &bRightToLeft, bool &bVertL2R) const | SwFEShell | |
IsGCAttr() const | SwCursorShell | inline |
IsGlblDocSaveLinks() const | SwEditShell | |
IsGlobalDoc() const | SwEditShell | |
IsGroupAllowed() const | SwFEShell | |
IsGroupSelected(bool bAllowDiagams) | SwFEShell | |
IsHeaderFooterEdit() const | SwViewShell | inline |
IsInClickToEdit() const | SwWrtShell | inline |
IsInConstructor() const | SwViewShell | inline |
IsInEndAction() const | SwViewShell | inline |
IsInFrontOfLabel() const | SwCursorShell | |
IsInHeaderFooter(bool *pbInHeader=nullptr) const | SwCursorShell | |
IsInHeadline() const | SwFEShell | inline |
IsInHiddenRange(const bool bSelect) | SwCursorShell | |
isInHiddenTextFrame(SwShellCursor *pShellCursor) | SwCursorShell | private |
IsInRepeatedHeadline() const | SwFEShell | inline |
IsInRightToLeftText() const | SwCursorShell | |
IsInSelect() const | SwWrtShell | inline |
IsInsideSelectedObj(const Point &rPt) | SwFEShell | |
IsInsMode() const | SwWrtShell | inline |
IsInsRegionAvailable() const | SwEditShell | |
IsInVerticalText(const Point *pPt=nullptr) const | SwCursorShell | |
IsInWord(sal_Int16 nWordType=css::i18n::WordType::ANYWORD_IGNOREWHITESPACES) const | SwCursorShell | |
IsLabelDoc() const | SwEditShell | |
IsLastCellInRow() const | SwFEShell | |
IsLinkedGrfSwapOut() const | SwEditShell | |
IsLstEndAction() | SwViewShell | inlinestatic |
IsMacroExecAllowed() const | SwCursorShell | inline |
IsModePushed() const | SwWrtShell | inline |
IsModified() const | SwEditShell | |
IsMouseTableRightToLeft(const Point &rPt) const | SwFEShell | |
IsMoveLeftMargin(bool bRight, bool bModulus=true) const | SwEditShell | |
IsMultiSelection() const | SwCursorShell | inline |
IsNbspRunNext() const | SwEditShell | inline |
IsNewLayout() const | SwViewShell | |
IsNoNum(bool bChkStart=true) const | SwEditShell | |
IsNumLabel(const Point &rPt, int nMaxOffset=-1) | SwFEShell | |
IsNumRuleStart(SwPaM *pPaM=nullptr) const | SwEditShell | |
IsObjDecorative() const | SwFEShell | |
IsObjSameLevelWithMarked(const SdrObject *pObj) const | SwFEShell | |
IsObjSelectable(const Point &rPt) | SwFEShell | |
IsObjSelected() const | SwFEShell | |
IsObjSelected(const SdrObject &rObj) const | SwFEShell | |
IsOutlineContentVisible(const size_t nPos) | SwWrtShell | |
IsOutlineCopyable(SwOutlineNodes::size_type nIdx) const | SwEditShell | |
IsOutlineMovable(SwOutlineNodes::size_type nIdx) const | SwEditShell | |
isOutputToWindow() const | SwViewShell | |
IsOverReadOnlyPos(const Point &rPt) const | SwCursorShell | |
IsOverwriteCursor() const | SwCursorShell | inline |
IsPageAtPos(const Point &rPt) const | SwCursorShell | |
IsPaintInProgress() const | SwViewShell | inline |
IsPaintLocked() const | SwViewShell | inline |
IsParagraphSignatureValidationEnabled() const | SwEditShell | inline |
IsPreview() const | SwViewShell | inline |
IsProtectedOutlinePara() const | SwEditShell | |
IsReadOnlyAvailable() const | SwCursorShell | inline |
IsRedlineOn() const | SwEditShell | |
IsRetainSelection() const | SwWrtShell | inline |
IsRotationOfSwGrfNodePossible() const | SwFEShell | |
IsSelContainsControl() const | SwFEShell | |
IsSelectAll() const | SwViewShell | inline |
IsSelection() const | SwCursorShell | inline |
IsSelFrameMode() const | SwWrtShell | inline |
IsSelFullPara() const | SwCursorShell | |
IsSelObjProtected(FlyProtectFlags eType) const | SwFEShell | |
IsSelOnePara() const | SwCursorShell | |
IsSelTableCells() const | SwCursorShell | inline |
IsSendAccessibleCursorEvents() const | SwCursorShell | inline |
IsShapeDefaultHoriTextDirR2L() const | SwFEShell | |
IsShowHeaderFooterSeparator(FrameControlType eControl) | SwViewShell | inline |
IsSplitVerticalByDefault() const | SwWrtShell | |
IsStartOfDoc() const | SwCursorShell | |
IsStartSentence() const | SwCursorShell | |
IsStartWord(sal_Int16 nWordType=css::i18n::WordType::ANYWORD_IGNOREWHITESPACES) const | SwCursorShell | |
IsStdMode() const | SwWrtShell | inline |
IsSttOfPara() const | SwWrtShell | inline |
IsSttPara() const | SwCursorShell | |
IsTableBoxTextFormat() const | SwEditShell | |
IsTableComplexForChart() | SwCursorShell | |
IsTableMode() const | SwCursorShell | inline |
IsTableRightToLeft() const | SwFEShell | |
IsTableVertical() const | SwFEShell | |
IsTextToTableAvailable() const | SwEditShell | |
IsTOXBaseReadonly(const SwTOXBase &rTOXBase) | SwEditShell | static |
IsUnGroupAllowed() const | SwFEShell | |
IsUpdateTOX() const | SwEditShell | |
IsURLGrfAtPos(const Point &rPt, OUString *pURL=nullptr, OUString *pTargetFrameName=nullptr, OUString *pURLDescription=nullptr) const | SwFEShell | |
IsUsed(const sw::BroadcastingModify &) const | SwEditShell | |
IsVerticalModeAtNdAndPos(const SwTextNode &_rTextNode, const Point &_rDocPos) | SwFEShell | static |
IsViewLocked() const | SwViewShell | inline |
KillPams() | SwCursorShell | |
KillSelection(const Point *pPt, bool bProp) | SwWrtShell | inline |
LaunchOLEObj(sal_Int32 nVerb=css::embed::EmbedVerbs::MS_OLEVERB_PRIMARY) | SwWrtShell | |
LayoutIdle() | SwViewShell | |
LeaveAddMode() | SwWrtShell | |
LeaveBlockMode() | SwWrtShell | |
LeaveExtMode() | SwWrtShell | |
LeaveExtSel() | SwWrtShell | inlineprivate |
LeaveSelFrameMode() | SwWrtShell | |
Left(SwCursorSkipMode nMode, bool bSelect, sal_uInt16 nCount, bool bBasicCall, bool bVisual=false) | SwWrtShell | |
Left(sal_uInt16 nCnt, SwCursorSkipMode nMode, bool bAllowVisual=false) | SwWrtShell | inlineprivate |
LeftMargin(bool bSelect, bool bBasicCall) | SwWrtShell | |
LeftMargin() | SwWrtShell | inlineprivate |
LeftRight(bool, sal_uInt16, SwCursorSkipMode, bool) | SwCursorShell | private |
LockExpFields() | SwEditShell | |
LockPaint(LockPaintReason eReason) | SwViewShell | inline |
LockView(bool b) | SwViewShell | inline |
LRMargin(bool, bool bAPI=false) | SwCursorShell | private |
m_aCharRect | SwCursorShell | private |
m_aChgLnk | SwCursorShell | private |
m_aCursorHeight | SwCursorShell | private |
m_aDest | SwWrtShell | private |
m_aFlyMacroLnk | SwCursorShell | private |
m_aGrfArrivedLnk | SwCursorShell | private |
m_aNavigationMgr | SwWrtShell | private |
m_aOldRBPos | SwCursorShell | private |
m_aPasteListeners | SwFEShell | private |
m_aSelTableLink | SwWrtShell | private |
m_aStart | SwWrtShell | private |
m_bAddMode | SwWrtShell | private |
m_bAllProtect | SwCursorShell | private |
m_bAutoUpdateCells | SwCursorShell | private |
m_bBasicHideCursor | SwCursorShell | private |
m_bBlockMode | SwWrtShell | private |
m_bCallChgLnk | SwCursorShell | private |
m_bCheckForOLEInCaption | SwFEShell | private |
m_bChgCallFlag | SwCursorShell | private |
m_bClearMark | SwWrtShell | private |
m_bDestOnStack | SwWrtShell | private |
m_bDoParagraphSignatureValidation | SwEditShell | private |
m_bExtMode | SwWrtShell | private |
m_bGCAttr | SwCursorShell | private |
m_bHasFocus | SwCursorShell | private |
m_bIgnoreReadonly | SwCursorShell | private |
m_bInCMvVisportChgd | SwCursorShell | private |
m_bIns | SwWrtShell | private |
m_bInSelect | SwWrtShell | private |
m_bIsInClickToEdit | SwWrtShell | private |
m_bLayoutMode | SwWrtShell | private |
m_bMacroExecAllowed | SwCursorShell | private |
m_bNbspRunNext | SwEditShell | private |
m_bOverwriteCursor | SwCursorShell | private |
m_bRetainSelection | SwWrtShell | private |
m_bSelLn | SwWrtShell | private |
m_bSelTableCells | SwCursorShell | private |
m_bSelWrd | SwWrtShell | private |
m_bSendAccessibleCursorEvents | SwCursorShell | private |
m_bSetCursorInReadOnly | SwCursorShell | private |
m_bSVCursorVis | SwCursorShell | private |
m_bTableCopied | SwFEShell | private |
m_bVisPortChgd | SwCursorShell | private |
m_eEnhancedTableSel | SwCursorShell | private |
m_eMvState | SwCursorShell | private |
m_ePageMove | SwWrtShell | private |
m_eTableInsertMode | SwFEShell | private |
m_fnDrag | SwWrtShell | private |
m_fnEndDrag | SwWrtShell | private |
m_fnKillSel | SwWrtShell | private |
m_fnSetCursor | SwWrtShell | private |
m_nCurrentContent | SwCursorShell | private |
m_nCurrentNdTyp | SwCursorShell | private |
m_nCurrentNode | SwCursorShell | private |
m_nCursorMove | SwCursorShell | private |
m_nLeftFramePos | SwCursorShell | private |
m_nMarkedListLevel | SwCursorShell | private |
m_nUpDownX | SwCursorShell | private |
m_oldColFrame | SwCursorShell | private |
m_pBlockCursor | SwCursorShell | private |
m_pBoxIdx | SwCursorShell | private |
m_pBoxPtr | SwCursorShell | private |
m_pChainFrom | SwFEShell | private |
m_pChainTo | SwFEShell | private |
m_pColumnCache | SwFEShell | mutableprivate |
m_pCurrentCursor | SwCursorShell | private |
m_pCursorStack | SwWrtShell | private |
m_pModeStack | SwWrtShell | private |
m_pNext | sw::Ring< SwViewShell > | private |
m_pPrev | sw::Ring< SwViewShell > | private |
m_pRowCache | SwFEShell | mutableprivate |
m_pStackCursor | SwCursorShell | private |
m_pTableCursor | SwCursorShell | private |
m_pVisibleCursor | SwCursorShell | private |
m_rView | SwWrtShell | private |
m_sMarkedListId | SwCursorShell | private |
m_xErrorBmp | SwViewShell | private |
m_xReplaceBmp | SwViewShell | private |
maBrowseBorder | SwViewShell | private |
maInvalidRect | SwViewShell | private |
MakeAllFoldedOutlineContentVisible(bool bMakeVisible=true) | SwWrtShell | |
MakeCharFormat(const OUString &rName) | SwEditShell | |
MakeDrawView() | SwViewShell | |
MakeFindRange(SwDocPositions, SwDocPositions, SwPaM *) const | SwCursorShell | inlineprotected |
MakeGlossary(SwTextBlocks &rToFill, const OUString &rName, const OUString &rShortName, bool bSaveRelFile, const OUString *pOnlyText) | SwEditShell | |
makeItemSetFromFormatAnchor(SfxItemPool &rPool, const SwFormatAnchor &rAnchor) | SwFEShell | static |
MakeOutlineContentVisible(const size_t nPos, bool bMakeVisible=true, bool bSetAttrOutlineVisibility=true) | SwWrtShell | |
MakeOutlineLevelsVisible(const int nLevel) | SwWrtShell | |
MakeOutlineSel(SwOutlineNodes::size_type nSttPos, SwOutlineNodes::size_type nEndPos, bool bWithChildren, bool bKillPams=true) | SwCursorShell | |
MakeSelVisible() override | SwFEShell | virtual |
MakeTextFormatColl(const OUString &rFormatCollName, SwTextFormatColl *pDerivedFrom=nullptr) | SwEditShell | |
MakeVisible(const SwRect &) | SwViewShell | |
maLockPaintReasons | SwViewShell | protected |
maLOKVisibleArea | SwViewShell | protected |
maPrePostMapMode | SwViewShell | protected |
maPrtOffset | SwViewShell | private |
MarkListLevel(const OUString &sListId, const int nLevel) | SwCursorShell | private |
maVisArea | SwViewShell | protected |
mbDocSizeChgd | SwViewShell | private |
mbEnableSmooth | SwViewShell | private |
mbHeaderFooterEdit | SwViewShell | private |
mbInConstructor | SwViewShell | private |
mbInEndAction | SwViewShell | private |
mbOutputToWindow | SwViewShell | protected |
mbPaintInProgress | SwViewShell | private |
mbPaintWorks | SwViewShell | private |
mbPreview | SwViewShell | private |
mbSelectAll | SwViewShell | protected |
mbShowFooterSeparator | SwViewShell | private |
mbShowHeaderSeparator | SwViewShell | private |
mbViewLocked | SwViewShell | private |
MergeDoc(const SwDoc &rDoc) | SwEditShell | |
MergeTab() | SwFEShell | |
MergeTable(bool bWithPrev) | SwEditShell | |
MirrorSelection(bool bHorizontal) | SwFEShell | |
mnLockPaint | SwViewShell | protected |
mnStartAction | SwViewShell | protected |
MoveAnchor(SwMove nDir) | SwFEShell | |
MoveBookMark(BookMarkMove eFuncId, const ::sw::mark::IMark *const pMark=nullptr) | SwWrtShell | private |
MoveColumn(SwWhichColumn, SwPosColumn) | SwCursorShell | |
MoveContinuationPosToEndOfCheckedSentence() | SwEditShell | static |
MoveCreate(const Point &rPos) | SwFEShell | |
MoveCursor(bool bWithSelect=false) | SwWrtShell | |
MoveCursorToNum() | SwCursorShell | private |
MoveFieldType(const SwFieldType *pFieldType, const bool bNext, const SwFieldIds nResType=SwFieldIds::Unknown, const bool bAddSetExpressionFieldsToInputFields=true) | SwCursorShell | |
MoveGlobalDocContent(const SwGlblDocContents &rArr, size_t nFromPos, size_t nToPos, size_t nNewPos) | SwEditShell | |
MoveLeftMargin(bool bRight, bool bModulus=true) | SwEditShell | |
MoveMark(const Point &rPos) | SwFEShell | |
MoveNumParas(bool bUpperLower, bool bUpperLeft) | SwEditShell | |
MoveObjectIfActive(svt::EmbeddedObjectRef &xObj, const Point &rOffset) override | SwWrtShell | virtual |
MoveOutlinePara(SwOutlineNodes::difference_type nOffset) | SwEditShell | |
MoveOutOfTable() | SwCursorShell | |
MovePage(SwWhichPage, SwPosPage) | SwCursorShell | |
MovePara(SwWhichPara, SwMoveFnCollection const &) | SwCursorShell | |
MoveParagraph(SwNodeOffset nOffset=SwNodeOffset(1)) | SwEditShell | |
MoveRegion(SwWhichRegion, SwMoveFnCollection const &) | SwCursorShell | |
MoveSection(SwWhichSection, SwMoveFnCollection const &) | SwCursorShell | |
MoveStartText() | SwCursorShell | |
MoveTable(SwWhichTable, SwMoveFnCollection const &) | SwCursorShell | |
MoveTo(SwViewShell *pDestRing) | sw::Ring< SwViewShell > | inline |
mpAccOptions | SwViewShell | private |
mpBufferedOut | SwViewShell | private |
mpImp | SwViewShell | private |
mpLayout | SwViewShell | private |
mpOpt | SwViewShell | private |
mpOut | SwViewShell | private |
mpPrePostOutDev | SwViewShell | protected |
mPrePostPaintRegions | SwViewShell | protected |
mpSfxViewShell | SwViewShell | private |
mpTargetPaintWindow | SwViewShell | private |
mpWin | SwViewShell | private |
MV_NO enum value | SwWrtShell | private |
MV_PAGE_DOWN enum value | SwWrtShell | private |
MV_PAGE_UP enum value | SwWrtShell | private |
mxDoc | SwViewShell | protected |
NavigatorPaste(const NaviContentBookmark &rBkmk, const sal_uInt16 nAction) | SwWrtShell | |
NewFlyFrame(const SfxItemSet &rSet, bool bAnchValid=false, SwFrameFormat *pParent=nullptr) | SwFEShell | |
NO_WORD enum value | SwWrtShell | |
NoEdit(bool bHideCursor=true) | SwWrtShell | |
NoNum() | SwEditShell | |
NormalizePam(bool bPointFirst=true) | SwCursorShell | |
NotifyCursor(SfxViewShell *pViewShell) const | SwCursorShell | |
NumOn() | SwWrtShell | |
NumOrBulletOff() | SwWrtShell | |
NumOrBulletOn(bool bNum) | SwWrtShell | |
NumOrNoNum(bool bDelete=false, bool bChkStart=true) | SwEditShell | |
NumUpDown(bool bDown=true) | SwEditShell | |
NxtWrd(bool bSelect=false) | SwWrtShell | inline |
NxtWrd_() | SwWrtShell | private |
NxtWrdForDelete() | SwWrtShell | private |
OnGraphicArrived(const SwRect &) | SwViewShell | |
OpenMark() | SwWrtShell | inlineprivate |
operator=(const SwEditShell &)=delete | SwEditShell | private |
OutlineUpDown(short nOffset=1) | SwEditShell | |
Overwrite(const OUString &) | SwEditShell | |
PageCursor(SwTwips lOffset, bool bSelect) | SwWrtShell | |
PageMove enum name | SwWrtShell | private |
PagePreviewLayout() | SwViewShell | |
Paint(vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext, const tools::Rectangle &rRect) override | SwCursorShell | virtual |
PaintDesktop(const vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext, const SwRect &) | SwViewShell | private |
PaintDesktop_(const SwRegionRects &rRegion) | SwViewShell | private |
PaintTile(VirtualDevice &rDevice, int contextWidth, int contextHeight, int tilePosX, int tilePosY, tools::Long tileWidth, tools::Long tileHeight) | SwViewShell | |
ParkCursor(const SwNode &rIdx) | SwCursorShell | |
ParkCursorInTab() | SwFEShell | |
ParkPams(SwPaM *pDelRg, SwShellCursor **ppDelRing) | SwCursorShell | private |
ParkTableCursor() | SwCursorShell | |
Paste(SwDoc &rClpDoc, bool bNestedTable=false) | SwFEShell | |
Paste(SvStream &rStm, SwPasteSdr nAction, const Point *pPt) | SwFEShell | |
Paste(const Graphic &rGrf, const OUString &rURL) | SwFEShell | |
PastePages(SwFEShell &rToFill, sal_uInt16 nStartPage, sal_uInt16 nEndPage) | SwFEShell | |
Pop(SwCursorShell::PopMode, ::std::optional< SwCallLink > &roLink) | SwWrtShell | |
Pop(SwCursorShell::PopMode=SwCursorShell::PopMode::DeleteStack) | SwWrtShell | |
PopCursor(bool bUpdate, bool bSelect=false) | SwWrtShell | private |
PopMode() | SwWrtShell | |
PosInsideInputField(const SwPosition &rPos) | SwCursorShell | static |
PrePaint() | SwViewShell | |
PrepareForPrint(const SwPrintData &rOptions, bool bIsPDFExport=false) | SwViewShell | private |
PrintOrPDFExport(OutputDevice *pOutDev, SwPrintData const &rPrintData, sal_Int32 nRenderer, bool bIsPDFExport) | SwViewShell | |
PrintProspect(OutputDevice *pOutDev, const SwPrintData &rPrintData, sal_Int32 nRenderer) | SwViewShell | |
ProtectCells() | SwFEShell | |
PrtOle2(SwDoc *pDoc, const SwViewOption *pOpt, const SwPrintData &rOptions, vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext, const tools::Rectangle &rRect, bool bOutputForScreen) | SwViewShell | static |
PrvWrd(bool bSelect=false) | SwWrtShell | inline |
PrvWrd_() | SwWrtShell | private |
PrvWrdForDelete() | SwWrtShell | private |
Push() | SwCursorShell | |
PushCursor(SwTwips lOffset, bool bSelect) | SwWrtShell | private |
PushMode() | SwWrtShell | |
PutSpellingToSentenceStart() | SwEditShell | static |
QuickUpdateStyle() | SwWrtShell | |
READONLY enum value | SwCursorShell | |
REDO enum value | SwWrtShell | |
Redo(sal_uInt16 const nCount=1) | SwEditShell | |
Reformat() | SwViewShell | |
RefreshBlockCursor() | SwCursorShell | protected |
RejectRedline(SwRedlineTable::size_type nPos) | SwEditShell | |
RejectRedlinesInSelection() | SwEditShell | |
RemoveFieldType(size_t nField) | SwEditShell | |
RemoveFieldType(SwFieldIds nResId, const OUString &rName) | SwEditShell | |
RemoveParagraphMetadataFieldAtCursor() | SwEditShell | |
Repeat(sal_uInt16 const nCount) | SwEditShell | |
REPEAT enum value | SwWrtShell | |
Replace(const OUString &rNewStr, bool bRegExpRplc) | SwEditShell | |
ReplaceDropText(const OUString &rStr, SwPaM *pPaM=nullptr) | SwEditShell | |
ReplaceNumRule(const OUString &rOldRule, const OUString &rNewRule) | SwEditShell | |
ReplaceSdrObj(const OUString &rGrfName, const Graphic *pGrf) | SwFEShell | |
RequestObjectResize(const SwRect &rRect, const css::uno::Reference< css::embed::XEmbeddedObject > &) | SwFEShell | |
ReRead(const OUString &rGrfName, const OUString &rFltName, const Graphic *pGraphic=nullptr) | SwEditShell | |
ResetAttr(const o3tl::sorted_vector< sal_uInt16 > &attrs=o3tl::sorted_vector< sal_uInt16 >(), SwPaM *pCursor=nullptr) | SwEditShell | |
ResetCursorStack() | SwWrtShell | inline |
ResetCursorStack_() | SwWrtShell | private |
ResetFlyFrameAttr(const SfxItemSet *pSet) | SwFEShell | |
ResetInvalidRect() | SwViewShell | inlineprivate |
ResetModified() | SwEditShell | |
ResetSelect(const Point *, bool) | SwWrtShell | |
RestoreMetadataFieldsAndValidateParagraphSignatures() | SwEditShell | |
Right(SwCursorSkipMode nMode, bool bSelect, sal_uInt16 nCount, bool bBasicCall, bool bVisual=false) | SwWrtShell | |
Right(sal_uInt16 nCnt, SwCursorSkipMode nMode, bool bAllowVisual=false) | SwWrtShell | inlineprivate |
RightMargin(bool bSelect, bool bBasicCall) | SwWrtShell | |
RightMargin(bool bAPI=false) | SwWrtShell | inlineprivate |
Ring() | sw::Ring< SwViewShell > | inlineprotected |
Ring(SwViewShell *pRing) | sw::Ring< SwViewShell > | inlineprotected |
ring_container typedef | sw::Ring< SwViewShell > | |
ring_container | sw::Ring< SwViewShell > | private |
s_pAutoFormatFlags | SwEditShell | privatestatic |
SaveGlossaryDoc(SwTextBlocks &rGlossary, const OUString &rName, const OUString &rShortName, bool bSaveRelFile, bool bOnlyText) | SwEditShell | |
SaveTableBoxContent(const SwPosition *pPos=nullptr) | SwCursorShell | |
sbLstAct | SwViewShell | privatestatic |
ScrollTo(const Point &rPt) | SwFEShell | private |
SCROLLWIN enum value | SwCursorShell | |
SearchAttr(const SfxItemSet &rFindSet, bool bNoColls, SwDocPositions eStart, SwDocPositions eEnd, FindRanges eFlags=FindRanges::InBody, const i18nutil::SearchOptions2 *pSearchOpt=nullptr, const SfxItemSet *pReplaceSet=nullptr) | SwWrtShell | |
SearchNumRule(const bool bNum, OUString &sListId) | SwEditShell | |
SearchPattern(const i18nutil::SearchOptions2 &rSearchOpt, bool bSearchInNotes, SwDocPositions eStart, SwDocPositions eEnd, FindRanges eFlags=FindRanges::InBody, bool bReplace=false) | SwWrtShell | |
SearchTempl(const OUString &rTempl, SwDocPositions eStart, SwDocPositions eEnd, FindRanges eFlags=FindRanges::InBody, const OUString *pReplTempl=nullptr) | SwWrtShell | |
SelAll() | SwWrtShell | |
SelectFlyFrame(SwFlyFrame &rFrame) | SwFEShell | |
SELECTFUNC typedef | SwWrtShell | private |
SELECTFUNC2 typedef | SwWrtShell | private |
SelectionHasBullet() const | SwEditShell | |
SelectionHasNumber() const | SwEditShell | |
SelectionToBottom(bool bBottom=true) | SwFEShell | |
SelectionToHeaven() | SwFEShell | |
SelectionToHell() | SwFEShell | |
SelectionToTop(bool bTop=true) | SwFEShell | |
SelectNextPrevHyperlink(bool bNext) | SwWrtShell | |
SelectNxtPrvHyperlink(bool bNext) | SwCursorShell | |
SelectObj(const Point &rSelPt, sal_uInt8 nFlag=0, SdrObject *pObj=nullptr) | SwFEShell | |
SelectTableCell() | SwWrtShell | |
SelectTableCol() | SwWrtShell | |
SelectTableRow() | SwWrtShell | |
SelectTableRowCol(const Point &rPt, const Point *pEnd=nullptr, bool bRowDrag=false) | SwWrtShell | |
SelectTextAttr(sal_uInt16 nWhich, const SwTextAttr *pAttr=nullptr) | SwWrtShell | |
SelectTextAttr(sal_uInt16 nWhich, bool bExpand, const SwTextAttr *pAttr=nullptr) | SwWrtShell | private |
SelectTextModel(sal_Int32 nStart, sal_Int32 nEnd) | SwCursorShell | |
SelectWord(const Point *pPt) | SwCursorShell | |
SelFlyGrabCursor() | SwFEShell | |
SelNearestWrd() | SwWrtShell | |
SelNextRedline() | SwCursorShell | |
SelPara(const Point *) | SwWrtShell | |
SelPrevRedline() | SwCursorShell | |
SelSentence(const Point *) | SwWrtShell | |
SelTable() | SwCursorShell | |
SelTableBox() | SwCursorShell | |
SelTableCells(const Link< SwWrtShell &, void > &rLink) | SwWrtShell | inline |
SelTableCol() | SwCursorShell | inline |
SelTableRow() | SwCursorShell | inline |
SelTableRowCol(const Point &rPt, const Point *pEnd, bool bRowDrag) | SwFEShell | |
SelTableRowOrCol(bool bRow, bool bRowSimple=false) | SwCursorShell | protected |
SelWrd(const Point *=nullptr) | SwWrtShell | |
sendLOKCursorUpdates() | SwCursorShell | private |
SetAddExtLeading(bool bNew) | SwViewShell | |
SetAddParaSpacingToTableCells(bool _bAddParaSpacingToTableCells) | SwViewShell | |
SetAttrItem(const SfxPoolItem &, SetAttrMode nFlags=SetAttrMode::DEFAULT, const bool bParagraphSetting=false) | SwEditShell | |
SetAttrSet(const SfxItemSet &, SetAttrMode nFlags=SetAttrMode::DEFAULT, SwPaM *pCursor=nullptr, const bool bParagraphSetting=false) | SwEditShell | |
SetAutoFormatFlags(SvxSwAutoFormatFlags const *) | SwEditShell | static |
SetAutoUpdateCells(bool bFlag) | SwCursorShell | inline |
SetBookmark(const vcl::KeyCode &, const OUString &rName, IDocumentMarkAccess::MarkType eMark=IDocumentMarkAccess::MarkType::BOOKMARK) | SwCursorShell | |
SetBookmark2(const vcl::KeyCode &, const OUString &rName, bool bHide, const OUString &rCondition) | SwCursorShell | |
SetBoxAlign(sal_uInt16 nOrient) | SwFEShell | |
SetBoxBackground(const SvxBrushItem &rNew) | SwFEShell | |
SetBoxDirection(const SvxFrameDirectionItem &rNew) | SwFEShell | |
SetBrowseBorder(const Size &rNew) | SwViewShell | |
SetCalcFieldValueHdl(Outliner *pOutliner) | SwFEShell | |
SetCareDialog(const std::shared_ptr< weld::Window > &rNew) | SwViewShell | static |
SetChainMarker() | SwFEShell | |
SetChartName(const OUString &rName) | SwEditShell | |
SetCheckForOLEInCaption(bool bFlag) | SwFEShell | inline |
SetChgLnk(const Link< LinkParamNone *, void > &rLnk) | SwCursorShell | inline |
SetClassification(const OUString &rName, SfxClassificationPolicyType eType) | SwEditShell | |
SetColRowWidthHeight(TableChgWidthHeightType eType, sal_uInt16 nDiff) | SwFEShell | |
SetConsiderWrapOnObjPos(bool _bConsiderWrapOnObjPos) | SwViewShell | |
SetCurFootnote(const SwFormatFootnote &rFillFootnote) | SwEditShell | |
SetCurNumRule(const SwNumRule &, const bool bCreateNewList, const OUString &sContinuedListId=OUString(), const bool bResetIndentAttrs=false) | SwEditShell | |
SetCursor(const Point *, bool bProp=false) | SwWrtShell | private |
SetCursor(const Point &rPt, bool bOnlyText=false, bool bBlock=true) | SwWrtShell | private |
SetCursorInHdFt(size_t nDescNo, bool bInHeader, bool bEven=false, bool bFirst=false) | SwCursorShell | |
SetCursorKillSel(const Point *, bool bProp) | SwWrtShell | private |
SetDefault(const SfxPoolItem &) | SwEditShell | |
SetDefaultTOXBase(const SwTOXBase &rBase) | SwEditShell | |
SetDoNotJustifyLinesWithManualBreak(bool _bDoNotJustifyLinesWithManualBreak) | SwViewShell | |
SetDragMode(SdrDragMode eSdrDragMode) | SwFEShell | |
SetDrawingAttr(SfxItemSet &rSet) | SwFEShell | |
SetEmptyDbFieldHidesPara(bool bEmptyDbFieldHidesPara) | SwViewShell | |
SetEndNoteInfo(const SwEndNoteInfo &rInfo) | SwEditShell | |
SetExtTextInputData(const CommandExtTextInputData &) | SwEditShell | |
SetFieldUpdateFlags(SwFieldUpdateFlags eFlags) | SwEditShell | |
SetFirstVisPageInvalid() | SwViewShell | |
SetFlyFrameAttr(SfxItemSet &rSet) | SwFEShell | |
SetFlyMacroLnk(const Link< const SwFlyFrameFormat *, void > &rLnk) | SwCursorShell | inline |
SetFlyName(const OUString &rName) | SwFEShell | |
SetFlyPos(const Point &rAbsPos) | SwFEShell | |
SetFootnoteInfo(const SwFootnoteInfo &rInfo) | SwEditShell | |
SetFrameFormat(SwFrameFormat *pFormat, bool bKeepOrient=false, Point const *pDocPos=nullptr) | SwFEShell | |
SetGlblDocSaveLinks(bool bFlag) | SwEditShell | |
SetGraphicPolygon(const tools::PolyPolygon *pPoly) | SwEditShell | |
SetGrfArrivedLnk(const Link< SwCursorShell &, void > &rLnk) | SwCursorShell | inline |
SetIndent(short nIndent, const SwPosition &rPos) | SwEditShell | |
SetInFrontOfLabel(bool bNew) | SwCursorShell | protected |
SetInSelect() | SwWrtShell | inline |
SetInsMode(bool bOn=true) | SwWrtShell | |
SetLabelDoc(bool bFlag) | SwEditShell | |
SetLineEnds(SfxItemSet &rAttr, SdrObject const &rObj, sal_uInt16 nSlotId) | SwFEShell | static |
SetLineNumberInfo(const SwLineNumberInfo &rInfo) | SwEditShell | |
SetLinguRange(SwDocPositions eStart, SwDocPositions eEnd) | SwEditShell | |
SetLinkUpdMode(sal_uInt16 nMode) | SwEditShell | |
setLOKVisibleArea(const tools::Rectangle &rArea) | SwViewShell | inline |
SetMacroExecAllowed(const bool _bMacroExecAllowed) | SwCursorShell | inline |
SetMark() | SwCursorShell | inline |
SetModified() | SwEditShell | |
SetMouseTabCols(const SwTabCols &rNew, bool bCurRowOnly, const Point &rPt) | SwFEShell | |
SetMouseTabRows(const SwTabCols &rNew, bool bCurColOnly, const Point &rPt) | SwFEShell | |
SetMsWordCompTrailingBlanks(bool _bMsWordCompTrailingBlanks) | SwViewShell | |
SetNewDoc() | SwEditShell | |
SetNewPageOffset(sal_uInt16 nOffset) | SwFEShell | |
SetNodeNumStart(sal_uInt16 nStt) | SwEditShell | |
SetNumberingRestart() | SwEditShell | |
SetNumRuleStart(bool bFlag, SwPaM *pCursor) | SwEditShell | |
SetObjAttr(const SfxItemSet &rSet) | SwFEShell | |
SetObjDecorative(bool isDecorative) | SwFEShell | |
SetObjDescription(const OUString &rDescription) | SwFEShell | |
SetObjRect(const SwRect &rRect) | SwFEShell | |
SetObjTitle(const OUString &rTitle) | SwFEShell | |
SetOut(vcl::RenderContext *pOut) | SwViewShell | inline |
SetOutlineNumRule(const SwNumRule &) | SwEditShell | |
setOutputToWindow(bool bOutputToWindow) | SwViewShell | |
SetOverwriteCursor(bool bFlag) | SwCursorShell | inline |
SetPageObjsNewPage(std::vector< SwFrameFormat * > &rFillArr) | SwFEShell | |
SetPageOffset(sal_uInt16 nOffset) | SwFEShell | |
SetPageStyle(const OUString &rCollName) | SwWrtShell | |
SetParagraphSignatureValidation(const bool bEnable) | SwEditShell | inline |
SetParaSpaceMax(bool bNew) | SwViewShell | |
SetParaSpaceMaxAtPages(bool bNew) | SwViewShell | |
SetPDFExportOption(bool bSet) | SwViewShell | |
SetProtectForm(bool _bProtectForm) | SwViewShell | |
SetPrtFormatOption(bool bSet) | SwViewShell | |
SetReadOnlyAvailable(bool bFlag) | SwCursorShell | |
SetReadonlyOption(bool bSet) override | SwWrtShell | virtual |
SetReadonlySelectionOption(bool bSet) | SwViewShell | |
SetRedlineComment(const OUString &rS) | SwEditShell | |
SetRedlineFlags(RedlineFlags eMode) | SwEditShell | |
SetRedlineFlagsAndCheckInsMode(RedlineFlags eMode) | SwWrtShell | |
SetRestoreActions(sal_uInt16 nSet) | SwViewShell | |
SetRetainSelection(bool bRet) | SwWrtShell | inline |
SetRowBackground(const SvxBrushItem &rNew) | SwFEShell | |
SetRowHeight(const SwFormatFrameSize &rSz) | SwFEShell | |
SetRowSplit(const SwFormatRowSplit &rSz) | SwFEShell | |
SetRowsToRepeat(sal_uInt16 nNumOfRows) | SwFEShell | |
SetSectionAttr(const SfxItemSet &rSet, SwSectionFormat *pSectFormat=nullptr) | SwEditShell | |
SetSectionAttr_(SwSectionFormat &rSectFormat, const SfxItemSet &rSet) | SwEditShell | private |
SetSelection(const SwPaM &rCursor) | SwCursorShell | |
SetSelTableCells(bool bFlag) | SwCursorShell | inline |
SetSendAccessibleCursorEvents(bool bEnable) | SwCursorShell | inline |
SetSfxViewShell(SfxViewShell *pNew) | SwViewShell | inline |
SetShadowCursorPos(const Point &rPt, SwFillMode eFillMode) | SwCursorShell | |
SetShellRes(ShellResource *pRes) | SwViewShell | inlinestatic |
SetShowHeaderFooterSeparator(FrameControlType eControl, bool bShow) override | SwWrtShell | virtual |
SetSplitVerticalByDefault(bool value) | SwWrtShell | |
SetSubtractFlysAnchoredAtFlys(bool bSubtractFlysAnchoredAtFlys) | SwViewShell | |
SetTabBackground(const SvxBrushItem &rNew) | SwFEShell | |
SetTabBorders(const SfxItemSet &rSet) | SwFEShell | |
SetTabCols(const SwTabCols &rNew, bool bCurRowOnly) | SwFEShell | |
SetTabCompat(bool bNew) | SwViewShell | |
SetTableAttr(const SfxItemSet &) | SwFEShell | |
SetTableBoxFormulaAttrs(const SfxItemSet &rSet) | SwEditShell | |
SetTableChgMode(TableChgMode eMode) | SwEditShell | |
SetTableCopied(bool bCopied) | SwFEShell | inline |
SetTableInsertMode(SwTable::SearchType eFlag) | SwFEShell | inline |
SetTableName(SwFrameFormat &rTableFormat, const OUString &rNewName) | SwEditShell | |
SetTableStyle(const OUString &rStyleName) | SwFEShell | |
SetTableStyle(const SwTableAutoFormat &rNew) | SwFEShell | |
SetTabLineStyle(const Color *pColor, bool bSetLine=false, const editeng::SvxBorderLine *pBorderLine=nullptr) | SwFEShell | |
SetTabRows(const SwTabCols &rNew, bool bCurColOnly) | SwFEShell | |
SetTextFormatColl(SwTextFormatColl *, const bool bResetListAttrs=false) | SwEditShell | |
SetTOIAutoMarkURL(const OUString &rSet) | SwEditShell | |
SetTOXBaseReadonly(const SwTOXBase &rTOXBase, bool bReadonly) | SwEditShell | |
SetUIOptions(const SwViewOption &rOpt) | SwViewShell | |
SetUndoNoResetModified() | SwEditShell | |
SetUpdateTOX(bool bFlag) | SwEditShell | |
SetUseFormerLineSpacing(bool _bUseFormerLineSpacing) | SwViewShell | |
SetUseFormerObjectPositioning(bool _bUseFormerObjPos) | SwViewShell | |
SetUseFormerTextWrapping(bool _bUseFormerTextWrapping) | SwViewShell | |
SetVisibleCursor(const Point &rPt) | SwCursorShell | |
SetWatermark(const SfxWatermarkItem &rText) | SwEditShell | |
SetWin(vcl::Window *win) | SwViewShell | inline |
ShellGetFocus() | SwFEShell | |
ShellLoseFocus() | SwFEShell | |
ShouldObjectBeSelected(const Point &rPt) | SwFEShell | |
ShouldWait() const | SwCursorShell | |
ShowCursor() | SwCursorShell | |
ShowCursors(bool bCursorVis) | SwCursorShell | |
ShowPreviewSelection(sal_uInt16 nSelPage) | SwViewShell | |
SignParagraph() | SwEditShell | |
SimpleMove(FNSimpleMove, bool bSelect) | SwWrtShell | |
SizeChgNotify() | SwViewShell | |
SmoothScroll(tools::Long lXDiff, tools::Long lYDiff, const tools::Rectangle *) | SwViewShell | |
Sort(const SwSortOptions &) | SwFEShell | |
spCareDialog | SwViewShell | protectedstatic |
SpellContinue(sal_uInt16 *pPageCnt, sal_uInt16 *pPageSt, SwConversionArgs const *pConvArgs) | SwEditShell | |
SpellEnd(SwConversionArgs const *pConvArgs=nullptr, bool bRestoreSelection=true) | SwEditShell | |
SpellSentence(svx::SpellPortions &rToFill, bool bIsGrammarCheck) | SwEditShell | |
SpellStart(SwDocPositions eStart, SwDocPositions eEnd, SwDocPositions eCurr, SwConversionArgs *pConvArgs=nullptr) | SwEditShell | |
SplitNode(bool bAutoFormat=false) | SwWrtShell | |
SwFEShell::SplitNode(bool bAutoFormat=false, bool bCheckTableStart=true) | SwEditShell | |
SplitTab(bool bVert, sal_uInt16 nCnt, bool bSameHeight) | SwFEShell | |
SplitTable(SplitTable_HeadlineOption eMode) | SwEditShell | |
spShellRes | SwViewShell | protectedstatic |
StartAction() | SwCursorShell | |
StartAllAction() | SwEditShell | |
StartCropImage() | SwFEShell | |
StartDropDownFieldDlg(SwField *, bool bPrevButton, bool bNextButton, weld::Widget *pParentWin, FieldDialogPressedButton *pPressedButton=nullptr) | SwWrtShell | |
StartInputFieldDlg(SwField *, bool bPrevButton, bool bNextButton, weld::Widget *pParentWin, FieldDialogPressedButton *pPressedButton=nullptr) | SwWrtShell | |
StartInsertRegionDialog(const SwSectionData &) | SwWrtShell | |
StartOfColumn() | SwWrtShell | |
StartOfInputFieldAtPos(const SwPosition &rPos) | SwCursorShell | static |
StartOfNextColumn() | SwWrtShell | |
StartOfPrevColumn() | SwWrtShell | |
StartOfSection(bool bSelect=false) | SwWrtShell | |
StartsWith enum name | SwCursorShell | |
StartsWith_() | SwCursorShell | |
StartUndo(SwUndoId eUndoId=SwUndoId::EMPTY, const SwRewriter *pRewriter=nullptr) | SwEditShell | |
SttCursorMove() | SwCursorShell | |
SttEndDoc(bool bStt) | SwCursorShell | |
SttLeaveSelect() | SwWrtShell | private |
SttNxtPg(bool bSelect=false) | SwWrtShell | |
SttPara(bool bSelect=false) | SwWrtShell | |
SttPg(bool bSelect=false) | SwWrtShell | |
SttPrvPg(bool bSelect=false) | SwWrtShell | |
SttSelect() | SwWrtShell | |
SttWrd() | SwWrtShell | private |
SwapPam() | SwCursorShell | |
SwClientNotify(const SwModify &, const SfxHint &) override | SwCursorShell | protectedvirtual |
SwCursorShell(SwDoc &rDoc, vcl::Window *pWin, const SwViewOption *pOpt) | SwCursorShell | |
SwCursorShell(SwCursorShell &rShell, vcl::Window *pWin) | SwCursorShell | |
SwEditShell(SwDoc &, vcl::Window *, const SwViewOption *pOpt) | SwEditShell | |
SwEditShell(SwEditShell &, vcl::Window *) | SwEditShell | |
SwEditShell(const SwEditShell &)=delete | SwEditShell | private |
SwFEShell(SwDoc &rDoc, vcl::Window *pWin, const SwViewOption *pOpt) | SwFEShell | |
SwFEShell(SwEditShell &rShell, vcl::Window *pWin) | SwFEShell | |
SwViewShell(SwViewShell &, vcl::Window *pWin, OutputDevice *pOut=nullptr, tools::Long nFlags=0) | SwViewShell | |
SwViewShell(SwDoc &rDoc, vcl::Window *pWin, const SwViewOption *pOpt, OutputDevice *pOut=nullptr, tools::Long nFlags=0) | SwViewShell | |
SwWrtShell(SwWrtShell &, vcl::Window *pWin, SwView &rShell) | SwWrtShell | |
SwWrtShell(SwDoc &rDoc, vcl::Window *pWin, SwView &rShell, const SwViewOption *pViewOpt) | SwWrtShell | |
TableCursorToCursor() | SwCursorShell | |
TableToText(sal_Unicode cCh) | SwEditShell | |
TestCurrPam(const Point &rPt, bool bTstHit=false) | SwCursorShell | |
TextToTable(const SwInsertTableOptions &rInsTableOpts, sal_Unicode cCh, const SwTableAutoFormat *pTAFormat=nullptr) | SwEditShell | |
ToggleAddMode() | SwWrtShell | |
ToggleBlockMode() | SwWrtShell | |
ToggleExtMode() | SwWrtShell | |
ToggleHeaderFooterEdit() | SwFEShell | |
ToggleInsMode() | SwWrtShell | inline |
TransliterateText(TransliterationFlags nType) | SwEditShell | |
TryRemoveIndent() | SwWrtShell | |
TrySelectOuterTable() | SwCursorShell | |
UISizeNotify() | SwViewShell | |
Unchain(SwFrameFormat &rFormat) | SwFEShell | |
UNDO enum value | SwWrtShell | |
Undo(sal_uInt16 const nCount=1, sal_uInt16 nOffset=0) | SwEditShell | |
UnGroupSelection() | SwFEShell | |
unique() const | sw::Ring< SwViewShell > | inlineprotected |
unlink() | sw::Ring< SwViewShell > | inline |
UnlockExpFields() | SwEditShell | |
UnlockPaint(bool bVirDev=false) | SwViewShell | inline |
UnProtectCells() | SwFEShell | |
UnProtectTables() | SwFEShell | |
UnSelectFrame() | SwWrtShell | |
UnsetEnhancedTableSelection() | SwCursorShell | inline |
UnSetVisibleCursor() | SwCursorShell | inline |
Up(bool bSelect, sal_uInt16 nCount=1, bool bBasicCall=false) | SwWrtShell | |
Up(sal_uInt16 nCnt=1) | SwWrtShell | inlineprivate |
UpdateAllCharts() | SwViewShell | |
UpdateAttr() | SwCursorShell | inline |
UpdateCharts(const OUString &rName) | SwEditShell | |
UpdateCursor(sal_uInt16 eFlags=SwCursorShell::SCROLLWIN|SwCursorShell::CHKRANGE, bool bIdleEnd=false) | SwCursorShell | |
UpdateCursorPos() | SwCursorShell | |
UpdateDocStat() | SwEditShell | |
UpdateExpFields(bool bCloseDB=false) | SwEditShell | |
UpdateFields(bool bCloseDB=false) | SwEditShell | private |
UpdateInputFields(SwInputFieldList *pLst=nullptr) | SwWrtShell | |
UpdateLayoutFrame(const Point *, bool bProp) | SwWrtShell | private |
UpdateMarkedListLevel() | SwCursorShell | protected |
UpdateOleObjectPreviews() | SwViewShell | |
UpdateOneField(SwField &) | SwEditShell | |
UpdateRedlineAttr() | SwEditShell | |
UpdateSection(size_t const nSect, SwSectionData &, SfxItemSet const *const =nullptr) | SwEditShell | |
UpdateTable() | SwEditShell | |
UpdateTableOf(const SwTOXBase &rTOX, const SfxItemSet *pSet=nullptr) | SwWrtShell | |
UpdateTableSelBoxes() | SwCursorShell | |
UpdateTableStyleFormatting(SwTableNode *pTableNode=nullptr, bool bResetDirect=false, OUString const *pStyleName=nullptr) | SwFEShell | |
UPDOWN enum value | SwCursorShell | |
UpDown(bool, sal_uInt16) | SwCursorShell | private |
ValidateAllParagraphSignatures(bool updateDontRemove) | SwEditShell | |
ValidateCurrentParagraphSignatures(bool updateDontRemove) | SwEditShell | |
ValidateParagraphSignatures(SwTextNode *pNode, bool updateDontRemove) | SwEditShell | |
VisArea() const | SwViewShell | |
VisPortChgd(const SwRect &) override | SwCursorShell | virtual |
WarnHiddenSectionDialog() const override | SwWrtShell | virtual |
WarnSwitchToDesignModeDialog() const override | SwWrtShell | virtual |
WhichMouseTabCol(const Point &rPt) const | SwFEShell | |
WizardGetFly() | SwFEShell | |
word enum name | SwWrtShell | |
WORD_NO_SPACE enum value | SwWrtShell | |
WORD_SPACE_AFTER enum value | SwWrtShell | |
WORD_SPACE_BEFORE enum value | SwWrtShell | |
~IShellCursorSupplier() | sw::IShellCursorSupplier | inlinevirtual |
~Ring() COVERITY_NOEXCEPT_FALSE | sw::Ring< SwViewShell > | inlinevirtual |
~SwCursorShell() override | SwCursorShell | virtual |
~SwEditShell() override | SwEditShell | virtual |
~SwFEShell() override | SwFEShell | virtual |
~SwViewShell() override | SwViewShell | virtual |
~SwWrtShell() override | SwWrtShell | virtual |