LibreOffice Module sw (master) 1
This is the complete list of members for SwEscherEx, including all inherited members.
AddAtom(sal_uInt32 nAtomSitze, sal_uInt16 nRecType, int nRecVersion=0, int nRecInstance=0) | EscherEx | |
AddChildAnchor(const tools::Rectangle &rRectangle) | EscherEx | |
AddClientAnchor(const tools::Rectangle &rRectangle) | EscherEx | |
AddDummyShape() | EscherEx | |
AddSdrObject(const SdrObject &rObj, bool ooxmlExport=false, sal_uInt32 nId=0) | EscherEx | |
AddSdrObjectVMLObject(const SdrObject &) | EscherEx | virtual |
AddSdrPage(const SdrPage &rPage, bool ooxmlExport=false) | EscherEx | |
AddShape(sal_uInt32 nShpInstance, ShapeFlag nFlagIds, sal_uInt32 nShapeID=0) | EscherEx | virtual |
AddUnoShapes(const css::uno::Reference< css::drawing::XShapes > &rxShapes, bool ooxmlExport=false) | EscherEx | |
BeginAtom() | EscherEx | |
BuildFileName(sal_uInt16 &rnLevel, bool &rbRel, const OUString &rUrl) | SwBasicEscherEx | |
CloseContainer() | EscherEx | virtual |
Commit(EscherPropertyContainer &rProps, const tools::Rectangle &rRect) | EscherEx | virtual |
DoSeek(sal_uInt32 nKey) | EscherEx | protected |
DrawModelToEmu(sal_Int32 nVal) const | SwBasicEscherEx | inlineprotected |
EndAtom(sal_uInt16 nRecType, int nRecVersion=0, int nRecInstance=0) | EscherEx | |
EndSdrObjectPage() | EscherEx | |
EndShape(sal_uInt16 nShapeType, sal_uInt32 nShapeID) | EscherEx | virtual |
EnterAdditionalTextGroup() | EscherEx | virtual |
EnterGroup(const OUString &rShapeName, const tools::Rectangle *pBoundRect) | EscherEx | virtual |
EnterGroup(const tools::Rectangle *pBoundRect=nullptr) | EscherEx | |
EscherEx(std::shared_ptr< EscherExGlobal > xGlobal, SvStream *pOutStrm, bool bOOXML=false) | EscherEx | |
EscherEx(const EscherEx &)=delete | EscherEx | private |
EscherPersistTable() | EscherPersistTable | |
EscherPersistTable(EscherPersistTable const &)=delete | EscherPersistTable | |
FinishEscher() | SwEscherEx | |
Flush(SvStream *pPicStreamMergeBSE=nullptr) | EscherEx | |
GenerateShapeId() | EscherEx | virtual |
GetBasePath() const | SwBasicEscherEx | |
GetColor(const sal_uInt32 nColor) | EscherEx | static |
GetColor(const Color &rColor) | EscherEx | static |
GetEditAs() const | EscherEx | |
GetFlyShapeId(const SwFrameFormat &rFormat, unsigned int nHdFtIndex, DrawObjPointerVector &rPVec) | SwEscherEx | private |
GetGraphicProvider() | EscherEx | |
GetGroupLevel() const | EscherEx | |
GetHellLayerId() const | EscherEx | |
GetInvisibleHellId() const | SwBasicEscherEx | protected |
GetPersistOffset(sal_uInt32 nKey) | EscherEx | |
GetSdrObject(const css::uno::Reference< css::drawing::XShape > &rXShape) | EscherEx | static |
GetStream() const | EscherEx | |
GetStreamPos() const | EscherEx | |
Init() | SwBasicEscherEx | private |
InsertAtCurrentPos(sal_uInt32 nBytes) | EscherEx | |
InsertAtPersistOffset(sal_uInt32 nKey, sal_uInt32 nValue) | EscherEx | |
InsertPersistOffset(sal_uInt32 nKey, sal_uInt32 nOffset) | EscherEx | |
IsRelUrl() const | SwBasicEscherEx | |
LeaveGroup() | EscherEx | virtual |
m_aFollowShpIds | SwEscherEx | private |
m_aHostData | SwEscherEx | private |
m_aWinwordAnchoring | SwEscherEx | private |
m_pTextBxs | SwEscherEx | private |
MakeZOrderArrAndFollowIds(std::vector< DrawObj > &rSrcArr, DrawObjPointerVector &rDstArr) | SwEscherEx | private |
maPersistTable | EscherPersistTable | |
mbEscherDg | EscherEx | protected |
mbEscherSpgr | EscherEx | protected |
mbOOXML | EscherEx | protected |
mEditAs | EscherEx | protected |
mnCountOfs | EscherEx | protected |
mnCurrentDg | EscherEx | protected |
mnEmuDiv | SwBasicEscherEx | protected |
mnEmuMul | SwBasicEscherEx | protected |
mnGroupLevel | EscherEx | protected |
mnHellLayerId | EscherEx | protected |
mnStrmStartOfs | EscherEx | protected |
mOffsets | EscherEx | protected |
mpEscherStrm | SwBasicEscherEx | protected |
mpImplEESdrWriter | EscherEx | protected |
mpOutStrm | EscherEx | protected |
mRecTypes | EscherEx | protected |
mrWrt | SwBasicEscherEx | protected |
mxGlobal | EscherEx | protected |
mxOwnStrm | EscherEx | protected |
OpenContainer(sal_uInt16 nEscherContainer, int nRecInstance=0) | EscherEx | virtual |
operator=(const SwEscherEx &)=delete | SwEscherEx | private |
EscherPersistTable::operator=(EscherPersistTable const &)=delete | EscherPersistTable | |
PreWriteHyperlinkWithinFly(const SwFrameFormat &rFormat, EscherPropertyContainer &rPropOpt) | SwBasicEscherEx | |
PtDelete(sal_uInt32 nID) | EscherPersistTable | |
PtGetOffsetByID(sal_uInt32 nID) | EscherPersistTable | |
PtInsert(sal_uInt32 nID, sal_uInt32 nOfs) | EscherPersistTable | |
PtIsID(sal_uInt32 nID) | EscherPersistTable | |
PtReplace(sal_uInt32 nID, sal_uInt32 nOfs) | EscherPersistTable | |
PtReplaceOrInsert(sal_uInt32 nID, sal_uInt32 nOfs) | EscherPersistTable | |
QueryPictureStream() | EscherEx | |
QueryTextID(const css::uno::Reference< css::drawing::XShape > &, sal_uInt32) override | SwEscherEx | privatevirtual |
ReplacePersistOffset(sal_uInt32 nKey, sal_uInt32 nOffset) | EscherEx | |
SeekToPersistOffset(sal_uInt32 nKey) | EscherEx | |
SetEditAs(const OUString &rEditAs) | EscherEx | |
SetGroupLogicRect(sal_uInt32 nGroupLevel, const tools::Rectangle &rRect) | EscherEx | |
SetGroupSnapRect(sal_uInt32 nGroupLevel, const tools::Rectangle &rRect) | EscherEx | |
SetHellLayerId(SdrLayerID nId) | EscherEx | |
SetPicId(const SdrObject &rSdrObj, sal_uInt32 nShapeId, EscherPropertyContainer &rPropOpt) override | SwEscherEx | privatevirtual |
StartShape(const css::uno::Reference< css::drawing::XShape > &, const tools::Rectangle *) override | SwEscherEx | inlinevirtual |
SwBasicEscherEx(SvStream *pStrm, WW8Export &rWrt) | SwBasicEscherEx | |
SwBasicEscherEx(const SwBasicEscherEx &)=delete | SwBasicEscherEx | private |
SwEscherEx(SvStream *pStrm, WW8Export &rWW8Wrt) | SwEscherEx | |
SwEscherEx(const SwEscherEx &)=delete | SwEscherEx | private |
ToFract16(sal_Int32 nVal, sal_uInt32 nMax) | SwBasicEscherEx | protectedstatic |
WriteBrushAttr(const SvxBrushItem &rBrush, EscherPropertyContainer &rPropOpt) | SwBasicEscherEx | protected |
WriteEmptyFlyFrame(const SwFrameFormat &rFormat, sal_uInt32 nShapeId) | SwBasicEscherEx | |
WriteFlyFrame(const DrawObj &rObj, sal_uInt32 &rShapeId, DrawObjPointerVector &rPVec) | SwEscherEx | private |
WriteFlyFrameAttr(const SwFrameFormat &rFormat, MSO_SPT eShapeType, EscherPropertyContainer &rPropOpt) override | SwEscherEx | privatevirtual |
WriteFrameExtraData(const SwFrameFormat &rFormat) override | SwEscherEx | virtual |
WriteGrfAttr(const SwNoTextNode &rNd, const SwFrameFormat &rFormat, EscherPropertyContainer &rPropOpt) | SwBasicEscherEx | protectedstatic |
WriteGrfBullet(const Graphic &) | SwBasicEscherEx | |
WriteGrfFlyFrame(const SwFrameFormat &rFormat, sal_uInt32 nShapeId) | SwBasicEscherEx | |
WriteHyperlinkWithinFly(SvMemoryStream &rStrm, const SwFormatURL *pINetFormatArg) | SwBasicEscherEx | |
WriteOCXControl(const SwFrameFormat &rFormat, sal_uInt32 nShapeId) | SwEscherEx | private |
WriteOLEFlyFrame(const SwFrameFormat &rFormat, sal_uInt32 nShapeId) | SwBasicEscherEx | |
WriteOLEPicture(EscherPropertyContainer &rPropOpt, ShapeFlag nShapeFlags, const Graphic &rGraphic, const SdrObject &rObj, sal_uInt32 nShapeId, const css::awt::Rectangle *pVisArea) | SwBasicEscherEx | protected |
WritePictures() override | SwEscherEx | virtual |
WriteTextFlyFrame(const DrawObj &rObj, sal_uInt32 nShapeId, sal_uInt32 nTextBox, DrawObjPointerVector &rPVec) | SwEscherEx | private |
~EscherEx() override | EscherEx | virtual |
~EscherPersistTable() | EscherPersistTable | virtual |
~SwBasicEscherEx() override | SwBasicEscherEx | virtual |
~SwEscherEx() override | SwEscherEx | virtual |