Access to the style pool.
virtual bool IsPoolTextCollUsed(sal_uInt16 nId) const =0
Check whether this "auto-collection" is used in document.
virtual ~IDocumentStylePoolAccess()
virtual SwFrameFormat * GetFrameFormatFromPool(sal_uInt16 nId)=0
Return required automatic format.
virtual SwPageDesc * GetPageDescFromPool(sal_uInt16 nId, bool bRegardLanguage=true)=0
Return required automatic page style.
virtual SwCharFormat * GetCharFormatFromPool(sal_uInt16 nId)=0
virtual bool IsPoolPageDescUsed(sal_uInt16 nId) const =0
virtual bool IsPoolFormatUsed(sal_uInt16 nId) const =0
virtual SwNumRule * GetNumRuleFromPool(sal_uInt16 nId)=0
virtual SwTextFormatColl * GetTextCollFromPool(sal_uInt16 nId, bool bRegardLanguage=true)=0
Return "Auto-Collection with ID.
virtual SwFormat * GetFormatFromPool(sal_uInt16 nId)=0
Return required automatic format base class.
Represents the style of a paragraph.