►CAccessibleImageBulletInterfaceBase | |
Caccessibility::AccessibleImageBullet | This class implements the image bullets for the EditEngine/Outliner UAA |
Caccessibility::AccessibleStaticTextBase_Impl | AccessibleStaticTextBase_Impl |
CAccessibleStringWrap | |
CAnchorInfo | |
►Ccppu::BaseMutex [external] | |
CSvxUnoTextField | |
Caccessibility::AccessibleContextBase | @descr This base class provides an implementation of the AccessibleContext service |
CCharAttribList | |
Cediteng::CompareAutoCompleteString | |
CCompareSvStringsISortDtor | |
CSvxAutocorrWordList::CompareSvxAutocorrWordList | |
►Cutl::ConfigurationBroadcaster [external] | |
►Cutl::ConfigItem [external] | |
CSvxBaseAutoCorrCfg | |
CSvxSwAutoCorrCfg | |
CContentAttribs | |
CContentAttribsInfo | |
CContentInfo | |
CContentNode | |
CConvInfo | |
CDefItems | |
CDeletedNodeInfo | |
COutliner::DepthChangeHdlParam | |
►Cvcl::unohelper::DragAndDropClient [external] | |
CImpEditView | |
CDragAndDropInfo | |
CDrawBulletInfo | |
CDrawPortionInfo | |
CEBulletInfo | |
►CEditCharAttrib | |
CEditCharAttribBackgroundColor | |
CEditCharAttribCaseMap | |
CEditCharAttribColor | |
CEditCharAttribEmphasisMark | |
CEditCharAttribEscapement | |
CEditCharAttribField | |
CEditCharAttribFont | |
CEditCharAttribFontHeight | |
CEditCharAttribFontWidth | |
CEditCharAttribGrabBag | |
CEditCharAttribItalic | |
CEditCharAttribKerning | |
CEditCharAttribLanguage | |
CEditCharAttribLineBreak | |
CEditCharAttribOutline | |
CEditCharAttribOverline | |
CEditCharAttribPairKerning | |
CEditCharAttribRelief | |
CEditCharAttribShadow | |
CEditCharAttribStrikeout | |
CEditCharAttribTab | |
CEditCharAttribUnderline | |
CEditCharAttribWeight | |
CEditCharAttribWordLineMode | |
CEditDLL | |
CEditDoc | |
►CEditEngine | |
COutlinerEditEng | |
CEditFieldInfo | |
CEditLine | |
CEditLineList | |
CEditNodeIdx | |
CEditPaM | |
CEditPosition | |
CEditSelection | |
►CEditStatus | |
CInternalEditStatus | |
►CEditTextObject | |
CEditTextObjectImpl | |
CEditView | |
CEditViewCallbacks | |
CEECharAttrib | |
CEENotify | |
CEFieldInfo | |
CEPaM | |
CEPosition | |
CESelection | |
CExtraPortionInfo | |
►Csax_fastparser::FastTokenHandlerBase [external] | |
CSvXMLAutoCorrectTokenHandler | |
Cediteng::FieldUpdater | Wrapper for EditTextObject to handle updating of fields without exposing the internals of EditTextObject structure |
Cediteng::FieldUpdaterImpl | |
►Cvcl::Font [external] | |
CSvxFont | |
CFormatterFontMetric | |
►CFunctionSet [external] | |
CEditSelFunctionSet | |
CGlobalEditData | |
►Cediteng::HangulHanjaConversion | Encapsulates Hangul-Hanja conversion functionality |
CTextConvWrapper | |
Cediteng::HangulHanjaConversion_Impl | |
CHtmlImportInfo | |
Cediteng::IAutoCompleteString | |
CSvxAutocorrWordList::Impl | |
►Ccppu::ImplHelper2< class Ifc1, class Ifc2 > [external] | |
Caccessibility::AccessibleStaticTextBase | Helper class for objects containing EditEngine/Outliner text |
CImplIMEInfos | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< ACFlags, 0xe001ffff > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< ACFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< AsianCompressionFlags, 0x07 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< AsianCompressionFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< EditStatusFlags, 0x77 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< EditStatusFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< EEControlBits, 0x07ffffff > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< EEControlBits > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< EVControlBits, 0xfd > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< EVControlBits > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< Flags, 0x07 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< Flags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< GetAttribsFlags, 0x07 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< GetAttribsFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< GetCursorFlags, 0x0f > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< GetCursorFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< LOKSpecialFlags, 0x77 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< LOKSpecialFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< ParaFlag, 0xc100 > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< ParaFlag > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags, 0xff > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags > | |
►Co3tl::is_typed_flags< SvxNumRuleFlags, 0x039d > [external] | |
Co3tl::typed_flags< SvxNumRuleFlags > | |
CItemList | |
Cediteng::LanguageSpan | |
CImpEditEngine::LineAreaInfo | |
CLinguMgr | |
CLOKSpecialPositioning | This is meant just for Calc, where all positions in logical units (twips for LOK) are computed by doing independent pixel-alignment for each cell's size |
Cediteng::MisspellRange | |
Cediteng::MisspellRanges | |
CMoveParagraphsInfo | |
CNonOverflowingText | |
►Ccomphelper::OCommonAccessibleSelection [external] | |
Caccessibility::AccessibleSelectionBase | @descr This base class provides a base implementation of the XAccessibleSelection interface |
COFlowChainedText | |
Cstd::optional< OutlinerParaObject > | Specialise std::optional template for the case where we are wrapping a o3tl::cow_wrapper type, and we can make the pointer inside the cow_wrapper act as an empty value, and save ourselves some storage |
COutlinerParaObjData | This is the guts of OutlinerParaObject, refcounted and shared among multiple instances of OutlinerParaObject |
COutlinerParaObject | |
COutlinerView | |
COutlinerViewShell | Interface class to not depend on SfxViewShell in editeng |
COverflowingText | |
►Ccppu::OWeakObject [external] | |
CSvxAccessibleTextPropertySet | Wraps SvxUnoTextRangeBase and provides us with the text properties |
►Ccppu::OWeakAggObject [external] | |
►Ccppu::WeakAggImplHelper1< css::container::XEnumeration > [external] | |
CSvxUnoTextContentEnumeration | |
CSvxUnoTextRangeEnumeration | |
►Ccppu::WeakAggImplHelper4< css::frame::XModel, css::ucb::XAnyCompareFactory, css::style::XStyleFamiliesSupplier, css::lang::XMultiServiceFactory > [external] | |
CSvxSimpleUnoModel | |
►Ccppu::WeakAggImplHelper4< css::container::XIndexReplace, css::ucb::XAnyCompare, css::util::XCloneable, css::lang::XServiceInfo > [external] | |
CSvxUnoNumberingRules | |
CSvxUnoText | |
CSvxUnoTextContent | |
CSvxUnoTextCursor | |
CSvxUnoTextRange | |
►Ccppu::OComponentHelper [external] | |
CSvxUnoTextField | |
CPaintFirstLineInfo | |
►CParagraphData | |
CParagraph | |
COutliner::ParagraphHdlParam | |
CParagraphInfos | |
CParagraphList | |
CParaPortion | |
CParaPortionList | |
CParaRange | |
COutlinerUndoChangeParaNumberingRestart::ParaRestartData | |
CPasteOrDropInfos | |
CSvxRTFParser::PlainOrPardMap | |
CTextRanger::RangeCacheItem | The RangeCache class is used to cache the result of a single range calculation |
CRtfImportInfo | |
CScriptTypePosInfo | |
Cediteng::Section | |
►CSelectionEngine [external] | |
CEditSelectionEngine | |
►CSfxBroadcaster [external] | |
COutliner | |
►CSfxItemPool [external] | |
CEditEngineItemPool | |
►CSfxListener [external] | |
CImpEditEngine | |
►CSfxPoolItem [external] | |
►CCntByteItem [external] | |
►CSfxByteItem [external] | |
CSvxOrphansItem | An orphan line is a paragraph-starting line that is still on the previous page or column (has future, but no past) |
CSvxPaperBinItem | |
CSvxWidowsItem | A widow line is a paragraph-ending line that goes to the following page or column (has past, but no future) |
►CCntUInt16Item [external] | |
►CSfxUInt16Item [external] | |
CSvxCharScaleWidthItem | |
CSvxEmphasisMarkItem | |
CSvxParaVertAlignItem | |
►CSvxTextRotateItem | |
CSvxCharRotateItem | |
CSvxWritingModeItem | |
►CCntUInt32Item [external] | |
►CSfxUInt32Item [external] | |
CSvxRsidItem | |
►CCntUnencodedStringItem [external] | |
►CSfxStringItem [external] | |
CSvxPageModelItem | |
►CSfxBoolItem [external] | |
CSvxAutoKernItem | |
CSvxBlinkItem | |
CSvxCharHiddenItem | |
CSvxContourItem | |
CSvxForbiddenRuleItem | |
CSvxFormatKeepItem | |
CSvxFormatSplitItem | |
CSvxHangingPunctuationItem | |
CSvxNoHyphenItem | |
CSvxOpaqueItem | |
CSvxParaGridItem | |
CSvxPrintItem | |
CSvxScriptSpaceItem | |
CSvxShadowedItem | |
CSvxWordLineModeItem | |
►CSfxEnumItemInterface [external] | |
►CSfxEnumItem< SvxCaseMap > [external] | |
CSvxCaseMapItem | |
►CSfxEnumItem< FontRelief > [external] | |
CSvxCharReliefItem | |
►CSfxEnumItem< FontStrikeout > [external] | |
CSvxCrossedOutItem | |
►CSfxEnumItem< SvxBreak > [external] | |
CSvxFormatBreakItem | |
►CSfxEnumItem< SvxFrameDirection > [external] | |
CSvxFrameDirectionItem | |
►CSfxEnumItem< SvxCellHorJustify > [external] | |
CSvxHorJustifyItem | |
►CSfxEnumItem< SvxCellJustifyMethod > [external] | |
CSvxJustifyMethodItem | |
►CSfxEnumItem< LanguageType > [external] | |
►CSvxLanguageItem_Base | |
CSvxLanguageItem | |
►CSfxEnumItem< FontItalic > [external] | |
CSvxPostureItem | |
►CSfxEnumItem< FontLineStyle > [external] | |
►CSvxTextLineItem | |
CSvxOverlineItem | |
CSvxUnderlineItem | |
►CSfxEnumItem< SvxCellVerJustify > [external] | |
CSvxVerJustifyItem | |
►CSfxEnumItem< FontWeight > [external] | |
CSvxWeightItem | |
CSvxAdjustItem | |
CSvxEscapementItem | |
CSvxLineSpacingItem | |
CSvxShadowItem | |
CSfxHyphenRegionItem | |
►CSfxInt16Item [external] | |
CSvxKerningItem | |
►CSfxSetItem [external] | |
CSvxScriptSetItem | |
CSvXMLAttrContainerItem | |
CSvxBoxInfoItem | |
CSvxBoxItem | |
CSvxBrushItem | |
CSvxBulletItem | |
CSvxColorItem | SvxColorItem item describes a color |
CSvxFieldItem | This item stores a field (SvxFieldData) |
CSvxFirstLineIndentItem | First line indent that may be applied to paragraphs |
CSvxFontHeightItem | |
CSvxFontItem | This item describes a Font |
CSvxFontListItem | |
CSvxGutterLeftMarginItem | Gutter margin - for page styles |
CSvxGutterRightMarginItem | Gutter margin - for page styles |
CSvxHyphenZoneItem | |
CSvxLRSpaceItem | |
CSvxLeftMarginItem | GetLeft() - for everything that's not applied to a paragraph |
CSvxLineItem | |
CSvxNumBulletItem | |
CSvxProtectItem | |
CSvxRightMarginItem | |
CSvxSizeItem | |
CSvxTabStopItem | |
CSvxTextLeftMarginItem | GetTextLeft() - for everything that's applied to a paragraph |
CSvxTwoLinesItem | |
CSvxULSpaceItem | |
►CSfxUndoAction [external] | |
►CEditUndo | |
CEditUndoConnectParas | |
CEditUndoDelContent | |
CEditUndoInsertChars | |
CEditUndoInsertFeature | |
CEditUndoMarkSelection | |
CEditUndoMoveParagraphs | |
CEditUndoRemoveChars | |
CEditUndoSetAttribs | |
CEditUndoSetParaAttribs | |
CEditUndoSetStyleSheet | |
CEditUndoSplitPara | |
CEditUndoTransliteration | |
COLUndoExpand | |
►COutlinerUndoBase | |
COutlinerUndoChangeDepth | |
COutlinerUndoChangeParaFlags | |
COutlinerUndoChangeParaNumberingRestart | |
COutlinerUndoCheckPara | |
►CSfxUndoManager [external] | |
CEditUndoManager | |
Cediteng::SharedVclResources | |
►Csalhelper::SimpleReferenceObject [external] | |
CSvxEditEngineSourceImpl | |
►Co3tl::sorted_vector< IAutoCompleteString *, CompareAutoCompleteString > [external] | |
Cediteng::SortedAutoCompleteStrings | |
►Co3tl::sorted_vector< OUString, CompareSvStringsISortDtor > [external] | |
CSvStringsISortDtor | |
CSpellCallbackInfo | |
CSpellInfo | |
Csvx::SpellPortion | Portion of text that has the same language attributes applied and belongs to the same script type |
►Csvl::StyleSheetUser | |
CImpEditEngine | |
►CSvParser< HtmlTokenId > [external] | |
►CHTMLParser [external] | |
CEditHTMLParser | |
►CSvParser< int > [external] | |
►CSvRTFParser [external] | |
►CSvxRTFParser | |
CEditRTFParser | |
CSvxAlternativeSpelling | |
CSvxAutoCorrCfg | |
►CSvxAutoCorrDoc | |
CEdtAutoCorrDoc | |
CSvxAutoCorrect | |
CSvxAutoCorrectLanguageLists | |
CSvxAutocorrWord | |
CSvxAutocorrWordList | |
Cediteng::SvxBorderLine | |
CSvxBorderLineWidth | |
CSvxDicListChgClamp | |
CSvxDoCapitals | |
►CSvxEditSource | Wrapper class for unified EditEngine/Outliner access |
CSvxDummyTextSource | |
CSvxEditEngineSource | |
CSvxEditSourceHelper | Helper class for common functionality in edit sources |
►CSvxFieldData | |
CSdrMeasureField | |
CSvxAuthorField | |
CSvxDateField | |
CSvxDateTimeField | This field is used as a placeholder for a header&footer in impress |
CSvxExtFileField | |
CSvxExtTimeField | |
CSvxFileField | |
CSvxFooterField | This field is used as a placeholder for a header&footer in impress |
CSvxHeaderField | This field is used as a placeholder for a header&footer in impress |
CSvxPageField | |
CSvxPageTitleField | |
CSvxPagesField | |
CSvxTableField | |
CSvxTimeField | |
CSvxURLField | |
Cediteng::CustomPropertyField | |
CSvxForbiddenCharactersTable | |
CSvxIDPropertyCombine | |
CSvxItemPropertySet | |
CSvxItemPropertySetUsrAnys | |
►CSvXMLExport [external] | |
CSvXMLAutoCorrectExport | |
CSvXMLExceptionListExport | |
►CSvXMLImport | |
CSvXMLAutoCorrectImport | |
CSvXMLExceptionListImport | |
►CSvXMLImportContext [external] | |
CSvXMLExceptionContext | |
CSvXMLExceptionListContext | |
CSvXMLWordContext | |
CSvXMLWordListContext | |
CSvxNodeNum | |
►CSvxNumberType | |
CSvxNumberFormat | |
CSvxNumRule | |
CSvxPaperInfo | |
CSvxRTFItemStackType | |
CSvxRTFStyleType | |
►CSvxSpellWrapper | |
CEditSpellWrapper | |
CSvxSwAutoFormatFlags | |
CSvxTabStop | |
►CSvxTextForwarder | Contains an EditEngine or an Outliner and unifies access to them |
CSvxAccessibleTextAdapter | |
CSvxDummyTextSource | |
CSvxEditEngineForwarder | |
CSvxOutlinerForwarder | |
CSvxUnoFieldData_Impl | |
CSvxUnoFontDescriptor | |
►CSvxUnoTextRangeBase | |
CSvxAccessibleTextPropertySet | Wraps SvxUnoTextRangeBase and provides us with the text properties |
►CSvxUnoTextBase | |
CSvxUnoText | |
CSvxUnoTextContent | |
CSvxUnoTextCursor | |
CSvxUnoTextRange | |
►CSvxViewForwarder | Encapsulates the document view for the purpose of unified EditEngine/Outliner access |
►CSvxEditViewForwarder | Encapsulates EditView and OutlinerView for the purpose of unified EditEngine/Outliner access |
CSvxAccessibleTextEditViewAdapter | |
CSvxDrawOutlinerViewForwarder | Specialization for Draw/Impress |
►CTask [external] | |
►CTimer [external] | |
►CIdle [external] | |
CIdleFormattter | |
CTextChainingUtils | |
►CTextHint [external] | |
►CSvxEditSourceHint | Extends TextHint by two additional parameters which are necessary for the SfxHintId::EditSourceParasMoved hint |
CSvxEditSourceHintEndPara | |
CTextPortion | |
CTextPortionList | |
CTextRanger | |
Cediteng::Trie | |
Cediteng::TrieNode | |
CUFlowChainedText | |
CURLFieldHelper | |
►CVclAbstractDialogFactory [external] | |
CEditAbstractDialogFactory | |
►CVclReferenceBase [external] | |
►CVclAbstractDialog [external] | |
CAbstractHyphenWordDialog | |
CAbstractThesaurusDialog | |
►CVclAbstractTerminatedDialog [external] | |
CAbstractHangulHanjaConversionDialog | |
►Cstd::vector | |
CSvxRTFItemStackList | |
►Ccppu::WeakComponentImplHelper | |
Caccessibility::AccessibleContextBase | @descr This base class provides an implementation of the AccessibleContext service |
Caccessibility::WeakCppRef< UnoType, CppType > | Helper class for weak object references plus implementation |
►Ccppu::WeakImplHelper | |
CEditDataObject | |
CLinguMgrExitLstnr | |
CSvxUnoForbiddenCharsTable | |
Caccessibility::AccessibleHyperlink | |
Cediteng::WordBorderDistances | |
Cediteng::WordPageMargins | |
CWritingDirectionInfo | |
CWrongList | Keeps track of misspelled ranges in paragraph |
CEEngineData::WrongSpellClass | |
►Ccss::accessibility::XAccessibleExtendedComponent | |
Caccessibility::AccessibleComponentBase | @descr This base class provides (will provide) a base implementation of the XAccessibleComponent and the XAccessibleExtendedComponent for all shapes |
►Ccss::accessibility::XAccessibleSelection | |
Caccessibility::AccessibleSelectionBase | @descr This base class provides a base implementation of the XAccessibleSelection interface |
CXEditAttribute | |
►Ccss::container::XEnumerationAccess | |
CSvxUnoTextBase | |
CSvxUnoTextContent | |
CXParaPortion | |
CXParaPortionList | |
►Ccss::beans::XPropertySet | |
CSvxUnoTextField | |
►Ccss::lang::XServiceInfo | |
CSvxUnoTextField | |
►Ccss::text::XTextAppend | |
CSvxUnoTextBase | |
►Ccss::text::XTextContent | |
CSvxUnoTextContent | |
►Ccss::text::XTextCopy | |
CSvxUnoTextBase | |
►Ccss::text::XTextCursor | |
CSvxUnoTextCursor | |
►Ccss::text::XTextField | |
CSvxUnoTextField | |
►Ccss::text::XTextRangeMover | |
CSvxUnoTextBase | |
►Ccss::lang::XTypeProvider | |
CSvxAccessibleTextPropertySet | Wraps SvxUnoTextRangeBase and provides us with the text properties |
CSvxUnoTextBase | |
CSvxUnoTextContent | |
CSvxUnoTextCursor | |
CSvxUnoTextRange | |