sal_uInt8 GetBlue() const
sal_uInt8 GetAlpha() const
void SetAlpha(sal_uInt8 nAlpha)
Some things multiple-inherit from VclAbstractDialog and OutputDevice, so we need to use virtual inher...
virtual void InitClipRegion()
SAL_DLLPRIVATE tools::Long ImplLogicYToDevicePixel(tools::Long nY) const
Convert a logical Y coordinate to a device pixel's Y coordinate.
SAL_DLLPRIVATE bool is_double_buffered_window() const
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void InitLineColor()
SAL_DLLPRIVATE tools::Rectangle ImplLogicToDevicePixel(const tools::Rectangle &rLogicRect) const
Convert a logical rectangle to a rectangle in physical device pixel units.
virtual bool AcquireGraphics() const =0
Acquire a graphics device that the output device uses to draw on.
SAL_DLLPRIVATE bool ImplIsRecordLayout() const
SalGraphics * mpGraphics
Graphics context to draw on.
void DrawPixel(const Point &rPt)
Color GetPixel(const Point &rPt) const
bool IsDeviceOutputNecessary() const
VclPtr< VirtualDevice > mpAlphaVDev
DrawModeFlags GetDrawMode() const
const AllSettings & GetSettings() const
SAL_DLLPRIVATE tools::Long ImplLogicXToDevicePixel(tools::Long nX) const
Convert a logical X coordinate to a device pixel's X coordinate.
constexpr tools::Long Y() const
constexpr tools::Long X() const
void DrawPixel(tools::Long nX, tools::Long nY, const OutputDevice &rOutDev)
Color GetPixel(tools::Long nX, tools::Long nY, const OutputDevice &rOutDev)
Color GetLineColor(Color const &rColor, DrawModeFlags nDrawMode, StyleSettings const &rStyleSettings)