LibreOffice Module sw (master) 1
This is the complete list of members for SwWebGlosDocShell, including all inherited members.
AcceptStateUpdate() const | SfxObjectShell | |
Activate(bool bMDI) | SfxShell | virtual |
AddLink() | SwDocShell | private |
AddToRecentlyUsedList() | SfxObjectShell | protected |
AdjustMacroMode() | SfxObjectShell | |
AfterSigning(bool bSignSuccess, bool bSignScriptingContent) | SfxObjectShell | |
APISaveAs_Impl(std::u16string_view aFileName, SfxItemSet &rItemSet, const css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue > &rArgs) | SfxObjectShell | |
AppendInfoBarWhenReady(const OUString &sId, const OUString &sPrimaryMessage, const OUString &sSecondaryMessage, InfobarType aInfobarType, bool bShowCloseButton=true) | SfxObjectShell | |
ApplyItemSet(sal_uInt16 nId, const SfxItemSet &rSet) | SfxShell | virtual |
ApplyStyles(const OUString &rName, const SfxStyleFamily nFamily, SwWrtShell *pShell, sal_uInt16 nMode) | SwDocShell | private |
AvoidRecentDocs(bool bAvoid) | SfxObjectShell | |
bHasName | SfxObjectShell | private |
bIsInGenerateThumbnail | SfxObjectShell | private |
BreakMacroSign_Impl(bool bBreakMacroSing) | SfxObjectShell | |
bRememberSignature | SfxObjectShell | private |
BroadcastContextForActivation(const bool bIsActivated) | SfxShell | |
CalcLayoutForOLEObjects() | SwDocShell | private |
CallAutomationDocumentEventSinks(const OUString &Method, css::uno::Sequence< css::uno::Any > &Arguments) | SwDocShell | |
CallBasic(std::u16string_view rMacro, std::u16string_view rBasicName, SbxArray *pArgs, SbxValue *pRet=nullptr) | SfxObjectShell | |
CallXScript(const OUString &rScriptURL, const css::uno::Sequence< css::uno::Any > &aParams, css::uno::Any &aRet, css::uno::Sequence< sal_Int16 > &aOutParamIndex, css::uno::Sequence< css::uno::Any > &aOutParam, bool bRaiseError=true, const css::uno::Any *aCaller=nullptr) | SfxObjectShell | |
CallXScript(const css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XInterface > &_rxScriptContext, const OUString &rScriptURL, const css::uno::Sequence< css::uno::Any > &aParams, css::uno::Any &aRet, css::uno::Sequence< sal_Int16 > &aOutParamIndex, css::uno::Sequence< css::uno::Any > &aOutParam, bool bRaiseError=true, const css::uno::Any *aCaller=nullptr) | SfxObjectShell | static |
CancelCheckOut() | SfxObjectShell | |
CancelTransfers() override | SwDocShell | virtual |
CanExecuteSlot_Impl(const SfxSlot &rSlot) | SfxShell | |
CanReload_Impl() | SfxObjectShell | |
CheckEncryption_Impl(const css::uno::Reference< css::task::XInteractionHandler > &xHandler) | SfxObjectShell | |
CheckForBrokenDocSignatures_Impl() | SfxObjectShell | |
CheckIn() | SfxObjectShell | |
CheckIsReadonly(bool bSignScriptingContent, weld::Window *pDialogParent=nullptr) | SfxObjectShell | |
CheckOut() | SfxObjectShell | |
CheckSecurityOnLoading_Impl() | SfxObjectShell | |
ClearEmbeddedObjects() | SfxObjectShell | |
ClearHeaderAttributesForSourceViewHack() | SfxObjectShell | |
Close() override | SfxObjectShell | protectedvirtual |
CloseInternal() | SfxObjectShell | private |
CommonSaveAs_Impl(const INetURLObject &aURL, const OUString &aFilterName, SfxItemSet &rItemSet, const css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue > &rArgs) | SfxObjectShell | |
ConnectTmpStorage_Impl(const css::uno::Reference< css::embed::XStorage > &xStorage, SfxMedium *pMedium) | SfxObjectShell | |
ConvertFrom(SfxMedium &rMedium) override | SwDocShell | privatevirtual |
ConvertTo(SfxMedium &rMedium) override | SwDocShell | privatevirtual |
CopyStoragesOfUnknownMediaType(const css::uno::Reference< css::embed::XStorage > &xSource, const css::uno::Reference< css::embed::XStorage > &xTarget, const css::uno::Sequence< OUString > &rExceptions=css::uno::Sequence< OUString >()) | SfxObjectShell | static |
CreateAndLoadComponent(const SfxItemSet &rSet) | SfxObjectShell | static |
CreateDocumentInfoDialog(weld::Window *pParent, const SfxItemSet &rSet) override | SwDocShell | privatevirtual |
CreateItemSet(sal_uInt16 nId) | SfxShell | virtual |
CreateObject(const OUString &rServiceName, SfxObjectCreateMode=SfxObjectCreateMode::STANDARD) | SfxObjectShell | static |
CreateObjectByFactoryName(const OUString &rURL, SfxObjectCreateMode=SfxObjectCreateMode::STANDARD) | SfxObjectShell | static |
CreatePreview_Impl(bool bFullContent, VirtualDevice *pDevice, GDIMetaFile *pFile) const | SfxObjectShell | |
CreateShellID(const SfxObjectShell *pShell) | SfxObjectShell | static |
CreateTempCopyOfStorage_Impl(const css::uno::Reference< css::embed::XStorage > &xStorage) | SfxObjectShell | |
Current() | SfxObjectShell | static |
DdeCreateLinkSource(const OUString &rItem) override | SwDocShell | |
Deactivate(bool bMDI) | SfxShell | virtual |
DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK(Ole2ModifiedHdl, bool, void) | SwDocShell | |
SfxObjectShell::DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK(SignDocumentHandler, weld::Button &, void) | SfxObjectShell | |
Delete(const OUString &rName, SfxStyleFamily nFamily) | SwDocShell | private |
DisconnectStorage_Impl(SfxMedium &rSrcMedium, SfxMedium &rTargetMedium) | SfxObjectShell | |
DoActivate_Impl(SfxViewFrame *pFrame, bool bMDI) | SfxShell | |
DoClose() | SfxObjectShell | |
DoDeactivate_Impl(SfxViewFrame const *pFrame, bool bMDI) | SfxShell | |
DoDraw(OutputDevice *, const Point &rObjPos, const Size &rSize, const JobSetup &rSetup, sal_uInt16 nAspect=ASPECT_CONTENT, bool bOutputForScreen=false) | SfxObjectShell | |
DoDraw_Impl(OutputDevice *pDev, const Point &rViewPos, const Fraction &rScaleX, const Fraction &rScaleY, const JobSetup &rSetup, sal_uInt16 nAspect, bool bOutputForScreen) | SfxObjectShell | |
DoFlushDocInfo() override | SwDocShell | protectedvirtual |
DoInitNew() | SfxObjectShell | |
DoInitUnitTest() | SfxObjectShell | |
DoLoad(SfxMedium *pMedium) | SfxObjectShell | |
DoLoadExternal(SfxMedium *pMed) | SfxObjectShell | |
DoNotCleanShareControlFile() | SfxObjectShell | |
DoSave() | SfxObjectShell | |
DoSave_Impl(const SfxItemSet *pSet) | SfxObjectShell | |
DoSaveAs(SfxMedium &rNewStor) | SfxObjectShell | |
DoSaveCompleted(SfxMedium *pNewStor=nullptr, bool bRegisterRecent=true) | SfxObjectShell | virtual |
DoSaveObjectAs(SfxMedium &rNewStor, bool bCommit) | SfxObjectShell | |
DoWaterCan(const OUString &rName, SfxStyleFamily nFamily) | SwDocShell | private |
Draw(OutputDevice *, const JobSetup &, sal_uInt16 nAspect, bool bOutputToWindow) override | SwDocShell | privatevirtual |
eCreateMode | SfxObjectShell | private |
Edit(weld::Window *pDialogParent, const OUString &rName, const OUString &rParent, const SfxStyleFamily nFamily, SfxStyleSearchBits nMask, const bool bNew, const OUString &sPageId, SwWrtShell *pActShell, SfxRequest *pRequest=nullptr, sal_uInt16 nSlot=0) | SwDocShell | private |
EmptyExecStub(SfxShell *pShell, SfxRequest &) | SfxShell | static |
EmptyStateStub(SfxShell *pShell, SfxItemSet &) | SfxShell | static |
EnableSetModified(bool bEnable=true) | SfxObjectShell | |
EndListening(SfxBroadcaster &rBroadcaster, bool bRemoveAllDuplicates=false) | SfxListener | |
EndListeningAll() | SfxListener | |
ExecFile_Impl(SfxRequest &) | SfxObjectShell | |
ExecProps_Impl(SfxRequest &) | SfxObjectShell | |
ExecStyleSheet(SfxRequest &) | SwDocShell | |
Execute(SfxRequest &) | SwWebGlosDocShell | |
ExecuteSlot(SfxRequest &rReq, const SfxInterface *pIF=nullptr) | SfxShell | |
ExecuteSlot(SfxRequest &rReq, bool bAsync) | SfxShell | |
ExecView_Impl(SfxRequest &) | SfxObjectShell | |
ExportTo(SfxMedium &rMedium) | SfxObjectShell | |
FillClass(SvGlobalName *pClassName, SotClipboardFormatId *pClipFormat, OUString *pLongUserName, sal_Int32 nFileFormat, bool bTemplate=false) const override | SwWebDocShell | virtual |
FillTransferableObjectDescriptor(TransferableObjectDescriptor &rDesc) const | SfxObjectShell | |
FinishedLoading(SfxLoadedFlags nWhich=SfxLoadedFlags::ALL) | SfxObjectShell | |
FlushDocInfo() | SfxObjectShell | |
FormatPage(weld::Window *pDialogParent, const OUString &rPage, const OUString &rPageId, SwWrtShell &rActShell, SfxRequest *pRequest=nullptr) | SwDocShell | |
FreeSharedFile(const OUString &aTempFileURL) | SfxObjectShell | |
GeneralInit_Impl(const css::uno::Reference< css::embed::XStorage > &xStorage, bool bTypeMustBeSetAlready) | SfxObjectShell | |
GenerateAndStoreThumbnail(bool bEncrypted, const css::uno::Reference< css::embed::XStorage > &xStor) | SfxObjectShell | |
Get_Impl() | SfxObjectShell | |
Get_Impl() const | SfxObjectShell | |
GetAPIName() const | SfxObjectShell | |
GetAutoStyleFilterIndex() const | SfxObjectShell | |
GetBaseModel() const | SfxObjectShell | |
GetBasic() const | SfxObjectShell | |
GetBasicContainer() | SfxObjectShell | |
GetBasicManager() const | SfxObjectShell | |
GetBroadcasterCount() const | SfxListener | |
GetBroadcasterJOE(sal_uInt16 nNo) const | SfxListener | |
GetClassName() const | SfxObjectShell | |
GetCmisVersions() const | SfxObjectShell | |
GetController() | SwDocShell | |
GetCreateMode() const | SfxObjectShell | |
GetCurrentComponent() | SfxObjectShell | static |
GetDialogContainer() | SfxObjectShell | |
GetDialogParent(SfxMedium const *pMedium=nullptr) | SfxObjectShell | |
GetDisableFlags() const | SfxShell | |
GetDispatcher() const | SfxShell | |
GetDoc() | SwDocShell | inline |
GetDoc() const | SwDocShell | inline |
GetDocColors() override | SwDocShell | virtual |
getDocProperties() const | SfxObjectShell | |
getDocumentBaseURL() const override | SfxObjectShell | virtual |
GetDocumentPrinter() override | SwDocShell | virtual |
GetDocumentProtectionFromGrabBag() const | SfxObjectShell | |
GetDocumentRefDev() override | SwDocShell | virtual |
GetDocumentSignatureInformation(bool bScriptingContent, const css::uno::Reference< css::security::XDocumentDigitalSignatures > &xSigner=css::uno::Reference< css::security::XDocumentDigitalSignatures >()) | SfxObjectShell | |
GetDocumentSignatureState() | SfxObjectShell | |
GetEditShell() | SwDocShell | |
GetEmbeddedObjectContainer() const | SfxObjectShell | |
getEmbeddedObjectContainer() const override | SfxObjectShell | virtual |
GetError() const | SfxObjectShell | |
GetErrorCode() const | SfxObjectShell | |
GetEventName(sal_Int32 nId) | SwDocShell | static |
GetEventNames() override | SwDocShell | virtual |
GetFactory() const=0 | SfxObjectShell | pure virtual |
GetFEShell() | SwDocShell | |
GetFEShell() const | SwDocShell | inline |
GetFirst(const std::function< bool(const SfxObjectShell *)> &isObjectShell=nullptr, bool bOnlyVisible=true) | SfxObjectShell | static |
GetFirstPageSize() const | SfxObjectShell | |
GetFrame() const | SfxShell | |
GetHeaderAttributes() | SfxObjectShell | |
GetHiddenInformationState(HiddenInformation nStates) override | SwDocShell | virtual |
getIDocumentChartDataProviderAccess() | SwDocShell | |
getIDocumentDeviceAccess() | SwDocShell | |
getInteractionHandler() const override | SfxObjectShell | virtual |
GetInterface() const | SfxShell | virtual |
GetIPClient(const ::svt::EmbeddedObjectRef &xObjRef) | SwDocShell | |
GetItem(sal_uInt16 nSlotId) const | SfxShell | |
GetItem(TypedWhichId< T > nWhich) const | SfxShell | |
GetMacroCallsSeenWhileLoading() const | SfxObjectShell | |
GetMapUnit() const | SfxObjectShell | |
GetMedium() const | SfxObjectShell | |
GetModel() const | SfxObjectShell | |
GetModifyPasswordHash() const | SfxObjectShell | |
GetModifyPasswordInfo() const | SfxObjectShell | |
GetModule() const | SfxObjectShell | |
GetName() const | SfxShell | |
GetNext(const SfxObjectShell &rPrev, const std::function< bool(const SfxObjectShell *)> &isObjectShell=nullptr, bool bOnlyVisible=true) | SfxObjectShell | static |
GetNoSet_Impl() | SfxObjectShell | |
GetObjectShell() override | SfxObjectShell | virtual |
GetParentShell(const css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XInterface > &xChild) | SfxObjectShell | static |
getPendingInfobars() | SfxObjectShell | |
GetPool() const | SfxShell | |
GetPreviewBitmap() const | SfxObjectShell | |
GetPreviewMetaFile(bool bFullContent=false) const | SfxObjectShell | |
GetProgress() const | SfxObjectShell | |
GetProtectionHash(css::uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 > &rPasswordHash) override | SwDocShell | virtual |
GetRecentColor(sal_uInt16 nSlotId) | SfxObjectShell | |
GetRepeatTarget() const | SfxShell | |
GetScriptingSignatureState() | SfxObjectShell | |
GetServiceNameFromFactory(const OUString &rFact) | SfxObjectShell | static |
GetSharedFileURL() const | SfxObjectShell | |
GetShellFromComponent(const css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XInterface > &xComp) | SfxObjectShell | static |
GetSignPDFCertificate() const | SfxObjectShell | |
GetSlotState(sal_uInt16 nSlotId, const SfxInterface *pIF=nullptr, SfxItemSet *pStateSet=nullptr) | SfxShell | |
GetSourcePara() const | SwWebDocShell | inline |
GetState(SfxItemSet &) | SwWebGlosDocShell | |
GetState_Impl(SfxItemSet &) | SfxObjectShell | |
GetStaticInterface() | SfxShell | static |
getStorage() const override | SfxObjectShell | virtual |
GetStorage() | SfxObjectShell | |
GetStyleManager() override | SwDocShell | virtual |
GetStyleSheetPool() override | SwDocShell | virtual |
GetThemeColors() override | SwDocShell | virtual |
GetTitle(sal_uInt16 nMaxLen=0) const | SfxObjectShell | |
GetUndoManager() | SfxShell | virtual |
getUnoTunnelId() | SfxObjectShell | static |
GetUpdateDocMode() const | SwDocShell | inline |
GetVerbs() const | SfxShell | |
GetVerbSlot_Impl(sal_uInt16 nId) const | SfxShell | |
GetView() const | SwDocShell | inline |
GetView() | SwDocShell | inline |
GetViewShell() const | SfxShell | |
GetVisArea(sal_uInt16 nAspect) const override | SwDocShell | virtual |
GetVisArea(sal_uInt16 nAspect) const | SwDocShell | privatevirtual |
GetVisArea() const | SwDocShell | private |
GetWrtShell() | SwDocShell | inline |
GetWrtShell() const | SwDocShell | inline |
GetXmlIdRegistry() const override | SwDocShell | virtual |
HandleFilter(SfxMedium *pMedium, SfxObjectShell const *pDoc) | SfxObjectShell | static |
HandleOpenXmlFilterSettings(SfxRequest &) | SfxShell | protectedstatic |
HasBasic() const | SfxObjectShell | |
HasChangeRecordProtection() const override | SwDocShell | virtual |
HasName() const | SfxObjectShell | |
HasSharedXMLFlagSet() const | SfxObjectShell | |
HasUIFeature(SfxShellFeature nFeature) const | SfxShell | virtual |
HasValidSignatures() const | SfxObjectShell | |
Hide(const OUString &rName, SfxStyleFamily nFamily, bool bHidden) | SwDocShell | private |
ImplGetSignatureState(bool bScriptingContent=false) | SfxObjectShell | |
ImportFrom(SfxMedium &rMedium, css::uno::Reference< css::text::XTextRange > const &xInsertPosition) | SfxObjectShell | virtual |
ImportFromGeneratedStream_Impl(const css::uno::Reference< css::io::XStream > &xStream, const css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue > &aMediaDescr) | SfxObjectShell | |
Init_Impl() | SwDocShell | private |
InitBasicManager_Impl() | SfxObjectShell | |
InitInterface_Impl() | SwWebGlosDocShell | privatestatic |
InitNew(const css::uno::Reference< css::embed::XStorage > &xStorage) override | SwDocShell | privatevirtual |
InitOwnModel_Impl() | SfxObjectShell | |
InsertGeneratedStream(SfxMedium &rMedium, css::uno::Reference< css::text::XTextRange > const &xInsertPosition) override | SwDocShell | privatevirtual |
Invalidate(sal_uInt16 nId=0) override | SfxObjectShell | virtual |
Invalidate_Impl(SfxBindings &rBindings, sal_uInt16 nId) | SfxShell | protected |
InvalidateModel() | SwDocShell | |
InvalidateName() | SfxObjectShell | |
IsAbortingImport() const | SfxObjectShell | |
IsActive() const | SfxShell | |
IsAutoLoadLocked() const | SfxObjectShell | |
IsAvoidRecentDocs() const | SfxObjectShell | |
IsChangeRecording() const override | SwDocShell | virtual |
IsConditionalFastCall(const SfxRequest &rReq) | SfxShell | virtual |
IsConfigOptionsChecked() const | SfxObjectShell | |
isContentExtractionLocked() const | SfxObjectShell | |
IsContinueImportOnFilterExceptions(std::u16string_view aErrMessage) | SfxObjectShell | |
IsDesignMode() const | SfxShell | virtual |
IsDocShared() const | SfxObjectShell | |
isEditDocLocked() const | SfxObjectShell | |
isEnableSetModified() const override | SfxObjectShell | |
IsEnableSetModified() const | SfxObjectShell | |
isExportLocked() const | SfxObjectShell | |
IsHelpDocument() const | SfxObjectShell | |
IsInGenerateAndStoreThumbnail() const | SfxObjectShell | |
IsInModalMode() const | SfxObjectShell | |
IsInPlaceActive() const | SfxObjectShell | |
IsInPrepareClose() const | SfxObjectShell | |
IsListening(SfxBroadcaster &rBroadcaster) const | SfxListener | |
IsLoading() const | SfxObjectShell | |
IsLoadingFinished() const | SfxObjectShell | |
IsLoadReadonly() const | SfxObjectShell | |
IsModified() const | SfxObjectShell | |
IsModifyPasswordEntered() const | SfxObjectShell | |
IsOriginallyLoadedReadOnlyMedium() const | SfxObjectShell | |
IsOriginallyReadOnlyMedium() const | SfxObjectShell | |
IsOwnStorageFormat(const SfxMedium &) | SfxObjectShell | static |
IsPackageStorageFormat_Impl(const SfxMedium &) | SfxObjectShell | static |
IsPreview() const | SfxObjectShell | |
isPrintLocked() const | SfxObjectShell | |
IsQueryLoadTemplate() const | SfxObjectShell | |
IsReadOnly() const | SfxObjectShell | |
IsReadOnlyMedium() const | SfxObjectShell | |
IsReadOnlyUI() const | SfxObjectShell | |
IsRememberingSignature() const | SfxObjectShell | |
isSaveLocked() const | SfxObjectShell | |
IsSaveVersionOnClose() const | SfxObjectShell | |
isScriptAccessAllowed(const css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XInterface > &rScriptContext) | SfxObjectShell | static |
IsSdrView() const | SfxListener | virtual |
IsSecurityOptOpenReadOnly() const | SfxObjectShell | |
IsSignPDF() const | SfxObjectShell | |
IsTemplate() const | SwDocShell | inline |
IsUIActive() const | SfxObjectShell | |
IsUseThumbnailSave() const | SfxObjectShell | |
IsUseUserData() const | SfxObjectShell | |
Load(SfxMedium &rMedium) override | SwDocShell | privatevirtual |
LoadExternal(SfxMedium &rMedium) | SfxObjectShell | virtual |
LoadFrom(SfxMedium &rMedium) override | SwDocShell | privatevirtual |
LoadingFinished() | SwDocShell | |
LoadOwnFormat(SfxMedium &pMedium) | SfxObjectShell | |
LoadStyles(SfxObjectShell &rSource) override | SwDocShell | virtual |
LoadStyles_(SfxObjectShell &rSource, bool bPreserveCurrentDocument) | SwDocShell | |
LoadStylesFromFile(const OUString &rURL, SwgReaderOption &rOpt, bool bUnoCall) | SwDocShell | |
LockAllViews() override | SwDocShell | virtual |
m_aGroupName | SwWebGlosDocShell | private |
m_aLongName | SwWebGlosDocShell | private |
m_aShortName | SwWebGlosDocShell | private |
m_IsATemplate | SwDocShell | private |
m_IsInUpdateFontList | SwDocShell | private |
m_IsRemovedInvisibleContent | SwDocShell | private |
m_nSourcePara | SwWebDocShell | private |
m_nUpdateDocMode | SwDocShell | private |
m_pFontList | SwDocShell | private |
m_pOLEChildList | SwDocShell | private |
m_pStyleManager | SwDocShell | private |
m_pView | SwDocShell | private |
m_pWrtShell | SwDocShell | private |
m_xBasePool | SwDocShell | private |
m_xDoc | SwDocShell | private |
maBCs | SfxListener | private |
maCallStacks | SfxListener | private |
MakeByExample(const OUString &rName, SfxStyleFamily nFamily, SfxStyleSearchBits nMask, SwWrtShell *pShell) | SwDocShell | private |
mbAvoidRecentDocs | SfxObjectShell | private |
mbContinueImportOnFilterExceptions | SfxObjectShell | private |
ModifyChanged() | SfxObjectShell | protected |
mxAutomationDocumentEventsCaller | SwDocShell | private |
mxAutomationDocumentObject | SwDocShell | private |
no | SfxObjectShell | private |
Notify(SfxBroadcaster &rBC, const SfxHint &rHint) override | SwDocShell | privatevirtual |
OnDocumentPrinterChanged(Printer *pNewPrinter) override | SwDocShell | virtual |
SfxObjectShell::operator=(const SfxShell &)=delete | SfxShell | private |
pImpl | SfxObjectShell | private |
pMedium | SfxObjectShell | private |
PostActivateEvent_Impl(SfxViewFrame const *) | SfxObjectShell | |
pPool | SfxShell | private |
PreDoSaveAs_Impl(const OUString &rFileName, const OUString &rFiltName, SfxItemSet const &rItemSet, const css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue > &rArgs) | SfxObjectShell | |
PrepareClose(bool bUI=true) override | SwDocShell | privatevirtual |
PrepareForSigning(weld::Window *pDialogParent) | SfxObjectShell | |
PrepareSecondTryLoad_Impl() | SfxObjectShell | |
PrintExec_Impl(SfxRequest &) | SfxObjectShell | |
PrintState_Impl(SfxItemSet &) | SfxObjectShell | |
pUndoMgr | SfxShell | private |
PutItem(const SfxPoolItem &rItem) | SfxShell | |
PutURLContentsToVersionStream_Impl(const OUString &aURL, const css::uno::Reference< css::embed::XStorage > &xDocStorage, const OUString &aStreamName) | SfxObjectShell | |
QueryAllowExoticFormat_Impl(const css::uno::Reference< css::task::XInteractionHandler > &xHandler, const OUString &rURL, const OUString &rFilterUIName) | SfxObjectShell | static |
QueryHiddenInformation(HiddenWarningFact eFact, weld::Window *pParent) | SfxObjectShell | |
QuerySaveSizeExceededModules_Impl(const css::uno::Reference< css::task::XInteractionHandler > &xHandler) | SfxObjectShell | |
QuerySlotExecutable(sal_uInt16 nSlotId) | SfxObjectShell | virtual |
ReactivateModel() | SwDocShell | |
RecheckSignature(bool bAlsoRecheckScriptingSignature) | SfxObjectShell | |
ReconnectDdeLink(SfxObjectShell &rServer) override | SwDocShell | virtual |
ReconnectDdeLinks(SfxObjectShell &rServer) | SfxObjectShell | static |
RegisterAutomationDocumentEventsCaller(css::uno::Reference< ooo::vba::XSinkCaller > const &xCaller) | SwDocShell | |
RegisterAutomationDocumentObject(css::uno::Reference< ooo::vba::word::XDocument > const &xDocument) | SwDocShell | |
ReloadFromHtml(const OUString &rStreamName, SwSrcView *pSrcView) | SwDocShell | |
RemoveBroadcaster_Impl(SfxBroadcaster &rBC) | SfxListener | |
RemoveLink() | SwDocShell | private |
RemoveOLEObjects() | SwDocShell | private |
ResetError() | SfxObjectShell | |
ResetFromTemplate(const OUString &rTemplateName, std::u16string_view rFileName) | SfxObjectShell | |
ResignDocument(css::uno::Sequence< css::security::DocumentSignatureInformation > &rSignaturesInfo) | SfxObjectShell | |
rSignatureInfosRemembered | SfxObjectShell | private |
runAccessibilityCheck() override | SwDocShell | virtual |
Save() override | SwWebGlosDocShell | privatevirtual |
Save_Impl(const SfxItemSet *pSet) | SfxObjectShell | |
SaveAs(SfxMedium &rMedium) override | SwDocShell | privatevirtual |
SaveAsChildren(SfxMedium &rMedium) | SfxObjectShell | |
SaveAsOwnFormat(SfxMedium &pMedium) | SfxObjectShell | virtual |
SaveChildren(bool bObjectsOnly=false) | SfxObjectShell | |
SaveCompleted(const css::uno::Reference< css::embed::XStorage > &xStorage) override | SwDocShell | privatevirtual |
SaveCompletedChildren() | SfxObjectShell | |
SaveTo_Impl(SfxMedium &rMedium, const SfxItemSet *pSet) | SfxObjectShell | private |
SetActivateEvent_Impl(SfxEventHintId) | SfxObjectShell | |
SetAutoLoad(const INetURLObject &, sal_uInt32 nTime, bool bReload) | SfxObjectShell | |
SetAutoStyleFilterIndex(sal_uInt16 nSet) | SfxObjectShell | |
SetBaseModel(SfxBaseModel *pModel) | SfxObjectShell | |
SetChangeRecording(bool bActivate, bool bLockAllViews=false) override | SwDocShell | virtual |
SetConfigOptionsChecked(bool bChecked) | SfxObjectShell | |
SetContextBroadcasterEnabled(const bool bIsEnabled) | SfxShell | |
SetContextName(const OUString &rsContextName) | SfxShell | |
SetCreateMode_Impl(SfxObjectCreateMode nMode) | SfxObjectShell | |
SetCurrentComponent(const css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XInterface > &_rxComponent) | SfxObjectShell | static |
SetDisableFlags(SfxDisableFlags nFlags) | SfxShell | |
SetError(ErrCode rErr) | SfxObjectShell | |
SetGroupName(const OUString &rGroupName) | SwWebGlosDocShell | inline |
SetHeaderAttributesForSourceViewHack() | SfxObjectShell | |
SetInitialized_Impl(const bool i_fromInitNew) | SfxObjectShell | |
SetIsTemplate(bool bValue) | SwDocShell | inline |
SetLoading(SfxLoadedFlags nFlags) | SfxObjectShell | |
SetLoadReadonly(bool _bReadonly) | SfxObjectShell | |
SetLongName(const OUString &rLongName) | SwWebGlosDocShell | inline |
SetMacroCallsSeenWhileLoading() | SfxObjectShell | |
SetMacroMode_Impl(bool bModal=true) | SfxObjectShell | |
SetMapUnit(MapUnit nMUnit) | SfxObjectShell | |
SetModalMode_Impl(bool bModal) | SfxObjectShell | |
SetModified(bool=true) override | SwDocShell | virtual |
SetModifyPasswordEntered(bool bEntered=true) | SfxObjectShell | |
SetModifyPasswordHash(sal_uInt32 nHash) | SfxObjectShell | |
SetModifyPasswordInfo(const css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue > &aInfo) | SfxObjectShell | |
SetName(const OUString &rName) | SfxShell | |
SetNamedVisibility_Impl() | SfxObjectShell | |
SetNoName() | SfxObjectShell | |
SetPool(SfxItemPool *pNewPool) | SfxShell | |
SetProgress_Impl(SfxProgress *pProgress) | SfxObjectShell | |
SetProtectionPassword(const OUString &rPassword) override | SwDocShell | virtual |
SetQueryLoadTemplate(bool b) | SfxObjectShell | |
SetReadOnly() | SfxObjectShell | |
SetReadOnlyUI(bool bReadOnly=true) | SfxObjectShell | |
SetRecentColor(sal_uInt16 nSlotId, const NamedColor &rColor) | SfxObjectShell | |
SetRepeatTarget(SfxRepeatTarget *pTarget) | SfxShell | |
SetSaveVersionOnClose(bool bSet) | SfxObjectShell | |
SetSecurityOptOpenReadOnly(bool bOpenReadOnly) | SfxObjectShell | |
SetSharedXMLFlag(bool bFlag) const | SfxObjectShell | |
SetShortName(const OUString &rShortName) | SwWebGlosDocShell | inline |
SetSourcePara(sal_uInt16 nSet) | SwWebDocShell | inline |
SetTitle(const OUString &rTitle) | SfxObjectShell | |
SetUndoManager(SfxUndoManager *pNewUndoMgr) | SfxShell | |
SetupStorage(const css::uno::Reference< css::embed::XStorage > &xStorage, sal_Int32 nVersion, bool bTemplate) const | SfxObjectShell | |
SetUseThumbnailSave(bool _bNew) | SfxObjectShell | |
SetUseUserData(bool bNew) | SfxObjectShell | |
SetVerbs(const css::uno::Sequence< css::embed::VerbDescriptor > &aVerbs) | SfxShell | |
SetView(SwView *pVw) | SwDocShell | |
SetViewShell_Impl(SfxViewShell *pView) | SfxShell | protected |
SetVisArea(const tools::Rectangle &rRect) override | SwDocShell | virtual |
SetVisAreaSize(const Size &rVisSize) | SfxObjectShell | |
SetWaitCursor(bool bSet) const | SfxObjectShell | |
SfxListener() | SfxListener | |
SfxListener(const SfxListener &rCopy) | SfxListener | |
SfxObjectShell(SfxObjectCreateMode) | SfxObjectShell | protected |
SfxObjectShell(SfxModelFlags) | SfxObjectShell | protected |
SfxShell() | SfxShell | protected |
SfxShell(SfxViewShell *pViewSh) | SfxShell | protected |
SfxShell(const SfxShell &)=delete | SfxShell | private |
SignDocumentContent(weld::Window *pDialogParent) | SfxObjectShell | |
SignDocumentContentUsingCertificate(const css::uno::Reference< css::security::XCertificate > &xCertificate) | SfxObjectShell | |
SignScriptingContent(weld::Window *pDialogParent) | SfxObjectShell | |
SignSignatureLine(weld::Window *pDialogParent, const OUString &aSignatureLineId, const css::uno::Reference< css::security::XCertificate > &xCert, const css::uno::Reference< css::graphic::XGraphic > &xValidGraphic, const css::uno::Reference< css::graphic::XGraphic > &xInvalidGraphic, const OUString &aComment) | SfxObjectShell | |
Stamp_GetPrintCancelState() const | SfxObjectShell | |
Stamp_SetPrintCancelState(bool bState) | SfxObjectShell | |
StartConvertFrom(SfxMedium &rMedium, SwReaderPtr &rpRdr, SwCursorShell const *pCursorSh=nullptr, SwPaM *pPaM=nullptr) | SwDocShell | |
StartListening(SfxBroadcaster &rBroadcaster, DuplicateHandling eDuplicateHanding=DuplicateHandling::Unexpected) | SfxListener | |
StateProps_Impl(SfxItemSet &) | SfxObjectShell | |
StateStyleSheet(SfxItemSet &, SwWrtShell *pSh=nullptr) | SwDocShell | |
StateView_Impl(SfxItemSet &) | SfxObjectShell | static |
SubInitNew() | SwDocShell | private |
SwDocShell(SfxObjectCreateMode eMode=SfxObjectCreateMode::EMBEDDED) | SwDocShell | |
SwDocShell(SfxModelFlags i_nSfxCreationFlags) | SwDocShell | |
SwDocShell(SwDoc &rDoc, SfxObjectCreateMode eMode) | SwDocShell | |
SwitchChildrenPersistence(const css::uno::Reference< css::embed::XStorage > &xStorage, bool bForceNonModified=false) | SfxObjectShell | |
SwitchPersistence(const css::uno::Reference< css::embed::XStorage > &xStorage) | SfxObjectShell | |
SwitchToShared(bool bShared, bool bSave) | SfxObjectShell | |
SwWebDocShell() | SwWebDocShell | |
SwWebGlosDocShell() | SwWebGlosDocShell | |
TemplateDisconnectionAfterLoad() | SfxObjectShell | |
TerminateEditing() | SfxObjectShell | virtual |
ToggleLayoutMode(SwView *pView) | SwDocShell | |
TriState enum name | SfxObjectShell | private |
UIFeatureChanged() | SfxShell | |
undefined | SfxObjectShell | private |
UnTrustedScript(const OUString &rScriptURL) | SfxObjectShell | static |
UpdateChildWindows() | SwDocShell | |
UpdateDocInfoForSave() | SfxObjectShell | |
UpdateFontList() | SwDocShell | |
UpdateFromTemplate_Impl() | SfxObjectShell | |
UpdateLinks() override | SwDocShell | virtual |
UpdateStyle(const OUString &rName, SfxStyleFamily nFamily, SwWrtShell *pShell) | SwDocShell | private |
UpdateTime_Impl(const css::uno::Reference< css::document::XDocumentProperties > &i_xDocProps) | SfxObjectShell | private |
UseInteractionToHandleError(const css::uno::Reference< css::task::XInteractionHandler > &xHandler, ErrCode nError) | SfxObjectShell | static |
VerbExec(SfxRequest &) | SfxShell | |
VerbState(SfxItemSet &) | SfxShell | static |
WriteThumbnail(bool bEncrypted, const css::uno::Reference< css::io::XStream > &xStream) | SfxObjectShell | |
yes | SfxObjectShell | private |
~SfxListener() COVERITY_NOEXCEPT_FALSE | SfxListener | virtual |
~SfxObjectShell() override | SfxObjectShell | protectedvirtual |
~SfxShell() override | SfxShell | virtual |
~SwDocShell() override | SwDocShell | virtual |
~SwWebDocShell() override | SwWebDocShell | virtual |
~SwWebGlosDocShell() override | SwWebGlosDocShell | virtual |