LibreOffice Module sw (master) 1
This is the complete list of members for SwMSDffManager, including all inherited members.
aEscherBlipCache | SvxMSDffManager | |
ApplyAttributes(SvStream &rIn, SfxItemSet &rSet) const | DffPropertyReader | |
ApplyAttributes(SvStream &rIn, SfxItemSet &rSet, DffObjData const &rObjData) const | DffPropertyReader | |
ApplyCustomShapeGeometryAttributes(SvStream &rIn, SfxItemSet &rSet, const DffObjData &rObjData) const | DffPropertyReader | private |
ApplyCustomShapeTextAttributes(SfxItemSet &rSet) const | DffPropertyReader | private |
ApplyFillAttributes(SvStream &rIn, SfxItemSet &rSet, const DffObjData &rObjData) const | DffPropertyReader | private |
ApplyLineAttributes(SfxItemSet &rSet, const MSO_SPT eShapeType) const | DffPropertyReader | private |
bNeedMap | SvxMSDffManager | protected |
CheckAndCorrectExcelTextRotation(SvStream &rIn, SfxItemSet &rSet, DffObjData const &rObjData) const | DffPropertyReader | private |
CheckForConvertToSOObj(sal_uInt32 nConvertFlags, SotStorage &rSrcStg, const css::uno::Reference< css::embed::XStorage > &xDestStg, const Graphic &rGrf, const tools::Rectangle &rVisArea, OUString const &rBaseURL) | SvxMSDffManager | protectedstatic |
CheckTxBxStoryChain() | SvxMSDffManager | private |
ConvertToOle2(SvStream &rStm, sal_uInt32 nLen, const GDIMetaFile *, const tools::SvRef< SotStorage > &rDest) | SvxMSDffManager | static |
CreateSdrOLEFromStorage(SdrModel &rSdrModel, const OUString &rStorageName, tools::SvRef< SotStorage > const &rSrcStorage, const css::uno::Reference< css::embed::XStorage > &xDestStg, const Graphic &rGraf, const tools::Rectangle &rBoundRect, const tools::Rectangle &rVisArea, SvStream *pDataStrrm, ErrCode &rError, sal_uInt32 nConvertFlags, sal_Int64 nAspect, OUString const &rBaseURL) | SvxMSDffManager | static |
DffPropertyReader::DffPropertyReader(const SvxMSDffManager &rManager) | DffPropertyReader | |
DffPropertyReader::DffPropertyReader(DffPropertyReader const &)=delete | DffPropertyReader | |
DffPropSet() | DffPropSet | |
DisableFallbackStream() | SwMSDffManager | |
EnableFallbackStream() | SwMSDffManager | |
ExchangeInShapeOrder(SdrObject const *pOldObject, sal_uLong nTxBx, SdrObject *pObject) const | SvxMSDffManager | |
ExtractOwnStream(SotStorage &rSrcStg, SvMemoryStream &rMemStream) | SvxMSDffManager | static |
FinalizeObj(DffObjData &rData, SdrObject *pObj) | SvxMSDffManager | protectedvirtual |
Fix16ToAngle(sal_Int32 nAngle) | DffPropertyReader | static |
FreeObj(SvxMSDffClientData &rData, SdrObject *pObj) | SvxMSDffManager | protected |
GetBLIP(sal_uLong nIdx, Graphic &rData, tools::Rectangle *pVisArea=nullptr) | SvxMSDffManager | |
GetBLIPDirect(SvStream &rBLIPStream, Graphic &rData, tools::Rectangle *pVisArea=nullptr) | SvxMSDffManager | static |
GetColorFromPalette(sal_uInt16 nNum, Color &rColor) const | SvxMSDffManager | protectedvirtual |
GetCtrlData(sal_uInt32 nOffsDgg) | SvxMSDffManager | protected |
GetDrawingContainerData(SvStream &rSt, sal_uInt32 nLenDg, sal_uInt16 nDrawingContainerId) | SvxMSDffManager | protected |
GetDrawingGroupContainerData(SvStream &rSt, sal_uInt32 nLenDgg) | SvxMSDffManager | protected |
GetEscherLineMatch(MSO_LineStyle eStyle, MSO_SPT eShapeType, sal_Int32 &rThick) | SwMSDffManager | static |
GetFidclData(sal_uInt32 nOffsDgg) | SvxMSDffManager | private |
GetFilterFlags() | SwMSDffManager | static |
GetFilterNameFromClassID(const SvGlobalName &aGlobName) | SvxMSDffManager | static |
GetGlobalChildAnchor(const DffRecordHeader &rHd, SvStream &rSt, tools::Rectangle &aClientRect) | SvxMSDffManager | |
GetGroupAnchors(const DffRecordHeader &rHd, SvStream &rSt, tools::Rectangle &rGroupClientAnchor, tools::Rectangle &rGroupChildAnchor, const tools::Rectangle &rClientRect, const tools::Rectangle &rGlobalChildRect) | SvxMSDffManager | |
GetModel() const | SvxMSDffManager | |
GetOLEStorageName(sal_uInt32 nOLEId, OUString &rStorageName, tools::SvRef< SotStorage > &rSrcStorage, css::uno::Reference< css::embed::XStorage > &rDestStorage) const override | SwMSDffManager | privatevirtual |
GetPropertyBool(sal_uInt32 nId) const | DffPropSet | |
GetPropertyString(sal_uInt32 nId, SvStream &rStrm) const | DffPropSet | |
GetPropertyValue(sal_uInt32 nId, sal_uInt32 nDefault) const | DffPropSet | |
GetShape(sal_uLong nId, rtl::Reference< SdrObject > &rpData, SvxMSDffImportData &rData) | SvxMSDffManager | |
GetShapeContainerData(SvStream &rSt, sal_uInt32 nLenShapeCont, sal_uInt64 nPosGroup, sal_uInt16 nDrawingContainerId) | SvxMSDffManager | protected |
getShapeForId(sal_Int32 nShapeId) | SvxMSDffManager | |
GetShapeGroupContainerData(SvStream &rSt, sal_uInt32 nLenShapeGroupCont, bool bPatriarch, sal_uInt16 nDrawingContainerId) | SvxMSDffManager | protected |
GetShapeInfos() const | SvxMSDffManager | |
GetShapeOrders() const | SvxMSDffManager | |
GetSvxMSDffSettings() const | SvxMSDffManager | |
ImportGradientColor(SfxItemSet &aSet, sal_uInt32 eMSO_FillType, double dTrans, double dBackTrans) const | DffPropertyReader | |
ImportGraphic(SvStream &, SfxItemSet &, const DffObjData &) | SvxMSDffManager | protected |
ImportGroup(const DffRecordHeader &rHd, SvStream &rSt, SvxMSDffClientData &rData, tools::Rectangle &rClientRect, const tools::Rectangle &rGlobalChildRect, int nCalledByGroup, sal_Int32 *pShapeId) | SvxMSDffManager | |
ImportObj(SvStream &rSt, SvxMSDffClientData &rData, tools::Rectangle &rClientRect, const tools::Rectangle &rGlobalChildRect, int nCalledByGroup, sal_Int32 *pShapeId) | SvxMSDffManager | |
ImportOLE(sal_uInt32 nOLEId, const Graphic &rGrf, const tools::Rectangle &rBoundRect, const tools::Rectangle &rVisArea, const int _nCalledByGroup) const override | SwMSDffManager | privatevirtual |
ImportShape(const DffRecordHeader &rHd, SvStream &rSt, SvxMSDffClientData &rData, tools::Rectangle &rClientRect, const tools::Rectangle &rGlobalChildRect, int nCalledByGroup, sal_Int32 *pShapeId) | SvxMSDffManager | |
InitializePropSet(sal_uInt16 nPropSetType) const | DffPropSet | |
InitSvxMSDffManager(sal_uInt32 nOffsDgg_, SvStream *pStData_, sal_uInt32 nSvxMSDffOLEConvFlags) | SvxMSDffManager | |
insertShapeId(sal_Int32 nShapeId, SdrObject *pShape) | SvxMSDffManager | |
IsHardAttribute(sal_uInt32 nId) const | DffPropSet | |
IsProperty(sal_uInt32 nRecType) const | DffPropSet | |
m_aOldEscherBlipCache | SwMSDffManager | private |
m_aShapeOrders | SvxMSDffManager | private |
m_pBLIPInfos | SvxMSDffManager | private |
m_pFallbackStream | SwMSDffManager | private |
m_rReader | SwMSDffManager | private |
m_xShapeInfosById | SvxMSDffManager | private |
m_xShapeInfosByTxBxComp | SvxMSDffManager | private |
maBaseURL | SvxMSDffManager | protected |
maDgOffsetTable | SvxMSDffManager | protected |
maFidcls | SvxMSDffManager | protected |
MakeContentStream(SotStorage *pStor, const GDIMetaFile &) | SvxMSDffManager | static |
maOffsets | DffPropSet | private |
maPendingGroupData | SvxMSDffManager | protected |
maShapeIdContainer | SvxMSDffManager | protected |
maShapeRecords | SvxMSDffManager | |
mbRotateGranientFillWithAngle | DffPropertyReader | |
mbSkipImages | SvxMSDffManager | |
mnDefaultColor | SvxMSDffManager | |
mnFix16Angle | DffPropertyReader | |
mnIdClusters | SvxMSDffManager | protected |
mpPropSetEntries | DffPropSet | private |
MSDFFReadZString(SvStream &rIn, sal_uInt32 nMaxLen, bool bUniCode) | SvxMSDffManager | static |
MSO_CLR_ToColor(sal_uInt32 nColorCode, sal_uInt16 nContextProperty=DFF_Prop_lineColor) const | SvxMSDffManager | |
MSO_TEXT_CLR_ToColor(sal_uInt32 nColorCode) const | SvxMSDffManager | |
nBLIPCount | SvxMSDffManager | private |
nEmuDiv | SvxMSDffManager | protected |
nEmuMul | SvxMSDffManager | protected |
nGroupShapeFlags | SvxMSDffManager | private |
nMapDiv | SvxMSDffManager | protected |
nMapMul | SvxMSDffManager | protected |
nMapXOfs | SvxMSDffManager | protected |
nMapYOfs | SvxMSDffManager | protected |
nMaxAllowedVal | SvxMSDffManager | protected |
nMinAllowedVal | SvxMSDffManager | protected |
nOffsDgg | SvxMSDffManager | private |
NotifyFreeObj(SvxMSDffClientData &rData, SdrObject *pObj) | SvxMSDffManager | protected |
nPntDiv | SvxMSDffManager | protected |
nPntMul | SvxMSDffManager | protected |
nSvxMSDffOLEConvFlags | SvxMSDffManager | protected |
nSvxMSDffSettings | SvxMSDffManager | protected |
OffsetMap typedef | SvxMSDffManager | protected |
operator=(const SwMSDffManager &)=delete | SwMSDffManager | private |
SvxMSDffManager::operator=(DffPropertyReader const &)=delete | DffPropertyReader | |
pDefaultPropSet | DffPropertyReader | private |
ProcessClientAnchor(SvStream &rStData, sal_uInt32 nDatLen, std::unique_ptr< char[]> &rpBuff, sal_uInt32 &rBuffLen) | SvxMSDffManager | protectedstatic |
ProcessClientAnchor2(SvStream &rStData, DffRecordHeader &rHd, DffObjData &) | SvxMSDffManager | protectedvirtual |
ProcessClientData(SvStream &rStData, sal_uInt32 nDatLen, std::unique_ptr< char[]> &rpBuff, sal_uInt32 &rBuffLen) | SvxMSDffManager | protectedstatic |
ProcessObj(SvStream &rSt, DffObjData &rObjData, SvxMSDffClientData &rData, tools::Rectangle &rTextRect, SdrObject *pObj) override | SwMSDffManager | protectedvirtual |
pSdrModel | SvxMSDffManager | protected |
pSecPropSet | SvxMSDffManager | |
pStData | SvxMSDffManager | protected |
pStData2 | SvxMSDffManager | protected |
ReadCommonRecordHeader(SvStream &rSt, sal_uInt8 &rVer, sal_uInt16 &rInst, sal_uInt16 &rFbt, sal_uInt32 &rLength) | SvxMSDffManager | static |
ReadObjText(SvStream &rStream, SdrObject *pObj) | SvxMSDffManager | static |
ReadObjText(const OUString &rText, SdrObject *pObj) | SvxMSDffManager | protectedstatic |
ReadPropSet(SvStream &rIn, SvxMSDffClientData *pClientData) const | DffPropertyReader | |
RemoveFromShapeOrder(SdrObject const *pObject) const | SvxMSDffManager | |
removeShapeId(SdrObject const *pShape) | SvxMSDffManager | |
rManager | DffPropertyReader | private |
rStCtrl | SvxMSDffManager | protected |
SanitizeEndPos(SvStream &rIn, sal_uLong nEndRecPos) | DffPropSet | static |
Scale(sal_Int32 &rVal) const | SvxMSDffManager | |
Scale(Point &rPos) const | SvxMSDffManager | |
Scale(Size &rSiz) const | SvxMSDffManager | |
ScaleEmu(sal_Int32 &rVal) const | SvxMSDffManager | |
ScalePoint(sal_Int32 nVal) const | SvxMSDffManager | |
ScalePt(sal_uInt32 nPt) const | SvxMSDffManager | |
SeekToContent(sal_uInt32 nRecType, SvStream &rSt) const | DffPropSet | |
SeekToRec(SvStream &rSt, sal_uInt16 nRecId, sal_uLong nMaxFilePos, DffRecordHeader *pRecHd=nullptr, sal_uLong nSkipCount=0) | SvxMSDffManager | static |
SeekToRec2(sal_uInt16 nRecId1, sal_uInt16 nRecId2, sal_uLong nMaxFilePos) const | SvxMSDffManager | |
SeekToShape(SvStream &rSt, SvxMSDffClientData *pClientData, sal_uInt32 nId) const | SvxMSDffManager | virtual |
SetDefaultPropSet(SvStream &rIn, sal_uInt32 nOffDgg) const | DffPropertyReader | |
SetDgContainer(SvStream &rSt) | SvxMSDffManager | |
SetModel(SdrModel *pModel, tools::Long nApplicationScale) | SvxMSDffManager | |
SetPropValue(const css::uno::Any &rAny, const css::uno::Reference< css::beans::XPropertySet > &rXPropSet, const OUString &rPropertyName) | SvxMSDffManager | static |
SetSvxMSDffSettings(sal_uInt32 nSettings) | SvxMSDffManager | |
ShapeHasText(sal_uLong nShapeId, sal_uLong nFilePos) const override | SwMSDffManager | privatevirtual |
SolveSolver(const SvxMSDffSolverContainer &rSolver) | SvxMSDffManager | static |
StoreShapeOrder(sal_uLong nId, sal_uLong nTxBx, SdrObject *pObject, SwFlyFrameFormat *pFly=nullptr) const | SvxMSDffManager | |
SvxMSDffManager(SvStream &rStCtrl, OUString aBaseURL, sal_uInt32 nOffsDgg, SvStream *pStData, SdrModel *pSdrModel_, tools::Long nApplicationScale, Color mnDefaultColor_, SvStream *pStData2_=nullptr, bool bSkipImages=false) | SvxMSDffManager | |
SvxMSDffManager(SvStream &rStCtrl, OUString aBaseURL) | SvxMSDffManager | |
SwMSDffManager(const SwMSDffManager &)=delete | SwMSDffManager | private |
SwMSDffManager(SwWW8ImplReader &rRdr, bool bSkipImages) | SwMSDffManager | |
~DffPropertyReader() | DffPropertyReader | |
~DffPropSet() | DffPropSet | |
~SvxMSDffManager() | SvxMSDffManager | virtual |