LibreOffice Module sw (master) 1
This is the complete list of members for AttributeOutputBase, including all inherited members.
AnalyzeURL(const OUString &rUrl, const OUString &rTarget, OUString *pLinkURL, OUString *pMark) | AttributeOutputBase | protectedvirtual |
AttributeOutputBase(OUString sBaseURL) | AttributeOutputBase | inline |
BulletDefinition(int, const Graphic &, Size) | AttributeOutputBase | inlinevirtual |
CharAnimatedText(const SvxBlinkItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
CharAutoKern(const SvxAutoKernItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
CharBackground(const SvxBrushItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
CharBackgroundBase(const SvxBrushItem &) | AttributeOutputBase | protected |
CharBidiRTL(const SfxPoolItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
CharBorder(const ::editeng::SvxBorderLine *pAllBorder, const sal_uInt16 nDist, const bool bShadow)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
CharCaseMap(const SvxCaseMapItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
CharColor(const SvxColorItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
CharContour(const SvxContourItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
CharCrossedOut(const SvxCrossedOutItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
CharEmphasisMark(const SvxEmphasisMarkItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
CharEscapement(const SvxEscapementItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
CharFont(const SvxFontItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
CharFontCJK(const SvxFontItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
CharFontCTL(const SvxFontItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
CharFontSize(const SvxFontHeightItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
CharFontSizeCJK(const SvxFontHeightItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
CharFontSizeCTL(const SvxFontHeightItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
CharGrabBag(const SfxGrabBagItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
CharHidden(const SvxCharHiddenItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
CharHighlight(const SvxBrushItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
CharIdctHint(const SfxPoolItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
CharKerning(const SvxKerningItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
CharLanguage(const SvxLanguageItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
CharLanguageCJK(const SvxLanguageItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
CharLanguageCTL(const SvxLanguageItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
CharPosture(const SvxPostureItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
CharPostureCJK(const SvxPostureItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
CharPostureCTL(const SvxPostureItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
CharRelief(const SvxCharReliefItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
CharRotate(const SvxCharRotateItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
CharScaleWidth(const SvxCharScaleWidthItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
CharShadow(const SvxShadowedItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
CharTwoLines(const SvxTwoLinesItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
CharUnderline(const SvxUnderlineItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
CharWeight(const SvxWeightItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
CharWeightCJK(const SvxWeightItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
CharWeightCTL(const SvxWeightItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
ConvertURL(const OUString &rUrl, bool bAbsoluteOut) | AttributeOutputBase | private |
DefaultStyle()=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
DropdownField(const SwField *pField)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
EmptyParagraph()=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
EndAbstractNumbering() | AttributeOutputBase | inlinevirtual |
EndParagraph(ww8::WW8TableNodeInfoInner::Pointer_t pTextNodeInfoInner)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
EndParagraphProperties(const SfxItemSet &rParagraphMarkerProperties, const SwRedlineData *pRedlineData, const SwRedlineData *pRedlineParagraphMarkerDeleted, const SwRedlineData *pRedlineParagraphMarkerInserted)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
EndRuby(const SwTextNode &rNode, sal_Int32 nPos)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
EndRun(const SwTextNode *pNode, sal_Int32 nPos, sal_Int32 nLen, bool bLastRun=false)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
EndRunProperties(const SwRedlineData *pRedlineData)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
EndSection()=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
EndStyle()=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
EndStyleProperties(bool bParProp)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
EndStyles(sal_uInt16 nNumberOfStyles)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
EndTOX(const SwSection &rSect, bool bCareEnd=true) | AttributeOutputBase | |
EndURL(bool isAtEndOfParagraph)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
FieldVanish(const OUString &rText, ww::eField eType, OUString const *pBookmarkName)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
FootnoteEndnoteRefTag() | AttributeOutputBase | inlinevirtual |
FormatAnchor(const SwFormatAnchor &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
FormatBackground(const SvxBrushItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
FormatBox(const SvxBoxItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
FormatBreak(const SvxFormatBreakItem &) | AttributeOutputBase | protected |
FormatCharBorder(const SvxBoxItem &rBox) | AttributeOutputBase | protected |
FormatColumns(const SwFormatCol &) | AttributeOutputBase | protected |
FormatColumns_Impl(sal_uInt16 nCols, const SwFormatCol &rCol, bool bEven, SwTwips nPageSize)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
FormatDrop(const SwTextNode &rNode, const SwFormatDrop &rSwFormatDrop, sal_uInt16 nStyle, ww8::WW8TableNodeInfo::Pointer_t pTextNodeInfo, ww8::WW8TableNodeInfoInner::Pointer_t pTextNodeInfoInner)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
FormatFillGradient(const XFillGradientItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
FormatFillStyle(const XFillStyleItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
FormatFirstLineIndent(const SvxFirstLineIndentItem &rFirstLine)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
FormatFrameDirection(const SvxFrameDirectionItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
FormatFrameSize(const SwFormatFrameSize &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
FormatHorizOrientation(const SwFormatHoriOrient &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
FormatKeep(const SvxFormatKeepItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
FormatLineNumbering(const SwFormatLineNumber &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
FormatLRSpace(const SvxLRSpaceItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
FormatPageDescription(const SwFormatPageDesc &) | AttributeOutputBase | protected |
FormatPaperBin(const SvxPaperBinItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
FormatRightMargin(const SvxRightMarginItem &rRightMargin)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
FormatSurround(const SwFormatSurround &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
FormatTextGrid(const SwTextGridItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
FormatTextLeftMargin(const SvxTextLeftMarginItem &rTextLeftMargin)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
FormatULSpace(const SvxULSpaceItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
FormatVertOrientation(const SwFormatVertOrient &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
GenerateBookmarksForSequenceField(const SwTextNode &rNode, SwWW8AttrIter &rAttrIter) | AttributeOutputBase | |
GetColumnWidths(ww8::WW8TableNodeInfoInner::Pointer_t const &pTableTextNodeInfoInner) | AttributeOutputBase | protected |
GetExport()=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
GetExport() const | AttributeOutputBase | inline |
GetGridCols(ww8::WW8TableNodeInfoInner::Pointer_t const &pTableTextNodeInfoInner) | AttributeOutputBase | protected |
GetNumberPara(OUString &rStr, const SwField &rField) | AttributeOutputBase | protectedstatic |
GetParagraphMarkerRedline(const SwTextNode &rNode, RedlineType aRedlineType) | AttributeOutputBase | |
GetTablePageSize(ww8::WW8TableNodeInfoInner const *pTableTextNodeInfoInner, tools::Long &rPageSize, bool &rRelBoxSize) | AttributeOutputBase | |
GridCharacterPitch(const SwTextGridItem &rGrid) const | AttributeOutputBase | protected |
HiddenField(const SwField &rField)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
IsFlyProcessingPostponed() | AttributeOutputBase | inlinevirtual |
m_sBaseURL | AttributeOutputBase | private |
MaybeOutputBrushItem(SfxItemSet const &) | AttributeOutputBase | inlinevirtual |
NumberingDefinition(sal_uInt16 nId, const SwNumRule &rRule)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
NumberingLevel(sal_uInt8 nLevel, sal_uInt16 nStart, sal_uInt16 nNumberingType, SvxAdjust eAdjust, const sal_uInt8 *pNumLvlPos, sal_uInt8 nFollow, const wwFont *pFont, const SfxItemSet *pOutSet, sal_Int16 nIndentAt, sal_Int16 nFirstLineIndex, sal_Int16 nListTabPos, const OUString &rNumberingString, const SvxBrushItem *pBrush, bool isLegal)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
OnTOXEnding() | AttributeOutputBase | inlinevirtual |
OutlineNumbering(sal_uInt8 nLvl)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
OutputFKP(bool) | AttributeOutputBase | inlinevirtual |
OutputFlyFrame(const ww8::Frame &rFormat) | AttributeOutputBase | |
OutputFlyFrame_Impl(const ww8::Frame &rFormat, const Point &rNdTopLeft)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
OutputItem(const SfxPoolItem &rHt) | AttributeOutputBase | |
OutputStyleItemSet(const SfxItemSet &rSet, bool bTestForDefault) | AttributeOutputBase | |
OverrideNumberingDefinition(SwNumRule const &, sal_uInt16, sal_uInt16, const std::map< size_t, size_t > &) | AttributeOutputBase | inlinevirtual |
PageBreakBefore(bool bBreak)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
ParaAdjust(const SvxAdjustItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
ParaForbiddenRules(const SfxBoolItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
ParaGrabBag(const SfxGrabBagItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
ParagraphStyle(sal_uInt16 nStyle)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
ParaHangingPunctuation(const SfxBoolItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
ParaHyphenZone(const SvxHyphenZoneItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
ParaLineSpacing(const SvxLineSpacingItem &) | AttributeOutputBase | protected |
ParaLineSpacing_Impl(short nSpace, short nMulti)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
ParaNumRule(const SwNumRuleItem &) | AttributeOutputBase | protected |
ParaNumRule_Impl(const SwTextNode *pTextNd, sal_Int32 nLvl, sal_Int32 nNumId)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
ParaOutlineLevel(const SfxUInt16Item &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
ParaOutlineLevelBase(const SfxUInt16Item &rItem) | AttributeOutputBase | protected |
ParaScriptSpace(const SfxBoolItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
ParaSnapToGrid(const SvxParaGridItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
ParaSplit(const SvxFormatSplitItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
ParaTabStop(const SvxTabStopItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
ParaVerticalAlign(const SvxParaVertAlignItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
ParaWidows(const SvxWidowsItem &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
PlaceholderField(const SwField *pField)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
PostitField(const SwField *pField)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
RawText(const OUString &rText, rtl_TextEncoding eCharSet)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
Redline(const SwRedlineData *pRedline)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
RefField(const SwField &rField, const OUString &rRef)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
ResetFlyProcessingFlag() | AttributeOutputBase | inlinevirtual |
RTLAndCJKState(bool bIsRTL, sal_uInt16 nScript)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
RunText(const OUString &rText, rtl_TextEncoding eCharSet=RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8, const OUString &rSymbolFont=OUString())=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
SectFootnoteEndnotePr() | AttributeOutputBase | inlinevirtual |
SectionBiDi(bool bBiDi)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
SectionBreak(sal_uInt8 nC, bool bBreakAfter, const WW8_SepInfo *pSectionInfo=nullptr, bool bExtraPageBreak=false)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
SectionBreaks(const SwNode &rNode)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
SectionFormProtection(bool bProtected)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
SectionLineNumbering(sal_uLong nRestartNo, const SwLineNumberInfo &rLnNumInfo)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
SectionPageBorders(const SwFrameFormat *pFormat, const SwFrameFormat *pFirstPageFormat)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
SectionPageNumbering(sal_uInt16 nNumType, const ::std::optional< sal_uInt16 > &oPageRestartNumber)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
SectionRtlGutter(const SfxBoolItem &rRtlGutter)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
SectionTitlePage()=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
SectionType(sal_uInt8 nBreakCode)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
SetAnchorIsLinkedToNode(bool) | AttributeOutputBase | inlinevirtual |
SetField(const SwField &rField, ww::eField eType, const OUString &rCmd)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
SetStateOfFlyFrame(FlyProcessingState) | AttributeOutputBase | inlinevirtual |
StartAbstractNumbering(sal_uInt16) | AttributeOutputBase | inlinevirtual |
StartParagraph(ww8::WW8TableNodeInfo::Pointer_t pTextNodeInfo, bool bGenerateParaId)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
StartParagraphProperties()=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
StartRuby(const SwTextNode &rNode, sal_Int32 nPos, const SwFormatRuby &rRuby)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
StartRun(const SwRedlineData *pRedlineData, sal_Int32 nPos, bool bSingleEmptyRun=false)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
StartRunProperties()=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
StartSection()=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
StartStyle(const OUString &rName, StyleType eType, sal_uInt16 nBase, sal_uInt16 nNext, sal_uInt16 nLink, sal_uInt16 nWwId, sal_uInt16 nSlot, bool bAutoUpdate)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
StartStyleProperties(bool bParProp, sal_uInt16 nStyle)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
StartStyles()=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
StartTOX(const SwSection &rSect) | AttributeOutputBase | |
StartURL(const OUString &rUrl, const OUString &rTarget)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
TableBackgrounds(ww8::WW8TableNodeInfoInner::Pointer_t pTableTextNodeInfo)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
TableBidi(ww8::WW8TableNodeInfoInner::Pointer_t pTableTextNodeInfo)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
TableCanSplit(ww8::WW8TableNodeInfoInner::Pointer_t pTableTextNodeInfo)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
TableCellRedline(ww8::WW8TableNodeInfoInner::Pointer_t pTableTextNodeInfo)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
TableDefaultBorders(ww8::WW8TableNodeInfoInner::Pointer_t pTableTextNodeInfo)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
TableDefinition(ww8::WW8TableNodeInfoInner::Pointer_t pTableTextNodeInfo)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
TableHeight(ww8::WW8TableNodeInfoInner::Pointer_t pTableTextNodeInfo)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
TableInfoCell(ww8::WW8TableNodeInfoInner::Pointer_t pTableTextNodeInfo)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
TableInfoRow(ww8::WW8TableNodeInfoInner::Pointer_t pTableTextNodeInfo)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
TableNodeInfoInner(ww8::WW8TableNodeInfoInner::Pointer_t pNodeInfoInner)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
TableOrientation(ww8::WW8TableNodeInfoInner::Pointer_t pTableTextNodeInfoInner)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
TableRowEnd(sal_uInt32 nDepth)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
TableRowRedline(ww8::WW8TableNodeInfoInner::Pointer_t pTableTextNodeInfo)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
TableSpacing(ww8::WW8TableNodeInfoInner::Pointer_t pTableTextNodeInfoInner)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
TableVerticalCell(ww8::WW8TableNodeInfoInner::Pointer_t pTableTextNodeInfo)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | pure virtual |
TextCharFormat(const SwFormatCharFormat &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
TextField(const SwFormatField &) | AttributeOutputBase | protected |
TextFlyContent(const SwFormatFlyCnt &) | AttributeOutputBase | protected |
TextFootnote(const SwFormatFootnote &) | AttributeOutputBase | protected |
TextFootnote_Impl(const SwFormatFootnote &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
TextINetFormat(const SwFormatINetFormat &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
TextLineBreak(const SwFormatLineBreak &)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
TextVerticalAdjustment(const css::drawing::TextVerticalAdjust) | AttributeOutputBase | inlinevirtual |
TOXMark(const SwTextNode &rNode, const SwTOXMark &rAttr) | AttributeOutputBase | |
WriteBookmarkInActParagraph(const OUString &rName, sal_Int32 nFirstRunPos, sal_Int32 nLastRunPos)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
WriteExpand(const SwField *pField)=0 | AttributeOutputBase | protectedpure virtual |
WritePostitFieldReference() | AttributeOutputBase | inlinevirtual |
~AttributeOutputBase() | AttributeOutputBase | inlinevirtual |