LibreOffice Module svx (master) 1
This is the complete list of members for SvxRuler, including all inherited members.
Activate() override | Ruler | |
AdjustMargin1(tools::Long lDiff) | SvxRuler | private |
ApplyBorders() | SvxRuler | private |
ApplyIndents() | SvxRuler | private |
ApplyMargins() | SvxRuler | private |
ApplyObject() | SvxRuler | private |
ApplySettings(vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext) override | Ruler | privatevirtual |
ApplyTabs() | SvxRuler | private |
bActive | SvxRuler | private |
bAppSetNullOffset | SvxRuler | private |
bHorz | SvxRuler | private |
bListening | SvxRuler | private |
bValid | SvxRuler | private |
CalcMinMax() | SvxRuler | private |
CalcPropMaxRight(sal_uInt16 nCol=USHRT_MAX) const | SvxRuler | protected |
CancelDrag() | Ruler | |
Click() override | SvxRuler | protectedvirtual |
Command(const CommandEvent &rCEvt) override | SvxRuler | protectedvirtual |
ConvertHPosLogic(tools::Long lPos) const | SvxRuler | inlineprivate |
ConvertHPosPixel(tools::Long lPos) const | SvxRuler | private |
ConvertHSizeLogic(tools::Long lSize) const | SvxRuler | inlineprivate |
ConvertHSizePixel(tools::Long lSize) const | SvxRuler | private |
ConvertPosLogic(tools::Long lPos) const | SvxRuler | inlineprivate |
ConvertPosPixel(tools::Long lPos) const | SvxRuler | private |
ConvertSizeLogic(tools::Long lSize) const | SvxRuler | inlineprivate |
ConvertSizePixel(tools::Long lSize) const | SvxRuler | private |
ConvertVPosLogic(tools::Long lPos) const | SvxRuler | inlineprivate |
ConvertVPosPixel(tools::Long lPos) const | SvxRuler | private |
ConvertVSizeLogic(tools::Long lSize) const | SvxRuler | inlineprivate |
ConvertVSizePixel(tools::Long lSize) const | SvxRuler | private |
CreateAccessible() override | Ruler | virtual |
DataChanged(const DataChangedEvent &rDCEvt) override | Ruler | virtual |
Deactivate() override | Ruler | |
dispose() override | SvxRuler | virtual |
DoubleClick() | Ruler | |
Drag() override | SvxRuler | protectedvirtual |
DragBorders() | SvxRuler | private |
DragIndents() | SvxRuler | private |
DragMargin1() | SvxRuler | private |
DragMargin2() | SvxRuler | private |
DragObjectBorder() | SvxRuler | private |
DragTabs() | SvxRuler | private |
DrawLine_Impl(tools::Long &lTabPos, int, bool Horizontal) | SvxRuler | private |
DrawTab(vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext, const Color &rFillColor, const Point &rPos, sal_uInt16 nStyle) | Ruler | static |
DrawTicks() | Ruler | |
EndDrag() override | SvxRuler | protectedvirtual |
EndListening(SfxBroadcaster &rBroadcaster, bool bRemoveAllDuplicates=false) | SfxListener | |
EndListeningAll() | SfxListener | |
EvalModifier() | SvxRuler | private |
ExtraDown() override | SvxRuler | protectedvirtual |
ForceUpdate() | SvxRuler | inline |
GetActLeftColumn(bool bForceDontConsiderHidden=false, sal_uInt16 nAct=USHRT_MAX) const | SvxRuler | protected |
GetActRightColumn(bool bForceDontConsiderHidden=false, sal_uInt16 nAct=USHRT_MAX) const | SvxRuler | protected |
GetBorderOffset() const | Ruler | |
GetBroadcasterCount() const | SfxListener | |
GetBroadcasterJOE(sal_uInt16 nNo) const | SfxListener | |
GetClickPos() const | Ruler | |
GetClickType() const | Ruler | |
GetCorrectedDragPos(bool bLeft=true, bool bRight=true) | SvxRuler | private |
GetCurrentMapMode() const | Ruler | protected |
GetCurrentRulerUnit() const | Ruler | protected |
GetDragAryPos() const | Ruler | |
GetDragModifier() const | Ruler | |
GetDragPos() const | Ruler | |
GetDragSize() const | Ruler | |
GetDragType() const | Ruler | |
GetExtraRect() const | Ruler | |
GetFirstLineIndent() const | SvxRuler | private |
GetFrameLeft() const | SvxRuler | inlineprivate |
GetHoverSelection() const | Ruler | |
GetLeftFrameMargin() const | SvxRuler | private |
GetLeftIndent() const | SvxRuler | private |
GetLeftMin() const | SvxRuler | inlineprivate |
GetLogicRightIndent() const | SvxRuler | private |
GetMargin1() const | Ruler | |
GetMargin2() const | Ruler | |
GetNullOffset() const | Ruler | |
GetObjectBordersOff(sal_uInt16 nIdx) const | SvxRuler | inlineprivate |
GetPageOffset() const | Ruler | |
GetPageWidth() const | SvxRuler | |
GetRightFrameMargin() const | SvxRuler | private |
GetRightIndent() const | SvxRuler | private |
GetRightMax() const | SvxRuler | inlineprivate |
GetRulerType(const Point &rPos, sal_uInt16 *pAryPos=nullptr) | Ruler | |
GetRulerVirHeight() const | Ruler | protected |
GetStyle() const | Ruler | |
GetTabs() const | Ruler | |
GetTextRTL() const | Ruler | |
GetUnit() const | Ruler | |
GetWinOffset() const | Ruler | |
ImplCalc() | Ruler | private |
ImplDocHitTest(const Point &rPos, RulerType eDragType, RulerSelection *pHitTest) const | Ruler | private |
ImplDoHitTest(const Point &rPosition, RulerSelection *pHitTest, bool bRequiredStyle=false, RulerIndentStyle nRequiredStyle=RulerIndentStyle::Top) const | Ruler | private |
ImplDrag(const Point &rPos) | Ruler | private |
ImplDraw(vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext) | Ruler | private |
ImplDrawBorders(vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext, tools::Long nMin, tools::Long nMax, tools::Long nVirTop, tools::Long nVirBottom) | Ruler | private |
ImplDrawExtra(vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext) | Ruler | private |
ImplDrawIndent(vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext, const tools::Polygon &rPoly, bool bIsHit) | Ruler | privatestatic |
ImplDrawIndents(vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext, tools::Long nMin, tools::Long nMax, tools::Long nVirTop, tools::Long nVirBottom) | Ruler | private |
ImplDrawTab(vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext, const Point &rPos, sal_uInt16 nStyle) | Ruler | private |
ImplDrawTabs(vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext, tools::Long nMin, tools::Long nMax, tools::Long nVirTop, tools::Long nVirBottom) | Ruler | private |
ImplDrawTicks(vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext, tools::Long nMin, tools::Long nMax, tools::Long nStart, tools::Long nVirTop, tools::Long nVirBottom) | Ruler | private |
ImplEndDrag() | Ruler | private |
ImplFormat(vcl::RenderContext const &rRenderContext) | Ruler | private |
ImplInit(WinBits nWinBits) | Ruler | private |
ImplInitExtraField(bool bUpdate) | Ruler | private |
ImplInitSettings(bool bFont, bool bForeground, bool bBackground) | Ruler | private |
ImplInvertLines(vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext) | Ruler | private |
ImplStartDrag(RulerSelection const *pHitTest, sal_uInt16 nModifier) | Ruler | private |
ImplUpdate(bool bMustCalc=false) | Ruler | private |
ImplVDrawLine(vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext, tools::Long nX1, tools::Long nY1, tools::Long nX2, tools::Long nY2) | Ruler | private |
ImplVDrawRect(vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext, tools::Long nX1, tools::Long nY1, tools::Long nX2, tools::Long nY2) | Ruler | private |
ImplVDrawText(vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext, tools::Long nX, tools::Long nY, const OUString &rText, tools::Long nMin=LONG_MIN, tools::Long nMax=LONG_MAX) | Ruler | private |
IsActFirstColumn(bool bForceDontConsiderHidden=false, sal_uInt16 nAct=USHRT_MAX) const | SvxRuler | protected |
IsActLastColumn(bool bForceDontConsiderHidden=false, sal_uInt16 nAct=USHRT_MAX) const | SvxRuler | protected |
IsDrag() const | Ruler | |
IsDragCanceled() const | Ruler | |
IsDragDelete() const | Ruler | |
IsListening(SfxBroadcaster &rBroadcaster) const | SfxListener | |
IsSdrView() const | SfxListener | virtual |
lAppNullOffset | SvxRuler | private |
lDefTabDist | SvxRuler | private |
lInitialDragPos | SvxRuler | private |
lLogicNullOffset | SvxRuler | private |
lTabPos | SvxRuler | private |
maBCs | SfxListener | private |
maCallStacks | SfxListener | private |
maDoubleClickHdl | Ruler | private |
maExtraRect | Ruler | private |
maHoverSelection | Ruler | private |
MakePositionSticky(tools::Long rValue, tools::Long aPointOfReference, bool aSnapToFrameMargin=true) const | SvxRuler | private |
maMapMode | Ruler | private |
maTextGlyphs | Ruler | private |
maVirDev | Ruler | private |
maZoom | Ruler | private |
mbActive | Ruler | private |
mbAutoWinWidth | Ruler | private |
mbCalc | Ruler | private |
mbCoarseSnapping | SvxRuler | private |
mbDrag | Ruler | private |
mbDragCanceled | Ruler | private |
mbDragDelete | Ruler | private |
mbFormat | Ruler | private |
mbSnapping | SvxRuler | private |
meDragType | Ruler | private |
meExtraType | Ruler | private |
MenuSelect(std::u16string_view ident) | SvxRuler | private |
meUnit | Ruler | private |
mnBorderOff | Ruler | private |
mnBorderWidth | Ruler | private |
mnCharWidth | Ruler | private |
mnDragAryPos | Ruler | private |
mnDragModifier | Ruler | private |
mnDragPos | Ruler | private |
mnDragSize | Ruler | private |
mnExtraStyle | Ruler | private |
mnHeight | Ruler | private |
mnLineHeight | Ruler | private |
mnStartDragPos | Ruler | private |
mnUnitIndex | Ruler | private |
mnUpdateFlags | Ruler | private |
mnVirHeight | Ruler | private |
mnVirOff | Ruler | private |
mnVirWidth | Ruler | private |
mnWidth | Ruler | private |
mnWinOff | Ruler | private |
mnWinStyle | Ruler | private |
mnWinWidth | Ruler | private |
MouseButtonDown(const MouseEvent &rMEvt) override | Ruler | virtual |
MouseMove(const MouseEvent &rMEvt) override | SvxRuler | protectedvirtual |
mpBorders | SvxRuler | private |
mpData | Ruler | private |
mpDragData | Ruler | private |
mpIndents | SvxRuler | private |
mpObjectBorders | SvxRuler | private |
mpSaveData | Ruler | private |
mpTabs | SvxRuler | private |
mxAccContext | Ruler | private |
mxBorderItem | SvxRuler | private |
mxColumnItem | SvxRuler | private |
mxCurrentHitTest | Ruler | private |
mxLRSpaceItem | SvxRuler | private |
mxMinMaxItem | SvxRuler | private |
mxObjectItem | SvxRuler | private |
mxPagePosItem | SvxRuler | private |
mxParaItem | SvxRuler | private |
mxPreviousHitTest | Ruler | private |
mxRulerImpl | SvxRuler | private |
mxTabStopItem | SvxRuler | private |
mxULSpaceItem | SvxRuler | private |
nDefTabType | SvxRuler | private |
nDragOffset | SvxRuler | private |
nDragType | SvxRuler | private |
nFlags | SvxRuler | private |
nMaxLeft | SvxRuler | private |
nMaxRight | SvxRuler | private |
Notify(SfxBroadcaster &rBC, const SfxHint &rHint) override | SvxRuler | protectedvirtual |
nTabBufSize | SvxRuler | private |
nTabCount | SvxRuler | private |
Ruler::operator=(const Ruler &)=delete | Ruler | private |
Paint(vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext, const tools::Rectangle &rRect) override | Ruler | virtual |
pBindings | SvxRuler | private |
pCtrlItems | SvxRuler | private |
pEditWin | SvxRuler | private |
PixelAdjust(tools::Long lPos, tools::Long lPos2) const | SvxRuler | private |
PixelHAdjust(tools::Long lPos, tools::Long lPos2) const | SvxRuler | private |
PixelVAdjust(tools::Long lPos, tools::Long lPos2) const | SvxRuler | private |
PrepareProportional_Impl(RulerType) | SvxRuler | private |
RemoveBroadcaster_Impl(SfxBroadcaster &rBC) | SfxListener | |
Resize() override | Ruler | virtual |
RoundToCurrentMapMode(tools::Long lValue) const | SvxRuler | private |
Ruler(vcl::Window *pParent, WinBits nWinStyle=WB_STDRULER) | Ruler | |
Ruler(const Ruler &)=delete | Ruler | private |
SetActive(bool bOn=true) | SvxRuler | |
SetBorderPos(tools::Long nOff=0) | Ruler | |
SetBorders(sal_uInt32 n=0, const RulerBorder *pBrdAry=nullptr) | Ruler | |
SetCharWidth(tools::Long nWidth) | Ruler | |
SetDefTabDist(tools::Long) | SvxRuler | |
SetDoubleClickHdl(const Link< Ruler *, void > &rLink) | Ruler | |
SetExtraType(RulerExtra eNewExtraType, sal_uInt16 nStyle=0) | Ruler | |
SetIndents(sal_uInt32 n=0, const RulerIndent *pIndentAry=nullptr) | Ruler | |
SetLeftFrameMargin(tools::Long nPos) | Ruler | |
SetLineHeight(tools::Long nHeight) | Ruler | |
SetLines(sal_uInt32 n=0, const RulerLine *pLineAry=nullptr) | Ruler | |
SetMargin1() | Ruler | |
SetMargin1(tools::Long nPos, RulerMarginStyle nMarginStyle=RulerMarginStyle::Sizeable) | Ruler | |
SetMargin2() | Ruler | |
SetMargin2(tools::Long nPos, RulerMarginStyle nMarginStyle=RulerMarginStyle::Sizeable) | Ruler | |
SetNullOffset(tools::Long nPos) | Ruler | |
SetNullOffsetLogic(tools::Long lOff) | SvxRuler | |
SetPagePos(tools::Long nOff=0, tools::Long nWidth=0) | Ruler | |
SetRightFrameMargin(tools::Long nPos) | Ruler | |
SetStyle(WinBits nStyle) | Ruler | |
SetTabs(sal_uInt32 n=0, const RulerTab *pTabAry=nullptr) | Ruler | |
SetTabsRelativeToIndent(bool bRel) | SvxRuler | |
SetTextRTL(bool bRTL) | Ruler | |
SetUnit(FieldUnit eNewUnit) | Ruler | |
SetValues(RulerChangeType type, tools::Long value) | SvxRuler | |
SetWinPos(tools::Long nOff, tools::Long nWidth=0) | Ruler | |
SetZoom(const Fraction &rNewZoom) | Ruler | |
SfxListener() | SfxListener | |
SfxListener(const SfxListener &rCopy) | SfxListener | |
StartDocDrag(const MouseEvent &rMEvt, RulerType eDragType) | Ruler | |
StartDrag() override | SvxRuler | protectedvirtual |
StartListening(SfxBroadcaster &rBroadcaster, DuplicateHandling eDuplicateHanding=DuplicateHandling::Unexpected) | SfxListener | |
StartListening_Impl() | SvxRuler | private |
StateChanged(StateChangedType nStateChange) override | Ruler | virtual |
SvxRuler(vcl::Window *pParent, vcl::Window *pEditWin, SvxRulerSupportFlags nRulerFlags, SfxBindings &rBindings, WinBits nWinStyle) | SvxRuler | |
SvxRulerItem | SvxRuler | friend |
TabMenuSelect(std::u16string_view rIdent) | SvxRuler | private |
Tracking(const TrackingEvent &rTEvt) override | Ruler | virtual |
Update(const SvxTabStopItem *pItem) | SvxRuler | private |
Update(const SvxPagePosSizeItem *pItem) | SvxRuler | private |
Update(const SvxColumnItem *pItem, sal_uInt16 nSID) | SvxRuler | private |
Update(const SvxObjectItem *pItem) | SvxRuler | private |
Update(const SvxProtectItem *pItem) | SvxRuler | private |
Update() | SvxRuler | protectedvirtual |
UpdateBorder(const SvxLRSpaceItem *pItem) | SvxRuler | private |
UpdateColumns() | SvxRuler | private |
UpdateFrame(const SvxLongLRSpaceItem *pItem) | SvxRuler | private |
UpdateFrame(const SvxLongULSpaceItem *pItem) | SvxRuler | private |
UpdateFrame() | SvxRuler | private |
UpdateFrameMinMax(const SfxRectangleItem *pItem) | SvxRuler | private |
UpdateObject() | SvxRuler | private |
UpdatePage() | SvxRuler | private |
UpdatePara(const SvxLRSpaceItem *pItem) | SvxRuler | private |
UpdatePara() | SvxRuler | private |
UpdateParaContents_Impl(tools::Long lDiff, UpdateType) | SvxRuler | private |
UpdateTabs() | SvxRuler | private |
UpdateTextRTL(const SfxBoolItem *pItem) | SvxRuler | private |
UpdateType enum name | SvxRuler | private |
~Ruler() override | Ruler | virtual |
~SfxListener() COVERITY_NOEXCEPT_FALSE | SfxListener | virtual |
~SvxRuler() override | SvxRuler | virtual |