LibreOffice Module svtools (master) 1
#include <brwbox.hxx>
Classes | |
struct | BrowserColumnAccess |
access to selected methods, to be granted to the BrowserColumn More... | |
struct | CursorMoveAttempt |
Public Member Functions | |
virtual sal_Int32 | GetRowCount () const override |
BrowseBox (vcl::Window *pParent, WinBits nBits, BrowserMode nMode=BrowserMode::NONE) | |
virtual | ~BrowseBox () override |
virtual void | dispose () override |
virtual void | StateChanged (StateChangedType nStateChange) override |
virtual void | MouseButtonDown (const MouseEvent &rEvt) override |
virtual void | MouseMove (const MouseEvent &rEvt) override |
virtual void | MouseButtonUp (const MouseEvent &rEvt) override |
virtual void | KeyInput (const KeyEvent &rEvt) override |
virtual void | LoseFocus () override |
virtual void | GetFocus () override |
virtual void | Resize () override |
virtual void | Paint (vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext, const tools::Rectangle &rRect) override |
virtual void | Draw (OutputDevice *pDev, const Point &rPos, SystemTextColorFlags nFlags) override |
virtual void | Command (const CommandEvent &rEvt) override |
virtual void | StartDrag (sal_Int8 _nAction, const Point &_rPosPixel) override |
virtual sal_Int8 | AcceptDrop (const AcceptDropEvent &rEvt) override |
virtual sal_Int8 | ExecuteDrop (const ExecuteDropEvent &rEvt) override |
virtual sal_Int8 | AcceptDrop (const BrowserAcceptDropEvent &rEvt) |
virtual sal_Int8 | ExecuteDrop (const BrowserExecuteDropEvent &rEvt) |
virtual void | MouseButtonDown (const BrowserMouseEvent &rEvt) |
virtual void | MouseButtonUp (const BrowserMouseEvent &rEvt) |
void | StartScroll () |
virtual void | EndScroll () |
virtual void | Select () |
virtual void | DoubleClick (const BrowserMouseEvent &rEvt) |
virtual bool | IsCursorMoveAllowed (sal_Int32 nNewRow, sal_uInt16 nNewColId) const |
virtual void | CursorMoved () |
virtual void | ColumnMoved (sal_uInt16 nColId) |
virtual void | ColumnResized (sal_uInt16 nColId) |
virtual void | RowHeightChanged () |
called when the row height has been changed interactively More... | |
virtual tools::Long | QueryMinimumRowHeight () |
void | SetUpdateMode (bool bUpdate) |
bool | GetUpdateMode () const |
void | SetFont (const vcl::Font &rNewFont) |
const vcl::Font & | GetFont () const |
void | SetTitleFont (const vcl::Font &rNewFont) |
void | InsertHandleColumn (sal_uLong nWidth) |
void | InsertDataColumn (sal_uInt16 nItemId, const OUString &rText, tools::Long nSize, HeaderBarItemBits nBits=HeaderBarItemBits::STDSTYLE, sal_uInt16 nPos=HEADERBAR_APPEND) |
void | SetColumnTitle (sal_uInt16 nColumnId, const OUString &rTitle) |
void | SetColumnWidth (sal_uInt16 nColumnId, sal_uLong nWidth) |
void | SetColumnPos (sal_uInt16 nColumnId, sal_uInt16 nPos) |
void | FreezeColumn (sal_uInt16 nColumnId) |
void | RemoveColumn (sal_uInt16 nColumnId) |
void | RemoveColumns () |
void | SetDataRowHeight (tools::Long nPixel) |
tools::Long | GetDataRowHeight () const |
void | SetTitleLines (sal_uInt16 nLines) |
tools::Long | GetTitleHeight () const |
OUString | GetColumnTitle (sal_uInt16 nColumnId) const |
tools::Rectangle | GetFieldRect (sal_uInt16 nColumnId) const |
sal_uLong | GetColumnWidth (sal_uInt16 nColumnId) const |
sal_uInt16 | GetColumnId (sal_uInt16 nPos) const |
sal_uInt16 | GetColumnPos (sal_uInt16 nColumnId) const |
bool | IsFrozen (sal_uInt16 nColumnId) const |
sal_Int32 | ScrollColumns (sal_Int32 nColumns) |
sal_Int32 | ScrollRows (sal_Int32 nRows) |
void | MakeFieldVisible (sal_Int32 nRow, sal_uInt16 nColId) |
sal_Int32 | GetCurRow () const |
sal_uInt16 | GetCurColumnId () const |
bool | GoToRow (sal_Int32 nRow) |
bool | GoToColumnId (sal_uInt16 nColId) |
bool | GoToRowColumnId (sal_Int32 nRow, sal_uInt16 nColId) |
virtual void | SetNoSelection () override |
virtual void | SelectAll () override |
virtual void | SelectRow (sal_Int32 nRow, bool _bSelect=true, bool bExpand=true) override |
void | SelectColumnPos (sal_uInt16 nCol, bool _bSelect=true) |
void | SelectColumnId (sal_uInt16 nColId) |
sal_Int32 | GetSelectRowCount () const |
sal_uInt16 | GetSelectColumnCount () const |
virtual bool | IsRowSelected (sal_Int32 nRow) const override |
bool | IsColumnSelected (sal_uInt16 nColumnId) const |
sal_Int32 | FirstSelectedRow () |
sal_Int32 | LastSelectedRow () |
sal_Int32 | NextSelectedRow () |
const MultiSelection * | GetColumnSelection () const |
const MultiSelection * | GetSelection () const |
sal_Int32 | FirstSelectedColumn () const |
bool | IsResizing () const |
BrowserDataWin & | GetDataWindow () const |
tools::Rectangle | GetRowRectPixel (sal_Int32 nRow) const |
tools::Rectangle | GetFieldRectPixel (sal_Int32 nRow, sal_uInt16 nColId, bool bRelToBrowser=true) const |
bool | IsFieldVisible (sal_Int32 nRow, sal_uInt16 nColId, bool bComplete=false) const |
sal_Int32 | GetRowAtYPosPixel (tools::Long nY, bool bRelToBrowser=true) const |
sal_uInt16 | GetColumnAtXPosPixel (tools::Long nX) const |
void | Clear () |
void | RowRemoved (sal_Int32 nRow, sal_Int32 nNumRows=1, bool bDoPaint=true) |
void | RowModified (sal_Int32 nRow, sal_uInt16 nColId=BROWSER_INVALIDID) |
void | RowInserted (sal_Int32 nRow, sal_Int32 nNumRows=1, bool bDoPaint=true, bool bKeepSelection=false) |
bool | ReserveControlArea (sal_uInt16 nWidth=USHRT_MAX) |
tools::Rectangle | GetControlArea () const |
virtual bool | ProcessKey (const KeyEvent &rEvt) |
virtual void | ChildFocusIn () |
virtual void | ChildFocusOut () |
void | Dispatch (sal_uInt16 nId) |
void | SetMode (BrowserMode nMode) |
BrowserMode | GetMode () const |
void | SetCursorColor (const Color &_rCol) |
void | EnableInteractiveRowHeight () |
specifies that the user is allowed to interactively change the height of a row, by simply dragging an arbitrary row separator. More... | |
bool | IsInteractiveRowHeightEnabled () const |
void | DoPaintField (OutputDevice &rDev, const tools::Rectangle &rRect, sal_uInt16 nColumnId, BrowserColumnAccess) const |
public version of PaintField, with selected access rights for the BrowserColumn More... | |
sal_uLong | GetDefaultColumnWidth (const OUString &_rText) const |
suggests a default width for a column containing a given text More... | |
virtual OUString | GetCellText (sal_Int32 _nRow, sal_uInt16 _nColId) const |
GetCellText returns the text at the given position. More... | |
sal_uInt16 | GetColumnCount () const override |
void | commitBrowseBoxEvent (sal_Int16 nEventId, const css::uno::Any &rNewValue, const css::uno::Any &rOldValue) |
commitBrowseBoxEvent commit the event at all listeners of the browsebox More... | |
void | commitTableEvent (sal_Int16 nEventId, const css::uno::Any &rNewValue, const css::uno::Any &rOldValue) |
commitTableEvent commit the event at all listeners of the table More... | |
void | commitHeaderBarEvent (sal_Int16 nEventId, const css::uno::Any &rNewValue, const css::uno::Any &rOldValue, bool _bColumnHeaderBar) |
fires an AccessibleEvent relative to a header bar AccessibleContext More... | |
virtual tools::Rectangle | calcHeaderRect (bool _bIsColumnBar, bool _bOnScreen=true) override |
returns the Rectangle for either the column header bar or the row header bar More... | |
virtual tools::Rectangle | calcTableRect (bool _bOnScreen=true) override |
calculates the Rectangle of the table More... | |
virtual tools::Rectangle | GetFieldRectPixel (sal_Int32 _nRowId, sal_uInt16 _nColId, bool _bIsHeader, bool _bOnScreen) override |
bool | isAccessibleAlive () const |
return <TRUE> if and only if the accessible object for this instance has been created and is alive More... | |
virtual css::uno::Reference< css::accessibility::XAccessible > | CreateAccessible () override |
Creates and returns the accessible object of the whole BrowseBox. More... | |
virtual css::uno::Reference< css::accessibility::XAccessible > | CreateAccessibleCell (sal_Int32 nRow, sal_uInt16 nColumnPos) override |
Creates the accessible object of a data table cell. More... | |
virtual css::uno::Reference< css::accessibility::XAccessible > | CreateAccessibleRowHeader (sal_Int32 nRow) override |
Creates the accessible object of a row header. More... | |
virtual css::uno::Reference< css::accessibility::XAccessible > | CreateAccessibleColumnHeader (sal_uInt16 nColumnPos) override |
Creates the accessible object of a column header. More... | |
virtual sal_Int32 | GetAccessibleControlCount () const override |
virtual css::uno::Reference< css::accessibility::XAccessible > | CreateAccessibleControl (sal_Int32 nIndex) override |
Creates the accessible object of an additional control. More... | |
virtual bool | ConvertPointToCellAddress (sal_Int32 &rnRow, sal_uInt16 &rnColumnId, const Point &rPoint) override |
Converts a point relative to the data window origin to a cell address. More... | |
virtual bool | ConvertPointToRowHeader (sal_Int32 &rnRow, const Point &rPoint) override |
Converts a point relative to the row header bar origin to a row header index. More... | |
virtual bool | ConvertPointToColumnHeader (sal_uInt16 &rnColumnPos, const Point &rPoint) override |
Converts a point relative to the column header bar origin to a column header index. More... | |
virtual bool | ConvertPointToControlIndex (sal_Int32 &rnIndex, const Point &rPoint) override |
Converts a point relative to the BrowseBox origin to the index of an existing control. More... | |
virtual OUString | GetAccessibleObjectName (AccessibleBrowseBoxObjType eObjType, sal_Int32 _nPosition=-1) const override |
return the name of the specified object. More... | |
virtual OUString | GetAccessibleObjectDescription (AccessibleBrowseBoxObjType eObjType, sal_Int32 _nPosition=-1) const override |
return the description of the specified object. More... | |
virtual OUString | GetRowDescription (sal_Int32 nRow) const override |
virtual OUString | GetColumnDescription (sal_uInt16 _nColumn) const override |
virtual void | FillAccessibleStateSet (sal_Int64 &rStateSet, AccessibleBrowseBoxObjType eObjType) const override |
Fills the StateSet with all states (except DEFUNC and SHOWING, done by the accessible object), depending on the specified object type. More... | |
virtual void | FillAccessibleStateSetForCell (sal_Int64 &_rStateSet, sal_Int32 _nRow, sal_uInt16 _nColumn) const override |
Fills the StateSet with all states for one cell (except DEFUNC and SHOWING, done by the accessible object). More... | |
virtual void | GrabTableFocus () override |
Sets focus to current cell of the data table. More... | |
virtual sal_Int32 | GetCurrRow () const override |
virtual sal_uInt16 | GetCurrColumn () const override |
virtual bool | HasRowHeader () const override |
virtual bool | GoToCell (sal_Int32 _nRow, sal_uInt16 _nColumn) override |
virtual void | SelectColumn (sal_uInt16 _nColumn, bool _bSelect=true) override |
virtual bool | IsColumnSelected (sal_Int32 _nColumn) const override |
virtual sal_Int32 | GetSelectedRowCount () const override |
virtual sal_Int32 | GetSelectedColumnCount () const override |
virtual void | GetAllSelectedRows (css::uno::Sequence< sal_Int32 > &_rRows) const override |
virtual void | GetAllSelectedColumns (css::uno::Sequence< sal_Int32 > &_rColumns) const override |
virtual bool | IsCellVisible (sal_Int32 _nRow, sal_uInt16 _nColumn) const override |
virtual OUString | GetAccessibleCellText (sal_Int32 _nRow, sal_uInt16 _nColPos) const override |
virtual bool | GetGlyphBoundRects (const Point &rOrigin, const OUString &rStr, int nIndex, int nLen, std::vector< tools::Rectangle > &rVector) override |
virtual tools::Rectangle | GetWindowExtentsAbsolute () const override |
virtual tools::Rectangle | GetWindowExtentsRelative (const vcl::Window &rRelativeWindow) const override |
virtual void | GrabFocus () override |
virtual css::uno::Reference< css::accessibility::XAccessible > | GetAccessible () override |
virtual vcl::Window * | GetAccessibleParentWindow () const override |
virtual vcl::Window * | GetWindowInstance () override |
![]() | |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void | ImplClearLayoutData () const |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void | ImplDrawFrame (OutputDevice *pDev, tools::Rectangle &rRect) |
Control (vcl::Window *pParent, WinBits nWinStyle=0) | |
virtual | ~Control () override |
virtual void | dispose () override |
virtual void | EnableRTL (bool bEnable=true) override |
virtual bool | EventNotify (NotifyEvent &rNEvt) override |
virtual void | StateChanged (StateChangedType nStateChange) override |
virtual void | Resize () override |
virtual void | SetText (const OUString &rStr) override |
virtual OUString | GetDisplayText () const override |
tools::Rectangle | GetCharacterBounds (tools::Long nIndex) const |
tools::Long | GetIndexForPoint (const Point &rPoint) const |
Pair | GetLineStartEnd (tools::Long nLine) const |
tools::Long | ToRelativeLineIndex (tools::Long nIndex) const |
void | SetLoseFocusHdl (const Link< Control &, void > &rLink) |
bool | HasControlFocus () const |
void | SetLayoutDataParent (const Control *pParent) const |
virtual Size | GetOptimalSize () const override |
void | SetReferenceDevice (OutputDevice *_referenceDevice) |
OutputDevice * | GetReferenceDevice () const |
vcl::Font | GetUnzoomedControlPointFont () const |
void | SetShowAccelerator (bool val) |
virtual void | LogicInvalidate (const tools::Rectangle *pRectangle) override |
![]() | |
DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK (ImplHandlePaintHdl, Timer *, void) | |
DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK (ImplGenerateMouseMoveHdl, void *, void) | |
DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK (ImplTrackTimerHdl, Timer *, void) | |
DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK (ImplAsyncFocusHdl, void *, void) | |
DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK (ImplHandleResizeTimerHdl, Timer *, void) | |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE vcl::Window * | ImplGetFrameWindow () const |
weld::Window * | GetFrameWeld () const |
vcl::Window * | GetFrameWindow () const |
SalFrame * | ImplGetFrame () const |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE ImplFrameData * | ImplGetFrameData () |
vcl::Window * | ImplGetWindow () const |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE ImplWinData * | ImplGetWinData () const |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE vcl::Window * | ImplGetClientWindow () const |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE vcl::Window * | ImplGetDlgWindow (sal_uInt16 n, GetDlgWindowType nType, sal_uInt16 nStart=0, sal_uInt16 nEnd=0xFFFF, sal_uInt16 *pIndex=nullptr) |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE vcl::Window * | ImplGetParent () const |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE vcl::Window * | ImplFindWindow (const Point &rFramePos) |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void | ImplInvalidateFrameRegion (const vcl::Region *pRegion, InvalidateFlags nFlags) |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void | ImplInvalidateOverlapFrameRegion (const vcl::Region &rRegion) |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE bool | ImplSetClipFlag (bool bSysObjOnlySmaller=false) |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE bool | ImplIsWindowOrChild (const vcl::Window *pWindow, bool bSystemWindow=false) const |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE bool | ImplIsChild (const vcl::Window *pWindow, bool bSystemWindow=false) const |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE bool | ImplIsFloatingWindow () const |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE bool | ImplIsPushButton () const |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE bool | ImplIsSplitter () const |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE bool | ImplIsOverlapWindow () const |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void | ImplIsInTaskPaneList (bool mbIsInTaskList) |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE WindowImpl * | ImplGetWindowImpl () const |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void | ImplGrabFocus (GetFocusFlags nFlags) |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void | ImplGrabFocusToDocument (GetFocusFlags nFlags) |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void | ImplInvertFocus (const tools::Rectangle &rRect) |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE PointerStyle | ImplGetMousePointer () const |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void | ImplCallMouseMove (sal_uInt16 nMouseCode, bool bModChanged=false) |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void | ImplGenerateMouseMove () |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void | ImplNotifyKeyMouseCommandEventListeners (NotifyEvent &rNEvt) |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void | ImplNotifyIconifiedState (bool bIconified) |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void | ImplUpdateAll () |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void | ImplControlFocus (GetFocusFlags nFlags=GetFocusFlags::NONE) |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void | ImplMirrorFramePos (Point &pt) const |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void | ImplPosSizeWindow (tools::Long nX, tools::Long nY, tools::Long nWidth, tools::Long nHeight, PosSizeFlags nFlags) |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void | ImplCallResize () |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void | ImplCallMove () |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void | CompatGetFocus () |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void | CompatLoseFocus () |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void | CompatStateChanged (StateChangedType nStateChange) |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void | CompatDataChanged (const DataChangedEvent &rDCEvt) |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE bool | CompatPreNotify (NotifyEvent &rNEvt) |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE bool | CompatNotify (NotifyEvent &rNEvt) |
void | IncModalCount () |
void | DecModalCount () |
Window (vcl::Window *pParent, WinBits nStyle=0) | |
virtual | ~Window () override |
::OutputDevice const * | GetOutDev () const |
::OutputDevice * | GetOutDev () |
Color | GetBackgroundColor () const |
const Wallpaper & | GetBackground () const |
bool | IsBackground () const |
const MapMode & | GetMapMode () const |
void | SetBackground () |
void | SetBackground (const Wallpaper &rBackground) |
virtual void | MouseMove (const MouseEvent &rMEvt) |
virtual void | MouseButtonDown (const MouseEvent &rMEvt) |
virtual void | MouseButtonUp (const MouseEvent &rMEvt) |
virtual void | KeyInput (const KeyEvent &rKEvt) |
virtual void | KeyUp (const KeyEvent &rKEvt) |
virtual void | PrePaint (vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext) |
virtual void | Paint (vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext, const tools::Rectangle &rRect) |
virtual void | PostPaint (vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext) |
void | Erase (vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext) |
virtual void | Draw (::OutputDevice *pDev, const Point &rPos, SystemTextColorFlags nFlags) |
virtual void | Move () |
virtual void | Resize () |
virtual void | Activate () |
virtual void | Deactivate () |
virtual void | GetFocus () |
virtual void | LoseFocus () |
virtual void | RequestHelp (const HelpEvent &rHEvt) |
virtual void | Command (const CommandEvent &rCEvt) |
virtual void | Tracking (const TrackingEvent &rTEvt) |
virtual void | StateChanged (StateChangedType nStateChange) |
virtual void | DataChanged (const DataChangedEvent &rDCEvt) |
virtual bool | PreNotify (NotifyEvent &rNEvt) |
virtual bool | EventNotify (NotifyEvent &rNEvt) |
void | AddEventListener (const Link< VclWindowEvent &, void > &rEventListener) |
void | RemoveEventListener (const Link< VclWindowEvent &, void > &rEventListener) |
void | AddChildEventListener (const Link< VclWindowEvent &, void > &rEventListener) |
void | RemoveChildEventListener (const Link< VclWindowEvent &, void > &rEventListener) |
ImplSVEvent * | PostUserEvent (const Link< void *, void > &rLink, void *pCaller=nullptr, bool bReferenceLink=false) |
void | RemoveUserEvent (ImplSVEvent *nUserEvent) |
LanguageType | GetInputLanguage () const |
void | SetStyle (WinBits nStyle) |
WinBits | GetStyle () const |
WinBits | GetPrevStyle () const |
void | SetExtendedStyle (WindowExtendedStyle nExtendedStyle) |
WindowExtendedStyle | GetExtendedStyle () const |
void | SetType (WindowType nType) |
WindowType | GetType () const |
bool | IsSystemWindow () const |
bool | IsDockingWindow () const |
bool | IsDialog () const |
bool | IsMenuFloatingWindow () const |
bool | IsToolbarFloatingWindow () const |
bool | IsTopWindow () const |
SystemWindow * | GetSystemWindow () const |
bool | SupportsDoubleBuffering () const |
void | RequestDoubleBuffering (bool bRequest) |
void | EnableAllResize () |
void | SetBorderStyle (WindowBorderStyle nBorderStyle) |
WindowBorderStyle | GetBorderStyle () const |
void | GetBorder (sal_Int32 &rLeftBorder, sal_Int32 &rTopBorder, sal_Int32 &rRightBorder, sal_Int32 &rBottomBorder) const |
Size | CalcWindowSize (const Size &rOutSz) const |
Size | CalcOutputSize (const Size &rWinSz) const |
tools::Long | CalcTitleWidth () const |
void | EnableClipSiblings (bool bClipSiblings=true) |
void | EnableChildTransparentMode (bool bEnable=true) |
bool | IsChildTransparentModeEnabled () const |
void | SetMouseTransparent (bool bTransparent) |
bool | IsMouseTransparent () const |
void | SetPaintTransparent (bool bTransparent) |
bool | IsPaintTransparent () const |
void | SetDialogControlStart (bool bStart) |
bool | IsDialogControlStart () const |
void | SetDialogControlFlags (DialogControlFlags nFlags) |
DialogControlFlags | GetDialogControlFlags () const |
PointerState | GetPointerState () |
bool | IsMouseOver () const |
void | SetInputContext (const InputContext &rInputContext) |
const InputContext & | GetInputContext () const |
void | PostExtTextInputEvent (VclEventId nType, const OUString &rText) |
void | EndExtTextInput () |
void | SetCursorRect (const tools::Rectangle *pRect=nullptr, tools::Long nExtTextInputWidth=0) |
const tools::Rectangle * | GetCursorRect () const |
tools::Long | GetCursorExtTextInputWidth () const |
void | SetCompositionCharRect (const tools::Rectangle *pRect, tools::Long nCompositionLength, bool bVertical=false) |
void | UpdateSettings (const AllSettings &rSettings, bool bChild=false) |
void | NotifyAllChildren (DataChangedEvent &rDCEvt) |
void | SetPointFont (vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext, const vcl::Font &rFont) |
vcl::Font | GetPointFont (vcl::RenderContext const &rRenderContext) const |
void | SetZoomedPointFont (vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext, const vcl::Font &rFont) |
tools::Long | GetDrawPixel (::OutputDevice const *pDev, tools::Long nPixels) const |
vcl::Font | GetDrawPixelFont (::OutputDevice const *pDev) const |
void | SetControlFont () |
void | SetControlFont (const vcl::Font &rFont) |
vcl::Font | GetControlFont () const |
bool | IsControlFont () const |
void | ApplyControlFont (vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext, const vcl::Font &rDefaultFont) |
void | SetControlForeground () |
void | SetControlForeground (const Color &rColor) |
const Color & | GetControlForeground () const |
bool | IsControlForeground () const |
void | ApplyControlForeground (vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext, const Color &rDefaultColor) |
void | SetControlBackground () |
void | SetControlBackground (const Color &rColor) |
const Color & | GetControlBackground () const |
bool | IsControlBackground () const |
void | ApplyControlBackground (vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext, const Color &rDefaultColor) |
void | SetParentClipMode (ParentClipMode nMode=ParentClipMode::NONE) |
ParentClipMode | GetParentClipMode () const |
void | SetWindowRegionPixel () |
void | SetWindowRegionPixel (const vcl::Region &rRegion) |
vcl::Region | GetWindowClipRegionPixel () const |
vcl::Region | GetPaintRegion () const |
bool | IsInPaint () const |
void | ExpandPaintClipRegion (const vcl::Region &rRegion) |
void | SetParent (vcl::Window *pNewParent) |
vcl::Window * | GetParent () const |
Dialog * | GetParentDialog () const |
bool | IsAncestorOf (const vcl::Window &rWindow) const |
void | Show (bool bVisible=true, ShowFlags nFlags=ShowFlags::NONE) |
void | Hide () |
bool | IsVisible () const |
bool | IsReallyVisible () const |
bool | IsReallyShown () const |
bool | IsInInitShow () const |
void | Enable (bool bEnable=true, bool bChild=true) |
void | Disable (bool bChild=true) |
bool | IsEnabled () const |
void | EnableInput (bool bEnable=true, bool bChild=true) |
void | EnableInput (bool bEnable, const vcl::Window *pExcludeWindow) |
bool | IsInputEnabled () const |
void | AlwaysEnableInput (bool bAlways, bool bChild=true) |
bool | IsAlwaysEnableInput () const |
bool | IsInModalMode () const |
void | SetActivateMode (ActivateModeFlags nMode) |
ActivateModeFlags | GetActivateMode () const |
void | ToTop (ToTopFlags nFlags=ToTopFlags::NONE) |
void | SetZOrder (vcl::Window *pRefWindow, ZOrderFlags nFlags) |
void | EnableAlwaysOnTop (bool bEnable=true) |
bool | IsAlwaysOnTopEnabled () const |
virtual void | setPosSizePixel (tools::Long nX, tools::Long nY, tools::Long nWidth, tools::Long nHeight, PosSizeFlags nFlags=PosSizeFlags::All) |
virtual void | SetPosPixel (const Point &rNewPos) |
virtual Point | GetPosPixel () const |
virtual void | SetSizePixel (const Size &rNewSize) |
virtual Size | GetSizePixel () const |
virtual void | SetPosSizePixel (const Point &rNewPos, const Size &rNewSize) |
virtual void | SetOutputSizePixel (const Size &rNewSize) |
bool | IsDefaultPos () const |
bool | IsDefaultSize () const |
Point | GetOffsetPixelFrom (const vcl::Window &rWindow) const |
Point | OutputToScreenPixel (const Point &rPos) const |
Point | ScreenToOutputPixel (const Point &rPos) const |
Point | OutputToNormalizedScreenPixel (const Point &rPos) const |
Point | NormalizedScreenToOutputPixel (const Point &rPos) const |
Point | OutputToAbsoluteScreenPixel (const Point &rPos) const |
Point | AbsoluteScreenToOutputPixel (const Point &rPos) const |
tools::Rectangle | GetDesktopRectPixel () const |
tools::Rectangle | GetWindowExtentsRelative (const vcl::Window &rRelativeWindow) const |
tools::Rectangle | GetWindowExtentsAbsolute () const |
bool | IsScrollable () const |
virtual void | Scroll (tools::Long nHorzScroll, tools::Long nVertScroll, ScrollFlags nFlags=ScrollFlags::NONE) |
void | Scroll (tools::Long nHorzScroll, tools::Long nVertScroll, const tools::Rectangle &rRect, ScrollFlags nFlags=ScrollFlags::NONE) |
void | Invalidate (InvalidateFlags nFlags=InvalidateFlags::NONE) |
void | Invalidate (const tools::Rectangle &rRect, InvalidateFlags nFlags=InvalidateFlags::NONE) |
void | Invalidate (const vcl::Region &rRegion, InvalidateFlags nFlags=InvalidateFlags::NONE) |
virtual void | LogicInvalidate (const tools::Rectangle *pRectangle) |
virtual void | PixelInvalidate (const tools::Rectangle *pRectangle) |
void | Validate () |
bool | HasPaintEvent () const |
void | PaintImmediately () |
void | EnableDocking (bool bEnable=true) |
void | EnablePaint (bool bEnable) |
bool | IsPaintEnabled () const |
void | SetUpdateMode (bool bUpdate) |
bool | IsUpdateMode () const |
void | SetParentUpdateMode (bool bUpdate) |
void | GrabFocus () |
bool | HasFocus () const |
bool | HasChildPathFocus (bool bSystemWindow=false) const |
bool | IsActive () const |
bool | HasActiveChildFrame () const |
GetFocusFlags | GetGetFocusFlags () const |
void | GrabFocusToDocument () |
VclPtr< vcl::Window > | GetFocusedWindow () const |
void | SetFakeFocus (bool bFocus) |
bool | IsCompoundControl () const |
void | LocalStartDrag () |
void | CaptureMouse () |
void | ReleaseMouse () |
bool | IsMouseCaptured () const |
virtual void | SetPointer (PointerStyle) |
PointerStyle | GetPointer () const |
void | EnableChildPointerOverwrite (bool bOverwrite) |
void | SetPointerPosPixel (const Point &rPos) |
Point | GetPointerPosPixel () |
Point | GetLastPointerPosPixel () |
void | SetLastMousePos (const Point &rPos) |
void | ShowPointer (bool bVisible) |
void | EnterWait () |
void | LeaveWait () |
bool | IsWait () const |
void | SetCursor (vcl::Cursor *pCursor) |
vcl::Cursor * | GetCursor () const |
void | SetZoom (const Fraction &rZoom) |
const Fraction & | GetZoom () const |
bool | IsZoom () const |
tools::Long | CalcZoom (tools::Long n) const |
virtual void | SetText (const OUString &rStr) |
virtual OUString | GetText () const |
virtual OUString | GetDisplayText () const |
virtual const Wallpaper & | GetDisplayBackground () const |
void | SetHelpText (const OUString &rHelpText) |
const OUString & | GetHelpText () const |
void | SetQuickHelpText (const OUString &rHelpText) |
const OUString & | GetQuickHelpText () const |
void | SetHelpId (const OUString &) |
const OUString & | GetHelpId () const |
sal_uInt16 | GetChildCount () const |
vcl::Window * | GetChild (sal_uInt16 nChild) const |
vcl::Window * | GetWindow (GetWindowType nType) const |
bool | IsChild (const vcl::Window *pWindow) const |
bool | IsWindowOrChild (const vcl::Window *pWindow, bool bSystemWindow=false) const |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void | CollectChildren (::std::vector< vcl::Window * > &rAllChildren) |
virtual void | ShowFocus (const tools::Rectangle &rRect) |
void | HideFocus () |
void | DrawSelectionBackground (const tools::Rectangle &rRect, sal_uInt16 highlight, bool bChecked, bool bDrawBorder) |
void | ShowTracking (const tools::Rectangle &rRect, ShowTrackFlags nFlags=ShowTrackFlags::Small) |
void | HideTracking () |
void | InvertTracking (const tools::Rectangle &rRect, ShowTrackFlags nFlags) |
void | StartTracking (StartTrackingFlags nFlags=StartTrackingFlags::NONE) |
void | EndTracking (TrackingEventFlags nFlags=TrackingEventFlags::NONE) |
bool | IsTracking () const |
void | StartAutoScroll (StartAutoScrollFlags nFlags) |
void | EndAutoScroll () |
bool | HandleScrollCommand (const CommandEvent &rCmd, Scrollable *pHScrl, Scrollable *pVScrl) |
virtual const SystemEnvData * | GetSystemData () const |
virtual css::uno::Reference< css::awt::XVclWindowPeer > | GetComponentInterface (bool bCreate=true) |
void | SetComponentInterface (css::uno::Reference< css::awt::XVclWindowPeer > const &xIFace) |
void | SetUseFrameData (bool bUseFrameData) |
void | SetLOKNotifier (const vcl::ILibreOfficeKitNotifier *pNotifier, bool bParent=false) |
const vcl::ILibreOfficeKitNotifier * | GetLOKNotifier () const |
vcl::LOKWindowId | GetLOKWindowId () const |
VclPtr< vcl::Window > | GetParentWithLOKNotifier () |
void | ReleaseLOKNotifier () |
virtual void | DumpAsPropertyTree (tools::JsonWriter &) |
void | RecordLayoutData (vcl::ControlLayoutData *pLayout, const tools::Rectangle &rRect) |
VCLXWindow * | GetWindowPeer () const |
void | SetWindowPeer (css::uno::Reference< css::awt::XVclWindowPeer > const &xPeer, VCLXWindow *pVCLXWindow) |
bool | IsCreatedWithToolkit () const |
void | SetCreatedWithToolkit (bool b) |
css::uno::Reference< css::datatransfer::dnd::XDropTarget > | GetDropTarget () |
css::uno::Reference< css::datatransfer::dnd::XDragSource > | GetDragSource () |
css::uno::Reference< css::datatransfer::dnd::XDragGestureRecognizer > | GetDragGestureRecognizer () |
css::uno::Reference< css::datatransfer::clipboard::XClipboard > | GetClipboard () |
void | SetClipboard (css::uno::Reference< css::datatransfer::clipboard::XClipboard > const &xClipboard) |
virtual void | queue_resize (StateChangedType eReason=StateChangedType::Layout) |
void | set_height_request (sal_Int32 nHeightRequest) |
sal_Int32 | get_height_request () const |
void | set_width_request (sal_Int32 nWidthRequest) |
sal_Int32 | get_width_request () const |
Size | get_preferred_size () const |
VclAlign | get_halign () const |
void | set_halign (VclAlign eAlign) |
VclAlign | get_valign () const |
void | set_valign (VclAlign eAlign) |
bool | get_hexpand () const |
void | set_hexpand (bool bExpand) |
bool | get_vexpand () const |
void | set_vexpand (bool bExpand) |
bool | get_expand () const |
void | set_expand (bool bExpand) |
bool | get_fill () const |
void | set_fill (bool bFill) |
void | set_border_width (sal_Int32 nBorderWidth) |
sal_Int32 | get_border_width () const |
void | set_margin_start (sal_Int32 nWidth) |
sal_Int32 | get_margin_start () const |
void | set_margin_end (sal_Int32 nWidth) |
sal_Int32 | get_margin_end () const |
void | set_margin_top (sal_Int32 nWidth) |
sal_Int32 | get_margin_top () const |
void | set_margin_bottom (sal_Int32 nWidth) |
sal_Int32 | get_margin_bottom () const |
VclPackType | get_pack_type () const |
void | set_pack_type (VclPackType ePackType) |
sal_Int32 | get_padding () const |
void | set_padding (sal_Int32 nPadding) |
sal_Int32 | get_grid_width () const |
void | set_grid_width (sal_Int32 nCols) |
sal_Int32 | get_grid_left_attach () const |
void | set_grid_left_attach (sal_Int32 nAttach) |
sal_Int32 | get_grid_height () const |
void | set_grid_height (sal_Int32 nRows) |
sal_Int32 | get_grid_top_attach () const |
void | set_grid_top_attach (sal_Int32 nAttach) |
bool | get_secondary () const |
void | set_secondary (bool bSecondary) |
bool | get_non_homogeneous () const |
void | set_non_homogeneous (bool bNonHomogeneous) |
virtual bool | set_property (const OUString &rKey, const OUString &rValue) |
bool | set_font_attribute (const OUString &rKey, std::u16string_view rValue) |
void | add_to_size_group (const std::shared_ptr< VclSizeGroup > &xGroup) |
void | remove_from_all_size_groups () |
void | add_mnemonic_label (FixedText *pLabel) |
void | remove_mnemonic_label (FixedText *pLabel) |
const std::vector< VclPtr< FixedText > > & | list_mnemonic_labels () const |
void | reorderWithinParent (sal_uInt16 nNewPosition) |
void | set_id (const OUString &rID) |
const OUString & | get_id () const |
void | EnableNativeWidget (bool bEnable=true) |
bool | IsNativeWidgetEnabled () const |
void | PaintToDevice (::OutputDevice *pDevice, const Point &rPos) |
KeyIndicatorState | GetIndicatorState () const |
void | SimulateKeyPress (sal_uInt16 nKeyCode) const |
virtual OUString | GetSurroundingText () const |
virtual Selection | GetSurroundingTextSelection () const |
virtual bool | DeleteSurroundingText (const Selection &rSelection) |
virtual FactoryFunction | GetUITestFactory () const |
virtual bool | IsChart () const |
virtual bool | IsStarMath () const |
void | SetHelpHdl (const Link< vcl::Window &, bool > &rLink) |
void | SetMnemonicActivateHdl (const Link< vcl::Window &, bool > &rLink) |
void | SetModalHierarchyHdl (const Link< bool, void > &rLink) |
void | SetDumpAsPropertyTreeHdl (const Link< tools::JsonWriter &, void > &rLink) |
Size | GetOutputSizePixel () const |
tools::Rectangle | GetOutputRectPixel () const |
Point | LogicToPixel (const Point &rLogicPt) const |
Size | LogicToPixel (const Size &rLogicSize) const |
tools::Rectangle | LogicToPixel (const tools::Rectangle &rLogicRect) const |
vcl::Region | LogicToPixel (const vcl::Region &rLogicRegion) const |
Point | LogicToPixel (const Point &rLogicPt, const MapMode &rMapMode) const |
Size | LogicToPixel (const Size &rLogicSize, const MapMode &rMapMode) const |
tools::Rectangle | LogicToPixel (const tools::Rectangle &rLogicRect, const MapMode &rMapMode) const |
Point | PixelToLogic (const Point &rDevicePt) const |
Size | PixelToLogic (const Size &rDeviceSize) const |
tools::Rectangle | PixelToLogic (const tools::Rectangle &rDeviceRect) const |
tools::PolyPolygon | PixelToLogic (const tools::PolyPolygon &rDevicePolyPoly) const |
vcl::Region | PixelToLogic (const vcl::Region &rDeviceRegion) const |
Point | PixelToLogic (const Point &rDevicePt, const MapMode &rMapMode) const |
Size | PixelToLogic (const Size &rDeviceSize, const MapMode &rMapMode) const |
tools::Rectangle | PixelToLogic (const tools::Rectangle &rDeviceRect, const MapMode &rMapMode) const |
Size | LogicToLogic (const Size &rSzSource, const MapMode *pMapModeSource, const MapMode *pMapModeDest) const |
const AllSettings & | GetSettings () const |
void | SetSettings (const AllSettings &rSettings) |
void | SetSettings (const AllSettings &rSettings, bool bChild) |
tools::Rectangle | GetTextRect (const tools::Rectangle &rRect, const OUString &rStr, DrawTextFlags nStyle=DrawTextFlags::WordBreak, TextRectInfo *pInfo=nullptr, const vcl::ITextLayout *_pTextLayout=nullptr) const |
float | GetDPIScaleFactor () const |
tools::Long | GetOutOffXPixel () const |
tools::Long | GetOutOffYPixel () const |
void | EnableMapMode (bool bEnable=true) |
bool | IsMapModeEnabled () const |
void | SetMapMode () |
void | SetMapMode (const MapMode &rNewMapMode) |
virtual void | EnableRTL (bool bEnable=true) |
bool | IsRTLEnabled () const |
void | SetFont (const vcl::Font &rNewFont) |
const vcl::Font & | GetFont () const |
tools::Long | GetTextWidth (const OUString &rStr, sal_Int32 nIndex=0, sal_Int32 nLen=-1, vcl::text::TextLayoutCache const *=nullptr, SalLayoutGlyphs const *const pLayoutCache=nullptr) const |
tools::Long | GetTextHeight () const |
float | approximate_digit_width () const |
void | SetTextColor (const Color &rColor) |
const Color & | GetTextColor () const |
void | SetTextFillColor () |
void | SetTextFillColor (const Color &rColor) |
Color | GetTextFillColor () const |
bool | IsTextFillColor () const |
void | SetTextLineColor () |
void | SetTextLineColor (const Color &rColor) |
const Color & | GetTextLineColor () const |
bool | IsTextLineColor () const |
void | SetOverlineColor () |
void | SetOverlineColor (const Color &rColor) |
const Color & | GetOverlineColor () const |
bool | IsOverlineColor () const |
void | SetTextAlign (TextAlign eAlign) |
TextAlign | GetTextAlign () const |
bool | IsNativeControlSupported (ControlType nType, ControlPart nPart) const |
bool | GetNativeControlRegion (ControlType nType, ControlPart nPart, const tools::Rectangle &rControlRegion, ControlState nState, const ImplControlValue &aValue, tools::Rectangle &rNativeBoundingRegion, tools::Rectangle &rNativeContentRegion) const |
css::uno::Reference< css::accessibility::XAccessible > | GetAccessible (bool bCreate=true) |
virtual css::uno::Reference< css::accessibility::XAccessible > | CreateAccessible () |
void | SetAccessible (const css::uno::Reference< css::accessibility::XAccessible > &) |
vcl::Window * | GetAccessibleParentWindow () const |
sal_uInt16 | GetAccessibleChildWindowCount () |
vcl::Window * | GetAccessibleChildWindow (sal_uInt16 n) |
void | SetAccessibleRole (sal_uInt16 nRole) |
sal_uInt16 | GetAccessibleRole () const |
void | SetAccessibleName (const OUString &rName) |
OUString | GetAccessibleName () const |
void | SetAccessibleDescription (const OUString &rDescr) |
OUString | GetAccessibleDescription () const |
void | SetAccessibleRelationLabeledBy (vcl::Window *pLabeledBy) |
vcl::Window * | GetAccessibleRelationLabeledBy () const |
void | SetAccessibleRelationLabelFor (vcl::Window *pLabelFor) |
vcl::Window * | GetAccessibleRelationLabelFor () const |
vcl::Window * | GetAccessibleRelationMemberOf () const |
bool | IsAccessibilityEventsSuppressed (bool bTraverseParentPath=true) |
void | SetAccessibilityEventsSuppressed (bool bSuppressed) |
KeyEvent | GetActivationKey () const |
![]() | |
void | acquire () const |
void | release () const |
sal_Int32 | getRefCount () const |
void | disposeOnce () |
bool | isDisposed () const |
![]() | |
virtual sal_Int32 | GetRowCount () const=0 |
virtual sal_uInt16 | GetColumnCount () const=0 |
virtual sal_Int32 | GetCurrRow () const=0 |
virtual sal_uInt16 | GetCurrColumn () const=0 |
virtual OUString | GetRowDescription (sal_Int32 _nRow) const=0 |
virtual OUString | GetColumnDescription (sal_uInt16 _nColumnPos) const=0 |
virtual bool | HasRowHeader () const=0 |
virtual bool | GoToCell (sal_Int32 _nRow, sal_uInt16 _nColumnPos)=0 |
virtual void | SetNoSelection ()=0 |
virtual void | SelectAll ()=0 |
virtual void | SelectRow (sal_Int32 _nRow, bool _bSelect=true, bool bExpand=true)=0 |
virtual void | SelectColumn (sal_uInt16 _nColumnPos, bool _bSelect=true)=0 |
virtual sal_Int32 | GetSelectedRowCount () const=0 |
virtual sal_Int32 | GetSelectedColumnCount () const=0 |
virtual bool | IsRowSelected (sal_Int32 _nRow) const=0 |
virtual bool | IsColumnSelected (sal_Int32 _nColumnPos) const=0 |
virtual void | GetAllSelectedRows (css::uno::Sequence< sal_Int32 > &_rRows) const=0 |
virtual void | GetAllSelectedColumns (css::uno::Sequence< sal_Int32 > &_rColumns) const=0 |
virtual bool | IsCellVisible (sal_Int32 _nRow, sal_uInt16 _nColumnPos) const=0 |
virtual OUString | GetAccessibleCellText (sal_Int32 _nRow, sal_uInt16 _nColumnPos) const=0 |
virtual tools::Rectangle | calcHeaderRect (bool _bIsColumnBar, bool _bOnScreen=true)=0 |
virtual tools::Rectangle | calcTableRect (bool _bOnScreen=true)=0 |
virtual tools::Rectangle | GetFieldRectPixel (sal_Int32 _nRow, sal_uInt16 _nColumnPos, bool _bIsHeader, bool _bOnScreen)=0 |
virtual css::uno::Reference< css::accessibility::XAccessible > | CreateAccessibleCell (sal_Int32 _nRow, sal_uInt16 _nColumnPos)=0 |
virtual css::uno::Reference< css::accessibility::XAccessible > | CreateAccessibleRowHeader (sal_Int32 _nRow)=0 |
virtual css::uno::Reference< css::accessibility::XAccessible > | CreateAccessibleColumnHeader (sal_uInt16 _nColumnPos)=0 |
virtual sal_Int32 | GetAccessibleControlCount () const=0 |
virtual css::uno::Reference< css::accessibility::XAccessible > | CreateAccessibleControl (sal_Int32 _nIndex)=0 |
virtual bool | ConvertPointToControlIndex (sal_Int32 &_rnIndex, const Point &_rPoint)=0 |
virtual bool | ConvertPointToCellAddress (sal_Int32 &_rnRow, sal_uInt16 &_rnColPos, const Point &_rPoint)=0 |
virtual bool | ConvertPointToRowHeader (sal_Int32 &_rnRow, const Point &_rPoint)=0 |
virtual bool | ConvertPointToColumnHeader (sal_uInt16 &_rnColPos, const Point &_rPoint)=0 |
virtual OUString | GetAccessibleObjectName (AccessibleBrowseBoxObjType _eType, sal_Int32 _nPos=-1) const=0 |
virtual OUString | GetAccessibleObjectDescription (AccessibleBrowseBoxObjType _eType, sal_Int32 _nPos=-1) const=0 |
virtual void | FillAccessibleStateSet (sal_Int64 &_rStateSet, AccessibleBrowseBoxObjType _eType) const=0 |
virtual void | FillAccessibleStateSetForCell (sal_Int64 &_rStateSet, sal_Int32 _nRow, sal_uInt16 _nColumnPos) const=0 |
virtual void | GrabTableFocus ()=0 |
virtual bool | GetGlyphBoundRects (const Point &rOrigin, const OUString &rStr, int nIndex, int nLen, std::vector< tools::Rectangle > &rVector)=0 |
virtual tools::Rectangle | GetWindowExtentsAbsolute () const=0 |
virtual tools::Rectangle | GetWindowExtentsRelative (const vcl::Window &rRelativeWindow) const=0 |
virtual void | GrabFocus ()=0 |
virtual css::uno::Reference< css::accessibility::XAccessible > | GetAccessible ()=0 |
virtual vcl::Window * | GetAccessibleParentWindow () const=0 |
virtual vcl::Window * | GetWindowInstance ()=0 |
virtual tools::Rectangle | GetFieldCharacterBounds (sal_Int32 _nRow, sal_Int32 _nColumnPos, sal_Int32 nIndex)=0 |
virtual sal_Int32 | GetFieldIndexAtPoint (sal_Int32 _nRow, sal_Int32 _nColumnPos, const Point &_rPoint)=0 |
Static Public Attributes | |
static const sal_uInt16 | HandleColumnId = 0 |
Protected Member Functions | |
::vcl::IAccessibleFactory & | getAccessibleFactory () |
retrieves the XAccessible implementation associated with the BrowseBox instance More... | |
sal_uInt16 | ColCount () const |
void | SetRealRowCount (const OUString &rRealRowCount) |
virtual bool | SeekRow (sal_Int32 nRow)=0 |
seeks for the given row position More... | |
void | DrawCursor () |
void | PaintData (vcl::Window const &rWin, vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext, const tools::Rectangle &rRect) |
virtual void | PaintField (vcl::RenderContext &rDev, const tools::Rectangle &rRect, sal_uInt16 nColumnId) const =0 |
virtual void | VisibleRowsChanged (sal_Int32 nNewTopRow, sal_uInt16 nNumRows) |
sal_uInt16 | GetVisibleRows () const |
sal_Int32 | GetTopRow () const |
sal_uInt16 | GetFirstVisibleColNumber () const |
void | DoShowCursor () |
void | DoHideCursor () |
short | GetCursorHideCount () const |
virtual VclPtr< BrowserHeader > | CreateHeaderBar (BrowseBox *pParent) |
void | SetHeaderBar (BrowserHeader *) |
tools::Long | CalcReverseZoom (tools::Long nVal) const |
const DataFlavorExVector & | GetDataFlavors () const |
bool | IsDropFormatSupported (SotClipboardFormatId nFormat) const |
void | DisposeAccessible () |
virtual void | ImplStartTracking () |
virtual void | ImplEndTracking () |
![]() | |
Control (WindowType nType) | |
virtual void | FillLayoutData () const |
void | AppendLayoutData (const Control &rSubControl) const |
void | CreateLayoutData () const |
bool | HasLayoutData () const |
bool | ImplCallEventListenersAndHandler (VclEventId nEvent, std::function< void()> const &callHandler) |
void | CallEventListeners (VclEventId nEvent, void *pData=nullptr) |
tools::Rectangle | DrawControlText (OutputDevice &_rTargetDevice, const tools::Rectangle &_rRect, const OUString &_rStr, DrawTextFlags _nStyle, std::vector< tools::Rectangle > *_pVector, OUString *_pDisplayText, const Size *i_pDeviceSize=nullptr) const |
tools::Rectangle | GetControlTextRect (OutputDevice &_rTargetDevice, const tools::Rectangle &rRect, const OUString &_rStr, DrawTextFlags _nStyle, Size *o_pDeviceSize=nullptr) const |
virtual const vcl::Font & | GetCanonicalFont (const StyleSettings &_rStyle) const |
virtual const Color & | GetCanonicalTextColor (const StyleSettings &_rStyle) const |
void | ImplInitSettings () |
virtual void | ApplySettings (vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext) override |
virtual bool | FocusWindowBelongsToControl (const vcl::Window *pFocusWin) const |
![]() | |
virtual void | dispose () override |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void | ImplInit (vcl::Window *pParent, WinBits nStyle, SystemParentData *pSystemParentData) |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void | ImplInvalidateParentFrameRegion (const vcl::Region &rRegion) |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void | ImplValidateFrameRegion (const vcl::Region *rRegion, ValidateFlags nFlags) |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void | ImplValidate () |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void | ImplMoveInvalidateRegion (const tools::Rectangle &rRect, tools::Long nHorzScroll, tools::Long nVertScroll, bool bChildren) |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void | ImplMoveAllInvalidateRegions (const tools::Rectangle &rRect, tools::Long nHorzScroll, tools::Long nVertScroll, bool bChildren) |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE vcl::Window * | ImplGetBorderWindow () const |
virtual void | ImplInvalidate (const vcl::Region *pRegion, InvalidateFlags nFlags) |
virtual WindowHitTest | ImplHitTest (const Point &rFramePos) |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void | ImplSetMouseTransparent (bool bTransparent) |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void | ImplScroll (const tools::Rectangle &rRect, tools::Long nHorzScroll, tools::Long nVertScroll, ScrollFlags nFlags) |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE bool | ImplSetClipFlagChildren (bool bSysObjOnlySmaller) |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE bool | ImplSetClipFlagOverlapWindows (bool bSysObjOnlySmaller=false) |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void | PushPaintHelper (PaintHelper *pHelper, vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext) |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void | PopPaintHelper (PaintHelper const *pHelper) |
Window (WindowType nType) | |
void | SetCompoundControl (bool bCompound) |
void | CallEventListeners (VclEventId nEvent, void *pData=nullptr) |
virtual void | ImplAdjustNWFSizes () |
virtual void | ApplySettings (vcl::RenderContext &rRenderContext) |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE float | approximate_char_width () const |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE vcl::Window * | getLegacyNonLayoutAccessibleRelationMemberOf () const |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE vcl::Window * | getLegacyNonLayoutAccessibleRelationLabeledBy () const |
SAL_DLLPRIVATE vcl::Window * | getLegacyNonLayoutAccessibleRelationLabelFor () const |
virtual vcl::Window * | getAccessibleRelationLabelFor () const |
virtual sal_uInt16 | getDefaultAccessibleRole () const |
virtual OUString | getDefaultAccessibleName () const |
virtual Size | GetOptimalSize () const |
void | InvalidateSizeCache () |
![]() | |
VclReferenceBase () | |
virtual | ~VclReferenceBase () |
virtual void | dispose () |
![]() | |
~IAccessibleTableProvider () | |
Protected Attributes | |
bool | m_bNavigationBar |
![]() | |
std::optional< vcl::ControlLayoutData > | mxLayoutData |
VclPtr< OutputDevice > | mpReferenceDevice |
Friends | |
class | BrowserDataWin |
class | ::svt::BrowseBoxImpl |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
static SAL_DLLPRIVATE void | ImplInitAppFontData (vcl::Window const *pWindow) |
static SAL_DLLPRIVATE void | ImplCalcSymbolRect (tools::Rectangle &rRect) |
static DockingManager * | GetDockingManager () |
static VclPtr< vcl::Window > | SaveFocus () |
static void | EndSaveFocus (const VclPtr< vcl::Window > &xFocusWin) |
static VclPtr< vcl::Window > | FindLOKWindow (vcl::LOKWindowId nWindowId) |
static bool | IsLOKWindowsEmpty () |
Definition at line 257 of file brwbox.hxx.
BrowseBox::BrowseBox | ( | vcl::Window * | pParent, |
WinBits | nBits, | ||
BrowserMode | nMode = BrowserMode::NONE |
) |
Definition at line 163 of file brwbox1.cxx.
References ConstructImpl(), Create(), and WB_3DLOOK.
overridevirtual |
Definition at line 178 of file brwbox1.cxx.
References VclReferenceBase::disposeOnce().
overridevirtual |
Definition at line 48 of file brwbox2.cxx.
References AcceptDropEvent::maPosPixel, vcl::Window::OutputToScreenPixel(), and pDataWin.
Referenced by BrowserDataWin::AcceptDrop().
virtual |
Definition at line 64 of file brwbox2.cxx.
private |
Definition at line 677 of file brwbox1.cxx.
References ColumnResized(), GetColumnId(), LONG_MAX, mvCols, nId, pDataWin, and SetColumnWidth().
Referenced by EndScroll(), RowInserted(), SetColumnWidth(), SetUpdateMode(), and StateChanged().
overridevirtual |
returns the Rectangle for either the column header bar or the row header bar
_bIsColumnBar | <TRUE> when column header bar is used |
_bOnScreen | <TRUE> when the rectangle should be calculated OnScreen |
Implements vcl::IAccessibleTableProvider.
Definition at line 1943 of file brwbox2.cxx.
References GetAccessibleParentWindow(), GetColumnWidth(), GetControlArea(), GetDataRowHeight(), tools::Rectangle::GetHeight(), tools::Rectangle::GetSize(), GetWindowExtentsAbsolute(), GetWindowExtentsRelative(), Size::Height(), pDataWin, Point::setY(), tools::Rectangle::TopLeft(), and Point::Y().
Referenced by calcTableRect().
protected |
Definition at line 2321 of file brwbox1.cxx.
Referenced by ImpGetDataRowHeight(), and SetDataRowHeight().
overridevirtual |
calculates the Rectangle of the table
_bOnScreen | <TRUE> when the rectangle should be calculated OnScreen |
Implements vcl::IAccessibleTableProvider.
Definition at line 1973 of file brwbox2.cxx.
References calcHeaderRect(), GetAccessibleParentWindow(), GetBarHeight(), tools::Rectangle::GetSize(), GetWindowExtentsAbsolute(), GetWindowExtentsRelative(), Size::Height(), tools::Rectangle::Left(), tools::Rectangle::Right(), tools::Rectangle::Top(), tools::Rectangle::TopRight(), and Size::Width().
virtual |
Reimplemented in svt::EditBrowseBox.
Definition at line 1721 of file brwbox2.cxx.
virtual |
Reimplemented in svt::EditBrowseBox.
Definition at line 1725 of file brwbox2.cxx.
void BrowseBox::Clear | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1090 of file brwbox1.cxx.
References aHScroll, Any, bMultiSelection, BROWSER_ENDOFSELECTION, commitBrowseBoxEvent(), commitTableEvent(), CursorMoved(), DoHideCursor(), DoShowCursor(), vcl::Window::Invalidate(), isAccessibleAlive(), m_pImpl, nCurColId, nCurRow, nRowCount, nTopRow, pVScroll, SetNoSelection(), TABLE_MODEL_CHANGED, UpdateScrollbars(), and uRow.
Referenced by svt::EditBrowseBox::RemoveRows().
protected |
Definition at line 849 of file brwbox1.cxx.
References mvCols.
Referenced by svt::EditBrowseBox::AppendColumn(), ConvertPointToControlIndex(), svt::EditBrowseBox::DetermineFocus(), Dispatch(), GetAccessibleObjectName(), InsertHandleColumn(), and RemoveColumn().
private |
Definition at line 1272 of file brwbox2.cxx.
References nPos, pColSel, and UpdateScrollbars().
Referenced by InsertDataColumn(), and InsertHandleColumn().
virtual |
Reimplemented in svt::EditBrowseBox.
Definition at line 213 of file brwbox2.cxx.
Referenced by svt::EditBrowseBox::ColumnMoved(), and Dispatch().
virtual |
Reimplemented in svt::EditBrowseBox.
Definition at line 208 of file brwbox2.cxx.
Referenced by AutoSizeLastColumn(), and MouseButtonUp().
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from vcl::Window.
Definition at line 95 of file brwbox2.cxx.
References vcl::Window::Command(), and pDataWin.
Referenced by BrowserDataWin::Command().
void BrowseBox::commitBrowseBoxEvent | ( | sal_Int16 | nEventId, |
const css::uno::Any & | rNewValue, | ||
const css::uno::Any & | rOldValue | ||
) |
commitBrowseBoxEvent commit the event at all listeners of the browsebox
nEventId | the event id |
rNewValue | the new value |
rOldValue | the old value |
Definition at line 417 of file brwbox3.cxx.
References isAccessibleAlive(), and m_pImpl.
Referenced by Clear(), svt::EditBrowseBox::DeactivateCell(), svt::EditBrowseBox::implCreateActiveAccessible(), and RemoveColumns().
void BrowseBox::commitHeaderBarEvent | ( | sal_Int16 | nEventId, |
const css::uno::Any & | rNewValue, | ||
const css::uno::Any & | rOldValue, | ||
bool | _bColumnHeaderBar | ||
) |
fires an AccessibleEvent relative to a header bar AccessibleContext
nEventId | the event id |
rNewValue | the new value |
rOldValue | the old value |
Definition at line 403 of file brwbox3.cxx.
References isAccessibleAlive(), and m_pImpl.
Referenced by RemoveColumn(), and RowInserted().
void BrowseBox::commitTableEvent | ( | sal_Int16 | nEventId, |
const css::uno::Any & | rNewValue, | ||
const css::uno::Any & | rOldValue | ||
) |
commitTableEvent commit the event at all listeners of the table
nEventId | the event id |
rNewValue | the new value |
rOldValue | the old value |
Definition at line 411 of file brwbox3.cxx.
References isAccessibleAlive(), and m_pImpl.
Referenced by svt::EditBrowseBox::ActivateCell(), Clear(), RemoveColumn(), RemoveColumns(), RowInserted(), SetColumnPos(), and SetColumnTitle().
private |
Definition at line 62 of file brwbox1.cxx.
References aHScroll, bBootstrapped, bHasFocus, bHideCursor, bHideSelect, bHit, bKeepHighlight, bMultiSelection, bNotToggleSel, bResizing, bRowDividerDrag, BROWSER_ENDOFSELECTION, bScrolling, bSelect, bSelecting, bSelectionIsVisible, COL_TRANSPARENT(), VclPtr< class reference_type >::Create(), GetUpdateMode(), vcl::Window::HasChildPathFocus(), InitSettings_Impl(), LINK, m_aCursorColor, m_bFocusOnlyCursor, m_nCurrentMode, m_nDataRowHeight, m_pImpl, mbInteractiveRowHeight, nControlAreaWidth, nCurColId, nCurRow, nDragX, nFirstCol, nMinResizeX, NONE, nResizeCol, nResizeX, nRowCount, nTitleLines, nTopRow, pColSel, pDataWin, pVScroll, SAL_INFO, SetMode(), TRISTATE_FALSE, and uRow.
Referenced by BrowseBox().
overridevirtual |
Converts a point relative to the data window origin to a cell address.
rnRow | Out-parameter that takes the row index. |
rnColumnId | Out-parameter that takes the column ID. |
rPoint | The position in pixels relative to the data window. |
TODO has to be checked
Implements vcl::IAccessibleTableProvider.
Definition at line 167 of file brwbox3.cxx.
References BROWSER_INVALIDID, GetColumnAtXPosPixel(), GetRowAtYPosPixel(), Point::X(), and Point::Y().
Referenced by ConvertPointToControlIndex().
overridevirtual |
Converts a point relative to the column header bar origin to a column header index.
rnColumnId | Out-parameter that takes the column ID. |
rPoint | The position in pixels relative to the header bar. |
Implements vcl::IAccessibleTableProvider.
Definition at line 185 of file brwbox3.cxx.
References BROWSER_INVALIDID, GetColumnAtXPosPixel(), and Point::X().
overridevirtual |
Converts a point relative to the BrowseBox origin to the index of an existing control.
rnRow | Out-parameter that takes the 0-based control index. |
rPoint | The position in pixels relative to the BrowseBox. |
TODO has to be checked
Implements vcl::IAccessibleTableProvider.
Definition at line 192 of file brwbox3.cxx.
References ColCount(), and ConvertPointToCellAddress().
overridevirtual |
Converts a point relative to the row header bar origin to a row header index.
rnRow | Out-parameter that takes the row index. |
rPoint | The position in pixels relative to the header bar. |
Implements vcl::IAccessibleTableProvider.
Definition at line 177 of file brwbox3.cxx.
References BROWSER_INVALIDID, GetRowAtYPosPixel(), and Point::Y().
overridevirtual |
Creates and returns the accessible object of the whole BrowseBox.
Reimplemented from vcl::Window.
Definition at line 84 of file brwbox3.cxx.
References vcl::IAccessibleFactory::createAccessibleBrowseBox(), DBG_ASSERT, vcl::Window::GetAccessible(), getAccessibleFactory(), GetAccessibleParentWindow(), and m_pImpl.
overridevirtual |
Creates the accessible object of a data table cell.
nRow | The row index of the cell. |
nColumnId | The column pos of the cell. |
Implements vcl::IAccessibleTableProvider.
Definition at line 110 of file brwbox3.cxx.
References m_pImpl, and OFFSET_DEFAULT.
Referenced by svt::EditBrowseBox::ActivateCell().
overridevirtual |
Creates the accessible object of a column header.
nColumnId | The column ID of the header. |
Implements vcl::IAccessibleTableProvider.
Definition at line 139 of file brwbox3.cxx.
References svt::getHeaderCell(), and m_pImpl.
Referenced by RemoveColumn().
overridevirtual |
Creates the accessible object of an additional control.
nIndex | The 0-based index of the control. |
Implements vcl::IAccessibleTableProvider.
Reimplemented in svt::EditBrowseBox.
Definition at line 158 of file brwbox3.cxx.
References SAL_WARN.
overridevirtual |
Creates the accessible object of a row header.
nRow | The row index of the header. |
Implements vcl::IAccessibleTableProvider.
Definition at line 126 of file brwbox3.cxx.
References svt::getHeaderCell(), and m_pImpl.
Referenced by RowInserted().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in svt::EditBrowseBox.
Definition at line 2293 of file brwbox1.cxx.
virtual |
Reimplemented in svt::EditBrowseBox.
Definition at line 2337 of file brwbox1.cxx.
Referenced by Clear(), RowInserted(), and StateChanged().
private |
private |
private |
void BrowseBox::Dispatch | ( | sal_uInt16 | nId | ) |
Definition at line 1729 of file brwbox2.cxx.
Referenced by svt::EditBrowseBox::Dispatch(), and ProcessKey().
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Control.
Reimplemented in svt::EditBrowseBox.
Definition at line 194 of file brwbox1.cxx.
References aHScroll, aStatusBarHeight, bMultiSelection, Control::dispose(), DisposeAccessible(), VclPtr< class reference_type >::disposeAndClear(), vcl::Window::Hide(), mvCols, pColSel, pDataWin, pVScroll, SAL_INFO, and uRow.
Referenced by svt::EditBrowseBox::dispose().
protected |
protected |
Definition at line 242 of file brwbox1.cxx.
References DrawCursor(), PaintCursorIfHiddenOnce(), and pDataWin.
Referenced by Clear(), Dispatch(), ExpandRowSelection(), MouseButtonDown(), RowInserted(), SetColumnWidth(), SetCursorColor(), SetUpdateMode(), StartScroll(), and ToggleSelectedColumn().
inline |
public version of PaintField, with selected access rights for the BrowserColumn
Definition at line 615 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by BrowserColumn::Draw().
protected |
Definition at line 224 of file brwbox1.cxx.
References DrawCursor(), PaintCursorIfHiddenOnce(), and pDataWin.
Referenced by Clear(), Dispatch(), EndScroll(), ExpandRowSelection(), MouseButtonDown(), MouseButtonUp(), RowInserted(), SetColumnWidth(), SetCursorColor(), SetToggledSelectedColumn(), and SetUpdateMode().
virtual |
Reimplemented in svt::EditBrowseBox.
Definition at line 182 of file brwbox2.cxx.
Referenced by MouseButtonDown().
overridevirtual |
Definition at line 649 of file brwbox2.cxx.
References Size::AdjustHeight(), Size::AdjustWidth(), Point::AdjustX(), Point::AdjustY(), COL_BLACK(), ButtonFrame::Draw(), HeaderBar::Draw(), OutputDevice::DrawLine(), OutputDevice::DrawRect(), StyleSettings::GetDarkShadowColor(), BrowserColumn::GetId(), vcl::Window::GetSettings(), StyleSettings::GetShadowColor(), vcl::Window::GetSizePixel(), AllSettings::GetStyleSettings(), GetTitleHeight(), vcl::Window::GetZoom(), Size::Height(), ImpGetDataRowHeight(), ImplPaintData(), vcl::Window::IsEnabled(), vcl::LINECOLOR, OutputDevice::LogicToPixel(), vcl::Window::LogicToPixel(), m_nDataRowHeight, mvCols, nPos, pDataWin, OutputDevice::PixelToLogic(), vcl::Window::PixelToLogic(), OutputDevice::Pop(), OutputDevice::Push(), OutputDevice::SetClipRegion(), OutputDevice::SetFillColor(), OutputDevice::SetFont(), HeaderBar::SetItemSize(), OutputDevice::SetLineColor(), OutputDevice::SetMapMode(), vcl::Window::SetSizePixel(), OutputDevice::SetTextColor(), BrowserColumn::SetWidth(), BrowserColumn::Title(), Size::Width(), BrowserColumn::Width(), Point::X(), and Point::Y().
protected |
Definition at line 300 of file brwbox2.cxx.
References tools::Rectangle::AdjustBottom(), tools::Rectangle::AdjustLeft(), tools::Rectangle::AdjustRight(), tools::Rectangle::AdjustTop(), bColumnCursor, bHideCursor, bHLines, bMultiSelection, bScrolling, bSelectionIsVisible, COL_TRANSPARENT(), VclPtr< class reference_type >::get(), GetColumnId(), GetCursorHideCount(), GetDataRowHeight(), GetFieldRectPixel(), GetSelectColumnCount(), GetSelectRowCount(), HandleColumnId, vcl::Window::HideFocus(), vcl::Window::IsUpdateMode(), m_aCursorColor, MIN_COLUMNWIDTH, mvCols, nCurColId, nCurRow, nTopRow, PaintCursorIfHiddenOnce(), pDataWin, vcl::Window::ShowFocus(), TRISTATE_INDET, and TRISTATE_TRUE.
Referenced by DoHideCursor(), DoShowCursor(), and ImplPaintData().
inline |
specifies that the user is allowed to interactively change the height of a row, by simply dragging an arbitrary row separator.
Note that this works only if there's a handle column, since only in this case, there is something for the user to click onto
Definition at line 608 of file brwbox.hxx.
virtual |
Reimplemented in svt::EditBrowseBox.
Definition at line 224 of file brwbox2.cxx.
References AutoSizeLastColumn(), DoShowCursor(), and UpdateScrollbars().
Referenced by svt::EditBrowseBox::EndScroll(), ScrollColumns(), and ScrollRows().
virtual |
Definition at line 71 of file brwbox2.cxx.
overridevirtual |
Definition at line 56 of file brwbox2.cxx.
References ExecuteDropEvent::maPosPixel, vcl::Window::OutputToScreenPixel(), and pDataWin.
Referenced by BrowserDataWin::ExecuteDrop().
private |
Definition at line 406 of file brwbox2.cxx.
References aSelRange, bMultiSelection, bSelect, bSelecting, Range::Contains(), DoHideCursor(), DoShowCursor(), BrowseEvent::GetRow(), GoToRow(), IsRowSelected(), Range::Max(), Range::Normalize(), Select(), and SelectRow().
Referenced by MouseButtonDown().
overridevirtual |
Fills the StateSet with all states (except DEFUNC and SHOWING, done by the accessible object), depending on the specified object type.
Implements vcl::IAccessibleTableProvider.
Definition at line 318 of file brwbox3.cxx.
References GetCurColumnId(), GetCurRow(), GetSelectColumnCount(), GetSelectRowCount(), GetUpdateMode(), vcl::Window::HasFocus(), vcl::Window::IsActive(), vcl::Window::IsEnabled(), IsFieldVisible(), IsFrozen(), and vcl::Window::IsReallyVisible().
overridevirtual |
Fills the StateSet with all states for one cell (except DEFUNC and SHOWING, done by the accessible object).
TODO check if the state is valid for table cells
Implements vcl::IAccessibleTableProvider.
Definition at line 378 of file brwbox3.cxx.
References GetCurrColumn(), GetCurrRow(), and IsCellVisible().
sal_Int32 BrowseBox::FirstSelectedColumn | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 1871 of file brwbox1.cxx.
Referenced by svt::EditBrowseBox::Dispatch().
sal_Int32 BrowseBox::FirstSelectedRow | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1877 of file brwbox1.cxx.
Referenced by GetAllSelectedRows().
void BrowseBox::FreezeColumn | ( | sal_uInt16 | nColumnId | ) |
Definition at line 371 of file brwbox1.cxx.
References FrozenColCount(), GetColumnPos(), vcl::Window::Invalidate(), IsFrozen(), mvCols, nFirstCol, pDataWin, SetToggledSelectedColumn(), ToggleSelectedColumn(), and UpdateScrollbars().
Referenced by InsertHandleColumn().
private |
Definition at line 1279 of file brwbox2.cxx.
References IsFrozen(), and mvCols.
Referenced by FreezeColumn(), RemoveColumn(), ScrollColumns(), and UpdateScrollbars().
overridevirtual |
Implements vcl::IAccessibleTableProvider.
Definition at line 549 of file brwbox3.cxx.
References vcl::Window::GetAccessible().
Referenced by svt::EditBrowseBox::CreateAccessibleCheckBoxCell(), and svt::EditBrowseBox::implCreateActiveAccessible().
overridevirtual |
Implements vcl::IAccessibleTableProvider.
Definition at line 523 of file brwbox3.cxx.
References GetCellText(), and GetColumnId().
overridevirtual |
Implements vcl::IAccessibleTableProvider.
Reimplemented in svt::EditBrowseBox.
Definition at line 152 of file brwbox3.cxx.
protected |
retrieves the XAccessible implementation associated with the BrowseBox instance
Definition at line 423 of file brwbox3.cxx.
References m_pImpl.
Referenced by CreateAccessible(), svt::EditBrowseBox::CreateAccessibleCheckBoxCell(), and svt::EditBrowseBox::implCreateActiveAccessible().
overridevirtual |
return the description of the specified object.
eObjType | The type to ask for |
_nPosition | The position of a tablecell (index position), header bar column/row cell |
Implements vcl::IAccessibleTableProvider.
Definition at line 273 of file brwbox3.cxx.
overridevirtual |
return the name of the specified object.
eObjType | The type to ask for |
_nPosition | The position of a tablecell (index position), header bar column/row cell |
Implements vcl::IAccessibleTableProvider.
Definition at line 207 of file brwbox3.cxx.
References ColCount(), GetColumnDescription(), GetCurColumnId(), GetCurRow(), and GetRowCount().
overridevirtual |
Implements vcl::IAccessibleTableProvider.
Definition at line 554 of file brwbox3.cxx.
References vcl::Window::GetAccessibleParentWindow().
Referenced by calcHeaderRect(), calcTableRect(), CreateAccessible(), and GetFieldRectPixel().
overridevirtual |
Implements vcl::IAccessibleTableProvider.
Definition at line 492 of file brwbox3.cxx.
References DBG_ASSERT, GetColumnSelection(), MultiSelection::GetRange(), MultiSelection::GetRangeCount(), GetSelectedColumnCount(), Range::Max(), Range::Min(), nCount, and nIndex.
overridevirtual |
Implements vcl::IAccessibleTableProvider.
Definition at line 477 of file brwbox3.cxx.
References BROWSER_ENDOFSELECTION, DBG_ASSERT, FirstSelectedRow(), GetSelectRowCount(), nCount, NextSelectedRow(), and nIndex.
private |
Definition at line 149 of file brwbox1.cxx.
References aStatusBarHeight, StyleSettings::GetScrollBarSize(), vcl::Window::GetSettings(), AllSettings::GetStyleSettings(), and m_bNavigationBar.
Referenced by calcTableRect(), and UpdateScrollbars().
virtual |
GetCellText returns the text at the given position.
_nRow | the number of the row |
_nColId | the ID of the column |
Definition at line 396 of file brwbox3.cxx.
References SAL_WARN.
Referenced by GetAccessibleCellText(), and svt::EditBrowseBox::PaintStatusCell().
sal_uInt16 BrowseBox::GetColumnAtXPosPixel | ( | tools::Long | nX | ) | const |
Definition at line 2105 of file brwbox1.cxx.
Referenced by ConvertPointToCellAddress(), ConvertPointToColumnHeader(), and UpdateScrollbars().
inlineoverridevirtual |
Implements vcl::IAccessibleTableProvider.
Definition at line 637 of file brwbox.hxx.
overridevirtual |
Implements vcl::IAccessibleTableProvider.
Definition at line 312 of file brwbox3.cxx.
References GetColumnId(), and GetColumnTitle().
Referenced by GetAccessibleObjectName().
sal_uInt16 BrowseBox::GetColumnId | ( | sal_uInt16 | nPos | ) | const |
Definition at line 379 of file brwbox2.cxx.
References BROWSER_INVALIDID, mvCols, and nPos.
Referenced by svt::EditBrowseBox::AppendColumn(), AutoSizeLastColumn(), svt::EditBrowseBox::DetermineFocus(), Dispatch(), DrawCursor(), GetAccessibleCellText(), GetColumnDescription(), svt::EditBrowseBox::GetFieldCharacterBounds(), svt::EditBrowseBox::GetFieldIndexAtPoint(), GoToCell(), HasRowHeader(), InsertDataColumn(), IsCellVisible(), MouseButtonUp(), MouseMove(), RemoveColumn(), and SetColumnPos().
sal_uInt16 BrowseBox::GetColumnPos | ( | sal_uInt16 | nColumnId | ) | const |
Definition at line 388 of file brwbox2.cxx.
References BROWSER_INVALIDID, GetId(), mvCols, nId, and nPos.
Referenced by svt::EditBrowseBox::ActivateCell(), svt::EditBrowseBox::AppendColumn(), Dispatch(), FreezeColumn(), GetColumnTitle(), GetColumnWidth(), GetCurrColumn(), svt::EditBrowseBox::implCreateActiveAccessible(), MouseButtonDown(), RemoveColumn(), SetColumnPos(), SetColumnTitle(), SetColumnWidth(), and SetToggledSelectedColumn().
inline |
Definition at line 565 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by GetAllSelectedColumns(), and GetSelectedColumnCount().
OUString BrowseBox::GetColumnTitle | ( | sal_uInt16 | nColumnId | ) | const |
Definition at line 835 of file brwbox1.cxx.
References GetColumnPos(), mvCols, and nId.
Referenced by svt::EditBrowseBox::GetAutoColumnWidth(), and GetColumnDescription().
sal_uLong BrowseBox::GetColumnWidth | ( | sal_uInt16 | nColumnId | ) | const |
Definition at line 369 of file brwbox2.cxx.
References GetColumnPos(), mvCols, and nId.
Referenced by calcHeaderRect(), svt::EditBrowserHeader::DoubleClick(), svt::EditBrowseBox::GetAutoColumnWidth(), MouseButtonUp(), and MouseMove().
tools::Rectangle BrowseBox::GetControlArea | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 2135 of file brwbox1.cxx.
Referenced by calcHeaderRect(), and svt::EditBrowseBox::Resize().
inline |
Definition at line 545 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by Dispatch(), FillAccessibleStateSet(), GetAccessibleObjectName(), GetCurrColumn(), svt::EditBrowseBox::implCreateActiveAccessible(), and ImplPaintData().
overridevirtual |
Implements vcl::IAccessibleTableProvider.
Definition at line 440 of file brwbox3.cxx.
References GetColumnPos(), and GetCurColumnId().
Referenced by FillAccessibleStateSetForCell().
inline |
Definition at line 544 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by svt::EditBrowseBox::CursorMoved(), Dispatch(), FillAccessibleStateSet(), GetAccessibleObjectName(), GetCurrRow(), svt::EditBrowseBox::implCreateActiveAccessible(), ImplPaintData(), and svt::EditBrowseBox::SetBrowserFlags().
overridevirtual |
Implements vcl::IAccessibleTableProvider.
Definition at line 435 of file brwbox3.cxx.
References GetCurRow().
Referenced by FillAccessibleStateSetForCell().
protected |
protected |
Definition at line 78 of file brwbox2.cxx.
References pDataWin.
tools::Long BrowseBox::GetDataRowHeight | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 2287 of file brwbox1.cxx.
Referenced by calcHeaderRect(), BrowserDataWin::CreateBrowseEvent(), Dispatch(), BrowserColumn::Draw(), DrawCursor(), ImplPaintData(), BrowserDataWin::ImplRowDividerHitTest(), RowInserted(), RowModified(), ScrollRows(), BrowserDataWin::StartRowDividerDrag(), ToggleSelection(), and UpdateScrollbars().
BrowserDataWin & BrowseBox::GetDataWindow | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 2395 of file brwbox1.cxx.
Referenced by svt::EditBrowseBox::CursorMoved(), BrowserColumn::Draw(), svt::EditBrowseBox::EditBrowseBox(), svt::EditBrowseBox::ImplInitSettings(), svt::EditBrowseBox::IsCursorMoveAllowed(), svt::EditBrowseBox::PaintField(), svt::EditBrowseBox::PaintTristate(), svt::EditBrowseBox::PreNotify(), and svt::EditBrowseBox::Resize().
sal_uLong BrowseBox::GetDefaultColumnWidth | ( | const OUString & | _rText | ) | const |
suggests a default width for a column containing a given text
The width is calculated so that the text fits completely, plus some margin.
Definition at line 275 of file brwbox1.cxx.
References pDataWin.
Referenced by svt::EditBrowseBox::AppendColumn(), and svt::EditBrowseBox::GetAutoColumnWidth().
tools::Rectangle BrowseBox::GetFieldRect | ( | sal_uInt16 | nColumnId | ) | const |
Definition at line 2098 of file brwbox1.cxx.
Referenced by SetColumnPos(), and SetColumnWidth().
overridevirtual |
_nRowId | the current row |
_nColId | the column id |
_bOnScreen | <TRUE> when the rectangle should be calculated OnScreen |
Implements vcl::IAccessibleTableProvider.
Definition at line 1993 of file brwbox2.cxx.
References GetAccessibleParentWindow(), GetFieldRectPixel(), tools::Rectangle::GetSize(), GetWindowExtentsAbsolute(), GetWindowExtentsRelative(), and tools::Rectangle::TopLeft().
tools::Rectangle BrowseBox::GetFieldRectPixel | ( | sal_Int32 | nRow, |
sal_uInt16 | nColId, | ||
bool | bRelToBrowser = true |
) | const |
Definition at line 2004 of file brwbox1.cxx.
Referenced by DrawCursor(), svt::EditBrowseBox::GetCellRect(), GetFieldRectPixel(), svt::EditBrowseBox::InvalidateHandleColumn(), svt::EditBrowseBox::IsCursorMoveAllowed(), RowModified(), and ToggleSelection().
inlineprotected |
Definition at line 435 of file brwbox.hxx.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from vcl::Window.
Reimplemented in svt::EditBrowseBox.
Definition at line 2370 of file brwbox1.cxx.
Referenced by svt::EditBrowseBox::GetFocus().
const vcl::Font & BrowseBox::GetFont | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 270 of file brwbox1.cxx.
References pDataWin.
private |
Definition at line 1261 of file brwbox2.cxx.
References IsFrozen(), mvCols, and Width.
Referenced by ImplPaintData(), ScrollColumns(), SetColumnPos(), and SetColumnWidth().
overridevirtual |
Implements vcl::IAccessibleTableProvider.
Definition at line 529 of file brwbox3.cxx.
References OutputDevice::GetGlyphBoundRects(), vcl::Window::GetOutDev(), and nIndex.
inline |
Definition at line 598 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by svt::EditBrowseBox::GetCellRect().
sal_Int32 BrowseBox::GetRowAtYPosPixel | ( | tools::Long | nY, |
bool | bRelToBrowser = true |
) | const |
Definition at line 2079 of file brwbox1.cxx.
Referenced by BrowserDataWin::Command(), ConvertPointToCellAddress(), and ConvertPointToRowHeader().
overridevirtual |
Implements vcl::IAccessibleTableProvider.
Definition at line 844 of file brwbox1.cxx.
References nRowCount.
Referenced by svt::EditBrowseBox::DetermineFocus(), Dispatch(), GetAccessibleObjectName(), svt::EditBrowseBox::GetAutoColumnWidth(), MouseButtonDown(), and ToggleSelection().
overridevirtual |
Implements vcl::IAccessibleTableProvider.
Definition at line 306 of file brwbox3.cxx.
tools::Rectangle BrowseBox::GetRowRectPixel | ( | sal_Int32 | nRow | ) | const |
Definition at line 2025 of file brwbox1.cxx.
sal_uInt16 BrowseBox::GetSelectColumnCount | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 1862 of file brwbox1.cxx.
Referenced by svt::EditBrowseBox::ActivateCell(), svt::EditBrowseBox::Dispatch(), DrawCursor(), FillAccessibleStateSet(), and svt::EditBrowseBox::IsCursorMoveAllowed().
overridevirtual |
Implements vcl::IAccessibleTableProvider.
Definition at line 471 of file brwbox3.cxx.
References GetColumnSelection(), and MultiSelection::GetSelectCount().
Referenced by GetAllSelectedColumns().
overridevirtual |
Implements vcl::IAccessibleTableProvider.
Definition at line 466 of file brwbox3.cxx.
References GetSelectRowCount().
inline |
Definition at line 566 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by svt::EditBrowseBox::ActivateCell(), svt::EditBrowseBox::IsCursorMoveAllowed(), and svt::EditBrowseBox::ProcessKey().
sal_Int32 BrowseBox::GetSelectRowCount | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 1790 of file brwbox1.cxx.
Referenced by svt::EditBrowseBox::ActivateCell(), Dispatch(), DrawCursor(), FillAccessibleStateSet(), GetAllSelectedRows(), GetSelectedRowCount(), svt::EditBrowseBox::IsCursorMoveAllowed(), and svt::EditBrowseBox::ProcessKey().
tools::Long BrowseBox::GetTitleHeight | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 2307 of file brwbox1.cxx.
Referenced by BrowserHeader::BrowserHeader(), Draw(), InsertHandleColumn(), MouseButtonDown(), Paint(), RemoveColumn(), ScrollColumns(), SetColumnTitle(), StateChanged(), and UpdateScrollbars().
inlineprotected |
Definition at line 434 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by svt::EditBrowseBox::GetAutoColumnWidth().
bool BrowseBox::GetUpdateMode | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 1254 of file brwbox2.cxx.
References pDataWin.
Referenced by ConstructImpl(), FillAccessibleStateSet(), RemoveColumn(), RemoveColumns(), RowModified(), ScrollColumns(), ScrollRows(), SetColumnTitle(), and SetColumnWidth().
protected |
Definition at line 2390 of file brwbox1.cxx.
Referenced by svt::EditBrowseBox::GetAutoColumnWidth().
overridevirtual |
Implements vcl::IAccessibleTableProvider.
Definition at line 534 of file brwbox3.cxx.
References vcl::Window::GetWindowExtentsAbsolute().
Referenced by calcHeaderRect(), calcTableRect(), and GetFieldRectPixel().
overridevirtual |
Implements vcl::IAccessibleTableProvider.
Definition at line 539 of file brwbox3.cxx.
References vcl::Window::GetWindowExtentsRelative().
Referenced by calcHeaderRect(), calcTableRect(), and GetFieldRectPixel().
overridevirtual |
Implements vcl::IAccessibleTableProvider.
Definition at line 559 of file brwbox3.cxx.
overridevirtual |
Implements vcl::IAccessibleTableProvider.
Definition at line 450 of file brwbox3.cxx.
References GetColumnId(), and GoToRowColumnId().
bool BrowseBox::GoToColumnId | ( | sal_uInt16 | nColId | ) |
Definition at line 1519 of file brwbox1.cxx.
private |
Definition at line 1525 of file brwbox1.cxx.
Referenced by Dispatch().
bool BrowseBox::GoToRow | ( | sal_Int32 | nRow | ) |
Definition at line 1431 of file brwbox1.cxx.
private |
Definition at line 1437 of file brwbox1.cxx.
Referenced by Dispatch(), ExpandRowSelection(), MouseButtonDown(), MouseButtonUp(), and RowInserted().
bool BrowseBox::GoToRowColumnId | ( | sal_Int32 | nRow, |
sal_uInt16 | nColId | ||
) |
Definition at line 1584 of file brwbox1.cxx.
Referenced by svt::EditBrowseBox::DetermineFocus(), Dispatch(), GoToCell(), MouseButtonDown(), svt::EditBrowseBox::MouseButtonDown(), and MouseButtonUp().
overridevirtual |
Implements vcl::IAccessibleTableProvider.
Definition at line 544 of file brwbox3.cxx.
References vcl::Window::GrabFocus().
Referenced by svt::EditBrowseBox::DeactivateCell(), GrabTableFocus(), and MouseButtonDown().
overridevirtual |
Sets focus to current cell of the data table.
Implements vcl::IAccessibleTableProvider.
Reimplemented in svt::EditBrowseBox.
Definition at line 391 of file brwbox3.cxx.
References GrabFocus().
overridevirtual |
Implements vcl::IAccessibleTableProvider.
Definition at line 445 of file brwbox3.cxx.
References GetColumnId(), and HandleColumnId.
private |
Definition at line 854 of file brwbox1.cxx.
References CalcReverseZoom(), m_nDataRowHeight, pDataWin, and Resize().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in svt::EditBrowseBox.
Definition at line 198 of file brwbox2.cxx.
Referenced by svt::EditBrowseBox::ImplEndTracking(), and BrowserDataWin::Tracking().
private |
Definition at line 2049 of file brwbox1.cxx.
private |
Definition at line 794 of file brwbox2.cxx.
References Point::AdjustX(), Point::AdjustY(), bColumnCursor, bHideSelect, bHLines, tools::Rectangle::Bottom(), tools::Rectangle::BottomRight(), bVLines, svtools::CALCGRID, COL_BLACK(), COL_WHITE(), DBG_ASSERT, BrowserColumn::Draw(), DrawCursor(), OutputDevice::DrawLine(), OutputDevice::DrawRect(), get(), GetCurColumnId(), GetCurRow(), GetDataRowHeight(), StyleSettings::GetFaceColor(), OutputDevice::GetFillColor(), GetFrozenWidth(), StyleSettings::GetHighlightColor(), StyleSettings::GetHighlightTextColor(), BrowserColumn::GetId(), OutputDevice::GetLineColor(), OutputDevice::GetSettings(), tools::Rectangle::GetSize(), AllSettings::GetStyleSettings(), OutputDevice::GetTextColor(), Size::Height(), IsColumnSelected(), IsFrozen(), IsRowSelected(), tools::Rectangle::Left(), vcl::LINECOLOR, m_bFocusOnlyCursor, o3tl::make_unsigned(), mvCols, nFirstCol, nRowCount, nTopRow, pDataWin, OutputDevice::Pop(), OutputDevice::Push(), tools::Rectangle::Right(), SeekRow(), OutputDevice::SetClipRegion(), OutputDevice::SetFillColor(), Size::setHeight(), OutputDevice::SetLineColor(), OutputDevice::SetTextColor(), Size::setWidth(), Point::setX(), Point::setY(), tools::Rectangle::Top(), tools::Rectangle::TopLeft(), Size::Width(), BrowserColumn::Width(), Point::X(), and Point::Y().
Referenced by Draw(), and PaintData().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in svt::EditBrowseBox.
Definition at line 193 of file brwbox2.cxx.
Referenced by svt::EditBrowseBox::ImplStartTracking(), and BrowserDataWin::StartRowDividerDrag().
void BrowseBox::InsertDataColumn | ( | sal_uInt16 | nItemId, |
const OUString & | rText, | ||
tools::Long | nSize, | ||
HeaderBarItemBits | nBits = HeaderBarItemBits::STDSTYLE , |
sal_uInt16 | nPos = HEADERBAR_APPEND |
) |
Definition at line 308 of file brwbox1.cxx.
References BROWSER_INVALIDID, col, ColumnInserted(), GetColumnId(), vcl::Window::GetZoom(), HandleColumnId, HEADERBAR_APPEND, mvCols, nCurColId, nPos, and pDataWin.
Referenced by svt::EditBrowseBox::AppendColumn().
void BrowseBox::InsertHandleColumn | ( | sal_uLong | nWidth | ) |
Definition at line 281 of file brwbox1.cxx.
References col, ColCount(), ColumnInserted(), FreezeColumn(), GetId(), vcl::Window::GetOutputSizePixel(), GetTitleHeight(), vcl::Window::GetZoom(), HandleColumnId, mvCols, pDataWin, and Width.
bool BrowseBox::isAccessibleAlive | ( | ) | const |
return <TRUE> if and only if the accessible object for this instance has been created and is alive
Definition at line 428 of file brwbox3.cxx.
References m_pImpl.
Referenced by svt::EditBrowseBox::ActivateCell(), Clear(), commitBrowseBoxEvent(), commitHeaderBarEvent(), commitTableEvent(), svt::EditBrowseBox::CreateAccessibleControl(), svt::EditBrowseBox::DeactivateCell(), RemoveColumn(), RemoveColumns(), RowInserted(), SetColumnPos(), and SetColumnTitle().
overridevirtual |
Implements vcl::IAccessibleTableProvider.
Definition at line 518 of file brwbox3.cxx.
References GetColumnId(), and IsFieldVisible().
Referenced by FillAccessibleStateSetForCell().
overridevirtual |
Implements vcl::IAccessibleTableProvider.
Definition at line 460 of file brwbox3.cxx.
References pColSel.
bool BrowseBox::IsColumnSelected | ( | sal_uInt16 | nColumnId | ) | const |
Definition at line 1905 of file brwbox1.cxx.
Referenced by Dispatch(), ImplPaintData(), and MouseButtonDown().
virtual |
Reimplemented in svt::EditBrowseBox.
Definition at line 2268 of file brwbox1.cxx.
protected |
Definition at line 86 of file brwbox2.cxx.
References pDataWin.
bool BrowseBox::IsFieldVisible | ( | sal_Int32 | nRow, |
sal_uInt16 | nColId, | ||
bool | bComplete = false |
) | const |
Definition at line 1979 of file brwbox1.cxx.
Referenced by FillAccessibleStateSet(), and IsCellVisible().
bool BrowseBox::IsFrozen | ( | sal_uInt16 | nColumnId | ) | const |
Definition at line 397 of file brwbox2.cxx.
References mvCols.
Referenced by FillAccessibleStateSet(), FreezeColumn(), FrozenColCount(), GetFrozenWidth(), ImplPaintData(), MouseMove(), and Paint().
inline |
Definition at line 609 of file brwbox.hxx.
inline |
Definition at line 571 of file brwbox.hxx.
overridevirtual |
Implements vcl::IAccessibleTableProvider.
Definition at line 1898 of file brwbox1.cxx.
Referenced by BrowserDataWin::Command(), Dispatch(), ExpandRowSelection(), ImplPaintData(), and MouseButtonDown().
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from vcl::Window.
Reimplemented in svt::EditBrowseBox.
Definition at line 1645 of file brwbox2.cxx.
References vcl::Window::KeyInput(), and ProcessKey().
Referenced by svt::EditBrowseBox::KeyInput().
sal_Int32 BrowseBox::LastSelectedRow | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1891 of file brwbox1.cxx.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from vcl::Window.
Reimplemented in svt::EditBrowseBox.
Definition at line 2349 of file brwbox1.cxx.
Referenced by svt::EditBrowseBox::LoseFocus().
void BrowseBox::MakeFieldVisible | ( | sal_Int32 | nRow, |
sal_uInt16 | nColId | ||
) |
Definition at line 1913 of file brwbox1.cxx.
Referenced by Dispatch().
virtual |
Reimplemented in svt::EditBrowseBox, and svt::EditBrowseBox.
Definition at line 1464 of file brwbox2.cxx.
References aSelRange, bColumnCursor, bExtendedMode, bFieldMode, bHit, bMultiSelection, BROWSER_ENDOFSELECTION, BROWSER_INVALIDID, bSelect, bSelecting, DoHideCursor(), DoShowCursor(), DoubleClick(), ExpandRowSelection(), MouseEvent::GetClicks(), BrowseEvent::GetColumn(), BrowseEvent::GetColumnId(), GetColumnPos(), MouseEvent::GetMode(), BrowseEvent::GetRow(), GetRowCount(), GoToRow(), GoToRowColumnId(), GrabFocus(), HandleColumnId, IsColumnSelected(), IsRowSelected(), mvCols, nRowCount, pColSel, Select(), SelectAll(), SelectColumnPos(), SelectRow(), SetNoSelection(), ToggleSelection(), and uRow.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from vcl::Window.
Reimplemented in svt::EditBrowseBox.
Definition at line 1322 of file brwbox2.cxx.
References bResizing, vcl::Window::CaptureMouse(), BrowserColumn::GetId(), vcl::Window::GetOutputSizePixel(), MouseEvent::GetPosPixel(), GetTitleHeight(), GrabFocus(), BrowserColumn::IsFrozen(), MouseEvent::IsRight(), LONG_MAX, MIN_COLUMNWIDTH, MouseButtonDown(), mvCols, nDragX, nFirstCol, nMinResizeX, nResizeCol, nResizeX, pDataWin, SetNoSelection(), vcl::Window::SetPointer(), Size::Width(), BrowserColumn::Width(), Point::X(), and Point::Y().
Referenced by svt::EditBrowseBox::MouseButtonDown(), BrowserDataWin::MouseButtonDown(), and MouseButtonDown().
virtual |
Reimplemented in svt::EditBrowseBox, and svt::EditBrowseBox.
Definition at line 1608 of file brwbox2.cxx.
References aSelRange, bExtendedMode, bFieldMode, bHit, bSelect, bSelecting, DoShowCursor(), BrowseEvent::GetColumnId(), BrowseEvent::GetRow(), GoToRow(), GoToRowColumnId(), Select(), SelectRow(), and SetNoSelection().
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from vcl::Window.
Reimplemented in svt::EditBrowseBox.
Definition at line 1426 of file brwbox2.cxx.
References bResizing, ColumnResized(), MouseEvent::GetButtons(), MouseEvent::GetClicks(), GetColumnId(), GetColumnWidth(), MouseEvent::GetMode(), MouseEvent::GetModifier(), MouseEvent::GetPosPixel(), MouseButtonUp(), mvCols, nDragX, nId, nMinResizeX, nResizeCol, nResizeX, pDataWin, vcl::Window::ReleaseMouse(), SetColumnWidth(), vcl::Window::SetPointer(), Width, Point::X(), and Point::Y().
Referenced by svt::EditBrowseBox::MouseButtonUp(), BrowserDataWin::MouseButtonUp(), and MouseButtonUp().
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from vcl::Window.
Definition at line 1376 of file brwbox2.cxx.
References bResizing, GetColumnId(), GetColumnWidth(), BrowserColumn::GetId(), vcl::Window::GetOutputSizePixel(), MouseEvent::GetPosPixel(), IsFrozen(), o3tl::make_unsigned(), MIN_COLUMNWIDTH, mvCols, nDragX, nFirstCol, nId, nMinResizeX, nResizeCol, nResizeX, pDataWin, SAL_INFO, vcl::Window::SetPointer(), Width, BrowserColumn::Width(), and Point::X().
Referenced by BrowserDataWin::MouseMove().
sal_Int32 BrowseBox::NextSelectedRow | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1884 of file brwbox1.cxx.
Referenced by GetAllSelectedRows().
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from vcl::Window.
Definition at line 548 of file brwbox2.cxx.
References aHScroll, bBootstrapped, COL_BLACK(), ButtonFrame::Draw(), OutputDevice::DrawLine(), OutputDevice::DrawRect(), vcl::FILLCOLOR, StyleSettings::GetFaceColor(), BrowserColumn::GetId(), vcl::Window::GetOutputSizePixel(), OutputDevice::GetSettings(), AllSettings::GetStyleSettings(), GetTitleHeight(), vcl::Window::IsEnabled(), IsFrozen(), vcl::Window::IsReallyVisible(), vcl::LINECOLOR, m_nActualCornerWidth, m_nCornerHeight, mvCols, nFirstCol, nTitleLines, pDataWin, OutputDevice::Pop(), OutputDevice::Push(), tools::Rectangle::Right(), OutputDevice::SetFillColor(), OutputDevice::SetLineColor(), StateChanged(), BrowserColumn::Title(), Width, and BrowserColumn::Width().
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 380 of file brwbox.hxx.
References vcl::Window::HasFocus().
Referenced by DoHideCursor(), DoShowCursor(), and DrawCursor().
protected |
Definition at line 1036 of file brwbox2.cxx.
References bBootstrapped, ImplPaintData(), vcl::Window::IsReallyVisible(), vcl::Window::IsUpdateMode(), mvCols, pDataWin, Resize(), and StateChanged().
Referenced by BrowserDataWin::Paint().
protectedpure virtual |
Implemented in svt::EditBrowseBox.
virtual |
Reimplemented in svt::EditBrowseBox.
Definition at line 1652 of file brwbox2.cxx.
Referenced by KeyInput().
virtual |
Definition at line 187 of file brwbox2.cxx.
References vcl::Window::CalcZoom().
Referenced by BrowserDataWin::Tracking().
void BrowseBox::RemoveColumn | ( | sal_uInt16 | nColumnId | ) |
Definition at line 689 of file brwbox1.cxx.
References Any, ColCount(), commitHeaderBarEvent(), commitTableEvent(), CreateAccessibleColumnHeader(), FrozenColCount(), GetColumnId(), GetColumnPos(), vcl::Window::GetOutputSizePixel(), GetTitleHeight(), GetUpdateMode(), vcl::Window::Invalidate(), isAccessibleAlive(), LONG_MAX, mvCols, nCurColId, nFirstCol, nPos, pColSel, pDataWin, SetColumnWidth(), TABLE_MODEL_CHANGED, UpdateScrollbars(), and Width.
void BrowseBox::RemoveColumns | ( | ) |
Definition at line 768 of file brwbox1.cxx.
References Any, commitBrowseBoxEvent(), commitTableEvent(), GetUpdateMode(), vcl::Window::Invalidate(), isAccessibleAlive(), m_pImpl, mvCols, nCurColId, nFirstCol, pColSel, pDataWin, TABLE_MODEL_CHANGED, and UpdateScrollbars().
bool BrowseBox::ReserveControlArea | ( | sal_uInt16 | nWidth = USHRT_MAX | ) |
Definition at line 2123 of file brwbox1.cxx.
Referenced by svt::EditBrowseBox::Resize().
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Control.
Reimplemented in svt::EditBrowseBox.
Definition at line 469 of file brwbox2.cxx.
Referenced by BrowserDataWin::DataChanged(), ImpGetDataRowHeight(), PaintData(), svt::EditBrowseBox::Resize(), SetDataRowHeight(), and StateChanged().
virtual |
called when the row height has been changed interactively
Reimplemented in svt::EditBrowseBox.
Definition at line 203 of file brwbox2.cxx.
Referenced by svt::EditBrowseBox::RowHeightChanged(), and BrowserDataWin::Tracking().
void BrowseBox::RowInserted | ( | sal_Int32 | nRow, |
sal_Int32 | nNumRows = 1 , |
bool | bDoPaint = true , |
bool | bKeepSelection = false |
) |
Definition at line 1153 of file brwbox1.cxx.
References Any, AutoSizeLastColumn(), bMultiSelection, BROWSER_ENDOFSELECTION, commitHeaderBarEvent(), commitTableEvent(), CreateAccessibleRowHeader(), CursorMoved(), DBG_ASSERT, DoHideCursor(), DoShowCursor(), GetDataRowHeight(), GoToRow(), Size::Height(), i, isAccessibleAlive(), nCurRow, nRowCount, nTopRow, pDataWin, SCROLL_FLAGS, TABLE_MODEL_CHANGED, UpdateScrollbars(), uRow, and Size::Width().
void BrowseBox::RowModified | ( | sal_Int32 | nRow, |
sal_uInt16 | nColId = BROWSER_INVALIDID |
) |
Definition at line 1070 of file brwbox1.cxx.
References BROWSER_INVALIDID, GetDataRowHeight(), GetFieldRectPixel(), GetUpdateMode(), nTopRow, and pDataWin.
void BrowseBox::RowRemoved | ( | sal_Int32 | nRow, |
sal_Int32 | nNumRows = 1 , |
bool | bDoPaint = true |
) |
Definition at line 1260 of file brwbox1.cxx.
sal_Int32 BrowseBox::ScrollColumns | ( | sal_Int32 | nColumns | ) |
Definition at line 877 of file brwbox1.cxx.
References aHScroll, bScrolling, EndScroll(), FrozenColCount(), GetFrozenWidth(), GetId(), vcl::Window::GetOutputSizePixel(), GetTitleHeight(), GetUpdateMode(), vcl::Window::Invalidate(), o3tl::make_unsigned(), mvCols, nFirstCol, nTitleLines, vcl::Window::PaintImmediately(), pDataWin, vcl::Window::Scroll(), SCROLL_FLAGS, tools::Rectangle::SetBottom(), tools::Rectangle::SetLeft(), tools::Rectangle::SetRight(), StartScroll(), and Width.
Referenced by Dispatch().
sal_Int32 BrowseBox::ScrollRows | ( | sal_Int32 | nRows | ) |
Definition at line 1019 of file brwbox1.cxx.
References EndScroll(), GetDataRowHeight(), GetUpdateMode(), nRowCount, nTopRow, pDataWin, pVScroll, SCROLL_FLAGS, StartScroll(), and VisibleRowsChanged().
Referenced by Dispatch(), and UpdateScrollbars().
protectedpure virtual |
seeks for the given row position
nRow | nRow starts at 0 |
Implemented in svt::EditBrowseBox.
Referenced by ImplPaintData().
virtual |
Definition at line 177 of file brwbox2.cxx.
Referenced by svt::EditBrowseBox::Dispatch(), ExpandRowSelection(), MouseButtonDown(), and MouseButtonUp().
overridevirtual |
Implements vcl::IAccessibleTableProvider.
Definition at line 1653 of file brwbox1.cxx.
Referenced by MouseButtonDown().
overridevirtual |
Implements vcl::IAccessibleTableProvider.
Definition at line 455 of file brwbox3.cxx.
References SelectColumnPos().
inline |
Definition at line 556 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by Dispatch().
private |
Definition at line 1798 of file brwbox1.cxx.
Referenced by svt::EditBrowseBox::Dispatch(), MouseButtonDown(), and SelectColumn().
inline |
Definition at line 554 of file brwbox.hxx.
overridevirtual |
Implements vcl::IAccessibleTableProvider.
Definition at line 1718 of file brwbox1.cxx.
Referenced by Dispatch(), ExpandRowSelection(), MouseButtonDown(), and MouseButtonUp().
void BrowseBox::SetColumnPos | ( | sal_uInt16 | nColumnId, |
sal_uInt16 | nPos | ||
) |
Definition at line 416 of file brwbox1.cxx.
References Size::AdjustHeight(), tools::Rectangle::AdjustRight(), Any, tools::Rectangle::Bottom(), commitTableEvent(), GetColumnId(), GetColumnPos(), GetFieldRect(), GetFrozenWidth(), BrowserColumn::GetId(), tools::Rectangle::GetWidth(), HandleColumnId, Size::Height(), vcl::Window::Invalidate(), isAccessibleAlive(), tools::Rectangle::Left(), MIN_COLUMNWIDTH, mvCols, nPos, pDataWin, tools::Rectangle::Right(), tools::Rectangle::SetBottom(), tools::Rectangle::SetLeft(), SetToggledSelectedColumn(), tools::Rectangle::SetTop(), TABLE_MODEL_CHANGED, and ToggleSelectedColumn().
Referenced by Dispatch().
void BrowseBox::SetColumnTitle | ( | sal_uInt16 | nColumnId, |
const OUString & | rTitle | ||
) |
Definition at line 530 of file brwbox1.cxx.
References Any, commitTableEvent(), GetColumnPos(), vcl::Window::GetOutputSizePixel(), GetTitleHeight(), GetUpdateMode(), HandleColumnId, vcl::Window::Invalidate(), isAccessibleAlive(), BrowserColumn::IsFrozen(), mvCols, nFirstCol, pDataWin, TABLE_COLUMN_DESCRIPTION_CHANGED, BrowserColumn::Title(), and Width.
void BrowseBox::SetColumnWidth | ( | sal_uInt16 | nColumnId, |
sal_uLong | nWidth | ||
) |
pDataWin->Update(); Control::Update();
pDataWin->Update(); Control::Update();
Definition at line 573 of file brwbox1.cxx.
References AutoSizeLastColumn(), bSelectionIsVisible, DoHideCursor(), DoShowCursor(), vcl::Window::GetBackground(), GetColumnPos(), GetFieldRect(), GetFrozenWidth(), vcl::Window::GetSizePixel(), GetUpdateMode(), vcl::Window::GetZoom(), vcl::Window::Invalidate(), BrowserColumn::IsFrozen(), vcl::Window::IsScrollable(), vcl::Window::IsVisible(), tools::Rectangle::Left(), LONG_MAX, o3tl::make_unsigned(), mvCols, nFirstCol, pDataWin, vcl::Window::Scroll(), SCROLL_FLAGS, tools::Rectangle::SetBottom(), ToggleSelection(), UpdateScrollbars(), Width, and BrowserColumn::Width().
Referenced by AutoSizeLastColumn(), svt::EditBrowseBox::DoubleClick(), MouseButtonUp(), and RemoveColumn().
void BrowseBox::SetCursorColor | ( | const Color & | _rCol | ) |
Definition at line 1926 of file brwbox2.cxx.
References DoHideCursor(), DoShowCursor(), m_aCursorColor, and m_bFocusOnlyCursor.
void BrowseBox::SetDataRowHeight | ( | tools::Long | nPixel | ) |
Definition at line 863 of file brwbox1.cxx.
References CalcReverseZoom(), m_nDataRowHeight, nPixel, pDataWin, and Resize().
Referenced by BrowserDataWin::Tracking().
void BrowseBox::SetFont | ( | const vcl::Font & | rNewFont | ) |
Definition at line 264 of file brwbox1.cxx.
References ImpGetDataRowHeight(), and pDataWin.
protected |
Definition at line 2300 of file brwbox1.cxx.
void BrowseBox::SetMode | ( | BrowserMode | nMode | ) |
Definition at line 2145 of file brwbox1.cxx.
Referenced by ConstructImpl().
overridevirtual |
Implements vcl::IAccessibleTableProvider.
Definition at line 1614 of file brwbox1.cxx.
Referenced by Clear(), svt::EditBrowseBox::IsCursorMoveAllowed(), MouseButtonDown(), MouseButtonUp(), and ProcessKey().
protected |
Definition at line 258 of file brwbox1.cxx.
References pDataWin.
inline |
Definition at line 509 of file brwbox.hxx.
References vcl::Window::SetFont().
void BrowseBox::SetTitleLines | ( | sal_uInt16 | nLines | ) |
Definition at line 871 of file brwbox1.cxx.
References nTitleLines.
private |
Definition at line 360 of file brwbox1.cxx.
References BROWSER_INVALIDID, DoShowCursor(), GetColumnPos(), pColSel, SAL_INFO, and ToggleSelection().
Referenced by FreezeColumn(), and SetColumnPos().
void BrowseBox::SetUpdateMode | ( | bool | bUpdate | ) |
Definition at line 1225 of file brwbox2.cxx.
References AutoSizeLastColumn(), bBootstrapped, DoHideCursor(), DoShowCursor(), vcl::Window::IsUpdateMode(), pDataWin, vcl::Window::SetUpdateMode(), and UpdateScrollbars().
Definition at line 42 of file brwbox2.cxx.
Referenced by BrowserDataWin::StartDrag().
void BrowseBox::StartScroll | ( | ) |
Definition at line 218 of file brwbox2.cxx.
References DoHideCursor().
Referenced by ScrollColumns(), and ScrollRows().
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Control.
Reimplemented in svt::EditBrowseBox.
Definition at line 102 of file brwbox2.cxx.
References aHScroll, AutoSizeLastColumn(), bBootstrapped, bHasFocus, bMultiSelection, BROWSER_ENDOFSELECTION, bSelectionIsVisible, CursorMoved(), vcl::Window::EnableRTL(), vcl::Window::GetOutputSizePixel(), GetTitleHeight(), vcl::Window::GetZoom(), vcl::Window::HasFocus(), vcl::Window::Invalidate(), vcl::Window::IsRTLEnabled(), mvCols, nCurRow, nRowCount, nTitleLines, pDataWin, pVScroll, Resize(), HeaderBar::SetItemSize(), vcl::Window::SetZoom(), Control::StateChanged(), UpdateScrollbars(), uRow, and Width.
Referenced by Paint(), PaintData(), and svt::EditBrowseBox::StateChanged().
private |
Definition at line 345 of file brwbox1.cxx.
References BROWSER_INVALIDID, DoHideCursor(), mvCols, pColSel, SFX_ENDOFSELECTION, and ToggleSelection().
Referenced by FreezeColumn(), and SetColumnPos().
private |
Definition at line 232 of file brwbox2.cxx.
References tools::Rectangle::AdjustLeft(), tools::Rectangle::AdjustRight(), bHideSelect, bMultiSelection, bNotToggleSel, BROWSER_ENDOFSELECTION, bSelectionIsVisible, GetDataRowHeight(), GetFieldRectPixel(), BrowserColumn::GetId(), GetId(), GetRowCount(), vcl::Window::IsUpdateMode(), MIN_COLUMNWIDTH, mvCols, nCurRow, nTopRow, pColSel, pDataWin, tools::Rectangle::SetBottom(), tools::Rectangle::SetTop(), uRow, and BrowserColumn::Width().
Referenced by MouseButtonDown(), SetColumnWidth(), SetToggledSelectedColumn(), and ToggleSelectedColumn().
private |
Definition at line 1051 of file brwbox2.cxx.
References Size::AdjustHeight(), aHScroll, bBootstrapped, BROWSER_INVALIDID, FrozenColCount(), GetBarHeight(), GetColumnAtXPosPixel(), GetDataRowHeight(), GetId(), vcl::Window::GetOutputSizePixel(), StyleSettings::GetScrollBarSize(), vcl::Window::GetSettings(), AllSettings::GetStyleSettings(), GetTitleHeight(), vcl::Window::GetZoom(), Height, Size::Height(), if(), vcl::Window::IsUpdateMode(), vcl::Window::IsZoom(), m_nActualCornerWidth, m_nCornerHeight, m_nCornerWidth, mvCols, nControlAreaWidth, nFirstCol, nRowCount, nTopRow, pDataWin, pVScroll, ScrollRows(), Size::setHeight(), Size::setWidth(), UpdateScrollbars(), Width, and Size::Width().
Referenced by Clear(), ColumnInserted(), EndScroll(), FreezeColumn(), RemoveColumn(), RemoveColumns(), RowInserted(), SetColumnWidth(), SetUpdateMode(), StateChanged(), and UpdateScrollbars().
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 2253 of file brwbox1.cxx.
Referenced by ScrollRows().
friend |
Definition at line 264 of file brwbox.hxx.
friend |
Definition at line 263 of file brwbox.hxx.
private |
Definition at line 272 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by Clear(), BrowserDataWin::Command(), ConstructImpl(), dispose(), Paint(), ScrollColumns(), StateChanged(), and UpdateScrollbars().
private |
Definition at line 312 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by ExpandRowSelection(), MouseButtonDown(), and MouseButtonUp().
private |
Definition at line 273 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by dispose(), and GetBarHeight().
private |
Definition at line 287 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by ConstructImpl(), Paint(), PaintData(), SetUpdateMode(), StateChanged(), and UpdateScrollbars().
private |
Definition at line 281 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by Dispatch(), DrawCursor(), ImplPaintData(), MouseButtonDown(), and ProcessKey().
private |
Definition at line 309 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by ConstructImpl(), and StateChanged().
private |
Definition at line 311 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by ConstructImpl(), and DrawCursor().
private |
Definition at line 310 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by ConstructImpl(), ImplPaintData(), and ToggleSelection().
private |
Definition at line 296 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by ConstructImpl(), MouseButtonDown(), and MouseButtonUp().
private |
Definition at line 285 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by DrawCursor(), and ImplPaintData().
private |
Definition at line 283 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by ConstructImpl().
private |
Definition at line 282 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by Clear(), ConstructImpl(), dispose(), DrawCursor(), ExpandRowSelection(), MouseButtonDown(), RowInserted(), StateChanged(), and ToggleSelection().
private |
Definition at line 308 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by ConstructImpl(), and ToggleSelection().
private |
Definition at line 303 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by ConstructImpl(), MouseButtonDown(), MouseButtonUp(), and MouseMove().
private |
Definition at line 295 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by ConstructImpl(), BrowserDataWin::StartRowDividerDrag(), and BrowserDataWin::Tracking().
private |
Definition at line 307 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by ConstructImpl(), DrawCursor(), and ScrollColumns().
private |
Definition at line 305 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by ConstructImpl(), ExpandRowSelection(), MouseButtonDown(), and MouseButtonUp().
private |
Definition at line 294 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by ConstructImpl(), ExpandRowSelection(), MouseButtonDown(), and MouseButtonUp().
private |
select or deselect
Definition at line 306 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by ConstructImpl(), DrawCursor(), SetColumnWidth(), StateChanged(), and ToggleSelection().
private |
Definition at line 286 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by ImplPaintData().
static |
Definition at line 267 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by svt::EditBrowseBox::ActivateCell(), svt::EditBrowseBox::AppendColumn(), svt::EditBrowseBox::DetermineFocus(), Dispatch(), svt::EditBrowseBox::DoubleClick(), DrawCursor(), BrowserHeader::EndDrag(), HasRowHeader(), BrowserDataWin::ImplRowDividerHitTest(), InsertDataColumn(), InsertHandleColumn(), svt::EditBrowseBox::IsCursorMoveAllowed(), MouseButtonDown(), svt::EditBrowseBox::MouseButtonDown(), svt::EditBrowseBox::PaintField(), SetColumnPos(), and SetColumnTitle().
private |
Definition at line 348 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by ConstructImpl(), DrawCursor(), and SetCursorColor().
private |
Definition at line 343 of file brwbox.hxx.
private |
Definition at line 347 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by ConstructImpl(), ImplPaintData(), and SetCursorColor().
protected |
Definition at line 390 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by GetBarHeight().
private |
Definition at line 278 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by Paint(), and UpdateScrollbars().
private |
Definition at line 276 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by Paint(), and UpdateScrollbars().
private |
Definition at line 277 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by UpdateScrollbars().
private |
Definition at line 349 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by ConstructImpl().
private |
Definition at line 275 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by ConstructImpl(), Draw(), ImpGetDataRowHeight(), and SetDataRowHeight().
private |
Definition at line 345 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by Clear(), commitBrowseBoxEvent(), commitHeaderBarEvent(), commitTableEvent(), ConstructImpl(), CreateAccessible(), CreateAccessibleCell(), CreateAccessibleColumnHeader(), CreateAccessibleRowHeader(), DisposeAccessible(), getAccessibleFactory(), isAccessibleAlive(), and RemoveColumns().
private |
Definition at line 297 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by ConstructImpl().
private |
Definition at line 314 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by AutoSizeLastColumn(), ColCount(), BrowserDataWin::CreateBrowseEvent(), dispose(), Draw(), DrawCursor(), FreezeColumn(), FrozenColCount(), GetColumnId(), GetColumnPos(), GetColumnTitle(), GetColumnWidth(), GetFrozenWidth(), ImplPaintData(), InsertDataColumn(), InsertHandleColumn(), IsFrozen(), MouseButtonDown(), MouseButtonUp(), MouseMove(), Paint(), PaintData(), RemoveColumn(), RemoveColumns(), ScrollColumns(), SetColumnPos(), SetColumnTitle(), SetColumnWidth(), StateChanged(), ToggleSelectedColumn(), ToggleSelection(), and UpdateScrollbars().
private |
Definition at line 280 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by ConstructImpl(), and UpdateScrollbars().
private |
Definition at line 292 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by Clear(), ConstructImpl(), DrawCursor(), InsertDataColumn(), RemoveColumn(), and RemoveColumns().
private |
Definition at line 289 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by Clear(), ConstructImpl(), Dispatch(), DrawCursor(), RowInserted(), StateChanged(), and ToggleSelection().
private |
Definition at line 301 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by ConstructImpl(), MouseButtonDown(), MouseButtonUp(), and MouseMove().
private |
Definition at line 291 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by ConstructImpl(), BrowserDataWin::CreateBrowseEvent(), FreezeColumn(), ImplPaintData(), MouseButtonDown(), MouseMove(), Paint(), RemoveColumn(), RemoveColumns(), ScrollColumns(), SetColumnTitle(), SetColumnWidth(), and UpdateScrollbars().
private |
Definition at line 300 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by ConstructImpl(), MouseButtonDown(), MouseButtonUp(), and MouseMove().
private |
Definition at line 302 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by ConstructImpl(), MouseButtonDown(), MouseButtonUp(), and MouseMove().
private |
Definition at line 299 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by ConstructImpl(), MouseButtonDown(), MouseButtonUp(), and MouseMove().
private |
Definition at line 290 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by Clear(), ConstructImpl(), Dispatch(), GetRowCount(), ImplPaintData(), MouseButtonDown(), RowInserted(), ScrollRows(), StateChanged(), and UpdateScrollbars().
sal_Int32 BrowseBox::nSel |
Definition at line 318 of file brwbox.hxx.
private |
Definition at line 279 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by ConstructImpl(), Paint(), ScrollColumns(), SetTitleLines(), and StateChanged().
private |
Definition at line 288 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by Clear(), ConstructImpl(), BrowserDataWin::CreateBrowseEvent(), DrawCursor(), ImplPaintData(), RowInserted(), RowModified(), ScrollRows(), ToggleSelection(), and UpdateScrollbars().
private |
Definition at line 320 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by ColumnInserted(), ConstructImpl(), dispose(), IsColumnSelected(), MouseButtonDown(), RemoveColumn(), RemoveColumns(), SetToggledSelectedColumn(), ToggleSelectedColumn(), and ToggleSelection().
private |
Definition at line 270 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by AcceptDrop(), AutoSizeLastColumn(), calcHeaderRect(), Command(), ConstructImpl(), Dispatch(), dispose(), DoHideCursor(), DoShowCursor(), Draw(), DrawCursor(), ExecuteDrop(), FreezeColumn(), GetCursorHideCount(), GetDataFlavors(), GetDefaultColumnWidth(), GetFont(), GetUpdateMode(), ImpGetDataRowHeight(), ImplPaintData(), InsertDataColumn(), InsertHandleColumn(), IsDropFormatSupported(), MouseButtonDown(), MouseButtonUp(), MouseMove(), Paint(), PaintData(), RemoveColumn(), RemoveColumns(), RowInserted(), RowModified(), ScrollColumns(), ScrollRows(), SetColumnPos(), SetColumnTitle(), SetColumnWidth(), SetDataRowHeight(), SetFont(), SetRealRowCount(), SetUpdateMode(), StateChanged(), ToggleSelection(), and UpdateScrollbars().
MultiSelection* BrowseBox::pSel |
Definition at line 317 of file brwbox.hxx.
private |
Definition at line 271 of file brwbox.hxx.
Referenced by Clear(), BrowserDataWin::Command(), ConstructImpl(), dispose(), ScrollRows(), StateChanged(), and UpdateScrollbars().
union { ... } BrowseBox::uRow |
Referenced by Clear(), ConstructImpl(), dispose(), MouseButtonDown(), RowInserted(), StateChanged(), and ToggleSelection().